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Governor scott while we wait for miss laura, lets bring in eric bolling. So, bolling, getting tired of this yet . I love this. Do you . I adore this. I have been here since sunday. Sunday morning, fantastic. I just got here. And do you know what impressed me . The police. Its amazing how organized and how nice. I walked around the city this afternoon. Were going to go to geraldo out with the protest a little while, but they really have things very locked down. Amazing. I was walking from the hotel to the were taping our show over at the convention center. I was walking and saw a group of Cleveland Police officers walking across the street coming the other way. Another group dressed different and cleveland says hey, thank you, wisconsin. No problem cleveland. Wisconsin cops are here. California cops are here. Cops from around the country. Law enforcement coming out in force showing their solidarity. You have to say that governor kasich did a very good job. A lot of state Ohio State Police here. It looks like whoever organized the security here is really on it. Do you know Laura Ingraham . I do very well. Laura has got a place on the podium. I mean Governor Scott you would think would be on there because trump has to carry florida and if he loses florida he is going to lose. He has to carry it and Governor Scott will be a large part of his campaign there. Laura was like one of the first media people, get on the trump train. She was outright supporter. She has been rewarded tonight. We will take a few minutes of her speech and then we will get into with you and Montel Williams who is standing by that the vote, i have a provocative talking points memo. I dont want to shock you with it, bolling. Takes a lot to shock me, bill. No, it doesnt. The vote is going to be along racial lines in america. We will debate whether that is a bad thing. Were going to give you unbelievable stats that we have uncovered today in our investigation of how this vote is going to come down in november. And other than that, the crowd very well behaved. Obviously inside looks like they are having a good time, too many journalists, bolling, do you know what im talking about . No, i do. And they are looming around down there. I will tell you the opening of the convention the push back by the contingency a lot of them from texas saying hey, lets see if we can get this thing turned aroundment that failed on monday. Yesterday was some great speeches impassioned fiery speeches from giuliani. That was fantastic. Today you teased that pence is going to be the highlight for the evening. Not tore me. Cruz . I want to make sure that ted cruz comes here. Cruz is big. Everyone is going to watch him. Ted cruz told people he was going to run for president in 2020 no matter who the current president is. So if donald trump wins this year, is he going to run against him. Were not sure cruz is going to appear tonight. Trump cant be happy about it marco rubio is going to speak by satellite. Yeah. Because he is running where is kasich . You know what . We were just talking about kasich. Just talking about him. Like to see him here. Is he not going to show. I have known john a long time. He was a substitute for me on the factor. But apparently somewhere in the campaign he fired a lot of his close friends. John kasich did. We didnt know that wiped out a lot of people that had been with him for a long time got bitter. This is what we are hearing behind the scenes, got bitter. I talked to him a few times during the campaign. Only appeared on the factor one time. Only one time. Do you believe it . We invited him legions of times on. I think that something happened perhaps the governor is going to have to tell everybody about. I hope so his party. And his people are doing magnificent job. Absolutely. Here is miss Laura Ingraham and she is going to let it fly. Lets listen. We love you, laura. Hey, everybody. We love you. I love you back. [chanting laura] [cheers and applause] thank you. Oh, sit down. Yall may know me from tv and radio. But my kids know me by my most important name, mom. [cheers and applause] i am a single mother of three adopted children. They are watching in minnesota right now. Hi, kids. Im here tonight supporting donald trump. [cheers and applause] because, like most americans, i refuse to leave my kids a country that is worse off than the one that my parents left me. [cheers and applause] now, my grandparents were polish immigrants. My parents, they grew up in depression air, new england. My dad, he enlisted in the navy in world war ii. [cheers and applause] my mom, she waited tables until she was 73 years old. [ applause ] my dad, he worked at his car wash. My parents flew the flag at our house and not just on the fourth of july. [cheers and applause] and they scrimped and saved. My mother made my clothes. She wore the same winter coat for 40 years. Any extra money in our house went in to the bank for our education. [ applause ] and we learned that there is dignity in every job. [ applause ] every job. No matter what you do. My brother, they picked tobacco and delivered newspapers. I picked blueberries and raked lawns. We did what we had to do. You see, my parents didnt believe there were jobs that americans wouldnt do. [cheers and applause] in the early 1970s, i was a little kid and i remember watching the news with my mom at night. And one night i asked her, i said, mom, why are people burning the American Flag . And she looked at me and she answered, honey, because their parents didnt teach them about respect. [cheers and applause] you would have loved my mother. Respect. Respect. We see it in decline in america once again. The people dont respect the government. The government doesnt respect the people, not even our veterans. [boos] politicians, they dont respect the constitution. Many do not respect the life of the infant in the womb or the elderly who languish alone. [cheers and applause] others, they dont respect the police. The men and women who risk their lives every day for every one of us. [ applause ] and hey, many in Public Office, we know this all too well, dont we . Many in Public Office dont enforce or respect the rule of law. Isnt that right, mrs. Clinton . [cheers] thats right. [chanting lock her up] too many citizens, too many citizens and noncitizens dont respect our laws either. And many of our allies, they dont respect us anymore. My friends, it is really sad, its heartbreaking to see this happen to the country that we love. This our home. It belongs to us, to our children to our grandchildren its where our dead are buried. And we deserve better and we can do better. [cheers and applause] you are listening to Laura Ingraham who is leading off the rhetoric for this evening and miss laura, always a good speaker, very passionate. One of the first trump supporters. Now, we have a number of things to get to tonight with the talking points memo being up top. The president ial race and race in america. A brand new poll from Monmouth University runs it down. Have Race Relations in the u. S. Become better or worse since barack obama became president . Better 10 . Worse 53 . No change 33 . Do you think that racial and ethnic discrimination in the u. S. A. Is a problem . Big problem 68 , small problem 12 , not a problem 10 . Has black lives matter made racial issues in america better or worse . Better 10 . Worse 48 , has it hasnt really changed things 36 . Dominating among male voters but not doing well in black and hispanic precincts. Shear a breakdown of voting patterns last time around. 201272 were White American voters. 13 black. 10 hispanic. Just 3 asian. Voter turnout 64 . 67 of black voters turned out no doubt. Because barack obama was on the ballot. Among hispanic voters 48 showed up. Not a good amount. 47 for asians. Not a good amount. Now, there are about 11 million more eligible voters today than there were in 2012. Almost 75 of those new voters are minorities. A sign of how the u. S. A. Is changing demographically. For donald trump to win, he has to turn out the white vote in great numbers. If he does that he can live with 20 or less of the minority vote. Its obvious at this convention and by the trump strategy itself that his campaign believes white voters will put him in the white house. All of this sounds kind of ominous that you have an election pitting whites against minorities. Talking points wishes that wasnt the case but it is. This time around many white voters feel aggrieved. Feel that the Obama Administration is not looking out for them. Thats what Laura Ingraham is talking about. Thus, the rise of donald trump. In the end, voter turnout will make the difference. Hillary clinton will have to stimulate much support in the minority communities because the rise of trump has already demonstrated that white working men in particular are on his side in overwhelming numbers. Thats the memo. Now for the top story. Reaction. Here we go, eric bolling. Now, we are supposed to have Montel Williams but he walked out in a huff, right . And the producer tells me was mad about some gay thing. Do you know what the gay thing was . I dont think it was anything we said. No. I didnt hear anything that we said that had any reference to that at all. Does anybody know what gay thing upset Montel Williams . No. Nobody knows. His loss, bill. It isnt his loss because he will never be on this program again. He is not a man of his word. Is he unprofessional. And montel, you know, look, i have known you for a long time but that is about as low as it gets. All right . It was a big night. Big night. Now, the first question was going to be you anyway, does it disturb you, its black versus white in this election. It always has been. And i think. Does it disturb you . Well, there is no republican running for president that will ever carry the black vote. There is no republican that will ever get more than 15 of the black vote. This is stark. Its stark. Look at your numbers. Your numbers are amazing. So, if there are about 15 of the population is black. And about 65 pierce of the population is white and others are other minorities, hispanics, if donald trump just bumps up from 64 , 65 voting participation, to 70 , thats not that much. But he has to get white women to join the white men. Hispanics would help, too. If you have a country, all right, and i have always believed the theme of this country should be were all in it together. But you have a president ial election that is now dividing along racial lines, white, overwhelmingly support trump. And blacks, hispanics, and other minorities overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton. Thats not trumps fault. No. Its nobodys fault. But does it reflect well on the country. I would say under president obama Race Relations have gotten worse. As your poll shows. As your poll shows as well. If you want to tag it to someone tag it to obama. Dont tag it to trump. Nobody is tagging it to anybody. Its not an individuals fault. Its the way this election has come down. If the republicans had nominated someone else, ben carson, for example, still black americans would have gone for hillary but not in this number because now the Democratic Party is saying,like, this guy is a racist, trump. That is dividing even further. I do believe that this is not good for the country but i agree with you that its inevitable. There is nothing we can do. I think of those groups that monmouth polled, the hispanics is the one he should focus on. Thats the one he has access to. Is he not going to get the black vote. He is not going to get 10 of the black vote. He could get 30 , 35 of the hispanic votes. On Economic Issues . Sure, yes, yes. And religious issues. And the asian vote isnt very much. But, remember, hispanic voters turn out less than 50 . And so, thats in play, too. Certain states like arizona, certainly donald trump is going to have to court the hispanic vote. He wants to carry the state. And florida. Boy, i will tell you, he needs florida. You nailed it. He is doing well in ohio and pennsylvania. You are right, if he doesnt win florida, all bets are off. You will see a lot of donald trump here in ohio. You are going to see a lot of him in pennsylvania and a lot of him in florida. Thats where the Battle Ground will go. We didnt miss Montel Williams at all by the way. We didnt miss him. Anybody miss him . Show of hands . Anyone miss montel . You are not a standout guy walking out at the last minute, very cowardly. Next on the rundown, as we continue from cleveland, is there too much hating Hillary Clinton at this convention right here . Take a look at that question. And geraldo outside with the demonstrators. That should be interesting. There he is. He is shaking hands. You know geraldo, what a charming guy. Right . The factor from the Republican Convention will be right back. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. You can help prevent blindness being satisfied. In undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. 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But, Laura Ingraham is a very, very true believer, you know, like her or not and i do, she believes every word she says like you. You guys are soul sisters. We certainly are. She is a good friend and very proud of her tonight. She is doing a great job. One of the most important themes that she is hitting tonight, bill that i think we are going to hear more about is the breakdown in the respect for authority at all levels, whether its institutional, the presidency, the congress, whether its the breakdown of authority in respect for the police, the military and seeing in the street of americas cities that is a critical point. That is part of Donald Donald trumps, i think greatest attraction when he says i am the law and order candidate. Its bigger than that because, eboni, Laura Ingraham is saying that traditional values have collapsed. And this crowd doesnt want that they want traditional values at least to be respected. What do you think . I agree with that, bill. They want them respected and restored. The beginning of lauras speech very good and very impactful and populist in message. Thats where trump really kind of started last summer and drilled that home. Thats why she was very impassioned. I think that was very, very well received by laura tonight. Okay. Now, we have a very provocative sound bite by Chris Matthews. I have known matthews since the civil war, okay . We werent old enough to enlist but it was close. I want to run the sound bite and it is provocative and then i will talk to the ladies about it. Go. I was thinking tonight and this festival of hating hillary tonight, this brewing up of almost a witchlike ritual tonight, i kept thinking, wait a minute, they already hate hillary. So whats the point . So, is that true . Is it too much hating of hillary . Come on for Chris Matthews to be talking about the the tenor of a political is laughable on its face. The whole point of convention is to promote your side your nominee and your candidate and bash the other. And for anybody to thinks that the democrats arent going to smash trump next week during their campaign and convention, theyre crazy. This has been going on since the beginning of the republic. Yeah. I understand john adams and thomas jefferson. We did that on legends lies. However, the point is that everybody already dislikes Hillary Clinton at this convention, all right . And watching the convention many, many people do. Is there overkill . Can you overdo that . No such thing ghu cant . No such thing during a political convention. All right. You will see that next week on the other side. Lets go to eboni, is there such thing as overkill, too much bashing of not only Hillary Clinton but next week trump . Got to agree with monica on this, bill. I have got to disagree with Chris Matthews. Here is why. You have got trump who is actually not that much liked with his own party. Republican governors, not even in cleveland. So the best thing can he do is continue to pounce on Hillary Clinton. Yes, we can expect hillary to do the same thing. When when a prosecutor convenes a grand jury, bill, they dont have to account for the other side. There is no defense argument. The prosecutor gets to pound pound pound away. Thats what this convention is an opportunity for both sides to do. You guys may have persuaded me. This may be a first. Because i went in and i said you know, matthews may be right. Its too much but now you are saying they have their opportunity. Yeah. They have got to take it . Of course you have got to define the other side. You have got to define your opponent before they can define. You next week four days of ripping Donald Trumps lungs out. This is not sufficient for a campaign. You also have to offer voters a positive, compelling reason to vote for you rather than just the other side. He needs a strong progrowth Economic Policy and Strong National Security Policy and he has got both of those. Bill, thats for the debates though. Thats for the debates and im sure they will both get into that. Right now for this convention, pound, pound, pound, no such things as too much. You guys overwhelm me with logic. I cant believe it now lets go outside. And if this guy overwhelms me with logic, im quitting. Geraldo rivera is standing by in the street where is he very comfortable. He has been talking to some demonstrators. Whats the scene out there, geraldo . You know, bill, this is Public Square in the heart of downtown cleveland. This was supposed to be the epicenter of the clash of civilizations, the far left, the far right coming here to meet the kkk, the open carry people versus the revolutionary communists and all the rest of it as you can see the crowd is fairly substantial crowd but it is a very, very peaceful crowd. The cops have done a terrific job. The crowd is only about 1500. The 1500 cleveland officers have been supplemented. Raise your hands those austin, texas, cops. There are 19 state Law Enforcement agencies here in the city of cleveland, bill. And they are standing at the base of something you will appreciate the sailors and Soldiers Monument when you do your next series. Magnificent. Lock around, folks have basically come out to party. We will walk through, thank you very much. You know, there was a total of 22 arrests that have been since this all began on sunday evening. 17 today. Today was the worse day. I believe you have some footage of the flag burning. There was an attempt at a flag burning a couple of blocks away from here. The cops magnificent in the way they shut it down. They stopped the person from burning that flag because it was incitement to riot. They arrested that person. Then there was a proimmigration group also, bill, that came past and they had a wall. They made a wall. Kind of a foe wall. They want to do protest trumps very restrictive immigration proposals. As you can see, this is probably the best guarded fountain in america kids running through. Someone just said they are looking for the pokey. The pokemon. But, bill, i have to say that they, the cops have done a magnificent job. This is what i think has happened here. This is me speaking and, you know, i have talked to many people so it is, i think, perhaps an informed opinion, but i think the murders of those five officers in dallas, the three cops in baton rouge, and the cop today in kansas city have really cast appal over the black lives matter movement, the antipolice activists, they have i think, and to their credit, have been so embarrassed by the murders of those innocent officers that they have been humbled, bill. Now, you can hear me, geraldo . You can hear me . Yes. Who was burning the flag . Who was that woman . Was she part of a group . The revolutionary communist party. Excellent. Revolutionary communist party. Rev comes as you call them. Far left loons as you call them. Weapon sniffing and drug sniffing dogs. I walked around today there was some crazy looking people out there. No doubt about it but wherever more than six people were, police just came out of anywhere. I mean, when six people gathered, then here they were. Here they came. And i think kasich, the governor of this state, did an excellent job on security. He did. You know, can you debate all day long whether or not he should have shown up at his own convention. He should have. In his major city, but he did a magnificent job and chief williams, the cleveland p. D. Chief, plus steve loomis, the head of the local policemans union, they work with cops from out of town. It is so impressive to see california highway patrol. Wisconsin highway patrol. Michigan highway patrol. You have got columbus, ohio. You have got every county in this state represented. They really, as you said, you look around turn around so the officers in white and the mounted guys over there. Any place you look here in Public Square, there is officers. And to see its kind of like the joint chiefs here, to see all of these all of these cops turning out to keep the lid on things, but aside from that one flag burning. Well, there have been 22 arrests, thats not insignificant. But nothing like the civil war we all anticipated. But tomorrow is supposed to be the big day because donald trump speaks tomorrow. It is historically. I have to say i dont see how these protesters, they cant get at the convention where we are, thats impossible. I could barely get here, geraldo. There was a rumor you were going to have to do the show tonight and everybody was going crazy. Finally let me in. I saw bolling walking. He couldnt figure out how to get behind the fence. Had to produce a lot of ideas. Do you not watch the factor . Yeah we watch it but i still need id. It was great. Anyway, look, we are happy that the police are doing a great job. Youre right, i think this is the terrible assassinations have tamped down. The hatred of police is being rejected by the masses of people here in cleveland. All around the country. Geraldo, we appreciate it. Thank you very much. And directly ahead. Okay. As the factors coverage of the Republican National convention moves along, Dennis Miller has been watching from afar, he has some observation. Then we will bring in watters who is here. He also mingled with the protesters today. Its a little bit different than what geraldo did. Youre going to like this. Those reports after these messages. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced, but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo well come to the zoo only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. With our exclusive mobileglassshops. And our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. Welcome pack to the factors corning of the Republican National convention. You are looking at the Convention Floor and pam bondi the Florida Attorney general just got finished speaking. And now they are going to have a little presentation on the screen. Interesting that Florida Governor rick scott and the attorney general pam bondi both given slots in the 8 00 hour because as we said donald trump has to win florida. Thats a must. Now, watching all this from afar is a sage of Southern California Dennis Miller who joins us now from santa barbara. Give me some Convention Highlights from your point of view. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Montel, montel, get back. In billy . Were going to get him, miller i started singing the flintstone song i got up to the line well have a gay old time he ran out of the studio. Yeah, montel, not a good showing tonight. [ laughter ] billy, it must be exciting there looking up at the ceiling all those under inflated balloons or as i like to call them nancy pelosi heads here is some of my highlights so far. I think Chris Christie did that fake courtroom thing so beautifully he should quit politics and get a syndicated courtroom show like judge judy. He should call it judge jolly where he sits there with a chicken leg and rules on thing. Its going to be great. Im glad kasich isnt there. Every reminds us there is a difference between every man and very small man. Thank you for that, john. Melania, im glad that melania didnt crib for the part of the speech for the first time in my life im proud of of my country. Kudos for cribbing the right part of it rude was so pissed off, it was beautiful. I remember thinking rude should be in charge of all immigration. We ought to build him air condition house on the southern border and makes a call on anybody. Pads around in a robe. Has hours, interviews them. Wants to let them in no, if he wants to send them back, yeah. Rude in charge of all immigration. When Rudy Giuliani was mayor of new york, he was kind of soft on illegal imblation. He didnt go after it hard. He has gotten more conservative i think as he has gotten older. Billy, hasnt the country changed a little for gods sake . Certainly has. We have got to adapt our game plan here, brother. If this party believes we do but the other party believes it doesnt. What are you hitting me with the other party for. What . What am i supposed to say . No we should have an open border. 12yearold kids should come in unattended. Thats a good idea. Im fair and balanced. No, thats crazy. You know thats crazy. Absolutely. I was one of the first ones to say thats crazy. Its even gotten more madness now pause thats what the policy is. Open borders. Persony sanders wants. Hillary clinton wont say that but what is she going to do to secure the border . What . You know what this convention is about. I think they are being pretty people say its a hate fest. Whats the girls name earlier. Monica crowley. Yeah. Ebonie williams and monica crowley. I agree with them that it could be more hateful than. This lets look at it this way. More than half of this country, probably more than 50 think that hillary is competent and honest. They think that Global Warming is a bigger problem than the terrorism we see on our tv screens every day. There was another cop in kansas city killed yesterday. Its not even above the fold on the front page anymore. Its below the fold. We have got violent passivists, that november lent do gooders, selfproclaimed openminded people who walk in rigid lock step. The company has gone mad. These people dont understand it and i dont either. Check, please. Listen, i just want the president to insinuate radical islamic terrorists into his lame speech about foreign matters like he ensign United States american cops into his domestic blame lecture. Thats all i want. We are not getting it of course half the country is apoplectic. Thats true. Now, do you have any idea, living in california, why so many people in your words, have gone mad . Do you have any idea why . Well, i know listen, i dont think people pay attention. Everybody says everybody pays so much attention. I dont believe that, bill. I think the people are kind of politics is the thing that you seem most assured about that you are the least informed about. And a lot of people are informed only from one source. Nobody is really straddled in the middle. This is kind of bifurcated. Im not saying this should be a civil war. A lot of people think there should be a divorce. I think thats whats happening. Me, i kind of checked out. This is like lord of the flies. If you have the shell you rule my side doesnt have the conk shell. I have early onslot nihilism. I dont care. I dont rule the roost anymore. My side has no say in it. I kind of checked out. I do know this you look good in those ear phones. You look like Janet Jackson if she was an old square white guy. Bob michigan i dont care anymore. Dennis miller sage of Southern California. Watters is up next. He has been hanging around with debbie was sermon schultz. Is debbie okay . Then Chris Wallace will join us for an evaluation of the convention thus far. Well be right back. Youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Hey guys lunch is here its on me fellas. With the chase mobile app, Stephen Curry can send money to more people in less time. Thanks, steph no problem. Even to friends in a growing number of other banks. Yall ready to go . Come on fellas lets go easy to use Chase Technology for whatever youre trying to master. Okay. Right now at the convention, talking about women and business. And how to succeed. And all that in the back of the book segment tonight, watters world, the protest edition as geraldo mentioned earlier recommendation the Cleveland Police have done a fantastic job keeping the peace. More than 22 arrests have been made surrounding the convention, however. And earlier today, i, your humble correspondent, walked around town, there were many people doing some strange things out there. Jesse watters can confirm that. [chanting] what are you protesting tonight . I am here protesting donald trump becoming president. The fact that donald trump has made it this far and through this race and is making a mockery of americans. Does obama already make a mockery of it. By far not. What are you out here protesting today. Donald trump. Dont you want a billionaire in the white house . I can find better billionaires. Like who . Bill oreilly. Thats why im successful. Jesse watters with fox. How are you. Im fine. How are you. Hillary has a problem with truth. Do you have a issue for you guys . Out here protesting trump and the general republican platform. Im also here protesting as well with black lives matter, translives matters. Issues of social justice. Poverty for the working class. A lot to sink my teeth into. Thats what we call a sacked lunch. Im protesting the growing fascism in this country and the police lynching of black people. What does fascism mean . Fascism . Its like a conservative revolution almost. Are you guys here just to pick up girls . You guys are not going to make trouble are you . Leave or be arrested. You can leave this way. Unlawful assembly. Either you leave or you will be arrested we will never be the strong as the walls of our heart. Do Blue Lives Matter . Absolutely. Red lives matter. Lives in cashmere, palestinian lives. Jewish lives. All lives matter. The vicious lie White Supremacy tells us none of those lies can matter unless the least of these matter which is black lives. We have a black president. He failed us. President obama has failed us. Black lives matter . Yes all lives matter. I. You cant say that. All lives matter. Even police lives matter. Even trump levee matters . Even trumps life matters. Ban assault weapons. [chanting] are you supporting Legal Immigration . I support if an immigrant comes over here they stay here until they get their green card. Do you want criminal illegal aliens to stay in the country. Yes. Are you worried about trump as president . Yes, i am. Tell me why. Because is he straight evil. Evil . Look at what he is saying, make America Great again. Great again like, when . The yen side of all the Indigenous People that lived here. I think he is talking about the 80s. He didnt like the 80s . Im so popular. Everybody loves me so much. You have a problem with capitalism . Yes, i do. What do you want to replace capitalism with . Socialism. Where has socialism ever worked . Look at cuba right now. I have knock that [bleep] off if i were you. [chanting] are you physically attract to do me . Youre not my type, darling. For crying out loud. Just a quick question for you. I wanted to ask you about hillarys issue with the truth. No . Im not la la la la la la. I think you have the best hair in this entire protest. Thank you. You have something in your hair. Hold on a second. And please dont touch my hair without saying anything to me about it. Can i cut your feathers . So i stroke it and i pet it. And massage it. Whose world is this . Waters world. Good day, sir. [chanting] i believe you were making fun of them, watters, werent you . Where did you get that idea . How far away were they from the convention here . I mean, its like a four block radius right there. They cant get too close because the cops are doing a great job. They obviously dont know what they are protesting. Some of them. Now the nuts are coming out. You have lime green pant suits. Jugglers turning into a circus so i fit right in. Debbie Wasserman Schultz congresswoman from florida she just bolted, right . Yes. She was terrified. She went to have lunch and handler came over arent you going to lets have you lunch. I dont want to eat with you i just have a question. Just have a question. You cant say to her what about hillarys lies. You have to be more diplomatic, watters. Like you, bill. I need to be more diplomatic. Im a little bit diplomatic with her. When she runs she runs away, it doesnt make her look good, but dont give her an excuse to run away. Next time ill block her. You tell me youre a big, big fan. You want me to use subterfuge . Word of the day well bring you back tomorrow. God knows why, but we will. Chris wallace up next. And well discuss whether the Republican Convention has been good, mediocre or bad. Moments away. You can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. Hi, need help finding a dependabya. Used car . You got it. Just say show me millions of of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. Im worried about things like frame damage. Just say show me cars with no accidents reported. Pretty cool. Thats it. Thats the power of carfax. Find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont, plus get a free carfax report with every listing. Start your used car search at carfax. Com. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Donald trump rolling into cleveland today on his helicopter. Once again well tell you the Vice President ial nominee for the republican party, governor mike pence, set to speak in about 90 minutes. Also ahead, Newt Gingrich and ted cruz. Cruz going to be an interesting. Here now with us, the anchor of fox news sunday, Chris Wallace. Lets grade the convention so far. A, of course, the best. F, a flunk. You give it . A b. And i would say theyve done part of what they need to do, and that is to make the case against Hillary Clinton and to try to unite a party that is still divided. Trump is only getting about 80 of republican support in the polls. He needs at least 90 . Thats what romney had and he still lost. Thats where i think they have succeeded. Where i think theyve failed so far is to make a case to the people who arent committed republicans, to independents. Hes deeply underwater among minorities, underwater among young people, underwater among women. And hes got to give them a reason to change their mind and to vote for him, and they havent so far. We had a segment earlier in the factor an overkill, overdoing the Hillary Clintons a witch thing. And the two ladies said to me that, no, a convention is designed to do that. And its almost impossible to have too much of it. Do you agree . I do agree with that. I know some people are saying, you know, the chant of this convention has become lock her up, lock her up, after Chris Christies political indictment of her. And i know, i was talking to some people myself, is it too much. This is nothing compared to whats theyre going to do to donald trump an ex week. But bad behavior doesnt behoove other bad behavior. I see the point, i think the ladies were right, in the sense that you only have one opportunity to really rev people up and say, look, you know, do you really want our opponent in the white house . But i believe that surrogates dont matter this year. Vice president ial candidates dont matter. Nothing matter other than the two individuals. Trump versus clinton. Could not agree more. And this convention, for all of our coverage of it and everybody being here, begins tomorrow night at about 10 00, when donald trump takes that stage and makes that acceptance speech. Hes going to have about an hour. And hes got to convince, first of all, the republicans who arent sure about him, that he should be the nominee. And then more importantly, the uncommitted, the persuadable voters, that hes a potential a credible president. Only 12 of those. Thats the difference between winning and losing. It is, it is. But the Trump Campaign continues to say, theyre going to make a record turnout of white voters. And at the top, we had white versus minority. Because thats what this vote is about. Whites versus minorities. And i said, im not sure whether thats good for the country. Well, one, i dont think its good for the country. Two, i just dont think it works mathematically. You look at mitt romney, who lost by 44 points to barack obama among hispanics, and the country is even that much more minority now than it was four years ago. I dont think there are enough middle class, working class, white people. 55 of the electorate is white. Thats a lot of folks theyre all going to vote for no, theres a liberal base that wont. Are we out of time with wallace . How much time do we have . One more minute . Okay. Because i like talking to you. Good i mean, you and i have been around you know, this is my 19th convention . Yeah and you dont have an agenda. A lot of people do, and you dont. So i like this. When we cover the Democratic Convention next week, thats almost impossible to cover though, because its just about Hillary Clinton, right . But, in what way is that different than this is about donald trump . But trump has to define himself, but clintons already defined. But its not all positive. And she has to soften some of the edges. But we covering her, i dont know what more we can say about well find things to say. Have me back. Well talk next week. Chris wallace, everyone. And a couple of notes before we give you the tip of the day. I will continue my Campaign Analysis for bill oreilly premium members which you can anytime on billoriley. Com. Hope you chance that out. Also, contributing factor podcast features bret baier, mike huckabee. Finally tonight, the factor tip of the day. Writer director Garry Marshall has died. 81 years and a genius. Mr. Marshall produced some of the most memorable sitcoms of all time. Just say to him, ralph, i was wrong. Wrong . The fonz is wrong . I dont got to do nothing ill tell you what, ill think about it. Im going to even have to practice this. Ralph, i was wrun got it stuck in my throat. Stuck in my throat. Look, i was wruuun god gave Garry Marshall a tremendous talent. He used it bringing Great Entertainment to millions of americans and hell be missed. Factor tip of the day. And that is it for us tonight. Tomorrow, we will wrap things up with a preview of the Donald Trumps keynote address at Chris Wallace says about 10 00, onehour address. Youll remember that we had mr. Trump on the factor on monday. And hes going to go the gamut. Hes going to go to the gamut from immigration to terrorism, to trade deals, to the wall in an hour. Now, the interesting thing about this is, can he bring the same amount of passion and conviction while reading a teleprompter. This is a scripted speech. Theyre going after it now. More than one person involved in writing the speech. Trump will have the final cut, but he is going to read the teleprompter, because its pretty hard to do off the top of your head, but he loses a little passion when he does that. If i were donald trump, a piece of advice, i would go off the teleprompter for a portion of that speech. Im bill oreilly reporting from cleveland. Please remember, the spin stops here. We are definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight, three former trump rivals take the convention our at the to talk about their party, its candidate, and the future of the country. Welcome to the kelly file, everyone. Im megyn kelly on a very busy night here in cleveland. Before governor mike pence takes the stage for the very first time as Donald Trumps running mate, we will hear from no less than three of mr. Trumps former primary rivals. And some might even say potential future rivals should mr. Trump win it all. Were talking about senator scott walker, senator marco rubio, and senator ted cruz, who interestingly held a campaignstyle event right here in cleveland

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