Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20160628

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[ laughter ] >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ the vote in great britain to leave the european union was not really about macroeconomics. it was largely an emotional decision based on what the folks are seeing with their own eyes. that open borders and mass immigration have directly affected their lives and not for the better. entire cities in england have changed as millions of foreign-born people have poured into great britain. making full use of the public health and education systems establishing vast neighborhoods that mostly reflect their own origins. not traditional british culture. most of the immigrants are good people. simply seeking better lives for their families. there is no question that life in england or the u.s.a. for that matter far better, generally speaking, than africa, the middle east, or south asia. liberals are correct in saying it is compassionate to give suffering people a lifeline. but their numbers are so great. it's impossible for even healthy nations to absorb the flow. so many problems ensue from open borders that the folks are saying no more. that's not racist or nationalistic or inhumane. social order and rejecting a total breakdown of supervision. once you get to europe you can move without hinderance. settling in entitlements paid for by workers of your new country. in england, foreign-born newcomers can use government run medical services which are already strained. the wait to treat mall mall maladies is catastrophic in some places. great britain believe they are worse under the eu umbrella. shift to north america where the issue that donald trump has prospered. he is by far the most progressive politician border and slow down of foreign born individuals. for this he has been demonized. branded a racist by the left. millions of americans do not see it that way. they are backing trump because is he talking tough about a situation they believe is truly deplorable. that being said, mr. trump would be wise to stop identifying specific groupings of people like muslims and mexicans because that kind of scapegoat dilutes the larger issue that the rule of law, as well as common sense has collapsed in the immigration debate. what is not widely known is many in the democratic party and liberal press want open borders in the u.s.a. even though though won't come out and say it recently john kerry slipped in a commencement speech. >> you are the most diverse class in northeastern's history. in other words, you are donald trump's worst nightmare. [ laughter ] you are about to graduate into a complex and borderless world. >> most americans are not ready for a borderless world and never will be. and in this age of terror, simply too dangerous. in this time of massive debt is simply too expensive for any country to absorb millions of poor people year after year. think about it which democrat has called for strict border security? or ending sanctuary cities, or even harshly punishing violent felonious illegal aliens who defy deportation? which one? has president obama done that? hillary clinton? bernie sanders? the answer is no. in fact, as sanders supporter recently came clean on the factor. >> there is a fundamental difference between progressives and conservatives when it comes to people visiting this country. >> visiting? >> progressives think that people move in order to build better lives for their families. >> and you are okay with anybody. >> and our country. >> any time they want. >> i'm perfectly okay with anybody who wants to be a constructive part of this country industry. >> anybody no matter how many of them. >> live and work. we can handle it, bill. this is the greatest country in the world. >> but the greatest country in the world is growing weaker. we owe $20 trillion. entitlement spending now at the 50 pierce level for american 50% level. migrant families are at that level as well. no longer is the u.s.a. a self reliant society. we are growing more dependent every month. and that is sapping, sapping america's greatness. the truth is, democrats believe they need the immigrant vote to achieve and retain power, therefore, there is no motivation to stop illegal immigration and impose discipline and obeying the law. none. talking points firmly believes that most americans welcome foreign-born people who come here the legal way. there is not a prevailing nativist sentiment in america. in fact, it's the opposite. foreign-born americans are generally hard workers, loyal to their new country, and that is widely admired. but the folks have had enough with lax border security, amnesty, and the failure of congress to pass even basic protections like kate's law. the left believes it is noble to promote policies that are inclusive as they say in san francisco. but while they are feeling good about themselves, anarchy has taken root. resources strechesd to the limit and a kind of illegal immigrant apartheid now on display in certain parts of the country. when scores of major cities say blank you to federal authorities, refusing even to detain criminal aliens? you know the breaking point has been reached. so most americans are fed up and given the chance to vote like the british people, that frustration would become apparent. come election day in november, it may be the economy, stupid. but a close second will be the government's responsibility to protect us from terrorism and chaos. we need to crack down on illegal immigration and those who undermine federal law. america needs a sane policy when it comes to admitting noncitizens and we need strong leadership to deliver it that's the memo. next on the rundown, kirsten powers will reply. and newt gingrich on both political parties. factor is coming right back. if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. ♪ you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. those hot dogs look good. oh yeah, hebrew national. their all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. so, not just any beef goes into it. oh, honey! oh! here, have some of ours. oh! hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust. impact segment tonight. reaction to the talking points memo about immigration both here and in great britain, joining us from washington, kirsten powers. so, where am i going wrong, powers? >> oh, where to begin. one of the things that jumped out to me. i don't think it's true that democrats support open borders. and that quote that you played from kerry to me is not evidence that they do. i think he was speaking in a more broader sense of our interconnected world. but the democratic party that has not been their position. the position of the president and border position. it was quite onerous. >> can you in the last seven and a half years point to one piece of legislation, democrats supported that would crack down on the southern border? >> >> it was in, i think the -- one of the spending bills, definitely had money allocated for border security for controlling, for building a fence. >> 50 other things in the bill. >> okay. but you can't say that no money has been allocated. >> i didn't say no money has been allocated. >> 20,000 which was the target. >> no democratic politician as far as i know on the national scene has supported more stringent border protection, kate's law, okay? nobody. >> i know. we know we have talked about kate's law. i'm saying in terms of -- allocating money for the border and increasing border patrol up to 20,000 agents is something. >> it's 50 other things are in the bill so they wanted some of those things. but nobody has come out, as far as i can see, and said, you know what? woe need to beef that border up. maybe a border wall in some places is worthy. no one. no democrat. and on the open border front. bernie sanders and hillary clinton, i mean, they have given literally hundreds of speeches and, again, there is no border sanctuary cities. that's another good one. sanctuary cities another violation of federal. you can point to one democrat who has spoken to sanctuary cities? >> no. i don't think she should speak out about sanctuary cities. including rudy giuliani. i never heard you defend were. >> that's an interesting point that i might talk to the mayor the next time he is in here. >> i am sure he has conveniently switched his position on it. >> you are taking semantic position that democratic party open borders they have done nothing to stop the border chaos. >> you keep saying it's nothing to allocate money and increase border controlling of agents and to build fences. i mean, that is -- it's not what you want, but i also -- i disagree with you. i have written very critically about president obama on immigration and it's why he is not that popular, you know with a the love people in the latino community because he didn't do immigration reform and because he has been very tough, actually on deporting people and we have talked about border children. i thought he was very, very tough on them. too tough on them. >> they don't want dependent children pouring across the border. >> they are not dependent. they have family here. >> the children don't have family. >> the children have family here. yes they do. >> some of them do and most of them don't. >> most of them do, about 90% of them do. >> your position is the democratic party doesn't want open open borders and i contend it does. you can make the same argument in britain the labor party says unfettered immigration here and that's what the vote was all about, the majority as we saw in the vote believe they have been overrun and it's not good for english society. would you dispute that? >> i think it's right that that is the perception of people that somehow this has a connection to them being overrun with immigrants but the truth is most of the immigrants that come into the u.k. are not from europe. they are overwhelmingly from other countries. >> they are able to move once they get into europe they are able to move across borders because there is no passport control. >> most immigrants coming into the u.k. are coming from india, mostly. india, pakistan, bangladesh and china. they are north coming from germany. they are not funneling through germany. they are coming directly there. >> you are not -- eu policy. >> getting out of the eu is not going to change that. >> yes, it is the eu policy is once you are on our soil you can move unfettered. we don't have pass poured control. now, great britain will. now, if you want to take a little train from paris to london, when you get off, there are going to be british authorities saying who are you, let's see your passport. it does not happen under the eu. that's why they vote to do toss it. last word. >> that may be the reason why they vote to do toss it only about 25% of immigration coming into the u.k. it's going to have very little impact on what people sees a an immigration problem in that country. >> okay. >> sorry. >> kirsten powers, everybody. there she is. >> okay. >> newt gingrich on why americans are turning against both political parties. later, george will says he is leaving the republican party or he has left. or he doesn't like it or something. should we care? 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because of influx of people that change the basic structure of neighborhoods? is that why? >> well, i think that's a piece of it i think a bigger piece there is that some 70% of the rules now issued in great britain are demanded by the brussels bureaucracy. and they have, in fact, there was a rule that they knew was coming that they had held off on that would have outlawed the traditional tea kettle for environmental reasons. you know, the average britain, let me get this straight. some idiot in brussels is doing. this you get that same feeling across all america. >> i think that, yes, i get your point about the bureaucracy and the imposition from belgium. but i really believe that it's an emotional response to we're british, we do certain things in a certain way. that certain way is now changing and we don't like it. let's get to, and this links. in let's deal with the republican party first. very, very low numbers. why are the folks, including many republicans like george will, turning against their own party? >> well, there are two different groups. they are the tea party conservatives who feel that the washington establishment hasn't done enough so they're unhappy. and then there is sort of george will tori conservative, this is not elegant enough for me kind of group. so they are unhappy. and then, frankly, it also is a tribute how serious trump is. when you see somebody like a brent george w. bush can't vote he is going to endorse hillary. you know when they are pushed to choose between establishment and republican, decide they are more establishment than they are republican. this is a deep split. >> it may not be fair to mr. scroff and mr. will they may be rebelling against style not substance. >> i don't agree. >> let me just pose this to you. if donald trump were more like a traditional politician in the sense that he didn't use twitter and that he didn't get angry, you know, about certain personal situations, yet, have the same message, border wall, stopping muslim immigration, but he put it in ways that weren't quite as bombastic, don't you think those establishment people would have stayed in the fold? >> they might have. but, remember, there is real substance to the trump rebellion. there is the trade deals have been a disaster. >> sure, sure. i know there is and that's not the argument. >> look, but that's the republican establishment that made the trade deals two wars are a mistake. well, it was republican establishment involved in those wars. donald trump. isn't some profound permanent. his critique of the last 30 years takes apart both establishments in both parties and you begin to see how uncomfortable many of the old republican establishment are somebody who represents a profoundly different approach. >> what about the democratic party? now, again, there are some democrats disenchanted with their own party why are they bailing? >> well, look, if you are a traditional liberal and you are anti-wall street and you are for the sort of thing that we thought up until the last 24 hours was personified by the senator from massachusetts who has now decided she loves hillary clinton. you look at hillary clinton who does secret speeches for goldsman sak's, whose family foundation collects 40% of their top-million-dollar plus donors are foreigners. she has 76 secret meetings according to the associated press with donors while she is secretary of state. i mean, hillary clinton is almost a caricature of everything that left wing democrats thought they were opposed to. her machine is to big and dislike trump so much they are now caught in this trap of trying to deal with the reality of a party which is i think frankly pretty sick in terms of the level of corruption that she stands for. >> finally, president obama comes out ahead in the poll by about 7 percentage points, yet, in other polls, 66% of the respond dents believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. he is the leader of the country for almost 8 years. why is he still maintain ago 48% popularity base when 66% don't like the direction of the country? >> i think to his credit, technically, barack obama is the first american president to understand the kardashian principle that being pleasantly noisy counts. so he gives you the final four and he shows you his 96 teams and he gets lot of publicity. what's to dislike? he works very hard at doing things that are trivial. and that sustains him plus, frankly, the two people you measure against are trump and clinton. there is a certain national boyian is i to buoyancy not being trump or clinton that's propping him up about 8 points. >> we appreciate it as always. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. new polling on the clinton trump race. george will leaving the republican party. do you care? and then "watters world." the what frightens you edition. >> what is your biggest fear? >> bellybuttons. [ laughter ] >> do you want to see my bellybutton? >> absolutely not. >> look right here. >> no. >> we hope you stay tuned to those reports. everything you're pretty good at now, you were once, well, pretty bad at. but you learned. and got better. at experian, we believe it's the same with managing your credit. you may not be good at it now. but that's okay. because credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. and you can get better. experian. be better at credit. factor follow-up segment tonight. as you may know the stock market taking a pounding after britain leaving the eu. author of the brand new book out tomorrow "wake up america, the nine virtues that made america great and why we need them more than ever" the subtitle never ends. eric bolling. >> stay with wake up america. >> buy sell or hold. >> book buy. the stock market? >> yeah. >> whatever you were doing before. >> no, no. don't geoff me that. >> you don't want that? >> no. >> buy, by the same today and next month and if it's higher a month after that buy it. if it's way down a month after that buy what you can afford but don't trade the market because it will eat you alive. these blips. >> just buy stock that you like for the long run. >> yes. buy good quality stocks. >> when we are dead our children with party hardy while we're in the ground for buying the stock. >> nothing has changed in my opinion. i had a big argument with your friend austan goolsbee who told me the world was going to fall apart because of brexit. i said tell me how, austan? >> he said if there are people in france working in britain don't have the passports. >> i said that's it? look, they left the eu, they didn't leave the planet. demand is still the same for all the products that the uk produces. >> nobody cares about that what about here? when people see the stock market going 800 points in two days: i'm looking out for the folks. i want to be "on the on the rec. you feel there is nothing wrong with the american economy. if you buy stocks now you will not be punished long term. >> i didn't say you wouldn't be punished. you may be punished if hillary clinton becomes president and massive tax increases. >> this is why it's not a concern. >> stock market will be fine with anything that has happened over the last couple days. >> let's go to your book "wake up america" i cruised it today and three things caught my eye. >> you say that warren buffett one of the most successful investors in american history is a hypocrite, why? >> because he has made billions of dollars for himself. he has made 50 billion for hits own pocket and now he says it's time to tax me more meanwhile the rest of us who have a great idea, try to stakeout a company or business we will get taxed higher rate. >> wants the mega millionaires to be taxed more. i don't think the working people. >> yes he wants millionaires to be taxed. how much money do you think it takes to starts a business. >> i'm not sure buffet is going in for the little guy he wants the big guys to be taxed. >> bernie sanders is not a socialist says bolling, what? are you kidding? >> is he a democratic socialist. >> you say he is not socialist in your book. >> more of a communist. if he were purely socialist, he would be giving away a vast majority of the money he earns on his seoulry, speeches. is he worth more than a million bucks. >> that's a majority. give it away. if you are a true socialist. give it away. >> do you think bernie can give it away? then he goes on the dole and we have to support him. >> i don't think anyone should give away their money. if you are a socialist then you should. people say i'm against guns and have 14 armed guards walking them around. >> in the book, bolling has a little -- few pages on i want to quote, in praise of masculinity. so, this means that you researched outside of yourself? >> okay. yeah. >> oh. >> one of nine virtues. you pick out the one, most provocative. >> mass could you lindt. elizabeth warren and hillary clinton? >> didn't have anything to do with which bathroom you use. has to do with mankind and believing in a goal in making the country a better place. can you be a female and be a masculine female. >> i know some of them. >> rugged spirit. >> rugged spirit, i like that. >> praise of masculinity isn't a gender issue. it's a spiritual issue. >> absolutely. did you know she was the top quote on the back of the book. even above a presidential candidate. >> and above mark could cuban. >> number one. >> i should be. >> above donald trump. >> read bolling's book wake up america. if you don't he will be very depressed and we don't want that. when we come right back, trump angry with a new abc poll. also watters on what americans fear the most. americans fear the most. moments away. honey, did you cl the insurance company? not yet, i'm... folding the laundry! can you? no... cleaning the windows! the living room's a disaster! 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>> generally speaking these polls are early. but, there is something to be noted here which is it's been about 21 national polls since late may. since about the 20th of may. and not one has trump been ahead. so, that large a number tells you something. the average now of all the recent polls is that he is down about 6 or 7 points. which i think is probably about right. it doesn't make it insurmountable or inevitable that he will lose but it's not without meeting. >> i don't even report on the polls now there. it's ebbs and flows. and it will be that way until september until the debate. after the debate kick in and be serious. for example the oh u -- eu thick. -- thing. people love them. they like the snapshot. they like the horse race. let's get on to what newt gingrich and i were talking about. the republican elite rebelling against donald trump. george will your friend. he says i'm out of there do you think that matters one iota to vorttle. >> no. i don't think he does. in fact, the only reason this is known is that he said it in a basically not publicized meeting of the federalist society and the word got out and it's become a bigger deal, i think, than he ever imagined it would be. so he is being asked about it everywhere. it "in the papers and i think he was a little surprised by that. >> why? any liberal paper is going to use any republican defection as a page one. so he should not have been surprised. >> well it, wasn't page one and it wasn't just liberal papers. that's neither here nor there. >> gingrich says that it's a revolt against trump's repudiation of republicans policies in the past. i say not so much. it's a revolt against style. bombat stick populism. >> i do think that trump's style offends george will and he has said as much. but i do also think that the fact that he has -- donald trump has had a fairly long history of being a democrat and that there are elements of the republican or conservative orthodoxy to do with matters like trade and immigration and some other issues as well where he disagrees with conservatives. look, george will is a conservative before is he a republican and as he said yesterday, you know, he became a republican because it was the conservative party and he believes that it won't be very much a conservative party with donald trump at its head. >> okay. and by the way, this isn't about george will. he got bill kristol in there. you have got scrokoff as the speaker mentioned. mike hub bewrites a conservative column. we posted it on bill o' he says will is what propelled trump is that the elitism of certain republicans is so offensive to the grass root republican movement, tea party and others that they actually made the monitor, will -- monster, will and his crew. >> the attitude that they associate with george will. george is a pretty cerebral guy and he is there with his spectacles and writes and speaks eloquently and complete sentences and paragraphs can strike some people as an elite talking down to them. they don't appreciate that although i think george is sharp and interesting and i enjoy reading what he has to say. george george wilhelmself is the reason. i do think there is a felt attitude that people in washington and some in really conservative circles have been looking down on the grass roots and the grass roots don't appreciate it. >> yeah. mitch mcconnell is one of those crew. you know, he is a guy that has and when kate's law came up he couldn't care less. wait a minute, we care. we. i think the elite republican machine doesn't connect with the grass root. >> i think your point about connect something right. i would say as a substantive matter though, bill. the idea that the republicans in washington have rolled over president obama, which is very widely held view is simply not correct. if you go back and i hesitate to assign anybody this painful chore. but if you go back and read through the obama state of the union addresses, that came after the republicans got control of the house, you will find embedded in them a long list of policy prescriptions and ideas and proposed legislation, none of which has gone anywhere and you have never heard about it because it didn't go anywhere because it was all blocked by the republicans in congress. blocked from the start. >> true. but the republicans have not gotten much done themselves and that has overridden what your point is which is legitimate. >> that's right. the divided government and the need to break filibusters and overcome vetoes is very hard to do anything. >> you have got to trinchts well, maybe so, but legislatively, obama hasn't been able to do anything either which is why he has resort to do executive actions many of which if not all will be overturned if the republicans get the white house again which they may not do. >> watters on deck. what are you afraid of? that's the theme of the world this evening. watters is next. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ back of the book segment. "watters world" has come to our acontinuation that -- attention that city of austin witchcraft. the wick kens were afraid of him. so, watters pivoted as they say and asked the folks about what they fear. ♪ ♪ >> what are you afraid of? >> i'm afraid i have an irrational fear of hospitals. if i pull into the parking lot at the hospital, then i'm done right there. >> do you know what scares me? >> what scares you? >> your short shorts. >> hi. >> what are you most afraid of? >> don't touch my feet. >> don't worry, i won't. >> probably being buried alive. >> clown. >> probably rats. [screams] >> what are you afraid of? >> the ocean. >> the ocean? >> yes. it's vast and powerful and it scares me. >> you are going to need a bigger boat. >> kind of like me. >> what are you most afraid of? >> sharks. >> wait a second. what week is right now? >> freaking shark week. >> i have one simple i have one. sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads. >> i'd have to say drowning. i make sure to have floaties around. >> i think you have floaties right there. >> yeah. >> what is your biggest fear? >> belly buttons. touching belly buttons, when people touch their belly buttons, when people just try to touch my belly button. >> that is a severe bafrl disorder. >> you want to see my belly button? >> absolutely not. >> look at it. look at it. >> nope. >> you've made your decision then? >> what are you most afraid of? >> oh, [ bleep ] the police. >> you have warrants or something? >> no, no warrants. i've been an upstanding citizen, but it don't matter nowadays. >> i think i know what you're afraid of. >> what am i afraid of? >> haircuts. >> that's a bad joke. >> that will be 8 kz. >> i know what you're not afraid of. lung cancer. >> i'm afraid of fear itself. >> what are you, fdr? >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> snakes. >> i have had it with these [ bleep ] snakes on this [ bleep ] plane. >> what are you most afraid of? >> i amg genuinely terrified of aquatic life. >> are you afraid of mermaids? >> yes. >> do you speak english? >> are you afraid of donald trump? >> does he have a belly button? probably. if so, yeah, i guess so. >> are you afraid of donald trump? >> yeah, because he's a clown. he has makeup on, and then he's like do do do, i'm from the circus. >> i don't even understand what that means. >> what is your biggest fear? >> hillary clinton getting office. >> why are you so afraid of hillary? >> because she's a liar, and she's very deceitful. >> donald trump scares me because i don't think his change is good. >> do you want to go to a safe space and relax for a little bit? >> yeah. >> okay. let's just relax for a second. >> does donald trump scare you? >> he's terrifying, and he's not even underwater. >> does hillary scare you? >> yes. i don't know why america is trusting the clintons again. >> does o'reilly scare you? >> he doesn't scare me. he's just -- >> just don't criticize any of his books, and you'll be okay. >> i'm good. i won't read any. [ laughter ] >> you know who i am? >> yes. >> who am i? >> you're watters, and this is your world. >> very good. >> oh, my goodness. hello world. >> do you even know who i am. >> i'm sorry. you're a very handsome gentleman. >> i'm watters, and this is my world. >> i dig your world, bro. and your name is watters? >> yes, sir. >> far out, man. that's -- wow, man. >> deep, right? >> you want to go have a drink? >> yeah, let's do it. >> no way. >> i did not have a drink with him. i did not. >> are you going anywhere with that guy? >> no, absolutely not. >> unless you want to reexperience woodstock, and you weren't even born then. >> not even close. >> does he know he's an aknack row niz many is. word of the day. >> you're very anachronistic. i know that. >> different time, watters. different time when you didn't exist. >> a lot of people would like that time. >> i thought -- i have to say this. those guests that you had, one of the best. >> they were great. >> that's sixth street down in austin. >> i feel sorry for the belly button lady. >> i do. >> when you go to the beach, how do you -- >> right. terrified of a piece of anatomy that is fairly benign. separation from your you wouldn't be here if you didn't. >> that's right. she really hates outies. those are the big terrifying things. >> we don't need to know that much. all right, watters. good to see you. one footnote, we have a podcast of course, called the contributing factor. and watters along with his producer featured this week. check it all out on billo' we want to hear your comments, not just read 'em. we want to hear 'em. tip moments away. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo 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esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way. they offer a single deductible, which means you don't pay twice when something like this happens, which saves money. esurance is built to save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. in a moment, getting you directly involved with the factor. first a few quick reminders. legends and lies, the patriots number one non-fiction book five weeks in a row. special thanks to david fisher. the author did very heavy lifting on the book. excellent job. kids book, off killing reagan, the day the president was shot. just released. give the urchins the book. get them away from the machines. also the paper back of killing kennedy makes a great beach read. much lighter than the hardback. now the mail. michael var knell, kauai, hawaii. bill, if you can't confirm allegations were made by trump in a speech, you are just helping him spread rumors. some journalist you are. you sound a little clueless, like. whenever a presidential candidate makes an allegation, it's the job of the press to find out whether it's true or not. come on, surely you know that. ahmed laza, miami florida, i wonder if attorney general lynch would preach compassion and love if a radical terrorist kills one of her family members. not entirely fair, ahmed. the a.g. was trying to make a point that our society is not violent like the jihad crew. the mistake she made was context. it was way too soon after the mass murder in orlando to go holistic. don kramer, parrish, florida. somehow i can't picture chris christie as attorney general, talking about love after a terrorist atrocity. jim debell oes, bloomington, minnesota. miller is right. the sun is getting hotter. 10% every year. in a billion years, the oceans will boil away. that's good to know. we can plan. miles murray. bill, many of my fellow millennials find it trendy to criticize fox news. many don't even watch. they get their opinion from social media. not just younger americans, miles. on the rare occasion that someone tells me fnc is bad to my face, i politely can them why they think that way. almost always they have no backup. that kind of person is called a lemming. ken campbell. tennessee. o'reilly, i've read all your books. i believe you sell your books for children short. they have every bit as informative as the killing series. i love the kids books. last days of jesus, hitler's last days, and the new one, the president has been shot, are all great reads. and a very happy anniversary to peggy and claude scott, married 70 years in ft. worth, texas. way to go, guys. tip of the day. we want to not only read your opinions. we want to see and hear them as well. so if you are a bill o' premiere member, and you should be, please record yourself sounding off. then send us the video. keep it under control. we don't want to have to get the authorities involved. 30 seconds or less. bill o' has a file set up to accept your video wisdom. and if it's piththy and percentpy cautious, we may use some of it on the air. factor tip of the day. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from bill o' o'reilly@fox if you wish to opine, word of the day, do not be a lemming when writing to the factor. now, tomorrow we have krauthamm krauthammer. we're going to discuss the rise of craziness in the usa. knee oh nae nazis, socialists. please remember that the spin stops right here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, fresh controversy for the haven't campaign after reports raised new questions tonight about who may have been influencing clinton during her time at the state department. and it appears that her team did not want the public to know about it. welcome, everybody, to "the kelly file." i'm martha mccallum in for megyn kelly. last week as the world's attention was on the britain vote to leave the eu, the associated press released a bombshell reporter revealing that mrs. clinton had, in fact, had dozens of meetings that were either left off of her official calendar, or whose attendees were deleted. this news was only discovered through the pursuit of

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