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Controversy and a louisiana cop threatening thugs. You think men like these arent afraid of an uneducated 125pound punk like you . Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Donald trumps populist campaign. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. As we predicted. Mr. Easily won the nevada caucus yesterday. Marco rubio second, ted cruz third. For mr. Trump it was another strong showing some in the media saying his nomination is a lock. That is not good news for the Republican Party worthy candidate. One who can defeat Hillary Clinton. But the establishment has been wrongs all along. In the beginning they tried to marginalize trump and now the g. O. P. Poobahs dont know what to do. As for trump himself, as i told you back in august, he guy. Donald trump really isnt a republican. Is he a trumpian. He has no interest in what the grand ole party says. He is a man on a mission, marching to his own beat. And trumps timing is good because this president ial cycle should spell doom for the democratic party. It is so far left most americans are appalled. Now, the cawction donald trump made from the beginning of his campaign is that americans are so fed one career politicians and the direction of the country, they dont care anymore about Party Politics. Thus, trump has run as a populist. Listen to what h;i said last night. We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won poorly educated. I love the poorly educated. That was a smart statement because by saying he loves the poorly educated, trump is slapping the elites who many voters dessurprise. Trump realizes he is mobilizes americans who never before took part in the political process. He doesnt care whether you have a ph. D. From harvard. He doesnt care whether you have a degree from the school of hard knox. He hard knocks. He just wants your vote. He is getting plenty of votes more in the campaign than mitt romney did in 2012. Going forward, the contest six days from now will tell the tale. Donald trump is polling well in all of them. In georgia he leads by 12. In massachusetts by 34. In virginia he is up by 6. To this point marco rubio running slightly ahead of ted cruz for second place but still really a tossup between those two. And as long as they are both in the race, and they guide republican votes, trump will remain a solid favorite. In the end, donald trump doesnt care about politics. Parties. He does not care about elites. He does not care about what he says in attacking opponent. He only caress about one thing. Winning. And thats the memo. Now for the top story. Reaction. Joining us from washington, heidi, senator political reporter for u. S. A. Today. Pace, the washington correspondent. Anything missing in my analysis, julie. You hit it on the head whenfn you said super tuesday will tell the tale of this election. Right now donald trump certainly has momentum. He is three straight wins, certainly has given him an edge in the nomination but this is really about delegates. And after super tuesday, i think that we will be able to see how much of a delegate lead he has, if he is able to maintain that momentum. And for rubio and cruz, this test just gets harder and harder. You keep hearing these candidates keep pushing the benchmark back. First we were talking about trump being out oof the race after last summer. Then after november. Then once voting started then we are hearing march 15th is the day we will see rubio rise up. Once he gets through super tuesday, if he is able to pick up this pace, its going to become much more difficult for cruz or rubio to stop him. I understand that only 10 of the republican delegates have been given out so far. So you have got 90 in play. And even though trump has the momentum, he still has got to get more than half of those, so, it looks to me like there isnt what the media is saying its inevident in a lot of the precincts. Its inevitable. It looks to me be stopped but i dont know how. Who is going to stop him . Its almost malpractice to say he is ineffort tillable. Go back to 2012 when mitt romney was on his2 heels. Rick santorum trounced him in a few races and he came back. These races are very fluid. You make a good point. Who is going to that going to be that person. Rubio is rising. Cruz is falling. I think it was devastating aat cruz walked out of single delegate considering that the sec states that follow are supposed to be his strong suit. So, i also dont buy, however, bill, that winnowing this down to a twoman race is necessarily going to whip the support away from trump. No i dont think it would whip the support away from him. But it would give the sole contend more of a chance. So, if kasich and carson go, thats about 10 of the electorate right there. If cruz or rubio go, thats another 20 . Thats in play. Now some of them would go to trump. In play, thats the operative word, right . Because we dont know. These polls arent reflecting whats going to happen, for example, with jebs voters. No. But trump is so he is so definitive, miss pace. He is so definitive. Not a lot of wiggle room with donald trump. Not a lot of undecideds. You either like him or you dont. You cant say i dont know whether i like him or not. If it were a twoman race, juan, do you agree with heidi that cruz got hurt in South Carolina and then he comes in third in nevada. Is on the downside, in your opinion . I think he is in trouble. South carolina was pivotal for him because it was the first test of his strategy which reallyl tough competition with donald trump. If cruz cant win in home state of texas where there is a ton of delegates up for grabs its unclear where he goes from there. Trump is popular in texas his message is he going to make America Great again. He doesnt care about Party Politics is getting people excited. On the front of the elites in the Republican Party, and you are in the washington, d. C. Area, heidi, they are crazed. Mitt romney came out and look, trump has got to put his tax returns out there, because there may be bombshells in there. Mr. Trump has not done that he says he will, but he hasnt done it thus far. And then will get a lot of endorsements for rubio. Rubio seems to be the establishment pick right now. Would you agree with that . Yes, where the donors are going, certainly. And if you look at who is able to assemble the broadest coalition, who can appeal in states both in the south as well as the northeast, who can start to, you know, meet that viability threshold in some of these states and even survive until we get to the point of florida where i think might be the tell tell sign for whether rubio is going to be able to mount any kind of credible challenge if he takes florida. If trump takes florida, i really think its all over at that point. I would agree with that. Okay. And florida is the 15th of march, after a super tuesday. Ladies, thanks very much. We appreciate it next on the rundown, both donald trump and ted cruz believe they can deport illegal aliens who are already settled here in the u. S. A. Were going to take a hard look at the law on that. And later miller on the big apple terrorism im sorry on the apple terrorism controversy. And girl scouts selling cookies to stoners up ahead. p your path to retirement may not always be clear. p but at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Impact segment tonight. Both donald trump and now ted cruz have told us here on the factor they believe as president if they were elected they would be able to round up and deport most of the estimated 12 million illegal aliens currently living in the u. S. A. Not border people. Not people coming across the border. You can send them right back. The question does the constitution allow a roundup like that . Joining us now from berkeley, california, john u who teaches at the universitydbg of California Law school and here in new york city professor of Immigration Law practice at cornell. So, both cruz and trump on on the record saying they believe they can round up illegal aliens who have residence, all right . Can they . They can. As long as they comply with the constitution. The due process clause of the constitution says that you cannot deprive someone of their life, liberty, or property interests without due process of law. That says that applies to all persons in the united states. Not just u. S. Citizens. So what would happen then if President Trump tells his ice officials to go and seek out and go in to peoples homes, take them out, and put them into custody . They can take them into custody. But they cant deport them on the very next day without any kind of hearing before an immigration judge. Procedural due process requires at least three fundamental things. Some kind of hearing before a neutral judge, and an opportunity of notice. Can you gather evidence as to why you should stay in the united states. For example, about 1 of people who are in deportation pro a eajjtj are actually u. S. Citizens. Other people like refugees have a constitutional and an international right to certain protections. So we have sorlt of figure out for each individual what. So there would have to be hearings and i would assume bail. Then if they were taken into custody they would have to be given bail, a chance to get out. Actually not. Its not a criminal proceeding. They could be detained while they are waiting. You could put them in the chrome Detention Center in miami where you could detain them. You could detain them. Do you see it that way professor . I agree. I think the constitutional text says the due process clause applies to all persons in our territory not just citizens. The Supreme Court has said every times that in order to deport someone, an illegal alien has a right to prove its not him, that he doesnt qualify. For example, you were asking mr. Trump a few days ago what if bill omalley had been detained but he is really an american system and mistake. Due process clause requires there be a chance3a has a chance to plain the government has made an error. I dont see how trump and cruz would be able to union unilaterally grab people and throw them out of the country without going through the courts. You both are saying as President Trump and or cruz trump or cruz could order ice, thats the agency that would be involved, to hunt down people that arent them, they could knock on their door. They can say you have to come with us. You can take them to a Detention Center where they would sit until the judge would hear their case. If they were in the country illegally, then they could deport them. Is that true . Yes. Thats the way the system i mean, we dont have, you know, jack booted thugs running around the country breaking into peoples doors. Frightening scenario for people established and have children that they get a knock on the door and then they would be taken to a Detention Center. While they cant kick them out, they can certainly take them out of their daytoday lives, right . And they do that right now. It happens every day. Trump or cruz may do it in a larger way than under the current administration. Currently ice does go door to door and knocks on their doors and hauls people n to detention because they think are deportable because they enteredon illegally. Is that a targeted thing for criminals who are disruptive . Its targeted of thing because the administration doesnt have the resources. No has the resources to do it it for 12 or 11 million. Would the Detention Centers they have to build new ones . There would be a backlog in cases for years and all of that . K÷mj4 p c right now we have about 2255 immigration judges. It current cannily takes over 500 days for someone who is detain to do get before immigration judge. Now . Because they are already so backlogged. A year and a half . A year and a half. If we went to this mass detention and round up of illegal aliens, the backlogs would be even greater. We would have to have a lot more immigration judgessenned a ice agents to find these people. Some americans say look, if thats what it takes, thats what it takes. I believe professor that the courts would get involved then. There would be all kinds of lawsuits to block this on whatever actions. Those would have to be heard probably going up to the Supreme Court, right . Sure, the Supreme Court has decided several previous efforts to increase or ratchet up detention and deportation. I dont think its a good answer because i think on the one hand, you know, make it clear in this book thats u just out enemies nemesis because president obama underreporting and refusing to use the full resources of his department to enforce deportation. But its not answer on the other hand to say we are going to kick everybody out and send people into everybodys homes. Either way you will get Supreme Court cases and Supreme Court challenges on both sides at both extremes. What do you say to the American People who say, you know what . These people shouldnt be here. They broke the law, and now they are being rewarded. They are taking jobs away from us and we dont like it. How do you answer that . Well, i think the president , crz, trump, clinton, sanders, they have to use the full resources that congress provides too, to, you know, try to get the most dangerous ones out first, criminals. People who have been here who might be violent. There is a whole bunch of characteristics set out by statute. If the American People want more people deported then their representatives in congress have to provide more money and more agents to isis. You said they are the only agency that can do it and they are busting at the scenes with all the people they have. I think president obama was . n deporting about 425,000 a year. Its now down to like 280. You could bring it up to 4 lurks and some thousand a year. Thats not close to 12 million people. It would take forever. Gentlemen, thanks very much. We appreciate it it directly ahead had, Hillary Clinton way out in front in urk so. What does Bernie Sanders think about that . He had henry will tell us. Very provocative question. Do do some republicans seem to despise their own party . To despise their own party . Moments away. To despise their own party . Moments away. And my results ended up being african, european and asian. 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There are a bunch of states here down south georgia, arkansas, places like alabama where Hillary Clinton should roll with the africanamerican vote. Where sanders has an opening as he also has vermont, mass mis, minnesota, states like that on super tuesday a lot of people miss that its not just in the south on super tuesday. But sanders has to come up with some victories. Otherwise, finishing a close second is just simply not going to cut it for him anymore. All right. So the sanders, you would assume that he will be campaigning in the northern states. Is there any Southern State that he is close in the local polling . Anything that you know of . Yeah, on those super tuesday states, yes, is he close. Places like massachusetts, minnesota. He is very hopeful about colorado, for example. Another super tuesday state. And a swing state in the general election. If he can beat clinton there, it would show and prove the point he has been trying to make that he can have really strong turnout from the left in a general election to beat republicans there are a lot of democrats skeptical of that that a socialist can actually win a general election. Two, he simplyis problems. Did not get that kind of strong turnout in nevada, for example, last weekend. He didnt get the students out. He just simply. But it was pretty close though. He didnt get the organizational structure. Wasnt it pretty close there . It was like three points. Five points. Look, the advantage he has is that unlike the republicans, democrats have proportional delegates. So, its not winner take all. So Hillary Clinton can keep winning. Doesnt mean she gets all the delegates. He keeps collecting delegates. He can be a nuisance. But the point is if you are not winning these states you are not going to. take command. It might take longer than Hillary Clinton wanted but she can still grind it out. She has a big edge with super delegates, party bosses who have their own votes. She has a big advantage there. Super delegates i want to explain to everybody they are folkst who it doesnt matter votes in the state. Super delegate in alabama, and alabama goesi] for hillary you could still vote for Bernie Sanders if you wanted to. There are more on the democratic side. You know i said this that Bernie Sanders has no shot to win this nomination unless Hillary Clinton is indicted for the email fracas and im going to stand by that. Right. I dont even think that Bernie Sanders can go beyond march 15th unless he racks up, i would say, at least four wins out of the 10 next tuesday on super tuesday. He has to win four out of the 10. If he wins four out of the 10, then he has a chance to go into the 15th. But, you know then he would have some juice. Yeah. Then he would have some juice to keep going. Does he have enough money to buy tv ads and stuff . Is he still getting those donations . Well, he has money to keep going for a longl time beyond the 15th. He is not a threat to win if he doesnt win the four or five states. The other thing to watch is just in the 24 hours you had a federal judge saying that he is going to let this suit against Hillary Clinton go forward so that she and yuma abedin can be subpoenaed. The personal emails they did not turn over. Now, thats important, because it could have information about the Clinton Foundation or other behind the scenes information they didnt want to turn over. If, in fact, this goes forward and there are subpoenas come the summer, the fall, if she is the democratic nominee, she may still be dealing with this suit. Its not something she she want to do get that over with in the primaries. In the general election, but by that time bernie, going to be back eating ben and jerrys in vermont. That doesnt have anything to do with bernie. He has to do or die in the next three weeks. Its as simple as that i would be stunned if he goes beyond march 15th. If hen is back at a ben and jerrys. That means you are staying in new york and not going to ireland. I love ireland. I will probably visit it this summer. But i dont think im going to have to take up residence there. He had henry, everybody. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Dennis miller on the apple terrorism controversy as well. As a girl scout selling cookies to stoned people. Wait until you hear this. Then a Louisiana Police captain threatens some thugs in his jurisdiction. I will meet you on solid ground any time anywhere. Light or heavy. Makes no difference to me. You wont walk away. Why hope you stay tuned to those reports. Landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. Luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. They were able to get the roof repaired like new. 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First and foremost, im a conservative. And as a conservative, the down time and again. Its not just conservatives who feel betrayed. Give me an example of how its let you down. I will give you specifics, okay . People who vote republican have certain nonnegotiable things that they want their candidates in their party to stand for and fight for. Responsibility, lower taxes, strock national defense, individual freedom. And it shows itself in different policies. We want our candidates and our leaders to fight to protect the constitution and to fight with the same passion, commitment, and vigor that the left always uses to smash those things. Particularly the republican establishment, there are some exceptions like senator ted cruz has been fighting the good fight. But, on i like obamacare, obamas gutting of the military, i his war on coal,o regulations, outofcontrol government spending, running up the debt, time and again, and its not just during the obama years but for decades now the Republican Party has caved time and again to the point where theyre considered democrat light. You are a registered independent. Do you see the Republican Party being as wimpy as miss monica . I dont see it that way. But i see that perception. Its interesting perception would say that they have been the party of obstruction. Thats their argue i see monicas point certainly when you look at not being able to limit planned parenthood spending or many on the right how is this iran deal going through . At the they will like taps the rules in congress are so arcane. President reagan said if i can get 70 of what i want im happy. Conservatives like you want 100 percent of what you want. No, thats not what im saying. Rules are so arcane. Fight. When you have the democrat president you cant always get what you want. When you say fight, i dont know is that a pr thing . Look, we try to get kates law passed, okay . And i think the the majority of americans believe if you are aggravated convicted foreign felon, all right . That should be a fiver if they grab you for anything. You are in federal prison. Harry reid is an evil man in my opinion blocked it on the senate floor. They couldnt stop reid from blocking it. Right. I was the first one on this program to predict, bill, when you put out. What would republicans do. Stopped it for ideological reasons. He did. What could republican does to stop that . There are certain things legislatively, even if you are just putting up a moral fight to do that. You want a more visible p. R. For example, ebonys point defund planned parenthood. How difficult is that. Obama would veto that he would veto that. No. They control the purse strings. Funding. Spending bills they want. They can do it on itemized basis. They could have stripped out the implementation funding for the iran deal. They didnt do that either. What you are saying is that the perception among many, many republicans ebony, is that the Republican Party doesnt bomb throwers to get this out in front of the public and whip the public emotion up. Te the political willing. The fight. Certainly mitch mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader did not get behind scalts law. He wouldnt even talk to me on the telephone. He also was someone that someone like ted cruz really faulted for not being effective in the funding of planned parenthood. He got in the way. So its the leadership of the party that doesnt go out and try to sell why these things are necessary to convince public opinion. To your point, bill. Governing is one thing. Making a demonstration of adversary, and this another thing, how effective is it when vu a democratic president who knows. Least putting up a fight and making our corner stone legislation visible i think. The Republican Party really isnt against what your advocating, most republicans in congress and in senate would vote for that. Think are not verbal enough. This is what he had run on this. Is what they tell voters they are going to do and then they go to washington and then they cave. There never would have been a tea party. Never would have been a need to the tea party if the Republican Party would have stuck to core principles. Rising trump. Better or worse, going to blow up. He is not going to go along to get along. Some people like what he stated. Thats what it is. When we come right back, miller on the apple terrorism controversy. Then, tough louisiana law man threatens the bad guys. Were coming right back. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Thanks for staying with us, im bill oreilly in the miller time segment tonight. The d man has been clolsly following the apple terrorism controversy. He joins us from california. San bernardino is not that far away from you from the south. When you heard that tim cook, the ceo of apple says you know what . Were not going to help the fbi open this terrorist phone because it sets a bad precedent about privacy. What did you think . I think i got a fix here, billy. I think they ought to give the San Bernardino terrorist phone to Hillary Clinton for a few days and then trump can call putin and get the data from him. So somebody would hack into hillarys phone when people want it to be loose its loose. When people want it to be fight, it the its fight. Im not surprised folks cant hack. Have you ever looked at cspan . Im surprise they had can work a phone rather than hack into it it all these privacy issues people are whining about. Every time im going to a mall or sitting in an airport. I have some moron chick next to me screaming in the top of her lungs cell phone. He told me loved me. He then tell me was impotent. Too much information. Here is where i come counsel on this. If we can stop Something Like paris or San Bernardino happening again, by one either wausharaing some water boarding some monster or two pulling together and breaking into some of their phones, if we can do that and stop another paris, im all for it i guess that makes me a monster. No, it doesnt. Most measures agree with you. 38 are siding with cook. The rest agree with you and me that, you know, on ak specific case like, this its got to be specific, all right, you have got to help because we have got to know who these people were talking to to prevent other killings. You know what they say, billy. Too many cooks spoil the stew. I think we are overthinking. This of course we should alleth. Maybe mr. Cook will come on and explain himself on the factor. The odds of that are a million to one. In california where you live the odds of donald trump or any republican carrying the state are nil. It really doesnt matter. Does anybody even Pay Attention in california to the president ial race . You have 55 electoral votes, far and away the most in the country. Obama beat romney 60 to 38 last time. As i said, Charlie Sheen could run on the democratic ticket out there and he would win. You guys arent even in the game anymore, right . Well, the state doesnt let me down, bill, because, you know, we have been on the road enough. The whole country let me down when they didnt put romney in. He was a good fix. I know they have painted him as a monster. When i saw the president carrying the binder the other day to pick a Supreme Court so he didnt have to go to scalias funeral. I was thinking i remember when romney said i have binders. Something they laid into him like he is the worse guy. Here is obama, you know, is he proud that he has got the binder. Its all crap. I gave up after romney. Romney, to town ireland, the titanic stopped offshore in france. I think that was mccain and then they one last stop in queens town, iowa. That was romney. We pulled out without romney. Its not like california disappoints me. I think the country is shaky right now. State. A lock for the democrats, new york state here, the third biggest state, its pretty difficult situation. Portland, oregon, an interesting town. I worked there. There was a girl scout. Show her had picture. Selling cookies outside of foster buds Marijuana Dispensary in portland, oregon. This girl is a genius. They go in there and they get stoned and come out and want cookies, right, miller . Ifield make her of the secretary of the treasury tomorrow in a shot. Right after she get her horticulture badge i would make her secretary of÷ the treasury. This is what the country has come down to now. Listen, medical marijuana, all for it if somebody is in pain or needs it for malady. Lets face fact, a lot a lot of these things are scams. Guys coming out of these places. They are completely loaded. You remember of the old axiom thin mints make fat slobs. This girl is out there with the table selling is them left and right. Shed is absolute genius. When ourl7t highest aspiration now is to aspire to get the highest. Girl scouts have to know about all this drug stuff as well. Miller, thank you. If you would like to see miller and me live on stageth who wants to be president tour rolls into microsoft theater. Fairfax, virginia, may 7th. Also mow heek dan show. Im thinking about adding fathers day mat at this point nay. I will let you know short live. Martha moments away. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Back of the book segment tonight, did you see that . In louisiana, captain clay higgins from the saint Landry Sheriffs Office has released a video. The gremlin street gang is responsible for hundreds of violent crimes. We have arrested ten of these thugs and have warrants on seven more. Every one of these animals is most definitely armed and dangerous. You will be hunted. You will be trapped. And if you raise your weapon to it a man like me, we will return fire with superior fire. I will meet you on solid ground any time, anywhere, light or heavy. Makes no difference to me. You wont walk away. Wow. Here now to tell us more, fox news anchor martha maccallum. This has gotten millions of hits on the internet . Its gotten millions of hits on the internet. Its gotten him result. They have gotten many leads to get these people to find out where they are and to bring them in. These people have been robbing people in this community. They are accused of murder, heinous crimes across the board. Its like the old west. He has basically posted pictures of thieves guys around town. He is naming them. He said we are coming after you and there are s. No safe haven for you. Warrants out for their arrest and thats he has Legal Authority to do that i would assume the aclu and ot arrests. Thats why he has the Legal Authority to do that. The aclu has spoken out, saying essentially he wants to kill these people before theyre taken into the justice system. Thats not what he said at all. He said if you raise a gun to me or any of us, youre going to have to deal with the consequences of that. Hes essentially using the long arm of the law in a way, but hes not doing anything illegal and getting results. Hes also making it unappealing for young men to join this gang. Hes saying these guys dont rule this town, the men standing behind him rule this town and many africanamerican members are standing strong with the law enforcement. Hes saying it doesnt matter their call the gremlin gang, theyve been terrorizing this town, so hes doing something about it. I like it. I think proactive law enforcement, particularly when theres warrants out for people, and theyre obviously fugitives from the warrants, this is a way to get attention. Now, the sanctuary city policies are obviously causing a lot of americans angst, and donald trump, ted cruz and others have made this a big political stay. Now the attorney general, loretta lynch, has to explain the Justice Departments policies on sanctuary cities in front of a congressional panel. Roll the tape. We feel that a way to deal with this issue immediately is to make sure that individuals who are being released from the bureau of prisons, rather than being released into state custody would go directly into immigration custody and be dealt with for deportation there. I dont know what that means. Its obviously something that youve been very involved in and something that John Culberson has been involved in. Shes essentially saying were going to allow i. C. E. To be between these communities. Were also going to audit these sanctuary cities and see if they are not carrying out the federal laws and looking to cutting federal funding if they are. This culberson has put a lot of pressure on her. Congressman culberson from texas, essentially saying when he took this job, he read the law and he basically had the right to do what he calls stepping on the fire hose for different agencies. He said we can stop the funds moving about within the Justice Department because we have the power of the purse as congress. He is saying to loretta lynch, if you dont enforce the law, alert i. C. E. Before they release somebody from their local prison, then you, the Justice Department, were going to squeeze your budget. So that forces the attorney general to do this. And you though what . He got her attention. Ill say. It worked with atf. There was a ban that they removed because they said were going to take away your money and your right to move money around within your agency and they buckled. A ban on what . It was a weapons ban, through the atf, but it was a similar simuation where they stepped in and there was public outcry and he was able to remove this ban. Telling the various departments that if they dont obey the law, theyre not going to get their money. Factor tip of the day, Ronald Reagan disported in a major newspaper today. The tip, moments away. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Factor tip of the day, distortion of Ronald Reagan in a moment. But first, the mail. Maybe youre not seeing reality. Most politicians will try to dodge tough questions and fall back. Would that serve you . No, it would not. Never said that, patrick. Never. You owe me an apology. You are correct, cathy, there is a difference. Because i think she might, rich. But she did come on once before, so were hopeful. [ laughter ] thank you for the correction. I recently met eric burton, lead singer of the animals. He can still bring it. Im glad you liked it, ron. That leads us to the tip of the day. As you may know, almost all the republican candidates are mentioning that, many elected, they will emulate president reagan. But an oped says mr. Reagan was a liberal guy, a tax raiser. The oped is misleading. Yes, president reagan made a mistake granting illegal aliens amnesty in 1986, because that led to more illegal immigration. But basically he cut the income tax to stimulate the economy. That plan worked and america became very prosperous in president reagans second term. The point is this, if you want to know about Ronald Reagan, you have to study the man. Thats why i rote killing reagan, so you would know the former president top to bottom, because hes still a Major Political figure in this country and will factor into this years election. Tip of the day, knowledge is power in every american story. And that is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor website and spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. Name a town if you wish to opine. Word of the day, do not be fractious when writing to the factor. Tomorrow, a big political day, another big debate and, you know, coming down to crunchtime. We appreciate you guys watching the factor. Again, tonight, we appreciate you being here. Ms. Megyn is next. I am bill oreilly. Please remember, the spin stops here because were definitely looking out for you. Good evening and welcome to a special edition of the kelly file. Facetoface with the candidates. Im megyn kelly. We are coming to you tonight from houston, texas. [ applause ] very nice. You can feel the enth. Less than a week from now, voters will take part in the biggest prize so far of this primary season, super tuesday thats when 12 states will hold primaries and caucuses. Up for grabs,

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