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About it. A factor investigation. You are about to enter the nospin zone. The factor begins right now. I am bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. President obamas parallel universe. Thats the subject of this evenings talking points memo. Economy and the Terror Threat posed by islamic killers. President obama apparently believes Global Warming and increased gun checks are the most vital issues. Kind of hard to fathom but hes investing a huge amount of energy in climate and guns. Meantime workers cant make enough money to prosper and Terror Threat is off the charts. Last night the president held a town hall meeting about guns. He was told guns hailed background checks and more rules are not going to solve the problem. What would it have solved . None of the recent Mass Shootings none of the guns were purchased from an unlicensed dealer. Correct. Thats what im speaking to the executive action you mentioned. Nobodys saying we need to be going soft on criminals. What we do have to make sure is that we dont make it so easy for them to have access to deadly weapons. Talking points stated earlier this week criminals and terrorists are not going to buy guns from dealers who do background checks. Of course the president knows that but will not acknowledge it. On the climate front, okay fine lets all try to get the environment cleaner. But this is not a top five issue and the president shouldnt be spending most of his time trying to find ways to stimulate the economy. Instead the feds continue to strangle the free marketplace with high taxes, complicated regulations and mandated obamacare rules. Although Many Americans do live in a world of their own, its dangerous when the leader of the free world does. On tuesday we can expect the president to deliver an upbeat state of the union address. He always does. Even though terrorism and the Economic Situation are not being addressed in effective ways. Its hard to believe that mr. Obama thinks crazy people criminals and terrorists are going to stop murdering because the fbis conducting more background checks. While those checks are noded, theres nothing wrong with trying to keep bad people away from guns. Nothing wrong with that. The executive actions not a panacea, cure for sick violence. There is no cure. So lets acknowledge that and get to work really protecting americans from criminals and terrorists. Not giving the bad guys false hope. On the economy, come on mr. President , programs arent working. Everybody knows it. Try Something Else. And thats a memo. Now for the top story tonight, reaction with us here in new york city eric bolling. What say you, geraldo . I think that thank goodness youre in favor of background checks for gun purchasers. 80 of americans according to the polls, 80 , have no problem with background checks. So why all this fuss then about the president bringing it up . Because the fuss is that the president is not putting the emphasis on the right place. For example, as i said earlier, if you make gun crimes federal crimes with mandated tenyear prison sentences, you really can cut into bad guys i like that idea. 400 million guns in the United States of america you know what you cant do anything about that because thats the Second Amendment. Thats what happened here because of the westward expansion. Well i dont want to make your hair stand on end. I think the Second Amendment as construed by the federal courts in recent decades as stupid and the nra is full of baa loanny. It doesnt matter what you think because thats the reality and thats what we want to deal with here. Geraldo, doesnt matter what you think. I also agree with your talking points bill. President obama is working on two legacies. Its the Climate Change issue and the gun issue because he has to look away because the real legacy that he should be worried about, the economy, isnt working for him. 292,000 jobs last month. Sure sure you want to talk about hold it. Hold it. The bottom line is this. Hold it. 40 years. Were in year eight. And Median Income is still not rising enough to give American Workers, doesnt matter how many jobs its how well they pay. I dont want to get into that. Thats something for you guys to do on the business end. But you cant deny that president obama going into the climate precincts, again im sympathetic with that. I am an environmentalist. I want a cleaner planet. And allowing whats going on with isis and allowing whats going on at the southern border i agree with you about isis. But ask your children ask your teenagers about Climate Change. My 10yearold came to me and said dad, should i be afraid when all that Climate Change talk was happening. And i said shes never come to any other issue because they scare the hell out of the kids. But isnt it a legitimate concern . Its legitimate but it isnt an urgent concern because theres nothing the United States can do if china and india continue to pollute the way theyre polluting. We can try. And he should. But hes making this a central part of the presidency. The essence of your presentation to me sounded like timing is everything in life. In paris he shouldnt have talked Climate Change the way he did because people were concerned about the 132 people whod just been slaughtered. Thats right. So thats about timing. But that doesnt diminish in the big picture Climate Change or in a practical sense its a matter of priorities. The millennial voters. Youre going to politic it then you lose me. First priority for me getting American Workers in a position where their salaries can go up by getting good jobs and letting the free marketplace run. All right. He failed. Obama has failed with this income redistribution, go ahead. Two thigpenngs. Home grown terroristsalone we have a terror cell discovered in california and in texas. Your daughter or your son, your 10yearold is concerned about climate over being blown up by a fellow student at one of her high schools or im so glad you said home grown, eric. Because these are americans that we are fearful of rather than make immigrants a president that cant even call it a Terror Threat. He cant even call it islamic terror. I got to warn you, geraldo, three segments down youre going to hear a horrifying story in germany with the immigrants. A million in without knowing who they were. It has to be regulated. Who is proposing that . I am not. Well the open border crew which is most of the Democratic Party in the southern part of the United States have been proposing it for 30 years. One thing in here. The biggest most egregious thing is not that president obama wants to secure his legacy Going Forward, because when hes not president obama, when hes former president obama, hell be taking a lot of money from the climate people and the antigun lobbyists lobbyists, thats fine. The most alarming thing is the media is complacent in this. The things youre going to point oult later in the show the rapes going on in refugee areas like germany. They want to do that here and the media says you know what lets talk about president obama there was a town hall last night. I was deny that president obamas tears were legitimate when he cried he legitimately cried. He had emotion. But he didnt have emotion for san bernardino. He doesnt have emotion with kids are blowing themselves up when theyre shooting each other in chicago. I got it. You me . He cries. He cries. And i said that night that that was legitimate. He feels terrible for these children who are being slaughtered in chicago because he mentioned chicago right before the tears flowed. Youre sitting there and youre telling me bill oreilly couldnt stop that murder in chicago . Yes, i could. Id put National Guard on in those neighborhoods and those gangs would not peep. Okay. Thats what i would do. Hes known about this for seven years. Its his neighborhood. What step has he taken to stop that murder in chicago . Ill tell you what step nothing. Nothing. And neither has rahm emanuel. So yes, his tears were sincere. But his actions have not stopped one single crime in chicago. Murder is at record lows as you know across the country. Were talking chicago. Gun advocates when you talk chicago i agree much more has to be done. I am not in favor of gangs nor in favor of murder in chicago. So you put up the strawman in that regard. Not the straw man. The president is not the chief policeman of city of chicago. The National Guard is irrelevant. No its not. It would stop it cold. Why not have stop and frisk in chicago . I want to stop the murder of 9yearolds and i know how to do it. And so do i. The guard would do it. And he hasnt done anything. But allowing people who are mentally ill from getting guns is not all right. Last word. Heres the last word. 377 days whatever president obama gets with his executive action and executive order sign it off, it can be undone on january undo the background check. Theres nothing new. Theres nothing new. There are background checks. We got to register our cars we should have to register guns. Amen. Thank you for that. But its not going to stop the problem. I want to stop the problem. Gentlemen, thank you. Next on the rundown, some hard core democrats very worried about bill clinton being on the campaign trail. Kirsten powers has some thoughts. Then outrageous situation as we mentioned in germany. Authorities trying to coverup massive Sexual Assaults allegedly by some muslim men. 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Tonight the uber liberal newspaper very worried about bill Clinton Campaigning for hillary. The times putting forth that anything bill clinton may have done in the past is not relevant today. Joining us from washington Kirsten Powers who wrote a column in usa today about the bill clinton and hillary issue. Give us the headline of your column kirsten. Well i would say its in direct opposition to what New York Times is saying. I think it does matter. I think it matters because hillary has essentially put it out there that it matters. Shes tweeted out what matters . First what matters . What matters is bill clintons history in relation to women and in particular the women whove accused him of either Sexual Harassment or either Sexual Assault. I think the point of the column was times have changed. We are not living in 1992 anymore when you had and throughout the 90s we had various Senior Clinton Administration officials, Clinton Campaign officials dismissing these women as basically trailer trash or, you know stalkers and so on. And people tolerated it. But James Carville led the league in doing that in demeaning those women. And Hillary Clinton also was participating in trying to minimize the damage. I think that would be a fair way to assess it. Yeah. But whats the relevance now of all of this on the campaign trail in 2016 . Well the relevance is partly as you know donald trump is ejected into the campaign to a certain extent. So that has raised the question is this fair game. And the answer to that is yes, it is fair game. And hillary has made it fair game by putting out a tweet saying Sexual Assault victims should be believed. This is something that is now basically the point of view in the feminist movement and on the left which is a woman makes an accusation of Sexual Assault that we should always assume theyre telling the truth. And to disbelieve them even if theyre wrong would be a travesty. And thats what she was pandering to essentially was that point of view. Okay. So youre saying that youre disagreeing with the New York Times editorial. Youre saying that its relevant because mrs. Clinton raised it as a campaign issue. Right. However, if thats true and, look youre not going to stop trump from doing what he wants to do. He put an ad out on the internet yesterday including all this stuff. Theres danger for mrs. Clinton there because, you know its going to be ten months if donald trump is the nominee of just slamming bill and Hillary Clinton in a very personal way. So theres danger for her, is there not . There is danger. I dont think its probably enough to stop her. I mean its certainly not enough to stop her from getting the nomination. But, look you have an nbc News Reporter stopping bill clinton on the campaign trail and asking him about this. This is not just some you know right wing sort of you know thing where only people on the right are concerned about it. You have a very mainstream reporter asking the former president of the United States about this. So im agreeing with almost all of what youre saying. Oh my gosh. A new year yeah. If youre Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager or mrs. Clinton yourself how do you handle it . Theres you know theres nothing they can do. They believe bill clinton is necessary to help her get elected. I think she could get elected on her own, frankly. But theyre going to continue to have him out there. And also because i think they think theyre disconnected from the cultural shift that has happened. They would have sent out that tweet if they realized what they were saying. They didnt even stop to think for one second that hes been accused of rape. And yet and shes saying that they should all be believed. The thing thats really important for people to understand is that the feminist point of view today is you believe them even if theyve been discredited. So hillary cant come back and say, well only credible rape threats. No thats not the feminist point of view. You dont buy that you should believe them even if theyve been discredited, do you . No i dont. Okay. Im looking out for you, you know that. Sure. But i also dont think that Juanita Broaddrick has been discredited. I dont think its really been litigated. Okay. Kirsten powers. Directly ahead, dr. Ben carson will be here. His poll numbers are slipping. Can he turn it around . And outrage in germany. Hundreds of muslim men on new years eve allegedly assaulting german women. And authorities may be covering it up. Moments away. There it is. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . man the twentysixteen subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. Constipated . Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief personal story segment tonight, dr. Ben carson last fall he was competing well in the republican president ial sweepstakes, but lately his numbers have fallen. Question tonight can the doctor turn it around. He joins us from charlotte, north carolina. First of all, what do you think set you back in the court of Public Opinion . Well i think there have been a lot of things. You know my integrity, my truthfulness all these things were attacked. And of course when all of those things were found to be true that i had said nobody came back and said oh we found this and we found that. That coupled with the terror attacks and that very false narrative that someone whos nice and soft spoken cant be the commander in chief doesnt know anything about Foreign Policy. I have been challenging that. Ive been out talking. Ive been explaining to people the depth i have with Foreign Policy. And also we needed a shakeup in our campaign. Things were not getting done. Things that are important. And when youre doing a campaign you have to be proactive and you have to be energetic. Okay. I think it was more the Foreign Policy than the spurious attacks, spurious . Secure yous attacks on you because fair minded people know youre a good guy. But i think the Foreign Policy after paris was a big issue. And people are looking for an avenger, certainly an avenger to go take care of these isis thugs. And, you know other people who would hurt americans. You dont come across as an avenger. Youre too cerebral. Youre too intellectual for that. Where some of your competition, trump, christie in particular do come across as avengers. Without comparing myself to anyone i will tell you that Abraham Lincoln was pretty cerebral. Yes, he was. Calm. And nobody really thought that you know he was sort of a and yet look what he did. Really i mean our early politicians you bring up a fascinating point. Their personalities if people knew a lot of them never would have been elected. But they didnt know. Thats true. And now they do know everything you guys do is in a, you know everybody sees it. So Going Forward but let me just can i just say absolutely. Go ahead. I think when people actually have an opportunity to challenge me and listen to what i have to say in terms of Foreign Policy and in terms of proposals for taking care of our people they will see that this is not superficial. This is not a 60 second sound bite you can use in the debate. All right. Latest polling in New Hampshire not great for you. Iowa im not sure it looks like cruz is going to take that. Anything can happen. Do you have a strategy for the long run . Like someone mark rubio is a long run strategy jeb bush is one, or are you dependent on the early votes . Well i am going to be very interested in what happens in the first four states. You know im out there. You know ive been out in iowa for the last couple of days. Every single crowd was standing room only. Or we had to do a double duty because theres so many people waiting out in the ring. There is a dynamic that is changing. And my challenge at this point is to make sure i get in front of as many people as possible so that they can actually see who i am and hear what my solutions are because there is nothing in this country that cannot be solved with common sense if we get politics and egoout of the way. Okay. Big debate next week on the fox business network. Again, you know because you are a calm man and cerebral youre up against some flame throwers on the stage. Are you going to step it up and say a little bit more than youve said previously . And with a little more emotion . Yes. Well you know im much more energized right now because my whole campaign is much more energized. I have you know the right kind of support and backing right now. I think youre going to see a very energized person. You will not have a problem with that at all. All right. I never had a problem with you anyway. But we are living in a time when you know you got a donald trump, you got a Chris Christie youve got some of the other candidates that know they have to get attention. Its all about getting attention at the debate with so many people on the stage, doctor you know that. Im just wondering whether you have a strategy. Are you going to bring on something to throw at them . You know is there anything you can do . Let me tell you what my strategy is. My strategy is thomas jefferson. Thomas jefferson said that we would reach this stage in our country where people you know were not paying attention, were not vigilant. The government would sort of take over start to dominate. But that before we turn into Something Else the people would actually recognize what was going on. They would stop being manipulated. They would stand up and they would do the right thing. I believe that is in the process of happening right now. All right. I think right now what a lot of people are looking at the shiny object in the room and saying oh gaga but i think when push comes to shove theyre going to start thinking seriously about the future for their children and grandchildren. All right. Doc, always a pleasure to have you on. Thank you very much. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Varney with his villains of the week. Next outrage growing around the world some muslim immigrants in germany attack women on new years eve. 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As we reported earlier this week on new years eve, hundreds of si mettic looking men allegedly molested german women in a number of cities. Cologne police say theyve received 120 criminal complaints of Sexual Assaults. Today, the police chief of cologne was forced to resign after charges he covered stuff up. Joining us on the phone from berlin allan hall correspondent for the london times. So what are the facts of the mideast slash muslim immigrants being involved in this mr. Hall . What do we know for sure . Women were assaulted on new years eve almost to a woman said that the appearance of the men who attacked them were stroke arabic, stroke north african african, stroke middle eastern. Today they had two arrests and on the phone one person arrested a 17yearold. He had footage on his mobile phone of the assaults. And he also had translations written on a piece of paper from arabic to german saying quotes i like your breasts. Quotes i will kill you. Very chilling messages. And it seems that this was organized perhaps not completely you know in a mob of 1,000 people but this has become an organized criminal thing that happened in various cities in germany on that night in hamburg. All right. Can you link it into islamic terrorism or fanaticism . Can you make that link . I wouldnt be able to do that im afraid. Okay. All right. So that link hasnt been established. Whats been established is mostly arabic men involved and of course we all know that you know in that world muslim islam is a dominant religion. I want to be clear, we havent got any link to isis or any Islamic Jihad or anything like that. Okay. No. But what we do have is the fact the German Police they really did try to coverup the fact sure the police chief fired today. Yeah. They tried to coverup the fact why would the cops try to cover it up . Because the social fabric of germany is very stretched at the moment. Theyve taken in over a million people. Angela merkel all happy clappy this is okay. We can do this. This is the singular theme of her. But, you know and we know hostiles are being burned people being attacked people in the street do not believe this. And of course the germans bearing in mind the weight of guilt they carry for world war ii wanted to show that we are one, that we are a nation of welcome. But the welcome is wearing thin when you have people and on the night its now emerged that several officers approached these men and they had no Identity Cards and no passports and the only form of identity they had was their registration cards from an Asylum Seeker. All right. So they were refugeeingss from syria and iraq taken in by the germans participating allegedly in these Sexual Assaults. Mr. Hall, we appreciate it as always and well continue on this story. I think its an enormous story. So lets bring in lieu tenant colonel ralph peters from washington been following it for us. This just isnt in cologne or hamburg or germany. These refugees flooded into europe millions of them are causing troubles in other countries as well. Isnt that true . It is indeed bill. It appears at least to me that all these new years eve events must have been coordinated in arabic language chat room website. You had not just in germany, in an utter shock to the fins you had it in austria where sound of music country where apparently the hills are alive with the sound of Sexual Assault. It happened in ham bourg, germany, in cologne where a number of assaults now over 170 alleged assaults. But the worst now emerged and tried to cover this up too, in a small city down in the swiss border in germany, two adolescent girls, 14 and 16 german girls, were raped by four syrians. In other words Asylum Seekers on new years eve. Beyond that have they been charged with those crimes colonel . They will be. Theres evidence. So four Syrian Refugees in a small german town on the swiss border will be according to you, charged with raping underage girls . It appears that way. I have not yet read okay. We want to be careful here you know. Of course we do. But the evidence sounds overwhelming. I do not know the formal charges have been lodged. But beyond that the governments house of cards is collapsing. Theyve also been playing down rapes, refugee on refugee rapes or Asylum Seeker on Asylum Seeker rapes on the hostiles and in the camps. How do we know that colonel . Well we know because the reports are coming out more and more. And i follow the german media every day, virtually every day, and the reports keep coming out and coming out. And the government kind of tries to play them down. Its not that the government is trying a total coverup, but theyre trying to say its okay. We can handle this. Its not that big a problem. But it is. Like the average american when it comes to our claims of islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam, in germany when they try to say these assaults have nothing to do with Asylum Seekers, it just doesnt play. And by the way, this is not about islamist terrorism. Youre right on that. Youre right to ask that question. What it is about is a true clash of civilization. And we must distinguish and the germans and europeans must between legitimate refugees and people who are hustlers. These young, uneducated muslim males of military age are not refugees. They are invaders culturally. All right. Colonel, we appreciate it. As always thank you. When we come right back varneys villains of the week. Also elvis, it is his birthday. Why should you care . Well tell you upcoming. I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Days after the paris attacks senators came together for a topsecret briefing on the terrorist threat. Marco rubio was missing fundraising in california instead. Two weeks later, terrorists struck again in san bernardino. And where was marco . Fundraising again in new orleans. Over the last 3 years, rubio has missed Important National security hearings and missed more total votes than any other senator. Politics first thats the rubio way. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Here at the Td Ameritrade trader group they work all the time. Sup jj, working hard . Working 24 7 on mobile trader rated 1 trading app on the app store. It lets you trade stocks options, futures. Even advanced orders. And it offers more charts than a lot of other competitors do on desktop. You work so late. I guess you dont see your family very much . I see them all the time. Did you finish your derivatives pricing model, honey . Td ameritrade. 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That society is now utterly divided along religious grounds. And these million muslims that came into germany can now move throughout the rest of western europe. No passports needed. I see it a little bit differently on merkel. I dont know if shes mother teresa. I kind of doubt it. I think she brought in a lot of these refugees because germany needs labor. Cheap labor. Thats true. The German Economy cannot sustain itself any longer because populations getting older, all right, so they need people to do the Service Industry jobs for not a lot of money. And thats partially what drove miss merkel. Yes. And the other side is the humanitarian factor. Give her that. I dont know how much of thate her. Im not sure about it. It was so poorly planned. Oh yeah. Let them in. Just like that. Come on in. They didnt know who was coming in. No. They didnt know what to do with them. Right. Complaints from all over germany and possible that the resentment is so great that Angela Merkel will no longer be the chancellor. I agree. I believe that is with this cologne business. Yes. Thats a lock. Yes. I dont think shell be reluctant. Villain number two. Planned parenthood. The whole thing . You want to pick on Cecille Richards lets do that. Okay. There she is. Congress want to defund planned parenthood for one year. Cecile richards says we dont want that. Were going to bring in Hillary Rodham clinton. Were going to support her. She has access to 20 million worth of planned parenthood funds. What does that mean . They have a pool of money to which this is not taxpayer money. That money is now available to hillary. In donations . In the form of donations . Planned parenthood is going to fund her campaign . Yes, to some degree. All right. My problem with this goes back to those tapes we saw last year. Sure. I thought that was absolutely inhuman when you saw a woman describing how to crush a fetus, to maximize the body parts. The harvesting of the organs. Crush terrible. But im not sure about the villain thing. Planned parenthood would support Hillary Clinton no matter what. But look bill i dont want a dime of my taxpayer money going to support no. Were trying to defund the planned parenthood. That will never happen because democrats in the senate will block it. I dont want a dime of my money going to any organization that does that kind of thing. Do you really feel ms. Richards in her belief system which is abortion on demand selling harvested body parts from dead babies fetuses, depending on your point of view do you think that that in itself is villainous . Yes. It is villainous to expect me to contribute to it and to force me to contribute to it through taxation. They say none of that money goes to abortions or harvesting of organs. When you saw that tape of the woman say heres how you crush the fetus its a thats absolutely inhuman. Out of bounds. Immediately the president should have signed an executive order immediately freezing any tax money in there. Thats what he should have done. In my opinion, yes. But of course its Politics Associated with planned parenthood. Its villainous. Stuart varney everyone. I dont know how you do the threehour business. I get a 90 second break. 90 seconds. No wonder youre so thin. On deck an assault. This story breaking today. On a Police Officer in philadelphia seems to be a muslim angle to the story. Right back with it. Fact. When emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. The medicine in advil is their 1 choice. Nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. 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The suspect in question 30yearold male. Confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of islam. Joining us from philadelphia bruce gordon reporter from wtfx the fox affiliate there. What do we know about this guy, this perpetrator . What do we know about him . Not a whole lot, bill. We know he is 30 years old. Has apparently two addresses. One in philadelphia, southwest part of the city. One in yaden, southwest philadelphia. We are told he has a criminal record but not extensive. A crime committed in philadelphia. Couple of minor offense nets Delaware County suburbs just outside philadelphia. Essentially this all went down around 11 40 last night. The officers driving alone in his squad car, which is Philadelphia Police policy along 60th street along spruce. Thats in west philadelphia. This man Edward Archer just firing to the vehicle, firing as he approached. Last of the shots point blank from his gun, virtually inside the squad car. Struck the officers just three times in the left arm and despite significant injuries and wounds to that left arm, the officer gets out of his vehicle, gives chase, returns fire several shots. In fact wings mr. Archer. And Police Ultimately catch him a few minutes later. He has confessed, we are told by Philadelphia Police to this shooting. The exact quote from the homicide detective captain, homicide unit captain, i follow allah and pledge allegiance to the islamic state. He has been savvy in talking to the authorities. Not going beyond that comment. Repeating that statement over and over. They dont know if he has been radicalized in some specific time and way. With contact with folks from isis or whether he is in fact part of the isis operation. All they know right now is he made the comments repeatedly. That he follows allah and is doing it in the name of the islamic state. There will be much more investigation here. But at the moment more questions than answers. There is that connection though by his own words. They will find out on his computer if it is a connection valid or if he is just making this up to get into the headlines. We had a case in new york city where a guy came up from baltimore. Radicalized guy. Shot dead two new york city Police Officers. So youre right, i mean they will figure it out and figure it out fast. Fairly shocking situation in philadelphia. Mr. Gordon we appreciate it. As always thanks for coming on. All right. Tip of the day, elvis, its his birthday. Why should you care . A lot of people you know baby boomers, elvis, you know everything about him. Millennials, these people, elvis . Theres a reason why americans should know about elvis presley. And we will tell but that reason in the tip. Which is moments away. When youve got a house full of guests on the way and a cold with sinus pressure you need fast relief. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. 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Crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Ask for the crestor 3 card. Ask your doctor about crestor. Tip of the day, Elvis Presleys birthday in a moment. But first, the mail. Goldberg was out of line talking about Trump Supporters. He should be ashamed of himself, calling them jewhaters and mexicanhaters. You totally destroyed bernies statements troy. He said most Trump Supporters are good people but a minority demonstrate hatred. He based that on mail he received and i can confirm that is true. I get mail from haters as well. A candidate cannot control votes for him. A candidate cannot control who votes for him, nor should he. I wanted to hear goldberg and you stepped on him to get your biassed view across. No wonder you are losing an audience audience. I have time to refute some of them. Thats what we do here. Wise up better were on our 20th season on the factor and the factors ratings are going up. Thats miraculous. Dont be a pin head. Dick larson san diego. Ed rollins says trump can win the presidency. Karl rove says he cannot. How would you bet, bill . Anything can happen in this race. Just got tickets to see you and miller in los angeles. Great birthday present. Glad you got them. The microsoft theater is 90 sold out in l. A. Big fathers day show on june 18th at mohegan sun in connecticut. Details on billoreilly. Com. Just became a premium member. Gratified to find out you have graciously put Charles Krauthammers book on the free read list. I have read the killing books. The nospin news. You get it just go on in check this out. Michael jones, riverside, california. Just finished killing reagan and its your best book oreilly. It puts president reagan in a very human light. Thank you. Thank you all. Finally, tip of the day. It is Elvis Presleys birthday. If he had lived, he would be 81 years old. But the king died at age 42 from heart problem. In my opinion, elvis, the best entertainer ever. Threw a party in the county jail should have had you knocked out jail bird sing that rocks everybody that rocks and the whole cell block was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock the reason im bringing up elviss birthday is because the man never should have died that young. He was simply overwhelmed by his fame. Did not take care of himself physically. And retreat need a world of narcotics. Same thing happened with Michael Jackson and a number of other big time pop stars. Truth is fame is very hard to handle. Plays tricks on your mind. People try to exploit you, hurt you in some cases. Elvis, from a very humble background in mississippi. He couldnt handle it. However, his entertainment legacy lives on and you millennials out there might not know much about elvis presley. But you should. Watch one of his concerts. Best entertainer ever. Tip of the day. And in honor of elvis, we have a quiz about him on bill oreilly billoreilly. Com billoreilly. Com. Thats it for us tonight. Check out the website. And spout out from anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. The word of the day, do not be perjurious. Dont be perjurious when writing for the factor. Monday watters will be hanging out with some very wealthy folks. Im bill oreilly. The spin stops here. Were definitely looking out for you. Moments ago we got our first look at chilling new video of the attack that took place in philadelphia late last night. The south proclaimed jihadist 30yearold Edward Archer emerges from the shadows in what appears to be muslim dress. He manages to fire off at least 11 shots by some reports, 13 at point blank range. Even getting his arm inside the officers car. But in what appears to be nothing short after miracle, the officer survives. And thats not all. Welcome to the kelly file, everyone. Im megyn kelly. Not only did 33yearold officer

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