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The one i was in. No kidding. Apg and ak47. That did not happen. Now nbc news anchor Brian Williams is embarrassed. How bad is the damage to his credibility . Well take a look at it tonight. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching out us tonight. Whatever happened to human rights . That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. One of the core liberal principles is that human beings have certain rights. Here in the u. S. A. We have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, we are seeing gross violations of human rights all over the world. But sadly america and the western democracies are looking the other way. All throughout the muslim world, atrocities are occurring every single day. In general, women have few rights children are routinely abused. If you are a nonbeliever in islam, you are beneath contempt in many places. Of course, isis is the post err group for human rights violations. Yet, how many people they behead, set on fire, slaughter in the streets the reaction from the civilized world is muted to say the least. Yesterday on capitol hill Ashton Carter who president obama has nominated as the new secretary of defense was asked this very simple question by senator john mccain. Do you believe that we need to have a strategy to combat isis and the continued successes in many respects that they are achieving . Absolutely. Do you believe we have a strategy at this time . I believe i understand our strategy at this time, mr. Chairman. What do you understanded strategy to be . And to i think the um uh, uh strategy connects ends, and means and our ends with respect to isil needs to be its lasting defeat. It doesnt sound like a strategy to me. Me either. Mr. Carter is a very smart man but he cannot invent a strategy to defeat isis and because the Obama Administration does not have one, he was embarrassed at that hearing as you saw. Tomorrow, National Security advisor susan rice will apparently set forth some kind of strategy to fight isis at the Brookings Institute in washington. We will lead with what she says tomorrow night. Now, last june 18th i warned about the chaos in iraq caused by isis and al qaeda. But nothing was done. Then later on in the summer, we saw beheadings of american citizens by isis. Reaction . Tepid to say the least. Finally, president obama ordered isis to be bombed, okay. Okay. Now he is asking congress for new authorization to use military force against those bar barbarians. He will get that. He doesnt need it. But is he going to congress, fine. But then the president has to become engaged in the process is, something he has been reluctant to do. Well, maybe this will shake them up. A new report from the United Nations says isis is systematically killing, torturing and raping children in iraq. The u. N. Security council has expressed deep outrage. More nothing. In addition Amnesty International has released a report saying that young girls ages 10 to 12, 10 to 12 in iraq are being tortured raped, and forced into marriages with isis savages. So again whatever happened to resume human rights . Why is the entire world standing by and watching this take place . N america liberals should be pounding on the white house gate. Yet they are largely silent. Today in the New York Times the lead editorial was not about the isis atrocities or them abusing children. No, it was about abu ghraib and how some americans should be held accountable for what happened there 12 years ago. The times wrote that editorial because they fear the backlash against islamic terrorism so they want to make sure that everybody remembers the u. S. A. Has committed atrocities too. There are also terror deniers on the right. We will discuss that with Laura Ingraham later on. In the end, thousands more people will die, will be tortured unless president obama takes the lead in galvanizing the world to fight islamic terrorism. So far the president will not even say those words. So talking points is not very hopeful. And thats the memo. Now for the top story tonight. Reaction. Joining us from washington cully stempson from the Heritage Foundation and from flights, a former cia analyst. Well begin with you mr. Flies, what do you expect susan rice to say tomorrow. Bill, good evening. Susan rice is the president s Foreign Policy architect. She is primarily responsible for the confusion we have seen with the president s lack of strategy on radical islam or going against isis. I think she is going to double down. She is going to say that this is actually a fight against violent extremism. She is not going to use the word jihad or radical islam. She is going to claim successes in iraq and syria. Successes that we know are not there. We know what the president said recently trivializing the fight against radical islam, trying to say that we shouldnt claim it is an existential threat. Im sort of wondering while we had the the president saying that susan rice saying that, what is that strategy supposed to be . Okay, mr. Stempson, i cited the u. N. Report and the Amnesty International report that say at this very moment children, 10 years old, okay, being raped, tortured and the world as they did in the 1930s looking away. Not doing anything about 40 othousand isis fires at the most. Are you telling me that the world cant defeat these people in a week . Are you telling me that mr. Stempson. Im never going to tell you that bill, because its not true. The world leads American Leadership period. Why . Why cant Angela Merkel lead or the british lead . Because were not going to get it from barack obama. He doesnt have it in him. He doesnt. Why does the king of jordan come to the United States . Why do World Leaders come here . They are looking for us because of our unique capacity to push out the rule of law to express the things that matter like freedom, capitalism and liberty. We have the greatest armed forces in the world. We can lead if the president is willing to jump in here and lead. He doesnt care you know its unfair for me to say he doesnt care, from fleitz, i dont know that, i cant read his mind. If you have report after report after report and you have videotape of guys getting set on fire and american citizens beheaded and there he is going well, we are going to eventually degrade them and we are going to really stop them. And, i mean im saying there is 40,000 of these scum. 40,000. There is 100,000 jordanian troops, all right . Turkey has got a half million. All right. We have Rapid Deployment forces can get there in hours. They sit there and they dont do anything. Am i overstating this . Is there something the matter with me . Well i agree with what you are saying bill. But the jordanians are not going to defeat isis. Why not . Why cant the jordanians backed with u. S. Air power and u. S. Intel, why cant they go in, its 300 miles from raqqa why cant they go in and defeat them why . Jordan does not have sufficient ground troops. We got 88,000. Jordan has its own Security Problems in the country. They cant move all the Security Forces by invading syria. They are not about to invade syria. They have their own jihadist problem. All right. So lets say thats true mr. Stimson cant president obama put together an International Force in a few weeks that could go into raqqa and get these people . Is that impossible . Its not impossible. Remember, last august president obama said we didnt have a strategy. September 10th he gave a speech laying out the Broad Strokes of a strategy. Its 150 days later, tomorrow when susan rice is going to lay out and put meat on the strategy. Its past time to lay out the strategy. Its time to assemble the coalition, define hot coalition is, and then resource the coalition. Could you guys believe thats what needs to happen. Ashton carter was at the Kennedy School when i was there at harvard. He is a smart guy. Could you believe you how he looked when mccain asked him that question whats the strategy . This is the new secretary of defense coming in and thats what he had . Im shocked. I am absolutely shocked at what is happening here in this fight alleged fight on terror. I am absolutely stunned. Gentlemen, thanks very much. We appreciate it next on the rundown, head henry becoming very annoyed with the white house. Ed will be here. Nbc anchorman Brian Williams in big trouble. A fair and balanced look at his problem in a few moments. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. 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All i know is the individuals we are discussing here are individuals who were convicted of terrorismrelated crimes they were individuals who were sentenced to death and these are individuals who had been serving time on death row. Joining us now from washington ed henry. You know, i dont know mr. Ernst may live in the Twilight Zone but nobody cares what his opinion is. Who cares what josh earnst thinks about the executions in jordan. We want to know what president obama thinks. Was that the right thing to do . Josh earnst i dont know the Justice System . Nobody cares what you think. Does the president think . Its pretty black and white. Is it a yes or no . Do you support the fact that there was retaliation. And number two i think more importantly moving forward, what we have been pressing josh earnst on do you support josh earnsts call for more weapons . Thats the real point of King Abdullah why he was here before this gruesome burning alive of the jordanian pilot. He was in washington saying look i want to lead this fight against isis but i have run out of weapons. Give me more nutrition. The Big Development today was you had nancy pelosi the House Democratic leader say she wants the white house to quote move quickly on getting the king more weapons. When you have nancy pelosi saying get off the dime you have got problems. But the Administration Still hasnt said whether they are going to get more weapons to jordan correct . They did say today they are going to give 400 million in more aid to jordan per year over the next few years. But as you are suggesting, thats long term. And thats great. Are you going to help them out or not . There is a crisis now, today. Right. We assume that the jordanians will get what they asked for. Susan rice you got any advance on that story what is is she going to say tomorrow. She is going to double down on this idea that Counter Terrorism cant be the central piece of our National Security strategy. Its something that Administration Officials laid out in 2010 the last time they put together a major National Security strategy. Its something that is supposed to be done annually. This white house has done it every five years saying look, we dont have to lay it out. We are going to do it every five years. The bottom line is the point of it is their strategy is look lets get off a war footing lets not just focus on Counter Terrorism and focus on a broader Foreign Policy. This week is a reminder Counter Terrorism is at the center of all of this. Dealing with islamic militants. So they may say its different, but this is the reality they are dealing with. I may be delusional, but i believe that the only reason rice is doing this going to brookings is because we have been putting relentless pressure on the Obama Administration you saw john mccain ask Ashton Carter about the strategy. John mccain was on this program earlier this week and i asked him. Dont tell me there is no linkage there. Every congressman in the country watches this program and knows we as a country have no strategy to stop the raping of the 10yearolds in iraq, putting people on fire beheading people we are going to degrade them. How much more has to happen . And remember, as the administration lays out this strategy again saying we want to. They are going to get hammered, if they do that tomorrow, she is going to get hammered. He is sending a new authorization of military force to deal with isis to congress thats basically a declaration of war. We want to get off a war footing but we got to go to war with isis. They are saying two different things. If rice goes in there and believe United States and all bs tomorrow, they are going to its going to be you are going to have fodder. Ernst is. Just tell josh because i dont know him. He looks like a good guy, i dont know. Just tell him we dont really care what he thinks, all right . We want to know what the president thinks. Im not going to throw a pencil at him though. Im not going to do that. You are a better man than i. Brian williams not telling the truth about an incident in iraq. Then later Laura Ingraham on some conservative americans who want to sit out the isis conflict as well. Factor is coming right back. D with this runny nose. I better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Why do people count on Sunsweet Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes nothing else. Its works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Try Sunsweet Amazin prune juice. Also available in light. Personal story segment tonight. Nbc news anchorman Brian Williams apologizing for not telling the truth. The situation is kind of complicated. In 2003, mr. Williams visited iraq, reporting from there. 10 years later, he said this about the situation. We were in some helicopters, what we didnt know was we were north of the invasion. We were the northern most americans in iraq. We were going to drop some bridge portions across the euphrates so the third infantry could cross on them. Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one i was in. No kidding. Rpg and ak 47. What altitude were you at. Only 100 feet doing 100 forward knots because we had these massive pieces of bridges beaten neath beneath us. What what happens. We figure out who land safely and we did. The military newspaper stars and stripes exposed mr. Williams saying the story wasnt true. So last night the anchorman apologized. This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension, our brave military men and Women Veterans everywhere, those who are served while i did not. I hope they know they have my greatest respect and also now my apology. Joining us now from washington to analyze, lauren ash burn and howard kurtz host of media buzz seen at sundays 11 30 a. M. We saw Hillary Clinton say she was under fire in the balkans, wasnt true. Saw Richard Blumenthal say he served in vietnam that was false but people elected him to the senate anyway. Is this case any different . People expect politicians to fudge the truth. A journalist doesnt have that luxury because he depends on the audiences trust. This is a huge credibility crisis for Brian Williams at nbc because when the Top Rated Network anchor tells a story and he we peteedly tells a story that is blatantly false people wonder why would a journalist of his stat tour do such a thing . Well, do you have an answer for that question that wandering question . I have turned this over in my mind again and again. Maybe he convinced himself this happened it was 12 years ago. It is inexplicable to me. When he first reported this in 2003, its on tame. He told it ache rathly that it wasnt his chopper that was hit it was another helicopter. All right. So you dont know why he did it. Do you know why he did it, lauren . No. I havent talked to him. I dont know why he did it. He says well, thats just how he remembered it he misremembered it look, bill, this is the biggest slap in the face to veterans. They have a network news anchor jettying in and telling a war story line about what happened on the scene and then they are the ones that have to correct him . He is a journalist. He should know so much better. And nbc news has to reprimand him. Thats not going to happen. You dont think. No but they should. You dont think nbc is going to do anything to him, kirtz . Ryun williams is so important to the franchise. Guest host saturday night live. He has in fairness a very solid track record as an anchor and correspondent that i think im not expecting a public rebuke but i will say this, if another nbc correspondent had told that kind of false story on the air he would be lucky to get away with a reprimand. Well, its not going to happen because as you know tv is about money and money here is what is at stake. They have millions of dollars invested in his image and nbc news image and whether or not there is a successor in line doesnt really matter. This would tarnish the networks reputation. What theyre going to do is sweep it under the rug. The. They cant sweep it under the rug. Its all over the place. Everybody knows it thats impossible. But what theyre going to do is let it slide. Bill. They may well do nothing over there i dont know. All right. I will tell you why i think what happened. I know williams. For a long time. Im not friends with him. I dont particularly like his style its not my style. But is he not a bad man. He has never done anything that i have seen under handed. Personally. All right . But you go on letterman, i have been on there many times and you want to please. You want to be interesting. You want to be fascinating. You want to be cool. Easy for you bill. It is easy for me. But for some a little harder. You want to be cool. And he operates in that world, williams. He operates in the internet world. Saturday night live, he wants to be cool. So i i mean he just says it. He didnt just do it on letterman. Did he it on the air last friday. That was the narrative that he invented for himself to be cool. Look, i have interviewed williams about going to iraq and the risk, is he not some kind of cowboy, but i think that you know, when your copter is hit by a rocket propelled grenade its a lifechanging event. This is a all the other things about the veterans and all of that thats all bs. He knows what he did what . Its bs about veterans . The apology and framing the apology around the veterans. He could care less about that this is all about boosting his imi agree with you. I totally agree with. You he knows what he did was wrong. A lot of people exaggerate their Life Experience and he did and he got caught. Now the question becomes and i go back to Hillary Clinton and senator blumenthal, i dont think Americans Care anymore. They are so used to be lied to and so cynical about the media. They dont trust the media at all. Its like okay, what else is new . Howard, i will give you the last word. I just think that Brian Williams needs to address this furnished because when he made the apology and i give him credit for apologizing and give him credit for going into a war zone, he talked about being in the following helicopter and veterans say he was in some other helicopter company. I dont think this is going to blow over because again trust is at the heart people in our business sit in front of the camera do. Some day remind me to tell you my experiences with general custer at the little big horn. Right, i remember seeing you there. Because i was there too. If there very exciting story. All right. Thank you. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Bernie goldberg on how the National Media is covering reaction to the jordanian pilot being burned to death by isis. Laura ingraham on conservatives who dont want to confront the isis savages. We hope you stay tuned to those reports. Have that coming up right after you. Okay. So you find out that somebody was a Flight Attendant or somebody was a standup comedian. Lets just imagine and stay with me on this. Imagine i was on that segment and i said well, before i became a news analyst at fox i played center field for the new york yankees i hit 536 lifetime home runs and j rsz like Mickey Mantle interestingly. I would either be delusional which is a Mental Illness or i would be lying. I think those are the two options that apply to Brian Williams. I dont think he is mentally ill. So i dont think he is delusional. If he lied and i suspect he did, its not the usual lie. Its not the run of the mill lie. Its what you alluded to in the last session its a special kind of lie. I will call it the celebrity lie celebrities go on Television Every Night of the week yiewcialgly on the late night shows and they lie. They say such and such happened to them. It never did they make it up. The reason they make it up is because they have to be entertainment. And they know that the truth isnt always all that interesting. We dont care there is some ditsy celebrity making up some ditsy story who cares a news man who is also a celebrity cannot do that because when he does, you have to wonder what else he is making up. I will say this in conclusion i will say. This and i totally agree with you, this will come to nothing in a throw away culture that we live nfment nothing is news worthy for more than a day or two. When the russians are their surrogates shot down a civilian airliner, do you know how terrifying that is . It was out of the news in a couple of days. This will be gone in the blink of an eye you dont expect nbc to do anything, right . No, as a matter of fact i expect them to too passionately do nothing. If they issue a statement, it will be Brian Williams addressed this, next. No i expect nothing. Gutfeld mcguirk wanted to. Do you agree . I dont know. I dont know what theyre going to do. I think i dont know. Gutfeld mcguirk wanted to address it tomorrow. Im not going to do it. Its a one day story for me. I dont want to pile on the man; i think he is punished to the degree of his exaggeration. Thats just the way i feel about it far more importantly, the coverage on television the jordanian pilot burned to death was pretty responsible. It was. All Networks Devoted time to it. Even msnbc the crazy left wing network had it into context didnt take cheap shots or blame president bush for it the usual stuff they do. Thats right. Some stories are so big you cant. You cant yeah. But the New York Times, that editorial today was no accident. The abu ghraib thing. The New York Times ran an editorial today that calls for accountability for the civilian contractors who were involved in abu ghraib. There is a federal hearing tomorrow about whether they can be sued. Its legitimate editorial. Comes a day before the hearing tomorrow morning. Legitimate. I have no problem in that sense with the editorial. You made an interesting and important point in your talking points today, and that is that liberals they really dont feel too comfortable attacking even something as clearly vicious as the things isis does. So they run an editorial about something that happened at abu ghraib, but we went back and they could every editorial from january 1st through today. There have been no editorials at all about isis atrocities but there is one about american atrocities. I have no problem about running editorial about american atrocities, i would feel better if the gods who write editorials at the New York Times showed the same outrage, actually they should have showed more outrage. Of course they should. For what isis does on a daily basis versus what americans did on a very rare occasion. Perhaps they will now based on the Amnesty International report. Thats a group the New York Times loves about the raping and enslaving of 10 to 12yearold girls in iraq, maybe they will do something. Maybe we should save those girls, bernie, you know. Maybe we should try to save those girls. I not only hope they do an editorial, but to not do it would be a dereliction of their duty as editorial writers. Bernie goldberg everybody. When we come right back, did you know that a fox news person was once a very powerful first lady of a major American City . Also ahead another powerful lady Laura Ingraham who dont want to confront isis. We are coming right back. We live in a pick and choose world. hi choose hello choose choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. Right now save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Know better sleep with sleep number. My name is michael. 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Having reduced pain is great and im grateful for it. Ask your doctor about lyrica and visit lyrica. Com to learn about our 25 copay offer. Thanks for staying with us, im bill oreilly in the did you know segment tonight in 2004, gavin newsome. Guess who his first lady was, hello Kimberly Guilfoyle . Here she is. I know you took a job in new york city a short time after he was elected. But you had to campaign for him on a number of levels. Mr. Newsome a left wing man. How was that . Look, i mean we had some differences in terms of our politics and some of our viewpoints, most certainly. But in terms of fiscal and perspective, is he very strong on business so that was something that, you know, i could support him in most certainly. But i did speak on his behalf on many occasions. I did 600 fundraisers and house parties for him to get him elected and i had headed up the finance committee so i was in charge of. So you didnt have a problem with his politics back then . I didnt have a problem with his politics. Because he was elected mayor. I was the first lady. I served the city in the capacity that i in working with children, working with Community Groups and neighborhood groups and i enjoyed doing that very much. Giving back to the city. So the greater good was served for you. Absolutely. Now newsome is related to nancy pelosi right . Yes. Interesting. I didnt know that. So at our wedding nancy pelosi and Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein the governor of california, a gray davis. It was practically the Democratic National convention. Yeah. A lot of people were there. Heavy in politics. Newsome is what to pelosi . They are related through marriage on his fathers side very close with Barbara Boxer her family and with jerry brown as well. Okay. So you are in San Francisco. You are the first lady. You are mingling with arnold and maria. Yeah. How were they . They are fantastic. This is funny. We get elected. Its very exciting and one of the jobs as first lady work with the chief of protocol to entertain heads of state and other dignitaries visit San Francisco which is a popular place. You see us there with Prince Charles and duchess camilla. First official visit as a couple to the United States. They came to San Francisco and spent considerable amount of time, you know with gavin and i which was really enjoyable. You got to meet all the swells. Information, i knew camilla because she was on the honeymoon that i had with gavin with friends. We went on a boat. She wasnt associated you just ran into her there, right . No. She was on the boat. She was part of our. Entourage. Correct. She is very warm. Very personal and down to earth . Is there anybody that you can say and you dont have to if you dont want to. You didnt really like them very much . You had Dianne Feinstein out there. She was a former mayor of San Francisco. I like Dianne Feinstein a lot. Barbara boxer a little firsty right . Yeah. Little bit different politics than mine. Feinstein i find to be very strong on National Security and Foreign Policy so i agree with her. Barbara you were like this. She is a nice lady. Miss pelosi on thanksgiving yes, yes. Exactly, pass the turkey leg. She is very nice. I love her husband very much. He is a great guy. So pelosi was okay . They are good people, you know. We have seen evolution in the politics with maria and arnold i shared the politics protocol. They said do you mind sharing . I wasnt going to turn down arnold and maria. Maria doesnt look real lovely there probably on a bad day. Now, if you go back and these people you are on Fox News Channel might be a little different. Yeah. This is true. I dont know. Now they are probably going ahha. Looking askance. A word of the day. Kimberly guilfoyle, everyone fascinating background. Laura ingraham on deck. Right wing americans who want nothing to do with the isis fight. Laura is next. 73 of americans try. 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Raymond royal filled in. And he said pretty much the same thing. Last night on the factor alan koms said isis isnt a threat to america, we shouldnt be over there and this and that. So buchanan and colmes agrees. Interesting how that i want to know where you come down. President reagan, if he were in power i think this would be a fairly easily call. He wouldnt have allowed them to take mosul. He would have pulverized them. Churchill said he likes to quote, we would have and the nazis. And actually have done it when we had the opportunity. Its a lot more difficult now. So we have the president that we have. And in my mind mr. Draw red line and then ignore it, im not comfortable sending u. S. Combat forces under his direction given his track record. Now, should we lead a coalition . Should there be the jordanians, should the uae get back in and actually do air strikes, should turkey give meaningful assistance in theyre quietly helping but very quietly. They all fear the jihadists. Everyones afraid. So can it only be america . Were doing 90 of the air strikes. The big graph in washington we always have to, right . Those are real dollars. Those are real dollars no doubt about it. Cost american taxpayers a lot of money. We just reported girls 10 and 12 of course. Wherever isis holds ground mosul, raqqa, wherever they do that, children are going to be abused, women are going to be raped, people will be burned and beheaded. All that. So we have the United States with this enormous amount of power. Yes, it costs money. Yes, it costs lives. But im saying at least you try to do something. I think we try but we cant fail again. We failed against iraq. People say we pulled out the troops. We shouldnt have pulled out the troops. Its Barack Obamas fault. But, bill, i think we can conclude after seeing whats happening to the christians just now, they lived in peace under saddam hussein, he left them alone. Now theyre tortured, fled for the most part, brutalized. Consequences always. My concern is the men and women who are still trying to put their lives back together after the last iraq war. So before we go in it, we better know what were doing, who our real allies are and that the objectives achievable. I dont think we hold territory anymore. But i think raqqa should be leveled. I think everybody in there done. And the poor kurds are getting Light Weapons. What are they doing with Light Weapons . They cant do anything. President obama had a Prayer Breakfast today, right . Yes. And he cited there were christian atrocityies and crusades and things like that. Well have an extensive report on that tomorrow. I wanted your feeling on it. I found it patently offensive. Here we have as you said children being buried alive. The most brutal acts against humanity being carried out today. Not 500 years ago. Right. And he needs to know a little bit of history. We dont have time to go into it why the crusades happened, excessive, absolutely. It was a defensive move to stop the muslims he leaves that fact out. But this is what obama does. He wont just say this is evil, barbaric and were going to stop it. But why bring it up anyway . Because america has a lot to do penance for. We have a lot of sins to atone for. Slavery and jim crow. I think it was a mistake for him to bring up christian excesses who are getting slaughtered right now. That happened 500 years ago when you have little girls being raped. We evolved and some people have not evolved. Interesting point. Laura ingraham, everybody. The factor tip of the day, governor Mike Huckabee and i, your humble correspondent, may be the victims of a book fraud. The tip, i should say, moments away. Co ive always found you dont know you need a hotel room until youre sure you do. Bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is what makes using the hotels. Com mobile app so useful. I can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. Or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. Hotels. Com. I dont need it right now. If youre taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. The factor tip of the day some shenanigans love that word, regarding Mike Huckabees book and also killing patton, in a moment. First couple notes, the dont be a pinhead notes in cleveland, ohio sold out. There are about 50 tickets left for the show in memphis, tennessee. And we will see everybody albuquerque, details on billoreilly. Com. We have a great new poll. Were asking you to select your favorite republican person for president. Heres something interesting, a group tried to slam the poll last night. Flood it. But we have software you pinheads, that prevents any pollution. So you clowns wasted your time. Well give results of the billoreilly. Com poll tomorrow. Please cast just one vote. And we thank you all. Now the mail, brian, katy texas, mr. Oreilly, i find it troubling you continue to harp on the idea that isis and muslim extremism can be defeated by our military. You are wrong and rand paul is correct. Crestline, california. We defeated saddam husseins wellequipped army in three weeks while losing about 150 troops. Does anyone think we cannot take out isis . Apparently some think that, roy. Mark new zealand bill regarding your decision for a mercenary army to defeat isis, i believe people all over the world would contribute to the cost. Shouldnt be necessary an international rapidly deployed force would be overseen by the u. S. Congress. I agree with alan colmes, isis is not a threat to the usa. Pat, lakeland florida. Thank goodness bill bennett is writing about the dangers of marijuana. Its so much stronger than it was in the 60s. I witness children suffer dra dramatically from it during my 40 years in law enforcement. Florida, a lot of pot smokers lead productive lives. Stop the reefer madness. Georgia, bill, how did you get where you are being so ignorant and all . Can only say americas a great country, folks. Brookfield, wisconsin. Bill, just want you to know that your staff at billoreilly. Com is topnotch. My order was confirmed and dispatched very quickly. Thats great to hear. The books and the factor gear make great gifts. Finally tonight, there are a number of bestseller lists. Theres one in usa today today. And they tabulate which books in america are selling the most copies. The New York Times is a very influential list. One week from sunday here is their top five. Being mortal, number one. Pioneer girl, number two, yes please, number three, Mike Huckabees book number four. Theres a problem with the list. According to neilsen, they monitor. Both governor huckabee and i outsold the top three books by a huge margin. As i said, neilsen covers about 80 of books each week so it would be impossible for the New York Times top three books to have outsold huckabee and me. The times will not say how they figure out which books are best sellers. Kind of like mcdonalds big mac. They have a secret sauce or something. But the times clearly favors books from liberal authors so they should not call their list a bestseller situation because it is not. The factor tip of the day. And that is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor website which is different from billoreilly. Com. Also spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Name and town, name and town, name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day do not be malevolent when writing to the factor. Tomorrow, big show. Weve got susan rices speech on the strategy to defeat islamic terrorism. Wonder if she says the words islamic terrorism. Taking your bets now. Again, thanks for watching us tonight. Ms. Megyn is next. I am bill oreilly. Please remember the spin stops here because we are definitely looking oult for you. Breaking tonight, under pressure to admit we are in a war with radical islam, president obama takes a different course today. Warning christians not to get on their high horse. Welcome to the kelly file everyone. Im megyn kelly. Just 48 hours after the Islamic State horrified the world by locking a jordanian man in a cage and burning him alive, jordan continued its follow through on vows to avenge that execution with jordanian f16s hammering the terrorists de facto capital in syria. Actions jordan says are only the beginning. In the meantime back in washington, president obama appeared at the national Prayer Breakfast with what he apparently thought was an Important Message in the wake of this pilots

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