Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20141206

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>> this is a national crisis. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. who is organizing the racial protests breaking out across america? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. first of all, peaceful protests is good. it's a hallmark of america. if you feel something is unfair. if you feel that, you should demonstrate your dissent. we saw the tea party doing that a few years ago. we see policing unfair to blacks doing that today. some responsibility goes along with profiting. -- protests. especially in your actions are causing descres to other people. you need to know what you're talking about. the claim that american police are hunting down young black men is a lie, a blatant lie. why have posted statistics on bill o' that refuted any theory along those lines. so please check that out. but, in some places, african-americans are not, are not being treated with proper respect. that's also true. and if you deny it, you are not living in the real world. now, the factor has learned that the new york city protests are being coordinated by hard core far left ache at activists. the main crew seems to be this stops today. a group of professional agitators who use social media to organize street confrontations. aligned with this group are a variety of grievance organizations with names likelihoodies for justice and communities united for police reform. the demonstrations you are seeing are not, are not spontaneous dissent from regular folks. rather, they are well-planned disruptions from a professional antiestablishment provocateurs. that's important to understand. because it is the american system that's being attacked by these people, north the individual sagas of michael brown and eric garner. unfortunately, the deaths of those two men are being used by the far left to foment unrest. according to reporting by the "wall street journal." as soon as the garner grand jury decision was announced, instantly, twitter and facebook messages were blasted out by people using #s like i can't breathe and black lives matter. again, this was organized, designed to create as much chaos as possible. last night here in new york city, more than 200 protesters were arrested. but in other cities around the country, the demonstrations were much less intense. new york is ground zero for the hard left right now as it was for the occupy movement. the factor has learned that the radical left seiu labor union deeply involved in the racial protests as are a number of other groups funded by the shadowy radical george soros. so once again, there is nothing spontaneous about any of this. one person who has emerged as a voice of reason is eric garner's daughter erica. >> do you think it's a racial issue? >> i really doubt it. it was about the officer's pride. it was about my father being 6'4" and 350 pounds. and he wants to be, you know, the top cop that brings this big man down because is he just big. >> it was brave of ms. garner to down play the racial aspect. but many politicians are not doing that. >> because despite all the progress we've made together, african-americans, most particularly african-american men are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes and sentenced to longer prison terms. >> well, mrs. clinton knows why black men are being scrutinized by police. and also why they get more jail time. she was a senator here in new york. it goes to guns and drugs. inner city drug gangs like the ones in chicago right now are a plague upon the land. murdering thousands of innocent people across the country, destroying poor nashts. when was the last time you heard hillary clinton or most other politicians, for that matter, put that on the table? and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction with us, fox news senior correspondent geraldo rivera. before we begin, i want to tell the audience that there are probably not in this country two more experienced journalists than you and me on the streets of new york. we have literally grown up here. we have spent decades on the streets of new york. but you and i know this city as well as any human being on earth. we both know the police department. we know the politicians here. we know them all personally. is that correct? >> yes. >> okay. >> we agree. >> so geraldo rivera and i are as qualified as anyone to talk about what's happening in new york city at this moment. do you disagree with my talking points memo? >> i think that to a certain extent what you said is wishful thinking. i think that having waited through two of those demonstrations as i know you did on wednesday night. one was on 75th amsterdam when i was up there for the bob dylan concert. the other they surround my car when i was going to do the hannity show on wednesday night. and i can tell you that the vast majority of the people i saw were young people motivated by a sincere outrage and coordinated by social media i think that part is right. it's twitter. it's facebook. it's instagram. they can create a flash mob. meet me at 48th street and seventh avenue at 12:15. >> i don't know where you are disagreeing i said these are not spontaneous demonstrations. >> because if you were to compare what happened wednesday night and last night for example with the minimum wage demonstrations that are going on in front of mcdonald's across the country. those truly are orchestrated by seiu and the other union movement and ploy to unionize those workers. i happen to agree they should be getting more money. those are orchestrated protests. what i saw last night and the night before a millennial generation finally getting off their mother's couch in the basement. getting their face away from the computer screen and going out there and putting their butts on the line for something. >> for what? >> they are deeply motivated, bill, by a sense, however right or wrong that there is a great racial divide in this country and that black people are getting the short end of the stick. >> all right. so it's not garner and it's not michael brown. it's the overarch that blacks don't get a fair play. >> but you don't believe blacks get a fair play, do you? >> that's a complicated question. all right? i believe that it is harder to succeed in america for people of color. but i believe the avenues exist if the people of color take them, choose to take them. >> absolutely. this is the land of opportunity. >> let me say one more thing, i don't believe there is a police jihad holy war against mirnts. >> i do not either. >> i do not believe they are being hunted down and singled out for brutal treatment. i believe in some cases there is bad policing and corrupt policing as there has been from the dawnel of mankind. >> let me state one fact that is incontrovertible. there are many black mothers that tonight are more fearful that their sons will get jacked up by cops than they are by crooks. >> i don't believe that. >> that is absolutely true. >> bedford in new york or east new york or in the bronx that mothers are more fearful of the police than the local dope dealer on the street with the the glock. i don't believe it. >> well, all i can tell you is from my personal experience, people that i talk to, they are fearful. they are worried. they may be statistically you are right. i'm talking about the reality of urban life. >> i can cut your myth to shah reds right now. in chicago, do you think the people on the south side are more fearful of police. >> you are talking about new york. >> no. you brouought it out to the racial divide in. >> generally speaking. >> in new york there are moms who are more fearful of the cops. >> i don't believe it? >> we have had 12 shootings since sunday. >> yeah, who is shooting? >> dope dealers shooting other dope dealers and plenty of innocent people get in the way. >> i understand that is the underlying cause that creates the instances. >> how come hillary clinton doesn't know it? >> the dysfunction of the urban family and crime in the urban family -- >> -- how come hillary clinton doesn't know he it. >> hillary clinton knows. >> why didn't she say? >> because there is two things going on here. >> she is exploiting it. >> there are two things going on here. number one is the big fishing. there is urban crime and decay and a cancer. that is a big big thing that our urban leaders have not tried to get their arms around and could not address. it drives -- i agree with you. that's what creates the conversation with the cops have interface with the kids and sometimes tragic results. you cannot deny that there are millions of people being motivated tonight, bill, because they are fearful of the police. i love the cops. i came here. >> going to deny it that's okay. that was a really good debate. thank you for having me. >> next on the rundown, mike huckabee will give us his take on the protest. then, dana perino says i might have overreacted to the ferguson situation. oh, really, deign that nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away... ...on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. continuing with lead story. with us now fox news host mike huckabee see him saturdays in this time slot 8:00 p.m. eastern. you heard geraldo and i and i want you to weigh in and give the conservative opinion on this. >> i don't think anybody cannot look at this case and be horribly uncomfortable with what happened to this man. at the same time, there does seem to be an unusual level of organization. when you saw preprinted signs, professionally printed signs. >> already to go. >> showed up on the street within an hour of the verdict. i don't think you can say that's social media and they are just that good at going down to. >> other thing i didn't get into geraldo that i wanted to that i was out on the street watching these guys. it was a party. it was a party. okay? just like the looting in ferguson when michael brown smoking pot and drinking and looting and laughing and this and that. the atmosphere in new york was similar. they didn't do any violence, thank god and the nypd did a great job in containing that. but it wasn't over grieving the death of eric garner it wasn't that. >> we both lived through the 60's. we remember the difference between martin luther king and brown. mic would hold a candle, push for nonviolent peaceful, respectful march, even in the fails of violence. he would still respond with anything but. h. brown was burn baby burn. and the differences were stark also another. >> who made the most impact. >> king did, of course. >> of course. >> had a legitimate situation. there, blacks were being openly oppressed. >> yes. >> by the powerful white establishment. there was no doubt about it. now i'm going to ask you about you. >> okay. >> former governor of arkansas. a lot of black citizens down there. >> yeah. >> was your police racist under you? >> the policy not racist. >> how do you know? >> one thing can i tell is you is a fact. there were times when poor african-americans got disproportionate sentences it wasn't because they were black. it was because they were poor and had lousily defense representation. about 1200 cases like that came across my desk every year. every year for 10 and a half years. so i saw my share of them. >> what did you do about it. >> in some cases i did what you would think would earn you the applause of the left which was i would commute the sentences to something more commensurate with what the sentences would have -- unfair system to the poor. >> absolutely. >> how can you sit there and tell me that your state police in arkansas didn't contain some racist elements? >> i can't tell what you they had in their hearts, but you couldn't see that the arrests were targeted more, that's there was great. >> filing in arkansas? >> i don't recall that was really ever accused. people were profiled because of their race. >> you heard hillary clinton just say, all right,. >> yeah. >> in n. my opinion exploiting the situation that the justice system is unfair to blacks by targeting them. not by sentencing. she did say they go to jail for longer period of time. but that's because they are selling on the street armed. all right, where the white cocaine dealers are selling in the office building. it's a whole different world. she knows that. >> well, and she has also got to know, bill, that the real reason we are seeing disproportionate number of young african-american males who are in the criminal justin system is because the breakdown of the family. afternoon the breakdown of the family is also consistent with when we started saying that it doesn't matter whether you have a dad or not. and we started paying mothers to be able to be mothers without a father and the whole idea there is a combination of things from no fault divorce to welfare that began to be prolific within the community and the result is we don't expect. >> i don't expect hillary clinton to get into sociology. >> that's not sociology. daniel patrick moynahan a democrat in 1964 talked about it. >> those are the background causes of the crime wave. she is directly addressing the crime wave. and saying that it's not fair. and it's bull. now, let me get back to you. >> okay. so, hillary clinton and others on the left say that the police in general, in arkansas and all the other states go out of their way to give blacks a harder time. and then they reply to that is, wait a minute, in the black precincts, the crime, and rudy giuliani said this here last night, is to high, what do you expect? of course they are going to be scrutinized. how do you weigh in? >> i just think that's nonsense. first of all, people who live in african-american communities want peace. they don't want their sons to go out and get shot by a drive by. do you know what i heard a lot more than that the cops were brutal i heard that the streetsy brutal. do you want to hear what i heard. mothers weren't afraid of the cops. they were afraid of some drug dealer. >> so you disagree with rivera. >> absolutely i do. based on every neighborhood that i walked. every neighborhood chairman and person who with whom i dealt, that's how they looked at. >> it all right, governor. we will see you tomorrow night. all right. >> by the way, mr. huckabee has a new film in his learn our history video series called christmas in america. you get it free, free of charge. all right on christmas web site. give you that again. go back on the free christmas present web site. free christmas web site. directly ahead dana perino says i, your humble correspondent may be overdoing the on the situation. >> cigarettes national debt >> cigarettes national debt just introducing the new philips norelco shaver series 9000 with contour detect technology that flexes in 8 directions for the perfect shave at any angle. go to for savings on shavers and trimmers. innovation and you. philips norelco. we're for an opens you internet for all.sing. we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. impact segment tonight. earlier this week on the five. dana perino said i, your humble correspondent, may be overreacting to the ferguson situation. here now is ms. perino. so, you know, i'm not going to be impressed by the white dress. it looks like you are going to get your first communion. >> i dressed for the part. >> so nice and demuir and you are just pounding me on this five show what's the beef? >> you saw what i said, right? >> yeah. of course i i did. >> i was watching as i do almost every night. and i agreed with talking points memo up until the point where you said that you thought that the ferguson protests -- garner, ferguson protest in the aftermath had set back race relations for years. >> um-huh. >> i thought that was surprisingly and uncharacteristically defeatist of bill o'reilly to say. >> let me give you my way of thinking. there are millions of americans who and around the world, too. people around the world who watch this program. >> right. >> when they see pictures like this, put them up again, when they see pictures of looting, disrespect to police. gross irresponsibility on the part of one race because it's primarily black people doing. this they get angry toward that race. maybe it's not right. it's not fair. everybody knows emotionally that most black people do not do this. but that sets back and that creates fear and it creates anger am i wrong? >> i think it's a matter of degree. because so many people -- i realize i'm not your press secretary though maybe one day i would love to be. >> i think i need one. >> i'm not trying to police what you say. when i hear somebody like you who is a person in the media because some people listen to you, i don't think we should allow people like sharpton and jesse jackson to dictate our feelings about race relations. >> it didn't have anything to do with sharpton and jackson. it had to do with these individual people who ran out to exploit the death of michael brown by burning and stealing. get jackson off. it has nothing to do with jackson. it has to do with these people. and when you. >> i think that's small compared to overall -- >> -- but you are being philosophical and i'm being realistic. my grandmother never met a black person in her life ever. win fred kennedy and she lived in a white neighborhood and was petrified of blacks. do you know why? because she saw on the tv news the crimes in new york city. and the pepper walks and all of this stuff. never met one. and i kept telling her grandma. you can't form your opinions about a race on sensationalized news reports. that's what i'm getting at. there are people who see this and all those people. that's what they say. >> okay. well maybe he we are talking about a different generational response because younger people, so you are the grandchild and then you have children yourself, we are living currently in the most tolerant america. most tolerant i have ever seen. blacks, latinos, asians and whites. weave all live together. i don't believe that people who are in a position of responsible power like you are should give in the notion that we have set back race relations for years. >> i truly believe it, dana. i'm not giving in to anything. i truly believe that displays of violence set back whoever is doing it, whoever is doing it. last word. >> well, i think that the country is looking for maybe from the president or from someone, and i look to you in the evenings. >> thank you recommendation to lift america up and say we are better than that. >> i will do that. >> we're not going to let this defeat us. >> i'm working on something big by the way. >> all right. >> i can't say it because i don't know whether i'm going to be able to pull it off. if i do it's a collosal feat. that.athize with your point however, i think you are wrong to the reaction to the looting and violence in ferguson. we love you, dana, thanks for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. what about pro-athletes who use sporting venues to social causes? shouldn't they first have to take a test? and next, the return of our mad as hell segment. 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what are lucys and what's it all about? >> it's all about taxes. it's about the tremendous tax that you see right now on cigarettes in new york city. it's the second most expensive place in the country to buy cigarettes in terms of taxes. almost $6.86. >> in taxes on every single pack. >> that's federal, state and local taxes. >> right. >> boosted up. so these guys sell cigarettes on the street without the taxes. >> right. >> cuts about half of the money out. so you can buy it much cheaper on the street. >> that's right. this case a local owner that reported the fact that somebody was outside selling loose cigarettes and of course police have a big incentive to crack down on this because it's the state and city losing money. it's revenue. >> the guy had 31 arrests so he wasn't new to this thing. >> right. >> letter number two: that's excellent letter. that tees me too. stats on bill o' you went and looked at the stats. >> i'm a numbers gal by nature. i think a lot of people get emotional about stuff. you don't make good decisions when you are ignoring the numbers. this one is all about the numbers. you see every year three times as many whites are killed by police than blacks. >> we might say there are many more whites in the country than blacks but it's not a hunting down. the case stat is 123 blacks killed in 2012, last stats available. and out of 43 million. and that tells a story. and the reason why brian is asking, those people have an agenda. they don't care about the stats. okay. here is the third myth of ken thompson somewhere in. i'm mad that the words in god we trust has been taken off the dollar coin; is that true. >> no. in 2007, they prohibited new dollar coins. they had george washington, john adams, thomas jefferson james madison on the front. they wanted to make them glossy and fabulous so everybody would want to get one. they made the face big and moved in god we trust to the ridge. all on the outside of the coin. so it seemed like it was gone. >> it is there -- >> -- it is possible to find an original 2000 coin where they made a mistake and it's not printed there but i mean that would be like a gold mine. >> god will be kind to you to give you a coin where there isn't an in god we trust because it would be worth a ton. >> a blessing indeed. >> last letter, from temple, that's the name, temple wow, roll the tape ♪ ♪ all i want for christmas is you ♪ >> that's modest for those women. isn't it? >> it is television. mariah carey, bless her heart. she had a lot of troubles that night. i think her cleavage was sort of the least of it lady gaga at least she didn't get dressed at the deli counter. >> she has clothes on. usually she doesn't wear clothes. this is a big upgrade. what's with the gloves on marissa carrie. is she going out for a pass after the song? >> i don't know. >> the gloves thing. look at the gloves. >> you know, eli manning wears that to throw the ball. >> maybe she has to touch a football game. >> i like the little red fur i'm hoping to get that for christmas. >> i that v. that already. >> you can borrow all my clothes. >> i don't know about that melissa francis, everybody. if you are mad as hell, we want to hear about it please write us mad at hell as we come right back, lou dobbs will weigh in on the prefortsz, protesters, the national debt that just passed $18 trillion. dobbs is next. my name is daniel. i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain felt like my feet were on fire. i had these very burning, needle-like sensations. i knew i needed to see a doctor. my doctor said, "let's try lyrica." lyrica has helped relieve my pain. it's known that diabetes damages nerves lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain... it's a great feeling. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. thanks for staying with us. lou's the boss segment. the national debt passed $18 trillion this week. it's estimated that it could close at 20 trillion by the time president obama leaves office. since his election in 2008, the debt has soared 78% despite tax increases all over the place on everything. lou dobbs from our sister channel again. the fox business network. >> i just want to be nurturing. nurture iting. >> you are -- >> -- the box business network. -- fox business network. >> we appreciate your supportive attitude. >> i just got my tax bill and i'm paying a lot more money, okay. but the debt keeps going up. what's going on? >> let me say to you what my sainted mother used to say. >> your sainted mom? >> okay. >> if you've got tax trouble, you ain't got trouble. and i think that's a good thing for most of us. >> because you make a lot of money. >> that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about the debt hitting 18 trillion this week and by the way the press ignored it. and more tax money is coming to washington. it should be going down. >> it should be because we have seen taxes rise. whether it be for obamacare or whether it be for. >> everything. medicare, an additional 5% on the highest earners whether it be the additional 5% and 3.8% on those who make money from financial investments, in income. the reality is that this money is just simply going out the back door. it is going to defense. it is primarily going to entitlement and social welfare programs. and we are actually a government out of control in every sense of the term. there is no constraint. >> because the nanny state that president obama has created requires so much cash, to fulfill the entitlement promises to 50% of the population. >> right. >> that's the money just gets sucked out of it. is that what it is. >> actually, the congressional budget office has corrected that old 47% number that governor romney use dollars. the real number is closer to 60% for those who are receiving more in federal support than they are paying in to the. >> to the federal system, okay. >> it's extraordinary. >> it is. >> $18 trillion. >> it's got to stop it has to stop or this whole financial thing is going to collapse in this country. >> bill, both parties fail to be honest. some people within each do acknowledge but the parties themselves will not acknowledge that we are looking at a debt now that is surpassing our g.d.p. >> i know. it's horrible. >> when you get to that state, you are in the company of greece. >> we're going to watch the next presidential race and this has got to be dealt with 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago had a piece that all the bridges are falling down, all the roads are falling down, the gas tax is astronomical. that money is supposed to be going for repairs. what's happening there. >> the gas tax hasn't been raised since 1993. and the liberal media wants to make much of that. it really should be raised. every tax should be raised in the minds and perspective of the national liberal media the reality is that we have to invest in infrastructure in an intelligent fashion. we don't have men and women in office who are smart enough to come up with that program right now. >> where is the money they get from the gas tax? isn't that enough to it maintain the roads and bridges in the country? >> not even close. we need somewhere approaching $3 trillion to actually replace. >> why? >> because we have not -- because we have spent our money on different areas of interest and priorities. >> that's what it is. they take the gas tax money and they don't spend it on the infrastructure they put it other places. >> exactly. they are putting it out in contracts that are wildly bloated. and not. >> hiring people who could do the job for 50 to 100% less and then they stack it up because nobody watches them. >> i want to correct something. >> i think the government is out of control. >> we have lost control of our government and until we regain it we are in real trouble. >> got a minute left. you heard huckabee and me, rivera and me and dana perino. what's your overall view on these protests. >> these protests and i think it's fascinating. you are pointing out who is actually behind it and that's important. but the reality is, also, that we are a country right now that is coming to grips with the fact that our law enforcement agencies are under attack. they are under assault. where are the voices who are saying thank you to the 35,000 police officers, men and women in new york who protect these streets every day. >> did a brilliant job the last two nights by the way. amazing job. >> take that across the country. we have immense debt to these people. because of a left wing agenda that is suited only to that political purpose, it is pure racial political exploitation of these events, they are trying to take this country on a hard left turn in the waning days of a lame duck presidency. >> all right, lou dobbs, everybody, on deck, pro-athletes demonstrating, shouldn't they be required to actually know something? 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>> well, i think there are accounts that there were hands up involved. >> no, it has been knocked down, mr. miller. >> there has been hands up don't shoot accounts. i think people ran with that what they simply mean is you encounter a police officer and they are in a situation where there might be a shooting, they put their hands up, don't shoot. i don't think the players are looking at the testimony per se. >> okay. but they should be because what they are doing these players is taking a false narrative that michael brown had his hands up and said don't shoot, that when that never happened. it never happened. it never happened. it's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. but these football players perpetuate the myth that has angered and in some cases ignited violence. i feel that's irresponsible. i don't mind them protesting, all right. but it has to be in a responsible way. they have to know the facts of the case that they're bringing attention to. again, i might be wrong. >> they should know the facts, bill. >> right. >> but i think when you talk about hands up don't shoot i think when it comes to the athletes, when it comes to black men in general, you're talking about cases worldwide where it's happened where people have been shot by police. now, sometimes justifiably and other cases not. so with this whole thing it's about just put your hands up and don't shoot. my hands up. it's not a situation where they're looking at all the facts. >> but they didn't look at the facts. and my message to all pro athletes in a forum where they get masses of people watching them is don't do it unless you know what you're talking about. is that an unreasonable request? >> well, that's a request, but i don't think it's unreasonable. i think the athletes are taking a pub lib stand pretty much like the athletes back in 1968 at the podium at the olympics. hands up don't shoot, i don't think they're wrong for doing that. now, the forums for with which they do that on the field, before the games, during the games, that's not the place for that. >> all right. we have a respectful disagreement. i think the rams players were wrong to do something like that when what they were promoting isn't true. and let me ask you another question. can you imagine how a police officer in the stadium guarding the players, because you know they have them in every stadium from unruly fans, do you know how what they felt? do you know how disrespected they felt? >> here's the thing about that, i really think it was not the proper forum for that. that's not where you do that. you're promoting the brand of the rams of the nfl. if i'm a coach i'm saying this is not the proper place to do this. we have a game to play. so i agree with that part of it. >> all right. good. i wanted the rams players to come on this program to see what their frame of reference is about the ferguson case. see how much they know. because it just tees me off, mr. miller, when idiots -- and i'm not saying the rams players are that, i'm not saying that, get out there and start screaming about what they want when they have no blanking clue about what's going on. it really wrangles me. if you're going to protest, if you're going to have a message, know what the facts are and what you want to accomplish. i'll give you the last word. >> well, i think it's a situation where i don't think they're idiots. i think they're looking at the facts that if, okay, if i'm in a situation and there's a gun involve and had there's a police officer involved, the message is my hands are up, don't shoot. maybe not all the facts are not known. maybe that's not the same situation as the michael brown situation. but that's a universal message. >> mr. miller, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. "the factor" tip of the day, a new christmas song you might like. also, a wild mail segment. lots of folks mad at me about all this race business, moments away. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away... ...on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. "the factor" tip of the day in a moment but first tickets going fast for don't be a pinhead tour. albuquerque at the santa ana center april 11th. my home turf of long island may 2nd. all saturday nights. all will sell outs. all make great christmas gifts. has details and link to the box office. get on it people if you want to see it. now the mail, st. augustine, florida. bill, you criticize those in the ferguson case, you jumped to conclusions without seeing the evidence. you were going the same thing in the eric garner case. false, steve, false. there is visual evidence about what happened there. major difference. angela, california, my husband was beaten by the nypd and wound up in the hospital. not all police are bad, but some behave lawlessly. that is true, angela. but the stats say that american police in general are extremely professional. again, we have posted the statistics on jim, michigan, bill, disappointed to see you and krauthammer slam the grand jury in the garner case. we're fair analysts. we put forth our opinions and we respect you and others who disagree. marvin mitchell, denver, colorado, when rudy giuliani was mayor of new york city, his police gave blacks a hard time while his buddies on wall street robbed the country blind. perhaps you don't understand jurisdiction, marvin. financial crimes by corporations have led to the recession are federal beeves, not local situations. he had no sway over that. while he was a prosecutor, by the way, he went after white collar crime aggressively. singapore, the current unhappiness in the u usa arised not because of race but because the prosecutor has so much sway with the grand jury. i disagree. unlike your system in singapore, where i've spent some time, the u.s. criminal justice system gives those arrested and charged major rights. you must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. therefore when a grand jury hears evidence of a crime presented by police and prosecutors, they know the individual charge will get every benefit at trial. killing patton 4,000 reviews on amazon and is your quickest selling book yet. i appreciate for the update. wilmington, north carolina. while driving to see my family for thanksgiving, i listened to killing patton on audio. the audio of killing patton number one. if you would like to do something nice this season, the store is open. we are giving hundreds of thousands to poor children and other charities because of the stuff you buy on the website. all the money i derive is donated. check it out this weekend. finally tonight, "the factor" tip of the day, our pal ray is stephens remains busy. he has a new book and new christmas song. ♪ i woke up to the sound of ho, ho, hoing ♪ ♪ reindeer hoofs upon my roof ♪ some things politically incorrect can still be right ♪ ♪ so merry christmas to all and to all a merry christmasy good night ♪ >> now, his book is ray stevens nashville, a fun read. check it out. i suggested mr. stevens write the book. i'm happy it came out the way it did. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news website, different from also we'd like you to spout off about "the factor." o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not obfuscate when writing to "the factor." hard word to say. again, good word. ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please remembe definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a third straight night of national protests as pressure builds on president obama to do more about a supposed epidemic of racism in america's police departments. and wait until you hear what the congressional black caucus wants the president to do now. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. right now demonstrations in washington, miami and new york where the miracle on 34th street became the nightmare at macy's tonight as protesters disrupted christmas shopping at the flagship department store in midtown manhattan. watch this.

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