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Its been fighting isis by itself over the course of the last couple years. Why has it been fighting isis, isil by itself . Why . Because your boss overruling most of his advisors including secretary of state hillary clinton. Talking points wonders if john kerry understands he just put his boss in a bad place the National Media understands the war plan is folly. There is not a single military advisor that came to you and said you can defend isis and syria without combat troops. That is a fact. That is what we need congress to do now. Were seeing Good Progress on this thing is to put together support for what the president called a title ten of programs to train and equip Syrian Opposition on the Ground Fighting isil. Swell. But it is the truth. Syrian opposition is not going to defend isis or anyone else. Theyre far too weak and disorganized no matter what we do. Again, everybody in the International Arena knows that. So why are we playing this game . Why . Answer to that question is complicated and rooted in fear. President obama does not want a wide war on terrorism that consumes his administration he wants small ball. But when a rise of the isis nazi thats strategy is not enough. People dont question American Power. People need to be convinced of an american will. And so what do you think should be done . Sounds like youre saying we should be sending u. S. Ground troops. I dont think we should limit arbitrarily. No one is picturing u. S. Brigade combat teams maneuvering in the western iraqi desert. Of course. That is why the president doesnt want to put americans in harms way. Goes against his liberal belief system he wants to team up with countries around the world to get ice wris and other islamic terror organizations. Only mr. Obama does not like to use the word islamic. Okay. So lets take a look at the proposed coalition. Australia stepped up with troops in place a great ally that country is. Great britain talks a great game. But though isis beheaded a british subject over the weekend, Prime Minister cameron isnt committing much to the fight. France is doing more than britain. Saying would it take part in bombing raids against isis. France defeated islamic terror threats in africa. Germany not doing much. They set back and let the u. S. Do the hard work. Germany is a very selfish country. Italy says it might help out a bit. Turkey turns against their nato allies. That country says supplies flow through turkey and turkish air bases are close but turks fear jihadists because so many of those nuts are living in that country. Turkey might help, but quietly. Egypt might help a little. Saudi arabia says syrians can train on its soil. Jordan, lebanon, other small muslim countries will do a little. Qatar remains quite the problem, it says its a friend to america but money says differently president obama should crack down on qatar, fast. You can see any Big Coalition movement is a pipe world were living in a kourldly world. That is why islamic killers get away with what they do. Sad truth is that only the United States can lead a fight against evil. Russia, china they have power but neither nation is interested in want righting wrongs or protecting innocent people. They want more money, pouer a tight hold over their citizens. If president obama wants to protect americans and defend isis he must be a stronger president , hes wishy washy out there. Patton and grant are rolling over hes not fully engaged few nations will follow a leader who tells the enemy what he wont do. And with his record of retreat dominates his resume. We need a president ial commitment to kill terrorists whenever they may be. President obama and congress should pass a declaration of war against islamic terrorists we have to have a document that says here we come but dont invade we dont nation build or arm corrupt fighting forces we fight small, taking help from nations that are willing to give it and bringing the fight to the enemy in a variety of ways. Few american politicians would oppose a declaration of war for fear of their own careers. The factor is coming right back. Means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing. G, and when weather hits, its data mayhem. But airlines running hp endtoend solutions are always calm during a storm. So if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and Cloud Solutions make sure you always know whats coming and are ready for it. Make it matter. Lots of them, right . But when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles. Those seats mysteriously vanish. Why . All the flights you want are blacked out. Or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. Switch to the venture card from capital one. With venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. No blackout dates. And with every purchase youll earn unlimited double miles. Now were getting somewhere. Whats in your wallet . And in the impact segment tonight, we continue with the talking points memo. Fight the isis terrorists and whether president obama has the will to do it. Joining us from washington Senior Analyst brit hume. Where am i going wrong . I didnt hear much that i thought was wrong in that commentary of yours, bill. I thought you summed it up quite well and going through the countries one by one was informative. I think the reason we are getting so much resistance from these countries we would like it to be our allies is they sense that the president s plan is half baked and is he really not committed to it. Thats why we need a declaration of war. Well, perhaps. Its a psychological and also it gives him the Legal Authority to hunt them down. How screw a declaration of war signed by a president who says he wont commit american Ground Forces under any circumstances . He has to change his mind, human. Hume thats why we are on the air tonight. When he cease this transcript tomorrow he will go oreilly and you are right. Whether that happens, it will be a cold day in hell, bill. We told them early on they would have to bomb in syria. They are going to bomb in syria. The declaration of war absolutely against the jihadists is long overdue. It gives the power then the president , Legal Authority to go anywhere in the world and do whatever he wants to do. Go ahead. Well, look, i wouldnt resist it if it happened. Im just saying authorization from congress to go out against isis whether you call it a declaration of war or not would be quite sufficient. The question is really whether the president will do it. Think about, this bill. Suppose for an example that were able to get forces trained outside of syria to go back in there and fight. Who commands them . And who coordinates between american air power and these forces on the ground . And what happens if there is a disagreement in the command structure. What is the command structure. Where are these training bases going to be . How many can they train in a year . I heard one person said tonight in an estimate under current circumstances is that we could train about 1800 in a year. Now, that might be more, maybe less than that that gives you an idea of how. Its so ridiculous. How unformed this plan is. Its so ridiculous, we train the israeli retrain the iraqi army, all right. For a decade. And look what happened to them. All right. So, its so ridiculous to think you could take, you know, a groups of people who are fighting a guerrilla war against their own government in syria. Organize them into the army rangers. You know, it almost makes me i dont want to be cynical about this. But everyone has to know, including the president , when you throw this out to the world, it may sound okay to the intelligent people know, you are just bsing them. You are telling them im not going to do much. I will get a few of them but im not going to take them apart. There is real evidence now that the American Public kind of gets. This this polling that we are seeing where people are saying that they support what the president has announced. But by very large numbers they doubt that it can work. I heard someone on another network saying tonight that he found that contradictory. I dont. I think what that says is that people support he what is he going to do and they want him to do more because any dont think its enough. Once again, the president is in a situation where i think, you know, this is where he kind of started here, the beheadings awaken Public Opinion and moved him but didnt move him far enough to solve even the political problem is he facing. Lets talk about the ground troop situation. Because i would oppose tanks, rolling up from kuwait into baghdad and all of that i dont think thats the way to handle this thing. But, certainly special forces, cia forces, people with embedded our people on the ground embedded with the iraqi and kurdish units. Certainly that can be effective. And why president obama would oppose that, i dont think he even does. More than 1,000 u. S. Personnel in that area now. Probably 5,000 by the end of the year. So, he says one thing but he will put them in. Well, you still have to ask yourself this question. What if we do our best to train these forces and what if they go in and fight and they fail . Is the threat from isis as it is now being described by the president and members of his administration such that failure is simply not an option. If thats the case. He doesnt see it that way. Thats what concerns me and i think thats what concerns others. You have to be ready in case the enemy gets a vote on any forces arent up to the job, or we cant train them in sufficient number and time, then what are you going to do . They wont american air power. And the way the war would be constructed is they only go in with overwhelming force, american air. How with r. We going to get overwhelming support with the Syrian Rebels . You are not. Im talking about the kurds and iraqi army. Syrian rebels, forget it thats not going to happen. Do you think the kurds and iraqi army are going to fight in syria . Well, you know, its interesting. Who is going to stop them . Well, the question is who is going to stop them. Who is going to take out the headquarters in syria . Who is going to stop them if we declare war on isis . Who is going to stop those forces from going into syria . Could be the Iraqi Government doesnt want them in there. The history of the last half century is if the United States wants something done it, basically has to do it itself with support from allies. Brit hume, everybody. Directly ahead. Americans do not have faith as brilt just said that president obama can win the terror war. We will give you the latest polling and juan and Mary Katharine will weigh in. Later goldberg and watters causing all kinds of trouble. Factor is coming right back. Do . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip i can take sip after sip on this hundred mile ride, tackling the uphill climbs, the long downhill stretches, and the bumps in between. New tena instadry. 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Joining us now from washington, Mary Katharine ham and juan williams. So, juan, i know you like the p bullishkind of towards his policies. Do you personally believe he can wage an effective terror war . Yes, i do. Thats why i was disappointed to hear you talk about reluctant warrior and folly. In fact, bill, what the president is doing, according to the polls is widely supported by the American People. They may have doubts about, you know, will this be enough, but they support what he has done so are if a. What he is doing in terms of the air strikes no, boots on the ground, you know, creating a coalition, potentially having muslims fighting muslims, thats letter and verse what the American People want done. And the American People. Did you ever hear reluctant warriors except to the extent we dont want to repeat the errors of 10 years ago and get locked intoybn some ancient dispute. As hume and i definitely pointed out, a lot of what the president said he wants to do, arming the Syrian Rebels is just foolishness, its not going to happen. Most americans dont know that they are not involved with the microof all of this. And old cliche and we have watters doing cliche at the end of the program, Mary Katharine, can you talk a good game. When you strip it away, every military analyst says the same thing. You are not going to get these guys unless you have some americans on the ground helping the other forces directing them right in to get them. Thats it. Yeah. There is a couple things going on here. Whats bullying the numbers is a Natural Inclination by americans to seat horrific acts and go were the leader in the world and is our part to step up. That is part of who we are as americans. I think there is rally around the president since going on here as well. The American People are okay with air strikes. Now, do i think juan is right that there is some ambivalence with the American People and with voters about a Long Campaign or having boots on the ground. There is also concern about this president being weary about deploying those forces and using them effectively and the idea that the president hasnt felt like he has had a strategy thus far. There has been at love waving back and forth between various different words and various different positions. I think that concerns him. There is also a really deep sense of look theres with were mistakes during the Bush Administration very costly. Once those mistakes were correct and real gains were made, thotsd gains were frittered away by this president. They are looking at the situation do we want to get into a long situation on the ground. Complicated situation. Its not like pearl harbor. Its not like its almost like vietnam in a i way. Extremely complicated on how to deal with this enemy. All americans want isis. They want them to be defeated. Im telling you, juan, if you really cut through the investor back. You cut through the bs and you get down to what the president proposed last week, it wont work. And americans instinctively know it they know it wont work. Thus the nbc wall street journal poll today. Look. You know, you are such a smart guy. I listened to you. I watch you because you are really worth spending time with. You have got to realize were talking about maybe 10, 15. Last week they said maybe its 15 or 20. Thats it. 20,000 people. And they are terrorists, they are not skilled folks. We can beat them. Thats not the issue, bill. The question is whether or not we take steps that, in fact, turn out to hurt our interests by provoking some reaction we cant anticipate. We dont know whats going to happen. Unintended consequences have to be taken into account. Im going it tell you right now. You are saying the president who is the one who should go get a declaration of war. Congress behind me. They havent done a declaration of war since world war ii. Put it to them. Let president obama lead. Your boys wont do it. You make fun you say you like obama. I dont like obama but i come on here and give you a different point of view. They all dislike me. No. I dont have any voice. Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen lets put it out there to the president. And to the congress. Welcomes it. A declaration of war against islamic, hello terrorism. He welcomes it. But you know what . Even today, even today the republicans were saying were not going to give you the money to train the rebels. Wont do it. Wont do it. I will tell you what you have got to say about that bill. Thats a whole different thing, go ahead, Mary Katharine are. Couple things. The numbers by isis by our intelligence. About 30,000. 30,000, not 15,000. Thats a big difference. I think, look, when it comes to this kind of stuff. Ij going to disagree slightly with the very smart brit hume. People are saying they want more to be done here. I think the American People they believe in American Power but their will does need to be buieed. You have to make that argument. You have to make the case. I will take it to both of them. You have obama who doesnt want to make the case to congress and congress who is happy to not let him make the case because they do not want their names on it those people are not going to lead the American People to be in favor of a Long Campaign. Leadership in the country and isis has exploited and this so has al qaeda. They shouldnt even exist 13 years after 9 11. They shouldnt even be on the earth. We havent been able to figure out a way mainly because they are enabled by pakistan and all of these other muslim countries. And you cant declare war on islam. You cant do that but im telling you, there is a way to do. This and there is a way to send a signal to the world. But you have got to have a leader to do it . Declaration of war. You have got to have a leader like Abraham Lincoln who is going to step up and say i know im going to be the most hated man in the country. We have got to keep the union together and this is how we are going to do it. Thats what he did last week. Oh, come on, juan. He made the case. His case is not going to defeat the isis terrorists. You talk about the will, bill. He has the will to do it. Its the question of properly representing the American People who say for now this is enough. You are exactly on target, mr. President. But dont put the boots on the ground. The stories from that huddle he had with journalists suggest did he it because the American People are okay with that part. Thats not a strategy for war. He is not going to win the coalition and training the syrian guys. Be careful not to become a warmonger my friend. Juan . Juan and Mary Katharine, everyone. Plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. While Many Americans want to legalize pot, a new study says ites kids. Well have some new information for you. And then Bernie Goldberg on the nfl in big trouble as violence off the field continues to mount. We hope you stay tuned to those reports. Im mary and i have copd. Im jeff and i have copd. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking breo. Ask your doctor about breo for copd. First prescription free at mybreo. Com factor follow up segment tonight. While Many Americans want to legalize marijuana evidence mounts its devastating if children use it. Teenagers use it daily 60 less likely to graduate high school. Seven times more likely to attempt suicide. In addition, a book by former sect of Health Joseph callfano says the pot 10 times more potent than what the hippies were using in the 1960s. A psychiatrist and doctor. I believe that marijuana is dangerous to American Kids and that fact, is what i believe, has been understated by the media or am i wrong . No. I think you are right, bill. We have been hearing a lot in the media about the beneficial effects of marijuana for legitimate, serious illnesses and i think thats true about what we know in the marijuana in the teen brain is one in every six teens will become addicted to marijuana. Long term marijuana use effects problemsolving, memory and iq. In one study done in colorado what we found is that 75 of youth in a Treatment Center were getting their marijuana from adults with Legal Marijuana registration cards. So, its become more accessible. Its become more socially acceptable and i think its a big problem. Do you concur dr. Weis . I agree that its significant problem and certainly the harms of marijuana on the adolescent brain are being increasingly documented. And at the same time, teens see it as less risky than ever. Less risky than we ever did before. They see it as less risky than alcohol. They see it as less risky than cigarettes. And so that inevitably is going to lead them towards increased use. Okay. So you are in Washington State which now has legalized marijuana. And teenagers then pick up that okay, if the old folks can smoke it why cant i . Thats just normal. Thats what they did with alcohol and thats what they are doing with marijuana. As dr. Pointed out the studies say that people with who are buying Legal Marijuana give it to the kids so we expect that to happen n every state that legalizes, do we not dr. Weist . The use of marijuana by teens is really a nationwide issue i understand that but its almost taking on now tsunami like proportions because it has been glamorized by the media its no question it has been. I think the real is that the risks havent been acknowledged. Thats part of the glamourization. Teens really do need to. To hear it, right. The media doesnt want to do it because the media wants it legalized. Dr. Bober, when you see a child and as you said 15 of allamerican teenagers of all stripes become addicted to marijuana. When you see happen, its not something thats easily overcome, is it . No, its not. There is a lot of evidence to suggest marijuana is a gate way drugs to other drugs the younger they start the worse it is. This is a conversation he we need to be having and we need to focus on both aspects of the argument. What about the freedom aspect of it . You know, americans who want legalized marijuana say look, i can could what i want with my own body. Im an adult and all of this. Then society is putting marijuana users in jail which is falsehood. We have debunked that here. But thats a powerful argument that again the media has embraced. I think if you are an adult you should be able to do what you want. Indirect effect thats happening is that teens are getting their hands on marijuana and we know that teens have a developing brain and it is particularly sensitive to the effect of marijuana. That puts us all at wisconsin when we put our kids at risk. Dr. Weist, when you smoke marijuana, its a pretty pungent situation so you cant do it if you are an adult knit home without your kids knowing about it very famous person told me thats his great regret that he smoked marijuana and his children knew it even though he did it in another room in private, they smelled it and then they got involved with drugs and he feels guilty about it. I think thats inevitable. Is it not . Well, it is often a multigenerational issue. And its true that if adults dont act as role models for their kids and also dialogue with their kids about the harms of drugs, then kids are going to follow in their footsteps and make bad choices. We really need to mobilize parents and other responsible adults to get involved in the lives of kids in a deep way. In a way that when they talk about the risks of marijuana, those kids are actually going to listen. Yeah. If they are using it at the same time and their friends and neighbors in colorado and Washington State have legalized it and the media is glamorizing it, its an awful lot for a kid to overcome. It really is the curiosity factor alone. And as you said once a teenage mind or the child mind gets involved with intoxicants, boom, their childhood is over. Doctors, thank you. When we come right back, Bernie Goldberg on nfl violence off the field. Watters on why america is a cliche nation. What about when people say oh, you know its all good. If a woman is saying its all good, thats not all good. Thats code its going to be a major fight. Its going to come back to you. Everything a woman says is in code. Watters world up ahead. Its monday. A brand new start. Your chance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. With our visionary cloud infrastructure, Global Broadband network and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable secure agile. And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. Thanks for staying with us, im bill oreilly in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight. Mounting troubles for the National Football league. Star Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has been charged with beating his 4yearold son in texas. Peterson missed yesterdays game but has been reinstated and is expected to play this coming sunday there have been a number of nfl players charged with violence off the field. Yet some measures remain unfazed. Look at this picture, a woman wearing Adrian Peterson jersey and holding a stick like the one he used on his son. Unbelievable. With us is the purveyor of berne nod goldberg. Com mr. Goldberg there was a story with ray rice with fans sticking up for him and, you know, i dont understand the mentality, do you . Yeah. I think i do. Actually. First, let this would be a good time to remind everybody that fan is short for fanatic and according to my dictionary if a nated particular is someone motivated by an extreme unreasoning enthusiasm. That woman, whose picture you just showed, that is unreasoning enthusiasm. But i think, bill, that the reason sports fans do what they do goes a lot deeper than that i did a story for real sports on hbo about fan violence. I interviewed a sports psychologist. A college professor. And he said that with institutions in america crumbling and breaking down, starting with the family and religion. People go to other things when they find a sense of acceptance and a sense of belonging and very often that Something Else is a sports team. So, and in a lot of cases, the sports team is not only the most important thing in their life, its the most important thing in their citys life. A lot of cities, the sports team is the most important thing going on. So the fans find this acceptance and this belonging and as crazy as it may sound, the Baltimore Ravens and ray rice to some fans, not all are family. And its hard to abandon a family member, even when you acknowledge that he did something terribly terribly wrong. All right. But i think you can be a fan which i am and i think you are of certain teams and then when something happens on a team that you favor, you say okay. Its not the teams fault. I mean, not Baltimore Ravens fault that ray rice did what he did. Its not the Minnesota Vikings fault that Adrian Peterson whipped his boy alleged whether i a tree branch. I mean they are eminem employees and employees in every company do bad things. You accept that you dont promote it. Therein lies the psychological dilemma, because fans i do agree with you, are far too emotionally involved with their team to the point where they are fighting other fans. And people are getting killed. And to the point where they are supporting people who do violent things just because they wear a jersey that they like. Thats insane. Thats what my story on real sports. Thats precisely what it was about. Now, have you ever noticed that people say about there is a game last night and they say hey, we won. And you know people say that to me i say what position did you play . Im with them spiritually. Yeah, but we won, that tells you psychologically how much they identify with the team sure. With the team and the players on the team. All im saying. Look, im not defending at all that woman, thats just stupid. That picture that you showed of that woman. Thats stupid. You know what . I have got to be careful how i say. This the ray rice people who wore his jerseys, i think thats a little more complicated. They all said is, i heard what the people said i read what a lot of them said. They all said that i read, anyway and heard, what he did was wrong. They say that right off the bat. He should be punished. They say that. But as one woman said, she said, you know, and now, now you are going to just pretend he doesnt exist . I think thats what bothers them. The elites think that these people who wore a ray rice jersey are the great dopey, stupid unsophisticated, unwashed americans. They have no respect for them. But, i think that if you acknowledge what he did was wrong, if you say he should be punished, but all you are saying is dont give him the death sentence, you know what . I dont think its great that great. You dont want to promote him by wearing his apparel. I would not have wore his jersey. Wrong message. Here is another message that sent. The vikings got their butts kicked yesterday. And they they virtually have no chance to do anything this year unless peterson is in the backfield. Yeah. So, bang, he is back. Even though there is tonight another allegation against peterson, a second one that bea. And so then you get back to money over everything else. Of course. Of course. I mean, look. Were both guys who played sports and know sports. In the big leagues, whether its college or the pros, if you are not that good, and you do something wrong youre done. You are done by night fall. Right. But if you are Adrian Peterson, now, the second allegation, now this is putting the vikings in a bad spot because they had said he is going to play this sunday. He didnt play last sunday, yesterday, but he going to play this sunday. I dont know. And if anybody ever comes up with video of anything going on, then you know then its over. Then you know its over. Because then the vikings are saying listen, you are innocent until proven guilty. Let it play out. Again, in the other case that was one. Its an allegation though. So, he hasnt been convicted of anything but a video, of course, would do him in, there is no doubt about it bernie as always, thank you. Watters on deck, cliches are taking over the national discourse. And watters is not happy about it. His world up next. H. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Back of the book seeing want tonight, watters world, the cliche edition, words like cool, awesome at the end of the day drive me nuts. We hear them over and over again. So we sent watters out to see if other americans agree with me. Gree with me. One of the most annoying cliches in my book is when someone does something wrong and they say my bad. That is really annoying. I dont go for it. Its not even a real apology. No. Just say im sorry. Sorry is like when you killed someones cat. You sleep with someones girlfriend, you dont say my bad. No. I dont think you should say anything. I say my bad. Why dont you just step up to the plate and say im sorry . Im cooler than that. Congratulations. Congratulations. Its an egotistical thing. People have big egos. Do you have a big ego . Sometimes. Me too. Your bad is having a popped and unpopped collar. What kind of person says its all good . Same person that says all bad. Its street lingo. Youre a white guy. I am. You cant say that. Things you can get away with, things you cant. It started with the africanamerican community. Its slang. Its all good isnt even grammatically correct. Youre right. Im always right. For me it aint all good. Id be lying if i tell you that. You know what i mean . Its science. Its a womans thing its all good, its not all good. You know something, i believe you. People say kick the can down the road. Does that mean theyre passing away soon . Im coming to georgia, honey. Its to leave your probl to somebody else. People in washington kick their can down the road. Yes, yes. Get a tire and take a strik and run down a street. Out the can or juice or bottle water, put it in the garbage sgr i think youre taking it too literally. At the end of the day, its like a yada yada yada. Thats italian. Italians made that term up. Forget about it. I thought it was yiddish. No. Bill says that too. At the end of the day his butts in jail. Youre calling bill out . I watch bill all the time, bro. Im in my speed dos. . I just want to hold on. There we go. At the end of the day you look better now, right . Hes almost too good looking. What about when people say im reaching out . To me thats a bunch of [ bleep ]. Forget about reaching out. How about youre going to do it . Joey, did i not just tell you to do it . Are people really watching this right now . Shut up. Do you ever hear annoying phrases that get your goat . I live over here in coney island. I dont even have a goat. The only one i can think of which is starting to get played out is thats what she said. Thats what she said. You know what im sayin . You know what im sayin . I dont know what youre saying. Please explain. Do you ever watch watters world . Yes, i have. A big fan . Im not a big fan. You guys ever watch watters world . Yes. I love watters world. Kevin costner. Hes so sexy. Did you Say Something . I think costner had his collar up in the back. It was a little windy. That was a great answer, watters world. She nailed me. She had no clue who you were. I love watters world. Are you sure . You went to coney island. A pretty good crowd. Decent people. They use a clip of me saying at the end of the day. That was out of context. You were accusing me of deceptively editing you. Your own producer . You want to explain. I think it was just for the reason to put you on the spot. No. I was mocking it. And he cut out all the stuff around it. Well, put the full transcript on the internet tomorrow. Thats the worst. At the end of the day, thats the worst. On tv they continue to say that. You nailed me when i first started coming on this show. I think i was trying to book a segment and you walked in and said, watters, you book a b block. I said im reaching out to this guest you said reaching out, watters . Did you fax him . I never used it ever again. Good. See you learn this thing. Next week watters will be back. If you see him, dont mistake him for Kevin Costner ever again. Costners going to be furious. Im furious, actually. The factor tip of the day, the first review of killing patton. The tip moments away. One day, machines will be sprayed to be made. And making something stronger. Will mean making it lighter. One day, factories will work with the cloud. One day. Is today. Right here. With a control pad that can read your handwriting, a widescreen multimedia center, and a headup display for enhanced driver focus. All inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. The allnew cclass. At the very touch point of performance and innovation. The factor tip of the day, the first review of killing patton. First the mail. Bill, it was interesting to watch your face when Laura Ingraham didnt agree with your war spewing isis analysis. She is correct. About wa . Letting the beheadings continue . I dont think thats what lara wants. Bill, you dont understand obamas strategy because you dont understand he grew up as an islamic muslim. Redundant, marvin. Redundant. What i dont understand is why guys like you keep spouting that nonsense. Were about as far away from jihad in hawaii as you can get. Tom, gilbert, arizona. Oreilly, youre contributing to theexc getting by reporting on the beheadings. I dont know what to say to that. Bill, the only way to defeat isis is to be as barbaric as they are. Ridiculous, paul. Well defeat them the say way we defeated the brutal german and japanese regimes, by being tough and smart. Cypress, texas, oreilly, you were rude to dr. Carson and wouldnt even let him. X sentence. False. The doctor and i had a spirited discussion about ray rice and we both got our points in. Okay. Finally tonights the factor tip of the day. You may know my new book killing patton out in eight days, september 23rd in the marketplace. But today New York Post columnist reviewed the book, apparently she liked it. Always a good thing.  on billoreilly. Com. Also senator john mccain has a review on amazon. So we hope you check that out as well. We appreciate the senator taking the time and reading the book. So heres the tip, youre going to like killing patton. And if you become a billoreilly. Com premium member you get it free and you get it first. I just wanted to let you know. And that is it for us tonight. We have our mad as7 nhell segme this week by the way. Keep that in mind. Mad as hell foxnews. Com. Wed like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Word of the day, do not be supercilious. That brings us to the boldere fresher shows. Just two tickets remaining. West virginia october 24th, friday night. Charleston. And then were in philadelphia. Like 150 tickets left there. The next night october 25th. If you want to see miller and i, and were never supercilious, you got to get on. Again, thanks for watching tonight. Ms. Megyn warming sn up. Im bill oreilly. Please remember the spin always stops here. Were definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight with alarming polls about president ial leadership and questions about how committed our commander in chief is to this mission, the white house tonight is suggesting that our bombingqa

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