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Ham. Which country do you think is the biggest polluter . America. Thailand. I dont know that you are asking me nonsense, kid. What are you so mad about . Also tonight we will celebrate earth day with jesse watters. What is Global Warming. I dont know what it is but i just believe in Global Warming. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Another racial controversy in the u. S. A. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. Lets take it stepbystep. Last week, nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy who defied the u. S. Government by not paying grading fees for his cattle made some rick columbus comments about black americans and slavery. Mr. Bundy instantly lost any credibility he might have had. A short time later the billionaire owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team, 80yearold Donald Sterling was embarrassed when his mistress released tape recordings of him insulting black people. Reaction was fast and furious, led by president obama. The United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race. And slavery and segregation, thats still there. The vestiges of discrimination. We have made enormous strides but, you are going to continue to see this percolate up every so often. And i think that we just have to be clear and8q;o steady in denouncing it, teaching our children differently. Well, thats right. American children have to be educated about why, why this stuff is happening. But so do adults. Sterlings comments are just despicable. There is no excuse. And like mr. Bundy, is he finished in the courts of public opinion. But why would these men say these things . The answer is two fold. First, both men are ignorant. Bundy has no idea whats what slavery was and sterling doesnt seem to understand that in america you cannot deny anyone anything because of race. Second,jh ;n both men have a sense of entitlement, and thats the key. Cliive bundy sincerely believes that he should be exempt from paying grazing taxes an insane sense of entitlement where others in his circumstance have to pay them and are paying them. Sterling has too much money. And thinks he can shoot his mouth off and say whatever he wants because he has bought his way out of past controversies. In 2005. Sterling settled Discrimination Suit brought by tenants in los angeles. 2009 discrimination lawsuit and had opay close to 3 million bucks. The general manager of the clippers, elgin baylor sued sterling for Racial Discrimination among other things. Mr. Baylor lost that one. However, there is is no question that sterling has a problem. But heres the headline. Its primarily his problem. Not the countrys problem. He a shameful. But does not represent anyone other than himself. However, sterling has brought pain to other people. Coach of the clippers, doc rivers is a fine man. How do you think he feels . His team is in the playoffs. 12 of the 14 players are black. Mr. Rivers is a man of accomplishment and pride. You can imagine what this has done to him and his team, which has worked hard all season. Other nba will he jentdz have been insulted as well. I met with donald two or three times. He wanted to discuss the issues with his clipper team. So i had a friendship with him. So for him to then take these comments or alleged comments, about myself as well as other africanamericans and minorities, there is no place in our society for it. We cannot have an nba owner discriminating against a league that were a black league, ernie, we are a black league. I dont know the number. But i would probably say 80 of our players are black. Now, the outrage felt by those men and others is a positive thing. They have a perfect right to be angry and to demand that sterling be punished and he will be. He will most likely lose control of his team. I cant imagine that he can hang on to the clippers but not all the reaction to sterling was appropriate. A message to the [bleep] that owns the clippers you [bleep] redneck white bread chicken [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. You, your momma and everything connected to you, you racist piece of [bleep], [bleep]. So let me ask calvin broadest something. Do you really think that helps the cause of antidiscrimination in the country in the uniteis 7n states or just trying to get publicity for yourself . I think we all know the answer. The bigger picture, there are bigots in every country, there are bigots of every race. For example, what are we to think of the thousands of people who go to hear Louis Farrakhan rant against whites and jews. But those folks represent a very small portion of the africanamerican community. Same thing with reverend Jeremiah Wright who has made a number of antiwhite comments and condemned his own country, vast majority of black religious people are good and decent so its not fair to draw any general conclusions from wright or farrakhan or sterling or bundy. They are just misguided individuals. Nevertheless, the anger they engender is real. I believe when most americans see and hear racism in their own lives, they get furious. One of the strongest scenes ever in a movie was this upcoming sequence in mississippi burning. When fbi agent gene hackman confronts a racist deputy. I have got a question for you, clinton. You dont mind if i call you clinton, do you . I feel like i know you so well. On the night of the murders, you made short speeches dull dozer buried the kids in the dam, how does lester tell him. Mississippi would be proud of you. You struck below blow for the white man. You have a stupid smile, can you see it . Good. Smile when the bulldozer ran none the black kids bodies . Did you . Did you smile when a bodies are covered over . Did you . Did you smile that same stupid smile . Didexdg you . Make no mistake about it, deputy, i will cut your [bleep] head clear off and not give a [bleep] thousand reads in the report chief. Now, that scene epitomizes how most decent people want to confront individual racism. But we cant. We cant. We have to leave it to the authorities. And understand that this country has come a very long way from the days when denying americans opportunity because of their skin color was acceptable in some places. Now, racists pay a huge price. For the rest of his life, Donald Sterling will be a pariah. E. Will not be celebrated anywhere or welcomed anywhere other than the lunatic fringe precincts. Finally, there will be people who seek to exploit sterling and bundy. Right away, al sharpton began threatening to boycott if sterling wasnt dealt with the way he, sharpton, thinks he should be. Instead of allowing the National Basketball association to investigate, issue a ruling, which it will tomorrow, sharpton exploited the situation immediately, trying to bring attention to himself. Really sad. In the end, racism will never be wiped out. Its a neurosis, a mental deficiency it will always be around. But america is a place that no longer toler rates it in the public arena. As Donald Sterling and cliven bund have learned the hard way. And thats the memo. Next on the rundown, reaction, Mar Catherine ham, juan williams, Charles Krauthammer. Factor will be right back. Honestly, im pouring everything i have into this place. Thats why i got a new windows 2 in 1. It has exactly what i need for half of what i thought id pay. And i dont need to be online for it to work. It runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. 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Something we are averse to at this point. That is a good point about our country. I think that these things become National News because they are not common. If it happened every day it would not be National News. Thats something to7zwdd remember. They will go through a process and figure out what can be done here. Im sure the nba will not be silent about this. There is a question im not sure you can take peoples property from them because of their. You can suspend them for 30 years. Is he 80 years old and pretty much force him to sell the team. Large the it will pay huge price. I disagree with you on one thing. You said you dont hear it every day but it is said every day. Right it is said by people who are disturbed every day. Not just against blacks, its against jews, its against hispanics. Its against asians, whatever it may be that. It exists. We have. Its an individual. Point there has been progress as you noted. Yes. There is no doubt. But its an individual problem, juan. If it there is any overarch of my talking points memo and any theme i want people to take away, its not a country problem its an individual problem. Yet there are people who would make it a country problem. What do you say . I think it is a country problem. We have a terrible history here. The original sin clearly slavery and having the Government Support legal segregation. Thats just our past, juan. I think there are real repercussions from that very moment from that history. Theyre paying them. Character black people east coast asians,. You dont think this country has made strides. Of course it has. Giving opportunity to all. God bless america. I wouldnt be sitting here. I would be a fool to say anything back. When you brought up sharpton and those guys, i find them reprehensible. Of course we have made progress. There is no question to me that part of the american story, part of our history is jesse owens standing up to hitler. Part of it is the idea of muhammed ali standing up. In fact, sacrificing years of his prime athletic career to say i stand for this constitutional right in terms of religious freedom. Okay. But i part of that freedom. Stay in the present now and a lot of people want to go back in the past and they want to say oh, look black americans cant get anywhere because of the civil war. Im not saying that. I know you didnt. You made explenty point. I really liked the talking points. Educating people. Sometimes you have ignorant people like sterling who come forward. We want to use, this i think, as a teaching moment. Especially for the children. Yeah. Go ahead, Mary Katharine. I think we do use it as a teachable all the time when you hear these things that it becomes a national teachable moment. Thats what we engage. In i do think that part thfl inkling with discrimination cases. What was the naacp doing giving him Lifetime Achievement awards and finding out this. I should have brought it up. I have to tell the audience what happened that mr. Sterling has given a lot of his money to the naacp and other charities that help minorities so he was going to be honored, juan, by the naacp for his charitable stuff. I didnt have a problem as far as the naacp is concerned. If someone gives you a lot of money, and, you know, you are a legitimate charity. Does it not smack of sort of buying indulgence for being racist at that point . You cant crawl . The naacp cant crawl into peoples hearts. Im not holding them accountable on it. This was after the discrimination case. Thats part this. This guy has been through repeated instances that you cited, the discrimination, where he admitted it wasnt like he denied it. He settled. Maybe as far as the naacp is concerned i didnt believe im sticking up for these guys they hate me. Acto bement. They wanted the money. Im not going to ascribe bad motive. He they take money from the Alcohol Companies and tobacco companies. They want the money. Corporation, car max, state farm, they are going to have something to say. They are pulling away from the clippers and that will be the final bottom line. Were wait. Sterling will pay huge price for this for their businesses and things they believe in. Thats what happens. All the sponsorship is a screen. Symbolic gesture for them to make money. Everybody knows sterling is out. Is he out. I hope so. Players have to deal with this in playoffs. He is gone. Doc rivers is a good guy. I know him. He is a good guy. Directly ahead, by the way, we have krauthammer on this coming up. Directly ahead, president obama says he doesnt want to punish putin. Why not . Brit hume. And later, as mentioned, krauthammer on racism in the u. S. A. Give us his take on big picture upcoming. Dont miss a step. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. I think the key words there, bill, were over the long haul. Basically what he is saying is Vladimir Putin can have his way with ukraine, at least eastern ukraine, perhaps even the rest of it he is imposing these graduated sanction in order to deter him from later actions. Perhaps against nato members in the baltics. Thats how i would read it. Yeah. But i mean its really a weak really, im not saying that with any partisan stuff, i mean, you know, come on. I said in the very beginning, just dont have american banks say we are not accepting any receipts from master card, visa, American Express from russia. Were not. Charge something there, we are not going to pay it, goodbye, end of russian economy and travel to russia. He wont do it. What this does raises is this question about gradualism. Where you you dont take the full set of sanctions that you you are contemplating and hit him with them all at once. Why not. Deter being his actions . Hit him with your best shot. I think the reason is two fold, basically, bill. A lot of president obamas policies are involve russia as a cooperating partner. Iran and syria come to mind. There are other examples. And the other thing is, of course, to be really effective Major Economic sanctions would necessarily involve the cooperation of our european allies who are much more financially intertwined and economically intertwined with russia than we. Its all weakness. Im not disagreeing with i want to point out to the audience intellectually we understand that putin has sway in iran and we need that treaty for them to disassemble their nukes. But you are just showing weakness. All right . Im not arguing with that you asked me why. Im trying to explain. Its a wrong headed policy. Well, im not defending it, bill, you asked a question. Im just trying to answer it. Do you agree with me that you suspend all the credit card payments and put a hurt on them and thats it. I dont think what the president needs to do is easy. But i dont think his failure to do it is strength. Right now putin is basically saying, look, not just putin but china. China, north korea, all the bad guys. You know what . We can pretty much do what we want. We will do it around the edges. Were not going to be in your face. Were going to do what we want and cause trouble. Look, the appeasement and weakness, it never works. Never. The truth is, bill, that some of our military adventures, even those that the public may now feel turned out badly have these side effects in other areas. I mean, the most conspicuous recent example was we go into iraq and moammar qualify decides he doesnt qaddafi decides doesnt want weapons anymore and disarms. Brit hume, everybody. Thank you. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Watters world on earth day you might have missed it but dont miss watters. Krauthammer on racism in the u. S. A. That should be interesting. We hope you stay tuned to those reports. Can you hear it . Fueling the american spirit. No matter when, no matter where, marathon will take you there. Theyre the days to take care of business. When possibilities become reality. With centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. 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Its all over tv and radio, internet. They are seeing him say it he is an old guy. And what do you say to your kid about it . Well, first off, you always got to start these conversations by really finding out what kids, especially the younger kids have already come to believe about the situation. Oftentimes, they have heard snippets here and there but they have still formed misstangs about whats going on. Start with questions, not with statements. You are understandably outraged. Did you hear about this thing and what do you think about it . They will detype it for you. A lot of kids they think they might get in trouble. You know how kids are. Have you got to haul it out of them. Yeah. I think thats partly true. I think, also, if you show a genuine interest in what kids think, and you sort of hold your outrage back, even if its righteous and appropriate outrage, you hold your outrage back, and you start to engage them in conversation at their pace, you will start to find that they have a lot of ideas. Some of them are going to be great ideas. Some of them are going to be misguided ideas. Solve some of it is going to be a lot of curiosity. Once they start talking, if they know that they are going to be able to say whatever is on their minds, they are going to start to ask you questions. Because you ask them questions. That would be great if that happens. It does happen. Other kids dont. For some whatever reason. Lets go over to the, as you know, to the entertainment deal. You better than anyone, because you deal with children, know that the internet has changed everything. And that children are exposed, young children, to things that they cant process emotionally. And that parents are helpless, almost, to stop it because these machines that are hand held are everywhere. I have directed comments to the most successful female singer in the country right now beyonce who i believe is hurting children at young risk, especially young girls, putting out a product that basically, you know, they justify it a million different ways. It sends a libertine message to children. And you know, i dont know why these people continue to do what they do. Number one, do you agree with me that the entertainment today dozen absorb into the kids and the kids do process it in a variety of different ways . I agree that the internet and the whole media landscape is a mind field for kids these days bas ever that mind field for parents to help the kids navigate. Even good con she enshut parents are up against it. A lot of the these children dont have good conscientious parents. They are on their own from the age of 10 up. There are always great people in every community. I have worked with communities of all sorts of kinds, both in the United States but also in central america. And what i found is that even if parents for some reason cant step in and be the kind of roll model that we want them to be, if you search hard enough, there are always responsible adults in the community that can take on that role. I dont disagree with that but i think dang that its done to children through this intense media experience that we have is grossly under estimated now. And i think were going to pay a big price in the future for it last word, doc. Well, you know, there are things that are treacherous, but, you know, most kids are actually doing remarkably well. A lot of things are getting better. Teen pregnancies are going down. Overall, drug use is going down. There are things that are positive even in the face of this media onslaught. I agree with you. There are things that kids are exposed to. I know we can come together as responsible adults, parents, comiewndz engage our kids in dialogues and hem them navigate through and grow up healthy. First, we have to admit there is a problem. So far the Entertainment Industry will not do that doctor, thanks very much. When we come right back, Charles Krauthammer on the recent racial controversies and what they say about america. And then owosso world goes to earth day. Cant wait. Frequent heartburn . The choice is yours. Chalky. Not chalky. Temporary. 24 hour. Lots of tablets. One pill. You decide. Prevacid. 24 hour to get your clients attention. From brochures to business cards to banners. Everything. Except your clients attention. Thousands of products added every day to staples. Com, even bullhorns. How much . [ male announcer ] staples. Make more happen. [ male announcer ] when your office is 15 hundred acres, its good to have the right help. With models up to 62 horsepower or 14 hundredpound payload. Go tough. Go strong. 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Slavery is perhaps the biggest deficit in American History with the treatment of native americans second. Since the early 1960 os, the u. S. A. Has spent trillions of dollars trying to atone for racial injustice. Have we been successful . Joining us now from washington fox news political analyst charles]3 krauthammer. So, have we been successful inner erratic indicating racist . We have had remarkable success. President obamas had just the right tone. He did talk about the progress we have made. Think about historically 50 years. Civil rights act almost exactly to the month. We had legal segregation 50 years ago and now we have a situation where if a guy says something outrageous, like a bundy or a sterling, they are done. Instantly done if that doesnt speak to the incredible changes in the mind set and in the thinking of a country, nothing does. I think this is probably one of the most remarkable changes in a country in world history. We did it deliberately. Whats so interesting to me is the law is, in part, a teacher. Could have said well, attitudes to race were changing as a result of world war ii. Intercongratulation of the units. Jackie rob business son. You could robson coming culturally. We decided to step in and make it illegal. Not to wait for culture to reach a point of tolerance, to make it illegal. Thats the country speaking to its own citizen and] mht saying there is a new norm where you have to act in a way. May not want to serve somebody at your counter you have to or you are going to be in trouble with the law. That over a generation or two is a teaching mechanism. I think the country has done very the culture and culture influences the law. We have come incredibly long way. You know in some pretickets that is not the prevailing wisdom. I was watching the Coverage Today on the other Cable Networks and it was just brutal. See, i said in the talking points, look its sterlings problem, its bundys problem. Its not the countrys problem that these two men are so idiotic yet, i heard all day long it is the country that makes sterling and bundy the way they are. Look, this is just racial opportunists jumping in to benefit from these unfortunate incidents. I would have a slight distinction between the choice of it as a National Problem or individual problem. I would say if there is a major problem and i dont think its that major in the sense that it is so widespread. I think in one sense its generational. You look at sterling, he is 80. Bundy is 67. Paula deen who got in trouble for antiquated racist attitudes is 67. My sons generation he is in his 20s. This is so different that i think you can see this is a problem that is literally dieing with a generation that grew up in a different day. That doesnt mean it doesnt exist younger people or middle age people. The prevalence is completely different. And i think, look, this is a country with affirmative action. This is a country where the big fight is whether you should give advantages to people who 50 years ago were instantly disadvantaged and legally disadvantaged. If that isnt a reflection of the sea change than nothing is. What about the racist among the other side . Its tolerated because the white power structure basically set the agenda. And so, yeah, we understand why Louis Farrakhan is mad and these terrible things. Reverend wright, on and on. How do you deal with that . You deal with that the same way you dealt with racism. The only way to do it you are not going to incorporate chat racist whos are already whose mind is set. They may learn to parrot the right words, but you are not going to change their hearts. The way you change their hearts is the way this country has done from the beginning in the schools, as i say, watching my son glow up, grow up, they were living in a completely different world. I once remarked to him when he was in his early teens how amazing it was how the group of friends that he hung out with were of all races and religions and he looked at me sort of uncomprehending to me to say you even notice that . What kind of retrobait thinking is it that you even count my friends. By your own son. But, for them, this is stuff that they are so far behind. I agree with that. They cant even understand the old fogies being happy and proud abouty it. Its the same thing with the gay issue. Yeah. Charles, thanks as always. We appreciate it watters world on deck. Jesse, earth day, and you. Moments away. Many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. But they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. Dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident is designed to clean dentures daily. 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What country do you think is the biggest polluter. Probably us. America. Probably us. Im going to say us. Why . Have you been to detroit. Some have got their idea around here. What country do you think is the biggest polluter . I dont know that you are asking me nonsense, kid. What are you so mad about . South america. South america is not a country. Thailand. China. Because the amount of coal they use right now in their production. Dont be an idiot. Shut up. Dont be a moron. What is Global Warming . I dont really know what it is but i just believe in Global Warming. People say the earth is getting warmer. Why are they saying that . Over the last 15 years, how much has the earths temperature increased . Who the heck knows . Global warming is not caused by mother nature. Its caused by god bringing judgment. Okay . [thunder] how much do you think the earth has warmed over the last 15 years . 35. [ buzzer ] 3. 75 degrees. 15 degrees. 100 and something degrees . Cook you right here on the sidewalk. 1. 11. I thought there was Global Warming. What happened . What, cat got your tongue or did it eat that for breakfast, too . Oh, whoa. You okay . You looking. I think i found it. Stranger danger. Strange danger. What is worse for the environment . Cars or cows . Im going to say cars. [ buzzer ] in a weird way i feel like the cows. Cars. [ buzzer ] cowing, call believe that . No, i cant believe. Its true the u. N. Says that. Do you believe the u. N. Yeah. I feel like its a give and take so we get to eat them but you cant eat a car. Cows because they f. Fart. I feel extreme relaxation. How do you personally help the environment . I recycle and drive a really efficient car. I dont litter. Thats very green of you. Yeah. You are like Vice President , guy. Im wearing my magical crystals. I love the earth. Can you heal me with the crystals . I can. This is the it. Soak it in. I grow plants. What kind . Tomatoes. Big toe hmatotomatoes . Juicy . Can i try one one time . If you come over. Im a wacky chicken but i believe in love. Can you give bill some advice on how to be a green guy . I just want to invite bill to take a few moments to tap right into here. Tap in, bill. Reporter what do you think he should do to help the environment . The beast. Use solar panels. Tell people to recycle. Reporter do you ever watch watters world . I do not. Reporter im watters and youre in my world right now. Fabulous. Im so happy to be here. Reporter i dont buy that. Im not buying it, either. Hes watters. The first question, china is the biggest polluter. In the u. S. , india, japan, russia. Those are the four. China, india, japan, im surprised about japan. They are big. Number five. They kill the dolphins and sharks over there, too. Not friendly. Russia. Russia is a big polluter. Big country. Where are we on that pollution list . Were number two, i think china is 10 billion met trick tons were the second biggest. Were half of china. So they are blowing us out of the water. On the global temperature rise. Right. You had it on the screen, its almost flat in the first 35 years. Over the last 100 years, its a one percent increase. Miller says about 300 years ago, the guys using leeches and rubbing sticks together for fire, trust them to give you an accurate reading. Since 1901. Right, there are the polar bears sweating up there in new finland. The biggest polluter car and cow and the cow because of the the methane. Methane is 20 times cows. Thats right. What are we going to do . The viable everybody was good out there except for the one guy. Jessie watters, everybody. My name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. Its progressive pain. First you have that, that feeling of numbness. Then you get the hot pins. It got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. The pain was, it was. I just couldnt handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. 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Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. To hear more of karens story, visit lyrica. Com. Hit the beach in florida. Nt and a reunion in seattle. In. We can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4star hotels. For half price. Hotwire hotwire. Com factor tip of the day, jamie foxx ripping on me in a moment. First, if you would like me to sign a book for your mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, motherss day coming up quickly, fathers debehind. Any Childrens Book can be signed. You got to move fast because we got to get them to you. Damon steven, bangkok thailand, bill, your commentary on aftermath of the bundy controversy was poet tick. You do not stand up for normal americans like bundy. Get a clue, moron. I have a clue, how are things in the fringe these days . Having fun. Saw a clip of beyonce on the factor bill and was stunned. What a terrible message shes sending to young women everywhere. Carry perry, how you talk about beyonce is how they talked about elvis. She empowers women. Agree, Elvis Presley swivelled his hips in a provocative manner. So do hula dancers. What they are putting out there is more horrible than dance moves. If you dont want to understand it. Bill, im surprised and sad that you were so ignore rant of Pope John Paul ii. You judged a beautiful man on one issue only. I did not judge him. I accurately pointed out his record on child abuse was not good and pope francis might have wait add bit before cannonizing him and i stand by that. Rome, italy, mr. Oreilly, if you dont have anything nice to say about the former pope, dont say anything at all. Thats not the way it works august. I said plenty of good things about john paul, but i did not whitewash the truth because thats not the christian way. Joyce ann ray, new york, bill, we saw you and miller in buffalo on saturday night. The tickets were one of the best Christmas Gifts ever from our kids. We have fun, too, guys. With mothers and fathers day coming up, rapid city july 25th and fargo, north dakota the next night july 26th, smashing gichtgichtfts. Finally tonight, factor tip of the day, last summer i met mr. Jamie foxx at a party. General colon powell was there. He told jay hmie foxx about it. You know how it was, man, everyone was in there and colan powell, try to get bill oreilly on there. [ laughter ] get away from me, jamie foxx. [ laughter ] he wouldnt even i dont want any part of that basketball or whatever you guys are doing up there. Basketball. Thats not what its called. Happy eating chicken, i dont want any of that. [ laughter ] listening to hiphop and all of that kind jamie foxx is a pen head. Get away from him. [ laughter ] im kidding. I love bill oreilly. Im joking, man. I know. I dont know if im feeling the love, but i like foxx. Hes a funny guy and good actor and i take no offense he mornck me on fallon. He makes a mistake. Daily beast oreilly basically misinterpreted beyonces song. When it comes to bill oreilly, hes playing a char actor so im like okay, man, youre fooling your people and getting your check. I didnt misinterpret any lyrics, i played them for you. I dont play a character. This is me. How tragic. When you dont know what youre talking about, stay silent. Mr. Foxx had no idea what my analysis about beyonce is or was and the internet guy that baded him. I would like to talk to him about that. Foxx is an intelligent guy, should be able to handle it. Any time, jamie, well be able to receive you. Check out the fox news website and spout off from anywhere in the world about the factor. Ocho lie reat foxnews. Com, oreilly at foxnews. Com, name and town, name and town, dont be pettish when writing to the fact. Thanks for watching us tonight. Im bill

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