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0 president obama apologize to americans who lost their health insurance? vote in our poll. and tomorrow night, a very special on the record from the capitol. i want to work with congress whenever and wherever i can. but we're not going to wait. i've got a pen and i've got a phone and that's all i need. >> looks like there's a war between the republicans and president obama and he may very well speak to that tomorrow night in the state of the union address. but does he have any power left? we'll analyze. >> the republicans are committing a war on women and i think really the media seems to have given president clinton a pass on this. >> senator rand paul calling out the democrats over the war on women. mary catherine has some thoughts. >> does that engnarl you at all? >> absolutely horrible. >> andinganding -- >> government is a business like every other business. i do for you, you do for me, i take care of you, you take care of me. you are about to enter the no spin zone from massachusetts, the factor begins right now. >> i'm bill o'reilly reporting tonight from boston. thanks for watching us. civil war in washington. that is the subject of this evening's talking points. tomorrow night the president will give his fifth state of the union address. and talking points predict many americans will not pay attention. that's because the usa is stuck. little is getting done in d.c. and the folks are getting sick and tired of the logjam. mr. obama has promised that if congress does not cooperate more with him, that he'll sign a bunch of executive ofrds getting stuff done by fiat. well that's not going to make many people happy. at this point in his presidency, president clinton has signed 238 executive orders. president obama the younger, 198. president obama 167. so you can see that barack obama hasn't been crazy with the executive order bids. but that was then. now the president's under siege. all the poes show job approval rating low and its credibility has been damaged. new poll by the associated press has americans who tried signing up for health insurance on the obama care website, what they thought of the experience. just 8% said the web side did not work well. 29% said somewhat well, after all the money spent to roll out obama care, 8%. the president has a very difficult task. the concerns with the president so far was his inability to persuade congress to give him a break. president obama should remember steven spielberg's lincoln movie. that film is essentially about what president lincoln had to do to convince a congress suspicious of him to pass anti-slavery election. lincoln did all kinds of things, some of which boarded on illegal to get the slavery bill done. president obama's presidency will not be successful until he reaches some kind of dataune with -- just today there's an article in the "new york times" that says the republican party may well win the senator next he would have to do some of the things he and his party aren't willing to do. >> for the greater good. when i see the president on saturday, i know he did watch the lincoln movie. but that's what it was all about. lincoln had to do all kinds of stuff. >> i'll be interested to hear you ask him about that and what he says. >> all right. next on the rundown, extremely controversial remarks by senator ron paul. a new york tiles column that says the super bowl promotes war. factor from boston is coming right back. as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. 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