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0 operating losses for years and advertisers and subscribers have fled in huge numbers. now, sure the tee klein of these print media outlets generally tracks the rise of internet and cable, and certainly some of the old dinosaurs were not exactly fast to inknow valt and figure out how to harness the power of online journalism. but one of the driving factors in their decline was the fact that awful these publications reflected a single mind set. they were managed by secular progressives, edited by secular progressives, and written by secular progressives for a public that was anything but. and for decades, they used their monopoly power to push their agenda, regardless of what their customers wanted. before the early to mid 1990s, americans didn't have much of a choice in how they got their news. well now they do. they can go to drudge, to pick and choose from hundreds of publications that suit their sensibilities. yet. a lot of information and documents, witnesses. so now does this take the heat off of benghazi or do they hope? >> it may, in the short run. but the fact is those issues involving benghazi still remain. i was one of the first people to raise the issue of the talking points. how they were altered and the whole situation going back to the video. caused it and it was a riot, it was a demonstration when, in fact, it was clearly a terrorist attack. and it was in the heat of the campaign and the president wanted to deny it and it was covered up. no, listen. you know, these are campaigns where people exaggerate or understate something. here we had four americans killed. he they were murdered. that should transcend politics. i'm not being naive in saying that something stops at the water's edge. today the killing of four americans on the president's watch is something that he has to account for and not continue to cover it up. >> laura: congressman, i remember back the president's first big speech, the outreach to the muslim world. remember his famous line where he said, you know, if you unclinch your fist, we will reach out our hands. there are a lot of clinched fists out there today across the muslim world. i'm going to ask you point blank is the world more dangerous today to american interests and our allies after four and a half years of barack obama? >> i believe it is and whether or not -- i think part of that is president obama's fault. starting off with that apology tour. and somehow implying that al qaeda was at war with us because of george bush and dick cheney, yeah, he certainly had all the signals crossed of the fact that he was carrying out criminal regulations of the cia interrogators who kept us safe in the days after 9/11. this is such a confusing message. fueled with benjamin netanyahu. -- feud with benjamin netanyahu. goes part to the lawsuit of the middle east. killing top al qaeda leaders he has done a good job. again, he goes half way and how many millions has attorney general eric holder's travel cost american taxpayers? we have a factor investigation upcoming. ♪ (tires screeching) red hot deal days are back. 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[ applause ] >> let me finish this point because i do want to scare them a little bit. it's going to be a problem that no amount of police can solve because, you know, once you have that sort of oppression, you know, and that gap is widened and, you know, this is inevitable that something is going to happen. >> joining us now to react michael, a board member of the travon martin foundation and president of global a pop cull purr web site. michael. great to see you. >> good to see you, too. some tough words from jay-z there. i mean, he is obviously incrediblably successful entrepreneur, is he worth almost half a billion dollars and is he involved in all sorts of business interests and all of them as far as can i tell quite stefl. and he says that and he makes that point about well, basically, watch out, you are not going to be able to control the streets if this keeps going. is that a responsible thing to say? >> well, i think what jay meant and i think what a lot of patriotic americans in this country from tea party men's to the folks who occupy wall street. a lot of folks would agree with jay-z when he says a widening gap of income inequality and the have a and have notes have getting farther and farther apart. i think jay-z talking about the streets might erupt. i think is a figure of speech. i mean, certainly the tea party folks, you know, rightfully so were protesting an idea that the middle class was disappearing. and that folks were no longer part of the american dream. >> laura: they are not threatening implicitly or explicitly that things from their perspective are going to get violent. they go to rallies. they have uncle sam hats on. >> laura, come on, you are not going to say jay-z is advocating for violence. >> no, i didn't say he advocated it. i said he referenced it. he has a lot of power and a lot of authority. i think in the plaque community for better or for worse. talk about that very successful. so, for him to say that i think is interesting. given the fact that barack obama has been president over the last five years. i was looking back over something you wrote michael beck in september. you put out i guess a column. and you said obama is the best candidate for our generation. we'll not waiver in our support of barack obama. you wrote that on the global grind. >> yeah. and jay-z huge supporter of obama. yet, over the last five years, black wealth and hispanic wealth have eroded at a record pace. unemployment has skyrocketed. black youth, blacks in general, lagging way behind whites, under obama's watch. s why isace is going to be he supporting barack obama's policies. >> that's incredibly unfair. black unemployment is skyrocketing under george bush as well. >> laura: not like this huh-uh. >> black has declined for the last 50 years. >> laura: this is hope and change, michael. michael, this is hope and change. you can't blame bush five years into a presidency. you have to look at barack obama's record. >> four and a half years. have you had job growth in this country four and a half years. for the first time. >> laura: part time job growth 93% of the jobs created in the last year, michael, part-time jobs. >> look somebody in the eye laura someone is unemployed you don't have a job part-time job good luck? folks out of work will take anything they can get. >> we are talk about income inequality. >> absolutely. lawyer you are i think he is right. i think we have a middle class that is eroding in this country i agree with jay-z on that. sadly, his -- the person that he is supporting and unwavering your support is unwavering his policies have really done nothing to spur the type of growth that will help everybody, black, white, hispanic, everybody. >> obviously we are on this show in 30 seconds figure out that problem. we are going to agree to disagree. i think barack obama has been a phenomenal president for this country. barack obama has done incredible amount for black americans and latino measures as well. >> laura: you seem like a really nice guy. i don't mean to jump on you here. i'm honestly wanting to know, on what measure is barack obama a, quote: great president for america, especially black americans? on just on what metric? >> let's talk about the affordable care act. bringing millimeter of young people into the healthcare system. >> laura: wildly unpopular, go ahead. >> wildly unpopular muption your viewers and not my friends and my generation. my generation is thrilled for the affordable care act. my generation is finally get somebody look after them and not make sure they are left in the streets. >> laura: whatter on that. >> ended two wars which my brothers and sisters front line. bring home. that's not true. universal prek game changer in terms of education. lure lawyer how has that helped income inequality. you are losing my point. jay-z is arguing against income inequality, that's fine. barack obama's policies haven't bridged that gap. >> i completely disagree. there are a lot of slogans but no real hope. >> barack obama exsend tended the middle class tax cut and did not extend the tax cut for the wealthy. is he paying jobs. >> laura: didn't help at all. it didn't help at all. i mean, that's just variably untrue. by the way, nor does it help, michael, when jay-z puts out songs like holy grail lie the "n" word, the s word, the f word none of that helps. >> jay-z didn't help when 80,000 young kids across the country going to see him and justin timberlake every single day. >> laura: that is helping inequality. >> helps him. >> i praised his. >> 80,000 tickets. 1 million albums in one week. >> laura: does that mean it's good, that language is good for young people. >> he is hero to them. you may not like him they love him and your kids lo him. >> laura: wasting his talent. thanks. when we come right back, factor exclusive. american taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars to fund attorney general eric holder's travel expenses. we have the inside story when we come back. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed.

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