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what's going on. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching tonight. the tax man cometh. that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you know i'm a 1%er, i have been lucky in my career and worked my way up to affluent status. i started 150 bucks a week plus i made $20 extra writing tag lines for you think tell ted's ghoul school. all of that is my book. tax man handed me my tax bill. if my father were still alive today, he would get a heart attack just looking at this. but that's fine. i love my country. i want it to be strong and the government needs money to accomplish that the problem i have is that much of my tax money and yours too is absolutely weationed. the outgoing doctor in charge of medicare donald berwick told the press last week he believes up to 30% of medicare payments are wasted either stolen or unnecessary. 30%. that's about $168 billion down the drain every year. and you can carry that figure over to just about every federal program. look at all the money wasted in the solyndra debacle and we can't even measure the chaos in the welfare system. what american politicians have done is set up complicated programs that are largely unsupervised nobody watching the trillions of dollars spent and the wise guys know it now the feds in new york state want even more of my money. but are they willing to watch how they spend it? no. they are not. it's much easier just to tell working class people and the poor that rich guys like o'reilly are going to pay the bill so you don't have to worry about it. well, with more than $15 trillion of debt, every american should be worried. again, i don't mind paying an enormous sum to caesar. that is my responsibility as an honest citizen. but i am outraged, outraged that our political system refuses to watch where that mope goes. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. a bunch of new polls shows newt gingrich running strong in the republic precincts. mayor list college news poll in iowa has gingrich 26%. mitt romney 18%. ron paul 17%. everybody else in single digits. same poll in new hampshire romney 29%, gingrich 23%, ron paul 16%. since n paul is not going to secure the no, nomination the re is between romney and gingrich. first of all, who do you think president obama wants to run against gingrich or romney. >> based on what the white house has been doing and obama forces have been doing. it seems clear they would rather run against anybody but romney. they are attacking romney, which helps everybody running against him and additional advantage of in case he wins they have touched him up a little bit. i think on paper romney looks to them like the more difficult candidate to beat. >> bill: they would obviously run against newt gingrich. >> would they ever and with good reason. >> bill: which is. >> newt gingrich. think of the number of people who are voting this time who will be either forgotten or don't remember this man as speaker of the house of representatives. only speaker in the history sanctioned for ethics violation. he paid $300,000 penalty for that. >> bill: what was that violation? remind everybody. >> it had to do with a course that he taught and representations made about t to the house. many -- he was the sung of a whole slew ethics charges preliminarily motivated by the democrats nearly all but one of which collapsed. >> bill: only one stuck. >> only one stuck but there it was. he was sanctioned and he had to pay a penalty. >> bill: doesn't mean he can swat that away by saying look, it was a partisan attack and they tried to get me every which way. no big deal. >> remember what happened after that remember that he was ultimately -- he was the object of a mute continue any republic ranks of the house 1997 and ultimately forced to sign as speaker. >> bill: what happened that evening? >> it was a long series of things. the way he managed his way as speakers. bill clinton led to the government being shut down a couple of times and which the republicans clearly lost favor. and then they had losses in the elections. and his charges had lost confidence in him. >> bill: no, no. i'm trying to play devil's advocate here. if i'm the speaker i would say i did the right thing by trying to get government spending under control. i was rejected by my own party. in hindsight i was the seenous look where we are now because we have a 15 trillion-dollar hole. i know president obama and i have been told this by some of the obama people would rather run against newt gingrich because they feel they can demonize him. they can set him up as idealogue drive independent voters over to their quarters or just to stay home. >> not only that you have a very large body of thought by gingrich, as large as any probably any public official anywhere consisting of enumerous measurable speeches and books. he would have more positions than romney has had. >> bill: over time. >> look at what difficulty the flips are caused mitt romney. gingrich has a similar catalog of chaes and positions. >> gingrich is perceived to be a conservative and romney isn't. >> that's true. >> bill: that's the advantage. >> remember, how much time has been spent on just examining the gingrich record. he just emerged as a candidate in the polls. this scrutiny of him is only now beginning. >> bill: a lot of the republicans believe that newt gingrich could just wipe president obama off the face of the earth in the debates. that's why they are saying he he has a better chance than you might think. once they go one on one, newt gingrich as the thinker is going to pummel him in the debate and you say? >> a lot of republicans that i have talked to are absolutely salivating over the possibility of newt gingrich debating barack obama and maybe that would work out very well. maybe newt gingrich would do what he has done many times blurt out something you never expected him to say you never knew he thought and the next thing you know you have got a big problem on your hands. newt gingrich is a very intelligent man with a lot of ideas i think it would be a stretch to say he has a well-ordered mind. >> bill: you think i is a a loose cannon. >> he is undisciplined. imaginative man with a lot of ideas and energy but never disciplined in his thinking. >> bill: gingrich is the bold and fresh. romney is the safe candidate the republic candidate would rather go safe they feel they could beat barack obama because they could beat barack obama's record. >> two schools of thought. one is that the president is so vulnerable that you should nominate the most conservative person you can find short possibly of ron paul and win the election and you will get a great conservative and life will be good. the other school of thought is getting rid of barack obama as president is so far and away job one no chance should be taken on anybody who might be pictured as extremist in expensive ad campaign. i think the fear is among some that newt gingrich would be vulnerable. >> bill: last question. what about the personal attacks we saw christian ammon pour. and then bernie -- nancy pelosi threatening newt gingrich saying she sat on the investigative committee and has all this stuff on him. what about the threats against gingrich, won't that make people feel sorry for him? >> possibly. it depends on what the substance of the attacks turns out to be. if they turn out to be. >> bill: the divorce and all of that? >> my view of that is i think he can get past the divorce, the divorces. the people who are going to be against him because of that probably already are. what i think he is more vulnerable on is his record in office and out and the things he said, the money has raised. the money he spent. the way he has spent it and all of that. >> bill: the tiffany's thing and all of that. >> all of that and more. $2 million or so on private airplanes while mitt romney who is a genuinely rich man flying around same election cycle and spent $270,000 on commercial planes. different world. >> bill: interesting matchup on the republic side. brit as always, thank you very much. michele bachmann is going to be here. her only chance to engineer a stunning upset in iowa. she will tell us how she is going to do it. newt gingrich getting pounded as i said by some in the mainstream media bernie goldberg has some thoughts on that upcoming. >> bill: impact segment tonight, why is michele bachmann failing to catch on? is it a gender issue? joining us from los angeles, fox news contributor leslie marshall and from fort worth, texas, janine turner radio talk show host in dallas. why do you think michele bachmann has lost so much support in iowa, janine? >> well, i think that rick perry came along and took a lot of wind out of her sales. she has focused a lot of time on the fact that obama is a socialist, which is true. but now is time to focus on her agenda in a clear, concise, and catchy way. what are her views? what is her -- >> bill: she has made it clear. she is very clear. >> not necessarily in a catchy way. herman cain did 9-9-9. you walked away and remember. >> bill: he had the slogan. we only have four weeks away from the vote. catchy slogan isn't going to do 230 minutes is eternity in politics. attacking fellow republicans negatively. she said herman cain's 9-9-9 is 6-6-6. mitt romney on life. what republicans are looking for a government that works. if she can remain true to conservative principles that she is lead the country as a whole. this is important to america. she has the talent and intelligence to do it. she is a tax attorney. she has the strength. but we need to see that she can be a states woman. >> bill: what do you think, leslie? why is her numbers cratered in iowa? >> i think that michele bachmann is clearly liked by a lot of republics. but likability is not electability. in october when she unveiled jobs plan she didn't say how many jobs would be created and no new ideas. tonight bill it was refreshing hearing her be more refreshing what a true conservative means and how that differs from other candidates on the stage. she needs to do more of that and not a lot of time to do it. missed an opportunity to really reach out to the evangelical portion of the g.o.p. population because the evangelicals know they have to put their support behind one candidate or they are going to split the vote. she is definitely more favorable in their eyes as an evangelical christian. >> bill: have religious revival meetings along with the politics? how do you reach out? she is about as conservative as can you get for the evangelicals. she has had a lot of kids, lot of foster kids been married for a long time. what else does she have to do leslie? >> she has to play that bill. >> bill: i don't know how much more you play it? >> she is not a born again catholic. she has no divorces under her belt. >> bill: 25 foster kids, here they come. >> she has to point out how she is different. >> bill: what about the gender issue? eight sweaty guys and congresswoman bachmann standing on a debate stage. got to be a little bit intimidating. do you think there is any gender thing in here janine? >> well, i think america is ready for a woman president. and i think conservatives are certainly ready. but, democrats don't want it at all because it will affect the gender gap. democrats really depend on women, the women vote. they don't want to see a conservative woman out there at all. i believe a conservative woman is at a disadvantage because the press is obviously focused on -- >> bill: that's true. sarah palin proved that. as far as michele bachmann's campaigning, leslie, is it a disadvantage for her to be a woman? >> i think it's a disadvantage to be a woman in politics because whether left or right it is a good old boy club. it's unfair but the women have to work harder. and tonight, bill, you talked about and i think it's very touching that she didn't get asked to the prom. but, again, guys don't talk about that. voters don't necessarily want to hear about that because that's not going to make them vote for michelle obama. she says she is a woman, she multitasker. >> bill: humanizes politician to get past the sound bite deal. >> i think it's great to see a woman amidst all those men she is a dynamo. >> bill: she brings a lot of energy to it she gets in trouble with the forced deportation business because of the children aspect. >> agreed. >> bill: you can imagine just the worldwide seens -- scenes people being dragged on to the bus or the plane and kids going daddy, mommy, you have to be realistic. i will give you the last word leslie, god help me. i don't think she is going to win in iowa but more power to her for trying, right? >> i think she is trying. and i think the prom date unfortunately is going to kind of be how not only how iowa and then the primaries and elections will be. i don't think she will win. i think she can try for second or third. 60% of the voters willing to change their mind. 11% undecided. >> bill: if she finishes in the top three. she can continue. if she doesn't, she can't. >> agreed. >> bill: the occupy wall street movement in disarray even as the far left won't admit it we will give you the facts. bernie goldberg on whether the mainstream media will brutalize newt gingric >> bill: factor follow up segment tonight, on november 16th, i said this. to be fair and we always are fair here on the factor, some of the occupy protesters are well intentioned folks to believe the financial system is no longer fair. that's a legitimate debate. they have been overrun by thugs, anarchists and the crazies who intimidate. if you are a violent person, people usually back off. so the occupy wall street movement is dead. finished as a legitimate political force in this country. however, some on the far left are unaccepting of that reality. joining us now from washington bob cusick. you agree with me we haven't heard -- i have been tracking the last week or so, very little occupy wall street action the mainstream media they seemed to have moved on to another story. i don't think these occupiers are coming back. >> no. i think you are right, bill. i think the movement is did dyig and somebody's it gets colder this idea is dead. the ideas will be talked about in 2012 income disparity. the movement i think is really dead and it started to tip right when the violence started to break out. when you had video of these protesters fighting one another. i think that really hurt the movement. >> bill: so i -- my hypothesis on this is that in the beginning americans were sympathetic to, look, it is wall street. they have some bad people there. nobody really seems to be watching them. and, yes, we want to reform that but, once the anarchists moved in and once they got brutal toward the police but each other the crime rose in these little villages that they set up. americans said no because we don't want this kind of a thing in the u.s.a. it's not like the vietnam era where this was accepted. we live in a different time now. all of these displays we are watching on the screen right now drove and the polls say that it was a really quick turn around about favorable, unfavorable toward the tea party movement. not the tea party but the occupy movement. polls are pretty striking, bill. you talk to drttle ton capitol hill. they were talking about this movement a lot more a few weeks ago. and not so much. i mean, they don't criticize the movement. that is part of the democratic base. so they don't want to upset it but they are talking about the middle class. they are talking about the swing voters. that's what 2012 is going to be. they are just not talking about this movement that much anymore. >> no. president obama early on was sympathetic. we haven't heard a word from him with it. the only one that still continues to say that this is a force is nancy pelosi who i believe has been marginalized in most americans' eyes. i don't think the woman has any credibility outside of her far left base and she continues to say they are a force. you don't see them coming back in the spring or next summer or really whipping up any kind of support in the future? >> i mean, there definitely will be events and they will have people come. will there be a lot of people? i think the numbers are going to be disappointed. especially in the dead of winter. more the sympathy now is with the neighbors who have had to deal with this. we have seen mayors across the country, whether it's republic, democrat or independent. mike bloomberg in new york. >> the costs are astronomical and you are right the business people. the tea party people took it on the chin when it was perceived they didn't want to compromise about the nation's deficit problems back in august. that movement has been very quiet the last few months. how do you see that? >> i think that movement is struggling right now. the polls show that the tea party was the story of 2010. but you talk to republicans on capitol hill, they love the fact that they helped turn out the base in the fall of 2010. as far as governing, running the house, they are so frustrated with tea party lawmakers some of them are not just freshman they are republic rank and file who will not compromise and see that over the next couple of weeks with the spending bill and the tax cut. we are talking about a trillion-dollar. >> bill: bill do you believe most americans want politicians to compromise or do they want people who just say look, this is what i believe and i'm not going to give in? >> i do think it's a mix. there are some who say you have got to be reasonable. what voters want is sometimes hypocritical. they want you to stay strong and not compromise. some people think that compromise is a bad word. certainly on the republic side in the presidential race, compromise is a bad word. in the general election, i think it will be an asset to whoever wins. >> bill: want stuff to get done. if there is no compromise the way our founding fathers set it up nothing will ever get done. mr. cusick. thank you for coming. in bernie goldberg on whether the mainstream media will step up the attacks on newt gingrich. also, did the press street herman cain fairly? bernie is next. >> bill: thanks for staying with us. herman cain and newt gingrich, how is the media treating them. joining us from miami, the purveyor of bernard mr. goldberg. also herman cain, here is what he said when he suspended his campaign. >> these unproved allegations continue to be spined in the media. and in the court of public opinion so as to create a cloud of doubt over me and this campaign and my family. that spin hurts. >> bill: what about that, bernie? what do you think? >> well, i don't think herman cain had a media problem. he had a woman problem. he had more skeltons jumping out of closets than a haunted house on halloween. i mean, what was the media supposed to do? he he was a leading candidate on a major party running for president of the united states. the allegations came one after another. it's legitimate number. could you imagine if the media ignored the story and he somehow won the nomination? in this came out before the election. conservatives would be yelling that the media kept it under wraps and hurt their guy. i think that the media i'm sure there are exceptions but by and large they played fair with herman cain. >> i see it differently. i think the media gave them a much harder time than they did john edwards. if it wasn't for the national inquiry. >> no question. so the media -- everybody knew that john edwards was doing stuff that wasn't legitimate. nobody in the mainstream media pursued the story. national inquiry had to do the story and they got it. the probable with herman cain story. i think i treated -- the factor treated herman cain very fairly. would you agree with that? >> yes. >> i went out of my way to treat mr. cain with respect and to look at this story in a way that wasn't exploitive, which is important for the audience to understand. very true in america you see now with penn state and syracuse. there is the woodwork factor. once you have an established charge from anybody, could be a martian from venus. lawyers think they can make money from it, lawyers, they are going to find, you know, people are going to go yeah, you know what? i ran into him 20 years ago and he did this. okay? that's an industry in this country now. a money-making industry. and it's impossible for me or any journalist to know it's true. we'll don't know what happened with herman cain. we don't know. >> that's absolutely true. we don't know what happened with herman cain. and we don't know that bill clinton actually exposed himself when he was governor of arkansas in front of paula jones. we don't know he raped a woman when he was attorney general of arkansas. we don't know for sure that he played grab behind with kathleen wily in the white house. but cliches don't get to be cliches by accident. you know the cliche where there is smoke there is fire? >> bill: sometimes. >> there is too much smoke. i happen to like. >> bill: with clinton there was a provable situation and that dove tailed back. >> only with monica lieu -- lieu eaten ski. >> lewenski. >> with cain there isn't anything like that. and i felt bad for him in the sense that. >> bill. >> bill: go ahead. you can't defend yourself by the way against that stuff. it's impossible. you can't. >> let me just say this very quickly. i think there was -- there is no question that conservatives are right when they say there is a double standard. the john edwards thing as you mentioned and even with bill clinton. there were some very serious sexual allegations against him. far more serious than anything that's been leveled against herman cain. the media ignored or down played those stories for as long as they could before they couldn't ignore them anymore. now, as far as herman cain is concerned, i don't know him personally. what i see on television i like him but i don't believe him. >> bill: okay. and that's your personal right as an american to make that decision. i have not made that decision. i just can't. and i don't know. now, we can expect the dirt to fly at gingrich. christian amanpour began yesterday. roll the tape. >> in terms of social issues, you know, he has been three times, he has two divorces. he has admitted to infidelity. should voters hold that against him? is that relevant. >> i think character is definitely an issue. >> bill: my beef with that as i said in my radio commentary, this is an old, old, old story which is being recycled now. i don't understand why it's being recycled. what say you? >> well, it's being recycled because is he a conservative republic for one thing. i mean, you know, if a liberal democrat were married three times, media fell in love with, it wouldn't be that big an issue. but he is the leading candidate now. so he is going to be the in the crosshairs and not just by liberal journalists, talk radio conservative. conservative politicians aren't thrilled with newt gingrich. he is going to be out there. let me give you a compason with how the media treats him and how they treat obama with an apples to apples comparison. there have been some very hard-hitting opinion pieces, two of them in the "new york times" in the past few days. a doctorate thesis that newt gingrich wrote many, many years ago about colonial africa. the liberal commentators didn't like it and they really blasted him. fine, no problem. to this day, bill, we don't know anything about barack obama's college records. we don't know what kind of senior thesis paper he wrote. was it anti-american? was it anti-capitalism? we have no idea. and the media chose not one ounce of curiosity to find out about that. >> bill: we know the gotcha game is well underway with the speaker. bernie as always, very interesting debate. wounded warrior auction are stunning. also a little on the air brawl between cnn and msnbc entertaining us over here. right back with check. >> bill: back of the book segment tonight, reality check. we begin with check one. a little sniping, a little sniping between cnn and msnbc. those two operations way behind fnc and struggling it out for ratings. historically msnbc has attacked its competition sometimes in vial unprofessional ways. cnn usually stays above the fray. now ed schultz apparently believes that cnn's anderson cooper is behind a column in gq magazine that mocked schultz. so schultz has criticized cooper saying is he kicking his butt in the ratings which is not true. the key demo category the two are just about tied. anyway, to the amusement of some, cooper addressed the situation on the air. >> just for reference, let's take a look at some of the other people who made gq's 25 least influential list. there is paul riser. princess beatrice the guy who predicted the rapture was going to happen this year and tila tequila. i wasn't going to say anything about mr. schultz's odd outburst about me. because this is probably the kind of thing ed schultz lives for. when you have less than sense of humor than the end of the world guy and less logic and strength that quilla. to welcome both you and your ass kicking to the ridiculous. >> bill: or whatever. one footnote i learned the hard way with al franken if you give gutter snipes publicity, they win. check 2. amazing conclusion to our auction for the wounded warrior project, this poster signed by the five living presidents went for, ready, $100,000. jeffrey bean company bought it and they are patriots. ceo tom hutton wants to donate the poster to help the warriors even further. we are working on that with him. we will keep you posted on what happens. for now we are buying geoffrey beene's stuff. so far the factor auctions have raised about $600,000 to help our wounded military people and their families. we thank everyone who has participated. details on bill o' will click you right over to the warriors. check three the "saturday night live" folks are having a great time this holiday season. everybody is fair game. >> this chart shows how out country works today. the most powerful institution to the least. let me tell you the presidency is not even in the top five. [ laughter ] okay, first, congress. do they do anything? no. [ laughter ] but because of them, no one else can either. next. oprah. [ laughter ] fourth, nfl. now, this may sound silly but i promise you if this address were interrupting a game he they wouldn't even carry it, even if the cardinals were playing the jaguars. sixth, supreme court. after that is a tie between george soros and the koch brothers. i know they would love to be lumped together. eighth, pixar. nine, tyler perry. then verizon customer service. [ applause ] and finally me. the president. barely above pippa middleton. and. >> bill: super bowl is in minneapolis this year and madonna is the entertainment. ♪ ♪ >> bill: the woman is 53 years old. she will perform for about 20 minutes and earn gazillions. maybe next year they will take miller and me. i don't think so. check 5, if you don't believe we are looking out for you, click off right this minute. if you don't believe that get out of here. we have a new product, the factor words book based on our word of the day segment. this is for christmas and hanukkah. you buy a copy of killing lincoln on bill o' you get the factor words book free, our gift to you. please remember all the money i get from bill o' is donated to charity. that is reality check, pinheads and patriots starring an attack on fox news up next. >> pinheads and patriots. and first restore the usa. that's our political slogan this season. we branded it for christmas and gift giving. great pens, shirts, mugs. please check it out on you will love this stuff. i have the restore usa pen and it's great. all of it is inexpensive. and eric in in the mail. >> chris may may be a national holiday but that does not mean christmas should be forced on people who don't believe in it. how did thanksgiving, eric, is that forced on american children? 4th of july, forced in. the real world requires understanding of what is actually happening. christmas is a national holiday, signed into law by president grant. it is your choice to celebrate or not. it is not fair to try to deprive the vast majority of americans who respect the day of its celebratory aspects. that's just not fair. tom freeman. >> marie from oklahoma. >> and from kuwait. mike from illinois. >> peter from winnipeg, canada. >> kathy newell. . >> you know what, kathy? i really appreciate re views like you. it means much more to me than the professional pen heads. and i'm not whining. sold a million copies of the book already. >> how do you accidentally buy a book on kindle? i'm confused enough by this stuff. and my blackberry, some tune starts playing on it. these things are haunted. they just are. and pinheads and patriots, very frustrating. >> the reality is fox news is relevant. we will move beyond them. i consider myself a student. to me it's about education and i think fox news would like to get rid of every book except the imus ranch and the bible. >> he's obviously a pinhead but not because he doesn't like fox news. it's because he simply will not tell the truth. here's some advice to your far left loans. the reason you have zero credibility is because of dopey stuff like that. you would be far better to say that fox news does very well. we don't agree with, it but facts are facts. then you might get some respect. that's it for us tonight. please check out the fox news remember site. different from also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. o' and if you wish to opine, word of the day, no oscitation when writing to the factor. i have never heard of that word before. but it is a real word. and get the word book. we have all those words in there. please remember the spin, stops right here, because we are definitely looking out for you. >> top of the morning to you. it's tuesday, december 6th. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you so much for sending your time with us this morning. remember when nancy pelosi said she was going to drain the swamp in washington get rid of all those corruption and ethics violations. apparently she's ready to dive in breaking the rules to attack newt gingrich, the presidential candidate says bring it on! >> meanwhile, so much for respectfully declining the invitation to donald trump's big tv debate. >> i'm not gonna kiss his king and i'm not gonna kiss any other part of his anatomy. >> what's he talking about? but mr. trump says john huntsman isn't telling the whole story. we got it straight ahead. >> and donald trump. hey, toothbrush check. shampoo, check. grenades, check.

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