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They are bickering over how big of a win they want. Joe biden. What is this all about, this never trump cult. Why are all these weird Establishment Republicans trying so hard to get biden elected and deliver the country to a Democratic Party that is rapidly being taken over by the loony left. They say its about principle, but it cant be. They actually agree with the president on the big principles. Conservatives do think we need to gather constant argument about the scope and competence of government. Yes, and trump has done more to actually limit the scope of government than any previous president especially on tax and regulation, on immigration. When Joe Scarborough was in congress, he voted to increase the size of the Border Patrol and build a strength and border fence. No different to what President Trump has been doing. It is however very different, the direct opposite of what President Biden would do. The never trump say they believe in lower taxes, less regulations, smaller government, biden wants higher taxes, more regulation, bigger government. For years they fought for School Choice, controlled immigration, freespeech and due process. Now they are fighting to shut down Charter Schools, open the borders, take away peoples rights and to try to make sure it happens, there even working for total democratic tap takeover. House, senate a lot. There targeting that well known diehard senator Susan Collins of maine. Main deserves a leader, not a trump stooge. Collins is one of trumps voca most vocal republican critic. But they want her replaced by democrat. These Establishment Republicans are literally campaigning to abolish the legislative filibuster for the democrats in the need of simple majority, to give statehood to d. C. In puerto rico for leftwing senate majority, to gerrymandered districts so republicans are shut out of power and washington and state capital, and to attack the Supreme Court so the left gets control of the judicial branch. Added altogether, the constitutional vandalism, the madness, it is a complete repudiation of conservative principal. They cant possibly believe in it. So whats it all about really . They say its because trump is corrupt. It is an unprecedented level of corruption around this president , around this presidency, around washington d. C. , unprecedented in the modern era. But if theyre so concerned about corruption, why are they supporting biden. He is the most corrupt politician to be nominated by a major party in the modern era. The puppet of his Campaign Donors political control and his family employers. Biden jen just corruptly abuse his office to enrich his son hunter as is well known but as we have documented on swamp watches brother james, his other brother and his soninlaw, if you care about corruption, the last candidate you support is joe biden. There must be something else. Never trump or say he is destroying america. Donald trump is a fatal and consequential moment not just for the party, but for the republic. What are you talking about. They kept america out of the war that you never trump first took us into. He built up the military that you depleted. He built up jobs for the ones you destroyed. He raised wages cut by republicans to please the donors who made you rich. You say trump is a cruel racist. He is in his heart, he would appear to be a racist. This is cruelty operationalized by an incompetence. That was about separating families at the border. Totally unacceptable to nicole wallace, except when her guy, president bush did it, albeit at a lower rate, she said there was nothing president bush did that she wasnt emotionally invested in. These great crusaders for Racial Justice didnt seem to give to thoughts when they were suffering after katrina and destroying communities and families inside our borders, a wrong that was finally righted by this president with thousands of black men serving unfair sentences now being released thanks to criminal justice reform, not to mention the unprecedented Economic Opportunities created for black and hispanic americans so its not really about racism or corruption or policy or principal or in fact anything of substance at all. What is it about when you actually watch what they say and how they speak, you inevitably come to the conclusion that this whole thing, this entire vanity project and thats literally what it is is about class condescension. They hate trump and his supporters because of how they look and how they speak. He suffering because this coalition was very small, very white and very angry. Thats partly him playing to their base and playing their audience. [inaudible] they have evolved into a trump cult. They dont even know what they mean. They think its something about tweeting too much. In fact, as we have consistently laid out here, the president had given the Republican Party a long overdue policy turnaround with the new conservative populism. Probusiness on tax and regulation. Worker on trade and immigration. The establishment gop was just one thing. Pro donor, the never trump are delusional if they think the Republican Party is going back to its corrupt path that made the rich richer, the poor poorer and sold out america to china. They dont actually care about any of that. Joe scarborough doesnt care about any of that. He has no interest in policy or governing or substance of any kind. He doesnt care about the black kids in Charter Schools whose opportunities will be destroyed by biden and the democrats, joe doesnt care about the Small Businesses that are going to be crushed as the regulations pile up. He doesnt care about anything in the real world. He cares about the smug pats on the back from his self righteous friends and his little media bubble. In the coal wallace and anthony scurry mucci, its all just vanity. They can afford a biden presidency. So be fine under the stagnation of a democratic economy. They are decadent ready to sacrifice working americans future for their social standing. No one is saying trump is perfect. Weve criticized him and his behavior on the show many times but an election is not just another tweet or opinion piece in the new york times. It is her choice about the policy that will affect millions of americans. A vote for biden will hurt working americans and a vote for trump will help them as it did before. In their heart, they must know that which makes their actions even more unprincipled, incoherent and indecent. Tell them what you think them. Follow us at steve hilton next and share this message when we post it. We now have the perfect guest to respond tonight. Hes one of the leaders of a group of republicans backing joe biden. Hes a former White House Communications director, not for very long and a regular guest on this show, anthony scurry mucci. Youve just been called vein, unprincipled superficial, thats all true, isnt. Fishable its my first time back on fox so i appreciate you inviting me back. Ive never been called a dilettante before. I dont remember that training, my dad who spent 42 years as a crane operator and an hourly worker, i dont remember that training at his dinner table at 515 every night but thats fine, youre entitled to your opinion. Very far from that i watch her show often, i believe in conservative populism, but i believe in a tender side to conservative populism and what youre leaving out of the argument here is that the president is actually failed on his mission. Number one, the economy is upside down. You had 13 unemployment for the African American community, number two hes politicized the science around the pandemic. You could have very easily to me go to new zealand, south korea, other countries that have responsible scientific base leadership and let us out of the crisis but he didnt want to go in that direction, and the last thing and all that you talk because its your show, but the last thing in the most important thing for me about the Republican Party, we are shrinking and so in order to expand the tent, we have to reframe and reengineer the Republican Party, the current demographic base of the Republican Party under President Trumps control would become a Minority Party for a generation if we dont broaden that tent and start including people that dont look like you and me. You can now speak. Its your show. I am far from a dilettante. I want you to justify this position youve taken because the charge against you is from those bluecollar roots that you described there, you climbed the ladder of opportunity and with the policy choice youve now made, you are actually intending to kick it away for millions of working americans. Not true i want to talk about the specifics and the economy in particular because i think that is a central issue and look to the future choices, the choice about the future that the voices have to make in november. Lets start with regulation, an important issue for every school, business out there for jobs and growth. In 2016 anthony you said that regulation is crushing growth. Now you want it much higher than it was then. Why. Thats not what i want. But it is because your backing joe biden who wants that to. The president. [inaudible] he stuck at 40 because of the way he treats people. He bullies suburban housewifes on his twitter feed. He cant do that as the american president. This is what im talking about. Youre literally confirming what i just said which is your saying this whole thing is about him tweeting too much. Lets move on to another area. [inaudible] did you know the economy, the science. [inaudible] im trying to talk about the economy. On the economy, are you aware. Im trying to address it. Youre not. Are you aware that in the tax plan you are now supporting the lowest paid will be hit harder than almost any other group. Did you know that . First of all, the tax plan has not been passed into law. Joe bidens tax plan. Listen. The president s tax plan that he put through in 2017 was very different than the way the tax plan looked in 2016. You know the rigorous democracy of the United States and the debate inside the United States that these quote unquote plans when they meet contact with the enemy, they never look like the way they are right now. So youre okay with that. If you want to address the economy, the economy is upside down. We are in a recession since the 1933 depression. And the question is whos going to get us out of that. And its because of the pandemic. He is a divider. He divides people. He incenses people. He is creating hate in our democracy, and now youre conservative, look what hes doing with these executive declarations. I want to stay on the economy because. [inaudible] it sounds to me like you are saying people should support biden in the hopes that he wont actually do what he says hell do on taxes. Thats not what im saying. Thats what you just said. You asked about the taxes. Im telling you they should not be supporting President Trump because he is destroying the Republican Party. He is destroying the fabric of the republik and party at a time when that party needs an expansion of its mosaic of the American People to reset that republic and party for a multitude of generations. He is not doing that. He is dividing people, he is in scenting people, blowing a racist dog whistle, you dont want to talk about trigger but when you talk about shutting down low Income Housing in the suburbs, i had low Income Housing in the area i was in. A lot of those guys one in to live the American Dream and become millionaires in the low Income Housing area that i grew up in. Its a bunch of nonsense. You cant talk like that to the American People from the office of the podium. Youve got to bring people together. Im a bluecollar kid who did well. I lived a big part of the American Dream. I want to bring that to the people i grew up with. By the way, thats what attracted me to it present trump in the first place. He hasnt delivered on any of that. Look at the way he has handled the pandemic. Let me push you on that. You go on about racism youre now supporting a candidate who keeps saying racist things. He literally just said the other day he things black people are all the same. Youre not black if youre not voting for me, earlier in his clear career, he has a long career. He hasnt done anything stupid youre right. But when joe bidens recent statement. When he got down to South Carolina, you know the old adage, if the racist think youre a racist year racist. Go down into South Carolina and look about primary win. I would make the case that the average american support that he had in South Carolina was representative clymer so we could talk about a few. [inaudible] people recover from that and their actions in the way they handle people and the way they treat people speaks volumes about them. The president of the United States as a bully. Youve said that many times in your all over the place and you talk about politics. The pandemic, the economy, you dont want to talk about the policy choices. You are now supporting, you talk about opportunity for working people and low income people, youre now supporting a candidate who literally wants to shut down a School Choice program that enables black and hispanic low income children to go to university. Thats what you now want to do. You want to shut that down. Why. First of all thats totally not true. I am playing the long game. I cant speak for the other but im playing the long game. Im looking at the future, im looking at my millennial children and im looking about how we are going to read that that party so we can make that an allinclusive party and the principles of that party should buy in large help america progress into the future. What we are doing right now, weve destroyed the economy, we are dividing the people, we are racially charging, thats not going to work. I think weve got the point. Im just telling you what the truth is. What you dont want to do is engaged with the argument that choice between a policy agenda that will hurt the very people. But youre not listening. [inaudible] those are shortterm issues. Im telling you those are shortterm issues that will get resolved over a long period of time if you end up with the Minority Party for the republicans, forget about it. Thats where were heading right now. Thats where were going. Okay work and have to leave it there. So his eventual defeat in november will cause the schism to go directionally in one direction or another. Im hoping for a very positive progressive direction, not progressive in the sense of the way the liberals talk about it but the way Teddy Roosevelt talked about progressivism. Nice to talk to. Thank you for having me back on. What youre really saying is you like the ideas positive populism which is what we are all for on the show. Anthony i think you made the wrong choice but i hope will be friends at the end of it. All right. Coming up, sarah carter and matt gates will be here with reaction. Reaction. Do not go you doing okay . Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Welcome back. Joining me now is sarah carter and congressman and hbo documentary star and author from the front lines of the mega revolution matt gates. Okay gang you just saw my conversation with the mooch. What you make of it. Matt, you pick us up. I dont know which of his 11 days as communication director was my favorite but youve got of kind of hand it to the guy he spent more hours on television talking about the Trump Administration that he actually spent in the Trump Administration and i think he got fired for talking trash about one of his coworkers on the record when he thought he was talking off the record and having a Communications Director who doesnt know the difference between on the record and off the record was sort of like having a lifeguard who doesnt know how to swim. He was critical of the president s response to trauma virus but you frameless as a choice. I think joe bidens only win on coronavirus is that he stuck in his own bunker and hasnt contracted it. Okay, sarah lets look at the whole question of the never trumpeters. They been dead against President Trump. It seems to me there is a total incoherence about what theyre doing because they say theyre fanning up for conservative principles and yet there supporting a candidate that was totally going the opposite direction. Right. Steve, there are no more conservative than joe biden. These people who belong to the Lincoln Project, people like anthony scare mucci as matt duly noted is a disgruntled former employee of the white house that was a big supporter of President Trump, i remember all the accolades he gave to President Trump, how grateful he was to be part of the white house until he made a huge mistake, fell on his face and contacted them from the new yorker and spent all that time on the phone with him complaining about supposedly leaking in the white house and as a communication director didnt even realize he was talking off the record and basically allowed them to write an entire article on him. He shouldve been fired and he was fired. He was disgruntled so hes part of the disgruntled group. The other group part of the Lincoln Project as part of the swamp in washington. There the people who want things to stay the same. They go in front of the American People and they live. They present themselves as one thing and actually do another. They dont like President Trump or the people who voted for him because hes so upfront, so straightforward, many times he doesnt hide how hes feeling, not even on twitter, the American People respond to that, they dont want that and they want him out because they need him in order to survive and they know the disruptor will stop them from what they been doing all along that is ripping off the American People. Finally, talk to me matt, it was interesting that anthony scare him which he didnt want to engage on policy question. To me that Something Interesting about the selection. They dont want to be about policy because the policy agenda, the choice on policy favors the president. Yes, i didnt know anthony was such a snowflake that the president s mean tweets would send him into the arms of a hapless joe biden but i think sarah makes the right point, the Lincoln Project never trump group is sort of like a losing record wrapped in hypocrisy. Rick wilson criticized the president for not releasing his tax returns and had problems paying his own taxes. Jeff criticized the president for being a russian agent and then literally registered as an agent for Russian Corporation so i dont know that there really a group thats going to move a lot of votes. Its largely about them raising money to get more personal wealth and try to tap the swamp for their own financial gain. Will be talking about the swamp leader in the show. Thank you both. With pelosi and the democrats refusing to pass a ever since i got this little guy, i felt like i was just constantly cleaning up his hair. Then, i got my paws on the swiffer sweeper. Its a game changer. These heavy duty dry cloths pick up a crazy amount of hair this is all you. We stopped cleaning and started swiffering. Welcome back. We know why the democrats are stalling on the next relief bill. Theyre trying to make President Trump look bad for november elections and they dont care how Many Americans lose their jobs and homes in the process. As the president put it himself yesterday nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer have chosen to hold this vital assistance hostage on behalf of very extreme partisan demands in the radical left democrats and we just cant do that. Theyre not just saying that. The president signed for executive orders to extend the federal benefits by 400 a week unemployment extend Student Loan Relief through the end of the year end renew the Eviction Moratorium that expired at the end of july. Sarah, your reaction. I think the president did the right thing and he also put nancy closing a corner because one of the democrats going to say. Are they going to come out and say no, we dont want us, this is something we just cant accept, the American People are going to buy that. They been through enough. Look, weve suffered because of covid over the last year, prior to this we saw the greatest economic resurgence in this country and that was all due to President Trump economic plan. We saw the lowest rate for African American and latinos and were seeing that across the board. We know we can get back there again, but we cant get back there with obstructionist behavior like the democrats have shown to republicans. The president did the right thing. He came with these executive orders, is not popular for people to issue executive orders, president s to issue these orders but there is nothing else present trump could have done and i think you made the right move here and now the ball is in the democrat court. To interpret these as adding leverage to the negotiations in hopes that there will be a deal thats more acceptable to the white house and republicans or do you think actually the president really doesnt care and just wants to do what hes announced on saturday. To present wants to provide for the American People and as ive watched democrats today that have been crying alligator tears about executive orders and the misuse of the executive branch, well democrat had no problems with executive orders when barack obama was using them to create amnesty for illegal aliens. When democratic president ial candidates talked about using executive power to seize peoples guns, democrats were gushing with enthusiasm so its only when our president wants to put the American People first that the democrats actually have a problem and it highlights how broken congress is. There is bipartisan agreement that people shouldnt be getting evicted right now, that student should be disadvantaged in their Student Loans and that we have to provide some bridge for people back to employment but she pelosi is holding the future and the wellbeing of the iraqi people hostage so she can massively expand Government Programs that havent been impacted to the core by coronavirus the way weve seen an impact on unemployment, Student Loans and on eviction so lets do right by her people and by the way of nancy close he wants to sue the president over it, that will just make his day because it highlights the extent to which he is fighting for america. All right. Thank you very much. Just a quick point i wanted to make. A lot of the criticism thats been turned to the payroll tax proposal is despairing the collection of payroll tax at the end of the year and it still comes due and people have to pay double next year. I was in touch with steve moore about this, he is one of the architects of this idea. He said no, its all about the fact that the president also promised that he would legislate to get rid of that obligation next year end so he makes a choice in the election very clear, either you keep the tax cut that you got from President Trump or biden will make you pay double payroll tax next year and the second point that this defund social security, thats not true either. Dont send to that criticism because theres a plan to top off the fund with issuing bonds, the Obama Administration did the same. Dont listen to those criticism criticisms. The payroll tax plan is a good one. Why a biden presidency will be second chances. But a subaru can. dad you guys ok . vo eyesight with precollision braking. Standard on the subaru ascent. The threerow subaru ascent. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Get 0 apr financing for 63 months on select models during the subaru a lot to love event. Or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Welcome back. In the 2016 president ial Campaign Donald trump promised to drain the swamp but if joe biden wins in november, first thing he will do is fill it right back up. Our gast is a start of a new documentary called the swamp. Take a look. I didnt run as someone to unify washington, i ran to change washington. I really started to think about a donald trump residency to bring the fight to a town that badly needed it. The only quid pro quo is from citizens to drain the swamp. All right. Matt gates, what is the answer to that question. President trump is putting the American People first, above the lobbyists and above the special interests and as i say, for too often america it didnt really matter which party one elections because both supported policies that invaded everywhere with stupid wars and invited everyone with nonsensical immigration policy and impoverished every town usa with just bad trade deals for American Workers and so by restoring that affect that its our people in our country that matter first, i think weve got the lobbyists on the run and weve got a way to really reduce that water level in the swamp. And by the way of people like the movie on hbo they will love my book firebrand available for preorder. Thats wa where i tell the whole story and name name. Very good. When can you come and talk about that. Just that. Will get it done steve. Very good. Sarah, lets look at the biden side of the defense. I mean everything he is planning to do will just boost the swamp. First of all he talks about going back to normal, hang on a second, i thought thats what people wanted to get away from, normal because normal is the swamp and its corrupt. Hes just can increase the size of government. More revelation, more Big Companies hiring lobbyists to get around the regular and, its just a disaster in the making. We have to look at what happened right now under President Trump. Hundreds of regulations cut, Small Businesses booming again, businesses coming back to the United States from overseas, President Trump Holding China accountable, yes, and it was the china virus and beyond the china virus on what weve had to deal with on that level, national secured level, we see now that we are also dealing with manufacturing, bringing those manufacturing jobs back to the United States. Under biden we will see it all go back to the way it was. This was the reason why the swamp is so desperate to have biden back. The whole trip was that we as the American People were supposed to believe that there is this republican and democrat and some of us are republican and some of us are democrat, but whats happened is they are both the same. They both pretend to be two different parties, but they all lead to the same place. What happened with President Trump is that he came in, he shook the establishment just like matt said, come in, shake disestablishment up so that people actually see, unveil washington so people see whats really going on here, and thats what washington cant stand, and thats the reason why washington is fighting back so hard. Weve seen them clean out both the dni, the director of National Intelligence clean out the National Security apparatus, weve seen them clean out in the white house, clean out in the state department, and in the bureaucracy. He needs to be there another four years so we can absolutely clean out the swamp. It is corrupt and its wrong. Exactly. And it totally connects with our earlier conversation about the never trump. They are the republican establishment and thats why they are on biden side. Its all about those people getting their power back weve gotta make that a big issue in the election. All right, coming up, it is easy to laugh at joe bidens constant malfunction and we will later in the show, but his recent comment on minorities are no laughing welcome, todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Whether its bribes. Or an overdue makeover. Get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with Curbside Pickup at petsmart. Just order online, drive up, checkin, and pick up. The course structure the it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, im a wife. And i was able to complete those Short Courses five to six weeks and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. Welcome back. We promised you the return of the joe biden comedy segment and thats coming up next, but first, bumbling biden made some absolutely disgusting comments on race this week. Take a look. Unlike the Africanamerican Community with notable exception, the Latino Community is incredibly diverse with incredibly different attitudes about different things. So all black people are the same. We are careful with our language on this show and we picked debated for a long time whether its fair to describe joe bidens constant offensive remarks as racist. When you put this latest example alongside vote for me or you aint black, i dont know what other term is more accurate. Sarah. Look, i think this is part of joe biden saying what a lot of people, the establishment has thought of with minority people. They dont recruit and work in the black community, look for people in the Latino Community, understand that we are all diverse, my mom was from cuba, there are many of us from many different areas, doesnt matter if youre black or white, the establishment has always been this way and ill give you example. Even going back to the bush administration, i remember president bush would say things like they are doing the jobs that americans wont do, and even back then i was saying to myself how insulting. Americans, latinos, it doesnt matter what color you are, it doesnt matter where you come from, we all do the work we have to do in order to survive and in order to feed our family. So, i think this is another example of what we will get with a biden presidency. The people in both the democrats and the repugnance, and all and it rate here, they only reach out when theres an election. As soon as the elections overcome they walk away. President trump has never done that and that you can say for certain. We have seen what he has done, his actions speak louder than words. And matt, when he keeps making the same kind of point about race, taking black people for granted saying youre all the same annual vote democrat i dont think thats a gaffe anymore. I think its much more serious. What are the odds that the only thing that joe biden consistently remembers is his own racism. This isnt a oneoff gaffe, this is a pardon and practice to joe biden that dates back when he was up against barack obama in the primary and said obama was clean and articulate. Whats obvious here is that when joe biden sees a black person in america, he has a homogenous view of how that person ought to think and ought to act. That is explicitly the definition of racism and i dont think in this country we ought to use skin color as the sole function of diversity. I think people of all different skin colors and backgrounds solve problems differently, approach issues differently, have different ideology and doctrine, and i think thats what makes america so special and with President Trump we see the policies that lift up all of americans, not just one class of americans, and i think that can ultimately be the unifying mememememe guys, times are tough. But force factors test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. Build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. Get test x180 from force factor, the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Steve welcome back. Its been a while since our last official joe biden comedy segment but we figured his latest mental malfunction was due. Steve alright, biden was asked this week if he is taken a cognitive test, a completely valid question, but did not handle it well. Have you taken a cognitive no, i have not taken a test. Why what the hell what i take a test . Come on, man. Thats like saying before you got to this program you got to take a test where youre taking cocaine or not, what do you, are you a junkie . Steve why the hell would he take a test . He provided the answer right then. Okay, boomer, no one says junkie anymore. We tried to extend a hand of grace with addiction issues. Biden is making the argument that it is, there is not any factual predicate to question his mental capability. In every American Family we see this dynamic or somebody loses contact, they become slower on the uptick and it would be fine during her as american were not facing serious challenges. We got to be the virus and confront china. We got to get our economy moving again. Joe bidens effort and politics here looks less like a president ial campaign and more like elder abuse. [laughter] steve sarah, go on. I dont even think i could top that. It is like what matt said. Everything he said and more. Its the elephant in the room. To member that commercial where there was an elephant in the room about alcoholism and everybody walked around the big elephant in the house that was knocking everything down . I feel like that is what is happening here with former Vice President joe biden. We all see the signs, Everybody Knows it and that is why the journalists are asking questions saying have you taken the cognitive test and it did sound like he was a throwback to the 1960s or Something Like come on man, every time he gets there he goes back there. I think its quite sad and im frankly very worried, really worried, the Democratic Party and the never trump like anthonys carlucci are willing to ignore all of that just because they hate trump so much in the American People who voted for him. Steve the other big point here is it really emphasizes the importance of choice, maybe as early as tomorrow, the Vice President , matt, where you see see that situation . Joe biden wants to pick susan rice but frankly, shes deeply flawed and we would love that on our side but the question is joe biden charge of the joe biden campaign, my production is they may force them to take somebody that would be more reflective of the radical left, the same radical left that will world right over joe biden in the unlikely event he is elected. If you want to preserve this great country, our values, our economy and help weve got to reelect President Trump. Its very serious. Steve sarah, on the vp choice but real quickly. I think it will be susan rice because they will play everyone. The democrats believe they will be able to control this vp that they have supported over the past year, the beast of writers and the leftist extremist troops. I believe we do have a choice like matt said between american principles and the foundation of our country or the radical marxist leftists. This is the most critical election in modern american political history, i believe. It could change fundamentally america forever. Steve i agree. If it is susan thats a massive gift to the trump campaign. That is all for tonight. We will the next revolution will be televised. Nancy good evening. Im nancy grace paid thank you for tuning into this installment of american kidnapping. Tonight we take a closer look at the bewildered case of elizabeth smart. Join us as we delve into one of the most horrifying kidnapping cases in american history. Ed smart made the initial 911 call that someone had taken elizabeth. We are doing everything we can to possibly help you. National manhunt is underway for elizabeth smart. Mary catherine heard him say i will kill your family

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