Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20161129

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Partons famous theme park and it is known to the gateway to Smoky Mountains national park. Many key attractions offer sweeping views including a 407 space needle to you yir and sky lift youre looking at smoemfilled streets there. It is precarious to be there at this time according to people on the ground. You can stay with Fox News Channel for more on this developing story as we continue to follow the developments in gatlinburg and python forth. Di with it peter keng a nd well be joined by pete hoekstra. But bebegin tonight with mike tobin who is reporting live from columbus, ohio. Mike . Reporter and megyn, sophomore jacob bowers had stopped on a bench on campus just before 11 00. He opened up his laptop and put his head phones in. Because he had his head phones in, he didnt hear the initial car attack. He looked up to see the attacker flailing away at students with a knife. It looked like a school of fish and a shack attacking it. He couldnt focus on one person and thats why like everyone got really lucky. He couldnt focus on one so he couldnt hit anyone. Reporter bowers heard the officer give several commands to the attacker before artin lounged at the officer and the shots were fired. Now Law Enforcement sources tell fox news that theyre looking at a Facebook Post from earlier in the day, possibly linked to ar tin in which a decoration is made of unfair treatment to muslims thens being looked at as a possible link to a motive. Thank you. Joining us now, new York Congress peter king, a republican and member of the Homeland Security and intelligence committees and tony shaver, senior fellow at the London Center of policy research. Congressman, do you believe this is terror . I believe its all of the indicators of terrorism and i would be surprised if its not. Obviously we cant make the final conclusion. But everything is there, the somali refugee, the type of attack, using his hitting. This is shortly after the president announced that al shabaab is going to be declared a terrorist organization, right after isis encouraged people to use vehicle to crash into crowds and to use knives as a weapon as opposed to a gun. All of the indicators are there. Again, if i had to bet i would say yes and theres a real problem with the Somali Community as far as having a large number of al shabaab reporters. How does that change this, congressman if thats the way things are leaning. And even your democratic counter part is suggesting that they believe this is terror, this has the hallmarks of terrorism. How does that change the investigation right now . Well, the fbi will be coming in, Homeland Security. This will be focused as a certainly a real possibility of terrorism. Also looking for any type of overseas link to see if theres any connections in the United States. You have minneapolis, st. Paul and columbus, ohio, the highest concentrations of somalis. Weve had 40 somali americans have gone over to somalia to fight as isis terrorists. This is a real threat, a real danger and again its a community where the overwhelming majority are good people but theres a hard core in it. Five and a half years ago, the first witness we had focused on the threat we have from somali americans. Lieutenant colonel schafer, so now theres an investigation into this and a question about whether this guy was, you know, socalled self radicalized, whether he has connection to isis overseas. Your thoughts on that. I think we have to look at the training of this individual, his history. We know that terrorists are basically groomed from 11 years old on. We have to look at a pattern of criminal behavior. These folks are put into the pipeline. And frankly as the congressman was saying with you have a hard core within the communities. This is not just remote, not just ohio. It is in other places. Canada has had problems with this as well as minneapolis. We have to look at the whole. And frankly this is a pattern. Again as peter was pointing out. Isis has put out training videos. So the bottom line is this was an act of terror by everyones definition. I think we have to accept at this point in time there are cells here. These folks are here functioning hidden within the larger communities. Donald trump and his team are going to have to go two ways on this. Theyre going to have to look at those that are already here regarding the fact that the door has been opened, governor kasich accepted a strod nair number of folks of somalis into ohio. He has to accept the responsibility of allowing some, like this vid, let him in attempting to kill american. S we have to do a deeper screening. Al shabaab is a terrorist organization. People go to somalia and they get radicalized, trained and come back. We had this issue right after 9 1 is. We were dealing with the somalis being radicalized in the 2000s. We had a way of dealing with that combined with the military and Law Enforcement. And frankly those mechanisms dont exist. This did not happen at 9 1 1 because we took aggressive actions. And the question is whether we overstepped our bounds on peoples civil liberties. And youve both lived through it, congressman peter king, you especially as a congressman from long island and having known many of the victims on 9 11. How far can we go . So far this guy had not been on the radar, no reason to question whether he might be a terrorist. This could be one of the needle in the hay stack situations where the fbi cant really racially profile or religiously profile every somali who comes into the country. No. But it is important to have sources and informers within the community. I do believe you have to have surveillance, you have to know whos who to the extent you can. Were not talking about why its happening, not talking about Fourth Amendment violations. But it is important just as you go after organized crime, you go to the communities where the crime is coming from. But if you know the crime is coming from there, the terrorist act is going to come from that community, you have to have more surveillance. Thats legitimate Law Enforcement and absolutely necessary. Thanks for being here. Well as we await more information on the motivation behind this attack, the possible link to terrorism is raising new questions about how National Security threats will be dealt with under a donald trump presiden presidency. For more on that were joined by pete hoekstra. Congressman, good to see you tonight. Lets start there. How do you see things changing. This is the first possible terror attack weve seen since donald trump was elected as our next president. How do you see him changing the landscape that president obama has put into place when it comes to fighting terror . I think the first thing youre going to see is youre going to see a President Donald Trump along with his National Security adviser and defense team, theyre going to be much more aggressive overseas. They are not going to allow isis or al qaeda or al shabaab or these terrorists organizations to have safe havens in five different countries. Theres a caliphate that was basically the size of indiana in iraq and syria. Two failed states, iraq and syria. Libya is a failed state. Let me stop you there so we can get specific. Get specific because, you know, president obama did fight isis to some extent late in the game and theyve lost a bunch of territory in iraq, as you know. But donald trump, hes largely noninterventionalist. As he put it, im the one who wants to keep under the circumstances out of the wars. What specifically do you see him doing overseas to control isis. Thus far he has a plan but he hasnt revealed it. Number one, you have to recognize, president obama created this situation. When he came into office there was, you know, iraq was relatively stable state. Syria was a stable state. Libya was. Yep. This president created the circumstances where this countries, where gaddafi, assad and others were keeping the lid on the garbage can of radical jihadists, he lifted the lid off by getting now here we are, almost 2017. So what is President Trump going to do . President elect has made clear, like i said, hes not going to allow the failed states to exist. And he will partner with people in the region. This current president , obama has been reluctant to equip and train to kurds, train and equip the tribes in iraq to defeat isis in iraq. He would not have taken out gaddafi and he has to develop a strategy to go back in and allow a stable government to come back into place in libya and in syria and its a very deep hole for this president to dig out. The second thing im short on time but ive got to ask you domestically what you see President Trump doing differently . President obama created violent extremism where he equates ever threat to potentially in the United States as having the same priority. Donald trump will focus on the threat from radical jihadism because thats the threat that we face today and well do Different Things that peter king outlined, surveillance and police active tus against the specific threat and it will be a priority. Surveil muslim communities . He will surveil those groups that he believes are the threat and those are the groups that are linked to radical jihadist tendencies and philosophies and they are linked to the muslim brotherhood. Pete hoekstra, great to see you. Thank you. So we also have breaking news tonight on the possible new cabinet picks, including general David Petraeus, former governor mitt romney and which one of these two might possibly become our next secretary of state. Karl rove and Trump Transition Team member jason miller is next. New developments with the recount effort now spreading through three different states. With two major papers suggesting that the president elect could be in trouble over his Business Operations in foreign countries, judge andrew nepal tan no weighs in on whether the legal risk is real. I would probably have my children run it with my executives and i wouldnt be involved because i wouldnt care about anything but our like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Is it keeps the food out. 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Finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. On xfinity x1. Breaking tonight, major news now on mr. Trumps transition as Vice President president elect mike pence tells reporter a short time ago we can expect some very important announcements tomorrow. One of the announcements many are expecting and its been reporting right now by the the New York Times well be hearing is the president elects pick for the department of hhs. We are hearing today, this is on the the New York Times right now, that president elect trump has selected representative tom price. Hes a sixterm republican congressman, been very very antiobamacare and unluke a lot of the other republicans in the house, hes actually submitted detailed proposals for how he thinks the republicans could do better than obamacare and now according to the the New York Times, hes been selected to lead as the secretary of health and human services. The other big pick being discussed we could hear as early as tomorrow is who is going to be the secretary of state. Today the former cia director David Petraeus met with dr. Trump in the middle of reports that David Petraeus is being considered. Another rumored pick is governor mitt romney. While mr. Trump is reportedly having lunch with mitt romney tomorrow, some of his closest advisers are not mitt romney fans people feel betrayed to think that governor romney who went out of his way to question the character and the integrity of donald trump. I think there is nothing that mitt romney can say that doesnt sound to any and frankly pathet pathetic. We would be enormously disappointed if he brought mitt romney in a position of authority. Hes a self serving egomaniac who puts himself first, who has a chip on his shoulder who thinks he should be president of the United States. Fox news contributor karl rove joins us in moments along with jason miller. But first to chief washington correspondent james rosen with more. Good evening. Former general petraeus assumes the top spot, perhaps the secretary of state role, it would make a stunning comeback for the former cia director once hailed as the best and brightest, forced in 2012 to resign and later plead guilty to knowingly mishandled confidential information. After a visit to the 26th floor of trump tower, general petraeus this afternoon deflected questions about the roughly one hour he spent with the president elect. He basically walked us around the world, showed a great grasp of a variety of the challenges that are out there and some of the opportunities as well. So very good conversation and well see where it goes from here. And the president elect stoked the intrigue with a 4 00 p. M. Tweet saying just met with general petraeus, was very impressed. Still said to be in the running for secretary of state, former new york city mayor, Rudy Giuliani, 2012 republican nominee mitt romney and former u. N. Ambassador john bolton. Kellyanne conway has taken an unusually stand against mitt romney leaving many to believe that she would not make the mistake of trying to force her bosss hand. Ill all for party unity but im not sure we have to pay for that with the secretary of state position. But let me repeat, what donald trump decides, kellyand conway and the others will respect. Its the backlash from the grass roots still, romney is up for the second session with the president elect tomorrow. Megyn . James, thank you. Joining me you, corkarl rove. Good to see you. What do you make of this public infighting or head fake. I dont mow whats going on. The reports are that Kellyanne Conway went rogue in speaking out about the possible pick of mitt romney and the reports are that she did nothing of the kind and donald trump knew exactly what she was going to say and supported it. Well, look, i dont know which is true. I just think its unseemly and unconstructive. It makes donald trump whatever the intention look weak. It makes him look like hes waffling, makes him look like hes being pressured and thats not what a president elect or a president ought to look like. Second of all, its not conducive to creating the right kind of atmosphere in the white house, people feeling they can give their private opinions to the president in front of the colleagues that might disagree with them and not worry about being outed in the newspaper, something leaked to make them look stupid. Imagine what would happen in a white house if a please dental adviser went out and said well i told him not to appoint so and so to the Supreme Court but to appoint so and so or i told him to pursue this policy action, not that policy action. That would be conducive to the smooth operation of the white house or putting the president in the best possible light. So what is going on here . Because the speculation is that perhaps donald trump is looking to embarrass mitt romney who was a vicious critic of trumps during the campaign. This is playing out like an episode of the apprentice where he decides who goes forward and who doesnt in the most dramatic fashion. What do you make of it . I dont know what to make of it. One option is that he authorized Kellyanne Conway to do this in order to embarrass romney, to be able to, at the end of the day, throw up his hands and say sorry my grass roots people wouldnt let me. But i think donald trump was so magnanimous on his comments on Election Night that he it caused a lot of people the say i may not have voted for the guy but thats the kind of president i want to see. Shes done that so often since the election. And i think it would ill serve him to engage in that kind of mocking, better to be magnanimous to romney and decide to go is some place else if he wanted to score some points against romney rather than going through this. The other option, of course is that shes gone rogue in which case shes not serving her principal well. He needs to look strong. The world is watches. This is not something thats going to make him look stronger. That doesnt sound like Kellyanne Conway to go rogue. Well see. Great to see you. Great. Thank you. Joining me now, jason miller. Good to see you. Whats the story. Did Kellyanne Conway go rogue with those comments or not . Not at all. The president elect and kellyanne and myself were sharing a chuckle about that this evening. Kellyanne chatted with the president elect in advance of going out with her comments, asking his permission to voice her opinions on the matter and he said go for it. Thats one of the great things the msnbc report that trump was lived, that hes furious with what she said, thats not true . No, not at automobile. In fact the president elect gave her permission to go out and do that and she did. Thats one of the great things about the white house. The president elect and the future president will take in a number of different view points and opinion and hell form his own decision. Lets talk about that. Let me push back on one thing that mr. Rove side a moment ago. Theres a difference in going out in advance with permission and voicing your opinion as the president elect collecting the different thoughts on the matter and decides who me wants to go with and then doing it after the fact. He was responding to what i was telling him, the conflicting news reports. Msnbc was reporting that donald trump was furious with her and that she went rogue and the a. P. Was reporting thats completely wrong. He was going with me down those two scenarios. But i want to ask you about general David Petraeus. Weve been told that it was almost decided that it would either be Rudy Giuliani or mitt romney for secretary of state and up pops David Petraeus. How do you like his odds . As you noted, we still have mayor giuliani whos being considered for a top level pick in the administration. Obviously governor romney would be a top night contender if he were to choose to come into the administration if the president elect offered him something. You have other folks coming in to offer advice, give their different opinions. General petraeus is someone whos highly sought after. He was at the white house a few months ago. They were bringing him in to offer his opinions. As the president elect brings everyone together starting to formulate his opinions, thes going to make his own pick and decision. But obviously im a big fan of mayor giuliani having worked with him in 2008, governor romney has a strong track record. One person is going to make this decision and that will be the president elect. Can you give us any hint on the timing of that in. I would not expect that tomorrow. Governor romney and the president elect will be getting together for dinner tomorrow night. Theyll be considering their discussion. They havent spent that muff time together previously. But tomorrow well have some very exciting announcements. First thing tomorrow morning well have one want innocent level pick as well as another top level administration. Is it tom price . Stay tuned. Youll get official confirmation first thing tomorrow morning. But we should have a second cabinet pick coming tomorrow as well. As the president elect reaches his decision, were going to go and get those out. Well look forward to that. Thanks for being here. Thanks, megyn. Well a couple of major Media Outlets suggesting that the president elect is going to end up in trouble over his Business Operations in foreign countries. We asked judge nepal tan no to review that rule. New fallout from a series of recount efforts backed by jill stein and Hillary Clinton. Where is this going . Thats next. They have to decide whether theyre going to interfere with his finishing his business, interfere with a peaceful transition, transfer of power or if theyre going to be a bunch checking your credit score . You dont want to drive old blue forever, do you . Credit karma huh . Yeah, its free. credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Remember when christmas was magical . Lets get back there. At Bass Pro Shops santas wonderland. Where kids can get a free picture with santa. And you can save big on great gifts. 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Trump took it a step further by alleging that he actually won the popular vote which he lost to Hillary Clinton, that he actually won it, he now claims, because of millions of people who he claims actually voted illegally. Karl cameron has the latest details on this entire mess. Karl . Thanks, megyn. Few think its going to make a difference, it looks like there will be one count, and it looks like its going to in wisconsin. Green Party Candidate jill stein has until wednesday to file for a michigan recount. If approved, trump gets seven day to object and contest. In wisconsin, commissioners rejected steins request for a hand count. Stein filed for a pennsylvania recount this afternoon, too, but because of the deadline being today and the requirements for approval are so difficult, she petitioned the court for more time. It requires affidavits from three voters in each of pennsylvania 9,000 voting precincts and the process requires a notary to stamp the affidavit which has to be delivered to the country Clerks Office for final certification. Hillary Clintons Campaign joined the recount effort over the course of the weekend, it wasnt to overturn trumps win but to make sure that a fair process is reserved for all parties. In one tweet trump said, in addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, i won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. He also tweeted serious voter fraud in virginia, New Hampshire and california. Why isnt the media reporting this . Election officials in those states have denied any wide spread vote fraud and criticized trumps tweets as inappropriate and illinformed. Joining me now with more, a former Trump Campaign spokesperson Katrina Pearson and mow alee ki. Great to see you both. What is the problem with jill stein asking for a recount in these states . Well, megyn, this isnt a problem except for jill stein was nowhere close to winning in these states and recount are not uncommon. Its quite odd at the timing of all of this and the fact that Hillary Clinton, someone who said we really should accept the Election Results in the media for nearly a week criticizeddon have to wait and see what the election comes. Its sinister here, not to mention the clinton donored piling the money in for jill. Hillary clinton told Chris Wallace at the debate that he hosted that it was horrible that Donald Trumps refusal to say that he would accept the outcome of the election was horrible and she was just disgusted by it. And now shes like, well participate. We would like too see about that recount, too. Well, thats not exactly what shes saying. She conceded the election. Her campaign has said we dont think were going to overturn, we dont think the election will get overturned. Theyve said that donald trump will be the president come january 20th and theyve said that they did their own Due Diligence over the past few weeks amid reports that there might be an interference and they did not find any actionable evidence of any sort of wide spread voter fraud. But if someone else is going to put forth the recount, they are going to have lawyers in the room. They would be stupid not to. Why . They would be stupid not to have lawyers in the room to monitor the process. Why even put a lawyer there. If they go through the process and Something Interesting happens, somehow miraculously jill stein won wisconsin, she can look at it herself, cant she . Thats not going to happen. Theyre going to have a lawyer in the room and i think thats prudent and it makes sense. What does not make sense i dont know, moe. You can see why team trump is suspicious of Hillary Clintons hand. Certainly. Theres nothing untoward about having an attorney in the room. The president elect who won the election, youve heard me say this, he won it, he won it square and square, he is the next president of the United States and congratulation to the campaign for winning. Why is he the only one truly questioning the legitimacy of the election. Why is he saying millions of voters were illegal voters . That does not make sense to me. Because 2016. Cat, donald trump may be the first president in u. S. History to question the legitimacy of the election he won. Thats right. Mr. Trump is not questioning the legit mie zags of the election, hes questioning the popular vote. Based on what . Theyre not hold on to say that she won. No. But where would he get his evidence whatever side loses always says that. Where does he get his evidence that millions of Illegal Immigrants voted in this election, that millions of people voted illegally . Well i think its a combination of things. You can look at the daily caller back in ongt wrote an article about showing what voter fraud looks like and they listed 23 states. You can go back to the l. A. Times a year ago where they talked about governor jerry browns voter motor which its an a supposition without actual proof. Well there have been incidents, like in iowa there was a woman convicted and prosecuted tharchlts is not millions. A woman, a woman does not equal millions. Thats what im saying. And millions possible or months earlier does not make it happen on november 8th. Right. I think thats something we should look at. The argument here is that you cant prove it. How about we disprove it. Why is anyone looking at anything when your team won . We dont. Its just the point of if youre going to Say Something like we won because of x, mr. Trump is saying, no you didnt. Mr. Trump won this race he should take it back. Why isnt it enough for him that he won the Electoral College. Why does he have to make up information that he won the popular vote which he lost . Because people know government is corrupt, thats quite obvious now. No. America has voted, they dont trust the politicians, they know the media is not on their side. They trust that but they dont trust the voting machines. Ill give you the last word, moe. It matters because of the local elections and it should be validated. There were three people prosecuted who are Trump Supporters for trying to vote more than once. We can cherry pick isolated incidents but theyre just that. By saying theres millions of illegal votes, that questions the sanctity of our entire electoral process. That feeds when that comes from the president elect, not have a candidate, but from the president elect of the United States okay. That gives your people who work in these countries who see it every election cycle. All right. You cant have it both ways, katrina. If were not supposed to be a recount, we cant go out there and say millions of people voted illegally. Wed love a recount to win all over thats probably whats going to happen because jill stein is insisting that there be one and theres no chance she won wisconsin. Up next, two of mr. Trumps least favorite newspapers predicting legal trouble with mr. Trumps foreign investments, nothing says treat yourself like red lobsters holiday seafood celebration. So try new dishes like the new grand seafood feast, and the new wildcaught lobster shrimp trio, with a lobster macandcheese topped lobster tail. Come treat yourself to feast fit for the season before it ends. So why are you still puttingy. Up with complicated cash back cards . Some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to places they choose. Then they change those places every few months. Quicksilver keeps it simple. With quicksilver you always earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. tis the season for simple. Whats in your wallet . Developing tonight, new fallout after the New York Times and Washington Post published lengthen and detailed reports over the weekend looking at president elect Donald Trumps foreign business and predicting legal trouble. First up, Trace Gallagher details the reports. Trace . Megyn, donald trump acknowledgings that his brand has never been hotter and in theory he could run his business perfectly and run the country perfectly was there is no conflict of interest. But the ethical concern being raised by many is whether trump will pursue policy best for the naugs or best for his company. Congressional democrats are calling for trumps foreign business dealings to be investigated. The u. S. Has never had a president with Business Operations in at least 20 countries. And even if trump doesnt seek advantages from foreign governments, the worry is those governments will try to ingratiate themselves to trump by offering special favors. Its worth noting that several of trumps Real Estate Ventures in india are being built by companies with family tie to the indian government. And in the past few weeks, trump tower projects in the former soviet republic of georgia are now back on track. Though donald trump says only the Crooked Media make this a big deal. And if being the u. S. President can boost the brand, it can also damage it. Experts say Trump Properties around the world, especially in the middle east are symbols of american capitalism and could be attractive targets for terrorists. The president elect maintains that his children will take over the country, the same children who are now working his daytoday transition team. Thank you. So what are the legal impations of mr. Trumps business dealings . Joining me now, judge andrew napolitano. Good to see you. So what specifically do you see as a problem if any . Actually, the problem for president elect trump is a plit rale one and not a legal one. The reason its not a legal one is that all of the ethics rules that the congress has written and his predecessors have signed into office regulating everybody working for the federal government have two exceptions to them. The Vice President and the president. So none of the rules that govern everyone else govern him. Stated differently, he can lawfully run the executive branch of the federal government and operate his businesses at the same time. He can engage in dealing which appears to be a conflict of interest and again the remedy is political, its not legal. Look, he cant break the law, he cant accept payments from foreign governments in order to confer benefits on them and even his wildest critics have not accused him of that. But if he tows the line he can probably do what he says hes going to be, be a good businessman and a great president at the same time. Its fine for him if hes on the phone with the leader of argentina as he reportedly was and sort of says, hey now that were done with state business, whats the status with my approval on my hotel down there. Sure would help me out if you can get that pushed through quickly. Thats legal . Thats fine . That is legal. It may appear unlawful, it would be unlawful if a governor did it, i would be unlawful in a senator or a member of congress did it but it is not unlawful for the president. Candidly, hen the stutes are written, nobody contemplated a donald trump. Nobody contemplated a billionaire with serious interests in 20 countries around the world, even countries that are currently not fend friendly the United States. They wanted to give the president as much freedom as possible. What would the prudent thing be in the eye of the legal experts looking at it. Its an obvious you know, it makes you feel a little concerned that our country shouldnt be a bargaining chip in business dealing. People will wonder as much as they want to trust him, people will wonder is he making the best decision for the country or is he making the best decision for himself and what happens when theres a conflict between those two. It could be a lot easier for him, he would be a better president and a happier president if it put all of his holdings into a blind trust and had no contact with the trustee. Does he have to do that . No. And if he doesnt do it, the recommemedy is krit uchl investigations and political ramifications but no legal wrongdoing. Thats what 2020 is for. Judge good to see you. Pleasure megyn. Coming up, well explain this. I soon realized that one of the glories of chicago is the weather. I was thrilled to have my own [ bleep ] let me start over. I soon realized that one of the most Amazing Things about chicago score . I wanna see if it changed. Credit scores dont change that much, do they . Really . Ill take it. Sir, your credit. Is great right . When was the last time you checked . Yeah, id better check my credit score. Here, try credit karma. Its free. All right. No more surprises. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. So im on location in chicago to promote my new book, settle for more which is now a number one the New York Times best seller thanks to all of you. Part of the memoir discusses my time in chicago which started off so happy but changed over time leading to my realization ultimately that i could settle for more. Watch. It was 1995, nearly 22 years ago to the day that i start laid eyes on the beautiful city of chicago. I with us a third year law student in albany at the time and a law firm put mer up at the intercontinental. I remember looking out at Michigan Avenue and the twinkling lights i looked out at Michigan Avenue and the twinkling lights on the trees, the busy professionals down below hailing taxis and carrying briefcases and thinking to myself, with hard work i can get there. I soon realized one of the most wonderful things about chicago was did weather, and thats still true to this day. I found an Apartment Building steps away from the Beautiful Navy pier, steps away from oprah win fridays building whose show i used to watch late at night. I moved in glorified to find out i had my own washer dryer and my tv was on a couple of milk crates. Between that and my white box of wun andi Cristina Turner cds, felt i had arrived. Ld i worked hard as an attorney first in this building as a law firm. I was on the best cases working with the best partners. In fact all i did was work. Soon i realized because youre good at something doesnt mean it makes you happy. It was one night while driving home on this, the kennedy expressway with tears streaming down my face out of shear exhaustion that it dawned on me how unhappy i was. I wanted to have an accident, not because i wanted to hurt myself but because i desperately needed a rest. I thought if i could break a major bone, you know, like a femur perhaps i could get one. By the light of day, perhaps i could just make a career change. So i resolved to change my lifer but how . I was taking guitar classes as a stress reliever. In the class i met a tv news producer. She agreed to help me. Late at night after my law job, i would come out to the streets of chicago like this bridge and shoot c standups with a photographer. Within six months of that i got myot first tv news job. Within 12 months of that i got hired by fox news. And the rest, as they say, is history. Thehe book is called settl for mosre and it will make an excellent christmas gift. I do love chicago. Well be back. Great deals on our hottest smartphones. Like the droid turbo 2 by motorola for 10 per month. Or the iphone se for 5 per month. Our lowest price ever. The best Cyber Monday Deals are at verizon. Shop online all day. Hurry, and get it all at vzw. Com. I really did save hundreds on my Car Insurance with geico. I should take a closer look at geico. Geico has a long history of great savings and great service. Over seventyfive years. Wait. Seventyfive years . That is great. Speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. You like smash mouth . Uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so. Wait. Almost there. Goodnight, bruce. Gotta tune the a. humming take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Here is part of the outtake again. I soon realized one of the most Amazing Things about chicago tonight. He gave speeches against donald trump, he attacked his character. Backlash grows over ports governor mitt romney is being considered for secretary of start. Im for party unity, but im not sure we have to pay for that with the secretary of state position. And sore loser Hillary Clinton joins the wisconsin recount in a blatant attempt to undermine president elect trumps victory. We are watching her live out a psycho drama in public, but the fact is she lost. Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich here to react to us. All of that plus tim tebow joins us in studio to talk about his brandnew book. Hannity starts now. Welcome to hannity. Sore ler

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