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Secretary of state that is reportedly dividing the trump team down the middle. Chris stirewalt, pete hoke hoax stra join us in a moment. But first we have more on the romney reaction. What are your source telling us at this hours . New information tonight is that donald trump and mitt romney traded phone calls over the thanksgiving holiday. We did not know they had continued the conversation. What that tells me is that by them speaking by phone, mitt romney is still a candidate, despite the fierce comp thagss happening in the grass roots and among his own team. You had Kellyanne Conway out there talking about loyalty tests on all of this. And it tells me, i have a source senior in the transition telling me that as you suggested, if mitt romney wants this hes going to have to issue a public apology. It could undermine him. And if he was put in the role, what would it be like for mitt romney knowing that people in that administration were fiercely against him. And he was on bended knee to get the job. Its opening una lane for Rudy Giuliani who has met with the president elect about this job. And nobody was more loyal when youre talking about Rudy Giuliani. But theres a fierce battle going on behind the scenes about whether or not you go loyalty or go with romney. It wasnt just policy. He called donald trump a phony, a fraud and a hack. This might open a third lane. Who could that be . Someone like retired general david petraeus. He served the bbc ive served other commanders in chief, i could do it again. This seemed to say wait a second, this could be almost a dream team on the side. Charles krauthammer said he thinks that would be a wonderful thing. Pa tretraeus as secretary of state and Lieutenant General michael flynn, National Security adviser. Whats wrong with that picture . Two thing. Donald trump spent a lot of the campaign saying i dont have an itchy finger on the trigger in terms of warmongering. And david petraeus, one of his problems was mishandling classified information. Think about how much time donald trump talked about crooked hillary and mishandling classified information. It would get awkward to bring him back. The team is somewhat divided . Fiercely divided about whether to go to giuliani night or the mitt romney night. Mitt romney still in the mix and talking with donald trump over the holiday. Joining me now, Chris Stirewalt and pete hoax tra and a National Review editor. Chris stirewalt, ill start with you first. How does that end for president elect trump and his team . It could be quite favorable for donald trump in this way. If you create this dynamic, is it a, b, a or b, a or b when its c, d, e, f, g that shows up. Oh, you sofltd the problem. Its important for trump to send a signal to his base. Could this open a door for a third option . Newt gingrich can think of 20 names to fill this role. I think what donald trump is doing, its fascinating. Everybody seems to be focused on the intrigue. Theyve been focused on that through the whole process because hes doing things differently. By the time donald trump gents done, hes going to have a dream team to itchment his implement immigrati immigration, fix education. Hes picking strong people totally in alignment with him. Hes going to do the same thing with the secretary of state. But for the same being, mr. Hoax tra, as ed henry is reporting and a tweet from Kellyanne Conway today, the team is divided when it comes to choosing the secretary of state. There are some inside his campa mitt romney. I doubt hes going to publicly apologize and i doubt hell get the pick in the end. And rudy is trying to publicly jam mr. Trump on this. Hell accept nothing other than secretary of state. One of my favorites, a great compromised choice is john bolton who unlike romney or rudy has substantial Foreign Policy experience and would avoid this war other the loyalists and the interlopers. Youre throwing out another option there, but lets talk about general petraeus. Hes said if he is asked to fulfill a role for Donald Trumps administration he will accept. Is he a viable option . Theres petraeus, former marine general kelly. Senator bob corker. So the list goes on. The idea that youre limiting would you, for example, have figured that Mickey Hailey was going to be the choice for no, you dont pick that. I think what trump is doing is smart. You weigh your options, you use surprise to your advantage aeng there is one other problem and ed alluded to it and i think its something to remember. If he stacks his administration the secretary of state is not the most important job. Its the most prestigious post, Thomas Jefferson but it doesnt matter the way it used to be. Secretary of state is a nice honor for someone and they have have a lot of control over embassies and all of that jazz. But this isnt the most important appointment. Still donald trump said hes going to surround himself with the best people and where hes lacking experience hes going to surround himself with the smartest people to help him do this job. Mr. Hoke stra, petraeus has thrown his name into the ring. If mitt romney were to be named into this role, knowing that there are those inside of Donald Trumps own team that dont want him there, what would it be like for mitt romney to do his job . I think it would be just fine for mitt. Clearly donald trump is and has made it very clear, only he knows whats going on, he is in charge and hes going to run this organization. I think the bigger question is mitt romney willing to accept that kind of leadership to implement Donald Trumps agenda, which is exactly what donald trump will require from all of the people he puts into his cabinet. Hes willing to take differences of opinion. But if people dont perform or they cross him one way or another, you can expect the hear to term youre fired. What do you make of the diversity were seeing now, rich. Another woman naumed to his cabinet, this after he was facing headlines that his team was lacking diversity. They were quick to jump to that conclusion and now weve got three women on the trump team. And the other head lines we were seeing is that the transition was in total disarray and the Trump Administration was on the verge of collapse at the outset. Instead weve seen picks moving quickly, very strong and i think he deserves credit whether he picks romney or not for secretary of state. Hes reached out to all factions of the party. That sounds like a compliment from you. It is. When i get a white house offer, everything is forgiven. Trump is tweeting National Review. In you go. Chris stirewalt maybe at the end of the day what youre saying is, maybe its going to bring everybody together. Well you know what, day after thanks giving. Well accept this happy thoughts. There will be trouble ahead, it will be hard again but this is not the make or break. This is some people who are airing some bad feelings they have. But theres still a lot of positions that have not been fulfilled. He still has a lot of decisions to be made and right now with this division were seeing within the Transition Team, those who have not supported trump, its given them an opportunity to say look look look, they cant get their act together. He does have his act together. Division is okay. It shows that donald trump is a big man. He can accept Division Within his team, get conflicting advice and then he will make a decision and he will expect the team to implement his direction. Its what all good leaders do. So you would say this is par for the course as far as this point in a Transition Team for a president elect . Yeah, i think so. It was a very very tough campaign and to put people back together is going to be difficult. All right. But hes doing it. Rich, last word to you. This is part of any transition. There are going to be divisions and im sure there were a lot of obama people who werent particularly thrilled picking Hillary Clinton as secretary of state but politics always make strange bed fellows. I thank all three of you for being here live with us tonight. As president elect trump seek to fill out his cabinet, some are questioning the net worth of his potential nominees. But does having money mean they cant help. Working class americans . Anthony scaramucci is a member of mr. Trumps Transition Team that we just talked so much about and he will be here to respond next. I have made billions of dollars in business making deals. Now im going to make our country rich again. Jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. During the president ial election then candidate donald trump vowed to make America Great again for all americans. But tonight hes taking some heat for appearing to stack his cabinet with the super wealthy. Politico with the headline, trumps team of ga zillionaires. Politico surmises that if trump appoints folks like Rudy Giuliani and mitt romney, his cabinet could be worth as much as 35 billion. The the New York Times deputy washington editor Jonathan Wiseman sarcastically tweeting between some of those names and others, this is going to be quite the working class administration. In moments well be joined by anthony scaramucci, a member of Donald Trumps Transition Team. But we begin with peter doocy reporting tonight from palm beach, florida outside maralago. Reporter because working class voters propoeld trump to the presidency, some on the left are crying foul that the billionaire is surrounding himself with other billionaires. The two people who are the president elects favorite ever favorites, wig burr rot and rickets, another, harold hamm, an oil bill neionaire. Politico did the math and speculates if you add up the net worth of the rumored cabinet secretaries, the sum could reach 35 billion. But the Current Administration behaved basically the same way, even nicknaming one the buffet rule. Theres commerce secretary penny prit kerr, a businesswoman wort found hyatt hotels. And then secretary of state john kerry worth 103 million and married to these so heinz. And bob mcdonald made 15. 9 million in 2013 alone while working as the chef executive of proctor and gamble. He did bring aboard a secretary of state that ended up being dead broke, but Hillary Clinton ended up being worth more than 15 million while in office and a whole lot more now. Anthony, thanks for beington its great to be here. Can you clear some of this up . There is a lot of talk about him surrounding himself with billionaires as if thats a bad thing. I think the only thing that peter left out, with the trump bump all of those people are a lot richer, including mr. Buffet. Youre referencing the stock rise. Yes. The denegration of wealthy people and the divisiveness of that class warfare is coming to an end. Thats a good thing for the American People. The other thing that that article left out is every one of these people is an unbelievable philanthropi philanthropist. Betsy . Hes dedicated her whole life to education, how to help poor people in the inner cities get their children the quality education they need so they can have an aspirational working class conversion into the middle class and hopefully by the way i think this is a fantastic thing for the American People that hes focused on mere tookcy and talent as opposed to picking people as their net worth not being enough. Now democrats are crying foul. Isnt that a key point . This isnt Trump Supporters that are crying foul saying we dont like what were seeing. This is the left that is criticizing. This left has serious talking points about railing on rich people. They think that they Class Division is a powerfula antidot. People want wage growth, jobs, they want quality education for their children, they want a right sizing and evening of the playing field. Let it be fair for the American People and the american worker. If there are super distinguished people that are done Amazing Things with their lives thats led to the Great American Success Story that youve heard about, so be it. Let those people help the rest of us get to where we want to g. When you dig in youre looking at meneau chan and bann bannon, as you know his Goldman Sachs background, youre talking about wall street background. How important is that considering donald trump said he made his election on the system is rigged. Well a lot of main street and those making the average 55,000 a year in this country, they think wall street is rigged. How is that for them to see him put im proud of Goldman Sachs and worked on wall street for 28 years. And ive had this conversation with the president elect and ill continue to say the same thing. There might be bad actors on wall street, but there are bad actors in many areas. These guys have been terrific people, high ethical, high integrity. Ive worked closely with both of those people and i have a tremendous amount of confidence in them that theyre going to do the right thing. While youre here with this news on the divided Transition Team. Very divided. Mitt romney, we saw the tweets from Kellyanne Conway. How is it going . As it relates to kelly anne, i love her because shes been so instrumental in the success of the campaign. Everyone respects her. Shes entitled to her opinion and shes swearing it over twitter. God whether he says. I said this to block berg, the transition has been nothing but orderly. The information is provieted to the president elect and the Vice President elect. Is he still being considered . I have to take pence at his word when he says hes been considered for secretary of state. There are other candidates in the field. Theres a very ordly and disciplined process. What the president elect is doing, hes doing a wide ranging search so when the people are finally declared, he can say i went through a rigorous recruiting process and i picked the best person or to quote mr. Trump an a plus plus plus player is going to join the administration. Im proud to be a part of it with him. Its been a fantastic two weeks for us a eni think the American People are going to be excited about their new administration. Thank you for being here. Good to be here. Here with more is david wool, an attorney and trump supporter and Christopher Hann is a radio talk show house and Fox News Contributor. David, what do you make of what you just heard from anthony . Hes right on. Mr. Trump was elected by the American People with the full knowledge that hes a hardworking very successful billionaire. So the idea that people are going to be offended that his cabinet members or at least a few of them are successful millionaires and billionaires is absolute garbage. Chris, to davids point that hes making out of the gate here, youre talking about the American People who elected a billionaire. So why does the left think that theyre going to be a problem with him surrounding himself with other, not all, but some other billionaires . You know, i think its much ado about nothing. The president elect can surround himself with whoever he wants to. The question is whether those people want to perform for him. I dont afree with a lot of these people. I didnt vote for donald trump. But now hes the president elect of the united states. Im going to give him latitude to make these decisions. But when or if they stumble, hes going to be held accountable. Personnel is policy. Im more concerned about their experience than their net worth. That is the criticism. When you look at this politico article, trumps team of gazillionaires, stacking his administration with masters of the universe. Right. A lot of the names theyre talking about havent even been named to his administration officially. This is a whole trend, if you havent noticed. Mr. Trump wasnt a politician before he was elected. This is the whole thing going on right now. The people that dont have experience in government, that arent politicians but are very successful are being placed in high positions in the cabinet. But dont kid yourself. There are going to be a lot of people of ordinary means as well that are going to serve as the conduits to ordinary americans to get this whole ball rolling in the make America Great again movement and thats going to be hang ve happening very soon as well. I dont think anybody expected donald trump to be filling his cabinet with people who were lifetime government workers. That said, you do need some experience to make sure that the trains run on time. When george w. Bush got elected president in 2000, he turned to some experienced republicans who had served with his fathers administration to show the country that he was serious about governing. I fully expect before this is done donald trump will pick some people like that as well. And i think this is fun for us to talk about right now but u want to see the full picture before i cast judgment on what hes doing. That may well be why hes trending toward mitt romney as secretary of state because he does have that governmental history, he does have that persuasive history of getting things done in government. I mean that may override all of the other candidates in the end. Ill believe that when i see it. Pointing out some of the hypocrisy here is that the position that put up the red flag, wilbur ross, the billionaire being considered for commerce secretary, remember who filled that position for obama, penny prit kerr, a billionaire herself. This is nothing new. Thanks to both of you. Thank you. There are vulnerability concerns for the country and now there are new questions surrounding president elect trumps Intelligence Briefings. Krystal ball is here next on that. Checking your credit score . You dont want to drive old blue forever, do you . Credit karma huh . Yeah, its free. credit karma. Give yourself some credit. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet. Kicked off a lot of high school games. Built a life for my family. And liked to help others in need. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. 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And there are concerns here at home of the Terror Threat as the transition takes place between the obama and Trump Administrations. Chief washington correspondent james rosen reports from the white house. Sandra, good evening. President obama has said that the u. S. Counterterrorism apparatus is stronger than it has ever been. But as we approach the first transfer of power in washington in close to aek the cade, analysts say that terrorists are looking to test the outgoing and incoming administration. Our intelligence agencies and communities are on a razors edge. Theyre always trying to get in fron front of the cycle of the terrorists, where do they convene, where do they develop their energies and resources from and what are they seeking. This is a tenuous time. The romney Transition Team of 2012 had a socalled black swan unit. Slsh author of shall we wake the president has cataloged eight man made that could come with mr. Trump. This is a cyberattack, bioterror assault, outbreak of a new disease that was unexpected, an economic collapse. Theres all kinds of things that could happen in a first year or indeed anytime throughout the administration. But the first year is the most dangerous because the president ial team is not yet ready. Washington post reported on wednesday that the president elect has only twice availed himself of the president ial brief, the most sensitive information. That report was the product of quote former members of the ic who are bitter they lost out on jobs they felt they deserved. The officials said mr. Trump is speaking directly with foreign members and his landing team at the National Security council. Thank you. Here with more, a fox neuews contributor and krystal ball. Ill start with you. Donald trump only gone to two of them, criticism that hes not attending these as he should, whats in the broiefings . Sensitive information, classified information about the threats facing our nation. Its not unprecedented. He gets the set the pace. Other president s have waited longer for that particular intelligence. Hes most interested in building a team that can support him. He doesnt have the background in National Security that others have had. Barack obama knew nothing. Lets be clear about that. He built his team. Donald trump is building his, starting with general flynn and k. T. Mcfarland, hes going to build it with people that will advise him, nor those under barack obama who have blamed America First and put us in a weak transition. Were in a weak position because barack obama put us there. His job is to put america back in charge, in a leadership role. Hes building the team to do that. Hell get briefings in due time. Those who say hes notious seriously, theyre looking at ways to criticize. This is a vulnerable time. While he needs to get to the Intelligence Briefings, mike pence has been getting all of them, his Vice President. Since this is historically a vulnerable time. Why the criticism coming on behalf of donald trump . Well, look, as pete was just saying, donald trump comes in quite unexperienced in Foreign Policy. And i think its legitimate for folk to wonder is this someone who is going to buckle down and be able to focus and absorb the information that hes going to need to be able to make those decisions that only a president can make. Lock. I dont want to overstate the case here but i do think its troubling that you dont see him really diving into these Intelligence Briefings the way that president obama did. He dove into the briefings and asked for a socalled deep dive to get up to speed. It is a bit dribbling that you do see that doubling down. When youre president , you have to be able to do a lot of things at once. The idea that he cant build his team out and also be receiving these briefings i think doesnt hold up to scrutiny. Hes going to have to do a whole lot more than that at one time once he is actually president of the united states. Lets talk about the threats because we have to take these seriously. And at a time of vulnerability. Youre saying he cant go to every one of these meetings because hes got to put together the right team to combat isis when he gets into office in january. How serious are the threats that general rosen reported on . Of course theyre serious. Its foolish to think that barack obama because he had a couple of deep dives understood it better. He called isis the jv team. He set a red line he wouldnt enforce. He put us in a vulnerable position. Donald trump knows america is a force for good. Wants to rebuild the military. Understands that our allies need to be supported, that iran shouldnt have a nuclear bomb. All of the things that the Obama Administration abandoned. Those Core Principles put him in a strategic advantage. Hes listening to advisers like general flynn and k. T. Mcfarland. If you have a core, a belief, that matters more than sitting in a couple of briefings. If you have a belief, thats fine. But you have to know something about the world. He doesnt know anything about the world . He seemed unaware that putin has been in crimea. Let me finish my point here. Some point youre going to have to stop blaming obama and were going to have to start assessing president elect trump. The fact of the matter is he doesnt demonstrate a lot of Foreign Policy knowledge on the trail in the debates or otherwise. You can have a theory about the world some would say that youre blaming donald trump for not doing the right thing and Donald Trumps team says hes trying to put the right team together. Youve got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. You dont think donald trump can walk and chew gum at the same time . Hes doing both. Thanks to both of you. For the second year in a row, black friday is met with anger in the city of chicago. Hundreds of protesters storming down one of the busiest Retail Centers of that area. Well show you what they hope to accomplish next. P is for permission to indulge. O is for out of this world. L is for loving the seasonal cuisine. A is for access to everything, including the aisle. R is for reclining in tailormade bedding. And i, must be dreaming. S. So long, jet lag. Polaris, from united. When i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance bokwopg developing tonight, disruption frp Holiday Shoppers in chicago. As protesters from the black Live Matter Movement surge on michigan avenue. For more on that we go to foxs mike tobin in the windy city. Reporter we did see them block the entrances to the coal hawn store, the nike store, apple store, crate and barrel. There were pushing and shoving with police officers, a couple of demonstrates detained. A lot of faces weve seen before, people who show up at these demonstrations, very eager to engej tage the protest. Not thatser to engage the political protest. We have to stand up and fight back. Did you vote . No. Reporter why not . Theres no reason to vote. This country is based on genocide, slavery and war. Reporter this is for the Police Shooting of Laquan Mcdonald. The stated goal of the organizers is to push the establishment of civilian Police Accountability council. However with all of the causes piling on, john cass says what were seeing here is the galvanizing of the left. Youve got to step out of the box and look at whats going on. And whats really going on is the left is organizing these young people to get ready for the next election and moving the party to the left. Reporter the difference with the demonstrations last year is they came right on the heels of the release of the Laquan Mcdonald video. And the emotion was raw. Since wednesday there have been two Police Involved fatalities in the city of chicago. Sandra, back to you. Thank you. Joining me mow, kevin jackson, conserve tich radio host and Fox News Contributor and 0 key ma ro marra, Democratic National committee member. Thanks to both of you for being here. Kevin, what do you make of the protests that youre seeing right down the magnificent mile there in chicago again . Well, the real question might be do black jobs matter because theyre interrupting a lot of the cash flow that the retailers will have. As far as the protest goes, its a legitimate protest. Laquan mcdonald was shot. And so its a legitimate thing. But i think in terms of where the passion lies, it should go against rahm emanuel and not the police. The protesters, some of the chants theyre chanting are to get rid of rahm emanuel. I want to bring you in because i want to hear from you. What are they asking for . What do the protesters want . Well from what ive read and what the protesters want, what a lot of the protests around the country are asking for is for better relationships with police and the community. How are they going to accomplish that by trying to stop commerce in the city of chicago . No protest is ever effective when youre having it on tuesday in the middle of the day. Were talking about it now because its on black friday which a lot of shoppers are out there. Theyre doing their job. Most successful protests have been at times when the people are out and about. They got the. This is a fox news alert. Cuban television is reporting that retired cuban president fidel castro has died. He quickly adopted a marxist form of government, making cuba a oneparty communist state. He developed close ties with the soviet union, alarming the uths. The u. S. Made several unsuccessful attempts to remove him from power. The invasion led to the cuban missile crisis in 1962. Castro was a controversial figure. He was 90 years old. Im patricia stark. Stay with fox news and fox news com for updates on this story. Now back to the kelly file. W think the onus is on donald trump. Its at the hands of the democrats like rahm emanuel and the blaaltimore mayor and other. Is donald trump going to address it . I think he will. Hes going to take a tougher stance with respect to law and order. The actual conversation between police and the black community does need to be had but not lopsided the way the left wants toe do it. What do you expect from president elect trumps doj . What i would expect is what has been yup held, the doj is the nations cop. They go into Police Departments that are doing civil rights violations, thats what was done with baltimore, done obviously with ferguson. Given sessions history, asking actually praised trump as recently as august of 2016 on calling for the death of five men called the central park five, most people know that, way after the years they were exonerated, hes believed in stop and frisk which is something that is not legally upheld in the united states, or certainly sure it has been. I dont have much time. Kevin, ill get your response to that. Now . Yes. Sorry. A lot of the policies that shes talking about, they are legal and they do prevent crime. Wasnt held up by a court in new york. Well, you know, that may be true but its not illegal. But the point is this. These policies do work, they do stop crime in the neighbors where they should be stopping crime. I will stop you there. Its good of both of you to come on. Conversation will continue. Thank you. All right. Some folks on the left still arent done complaining about the election. Can you believe that . Well explain next. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test generosity is its own form of power. You can handle being a mom for half an hour. Im in all the way. Is that understood . I dont know what shes up to, but its not good. Cant the world be my noodles and butter . Get your mind out of the gutter. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation. That was a really profound observation. You got a mean case of the detox blues. Dont start a war you know youre going to lose. Finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. On xfinity x1. A new effort tonight to challenge the results of the november 8th election. A failed green party candidate, jill stein, is now asking supporters for some 7 million for rediscounts in three states. Is a former Bernie Sanders Campaign Staffer and political analyst. Is host of the filter on siriusxm progress. Somebody help me out here. What is she trying to do . You know, it looks like the green party is all about the green, literally and figuratively. You know, i was all for people that wanted to offer dr. Stein a protest vote after sanders fell off, but to ask millions of hard working americans to give her money to a campaign that, like my grandmother used to say, she knows good and well is not going anywhere is flat out wrong. You know, she has raised more money than she actually raised to actually campaign, which laid off hundreds of people that actually believed in her effort and those who supported her. I think that back to, you know, to keep pushing this, taking from hard working americans is bottom line a ponzi scheme and a hot mess to be honest with you. Im very disappointed in seeing her actions. Well, nomeeki, tezlynne said it, theres no guarantee what happens to your money if you donate to it. Listen, i have been critical to dr. Stein since day one. I was a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign. We said dr. Stein should pull out because she might be spoiler. Guess what, she is making the case she might have been a spoiler and the truth is she might have. The three states where she contesting the election would have actually determined the election for secretary clinton, she could have won. We are talking about like 1. 2 in michigan, 0. 7 in wisconsin. That is enough to determine the outcome of the election. The problem is that we do need an audit. We need to revolutionize the way our electoral process works. She is pushing for a recount based on evidence of nothing, tezlin. Theres no evidence anything went wrong. What do you think is there something we dont know . I dont think what was that . Is there something we dont know . Is there a scam, something wrong with the election . There have been some scientists im not siding with dr. Stein, but there have been multiple sources that came out and said that the sources that the electoral process is flawed in michigan. Im talking about evidence. Theres no evidence anything went wrong. Tezlin. Yeah, we dont need an audit. Dr. Stein needs to have a seat. I understand she wants to continue to organize the green party and just flat out tell people, donate your money so i continue to organize, like Bernie Sanders did were our revolution. If you want to give your money to organize, but to give it to say youre going to have a revote, it is not going to make up 99 of the vote. I hear you, tezlin, i agree with you, we need to start from the ground up. But we have a problem in the primary system, with the electoral system nationally. When the states determine the primaries, when they oversee the primary out comes, thats a problem. When every state when pennsylvania relies on paper ballot and if there was a close race, they had a recount, major problem. This sounds like a conversation for another day. Were talking about jill stein demanding a recount. Thank you to both of you. We will be right back. Thanks. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Family road trip fun check engine. Not fun but, youve got hum. Thats like driving with this guy. 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What company does all this . Exxonmobil, thats who. Were working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. Helping you save money and reduce emissions. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. This is a fox news alert. Im patricia stark. Cuban state media is reporting the death of fidel castro at age of 90. Joining me now is host of fox news sunday, chris wallace. What are your thoughts on the death of fidel castro . It is a shock. By normal standards he was a sick and old man who had been off the public scene for sometime now, so it is certainly not a surprise. On the other hand, whatever you thought of him, he was a giant of the 20th century and played a huge role in obviously in one of the most dangerous episodes in history, the cuban missile crisis back in the 1960s when the soviets put missiles on the island of cuba, and i would think it is fair to say at the height of the cold war the u. S. And the soviet union came closer than ever before or since to a nuclear confrontation. And john f. Kennedy announced a block aid of t blockade of the island and at the last moment the soviet leader pulled back and we averted the possibility of a nuclear showdown. Castro obviously played a big role in that, kept his country sub subjugated in a communist country. It has loosened up and we have seen the younger brother of castro making a deal, the resuming of diplomatic relations for the first time in 50 years, and now increasing commerce and tourism between the two countries even though an embargo still exists. So it is really a major figure in the of the 20th century passing from the scene as we

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