With both candidates at 47 . In North Carolina, clinton is ahead by four points, just outside the margin of error. Thats the first time quinnipiac has polled in that state. And in pennsylvania, the most dramatic change. Clintons lead now cut in half, down from ten points in august to five points today. Now shes ahead 48 to trumps 43 . So what does it tell us . Chris stirewalt is our fox news digital politics editor, and mo elleithee is the director of the Georgetown Institute of politics and public service. Stirewalt, how do you see it . First of all, thank god that we have polls. Weve lived in this wasteland of garbage internet polls, and finally we have real polling, so im excited. Youre a poll snob. I know. Im such a poll snob. But the truth is this is really important because it tells us the shape of the race is changed, and it changed from where trump was getting blown out after the conventions to now hes back in a tie in the two states, of course, that every republican has to win, florida and ohio. Pennsylvania wasnt ever really going to happen. I dont think its going to happen unless donald trump turns this around and becomes some sort of wave election for him, but i dont see pennsylvania in the running. But its North Carolina that ought to worry home because given the fact hes got a problem in colorado and virginia and other states to put together the republican map, if he cant win in North Carolina, hes got big problems. Theyve been spending a lot of time there. He needs North Carolina, needs it. Mo, how do you see it . Some of her supporters got nervous when they saw that, and some of his got very happy. And id say this as a former Hillary Clinton staffer. We should be nervous, right . I mean you dont want to be complacent at this point. These polls kind of show why. Weve seen other state polls in the past week that do as well. Whats really interesting, there were two different organizations that did 50 state polls in the past week. Washington post survey monkey did one of the most extensive ones ive seen. And they show something similar, that in a lot of these states that you just talked about, the race is tight and within the margin of error. But whats really interesting to me is youre seeing the number of traditional battleground states shrink. Chris just talked about virginia and colorado, which have become perennial battleground states. Shes doing fairly well in those states, outside the margin of error. The number of traditionally red states that have become battleground states is increasingly worry some, i would think, for the trump campaign. Georgia is dead even. Arizona is within the margin of error. It shouldnt surprise anyone that donald trump chose to give that big immigration speech in phoenix, and the next day Hillary Clintons campaign went on the air there. Something is happening. Theyre seeing something in the numbers in arizona. So, you know, if you look at the full landscape of all 50 states and the polling and the election were held today, she would win fairly comfortably in the electoral college. So i do think theres something to worry about there for the trump campaign. What do you think is the conventional wisdom right now . Is it its hers to lose and he needs a yuge event to turn it around . Does he have to go into those debates and go for broke, or does he have to just sort of slow and steady, slow and standard, be a statesman, dont say anything crazy, and somehow hope, you know, the sort of missing trump voters that his campaign has suggested are out there show up on november 8th . No. He needs the contour of the race to change. While i would though that survey monkey polls out on their ear and all of that other garbage, total, but in that case, deserved. I want polls in maine. I want polls in new hampshire. I want polls where all of these white people are living and voting. I want to know is donald trump competitive in minnesota . Is he competitive in maine . Is he competitive . New hampshire . If thats the case, mo is right. We could be looking at a changed map. If were not, then were looking at a race where donald trump has trailed all along. Hes closer now, but he still needs the structure of the race to be changed in order to win. And thats the reality for him. Mo, i get that she has this better ground game than trump. Everybody says that on both sides of the aisle. But he is tightening this. I mean its getting tighter, and the question is why and whether, in the next two months, it can get so tight that the positions reverse and hes over . Yeah. Well, i wonder how much its really tightening, or how much its just settling . Both campaigns got little bumps coming out of their conventions, and thats natural and normal, and that always happens, and it usually settles. We are sort of a 50 50 country or maybe more accurately a 40 40 country. Heres why that ground game matters. You know, when you have races like the states we just talked about that are within the margin of error, the ground game really does matter. A really strong ground game is worth two to four points. Thats the margin in some of these polls. And trump is just now opening up offices in florida. Why is he just now opening offices in florida . Big, big hoop la over the fact hes opening 25 offices in florida this week. The Clinton Campaign has had over 50 offices in florida for months. Theyve been investing in those organizers that are out there knocking on doors and making phone calls and developing oneonone relationships with voters. That matters. If these numbers are right. Well, if his can do twice the work of hers, maybe hell make up the difference. Everything about him is super human. Its great to see you both. Has anyone here seen the movie parenthood with steve martin and diane wiest, and shes got a couple of kids the one of them is played by joaquin phoenix, and every time she sees him, she says, hi, gary. That is how i think about gary johnson. Im going to ask him about it when he comes on the show momentari momentarily, that and aleppo. Those new polls are coming in as these candidates are hammering each other out on the campaign trail. Mrs. Clinton arguing that trump does not have the qualifications to be president. Trump followed up on last nights commander in chief forum by offering a dramatic play by play takedown of her email scandal. The gloves are off. Here he is in cleveland a few hours ago. Hillary clintons staff deleted and digitally bleached, which is acidcleaned, her emails after receiving a congressional subpoena. Thats after receiving, not before. Thats after receiving. She gets a subpoena from the United States congress, and she deletes and bleaches. She also and her staff destroyed some of her 13 different phones, but this time with a hammer. Ive never done that. Then when she was interviewed by the fbi, she claimed she couldnt remember important events 39 times. She couldnt even remember whether she was trained or handling classified information. Didnt remember anything about it. So she so if she didnt remember, thats a problem. And if she did remember, thats a problem. She even said she didnt know what the letter c stood for, whether it was confidential, classified information, or something. All the while, as hillary and bill raked in millions of dollars from special interests, the world was falling apart. Joining me now, monica crowley, fox news contributor, and former Foreign Policy assistant to president nixon, and Roland Martin who is host of news one now and a Senior Analyst on the tom joiner morning show. Roland, let me start with you. Mans got a point, no . I know where she got that hammering from the blackberry from. She got that from tom brady. Hes a trump supporter. Its a great idea. Dont throw a Sports Reference at me. I cant follow. Stay on hillary and hammers and bleach. To me, you tell me. I thought the most salient point there was the fact that after she got the subpoena. After she got the subpoena, she did those things. The guy maintaining the server said he had an oh, blank moment but still went ahead and wiping things clean. Look, heres the deal. If youre donald trump, this is what you need to attack her credibility, so its no shock hes doing this. But its a little hard for me to listen to donald trump talk about how hillary forgot something when he forgot he was actually for the iraq war but now hes against it. He might want to have his memory checked as well. Monica, that mans got a point too. Roland and trump both making good points tonight. Your take. Well, what struck me, megyn, about the way donald trump made this argument and the actual argument, two things. One, his tone. When he was attacking mrs. Clinton today with the truth and with the facts, he did it in a tone more out of sorrow than in anger. Mmhmm. And i think thats actually a much more effective tack and sort of Ronald Reagans approach of well, there you go again. The second thing too is we know the most problematic scandals for any politician are the ones that reinforce a preexisting negative notion about that candidate. And the reason why the server and the email scandal, which continues to drip, drip, drip with every passing day the reason its become so damaging to her, megyn, is because it reinforces this already existing notion that she is fundamentally untrustworthy, dishonest, out for herself, and above the law. What about that, roland, because last night one of the things she said was, i did everything right. And she talked about how there was no header on these emails and, thus, how was i to know . Meanwhile, the people who work for her had been taking off the headers, in some instances at her direction. So is it like the American People know she did not do everything right, and its amazing, is it not, that she still doesnt have her story straight on this issue. I have said this multiple times. I was on your show last week. I said this on tom joiner. I said it on tv one. Move the hell on, okay . This is very simple. Learn to pivot. 53 of africanamericans lost their wealth during the home forecast crisis. She was rushed last night when matt lauer asked her about the isis questioned but spent 12 minutes on emails. Simply admit i screwed up. I shouldnt have done it. The fbi, 100 people investigated. They chose not to pursue charges. Im focused on jobs for the American People, and if they ask you ten times, give the same answer. But youre not going smart peoples sometimes want to prove theyre really smart. They can convince you. Youre not going to convince people. Youre wasting time. Keep explaining. Simply say i made a mistake. I shouldnt have done it. I wont make the same mistake again. Meanwhile, donald trump and the republicans who support him are sitting back, like, enjoying the popcorn because she still clearly hasnt found the message on this, and shes been struggling on the email front for weeks now. Those very weeks that donald trump has been closing the gap between the two of them in some of these critical polls as we saw. So you tell me whether she needs to keep working on it and come up with a better message than the one we heard last night. Well, she does, megyn, youre right. The problem is that she cant. Twothirds of the American People took a look at the fbi report, and they believe that she should have, in fact, faced prosecution. Since barack obama became president in 2009, seven people have been prosecuted for far less in terms of mishandling classified material, two of whom have gone to jail. But they did it intentionally. Thats the difference. Just for the record, what the authorities found in those cases was there was an element of intent that they found lacking, they say, in the clinton case. Go ahead. The fbi director comey indicated that the fbi could not find criminal intent. The problem, megyn, is twofold. One, the fbi never asked her what her intent was in setting up this private, unsecured, nongovernment server and network. And, two, just by virtue of setting it up, that was the intent. Mmhmm. Didnt James Carville tell us once she didnt want darrell issa going through her emails. Now shes got chaffetz and Judicial Watch and gowdy and us. I got to go. See you both. Focus on the issues. Hillary clinton is not the only one facing new fire tonight. General jack kane is here on the controversy over what mr. Trump said about our military leaders. And bill bennett weighs in on how the iraq war issue may be playing with voters. Hes here. Hes excited. Dont worry. Plus after hosting last nights president ial forum, nbc host matt lauer being accused of everything from embarrassing his profession to outright sexism. Ill tell you what i think too. Howie kurtz, former White House Press secretary bill burton on what lauer did and whether he deserves this blowback. Man, people are mean. And then a story thats literally the stuff of nightmares. Reports of creepy clown sightings now spreading across the country and Brian Kilmeade is here with the results of our investigation. In my 20 years, im not familiar with a spree of clown sightings. So this is unique, a little bizarre. Its easy to love your laxative. When that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. We are all in for our customers. [cellphone vibrating] do you want to answer that . Nah, id never with a kid in the car. Its ok. Im not here. [phone vibrating multiple times] im there. Igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. Was he said sure. 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I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where its embarrassing for our country. Joining me now, the architect of the successful iraq surge, the general who is chairman of the institute for the study of war, general jack keane. Great to see you, sir. Good to see you, megyn. What do you think of that . Well, im not sure what he meant by it, but let me just put some facts on the table. Its well established now by many of us that weve had a weak american president , commander in chief, for almost eight years now, and that makes generals look weak. We may have some politicized generals if thats what hes implying, but the reality is that every major force level decision, megyn, that our generals have made, this president has rejected. In early 2009, a Campaign Plan developed by petraeus and general mccrystal to defeat the taliban, they required a minimum force of 40,000. President obama rejected that recommendation and provided 25 less. He also decided he would pull the force out in 12 to 15 months. Those two decisions doomed afghanistan to the current state we find it now, a protracted stalemated war and robbed us of the opportunity for victory. In 2011, general alston, fourstar commander in iraq, recommended to the president a force level of over 20,000. The president rejected it and pulled out all the forces with what is now known as a disastrous consequence in syria. In 2012, general dempsey and jen petraeus, recommended to the president robustly arm and train the syrian moderates. He says no. In 2013, conduct a military strike, same National Security team, against the assad regime because he violated the chemical red line. He says no. I get your point. You could go on. But your point is trump is not wrong that, if you think about it, the generals have been reduced to rubble. In other words, theyve been reduced to almost useless because whatever they tell this commander in chief, he disregards. Yeah, and then in 2014, what happened is as opposed to asking him what are we going to do about isis . He says i want to destroy after they beheaded our americans and invaded iraq, he tells them what theyre not going to do. No boots on the ground. The minimum 300 advisors. Of course hes changed that nine times. An air campaign with no civilian casualties and were not going to be able to provide an air ground team to help make that campaign more effective. We have never, ever have those k50i7 kind of restrictions placed on us in my understanding of military hiss in thtory in this. Those kind of restrictions are unprecedented. General jack keane, a man who knows of what he speaks when it comes to fighting a war, which hes done many times. Thanks for being here, sir. Well, the republican nominee made more news today visiting a Charter School in cleveland. He strayed from the topic of education and unleashed a lengthy response to media Fact Checkers who have questioned his opposition to the war in iraq. Watch. Iraq is one of the biggest differences in this race. I opposed going in, and i did oppose it despite the media saying, oh, yes, no. I opposed going in. Three months before the iraq war started, i said in an interview with neil cavuto that perhaps we shouldnt be doing it yet. Then on march 25th of 2003, just after the war had started, just days after, just a little while after, i was quoted as saying the war is a mess. In july of 2003, i said i would love to see new york city and some of our cities and some of the states of our nation get some of the money thats going toward iraq. Then in august of 2004, very early in the conflict, extremely early in the conflict, right at the beginning, i made a detailed statement in an interview to esquire magazine. This is a quote, an absolute quote look at the war in iraq and the mess that were in. So i just wanted to set the record straight. There is so much lying going on. Its a big mistake. Totally destabilized the middle east. It was a big mistake. Death. Death to so many people. Joining me now, bill bennett, education secretary under president ronald reagan. Great to see you, bill. Thanks, megyn. The truth is thats revisionist history and trump, you know, is he is not mentioning the fact that in 2002, he told howard stern before the invasion that he was for invading iraq, and here is that clip. Are you for invading iraq . Yeah, i guess so. You know, i wish it was i wish the first time it was done correctly. And then he gave many interviews thereafter. In none of those did he say he was against the iraq, although now he claims he had this principle stand from the beginning. Then he got to the point, as did most americans, where he started to criticize it and say he was against it. You tell me whether i have misstated things. No. I think you stated them right. I think its best to tell the truth, tell the whole truth. He can say, look, i said i guess so, and i thought so for a while. Then after i thought about it and studied it more, i made a Firm Decision and changed my mind. Right. People can understand that. Hed probably still get credit for having hesitations and never have really thrown his support behind it, and saying i dont like this. Heres the more important thing it seems to me, megyn, if i may, that a lot of people are missing. He was a private citizen. He was a businessman. This wasnt his responsibility. But he is the one who is trying to claim credit for having the vision. So we have to go back and look at what he said. If he didnt make an issue out of it, the media wouldnt be saying, when you were running the apprentice, you were in favor of the he is the one who is saying, look at my great judgment. If hes making us go back to look at it, weve got to look at all of it. But she has to take the responsibility for being a u. S. Senator and, in her own mind, getting it wrong. The irony here is they were both wrong. I think we were right to go into iraq, and i think jack keane, as you pointed out in recommending the surge and executing the surge, proved we were right. But, yeah, we need to get the record absolutely straight. What did you make of her standing up last night in front of, you know, these men and women who had served in iraq, who had served the country honorably, who had sacrificed their safety, their comrades had fallen, in some instances right around them, and saying it was a mistake. Like she couldnt stand by her vote. She couldnt say with the benefit of hindsight. She couldnt speak about the gains we made, which her democratic Vice President said it was going to be the biggest Success Story until we left without any residual forces there. I thought it was awful but all too typical too, megyn. Shes got a record as a government official, a United States senator, the secretary of state. He has no such record. I understand when he says i was for this, i was for that, we should examine it, but he doesnt take responsibility for those decisions. She does, and she must. Look, its like the 25,000 you were talking about earlier in florida. Theres a question of scale. 25,000, you know, with trump. Hundreds of millions of dollars with the Clinton Foundation while she was in government. This is whats hurting her. This is why shes falling, i think. And he is not on the ground yet. Once he gets on the ground, look how close it is with all the mistakes that have been made. I think he can get there. Bill, great to see you. Thank you. Were also digging into some wild reports and i do say wild that Hillary Clinton was wearing a special ear piece during last nights event. Is it true . Well do a fact check. Plus matt lauer is taking heat from many, many people for the way he handled last nights president ial forum. Up next, we have howie kurtz along with former White House Press secretary bill burton and a couple of thoughts perhaps from yours truly on how matt managed the whole thing. And then libertarian candidate gary johnson hi, gary he had what may be the toughest day of his campaign after a misstep on syria, and hes here tonight on what happened after this moment. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo . And what is aleppo . Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. 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Director comey also said this after reviewing all the information. He said there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clintons position should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Some of the emails you sent and received happened while you were overseas and director comey also said that while they have no proof, we assess that it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clintons personal email accounts. New york times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeting that the forum feels like an embarrassment to journalism. Some guy over at cnn says an unnamed nbc executive called lauers performance a, quote, disaster. Howie kurtz, host of Fox News Media buzz. Ill start with this. I am friends with matt lauer and i respect matt lauer a lot. I think he doesnt get nearly enough credit for the tough questions he asks on that show. I dont know, howie. You cant win in this election. You cant win, especially with, with all due respect to our brethren, the left wing press because they want to see you kill trump. And if you try to throw too much shade at hillary, then they want to kill you. Your thoughts. Moderators are big, fat targets these days. Any fair reading would say this. Matt lauer did a solid job. He threw hardballs at both candidates with one swing and a miss, which well get to. A lot of criticism from the left is people who think trump is an outrageous liar and matt lauer should have smashed him to smith reens. The columnists are say what they want. Lauer surrenders to trump. This from a guy who asked trump, can america take the risk of electing a guy who makes so many incendiary comments that you could spark a war . The amount of opinion that goes into these reports, this is what happens. Even when i had my interview with trump in may, this is just described as somebody by sycophant, that i was a sycophant, that i am a trump sycopha sycophant. This is what happens if you dont kill em, bill. They want every interview to be a kill em, kill em. Its ridiculous. It wasnt matt lauers job to kill him or her last night. Your thoughts. Well, first of all, ive long thought that you were a trump sycophant, so im not surprised you got called out on it. You know, look, i think that matt lauer does do a good job doing interviews on the today show but i think theres five or six people ahead of him at nbc who could have done a much better job. What did you not like . Well, look, im not one of the people who complains about the questions to Hillary Clinton about the emails. I think there are questions out there. I think people do wonder certainly specifics, but as i watched that in realtime, i thought, well, hes being pretty tough on her. This is setting him up to be very tough on donald trump as well. The problem was he wasnt. For starters, he constantly interrupted Hillary Clinton. He called her to task for mentioning donald trump. He never did those things to trump during the course of the debate. It was uneven. The performance lacked what the American People, i think, needed in order to like make a Fair Assessment of who would be the better commander in chief. Trump, though, if the goal is to make news, right, with this candidate, which generally that is your goal as a news person. Look at all the news he made with trump. He didnt have to beat him up in the moment. Yes, he could have factchecked the iraq war thing, right . But, howie, he got him to stay all the stuff about putin and all that stuff about the generals. You know, these emerging positions hes been taking on iraq. He made a lot of news. Right, and if it was such a flop of an interview, how is it that were still talking a day later about the things that trump said and that is providing more fodder for the campaign. I do think matt lauer fell down on the job because it was predictable that trump would say, i oppose the iraq war, and he should have come back. But on other things, there was sustained questioning of Hillary Clinton about the email scandal. The recent trump controversies about the Trump Foundation improperly contributing. Those werent related to National Security so maybe it wasnt the same kind of sustained questioning. Moderators are targets now too. In a way, Chris Wallace will have it easier, you tell me, because theyll be next to aefn other. Its like have it. Go for it, you two. When its just you and the guy or you and the woman, its tougher. Yeah, i think thats right. But i do think that it was unbalanced. Its important to note even if you just look at the way that the debate opened or the forum opened, for Hillary Clinton it was the sustained questioning. For donald trump, it was, well, please tell me why would you do such a good job as commander in chief . But, you know, that can also be a tactic by the interviewer to get the candidate talking, and with trump, its always fascinating when he does. Generally that is true. Theres always a headline. Always. Great to see you both. My pleasure. Thank you. Chris wallace is going to do a great job, mark my words. A Conspiracy Theory involving Hillary Clinton is now bubbling up today. Well investigate the mystery of the magic earpiece. Plus what would you do if you were elected about aleppo . And what is aleppo . Gary johnson is here live in studio next with what happened after that remark. Stay tuned. Dont let dust and allergens get between you and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Lets go meet them soon. In person, we could read the room. On the phone, youre just a voice. Yeah, im good. 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Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Libertarian candidate gary johnson showed the world what a rough day looks like after this moment on a morning news show. Watch. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo. About aleppo. And what is aleppo . Youre kidding. No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the refugee crisis okay. Got it. Got it. Predictably the media pounced with major Media Outlets questions and sometimes mocking his awareness about a hot spot unfolding in syria. But some of that same media that slammed governor johnson for not knowing more about syria also ignored a story there this week, a chemical weapons attack that got no mention on any of the major networks. Gary johnson joins the kelly file live in a moment, but first we go to Benjamin Hall in london with the big story from aleppo. Benjamin. Reporter megyn, its been just over three years since president obama said that the use of chemical weapons in syria would be a red line. Well, today one report says its just part of the normal. On tuesday, another attack in the Northern City of aleppo. Emergency volunteers were on the scene before the dust could even settle, and as they began pulling people from the rubble, they realized this was different. Dozens were taken to an underground hospital with breathing problems, choking, and coughing. At least 70 people were treated and a 13yearold girl and a 29yearold man later died from complications. The casualties were filmed being washed and decontaminated to get traces of chemicals off their bodies, but the Syrian Government denies using chemical weapons. In october 2014, a russian led plan was agreed to remove syrias chemical spock pile from the country, all 600 tons of it. Its a deal now widely seen as a way to prevent obama acting on the red line. And today russia continues to help the syrian regime, bombing what it claims are terrorist targets, but which sometimes turn out to be u. S. Backed rebels. And at the same time, russia say they want to work with the u. S. There were talks of another meeting between kerry and his russian counterpart lavrov for friday, but the state Department Today said there isnt a big hope for success and they may no longer go ahead. Ive been to aleppo. Ive spoken to people who were in syrian gas attacks. They say they feel let down by obama, that he promised action and none was taken. Today president assad continues to gas women and children. Megyn. Benjamin, thank you. Joining me now, libertarian president ial candidate and former governor of new mexico, gary johnson. Governor, good to see you. In all seriousness, you understand the situation there, right . Sure. And uds understand why its of grave concern that you arent familiar . Im very familiar with the situation. Aleppo, though, this morning is this an acronym . And i should have known but didnt, and im the only one to blame for that. But do you understand, i mean, weve got donald trump praising putin. Putin backs assad. Assad is gassing his own people. Those children are being burned by their own leader. Yeah. And the next person who is going to be commander in chief here needs to understand those issues. Well, and so those issues, aleppo, the fact that we back the opposition in syria, the opposition is the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army is also partners with islamists, isis. We arm the opposition. Thats the problem. We arm the opposition. There was a time when they werent in there and we refused to go in, and now theyre all corrupted by these terrorists. Well, arm the opposition. The arms end up in isis hands. Lets see. Were also backing what would you do . Youve got a 13yearold girl dead. Theres videos of babies with chemical burns on their faces. What does a president gary johnson do to help them . Lets finish out the story. Then we back the kurds. The kurds are also against isis. I understand, but im trying to be more forwardlooking with you because youre auditioning for a job. The question is what doesnt johnson do . Understanding that in the very first place, were in this situation because we supported regime change. And whenever we support regime change, it always results in things being worse, not better, and it started out with iraq. So here it is were dealing with isis, and we will see isis to a conclusion. But it is this is assad. This is assad gassing his own people. So to deal with crossing the red line obama said he could never cross. We have to join with russia to deal with this. And then russia. So weve got russia thats also bombing the terrorists, and were going to end up in a conflict, an air conflict under president jonhnson, were out . No. We need to join with russia to deal with this diplomatically. Thats the only way were going to bring an end to that. Russia is backing assad. I understand that. And so in that context, russia and us have to join to bring an end to this. And not that obama isnt engaged in this also, but if we dont engage in diplomacy to bring this to an end, a ceasefire at the start, its not going to result in a resolution. Governor johnson, let me ask you this. Why didnt you know . I mean i appreciate you owning the mistake. I think the viewers weve all made the bad mistakes. Why didnt you know . Well, is it more important to know about the issue or is it more important and im not defending myself for not knowing. Im not. But understanding the issues, understanding the underlying philosophy, policy that has us in this position today, i mean its unbelievably complex. Were literally spending money on both ends of the gun shooting ourselves. Yeah. Governor, great to see you. Thanks for coming in. Thank you. Its hard to come out and admit when you make a mistake, so good for you. On national television, sometimes you have no choice. Oh, and dont forget about this. Lets hear it. See, you cant handle it. Todds working now. Well find a place to live somewhere. Hi, gary. Have you ever seen that movie . I havent. I guess im going to have to. Well leave it at that. Bye, gary. Great to see you. Bye, megyn. Thank you. Its a great movie. Up next, the crazy questions about whether hillary was wearing a mystery earpiece last night. Plus well investigate the reports of creepy clown sightings when Brian Kilmeade joins us next. Just by looking in my eyes. They can tell when im really excited and thrilled. And they know when im not so excited and thrilled. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. But i knew. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love. Some eyelove. When is it chronic dry eye . To find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com. Its all about eyelove, my friends. Endless shrimp is back at hold red lobster. Rks. That means you get to try as much as you want. Of whatever flavors are calling your name. Seriously. Like new garlic srirachagrilled shrimp. Its a little spice. A little sizzle. And a lot just right. And try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. Helloooo crispy goodness. And the classic. Handcrafted shrimp scampi. You cant get enough of . Still gonna floor you. It may be called endless. But that doesnt mean itll last. Hillary clinton dealing with what some are calling a Conspiracy Theory today as her campaign shoots down reports suggesting she was wearing a secret, covert earpiece during a president ial town hall last night. Brian kilmeade of fox friends has been investigating this, and you found . I found that its not true, but its going crazy. Its not going away. Evidently theyre claiming and i talked to jennifer griffin, who is following Hillary Clinton around because now shes talking to the press. It makes it more fun. They said its the way the light hit the ear. Its just amazing the two websites are saying not only did this happen, they even found the type of thing it could be. Some technology, which is operating on my favorite wavelength, which is 300 megahertz. The problem is, if you have someone whispering in your ear things, not that we ever do that, wouldnt she get better answers . Wouldnt she have grown her hair over her ear . Exactly. If youre going to cheat, youve got to at least like pull it down a little, change the style a little. Put a wig on. Plus matt lauer was so close, they were touching knees. So theres no way you put your ear piece in at that moment. It kept the internet aflutter for a full day. Meanwhile there are Serious Problems again with clowns. Youre officially our clown correspondent now. I dont mean that the way it sounds. I dont think theres a way to spin my way out of this being a positive story. Gags the clown first got me on your show because gags was in green bay, and gags the clown was Walking Around with balloons, scaring people, which is not illegal. It turns out gags was not a bad person. He was somebody looking to create interest in a bad movie. Oh. So now we have Something Else happening and its happening in south carolina, where 30 kids say that this guy Walking Around in a clown outfit, it might be two people. It might be one. Walking around in a clown outfit, saying, hey child, do you want a laser . Do you want candy . Do you want cash . By the time the cops show up, hes not there. Why is he doing it . We cant find the clown to ask him why hes doing it. Not only is it bad for a clown to do that because to lure kids is terrible. Its killing the business for good clowns who just want to work parties. If youre a good clown, now youre being lumped in. The scary thing is you are allowed to dress as a clown. Thats not illegal. Thats what the cops kept saying. Theres nothing we can do about this. If you can help, the cops have put out this description. Were looking for someone, a clown or a person dressed as a clown. Is there a difference . Are you born a clown as opposed to somebody dressed as a clown . I got to leave it at that. I dont know what to think. My emotions are really confusec. Well be right back. 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Making cars go further with less. Fueling the global economy. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Happy news here at the kelly file. Meet poppy malone firth. The first child for our senior producer and his wife. Mom and daughter doing well. So happy for all of you. We love you. Good night. Thanks for watching, everybody. Tonight. The decision to go to war in iraq was a mistake. Hillary Clinton Falls flat on key issues at the commander in chief forum. Laura ingraham is here tonight with analysis. Then new polls show a very tight race between trump and clinton. What does the gop nominee need to do to win the white house . Well ask patrick j buchanan. Classified material has a header which said, top secret, secret, confidential. And clinton offers up yet another excuse about classified information on her private email server. None of the emails sent or received by me had such a

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