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we begin tonight on capitol hill, with chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel. >> despite a veto threat, 47 house democrats split with president obama and voted to pass a bill designed to tighten up screening of refugees from iraq and syria. speaker paul ryan called the measure common sense. >> our own law enforcement experts are telling us they don't have confidence that they can detect or block with the current standards in place, that isil or isis is not trying to infiltrate the refugee population. this is an urgent matter, that's why we're dealing with this urgently. >> fellow top republicans say lawmakers should heed the warnings from isis. >> their objection is evil for the sake of evil, murder for the sake of murder. wanton and willful violence, premeditated depravity. calculated to take innocent lives and the terrorists have been very open about their present and future objectives, we should therefore be equally clear about our objectives. >> some congressional democrats express concerns that the standards set by the bill having the heads of the fbi, director 6 homeland security and director of national intelligence personally certify each refugee as not a threat is unrealistic. >> in the senate, leading democrats say the measure is unnecessary, and are pledging to block the bill. >> i've been disgusted, mr. president, in recent days to see some of my republican colleagues, shun the american tradition. of shelters those. >> we have the most rigorous screenings for those who enter our country as refugees than any other group of people who are not americans. >> ahead of the vote in manila, president obama defended the refugees. >> the idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than all the tourists that pour into the united states every single day. just doesn't jibe with the reality. >> the speaker said this is not a partisan issue and the president should accept the bill. >> let me comment about his veto threat. it baffles me. i for the life ofe don't understand why his veto threat came as it did. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said there should be a pause in the refugee process to make sure the proper screenings and policies are in place. senate sources note the strong vote in the house shows there's bipartisan support for doing something. brett? >> mike emmanuel live on the hill. there's increasing alarm tonight about the prospect of isis terrorists entering the u.s. posing as syrian refugees. as we told you last night on "special report," honduran authorities intercepted six syrian nationals, traveling on doctored greek passports. five of them were trying to get here. they say there are no apparent links to the paris attacks and no known links to isis as of yet. eight syrians arrived at the u.s. border checkpoint at laredo, texas and detained there. syrians have also reported been stopped in costa rica, and pa paragu paraguay. and now to paris, the announcement that the tactical brains behind the attacks there was killed during a raid wednesday. but that relief is tempered by the reality that almost 130 people are dead, and many of those responsible in some way, are still at large. senior correspondent rick leventhal reports again tonight from the french capital. [ gunshots ] >> it took time to confirm the death of the alleged architect of the friday the 13th attacks in paris, because his body was blown to bits. >> we know today that abdelhamid abaaoud, the mastermind of these attacks, one of the masterminds of these attacks, because we have to be very careful about that. we know the threats. was one of the dead. >> abdelhamid abaaoud was apparently killed with bullets and a grenade near the end of wednesday's seven-hour standoff. >> and while it's a major advance in the investigation. intelligence sources believe other more senior suspects connected to the plot are still at large. authorities tracked abaaoud to his hideout by tapping his cousin's cell phone. she blew herself up during the raid after this exchange with police. [ yelling ] >> last friday's attacks left 129 dead and 350 wounded. nearly 200 of them are still hospitalized. this exclusive video from the "daily mail" reveals some of the horrors with a flash of gunfire. interrupting a peaceful night out. customers diving for cover as the terrorists spray a cafe with bullets. just outside, two women cowering on the ground, about to be executed. when the gunman's weapon appears to jam. the french continue to strike back at isis targets in syria, destroying 35 islamic state sites on saturday, according to a military spokesman and have conducted several raids inside syria. >> translator: within approximately 48 hours there have been six raids on six sites, four command centers, two training centers and 35 targets destroyed. >> in belgium, ongoing raids ended with nine arrests, seven with possible connections to one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up outside the stade de france. the national assembly has approved the president's request to extend the state of emergency for three more months, giving the police and military expanded powers of search and arrest. the senate has to approve the measure friday. there have been 600 raids here in france since saturday. targeting islamic extremists. but the prime minister says the nation face as long and permanent threat. another official says we can't cry victory over terrorism after the death of abaaoud. the situation is far more complex than one bad guy. >> rick leventhal, thank you. the fbi will maintain its heightened posture here in the u.s. through the holiday season. a law enforcement source tells fox news the bureau continues to urge vigilance among its 56 field offices and 100 joint terrorism task forces. expect heightened physical security at highly populated public areas, as well as unseen measures such as stepped-up surveillance and intelligence gathering. the head of the fbi says it is precautionary for now. >> we are not aware of any credible threat here of a paris type attack. and we have seen no connection at all, between the paris attackers and the united states. counterterrorism is what you pay us to do. tell us what you saw and then go on living your lives. >> lawmakers pointed out there were no specific credible threats before paris, either. last month, comey said his agency is currently carrying out isis-related investigations in all 50 states. the pentagon may be about to change the rules for its response to isis. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tonight with what that may mean. >> a tacit admission from the u.s. defense secretary that the rules ever engagement set by the pentagon and the white house in the coalition's fight against isis have been too strict. >> we're prepared to change rules of engagement, we've changed tactics as we just did in the case of the fuel trucks. >> today the russian defense ministry released this video showing their air strikes against isis fuel trucks inside syria. they say they have carried out more than 2300 air strikes in 48 days, carter was referring to u.s. war planes, which destroyed 116 oil trucks monday, 14 months after the start of the u.s.-led air campaign in syria and iraq. prior to that, the u.s. air force was not allowed to strike isis fuel trucks, because killing the driver was seen as killing civilians. in the past year, isis has earned $1 million a day from black market oil sales, according to the pentagon. >> you have obvious islamic state targets that you'd like to engage, but you have to wait to get approval. that takes hours, and it is constraining and restricting what otherwise could be a very, very effective set of operations. >> this aerial photo of downtown raqqah on twitter shows where a u.s. drone last week killed the isis terrorist known as jihadi john. it also shows the building that houses isis headquarters. privately, u.s. officials confirm they're barred from striking that headquarters because prisoners are held in the basement effectively as human shields. meanwhile, isis released a second propaganda video in the past 24 hours, threat ening to strike the united states. the first video talked about hitting times square, the second threatens to blow up the white house. intelligence analysts do not believe there's a new threat to times square. saying the new isis video splices images from previous propaganda and appears hastily edited. brett? >> jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. up next, hillary clinton walks a fine line on isis. first, here's what some fox affiliates around the country are covering. fox 59 in indianapolis, with a sentence of almost 16 years in prison for former subway pitchman, jared fogle. he admitted paying for sex with girls as young as 16 and receiving child pornography. fox 11 from los angeles where a sheriff's deputy said a blifr found dead in his vehicle was the victim of a botched robbery. and this is a live look at chicago from our affiliate fox 32. the big story there tonight, security workers walk off the job at o'hare airport. not private workers, these are private workers, they're not tsa screeners. they are demanding more pay and better working conditions. that's tonight's i know how it is. you're all set to book a flight using your airline credit card miles. and surprise! those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles, making it really hard to book the flight you want. luckily, there's a better way... with the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. and when you're ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline, then use your miles to cover the cost. now you're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? hillary clinton is trying to thread the needle when it comes to her isis policy. after seeming to downplay a possible u.s. role in eradicating the terror group, she's now calling on america to lead the fight without literally fighting. chief white house correspondent ed henry sorts it all out for us tonight from new york. >> hillary clinton said very little that's new or different from president obama's approach to battling isis. right down to the tough talk. >> smash the would-be caliphate. >> billed as a major speech with a bold national security strategy, it became a bold political strategy. to help clinton dig out from miscues in the last democratic debate. >> this is a worldwide fight. and america must lead it. this cannot be an american fight, although american leadership is essential. >> clinton was consistent from the debate in one area -- refusing to say radical islam. >> muslims are peaceful and toll rabbit people and have nothing -- tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. >> clinton advisers note she does not want to alienate leaders in the middle east she'll need to become president. king abdullah cited the high number of muslim victims of isis to say this is a war within islam. clinton instead said she wants to fid radical jihadism with a plan that other than touting her break with the president on a no fly zone for syria. sounded like the white house strategy. rallying allies for targeted air strikes, blocked terrorist funding, wage cyberwarfare and rely on local forces in iraq and syria for ground troops. >> if they were god forbid another terrorist attack, god forbid in the united states, do you think the pressure to send american troops into syria would be unstoppable? >> well it would certainly grow, but i think it would be a mistake. >> the republican national committee charged quote hillary clinton is the architect of the failed obama foreign policy that has presided over a steep increase in radical islamic terrorism and the rise of isis. and clinton is getting hit from the left, too, with democratic socialist senator bernie sanders blasting her foreign policy credentials. >> which candidate voted against the worst foreign policy blunder in the modern history of america? and let me give you a hint. it wasn't bernie sanders, it was hillary clinton. >> clinton's speech today overshadowed sanders' big address, defending democratic socialism. hundreds of students lined up in the rain at georgetown to declare there's already socialism, for the 1%. brett? >> ed henry in new york. isis and the refugee issue are permeating the republican race. chief political correspondent carl cameron shows us how a make foreign policy issue is playing among some of the nonpoliticians in the field. >> in alabama, ben carson defended his assertion that isis is a bigger threat to the u.s. now than al qaeda was in 2003 when the iraq war began. added that isis is a bigger threat than al qaeda was even on september 11th, 2001. >> you didn't have to be all that great. you had to be able to fly some planes. and get a couple of people in here. that's, that's going to be a lot more difficult to do now. and the global jihadist movement has grown very significantly since that time. >> after advisers suggested that carson has struggled with foreign policy, he acknowledged a learning curve this weekend. >> i know a lot more than i knew a year from now. and a year from now i'll know a lot more than i now. >> carson and trump are both under fire for experience. a sooum pac launched an attack ad. >> on-the-job training for president does not work. >> trump weighed in on isis on social media this afternoon. >> syrians are being caught at the southern border, just like i said. they're going to be pouring in, we don't know who they are, it could be isis. we need a new president fast. >> in liberal massachusetts, trump's blunt language about destroying isis drew raucous applause last night. >> we're going to knock the [ bleep ] out of these people. >> after chant of trump's a racist and a few people were removed, he went negative. >> it's amazing, i mentioned food stamps and that guy who was seriously overweight went crazy. he went crazy. amazing. >> trump's questioned as dangerous, proposals by ted cruz, jeb bush and others to allow percent indicated christians into the u.s. the president derided the idea as an unfair religious test. after filing for the new hampshire ballot, bush pushed back. >> in the law it's a requirement as you go through the screening process, that religion is an element. he can say whatever he wants and he can attack people like me that believe that persecuted people ought to be able to come into this country. >> apart from syrian refugees, the overall immigration fight between marco rubio and ted cruz is ternl personal with a pro cruz superpac radio attack. >> what's rubio ever done, anything? >> super pacs are independent and prohibited with coordinating with the candidates or the campaigns, even if cruz wanted the ads stopped, he can't. plus it's probably tame to what will be airing in the future. it's going to be nasty between these two. there's no doubt they're facing off. still ahead, one of the country's top health insurance companies made bail on obamacare. first, how far should the what could be a major setback in the works tonight for obamacare. the president's health care law could be losing a huge source of the coverage provided. correspondent rich edison is here to tell us who, why and what it means for your family and the future of the health care law. >> participating in the health care law is costing the nation's largest health insurance company too much money. this is united health care. it said in a statement today, that it may drop obamacare in 2017 as it's lowering the earnings expectations for this quarter by more than $400 million. in a statement, the company's ceo says in recent weeks growth expectations for individual exchange participation have tempered industrywide. cooperatives have failed and market data has signaled higher risks and more difficulties while our own claims experience has deteriorated. so we are taking this proactive step. obamacare critics says this with rising premiums, fewer health provider choices is another sign of the unsustainability of the health care law. >> the people who buy first are those who really need insurance. they're expensive, they're ill, they're older, so the growth had to come tht other part of the pool. the young and healthy. if they don't get that, it unravels, no other way around it. >> an administration official tells fox nous news that these are dynamic markets, they expect the private insurancers to go in and out of the marketplace. the officials say the number of issuers participating in obamacare has increased in the last couple of years. in a statement, the department of health and human services saying this year people who look for coverage in the marketplace continue to have robust number of plan choices and as the data shows, the marketplace is stable, vibrant and a growing source of coverage. today's statement by one issuer is not indicative of the marketplace's strength and viability. aetna and anthem say they have had some issues participating in the program. but they say their long-term optimism is going forward. they have long-term optimism. the announcement does not affect united health care plans for 2016, only a choice if they decide to make it would affect plans in 2017. rich, thank you, we'll follow that. stocks were down, the dow fell 4, the s&p 500 lost 2, the nasdaq dropped 1.5. still ahead, president obama is struggling, but still work on one of his early presidential promises -- closing guantanamo bay. yes, we are twins. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to syrians are less of a threat, actually, because they've fled their country. they voted with their feet. >> syrians went -- >> and the iraqis come directly out of iraq. >> you say syrians are less of a threat even though we've had testimony from the fbi director, that of all the cohorts of refugees, including iraqi refugees, we have less information about the syrian refugees than the others? i mean the fbi director says he regrets he doesn't have more data about the syrian refugees. >> well some of the testimony on capitol hill today, about syrian refugees, this as 47 house democrats split with president obama and voted for this piece of legislation in the house. designed to tighten up the screening of refugees from iraq and syria. the white house trying to get their story out. put out some facts, some numbers. by the numbers, what you need to know according to the white house. about syrian refugees in the u.s. 23,092, the number of syrian refugees the u.n. has referred to the u.s. refugee admissions program. 7,014, the number of syrians in the department of homeland security has interviewed since 2011. 2,034, the number of syrian refugees who have been admitted since 2011. zero, the number of syrian refugees resettled in the u.s. that have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges. of course, isis has developed since then. let's bring in our panel. judge andrew napolitano, amy stoddard, associate editor of the hil. >> judge, thoughts? >> the law is on the president's side, but the politics are in and out, the law is a 2005 statute when the republicans controlled the congress and the white house that authorizes the president to admit for humanitarian or political asylum purposes, whatever and whenever he wants, there's no cap on it. it would be subject only to the resours, the cost of bringing them in it's that law that the congress is attempting to change and the house appears to have enough votes to override a threatened presidential veto on this. >> the senate is the issue? >> the senate is the issue because of their unique filibuster rules. but the politics is decidedly against the president, decidedly against hillary clinton on this. whether the fear is real or fanciful. i happen to think it's real. it's pervasive throughout the land. i don't see how the president can do this, even if the senate fails to pass the legislation that the house passed, he has absolutely no public opinion behind him and he and mrs. clinton will suffer terrifically for it. >> i want to play sound bite from the house speaker today and the secretary of state. >>. >> it baffles me, i for the life of me don't understand why his veto threat came as it did. especially given the fact that his own law enforcement top officials came to congress and testified that there are gaps in this refugee program. protecting the american homeland is not about democrats and republicans, it's about protecting the american homeland. >> it's inappropriate for america, of all countries in the world to panic and to somehow turn our backs on our fundamental values. we have the ability to check on the background checks, on the -- what it takes, by the way, 18 months to two years, to do a background check on one refugee. that's how much effort goes into it. >> a.b.? >> well, i think it was wise of speaker ryan to do a bill that really no one could disagree with. that's why he got as many democrats as he did. and there's some stressed-out democrats in the senate right now. i don't know that they get to 67 with a veto-proof majority in the senate. but certainly there are ten senate democrats up for re-election who will be under enormous pressure because of the public opinion polling, to vote with republicans on this. they're not talking about what people are talking about on the presidential campaign trail like trump and others. they're just saying, we actually need to find out what your criteria and your vetting process involves. because right now the public is not assured that it's rational and it can be carried out in a reasonable way. that protects our safety. they want to know what it is. and until and unless they do and they're served by the fbi director that each person is not a threat, there's going to be this pause so politically it's very tough to oppose. >> tucker? >> it will be interesting to see a white house graphic. you saw the number of admitted demonstrable benefits to the united states of syrian immigration. it's unanceable, there isn't one. the u.s. has no obligation to let in syrian refugees and the lesson of france is, not necessarily refugees, but their children and grandchildren, the lack of assimilation of large muslim populations in the west. we've been doing it for 50 years in western europe, it's a massive problem. >> but not a problem here, though, right? look at michigan. >> we haven't had massive muslim immigration into this country. this is a real question. and any western european will raise it to you in private. how do you assimilate people who don't buy into to your liberal values? it's a massive problem when they don't ask anybody who lives in sweden or denmark or france. why given the lack of obvious advantages to america is america pressing forward. one, so people in power can feel virtuous, two, because the president has a commitment to change the demographics of the country and three, muslim voters are a reliable voting bloc in this country. >> george, you agree with that. >> i agree with everything that tucker has just said. and i myself, have a big heart and i'm generally in favor of immigrants like maybe you. i am the grandchild of immigrants who came in an era when we didn't have these problems. people should have the right to travel where they want and to better their lives. but in a situation like this, the government would be crazy not to examine their back grounds and there's no database with which to do it with respect to the syrian population. >> moments ago on the senate floor, the senator from alabama, sessions, gave a speech. >> the more effective and compassionate solution is to resettle the region's refugees in safe zones, in the region, rather than flying them into the united states, or europe. >> that seems to be a popular line today. >> this is a problem. there are no safe zones in syria. one of the most lawless areas you know, that are, that is actually under a government. that is a quote-unquote state. on the planet. however, there is another side of this obviously. we are asking our allies around the world to help us fight isis. and for us to say at this moment well we, we just want you to put some ground troops and boots on the ground and fight this war with us. and really for us, because we don't want to put too many of our own there. and this refugee thing, we thought you would absorb them, too, it's your problem because we're an ocean away. it makes all this coalition-building that republicans and hillary clinton are talking about, much harder. >> why hasn't anyone asked the obvious question, why is it our responsibility to settle these refugees? we did not start the war in syria. this is a country with literally billions of people whose standard of living is lower than ours. who would love to move here, have compelling reasons to do so. when did it become our moral obligation to accept anyone who wants to come here? i'd love to hear the advocates of this program, of this immigration and resettlement program answer that question clearly. where does our obligation come from? constitutional? biblical, theocracy? where did you come up with this? >> it's not in the constitution. >> i guessed that. >> i guess they would argue as you're allies, they're taking hundreds of thousands of refugees, whereas your skin in the game. >> that's a transactional question. this is good for america's interest in the following way. think that's a compelling argument. if can you make that, i'd buy it. no one is even trying. advocates like mccain and lindsey graham say it's because we're american. why not let everybody in the central african republics move here. >> we make a force here on the panel. ext up, how much privacy are what we need to be able to do in the future is make sure that, again, this balance between individual rights and liberties and the government's sacred obligation to keep its people safe and secure needs to be struck, but it needs to evolve because just the way the world has changed over the last who years, 50 years fundamentally it has transformed there has been a revolution in technology. we need to be able to adapt. >> the cia director talking about the challenges in new world isis communication and encryption. we had the fbi director say today that there were 900 to 1,000 isis-related cases in the u.s. in all 50 states. he said dozens of people are being intensely watched he said for isis activity and possible problems. we're back with the panel. judge, this is an interesting topic. and every time there is an incident, it comes into focus. this balance between privacy and. >> i have great respect for director brennan and i have great respect for you. i reject the concept of balance, the relationship between liberty and security should be biased, biased in favor of liberty. they are not equals. read the constitution. read the declaration of independence, read the values that underlie both of them. it is the duty of the government to keep us free and safe. if it keeps us safe and not free, it is not doing its job. >> people say you are tieing the hands of the government to be able to stop some of these attacks by pushing back, for example, the medicine data program ends november 29th. >> the constitution says and jim comey, the director of the fbi is following this with those 900. i happen to know that with these 900 isis investigations. we suspect this person. here's the basis of the suspicion. we go to a judge, like i used to be. we lay out the suspicion, we get a search warrant. that's what the constitution requires. for them to want to listen to every phone call and every email stifles freedom and is profoundly unamerican. >> you know, judge, they don't listen to every phone call and every email. at least that's not what is on the books. >> have the ability to do it they don't have the time or resources to listen to every one, of course. >> on capitol hill, there is this push to reconsider. >> i know it didn't work last time but this is a different environment since last friday. interesting that hillary clinton brought on there is onus on internet service providers like apple and google to join in encryption debate and talking about helping the public sector, the government keep us safe. she didn't actually talk about throwing her weight back behind the metadata program and section 215 of the patriot act with the u.s.a. freedom act or whatever the watered down version is i imagine is going to be the status quo. but it certainly this revives the argument and it really does -- it is a question, judge, if they are not able to listen to everything and they are actually just looking for patterns and they are not interested in people, how many people, you know, are are calling their bookie or having an affair but they are really trying to see what is going on in a nick of time with someone who is radicalized. >> you can't. let me be clear, without a warrant or a court order, they can't listen to the call or read the content of the email under. >> the u.s.a. patriot act they can listen to the call and read the email under the lesser u.s.a. patriot act and freedom act, so-called freedom act standard which is not probable causes a the constitution requires. it's governmental need. what's governmental need? that's no standard at all. the government says we need to listen so so and so's conversation. a secret judge in the fisa court let's them listen to it. if they have the constitutional. people constitution will be happy. just as safe. >> same people making the case that the obama administration needs to read my g mail in order to keep us safe from isis that i don't have a right to privacy at all. that is the case they are making bipartisan case are the same people telling us that refugees whose identity we know nothing about and who could clearly pose a threat to us have some sort of moral right to be here. their rights can't be impinged at all as for you, mr. american citizen who paces for all of this, shut up and obey. you are an impediment to safety if you even raise your hand and say i don't want them reading my g mail. i saw what they did to david petraeus. i don't want that. shut up and sur ren your constitutional rights. or else you are on the side of the terrorists. only two people making that argue. sil mum simultaneously. >> it is is the left makes that exact case. you would think that it used to be the left was comprised of partly libertarians who were concerned about overreach not so much anymore. >> does it play on the 2016 trail? >> it depends on if rand paul is the republican nominee or not. >> let's just say maybe not. >> then probably both major political parties -- political party candidates will be in favor of this kind of spying because they accept the notion that the surrender of liberty keeps us safe. i reject that tucker rejects it the constitution rejects it history rejects it. but stay tuned to see one newscaster get into a catfight on air. i know how it is. you're all set to book a flight using your airline credit card miles. and surprise! those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles, making it really hard to book the flight you want. luckily, there's a better way... with the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. and when you're ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline, then use your miles to cover the cost. now you're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? we need to get back to the funny kickers. canadian anchorman often features animals from the local humane society in his weather reports. this time it was a hairless cat and, >> hank, the hairless cat, whose shivering and i can understand why. you would shiver too if you were hairless. zero. i can't tell the difference between a shiver and purr. 20 to 35 miles per hour. uh-oh he is starting to climb. you like that wind and rain? no, apparently not. just scratched my neck. okay. rabies shot. okay the cat is taking off. also, we have got -- wait, we will be talking about the cat. stay with us. we'll be back in a moment. stay still. >> always dangerouswith props. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and >> it is friday, november 20th. this is a fox news lart. an active shooter and siege right now in mali. >> in the wake of the terror attacks despite the fbi director saying this. >> we are not aware of any credible threat here of a paris type attack. >> exactly how many high risk razz cals the u.s. is monitoring right now. >> car thieves turn pd chauffeurs? the shocking thing criminals didn't realize the child in the back seat of the car they took. "fox and friend first" starts right now. >> good morning to you. you are watching "fox and friend first on this friday. i am heather childers. >> i am leeb awe gabriel in for heather chilledainsley earhardt. >> a trucks are yluxury hotel i taking 170 hostages. 140 guests and 30 employees are trapped inside the radisson blue hotel right now in the capital city. >> a senior security force says a gunman plowed a car through owe tell barriers and screamed allah akbar during the attack. two prison guards were injured. it is not known if any one was killed. they issued this statement, the u.s. embassy staff has been skad to shelter in place all u.s. citizens -- or they should all shelter in place. u.s. citizens are encouraged to contact their family. they are also encouraged to monitor local media for updates. >> 170 believed to be held hostage right now by gunman at a mali hotel. we will bring you the latest as that develops. >> a third body found inside the apartment building raided early wednesday morning following last week's deadly terror attacks in paris. >> let's get to

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