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Terrorism. Nine months ago tomorrow another young man corrupted by hate walked into an office in oklahoma beheaded one coworker and started to behead another. In an act that many also say was terror. Since that terrible day the woman that came under the killers knife has chosen to stay out of the National Spot light. That all changes tonight. In moments Traci Johnson will share her incredible story of horror heroism and survival. But we begin with a look back at the moment that made national headlines. A chilling murder in americas heartland. 911 what is your emergency . We have someone attacking someone in the building. Reporter september 25 2014 vaughan foods in moore, oklahoma finds itself under attack. We dont know where the person went. He went through our front office and stabbed a woman in our Customer Service department. Reporter the first victim 54yearold colleen huff rd in the wrong place at the wrong time who we learned met a terrible end. Police say the killer set his sights on 43yearold Traci Johnson. And then and that is a gunshot. He is in the hallway outside of the center of the building. Reporter gun shots coming from the firearm of Company Executive mark vaughan, a reserve deputy whose heroic actions stopped a killer in his tracks. I did what i had to do. Reporter what vaughan had to do was shoot alton nolen who had been suspended hours earlier saving the life of Traci Johnson whose neck nolen was slashing. The subject was in the process of attacking another individual. I yelled at him to stop and he did. Shortly thereafter he approached me with the knife. Reporter as news of the attack made national headlines, a bombshell from police. He encountered the first victim. He did kill colleen and did sever her head. Reporter it was the first reported beheading on u. S. Soil following weeks of high profile reports out of the middle east of isis terrorists beheading people including two american journalists. The news sparking fears of a possible link to terrorism. Understandably there was alarm and comparisons to the savage brutality of isis. There is particular concern that recent propaganda tapes could inspire lone wolf american radicalests. Isis has put out a call to people who may be sympathetic to their cause. There is no doubt there is concern. Reporter Police Reveal nolen recently converted to islam. H the watch of Law Enforcement. To the public the mosque will not promote terrorism or any kind of radical acts, but when theyre among friends they will promote teachings of islam which include the offer to nonmuslims the choice that you must convert and live under islamic rule or be fought against. Reporter the mosque denied the charges. While the fbi was initially involved it reportedly deemed this case work place violence and left it to local authorities. The prosecutor concluded the attacks were motivated by race not religion siting a racist comment nolen had made hours before the attack. But the evidence of radicalization was overwhelming. Nolens Facebook Page was taken down but not before the kelly file captured it on camera. It showed several disturbing images folks like islam will dominate the world, freedom can go to hell and we need more muslims for allah. A picture of the twin towers burning with the caption that reads dont you all know why the eastern part of the world hates america . An image of osama bin laden, a photograph of a beheading victim and a quote from the quran saying i will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelieveers smite yeabove their necks. As for the woman almost beheaded before her boss saved her life early on Traci Johnson publically thanked mark vaughan. Thank you, mark from the bottom of my heart. If it wasnt for you i wouldnt be here right now. Because of you i get another life. Reporter since then she has remained silent about her injuries the attack and the decision to treat this as something other than terror, refusing to tell her heroing story until now. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Take us back to september 25 2014. How long had you been working for vaughan foods . Four days. Four days . Yes, maam. What were you hired to do . Work in the production line. So making the food products. Yes, maam. And had you ever met this man, alton nolen, 30 years old . No. In those four days and not prior to that . Never seen him in my life. It was a thursday. You were working with nolen. The two of you exchange words. What happened . We had been having confrontations all day. And i dont like it when somebody is not wanting to work and wanting to do their job. So i called him a school brat and lazy. He kind of laughed a little bit, laughed that off. And then he said then we were working and he said racism. He started saying he hates white people and i beat white people up. He said that to you . He didnt say it to me but said it in reference to me. You call him lazy. He says i hate white people. I beat white people up. Did anybody else hear that . Yes, maam. How many . Two other people. Was that all he said . Yes, maam. Then what did you do . I got off the line and went to my Supervisors Office and told my supervisor what was going on and i wrote a statement. He wrote a statement. So did you have another interaction with him at that time of the morning . Yes. He came around the corner and started saying that she called me this and that. My supervisor said you will have your time to write your statement. He was complaining you called him lazy . Yes. Was that the last you knew of it for the morning . When the morning wrapped up was that he said that and that was it for the time being . It was that time he tried to come back on the line and work but they told him no and that is when they sent him to human resources. That was the last you saw of him that morning. He was suspended and escorted out of the building . Yes, maam. How much time passed between the time he left the building and when he returned . I dont exactly know the time. Was it hours . I would say maybe 15 minutes. So it was short . Yes, maam. You are thinking it is over. He is out of here. Thats the end of that. Right. Where were you in the building when you first understood there was trouble . In the locker room. What were you doing . Getting ready to change my clothes. How did you understand that something was going on . I heard screaming. You were changing your clothes. What did the screams sound like . Excruciating screams. Could you tell that someone was being hurt . I didnt think about that. At the time. I thought it was a joke. So what did you do . I stood in there and then i didnt hear the screaming anymore or the fighting. I guess that is what was going on. I didnt see all of that. And next thing you know somebody comes around the corner and yells some stuff so we go look and colleen is laying on the ground. Where was she . In the office. The front office of the building . Yes, maam. What did the scene look like . It was pretty bad. Just blood everywhere. On the floor around her. Did you see nolen at that time . No. We couldnt find him. They couldnt find him at all. Did you see that colleens head had been cut off . You couldnt tell. You just saw her body lying there . Yes, maam. And did it look like a fight had taken place . Was the office in disarray . There was a chair leaned over laying on the ground with blood on it. Do you know if she had a chance to fight . She fought. I found out she fought for her life. You see this scene. What do you do next . I go back into the locker room and my instincts tell me you need to go back and sit with her. And so i go back and change and clock out. I get about three feet away from her and there is nolen at the other end of the hall. So you see colleens body. I couldnt see it from where i was standing by the mens locker rooms. At any point in that timeframe did you see what had happened to her . No. I still didnt know. You are going back to sit with her. Yes, maam. And when was the first you saw alton nolen . At the other end of the hall. How far away from you was he . About five feet. What was your first instinct . I didnt know what to think. Was it clear that he had been the one who attacked colleen . Yes, maam. How . There was blood all over him. Describe him. What did he seem like . Crazy. His eyes were like huge. I have never seen somebodys eyes so big in my life. They were huge and i couldnt move. We always wonder whether we will fight, flee or scream in a moment like that. What did you do . Didnt move. And he came running after me. Did you feel paralyzed with fear . Yes, maam. Did you realize this is the man you had the confrontation with . Yes. Did it occur to you he is coming after me . No. What went through your head . I dont know. I really dont know. Just everything. What to do. I couldnt go. I couldnt move an inch. Like the nightmare where you are in danger but you cant move. Right. Was anyone else around . No maam. Just the two of you in the hallway. You see him covered with blood. Did you see the knife . Yes, i did. How many seconds between the moment you saw him would you say and the moment he got to you . Two seconds. He ran after me. Did he say anything . He yelled muslim stuff. I dont know what he was saying. You heard him yelling in arabic . Yes, maam. He got to you. What happened next . What happened next is the most chilling part of this story. And what traci would learn later led to questions the feds have not answered to this day. When we return the moment Traci Johnson felt the metal of an assassins knife on her neck. He started slicing my neck. And cut a holen my face. He cut a hole in my right index finger. And he wouldnt stop. You probably know xerox as the company thats all about printing. But did you know we also support hospitals using Electronic Health records for more than 30 million patients . Or that our Software Helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure email every month . Or how about processing nearly 5 billion in electronic toll payments a year . In fact, todays xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. With xerox, youre ready for real business. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. 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And i didnt think anybody was going to come around. Was he saying anything . And you were just screaming as loudly as you could . Yes, maam. Were you screaming or calling for help . I was calling for help and screaming at the same time. Do you think he was trying to decapitate you . Yes, maam. He was actually in the process of beheading you . Yes. He got a millimeter away from my jugular. Where did he cut you . On the right side of my neck. Would you mind showing us . Its all right here. Did he slice you or did he stab you . Sliced me. He was slicing me. And then he got you on the face as well . Yes. Sliced my face on the left part of my lip on the cheek part. How did he cut your finger . Were you being defensive . I was trying to get him off of me and i didnt realize he had cut it. Did you feel the knife . Did you feel pain in that moment . No. My anxiety was too high. Did you see blood . Not until afterwards. Did it happen quickly or did it seem to last forever . To me it happened quickly but seemed to last forever. Did you have an instinctual understanding that you could be about to die . Yes. I did. Amazingly as he was stabbing you, slashing you, help arrived. And around the corner came a man named mark vaughan. Did you know mark . No. You had never met him before . No. Describe what that was like for you. I dont know. I really dont know. Just fear still because he was telling him to get off of me and he wouldnt get off of me. Did you see marks gun . Yes, i did. Do you remember the exchange that mark had with nolen . He told nolen to get off of me. I think he shot him the first time and missed me and that is when nolen got off of me and made a mad dash for mr. Vaughan and he shot him two more times. Did you have fear that you might be in danger that you might get shot . Yes, maam. How long was the ordeal . Five minutes, ten minutes. So the next thing you know nolen is down on the floor after he gets shot by mr. Vaughan . Yes, maam. Was he bleeding . He had gotten shot in the left abdomen. He was conscious . Yes, maam. Was he saying anything . No. He was breathing. That was the only thing i could see. Did you and mark vaughan look at each other . Did you have an exchange . I was in the cafeteria. I had stuff on my neck. I still couldnt feel anything. And mr. Vaughan told me to come on. And i didnt want to because i didnt want to walk by nolen. And i walked around there and i didnt look at mr. Vaughan. How did you get from the place where you were attacked into the cafeteria . Do you remember . An lady told me to come in there after he was shot. You walked in . Yes. Who started attending to you . The indian lady. I dont know her name. The police were not yet on the scene . No maam. What did she do to help you . She went and got paper towels and set them on my neck. What was that like hearing the Police Arrive . Relief honestly. A lot of relief. Do you know who was watching alton nolen until police got there . Mr. Vaughan. So you get placed into the ambulance and nolen gets placed into a different ambulance. Yes, maam. And you wind up getting taken to the same hospital. Yes. Did you know that . No. When did you find that out . After the doctor told me that he was next door in the next bed in the next room. He was in the next room . Yes, maam. Why . What did you think of that . I dont know. I still couldnt think. Were you scared . A little bit. Did you think he was going to come back and finish the job . Yeah. Was there a guard outside of his room and yours . I dont know. You dont know that to this day . He recovered ultimately and is on trial. Well get to that. What did they tell you about your injuries in the hospital . I sustained a neck injury. He got ahold of my jugular vein and some nerves in my neck. How close were you to dying . Traci answers that question when we come back. We will take up the issue of why the feds seem so reluctant to call this terror. Did you think this was about a man who didnt like you because you were white or was it a man who was making a point about radical islam . Youre giving away pie . What would you like, apple or cherry . Cherry. Oil or cream . Definitely cream. [reddi wip spray sound] never made with hydrogenated oil, oh, yeah. Always made with real cream. The sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. Working on my feet all day gave me pain here. In my knees. But now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. Scholls custom fit orthotic inserts. Now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. My knee pain. Find a machine at drscholls. Com vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®. As my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. Vo levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. 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Because i cant let go of it. What do you mean . I cant let go of colleen not being here. And a lot of it i feel like is my fault because of what happened. But everybody tells me its not. Because you had an exchange with nolen that morning . Yes, maam. You feel responsible . I do. Have you spoken to colleens husband, her family . Yes. I talk to them frequently. Do they hold you responsible . No. Not at all. Something you do to yourself . Right. Dont you realize that have been through enough . A little bit, but it still bothers me quite a bit because she could be here too. Have you spoken with your other employees . How do they feel about it . I have not spoken to anybody else. Is that right . Yes, maam. Even the indian woman who helped you . No. I cant go back to that place. Did you go back again . I tried one time and had to run straight out of there. When you see alton nolens picture and you had a visceral reaction to it. Describe what that does to you . Angers me. Hurts. Makes me sick that somebody would do something to some people that didnt deserve to be done to. Does it take you back . I have flashbacks a lot of them. Was there any chance of running, of fighting . Of getting away . I think if i had run he would have got my back and my heart and i would have died then. Did you feel capable of it at the moment . Not at all. Was he holding you against the wall or your own fear . He had me against the wall. Did you pray at all . Are you a religious woman . I did. I prayed that somebody would come save me. And it happened. I had Guardian Angels all around me. Mark vaughan stepped out of the shadows and saved you in a manner that he still refuses to talk about to this day because he doesnt want credit for his actions. I want to talk to you about him in a moment. I want to ask you this. Is there any doubt in your mind that nolen would have killed you had it not been for mark vaughan . Yeah. I really do think he would have. He had a list is what i have heard. And there were three people is what i heard. I was one of his. Do you think colleen was on the list . No. She was there when it happened. She was the first one he saw. When he came back to the building he didnt come in the side door where factory employees were supposed to go in. He came in the office doors. Thats where she sat. Yep. Im wondering if to this day when you look at a butcher knife or fake knife if that is where your mind goes . Yes. Its hard for me to be with a knife. Do you still have pain . It still hurts. Describe what this has done to you. I feel like it has ruined my life. It has kind of im not the same. I try to be but i just cant right now. Im just i think about it every day. It goes through my head every day but i try to black it out and it doesnt work. When you think about it what do you think . What he did to me and colleen. You relive the moment of your own attack and you imagine what happened to her . Right. Are you on medication . Yes, maam. Tell us about that. What have you had to do to sort of cope with this . Take medicines, pills for anxiety and depression. Have you gotten therapy or counseling . Yes, maam. Im in therapy. Is anyone able to help you find a way out of this . Not yet. Hopefully soon. I know you left oklahoma. Now you live in texas. Why . To get away because the closer i am to it it is harder on me. And the big question in this case is was this terror . The oklahoma authorities reached what some considered a shocking conclusion. This seems to be an isolated incident with him being triggered by having been suspended earlier in the day. Officials declared this was work place violence despite overwhelming evidence that alton nolen had been radicalized. From the controversisial mosque he attended to his Facebook Page littered with posts glorifying radical islam and his fascination with decapitations by terrorists and then the attempted conversions, shouting in arabic moments before the attack and the method of death he chose, beheading one victim and attempting to behead another. Could this case have been charged as terrorism . Does Traci Johnson believe it was terror . Her answer next. The fbi was involved but they concluded there are no links to terrorism here. They appear to have classified this as work place violence. Was this an act of terrorism . I am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. So this beauty can be yours with a down payment and 10 financing. Oh larry, lawrence. Thanks to the tools and help at experian. Com, i know i have a 798 fico score. 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But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . How do we make sense of what happened in moore, oklahoma. Was alton nolens attachment to radical islam . His hatred of america to blame . In the last part of our interview i put that question to his only living victim. Nolen had been radicalized. Were you aware of that . No. You heard the arabic phrases. What else had you heard about him and his radicalization . Nothing really at all. Were you aware of the fact that he was trying to convert people at vaughan foods to islam . Not until later on down the line. Found that out after the fact. The fbi was initially involved but they concluded that there are no rinks to terrorism here. They appear to have classified this as work place violence. Was this an act of terrorism . I dont honestly really know. It is hard to tell. Its just a hard situation. Do you feel like you were the victim of a terror attack . With him being the way he was and being muslim and everything like that thats why i think it was a terrorist attack. Do you think this man was motivated by radicalism or racism . Racism. To be honest. Do you think this was about a man who didnt like you because you were white or was it a man making a point about radical islam . Im not sure on that one. It is a hard question to answer. He has been charged with first degree murder. In july there will be a hearing on nolens mental competency. Do you believe he is insane . No. He knew what he was doing. You think he will try to get out of this by claiming he was . Honestly my honest opinion, yeah. He served time in prison before for drugs, for assaulting a police officer. Some say that is why he did this. He was an angry man. Is that what you believe . Because i didnt know him and that is the only time i had been around him or seen him was that day he didnt act angry at first to me. At the end i think he is a very angry person. Is this someone you can forgive . Not right now. Nor has he sought your forgiveness . Right. Prior to all of this you served some time in prison for food stamps and welfare false statement. You get out and got yourself a job. Do you feel like you have been given a Second Chance . Yes, i do. To do something with your life . Right. Do you feel that motivation . I feel better about myself a lot better about myself. This didnt help but its helped me out in the long run to grow up a lot and realize i did in the past but my past is my past. Mark vaughan says he is no hero and says anybody would have done what he did. You say . He is a hero. He is my hero and everybody elses hero that he saved their life before anything else happened. If he is watching now what would you like to say to him . That hes a hero. And if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have a second life i have now. I wouldnt be here. Thank you. Traci, thank you so much for being here. All the best to you. Thank you. You have now heard tracis story, but the big question still looms. Was this terrorism . If so why wont the fbi say so . And does it matter . Up next two veterans of the fbi on the threats we face and whether this case was mislabelled. We want to bring you an update on the manhunt for two convicted killers as a second prison employee is arrested. Joyce mitchell the first prison employee was allegedly able to pass hack saw blades by smuggling them inside frozen meat. And tonight officer palmer who delivered the frozen meat was also arrested. Palmer facing charges of tampering with evidence among others although his Attorney Says he had no idea what was inside the meat. Palmer was arraigned a short time ago. Dont go away. 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There was some sort of infatuation with beheading obvious from the facebook posts thmpt manner in which it was carried out seems to be related to interests in killing someone in that way. But other than that it seems to be an isolated incident with him with being triggered by his having been suspended earlier in the day. Authorities have decided this is not a terror case. They say instead it was work place violence. But Oklahoma State lawmakers in the Counter Terrorism caucus say those officials rushed to judgment. One saying the fbi may panic or a backlash against mosques, they say this clearly was terror. Joining me now to discuss it mary ellen otoole, a retired senior fbi profiler and forensic consultant. Steve rogers is a former member of the joint Terrorism Task force and police detective, thank you both for being here. Steve, let me start with you on whether you think this was in fact terror. Megan, i believe this was a terrorist attack. Keep in mind that what was not found on his computer and Facebook Page. Any racial rantings any sympathy to white supremacist groups. What was on that computer was sympathizers or sympathizing to islam, jihadists, there were beheadings gruesome torture on that Facebook Page. The point is that he i believe, as many people in the Law Enforcement community believe, was greatly influenced by islamic jihadists, you can only label this as a terrorist act. A lone one at that but a terrorist act. Mary ellen . This was a terrorist act, it was terrifying listening to the narrative was chilling and it was absolutely stunning. But that said when you when i listen to the motivation that this individual has in terms of the suspension and the friction between him and this victim it does seem that his this was not instrumental violence. This was reaction airy to his relationship with her, and let me ask you this. It does seem reaction airy given the timing of when the incident happened. Does that make it not terror . I think its terrifying but at the same time i think when this case goes into court, the Foundation Upon which they had to make that decision is is it going to fit tf terrorism, or is it going to fit the statute of Workplace Violence . I want to show the audience the domestic terrorism statute so they can see for themselves. It involves acts dangerous to human life that violates state law. Check. That appear to intimidate or coerce a civilian population. And that occurred primarily within the united states. So steve, can you make the argument that this act appeared intended to inning tim date a civilian population . Yes, you could. Megan, this was a political decision. No one wants to admit that. Just like ft. Hood it was a political decision because there was fear as your broadcast said earlier, it would be a backlash against a mosque or muslims, that would actually terrify, terrorize the american people. That in itself tells you because of that decision that this was infact a terrorist act. Let me ask you. Local d. A. Who i assume is proceeding in good faith, he seemed like a straight shooter. I understand the Facebook Page and the fascination with the headings but it seemed like he had this dispute at work and then he went off and did it. Theres a larger narrative which is laid out over the course of the year it wasnt just a Facebook Page. It wasnt. Heres somebody who was at the mosque talking about what they said behind closed doors. Then theres the cop telling us what exactly this guy did, so listen, watch. To the public the mosque will not promote terrorism or any kind of radical acts. But when theyre among friends and congregants only they will promote the teachings of islam, which include the offer to nonmuslims the choice rather that you must convert, live under islamic rule or be fought against. Jihad for the sake of ala. After conducting interviews with coworkers of nolan. Information was obtained that he started to try to convert some of his coworkers. He encountered the first victim colleen huff ard. He did kill colleen, and did server her head. He was actually in the process of beheading you . Yes. You see the chronology. The one saying you teach, you convert or you could be killed . Then he goes to work asks people to convert they dont. There was an instant that set him off, what does he do . He shows up and starts killing people. Influence thats for mary ellen, sorry. Its absolutely horrifying heres the behavioral assessment of this. You can have a radicalized terrorist who goes home and kills his spouse or comes to work and acts out violently. The fact that he has that in his background does not make every act of violence an act of terrorism. But i completely get the idea that this was really behavior ali an act of terror. My position is that being able to present a strong motivation in court with all these other things brought in would be the best of both worlds so that the jury can understand what made this guy tick. So many people would like to see the charleston murders charges as an act of terror. And i completely understand that. And there is a real question though whether that same standard should apply here where this man clearly terrorized his victims. And some would argue meets the Legal Definition as well. Thank you both for your expertise. When we come back a special message from tracy johnson. We all feel the calling to build something great. [announcer ] what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer . What if one push up could prevent Heart Disease . [man grunts] one wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease pneumococcal pneumonia. One dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you. 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Get a galaxy s6 active for zero down and get a free samsung tablet. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Tracy turned 44 the day of our interview. She bears a reminder of what happened that day. Scars, yes, but also this a declaration that she is a fighter and a survivor and thats how we will remember her too. Good night. Tonight it shouldnt fly there, it shouldnt fly anywhere. A special hannity history lessen on the democrats and clintons connection to the confederate flag. Mark stein is here with reaction. No family of an american hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom for the return of their loved ones. Rudy giuliani will weighin on allowing families of american hostages to pay terrorists ransom. You cant pay ransom, its terrible its heartbreaking. And Hillary Clinton ditches the scooby van for yet another private jet. Well have

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