Donald trump. Paul gowdys remarking after meeting with ros stieb. The white house said wednesday that there are still cause for concern about the fbis actions leading up to the 2016 election. Lets bring many wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor Dan Henninger and kim strassel and bill mcgurn. All right, kim, what do you make of gowdys remarks there and where are we on the probe right now . Well, the first thing id note that theres a lot of different points when youre talking about the fbis mishandling of 2016 and while mr. Gowdy seems to be saying that he thinks this informant or spy is okay, we havent heard him renounce other areas like fisa abuse which we know hes had concerns with. But i think the bigger point here, is look, mr. Gowdy has always been clear, former federal prosecutor, he tends to have a lot of difference for the department of justice and fbi. Hes saying that they acted appropriately and that the informant was used to investigate russia, not the campaign, the problem with that, though, paul, its their own investigation. The fbi in opened a counterintelligence probe into the Trump Campaign. Not in the specific individuals, not into russia which would have been a cia job, they did it in the Broader Campaign and they said we know that for a fact. Paul kim, did gowdy and nunes, the chairman of the committee, did they see all of the documents they had been seeking or was this what gowdy said a reference to the briefing that they got . If you listen to mr. Gowdy, he seems to make it very clear that hes making the judgment based on what Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray said to him. He talked about how important trump appointees, loyals, makes distinction, i dont think theyve seen the vast documents related to informantspy. Paul lets saydy is right and had ample reason to get informant, why dont you tell Trump Campaign or canned gait that they have an obligation to do that . Absolutely. Thats why im not willing to say they were right. Theres so many dots to connect. Its very hard to follow this. But the main question we dont know is we dont know what started it all. Devin nunes saw the electronic communication that was the official start, we have an official start of the investigation at the end of july, but we have these things going on earlier, may or june, we dont know. Why are they fighting so hard to Keep Congress from seeing it. If the fbi did everything correctly, why shouldnt they let the committee see it and why did they hide it from them for so long. The gang of 8, mr. Comey mentioned that he did not tell them about what was going on, the reason we have gang of 8 is so that the fbi can Tell Congress whats going on in a controlled way. Paul gang of 8, the most senior congressional right. Thats why we have gang of 8. Paul dan, what do you make of the fact that they havent turned over documents to the Intelligence Committee . If trey gowdy is right, why not turn them over . You end up defaulting to something approaching one worsts suspicions about the behavior of the fbi and the Justice Department because consider we are talking about event that is took place in 2016, possibly early 2016. Here we are in the middle of 2018 and the Justice Department and the fbi are essentially saying trust us over this truly mysterious investigation that began possibly with legitimate concern over russians trying to penetrate on american election, but russians have tried to do that in germany and chance as well. Why has it been necessary for those institutions to keep this investigation to themselves at this late stage other than the fact that they are perhaps, indeed, investigating the Trump Campaign and possibly the president himself . Paul here is an idea, bill, why doesnt the president , director of National Intelligence dan coats to look into the counterintelligence side of this, leave aside the criminal stuff, but started as counterintelligence probe, the president , i think, has the right to know what Intelligence Services are doing, why doesnt he say dan coats, you go do investigation and tell me what really happened . Exactly. Look, theres a lot of things the president could do. The assumption behind your question is the right one. The most important thing is American People to know what happened in 2016 and what role intelligence agencies played in it and theres lots of things the president can do to declassify information. What we need is less people being indicted and to get the stor out of what really happened. Paul kim, you close out the segment. You had australian diplomat who according to leaked stories started it off, why is this important in. Well, its important because what we have now discovered and put out there is that Alexander Downer when he met with papadopoulos, we had never known how the information was back through the fbi, now run through u. S. Embassy in london and the introduction the intersection of the Obama State Department and thats political element in the story thats new, at least with regard to that event. It brings up the question of whether or not was this really entirely driven by intelligence agencies talking to each other, was there political pressure exerted for the fbi to act. Paul more questions still to come on this, long way from being over, when we come back, the republican record, president and members of Congress Looking to run, what have they done in last year and a half and would they counter anything in november. 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Polls show gop closing the gap when it comes to which party voters will support in the midterm applications, the latest realclear politics average showing the democratic shrink to go a little over 3 , down from double digits earlier this year. So will the republican record ov the last 18 months be enough to keep control of the house and senate this november . We are back with Dan Henninger, and wall street journal assistant editorial James Freeman and editorial writer Kate Bachelder odell. Kate, you heard trump give a couple of examples, give us a list of what you would call the main establishments of this congress . Well, the first one is tax reform, paul that was the first in several decades, overhaul the tax code. But theres also a lot of things that havent gotten as much attention like a large increase for defense spending that isnt a reaganstyle buildup but still important reverse freal the obama years and also just recently the congress finished reforms for the Veterans Affairs agency and right to trial bill and a long list of accomplishments. Paul also the individual mandate, i guess, and in that tax reform they also included the alaska drilling, opening that up over a couple of decades and how many appellate judges now have been approved . I think its more than 20, isnt it . Its not just the supreme court, the appellate bench . No, right, a new record in the senate even as democrats are invoking a cloture vote, longer periods on nominee. James, lets look on the debit side, what they have they failed to do that they promised . Failed to control spending and not just failed to control it but made the problem much worse. Essentially over 2018 and 2019 we are to spend almost 300 billion more than under previous legislation. Pault a minute, part of that was the price of more military spending, was it not . And youre not willing to grant that that had to be done . Well, i think when paul to get votes in the senate, i mean . I think you have a problem in terms of debt that 75 of gdp having doubled in the last decade, on our way in next decade to 100 of gdp, you are getting close to italy territory, that amount of debt, not associated super power status. Paul 132 . We will be at 100 unless we change trajectory. I would say in defense President Trump did not promise us huge cuts in spending. Entitlement reform was not part of his pitch. Im not sure how much you can hold him to that in terms of what he promised in 2016 but as a governing failure that he and the congress owns i think controlling spending would be one of them. Paul dan, i would be willing to give the congress a break on that shortterm domestic spending that james talks about, but i cant give him a break on medicaid reform which failed as part of Health Care Reform that. Was the big failure. Repealing as part failure to repeal and replace obamacare because thats going to stick with them for a long time as medicaid increases. Yeah, it will and the other thing they failed immigration, daca bill, battling inside the congress and i think, you know, james makes a fair point, spending the level of spending is a serious issue with a lot of Republican Voters and what we are talking about here is whether you can connect this record to the november elections. Be that as it may, much of what they have done, we forgot to mention the Congressional Review Act reversing 18 obamaera regulations and i think one to have big issues here is the economy under two terms of barack obama and the economy that we now have after a year and a half of President Trump and it is like opposite sides of the moon. It was a torpid economy then. [laughter] and the economy now is is basically through the roof. We are on the sunnier side of the moon. [laughter] this is something that the president exceeded promise on regulation. He promised he was going to knock out two rules for every new one and hes on a pace of about 5 to 1. So reducing the overall costs of regulation. Paul i think the Congressional Review Act has been used 19 times and 18 of them have been in this congress. What else can we expect to see between now and and, say, when the Campaign Begins in september or october . Well, i think we point into one of the republicans vulnerabilities and thats failure on health care. Democrats are going to make huge issue on health care and i think they deserve some of the political heat for that failure, that all of them campaigned on repealing and replacing the law. Paul is there any chance they can make progress on that, further progress here in the next coming few months . Im not particularly optimistic but perhaps they can cancel some of their august recess and use that time valuably. Paul but you dont think i guess they have to put together a budget to get the 50vote threshold otherwise they have to get democrats and they are not going to get those democrats. They wont get those democrats and they may not get Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski again and they lost seat in alabama. Paul double digits, the economy could float this back up and they could get to they might hold the house and the senate, youre looking better. Okay. Paul these days. Nothing is assured yet. Its not a game. Paul all right, when we come back with the north Korean Nuclear summit back on track we will ask general jack keane what President Trump should demand of kim jong un before going ahead with the meeting or more come here, babe. Ok. Nasty nighttime heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is hi. I just wanted to tell you thdependability award for its midsize carthe chevy malibu. I forgot. Chevy also won a j. D. Wer dependability award for its lightduty truck the chevy silverado. Oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j. D. Power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvsthree years in a row. Phew. Third times the charm. Paywell, esurance makes itnce you dsimple and affordable. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. 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Those meetings tapped off by visit to the white house friday where north korean delegation delivered a letter from kim jong un to President Trump. Earlier i spoke with refired fourstar general jack keane about the expectations for the june 12th meeting. So we have the report of a letter from kim jong un to President Trump, apparently saying i want to have the meeting, but no demands and no concessions, is that enough to go ahead with a summit . Well, first of all, i think that the letter is in response to President Trumps letter to kim jong un and he ended his letter when he was terminating the summit, get back to me if you want to go forward. Thats kind of what this is. [laughter] we shouldnt expect much more than that. We have to pay close attention to what secretary pompeo is saying. While he says on the one hand we make great progress, on the other hand, significant challenges and differences and i think what they are trying to do as in his words set the conditions. Resolve differences so we can set up at least the first summit because likely to be more than that where there can be some success, where they can at least agree on a framework Going Forward. The president is really holding all the cards here, paul, i mean, he doesnt need the summit as much as the north koreans need it and this period right now, we are getting up close to the summit, he still has significan leverage and im sure hes using leverage to the fullest with pompeo and also kim sung over in north korea. Paul seems to me that if theres just a meet and greet summit, no tangible movement on the north korean side towards denuclearization, thats a victory for kim jong un because he would have sat on the stage with the president of the United States and turned out to be kind of a meet and greet, would you agree with that . I totally agree with that. If thats all there is, then the president at a minimum should delay the summit and apply more pressure to try to get these differences to close a little bit and if he cant, hes just got to back away. He cannot go in there and just come out with a framework for a peace treaty ending the war and bring back the families from the north and the south and reunite them and agree in general that the security of north korea is paramount to the United States, that would be unsatisfactory solution. Paul okay, theres a merging here on difference on pace of denuclearization, the United States saying it must be complete, verifiable and irreversible and the north koreans suggesting that, well, we want this to be in a fazed form, we want to you do one thing and we will do something. Is that what you see as the biggest gap that has to close . It certainly is and they want to do this over a period of many years, certainly they want outlast trumps first term because they dont know if he will have a second one, i think the president is right on the mark when hes saying, i want to get this done during my presidency, during my first term, two plus years is sufficient time to get it done. We can faze it during those two years, im not going to pass this problem onto success or as its been passed onto me and i think thats a reasonable goal to have and we should stick to it. Paul as we know, we have done twice before, promise of denuclearization over stages and both times the north koreans reneged, stopped, kicked out inspectors, so, i mean, its a bit of a gamble with the United States, with any president taking their word for it again. I totally agree. Russians and chinese are both advising kim jong un to to the fazed operation and push it out over many years for the very reason that the north koreans are taken advantage of us in the past. Its a promise that is not kept and thats clearly the path that we would be on if we buy into it. Paul can the u. S. President put the status of u. S. Forces in south korea on the table to negotiate in return for some promise of denuclearization . Yes, i think he can. That would really unnerve the japanese quite a bit but that doesnt mean it would have to be immediate withdrawal or complete withdrawal. That could be done over time and it doesnt have to be all at once. It could be a gradual withdrawal of those forces. Listen, if we have a peace treaty and the war has ended and kim jong un is denuclearizing and taking systems, the reason troops would be going away, be able to pull armies away from each other in the dmz. Thats sort of a happy solution and unlikely to get Something Like that, i believe, but nonetheless, it would delegitimize the presence of 28,000 troops. I think the president has in the back of his mind, not initially but eventually he would put those troops on the table to get a final completion of denuclearization. Paul what about security guaranties that the north koreans are talking about have talked about for kim jong un . Is that something that we can really promise kim . How can we guaranty his continuation in power particularly if they open up to the world and people see just how the north Korean People are . Well, it is their number one issue, economics, prosperity is not their number one issue. This is the issue, its the reason they have Nuclear Weapons and its the reason why they are nuclear they are weponizing icbms because they want to hold the American People at risk to guaranty the preservation of the regime. We will never get a deal with them even on the best of circumstances unless we are able to convince them that we are providing a grantor of their indete security. Kim is a young man and hes clearly got that in mind as he looks to decades ahead. He wants that regime to be secure. Paul all right, thank you, general, appreciate you being here. Good talking to you, paul. Paul still ahead the Trump Administration pushes to impose steel and aluminum to key allies, how mexico, canada and europe are responding and what it could mean to the hi, im bob harper, and i recently had a heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. 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Our members call many places home, oh, lots of questions. So we made owning a home easier. Navy federal credit union open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans, and their families. With savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses and automatically adjusts on both sides, for effortless comfort. Dont miss the final days of our semiannual sale save up to 700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. Ends sunday. Paul fear of escalating trade war the Trump Administration announced thursday that it is move ago head with 25 tariff on steel and 10 tariff on aluminum imported from european union, canada and mexico. The president first announced the tariffs in march but granted exemptions to Major Trading partners while the u. S. Continued negotiations, those exemptions expired on friday. Renewed trade tensions come amid some good news with the u. S. Economy adding 223,000 jobs in may bringing the Unemployment Rate down to 18year low of 3. 8 . We are back with bill mcgurn and James Freeman and wall street Journal Editorial Board member mary kissel in london, so mary, youre over there, whats the reaction been from our allies and they are allies in europe, canada and mexico to this unilateral trade action . Well, i think its what you would expect, paul, its complete disbelief that the United States would punish such close an important trading partners and i think the individual country reactions so what you wowd expect. The german were pragmatic and the british were measured and the french disdainful and eu announced that they would take immediate counter action, look, the eu supplies about 17 of steel import to the United States, a lot of it is highend going into cars in detroit, they will take counter action and you have to believe that they will put their money where their mouth is, they will file a wto also. Is canada a National Security threat, do you see the invasion from mexico coming any time soon . How can you justify the import from those countries are really a National Security threat . No, well, the short answer is that you cant, paul, its absolutely indefensible and, you know, the real tragedy of all of this is that President Trump is doing exactly what he said he wouldnt do which is to reward the swamp. Hes rewarding certain interests which is the u. S. And the steel producing industries, steel and Aluminum Industries rather and everybody who uses the stuff downstream will get hurt not to mention u. S. Consumers who will pay 10 or 25 for for goods and comes at a terrible time also id add for European Partners who we are dealing with brexit, the terror threat, iran, putin on their doorsteps. Paul i guess the big question, bill, how much economic damage will this will this hit us with . Well, i think it could be a lot and the problem with the trade war is that a lot of innocent casualties and the reason for that is supply chains are very complicated things come from all over, so when you launch one of these things you hit people that you dont intend, for example, when president bush put the steel tariffs in in 2002 cost more jobs in the Steel Industry which is why they ended early. All paul the other is retaliation, all said we are going to retaliate, japan is coming because they are also not exempted and what theyre doing is they are targeting precise areas that are going to do political damage to the Republican Party and their Senate Candidates and potentially house candidates, Paul Ryan Harley Davidson in his district, bourbon in kentucky, citrus fruit and not apples and grapes. So theres some downside political risks here too. Yeah, especially frustrating, you mentioned the great friday jobs report, all the evidence that so far the trump plan to cut regulation and taxes is workithin the United States, so now hes saying, but i think more regulation and more taxes at our borders will somehow benefit the United States, it wont. As you mentioned a lot more people consume steel than produce it. So youre talking a lot more jobs in the industries that make things out of steel than in the actual producers. So its a strange idea to fight with allies. I think what he ought to be doing, get ghts together with them, how do we fix that chinese intellectual property theft problem. He also seems concerned about. Paul theres a problem, danger, mary Going Forward with what happens with nafta, cusp of a deal, we are negotiating renegotiation, redoing of agreement modernization for some time but this really is a thumb in the eye of the canadians and mexicans and they were already kind of approaching a deadline in mexico with its president ial election, i dont know if that can be salvaged . It may not, paul, i hate to say that but it may not be salvageable. The other thing we should worry about is when it comes to mexico, mexico is next leader may not be very proamerican, so you might see additional measures that could hurt u. S. Consumers, hurt the u. S. Economies and the mexican side. Paul do you see over there in europe any is this kind of tariff decision, asking f exemptions, hardening the responses unlikely to say we are going to retaliate and trump might say, look, okay, you hit me, im going to hit you back again, he threatened 25 tariff on german cars, for example, on british cars, that could escalate this and the more you escalate the more you can damage you get. Well, look negotiating trade deals or going to trade wars is not like buying condo in manhattan or recking an office building. The leaders over here, paul, have political constituencies, say britain, their ste industry is in a lot of pain right now and the idea that Prime Minister theresa may can do nothing or will do nothing in response to this is just fantafible so you kind of assume that the other side is going to respond back and this is the way a lot of innocent people get hurt and lets remember the american consumers, the kind of people donald trump wants to help, they benefited enormously from the lower prices that come from trade. Paul lets face it. This economy has been doing very, very well and this is a real risk to that progress. President trump causing a stir this week with another controversial pardon and hints of more to come. Is the president trying to send a message as hit critics claim leo, i know im late. Oh my wallet card lock from cal one. Instantly lock your credit card. In case it goes. Arrivederci. Mona that smile. Technology this convenient. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . 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The president tweeting tweetingt dsouza was treated unfairly by our government and considering pardons or commutations for Martha Stewart and former illinois governor rod who is serving 14year sentence in federal prison on public corruption charges. Back with Dan Henninger and bill mcgurn. Dan, theres really no limit on the pardon power, is there . No, there really isnt. One of the great powers that the president has. There is a process. Theres hiring attorney, Justice Department, several thousand people who feel they were wrongly accused or convicted of trying to go through the process. Donald trump has jumped over all of that to pardon these individuals and i dont think we should be too doubtful about this, paul, donald trump believes he is in a war with the Justice Department and Robert Mueller and hes going use pardons like this to send them a message. Every one of these individuals danesh dsouza, Martha Stewart and rod are connected to prosecutors who have been who have had donald trump in their cross hairs one way or another, comey, prosecuted Martha Stewart and Patrick Fitzgerald executed rod goyavich. Paul is that proper use of power . We want to use the pardon power if the president to enhance justice, not undue justices and not undermine the rule of law. One, it is one of the least fettered powers. Thats the reason. There was a debate by the founders on what they should do and rejected and gave it to the president for a reason. I dont think its about guilt or innocence strictly as legal matter. I think a lot of it is the idea that the president would have a discretion to address something that might be legally right, legally guilty of all things but in some ways its out of whack, its a check for that. I think the president can do that. The one check that there is on the pardon is public opinion. Paul sure. Politics, thats what it was meant to be. Thats why president s usually wait till end of the part to give the controversial pardons. Paul i really do think that it undid a mistake that president bush had me and then you get to joe arpaio, refuse today honor court order, that was a different thing, what about these individual cases, you list them, i agree with you that he is sending a message but are these justifiable cases do you think just on the standard of does this increase respect for the rule of law . Well, look, paul, this is a complicated subject, danesh dsuoza for violations and Martha Stewart, insider trading, rod for political corruption, now in every one of those cases we have editorialized that there are not clear lines on some of these issues, you want to respect the rule of law but as the attorney harvey silverglade, there are now thousands of ways to break federal law, you can get into trouble very easily and the pardon wower is one power is one way to correct the balance against prosecutorial abuse. Theres legitimate issue raised of just how the public, the people, including celebrities find some sort of compensation against what prosecutors can do to them. Paul briefly, bill, you wrote about the Martha Stewart case, do you think the pardon is justified . I think it is justified. I thought the scooter levy pardon was fine. Sometimes its not about the crime but about the punishment that is disproportionate. Paul okay, thank you very much, gentlemen, when we come back primary voters get set to the polls tuesday to california, a state that could make or break democratic hopes of taking back the house. Why the primary system there could leave them out of the cold could leave them out of the cold in key races come ive always been about whats next. Im still giving it my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. Paul primary voters head to the poll, democrats in golden state are feeling the heat. All eyes are on three battleground districts in Orange County . Once seen as promising pickup opportunities for democrats as they seek to take back the house. Crowded primary field as well as states unusual top two primary system could leave democrats without a general election candidate in these key races. We are back with Dan Henninger, kim strassel and allysia finley. 53 house seats in california, how many are held by republicans . 14, they are endangered species. Paul those were picked won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 and some of the democrats have Voter Registration advantage, huge one, Central Valley. Paul are most seats competitive, where are they in Southern California, valley . Mainly Southern California and Central Valley which is very agriculture. Paul okay, how does the jungle primary where the top two vote getters get to go on the ballot in november regardless of party, how does that figure in here in. Well, i guess the worry for democrats right now in that in some of the seat, you get two republican that is will go to november. They are trying to put thumb on certain candidates in order to conduct paul the problem is that so Many Democrats are running. Right. Paul open seat. Its very divided in many cases they all kind of stand for single payer, progres. Paul fewer republicans running so republicans could possibly republicans have some name recognition. You know, you have diane, darrell, board of equalization member and ran against high speed rails. Paul that made a name for herself in that district. Now, if they dont take those any seats in california, democrats, they are going to have a hard time picking up the house, arent they . Well, i think thats right. They are counting on pennsylvania and the redistricting there by the state supreme supreme courtment but california is their hope, they need to pick up at least 4 there. Paul Kevin Mccarthy is from california, majority leader in the house of representatives, he is trying an interesting maneuver, he wants to push john cox, republican who is running for governor to finish second so he can get into the final race in november and you think, okay, that makes sense. On the other hand, you disagree with that . Well, i think paul you wrote a piece where you disagree with that. The worry is that you democrats, former mayor, progressive, whollyowned subsidiary, if you get john cox in the top 2, in november, gavin is sure to win and probably a lot more leftward tilt to the party. Paul the state goes further left. Probably higher taxes. Antonio, a chance he gives more pension forms, charter schools, more charter schools. Mccarthy, kim, figures if you dont have a republican on the governors race, Republican Voters might not turn out in those house races and you lose more house seats. Yeah, id push back a little bit. Im not sure to california to go more left. I look at the candidates [laughter] and its not clear to me it could get much worse, b i think mccarthy has a really good point that you get a republican on statewide ballot for that big top governors job and you inspire some more turnout for republicans because thats going to to be key in districts. Hillary clinton won in some of them narrowly as alisa said, the challenge in california is to get their side out to vote that day. Paul dan, what do you make of this jungle primary idea . Do you like this idea of of just the top two, Mike Bloomberg pushed that through and didnt go through. The idea is its somehow going to move politics to the center, there wont be polarized, i dont see a lot of evidence that california is becoming less polarized. No, i have to tell you, paul, i love the jungle primary in california because what a spectacle it is in a state that cant move any further left. Type congressional districts you have a couple of republicans running and say, 5 democrats, why, because of the tremendous anger at donald trump, democrats leftwing democrats have come out of the wood work to run for congress and get to washington to impeach him. This is driven in Democratic National committee absolutely crazy because the democratic voters out there cant distinguish between the 5 candidates and they are worried that ultimately republicans will put their two candidates at the top of that ballot. Paul all right, thank you all. We have to take one more break. When we come back hits and misses of the week. Thats confident. But its not kayak confident. Kayak searches hundreds of travel and Airline Sites to find the best flighr me. So im more than confident. Hows your family . Kayak. Search one and done. And i recently had hi, ia heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. 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Its only required to contain 51 real cheese. Sargento slices are 100 real, natural cheese. They let sandwich lovers fly their muenster, cheddar and gouda flags high. Sargento natural cheese slices, were real cheese people. Time now for our hits and misses of the week. Mary, start us off. I want to give a big hit to Ukraine Security services, who saved the lives of a putin critic. We are learning time and time again that critics of putin are not safe at home, nor abroad. The west has to do more to exact consequences before the irregular warfare comes to u. S. Soil. This is a miss for some gop legislators in virginia who caved to a democratic governor in expanding medicaid to cover childless, able bodied adults in the party line as part of obamacare. The states are facing budget shortfalls and tax increases. Its disappointing to see some in the gop to sign on to a huge growth in the entitlements. This is a hate to Serena Williams who is returning after having a baby at the french he open. Great, but this is a miss for fans who are saying she should have an automatic seed. Other women who have come back from having children have not received specialal treatment and neither should serena. How do you know how well shell play . Bill . Paul, in new jersey, de passed a billionaires tax five times when governor kristie was running the state. They knew he would veto it. Now that they have phil murphy who wants a billionaires tax, its stalled. I dont know whether its a miss for the democrats for hip problem consider sighipdemocrad. If you have a hit or miss, tweet it to us. Thats it for this weeks show. Thanks to my pan panel, thankso all of you for watching. Im paul gigot. Hope to see you all here next week. We begin with a fox news alert. The president s attorney issues a new threat to special council Robert Mueller, saying any attempt to subpoena President Trump will ignite a new battle in court. This comes on the heels of a memo from the president s legal many team, sent in january, claiming it is not possible for the president to obstruct justice because of his constitutional authority. Hello, welcome to a brandnew hour inside americas news headquarters. Im arrest theyll neville. Eric im eric shawn. The threat of a legal showdown is looming with robert muleers. It comes as the president s lawyers continue to negotiate a possible fe

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