Strikes on a steering military base in retaliation of bashar assad chemical weapon attack on his own people. Rush is refusing to blame aside for that attack. Secretary tillerson said one way or another, assad must go. We did discuss at length the future role of aside, whether it be a future political process, were not. Clearly our view is that the reign of the assad family is coming to an end. Joining the panel this week, wall street journal columnist, Dan Henninger, bill mcgurn, mary kissel. Bill, whatever happened to the president s plan for a reset with relations to russia . Vladimir putin really did engineer the victory for donald trump. He is not getting his moneys worth it from this. It is really interesting, what donald trump is doing is not just a connection against russia and the bombing of syria, it is a public embarrassment of Vladimir Putin before the entire world. First siding with assad. Also in little things. One of the false dichotomies of the obama years is that the only thing anyone ever does is a fullscale invasion of u. S. Troops, whether it is ukraine or syria, or nothing. I think the invitation to montenegro to join dado something putin does not want. There are a lot of levers they can push and Rex Tillerson seems sophisticated and is pushing some of those. Paul in a way, married some of Donald Trumps ambitions for a better relationship ran up against russian reality for supporting assad. There is no alliance with assad, iran, and russia in syria. Then you have the chemical attack. It has become a lever for the pivot. Dentistry. It has. I thought it was encouraging that Rex Tillerson suggested that sanctions are not going to be lifted anytime soon on russia. That is of course another big point of leverage we have, given how weak russias economy is, that was good news. He also mentioned cybercrime in that press conference. By the way, that was a good press conference, if it looks that way a public you know it is even worse behind closed doors. There is no love lost their. Paul you have a john kerry with these lovefest and you knew that they did not really agree its syria in particular behind the scenes. It was all nice ups up front. You mentioned iran, the president of iran was in moscow two weeks ago, signed 14 economic agreements. Russian said theyre going to help the iranians rebuild the nuclear plant. Clearly, there deepening their alliance. The iranians are trying to establish a shiite crescent, engulfing iraq. This is not in the interest of the United States. Whatever help we make it from Russia Fighting the Islamic State this is out talents by the what theyre seeking from iran. I think the Trump Administration sees that clearly. I want to elaborate on montenegro. This is a small country. It is close to russia, it is something that putin really does not want to become the 29th member of nato. Yet, trump, this week despite what he said in the campaign about nato being obsolete. Suddenly it is not so obsolete anymore. And he said not obsolete anymore. And he said they sent a formal letter saying that we would agree to montenegros secession to nato if others would agree. This is a direct push back from putin. What to make of this in terms of trumps own thinking and the evolving sense of his foreignpolicy is . Trump ran on the promise that he was going to send troops back in syria and get us back on track in the middle east. Some of this is rallying allies around whether its nato or central europe, whether it is bringing in leaders from the middle east, look at the parade of leaders he has had at the white house recently. Jordan, egypt, saudi arabia, just to name a few. That is no quince it in. I think he perceives a thread in syria that goes beyond bashar all assad. Its isis, tesla, its al qaeda, which is regenerating itself. He knows and he has made a promise to the american people, he needs allies to rally around. Paul changing view of alliances. That was one of his views that he has no concern for traditional american alliances. He is not bracing nato. We are never going to get a trumpet doctrine in the sense of clarity and so forth. It is kind of like nancy plus he said we have to pass healthcare. We had to electron to find out what the doctrine is going to be. That can be dangerous. It can be, but he is not embarrassed by the use of American Force brady is not inclined to letter enemies run over us. For the first time in eight years what amir putin has to ask himself, what will americas reaction be. Paul but tillerson said, dan, assad days are numbered. Is that this administrations redline now . That theyre going to have to follow through with a make sure that assad does the power . Given the administration can train their change their minds. They are put down a difficult marker. One of these things would be to partitioned syria and within section reserved from assad. If they can get to Something Like that as a goal to get peace in syria, i think they would pursue it. If assad wants to rent one third of the country, that would be fine. Paul are we seeing the emergence, we dont have a lot of time, the emergence of a more conventional donald trump foreignpolicy . That the radical version he ran in the campaign . We could be. Remember trump and mattis both said this week that syria policy is not changing. Also after the syria strike, they justify that strike because assad had broken the chemical weapons ban and used weapons of mass destruction. Not because he killed all of this people. I dont think it is a big change, no. Paul still had, what putin stands to gain from doubling down on his support for syria even as the Global Community condemns serious actions. Well look at a the broader view of the middle east. 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A week later after the bombing of the syrian airfield, how does that look as a way of changing the incentives and behavior of the middle east . In terms of Vladimir Putin, i think it causes him to reconsider. We know it a few things about Vladimir Putin after all of these years. One is that in his view, it is a realistic view, the leader of russia has a job to do. That is to expand, in this case, to rebuild the russian empire. He wants to do that at home, and Eastern Europe with a former soviet state. He also wants to do that in the middle east. He wants an arab ally, he wants a border on the mediterranean, he gets both from syria. From putin it is more business and personal. If he gets what he wants, i dont think he needs assad. That said, then Dan Henninger is right, if assad was to run a small portion that might be good enough. Given my, putin has been plana we cant very well. He does not want to see trumpet play trump cards, pardon the expression. Paul i have seen no evidence so far in russian behavior or statements that they are at all backing away from the side. They have vetoed the resolution at the United Nations this week to assail assad. Is there any sign at all that they are deed linking . Et. What he did at the un was to totally negate International Laws most basic is the most terrible thing. We have nothing at. There is a feeling state. It is humpty dumpty. I dont see how get put back together again. One of the things i mentioned the Trump Administration is considering, is something called safe havens, i called them protection zones. That is likely to lead to some sort of partition of the state. If that happens or, point where it is the reality on the ground, the facts on the ground that assad does not will the whole country. Part of that might be ruled by isis, part by various secretary in an ethnic groups. If you have a safe havens or self protection zones on the jordanian order, the kurdish areas, those will not be part of assads theory any longer. There may be things that need to be accepted by putin. I think you can accept them. Paul we know that donald trump to talk about the safe havens, the safe zones in the campaign. It is not something he would be flip flopping on if he went in that direction. That would require american air power to enforce, and that would ramp up the potential confrontation with russia. How big of a risk is there of a military engagement between the two countries . Everything putin would back down at the u. S. Would fear that it would establish a nofly zone. One thing that has been talked about for long time, i think it wouldve been a good idea, its really possible to do without boots on the ground is to eliminate assads airpower. His entire airport. Just not a lot of planes, then he cannot do chemical weapons are barrel bombs. Once you do that, nofly zone is not so hard. Its not so hard to set up self protection zones. Paul is there an alliance to be had with the sunny countries of the middle east and turkey perhaps . Could the u. S. Lead that put that together and talk about saudi arabia, the gulf states, and jordan. Could you put together an alliance that protected these safe zones and basically was a force to fight the iranian, russia assad triumph . I think so with some reservation. The sunni says dates, they should absolutely be supportive of this. They should be asked to pay for this. As for supplying troops, that is a little more dapple. Israel world, on its border in some ways it already is, it is supporting very quietly the jews across its border in syria. So, this sort of thing can be arranged. This is what diplomacy can do if diplomacy is backed up by force. The idea that obama had diplomacy and force are alternatives. That was a naive mistake. Paul lets step back a bit. Looking at the first days of trump for policy, are we seeing the emergence of what you call, for lack of a better word, a normal Republican Administration on Foreign Policy . What a contrast to what he ran on. I dont think thats unfair. I think it awaits true. If i were speaking for the ministration, which im not, heres what i would say. The Trump Administration is going to be whats for in the American Interests. The American Interest is not only to stop acts of terrorism inside our borders. The American Interest is stricken eyes their threats overseas that are maturing that we have to deal with in advance. I think that is very much what he has done in terms of syria. Very much what he has done in afghanistan. Among other things, those 2x this week, they begin to reestablish the capability of Strategic Deterrence which they used to have. That is vital for American Interests. You want to see a sense of all and your enemies and allies as well. Paul cliff, thank you for being here. When we come back, stories of white house infighting make for juicy headlines. When it all shakes out, how will the popularity contest impact how the president runs the country . Bit, from voya. Riiight. And that means. . Im the money you save for retirement. I help you get organized so your money could multiply. See . Got it. Whos he . Hes green money for spending today. You know, paying bills, maybe a little online shopping. Makes it easy to tell you apart. That, and i am better looking. I heard that. When its time to get organized for retirement, its time to get voya. Its the simple things in life that mean the most. Boost® simply complete™. No artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, plus 10 grams of protein and 25 vitamins minerals. It doesnt get better than this. Boost® simply complete™. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. I can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. But the real proof . 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[ screams ] paul despite efforts of the white house to slow down the rumors. The rumors continue to go with his see bannon fighting with the soninlaw. As Jerry Kushner take some more responsibility in the west wing. President trump himself told the press that i like steve but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late. The president went on to say that steve is a good guy, but i told him to straighten it out or i will. We are back with dan, and bill joining us. And also Editorial Board member, joe rago. Is this the end of estevan and the white house what is in . I think it is certainly a diminishment of his role. He was the author of a lot of the early mistakes . Such as qwest mark. It such as a divisive in our girl address and the travel ban which inflamed politics in a way that polarize the country. Paul and still is in place because it stop of the courts. He is also taking some incoming for failure to repeal and replace obama care. I think a little bit unfairly. But, if you cannot deliver results, trump is going to go for someone who can. Paul why unfairly on healthcare . Is that because he is seen to have a conservative estimate described as a conservative, he couldnt deliver the Freedom Caucus which was supposed to be as allies. He probably took the wrong turn taking ultimatums. I havent been told what to do since i was 17 by my father, im not to be told now. I think were also learning about Donald Trumps governing style. One of the other things he said about steve abandoned is that look, steve is a guy who works for me, all right. Thats true. Everybody is a guy who works for tron. That is a reality. But trump has peers who he admires. Hes been having a lot of meetings with peoples in the Business Community. He is actually listening to these business leaders. On the one hand he is going to reauthorize the Export Import Bank which is a government subsidy. A total flipflop from his campaign. A total flipflop because of the convinced him it was helping smaller businesses. On the other hand he is going to push very hard on financial deregulation because its been next line to him. Steve bannon has no role in competing. If you remember the last ad he ran, that 62nd ad, he had Goldman Sachs and there is one of the balance of the globalists. That was an ad, in part developed by steve bannon. Now, he has the globalists, at least what youre saying, advising him. My word to steve bannon, live and learn. You did it in the election but now youre the white house. Were talking about policy. Steve bannon is not contributing successful policy as joe has explained. Paul how do you explain this bill in terms of policy . What is it mean . Is at the eclipse of the conservative wing . I think infighting is endemic to any white house. People who have not worked in a white house cannot understand how fast of various things, you. You are developing policy in a pressure cooker. When it was the campaign, see bannon was in charge and of things. Messaging and so forth. Now hes more of a advisory role. When i was there it was going badly and people used to complain about speechwriters. And i say give me a better war, give you better speech. So, theres two problems, Steve Bennett doesnt have a policy popportfolio. He has a vision, but other people are setting the policy. Its not that wise to go up against the president sun while when the soninlaw and the daughter have official roles within the administration. That puts you at a disadvantage. Paul ideologically as is going to matter to fundamental issues like healthcare, tax reform, and other things . It will matter to the extent that they can get results. Paul but the wrath from the right is that Jerry Kushner is not a republican, he was a democrat. Gary , either democrat or on alliant, he has no record of his donations were mostly to the democratic party. Theres nothing wrong with that, the point is, is this a menstruation moving to the left politically . Thats a question. I dont think it is. If you look at the national council, what the personals policy to use a washington cliche, very conservative, murders row of conservative policy experts on taxes, healthcare, energy, down the line. I think cohen himself, while a registered democrat was really left with a bad taste after the obama years. The degradation of free markets, entrepreneurship, i think it has moved significantly to the right. To a degree, the trump philosophy is not the traditional philosophy. But what it is, it is a probusiness view as opposed to a pro market view. Thats why you have the deregulation and thats why it takes you a long way. It is not quite the same thing. To a degree that he has a philosophy its a patriotic probusiness point of view. Paul well see how this evolves. Thank you. 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If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis the right treatment for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Paul a chance for thedemocr, there is a lot of angst against the president , and theyre going to fight back. But, we really sold the pendants tonight, didnt we . [applause] paul that was Republican Ron Estes a report enjoying his victory over james thompson. He won the special election to replace mike pompeo who President Trump tapped for cia director. But he only won by just shy of 7 in a state that mr. Trump won by 27 points. What does this tell us about the upcoming special elections in georgia and a montana, and maybe next years midterms . Joining us art Dan Henninger, joe rago, an editorial writer, Kate Bachelder odell. Dan, how big of a warning is this . Its a big warning. I think ron himself just put his finger on it. Wa President Trump and the democrats were energized. We are in a new political era. Energy and keeping the parties energy up is an important thing. The amount of money pouring into democratic campaigns, soliciting candidates right now is extraordinary. The republicans needed to have ted cruz going to give speeches, they put in a lot of money at the end. Donald trump is making robo calls. The burden is really on the Trump Presidency to get victories, and keep the party energized or they will have trouble down the line. Here is the argument you make, Brownback Sam Brownback governors are a popular there. He is a republican, estes was the treasure, its an open seat, open seats are always closer than incumbent seats. So dont over read this. That is the republican dont worry crowd. Its a special election, you cannot predict turnout, who knows what will happen. I think this is still a warning. This is a very cute red district. When you have to drag your own voters to the poll, its not a very good. Paul just like the united airlines. Momentum and politics matter. If republicans lose the seed in georgia, montana is a bit of a different state, these are flashing warning signs about the direction of the administration. Paul us talk about the georgia seat. You are doing a piece on it for us. How does it look there . Democrats are pouring money into that rice. There are some unique features, it is a jungle primary meaning that theres 18 candidates. Its like the president ial race. 18 candidates and if no one clears 50 than the top to head for a runoff regardless of party. There are 11 republican candidates and one may democrat who raised 8 million last quarter which is a record for a house race. Well find out, but john who is a democrat his best chance to win 50 and not give republicans a chance to consolidate. Paul and the democrats have consolidated around our soft who is 30 years old. The republicans are divided up. And so they havent consolidated over anyone candidate, why cant they . Right now they are attacking each other i think its because you have one candidate and major state politicians behind karen handel, marco rubio endorsed johnson hill and so did newt gingrich. You a complete mismatch. Paul so you see the National Republican party coming in to try to knock ossof down so they stander 50. Then i have to prevail in a runoff. But their messages to go out and vote for the republican of your choice. Which is not clear message. What about montana . Thats a different story. Trump carried the state by 20 points. That doesnt mean its a safe seat. The democrat they put up is a public musician. He is running on a centrist populace message of dont mess with montana. That works there. The republican lost a Gubernatorial Race last year. So could be competitive. Especially with big key outofthebox. Paul so whether the seats are relevant 2018, the big issue question is, how do republicans in washington in congress perceive this . If they perceive this as they are in trouble, you can see them run for the hills and look out for number one. Youre not can i make difficult votes on tax reform, or on healthcare reform. That means theres a danger they dont get anything done. That will really hurt them in 2018. A real dilemma. As with the healthcare reform bill sinking that. Tax reform, if you have difficult votes and if the republicans are not able to get tax reform through, those words will be digging their own grave. No question about it. The democrats have seen the playbook and know how to run against a moderate republicans. They have to put some victories on the board or it will be very tough in 2018. Paul thank you. Still ahead, sorry if this rinse your Easter Holiday but taxes are due this coming week. Congress is hoping to score big with tax reform. It may need to file an extension on getting a bill passed anytime soon. After becoming one of the largest Broadband Companies in the country. After expanding our Fiber Network coast to coast. These are the places we call home. We are centurylink. We believe in the power of the digital world. The power to connect. And thats what drives us everyday. Beggin skinny strips or beggin black label . Theres two . now this is a delicious dilemma introducing new beggin strips premium edition. Twwwoooooo . . with real meat as ingredient one. Everything to your liking . Mmm mmmmm. New beggin strips premium. Becaussssseeee beggin paul a little break this year, we have until tuesday the 18th. We have gone off on our but with republicans in the house and senate disagreeing with many key points, its looking like they might not get it done this entire year. The president is out adding his own priorities to the debate. We have to pick up additional money so we get great tax reform. We are going to have a phenomenal tax reform, but i have to do healthcare first. I wanted to first to do it right. Paul were back with Dan Henninger, joe rago, and mary kissel. So trump is not reversing what he said a few weeks ago and said now we have to get healthcare reform done before tax. You heard him when he has said we have to pick up more money, thats because the healthcare reform bill would have involved about 1 trillion in tax cuts. If you dont get that done and youre moving to tax reform you have to find 1 trillion in tax cuts to get levels down where you want them to be. You dont want to do tax reform where unit bringing the marginal rate on the individual side. Not bring in the corporate rate down to make us globally competitive the way we should be. And on Capital Gains and dividends, the taxes 3. 8 percentage point tax and that kind of investment income. If you dont repeal that, then you dont get those rates down to 20. You have a steeper hill to client to get the tax reform. Yes. I think there is a real danger that this is in tax reform, but tax cuts. It is tax relief. Why is that a danger . It is much easier. Tax reform involves hard choices, what deductions to clean out, simple if i the system. Paul but a lot of people say easier sounds good. Lets pass it. A were in danger of getting tax release instead of tax reform. Were looking at something that will improve the economy. Paul thats the key. If you make the tax code more efficient and get out the subsidies and special favors that misallocated resources, think like ethanol, pardon me iowa. But things that really are not all that productive, then what happens is you put into more productive uses. You get a supply side boom in Capital Investment which at this stage in the recovery is the only way we can boost growth from 2 3. You made a good case for getting a tax reform bill. I think President Trump is making an interesting point about healthcare. Its a political point. What happened to healthcare with the Freedom Caucuses they let the genie out of the bottle which is to say, the moderates because the way it was negotiated said there would be losers and what was going on, at least shortterm people losing the insurance. That the definition of tax reform. So you have the idea that legislation can create losers out there because of the healthcare fiasco. Password into the tax bill where inevitably its winners and losers. That has made a lot of republicans in the house skittish about the subject. If you could somehow pull off the healthcare bill and set it aside as an accomplishment, then it would be easier to get the hard votes on taxes. Paul one thing we do know is donald trump ran on a tax reform plan that could fit on a postcard. It was a simple, three rates, i think the top rate was 28. The point is he is now turn that up in the white house, led by gary cohen at the council is rewriting it. Do we know anything about the direction . The problem with Goldman Sachs guy like gary collins is we dont know what his principles are except is not strong conservative. Were not sure he really leaves and supplyside economics. He could come out for great progrowth tax reform or a valueadded tax on top of everything else. Paul i dont think that will happen. That is dead on arrival. I hope it doesnt happen. The point is, i think hes looking at every option. Because hes not in the steep like steve moore, we could come out something absolutely terrible. We just dont know. Paul but maybe the sunshine boy and say that at least in the hiring of kevin an economist of some note who is an expert on corporate taxes and the impact on wages, he is now the white house economic advisers. That is a good sign for tax reform. That the great sign for tax reform. Gary cohen is a pragmatist. He wants a bill that can pass. You cant get the bill through the house much less the senate. How about carbon change . It dl a. [laughter] it is going to be difficult. If they can coax down are coming, to do that they will have to earmark a big chunk of the revenue from tax reform to getting rid of loopholes and getting things back overseas to infrastructure spending. That is only way you can get democrats aboard. Any may not get them then. Paul you may not get the top personal rate from 39 28. It might stick at 35 because they dont want to give tax cuts for the wealthy. I wish were going to get down to 35. I see 37 in the future. Paul when we come back somber holy week following debbie attacks on churches. Ea well find out how to keep people safe from terrorist in the world danger spots. I have heartburn. Alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. Enjoy the relief. A 401 k is the most sound way to go. Lets talk asset allocation. Sure. You seem knowledgeable, professional. Would you trust me as your Financial Advisor . I would. I would indeed. Well, lets be clear, here. Im actually a deejay. [ laughing ] no way i have no Financial Experience at all. That really is you . If theyre not a cfp pro, you just dont know. Find a certified Financial Planner professional whos thoroughly vetted at letsmakeaplan. Org. Cfp. Work with the highest standard. Livin in this crazy world so caught up in the confusion nothin is makin sense for me and you weve got to give a little love have a little hope make this world a little better and Christian Churches inegyk celebrations this week following the deadly bombing, to churches on palm sunday prompted a state of emergency. This has pope francis plans his first visit to egypt at the end of the we are joined by a senior fellow at the hudson institute. Thank you for having me. Paul what is the condition of the christians in the middle east . Combat is a . It is very bad. Isis has declared a religious genocide in egypt. Of course with the bombing on palm sunday, it also released a video in february declaring the christians there to be there favorite prey. Of course, they are not a prostate, they gave their religion to st. Mark, the gospel writer in the first century. They are the largest christian population in the middle east. They number about 9 million. There are also the largest non Muslim Minority in the middle east, even more numerous than the jews in israel. Paul so how big, wise Islamic State targeting christians in egypt . Is it because they think the religious apostate issue, do they think that religious is unable to defend them . Its both religious and political. They have a goal appear fine egypt in the middle east for islam. They think they can resonate among the people if they stand up against the biggest, most extreme islamist. Its worrisome because of paul recently showed 74 of the egyptian people want to be ruled by sharia law. The government has been incompetent in protecting them. And they discriminate them in their own way. Paul i keep reading about an exit us from egypt, how big, what are the numbers of people leaving . There are 9 million so they cant all leave. Many have left, we have seen churches here for example in the United States of the Coptic Orthodox Church grow from two in 1972 about 200 coptic churches here today. We dont know the actual numbers. Anybody who can is trying to get out, lets put it that way. That is what were hearing. Paul pope francis is coming there. Should we worry whether or not the gentian government can keep them protected from a terrorist attack . I think that with such high visibility they will probably do a good job with that. More worrisome is the coptic pope, he has been the target of two attacks including one upon sunday. Or he was in one of those churches. The greatest challenge that pope francis has is that when he meets with the sunni center and really communicating they have to change the culture. They have to define what is meant by infidel and mike clear that you dont kill infidels. Paul is it fair to say that pope francis has been relatively muted so far and what he has been willing to say about tormenting christians from around the world . He has been feel fairly muted. Is the first one to commence a the iraqi and christians were facing genocide. But he is not harped on that issue. One of the reasons i think its fear, fear that it will put them in further danger. I have been doing human rights defense work for 30 years, i have never seen where it made it worse to talk about a situation. It actually helps protect people. Paul will be watching the trip very carefully. Thank you for being here. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week the uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. 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Enough with that echo with quicksilver from capital one youve always earned unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Paul time now for our hits and musses of the week. Dan. Well, paul, im going to do about the university of michigans longtime Consumer Sentiment survey. And what theyve discovered is for the first time Economic Expectations have become totally politically polarized in the United States. Since donald trump got elected, democrats believe were headed into a deep recession. Republicans think were heading towards an economic boom time. They cant both be right. I think the only Silver Lining here is at least the democratic doomsayers have the possibility of being very cheerfully disappointed. Paul i hope a lot of people arent investing based on those [laughter] somebodys going to lose a lot of money. Kay. This is a miss for the city of lansing, michigan, my home state. This week they declared themselves a sanctuary city. It was previously a welcoming city, whatever that means. And this outraged the local Business Community so much that the city council then reversed its decision to be a sanctuary city. And then that outraged the progressives who wanted them to be a shang chew ware in the first place sanctuary in the first place. So i hope this is a lesson to other cities. Paul sanctuary or not, what is that is the question. Paul mary. Im going to give a rare hit to the United Nations this week for unanimously voting to draw down its peacekeeping troop presence in the disastrous peacekeeping mission to haiti which has been going on for years. Theyre going to leave a Little Police force presence, but theyll be out by the fall. Paul, this mission brought cholera to this caribbean island, killed more than 9,000 people, sickened hundreds of thousands more. There have been allegations of sexual abuse and assault that the peacekeeper ors themselves allegedly inflicted on the local population. Peacekeeping is supposed to be about keeping the peace, not making it worse. I hope well see changes under nikki haley. Paul and shes trying to drive that at the u. N. Bill . A hit for mike pompeo, the new cia chief. As you know, mr. Pompeos a former kansas congressman who says that theyre used to false wizards down there in kansas, and he put it this way about wikileaks its time to call out wikileaks for what it really is, a nonstate, Hostile Intelligence Service often abetted by state actors like russia. About time. Paul well, what does that leave, bill, President Trump who touted some of the wikileaks disclosures in the campaign . Yeah, well, dont you think its good to have someone acknowledge it honestly . He promised to go after them with great vigor. Paul no, i agree, it probably just wasnt great to celebrate that in the campaign. And remember, be sure to tweet your hit or miss to us jer on fnc. Thats it for this weeks show. Im paul gigot, we hope to see you right here next week, and happy easter. Julie north korea celebrating its history and its military power ahead of another possible nuclear test. Good afternoon, everyone, im julie banderas, welcome to a brand new hour inside americas news headquarters. North korea paraded troops tanks and Ballistic Missiles through pyongyang all to honor the birthday of north koreas founder, kim jong uns late grandfather. It was also a chance to show off its hardware amid rising tensions with the u. S. North korean officials blame President Trump as he continues to take a hard a stance on the rogue regime. Kristin fisher is live in palm beach, florida, where the president is spending his

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