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Hillary clinton with this week with the drip of stories about her emails and foundation dealings may have having an impact. With 46 of those surveyed viewing her favorably compared to 50 viewing her unfavorably. A big change from two months ago and whether clinton is honest and trustworthy the poll found 42 of people saying she is with 57 saying shes not. Joining the panel this week wall street journal columnist and epidi editor dan henninger, James Freeman and washington columnist kimberley strassel. You had a fascinating column reporting links about people who with have served time at the Clinton Foundation the state department and now the Clinton Campaign. What did you learn . The point is when you take a look at the Clinton Family foundation thats been the center of the news stories and causing headaches for Hillary Clinton what you see is this is not a charity so much as a place where the clinton s park all of their political operatives when they are not running on campaign so they can roll them out when they are running again. One thing i found significant numbers of people Senior Management jobs at that foundation are longtime clinton political operatives. They go to the foundation for a while and then go back and work on her campaign and thats what you are seeing happening. The Foundation Spends a surprisingly large share of what it raises administration and staff rather than giving the money away. Yeah. That leads to all of these questions. Those donors who are out there, are they aware so much of their money is basically going to pay for clinton cronies and political operatives and in fact are some of them giving money for that reason because this seems to be a Shadow Organization for the clintons. Maybe they were aware and figured it was another way of showing they can support the clinton political project. I think there are some serious questions. The foundation is not monitored and look ed at the way that other political organizations are and doesnt have to operate under the same rules for instance as any republican candidate whos out there at the moment. Lets talk about the poll impact of all of this. We are seeing numbers impact on Hillary Clinton. How worried should her campaign be about these declines, particularly honesty and trustworthy. That is troublesome when it is over 50 . Even though it is early and a ways away from the general election. Important impressions are formed. One problem for the clintons they have adopted the 90s line during their previous scandals which is if you cant prove a felony if you cant convict the clintons of something then you really need to shut off this is their defense. This is the defense and what they have said when people raise the questionable fundraising at the foundation and paid speeches. The problem is at that point he was trying to hold on to the presidency. The question was he going to be thrown out. They are asking voters to give her the presidency. I think voters will have a higher bar than okay no felony conviction yes, its okay what you have been doing. This is what the Clinton Campaign aides are saying. Look this is what happens when you become a candidate. Shes no longer above the fray as secretary of state or first lady. This is what happens when partisan attacks. Look at the polls, democrats are solidly behind her. Thats what they are saying. Thats what they are saying. Is there is no threat to the nomination. Look, shes been in public life since at least 199 2. You have in this poll 57 saying they regard her as a dishonest person. If i had a number like that id shoot myself. Shes a politician. You are a journalist. It might be worse. Theres another number in the poll that should be troubling for them. Her unfavorable among independent independents is 39 . That 40 is a benchmark. Favorability. Favorability is 39 . Thats a bad number. Even the democrats will have to get some independent votes. Shes going to have to get independent votes to win. They are also saying, she is still winning head to head against every republican in the field. What does that say about the republican candidates . Are they weak or does this not matter . I think at this stage that is a largely meaningless poll. The republican candidates are just Getting Started in a crowded primary. You have a lot of people in low Single Digits. Some of whom could be the nominee. Others even the front runners are mid teens. They are just beginning to define themselves, not highly relevant. What about the Bernie Sanders media flurry saying Bernie Sanders getting big crowds in iowa the vermont senator. Is he really catching fire out there, could he possibly be a threat to Hillary Clinton . When you start from a low base and suddenly you double it it seems very exciting. Still were talking about maybe 9 of democrats out there supporting Bernie Sanders. This is a guy not many people know. Hes not really a threat to Hillary Clinton. I think this is actually what is beginning to worry a lot of democrats out there. That there is no competition in this race. Shes just simply going to be their horse, and yet shes racking up a lot of liabilities for when she goes in to a general election. I know freeman has bernie fever. Dan is more Martin Omalley i think. All right. When we come back two more republicans announce their white house bids as the gop field hits ten and counting. Polls show it is a wideopen race. What will it take to break away from the pack . When youre living with diabetes steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. So you stay steady ahead. The beast was as long as the boat. For seven hours, we did battle. Until i said. You will not beat. Meeeeee greg. What should i do with your fish . Gary. Just put it in the cooler. If youre a fisherman, you tell tales. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Put the fish in the cooler when i started at the shelter, no one wanted benny. So i adopted him. Hes older so he needs my help all day. When my back pain flared up i was afraid i would have to give him away. I took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said, try aleve. Just 2 pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong. And try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Im Lindsey Graham. And im running for president of the United States. Today i am running for the presidency of the United States of america. Im Lindsey Graham and running for the president of the United States. Today im running for the presidency of the United States of america. South carolina senator lindh di graham and rick perry becoming the ninth and tenth republicans to announce a bid for the white house. They filed George Pataki and Rick Santorum who got in to the race last week. Were certainly not done yet with former Florida Governor jeb bush expected to announce his plans on june 15th. Dan, are you announcing today since everybody else is . Im holding off. Im going to wait until the shakeout and then jump in. Why do so many republicans feel this field is unmatched in my view i cant remember this many candidates with solid records running. Why do they think they can win . I think it is a result of this a variety of reasons. One there is no incumbent to run against them presidency is an open seat. Why are there so many governors, maybe governors that pleaded their first term and are able to run. This is their shot. I think thats true of a lot of the candidates. This is their shot. If they dont go now they will have to wait four eight years. The way the system is set up now, what they are trying to jockey for is polling numbers. If you can elevate your polling numbers you become a player in the run toward the first three early primaries. And then the game becomes finishing win, place or show in the primaries. If you can do that you are in the game. Because of the super pac phenomenon if you have three or four wealthy backers you can stay in the race and have money to play. It is easier to do that now. What does rick perry bring to the race . A fa aphenomenal record from texas. Texas created a third of the jobs in the country, responsible for a third of the job growth. Look at extended periods after the financial crisis and texas was basically the entire job creation engine of the country. This is not just because it is part of cowboyistan as harold likes to describe it. Hes the fracking guy. Theres a tendency to think or there was, that this is all oil. You see after oil prices collapsed in the last year that texas economy is hanging in pretty well. Its an amazing record of reform there. Can he overcome the impression he had with voters in 2012 he admits he flamed out. He wasnt prepared. He never intended to run. He saw a weak field decided there was a need and got in. He will be a better candidate this time. I think people who have met with him have seen it where he has studied more prepared more. Hes not coming off back surgery as he was last time. Not taking a lot of pharmaceuticals, as far as i know. Always bad. A much sharper contender. Another guy, in Single Digits right now but this is a formidable candidate in a deep field. We keep being impressed with this field and hes another serious player. Kim, Lindsey Graham is somebody who i think two, three months ago people didnt think would run. Hes a thirdterm senator from South Carolina big on defense, he and john mccain are probably one of the biggest hawks in the senate right now what do you think of his chances . Ease hes going to bring a big Foreign Policy focus. At a time when people are concerned with what is happening overseas. Lindsey graham is one of those guys go back to 2006. Things were falling apart a. Everyone wanted to cut and run out of iraq. This guy said you have to stay the course. You have to stay there. Hes going to make a case for what needs to be done internationally to put america in to a leadership role. He and marco rubio will fill that space. He is good on immigration and also fun to watch. Hes an interesting guy. Very witty. He has nice turns of phrase and he will be a fun addition to this race. Dan, do you think either of these guys graham or perry could have an impact . Yes. I think they could have an impact in the sense that both of them and rick perry says he will talk about substance. Thats the thing i like about this group of candidates. By and large it is not just rhetoric. They are talking about things like what is going on in the world, immigration, domestic policy the economy. The republican side is so much more yeastier than the democratic side which is a personality. Out of this will emerge i think, potentially substantial candidate. Could it be a disadvantage having this large of a field in the sense of no clear front runner probably wont have one until close to iowa next february. Could this extend the race out long enough so the eventual nominee is bruised and battered and has no cash. I see only the up side. Really . It is different from the last time around. What you had last time was an extended primary season a lot of debates showcasing a bunch of very bad candidates exposing their weaknesses. What we are seeing here is a bunch of strong impressive people with interesting messages. I think they may come out of this process Even Stronger whoever the nominee is. Interesting. When we come back after a twodecade decline, Violent Crime spikes in cities across america. Whats behind the trend . And what can be done to reverse it . Mited edition metallic droid turbo by motorola. Waterrepellent. Up to 48hour battery life and ballistic nylon back. Thats your first win. Plus, its only on verizon. The 1 network. Theres your next win. Now for final win. Get 250 when you trade in any smartphone. And get 10 gigs of data for 80 a month and 15 per line. The winwinwin. A new way to save without settling. Only on verizon. No artificial flavors, colors sweeteners preservatives, and no artificial smiles. Because clean dressings, taste better. Well its shaping up to be a bloody well with its shaping up to be a bloody summer as a new crime wave hits american city. In Baltimore Gun violence up 60 compared to this time last year with 32 shootings over the memorial day weekend alone. In new york city murders are up 20 over the same period in 2014 and shootings are on the ride for the second year in a row. A problem mayor bill de blasio acknowledged in an interview with the daily shows jon stewart. We had a shooting problem last year and this year nothing like new york city had 15 20 years ago. But it is particularly around gangs and we have new strategies to go in there both with aggressive policing and gang intervention. Heather mcdonald is a contributing editor at city journal a. Im happy to say writer for the wall street journal. Absolutely. Last week had a big impact. Hundreds of thousands of readers called the new American Crime wave. Is it really that bad . What are we really seeing in terms of a change from the big decline in crime of the last 20 30 years. Some cities is very bad. Not every city. Some are stable little increase. But in enough significant cities. The percentage increase is so large as to really demand attention. Whats behind it . I think whats behind it is the last nine months of obsessive, anticop hysteria the country has lived through, based on a few, isolated and questionable shootings of black men that should be if they are criminal prosecuted and paid attention to but by no means respect represent the norm of policing in america or the way that most black men die today which is at the hands of criminals not police. Is this criticism leading to changes in Police Practices . Are the police saying we are criticized so not do the things we were doing before dont go to highcrime neighborhoods, for example, not pursue stop and frisk which you can stop somebody and see if they have a gun and sometimes that gets guns off the street. So thats what people who support it claim. Is it a change of Police Practices thats going on . Police are still responding to 911 calls. If they get a violent felony calling in they are responding but it is an informal change of officers. If they have an option to undertake a discretionationry stop the policing that is response fbl the crime decline. Officers are hesitant to engage. They are worried they will be indicted for a goodfaith mistake. They are worried about the cell phone videos that rarely capture the resistance that led an officer to use force. Officers have been having been told now for the last nine months that proactive policing going out and forcing broken windows offenses offenses against public drinking that is somehow a racist assault on minority communities are understandably saying well maybe we wont be as aggressive or active. Are you hearing that from when you go and talk to Police Across the country, when you do that is that what you are hearing them say . Absolutely. They are telling you this . Oh yeah. They are worried. They are worried about losing their jobs. This arrest situation in places like baltimore is unbelievably hostile. When the police are responding to a 911 call crowds gather. Jeering at them sometimes throwing things at them for no reason. There was an incident in baltimore recently where a man with a gun started running. The police had been called to the scene because of a 911 call saying a man with a gun his own gun fell off. He fell to the ground started to say the police shot him. The police who never discharged their guns were pelted with bricks and water bottles. This is happening not just in baltimore but elsewhere. What about bill de blasios argument that shootings are up but it is gang on Gang Violence and therefore not the broader i community of new york needs to worry about. Most shootings are always gang on Gang Violence but when they are at any level there are innocents taken as well. Shootings, cross fire that sort of thing. Of course. We all know the mic names of Michael Brown who was falsely turned in to a martyr. The Justice Department discredited the hands up pose. Marques johnson 6yearold boy in st. Louis on march 11th when the protesters were converging on the Ferguson Police department demanding this resignation of the department Marques Johnson was killed a few miles away. America does not know his name. Why is that . Because the black Live Matter Movement only applies to blacks who were killed by the police trying to do their jobs. The difference between most Police Shootings and gang shootings is the police do not have criminal intent. Training must work incessantly to make sure they use force as a last resort but they are not the criminals we should be worried about. Thank you for being here. One more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week defiance is in our bones. New citracal pearls. Delicious berries and cream. Soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. Only from citracal. Mary jennings has never won a marathon half marathon, 10k or any other k. But mary doesnt run to win. She just loves to run. Recently she ran across helpful information and resources for her Healthcare Options at aarphealth. Com now she feels like nothing can stop her. Well, almost nothing. Discover real possibilities at aarphealth. Com today and tomorrow take on the world. I like my seafood like i like my vacations tropical. And during red lobsters island escape, three new tropical dishes take me straight to the islands. So im diving forkfirst into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with pankocrusted lobster tail and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. Or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab woodgrilled lobster and two islandinspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. Because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter. This escape is too good to miss so. Dont. Audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is you imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Time now for hits and misses of the week. Time now for hits and misses of the week. Kim, start us off. A misto congress. Spending to president obama a reauthorization of the patriot act that undermines our ability to conduct the war on terror. This version of the law keeps letting metadata but adds delays to the process. Congress did this because it lacked the guts to have an honest debate with the country about the merits of the law and the phony arguments that it was used to spy on them. A bad day. Remember it. Here here kim. This is a miss to president obama. Im tagging him with the with decline of 3 in u. S. Productivity in the first quarter. Hes been telling us for six years that by beating up business he can help the middle class. We are seeing a lack of business investment. Bad news. You need productivity to have wage gains. A miss to the entire federal government. This weeks story, the proving ground sent out 50 batches of live anthrax spores to perhaps 18 states. This brings to mind when the centers for Disease Control sent out live pathogens to different sites and also reminds me of the secret service which these days is allowing intruders to get in to the white house with. We used to call the enemy a clear and present danger. We have gotten to the point where the government is a clear and present danger to our lives. Turnly true. Remember if you have a hit or miss tweet it to us. Thats it for this weeks show. Thank you to my panel and for all of you for watching. Hope to see you here next week. Time for sunday house call. Marc siegel professor of medicine at nyu and author of the inner pulse, unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. And dr. David samadi professor at lenoxville hospital and chief of robotics surgery. Good to see you. You have always had some type of viral infection. Remember what you had . The meez les or mumps of whatever else we used to get . A new blood test can

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