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Well, they can run but president obama isnt letting them hide. With just over a week to go until election day vulnerable democrats are trying to distance themselves from the unpopular president in his policies. A task mr. Obama made more difficult this week when he told the reverend al sharpton in a radio interview that these candidates are all his allies in congress. The bottom line is these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in congress. So this isnt about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me and i tell them, i said, you know what, you do what you need to win, i will be responsible for making sure our voters turn out. Joining the panel this week wall street journal columnist and deputy header. And kim strasle and jason riley, author of the new book, please stop helping us, how liberals make it harder for blacks to succeed. So jason is president obama the single biggest liability for democrats this Election Year . In some ways hes a liability. But it depends on the race. I mean, the reason president obama is on al sharptons show is because the Democratic Party has a problem because hes not on the ticket. If youre in georgia and trying to distance yourself from obama but need black voters to come out to the polls, you have got a dilemma and thats what the democratic senator has. If youre in New Hampshire, the black vote has lost importance there. President obama might be working for you. Obama is trying to give cover to the democrats so they can do what they think they need to do. Is he helping them by saying look to everybody i know he did it on sharp torns show. Hey, these guys are my allies. They voted for me. Will it help in arkansas . It might help in arkansas. Really . To the extent you need the black voters out to win, its going to help. He has to get that base out. Its a midterm election. Black voters typically skip mid term elections. If they skip this one, democrats are in trouble. Hes figuring the people i have lost, i have lost them. So lets figure on people who have not normally come out to a mid term election. What do you think . Think theyre triering to draw it to an inside straight. The deck is stacked against them. He told a black talk show radio host that some folks dont even know theres a mid term election. The democrats said they did not ask him to go on al sharpton and make this statement about how tight he was with all the candidates. The Associated Press poll came out and the level of enthusiasm for the president is 9 . So i think it is the president and his policies and theres a reason why theyre trying to run away from him. You know, donna brazil recently said she thought democrats who run away from the president are making a mistake for the reason jason suggested because theyre going to need that base turnout, single women and so on to win. To dont run away from the president , embrace him. Smart strategy . No. Not. Im going to be a lot more aggressive on this. The single biggest problem democrats have right now is barack obama. Heres another way to look at the senate races. Every race in which a republican is winning or looks poised that is a race that is about obama and how those candidates have supported those policies. The few races where the republicans are having a bit of trouble are the ones like georgia or kansas where the main issue has remained the republicanen in the race, and some problems they have had. So in georgia for instance david perdu made some outsourcing problems and pat robins and his residency in the state. The president is so unpopular, the democrats are in trouble. Lets take a look at one of the races where it shows how republicans are trying to nationalize the race around obama. Obama care. 700 billion of medicare cuts. Nick rahal voted with obama for all of it. Now obama says. Im not on the ballad this fall. But make no mistake those policies are on the ballad. A vote for nick rahal is a vote for the obama agenda. Thats a West Virginia congressman. Do you think thats an effective ad . Yes. Very effective. Because obama has always been more popular than his policies. Personally. Yes. But thats been falling of late. Now theyre not too far apart. For him to talk about his policies this way i think it has democratic strategists cringing. Well his approval nationally is at 40 . Usually when it gets down there, a party gets nervous. In a lot of the states hes below 35 in places like arkansas. I think the democrats are extremely nervous. Their base is depressed. Theyre back on their heels. Unless they can produce turnout they have no chance. This reminds me of what happened to republicans in 2006 with george w. Bush. They couldnt win and had no choice but to run away. When they did, it didnt help. Plenty of candidates are bracing the clintons as the election nears. So could the former first couple save the day for democrats . What am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. Some are calling them the democrat secret weapon this election season. Can the clintons give struggling candidates the boost that president obama cannot . In Kentucky Democratic Senate Challenger Allison Grimes made news when she refused to say whether she voted if mr. Obama but only too happy to welcome bill clinton on the back for the third time calling herself a clinton democrat. Hoping this plug from the former president can push her past senate nor Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell in the weeks. Whats being a senator about anyway . One candidate believes its about getting new and good jobs and giving the middle class people a chance to give our kids a decent life. Nobody can tell me us not a senat senators job not to create jobs. I choose allison to do whats right for you. Allison for senate. Kim, seems like old home week here watching bill clinton on the. Flashback. Is it true the clintons are better political assets for democrats than the president this year . I think this white house would like to think that. If you go down and look at where the clintons have been putting most of their efforts, places like kentucky, north carolina, arkansas, home state for the clintons, theyre not moving the dial which is interesting. Theyre supposed to be down there convincing clinton democrats, and heres why i think its not working. The person who summed this up, tom cotton, the republican running for the senator down in arkansas came out and said, im not worried that the clinton support mark pryor, who is the democrat incumbent. He said im worried he supports obama. They dont seem to be getting effort out there. This week, new york, then she went to minnesota and rhode island and then we got massachusetts, maine, north carolina, back to new york and New Hampshire. Some of those are key races but some look like safe races. Is this the Hillary Clinton primary Campaign Starting for 2016 or is this really going to help democrats this year . I would say the former, paul. This is the clintons. That means its all about them. And they got it looks like an election run in 2016. I think theyre taking the opportunity to go out and collect chips, produce favors for the local Democratic Party leadsers who will owe them in 2016. More importantly though, the Democratic Left still does north like the clintons. I think theyre trying to put the left in check mate. Make that 2016 nomination a done deal. You got to play ball with us because we have run up so much support inside the Democratic Party. Thats whats going on here. The Elizabeth Warren preefngs. Yeah. But they outrun elizabeth. I think they are an asset to the democrats. Theyre hugely popular. After obama theyre the biggest fundraisers for the party. They remind americans of better times, peace, prosperity, relative to what we have now. Lets not forget the recent troubles and movement harking back to the golden days. Whether or not its working i think depends on the race. Democrats have largely given up on ten congrekentucky and now b race. And arkansas hasnt moved the needle much. But still a couple weeks left. Remember, bill clinton on the did this for mark pryor in 2002. A lot was about the black vote. Hes there trying to get that base out that typically stays home during mid term election. Heres a political question for you. Can you be a clinton democrat without being an obama democrat . Is there such a thing . I mean, that goes back to the cotton comment. At the moment i think anyone in the Democratic Party is having a difficult time convincing a lot of voters that this party is anybody barack obamas. And watching the hillary tour, i would imagine there has to be concern within her camp that shes not resonating with some of these people that supposed to be her bread and butter. The white working class. These are the people they need to be convincing this year to come out and vote. In those states, Southern States in particular, thats not working. What about the separation . Can you say, you know, im not really an obama democrat, im a clinton democrat . It would seem to be a preposterous idea which is why grimes doesnt want to admit she voted for obama even though she probably did. Theyre in a tough spot. This is the party of obama now. As we saw him say, make no mistake about it, this is about my policies. Thats true. If they lose big time in this election, then it will be because the party of barack obama and hillary has to somehow thread the needle between that in the center which the Democratic Party doesnt occupy anymore. Thank you. When we come back, from lone wolf terror threats to new ebola threats. A look at how National Security issues are playing out in the campaigns closing weeks. And when weather hits, its data mayhem. But airlines running hp endtoend solutions are always calm during a storm. So if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and Cloud Solutions make sure you always know whats coming and are ready for it. Make it matter. Has the power to captivate. Thats why shakira uses. Crest 3d white with whitelock technology. Removing up to ninety percent of surface stains, and locking out future stains. So your smile always steals the show. And to get even faster whitening, use this collection. For a whiter smile in just 2 days. Crest 3d white. Life opens up with a whiter smile. Well from new ebola worries to lone wolf terror attacks. National Security Issues returning to the campaign trail and hoping to give them the edge in key elections coming day. In the recent admissions missing an Armed Services hearing on terror threats has rendered tom tillis fresh am knew mission. In january president obama refers to the Islamic State as a jv team. A hearing on new global threats. Senator kay hagen, absent. Hes missed over half them this year. Hagen admits she prioritized a cocktail party. Obama did nothing. Senator hagen did cocktails. Were back with dan and kim on the wall street george Editorial Board and matt also joins the panel. Matt, for the First Time Since 2004 the National Security hawk issue is back playing in the campaign. Is that how you see it . Absolutely. You saw it with scott brown in New Hampshire who was the first republican to start running ads about president obamas policies in syria and closed the gap with the democratic incumbent. I think this growing anxiety and pictures of isis rolling through iraq, just bad news adds to the anxiety and problems for the democrats this cycle. Kim, let me ask you about ebola, too. Is that playing into this now that we have another ebola case this time in new york city . How is that playing into the security debate . What you see happening out there in race after race is a growing number of senators who came out initially and said they agreed with the president for instance on his policy of not instituting a travel ban. Now as they see the fallout that administration is getting among the public that does not seem to believe that the white house is handling this very well, they are all running to distance themselves. You have had Senate Candidate after Senate Candidate reversing itself calling on the administrn saying they should institute a ban. That is also playing in the race quite strongly. Democrats say this is all just republicans trying to raise the anxiety level and its not fair and relevant. Yeah. Lets see if we can understand something. The republicans arent making this stuff up are they . They didnt create Islamic State as an issue. They didnt create ebola. They didnt create ukraine. Okay. Its all very real. The reason i think theyre having a problem has a lot to do with president obamas way of handling these crises. He doesnt react to them until they have built into a crisis. Didnt do anything in ukraine. Islamic state, he reacted after t they were up on the mountain and two beheadings. Ebola, they were running from behind as well. You get a crisis in peoples faces all the time and it looks as though administration is always behind the ball. That is what is creating the anxiety. The president s reluctance to address the issues before they build into a crisis. Matt, our democratic argument is you cant cold hagen responsible. They dont have anything to do with iraq policy. Theyre saying were just as tough on isis as the republicans. Whats your response to that . I think the reason why this is working and it really is working is that it plays to legitimate anxieties obviously. Buff it plays to a growing distrust of how a democratic led government has performed over the last six years under president obama. A president these candidates have supported. A trust in government is again at alltime holows. You had the ebola and the scandal at the Veterans Administration and irs. Its one thing after another. You have seen these stories become localized these national stories. For example, the story about this dr. Eric spencer in new york came down with ebola. He happens to be from detroit where i am right now. It was the lead story here about how a guy from here has come down with this disease. Kim, you know, about a decade ago when president bush was in Office People talked about the security moms issue and that security had become a republican advantage among women and usually women vote democratic for the most part, by a majority. Is that issue cutting now security issue back again . Is the security issue working with women for republicans. I think you see two things. The numbers have once tend to b viewed more favorably in handling foreign policy. But those numbers have increased in recent polls. But the fact that democrats are not winning by enormous margins on women, that those are quite small probably plays into this. One quick thing about your question to matt. One reason these adds are proving effective is because theyre pointing out democratspecific failures to attend hearings. Good point. Hearings in their own role. Good point. One more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. Help. Smart sarah. Seeking guidance. Just like with your investments. That sets you apart. It does . It does. Youre type e. And seeking another perspective is what type e s do. Oh, and your next handhold. Is there. You dont have to go it alone. E trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. Are you type e . Time now for hits and misses of the week. Jason, start us off. A miss for democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo who refused to debate his republican challenge of rob as treen know. Finally agreed to a debate but insisted two other minor candidates be involved and the debate had to be held during World Series Game number two. How is that for a political profile . Matthew . Paul, michigan governor Rick Schneider did a good job of restoring Investor Confidence in the state but signed a bill making it virtually impossible for tesla who makes the electronic car to sell directly to customers. He says hes bowing to the lobby of Car Dealerships very powerful in his state and one victory for the middle man here. Loser for consumers. Dan. Paul, we have talked about the Occasional National pickets against mcdonalds they want to raise the minimum wage. Mcdonalds reported a 5 drop in its revenue across the globe. Franchisers are saying we got to do Something Like this. What they think theyre going to do is go to automation. Amiss tos the minimum wage which they would like to raise to 15 because the only people are going to be robots. Get ready to talk to nobody. Be sure to tweet us at foxnews. Com. Thats it. Thanks to my panel and for all of you watching. Be sure to join us as we count down to the mid term elections. Ebola in america now sparking a war of words. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defending his states new guidelines to keep residents safe despite criticism from one Health Care Worker who claims authorities treated her like a criminal. Welcome to americas news headquarters. New jersey is one of three states rolling out a mandatory 21day quarantine affecting travelers who had contact with ebola patients in west africa. The first person quarantined under the new rule is a nurse

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