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This hour as well, sean. Sean as always, have a great show. Our thoughts and prayers are with this mans family, the community, the people there. Everyone please stay safe. Justice will be served. Laura sean we will see you tomorrow night thank you very much. I am Laura Ingraham and this is between the ninth. A busy washington, we are keeping our eyes on minneapolis, minnesota, where protest over a killing of a black man by a white officer has turned into riots and looting. The latest on that, we will have a live report later in the hour. Also tonight twitters arbitrary factcheck of president trump. Not only did it open the social media giant up to criticism, but now legislation. Senator josh hawley is here with breaking news on what he is now proposing. And Raymond Arroyo following all of joe bidens lifeless events for the ingraham angle. He is here with a full recap and the former vp did he let something slip or rip . He will explain. But first, a land of risk takers. That is the focus of tonights angle. All of us in the ingram household were like most americans, disappointed when this afternoon spacex launch scrub due to storms in the area. Mission control decided the risk was too great to take a chance. So they rescheduled for saturday afternoon when they will make a new set of risk calculations before takeoff is attempted again. Now, this got me thinking about Risk Assessment that will make every day. Decisions big and small that have enormous consequences on our health, our wellbeing, our inner sense of harmony, our finances. Walking out of the house every morning instantly exposes us to risk. Stepping into a vehicle, buying a stock, even ordering in a restaurant, all involved at a certain level of risk. So you think about it, if we never take risk, we never move beyond the status quo. We never innovate. We never improve. We never learn. We never grow. Now while the coronavirus is novel, our approach to it like our approach to every challenge also includes risk. Letting citizens make their own decisions determine their own destiny, that is the hallmark of our free society. Yet time and again, the left has moved to limit individual choices on very personal decisions. From whether you can buy a firearm to whether you can even educate your own children at home. To the type of car you drive. To your right to speak freely on social media. Now, other than pushing for abortion or may be marijuana maybe liberals today have become very ill liberal. And they are argument against your exercising, your own free will is always the same. They claim that you are putting yourself and others at risk. And then they use scare tactics and sometimes skewed statistics to push their agendas from gun control to climate change. And rather than passing actual legislation, they will often do this through emergency decrees or other executive action. Now indeed, this is a pattern of blue state governors and radical mayors during covid19. They simply dont trust their own citizens at a time when they seem to relish punishing them. Speak with the political rally like that where people are not Wearing Masks in close quartersd they are touching one another, you know that is precisely what makes this kind of disease dragged out. In this situation where i might actually have to think about extending stayathome orders. And she did extend the stayathome order, also andrew cuomo, he needlessly pushed for this complex plan called new york forward. It requires only seven metrics to get to change one reopening if you can believe it. And this as a city is literally and figuratively dying. Mayor de blasio still has a plan to reopen new York City Restaurants and bars. So we are going to figure out how and when we can reopen bars and restaurants. How much outdoors will play a crucial role in that. I think it is a very encouraging possibility to lean to the outdoors. But even that, we have a lot to figure out in terms of social distancing. Face coverings, protocols, and what amount of capacity you can create that would make it worthwhile. Laura now nine weeks into this, they still havent thought this through . Now, i trust and he ran from random restaurant over that guy in a day. I wouldnt trust him to drive an Ice Cream Truck for goodness sake. And notice how none of the rules at these power crazed governors or mayors forced on you ever apply to them. The latest fraud is new mexicos governor Michelle Lujan grisham. Here is what shes been up to. Well k or q news 13 has learned in april when she ordered nonessential businesses to shut down and lecture all mexicans to stay home a nonessential business opened up so she could buy jewelry and have it delivered to her. Again, rules for the but not for mean. And of course, she is defending her hypocritical conduct with a spokesperson saying the store was never opened and a good safe process was followed. The governor has, of course, and poked her purse it professional to Public Health measures enacted during the duration of the pandemic. She is on the short list of biden potential vp pick, by the way. Far away in hawaii, statement, i kid you not com a only 17 covid deaths. Democrat governor david doesnt trust his own people to manage their own covert risk. He hasnt even finalized a plan to end his stupid enter island quarantine. I was saying this earlier theo loja state will say a low hot as in goodbye to of recovery if it doesnt wake up soon. Angle isnt saying the coronavirus shouldnt be taken seriously. We take it very seriously. The human toll, the economic toll and the 1,000 tests. It is heartbreaking. And the enormity of it, it is sometimes hard to take in. But what we are seeing at the same time is the states that have given more trust to their own citizens are doing better than the states who treat their citizens like schoolchildren. We believe that pastors of the local church are going to do, i think, their best to balance their duty to god with the duty they have the safety of the congregation. And we believe that local Like High School football coaches will balance their duty to the schools with the duty that our players and preserving their health. We believe that local restaurant tours, yes we will figure out how to best balance their desire to stay profitable with their duty to keep customers and workers as safe as possible. Look, if they slip up, that is where the free market comes in. They will either be sued, they will go out of business, or both. But lets face it. Some elected officials never liked the free market that much. They prefer to keep a lot of you deplorables lockdown and afraid. They want you mast, not just during the virus, but until the end of time. Because remember, you will always be another potential virus lurking out there around the corner. And dont you want to protect others . What kind of monster are you if you dont wear a mask forever . Now they talk about unity in crisis. While they turn neighbor against neighbor, reporting on each other for a violation. But the truth is, they dont believe in their own rules because if Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was really convinced that Wearing Masks will save lives, he would have worn a mask at the beach last weekend. And if illinois governor j. B. Pritzker really lockdown measures were so great in his state, he would not let his Family Travel and risk their lives to go too risky, dangerous florida and wisconsin. And if mission michigan governor witmer said traveling up north would put folks in jeoy there her hobby would not have traveled there to take his vote out of storage. But all of these lockdown governors were willing to take risks. They deprive their own citizens from taking. But the risks are being taken anyway. What am i talking about . Investors today continue to bet actual money on the Great American comeback. Think about it. They are not betting on more lockdowns, they are betting on reopening and recovery here at the world is moving on. You read it. You feel it. You sense it. I understand the medical establishment does not want us to move on. The media certainly dont want us to move on and liberals do not want us to move on, but we are. We are moving on. I may not take, you know, and have all the talents of elon musk, but no one should deprive us of our own rights to launch our own dreams, raise our own families, build our own businesses, and worship god as we always have. And that is the angle. On the top with mask mandates my next guest wrote and very interesting piece in the federalists exposing what is really going on. She said to those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, mandatory masking policies provide a valuable foundation to weaponized a virus against american liberties. Now and in the future. Joining me now is molly mccann my attorney and director of the virginia constitution center. Molly, if americans submit to Wearing Masks, even in areas that have had very few covid deaths in comparison to other places, what other rights and freedoms can be taken and couldnt the mask mandate become like psa, permanent . Absolutely. We really dont know where this mandatory mass policy will take us but we do know it will push americans to a mental point where we sort of have submitted to the idea that life will never be the same. From there we could have all sorts of covid related regulations that could really infringe upon our liberties. Obviously, Contact Tracing is one of the first things that springs to my mind by all sorts of regulations i can imagine coming in simply under this you are in danger and the government will help you. Laura you think about it, there is always another virus around the corner. There is another bad flu season. We had a horrible flu season this year although it didnt get talked much about. About one and 2018 and no one wore masks that i know of. 1968, do people wear a mask during the terrible flu pandemic . Maybe we should have but you just get the sense that this is what they need to move forward. Not that there is no benefit from it, but that this is just a symbol of things that just keep Getting Better with the numbers. Absolutely. And we already see they are using it to extend and perpetuate the idea we are in this emergency that triggers the executives permission, the emergency power to legislate and rule by fear. So we have already seen it politicized in virginia and other states. And i think you are going to see it used in the future. I can imagine other emergencies come all sorts of emergencies liberals believe are on the rights and such as global warmig and this type of overage. Laura dr. Fauci use on mask have changed quite a bit over the last few month watch. You know wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. But it is not providing the perfect protection that people think it is. People dont fully appreciate that putting a mask on yourself is more to prevent you from infecting someone else. I wear it for the reasons that i believe it is effective. I want to protect myself and protect others. And also, because i want it to be a symbol for people to see. Laura a couple of things there. It doesnt really have an effect but ends up today saying, it protects him, again, couple of weeks ago it was not protecting individual wearing it by others. And it is a sample. And biden says it is a sign of respect. You see how its gone from it doesnt have any effect to now it is a symbol and it shows respect. And it protects you both ways. I will always thought in 95 protected you both ways but im not a doctor, molly. Absolutely. We have seen with the shift and now suddenly it is a really necessary tool to protect us, but i think that really is the intention there to shift the mood. You hear in politics, strive just talk about the nation isnt ready for it. And the left really does have to shift to very independent spirit of americans. They have to shift to the point where we are willing to accept further regulations. So i think dr. Fauci has jumped on the train and understands what the goal of the masks are and they are not, certainly not health related. Laura i saw a sign at one of the events, one of the protests subjugation . And that got me thinking. Molly thank you for the piste. Thoughtprovoking. And andrew cuomo was widely condemned for giving Nursing Homes immunity. For covid related losses. Now it is finally clear why he made that move. The guardian reporting that cuomo gave immunity to Nursing Homes after big campaign donations. 2. 3 million to be exact. Now despite this large, cuomo is blaming the nursing home for the thousands of deaths in months and years. The application is on the Nursing Homes to say, i cant take the covid positive person. Im too crowded. Im too busy. I dont have enough ppe, whatever the answer is. It doesnt even matter. If they say i cant take the person, they cant take the person. Laura they wouldnt have been slapped with a fine or a citation, im sure governor cuomo. They are following his policy. Now, not only did you order Nursing Homes to take the covid of my covid positive patients back but prohibited them from testing incoming residents to be actually sick but you wont find that order on the state Health Department website anymore. Proof, it is gone. Cuomo had a text of original nursing home mandate wiped from the site. Joining me now from the Claremont Institute senior fellow and constitutional scholar, john, you say Nursing Homes should have immunity because they were following state mandates and so who can new yorkers hold accountable and how can they actually do that now . So two things come i do think they should have immunity when they took somebody who was covid positive because of governor cuomos orders. Here is what it says, no resident should be denied readmission to the Nursing Homes solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of covid appear that means it was illegal under this order for them to deny somebody who was covid positive. There was nothing in here about them being able to opt out of that if they dont think they are ready. That was a cdc guideline, but it is not governor cuomos orders. They were compelled to take these folks. But then the immunity statute that he signs gives a much broader immunity than that. If anything it is touching on related or might somehow be connected to covid. So if they have one person down the hall and that requires a shifting of status resources and they are negligent and kill somebody else in the main wing, they are immune to. I dont think they ought to have immunity for that at all. And the broad immunity for any negligence whatsoever. Remember, on top of that, this was all going on when they are contrary to cdc recommendations. , banning family members from coming and visiting and even people who are dying. His compassionate ban on family visitors. And what her family visitors most able to do . To be able to spot check on whether there is negligence here provide care being provided . So they are using the covid excuse to get cuomo off the hook for his ridiculous order but provide a broader human it immunity for any conduct they take whatsoever. Laura everybody seems off the hook here and somebody has to be held accountable. John, i want to ask you getting back to this mask mandate as a constitutional scholar. Is there any recourse for individual citizen in any part of the country who dont feel comfortable wearing a mask. If they are healthy i know they can be asymptomatic, but that was forever. Always asymptomatic for something, correct . What can they do come individual citizens or groups of individuals, to challenge these mask mandates and the public shaming, obviously thats going along with all of this . My daughter had a great response when somebody tried to public shame her at target today. She said i already have the antibody, dont worry. [laughter] i think people just need to fight back. Listen, the principal being established here would allow them to prohibit you from getting in your car. Because people die in car accidents. Everything we do in life has some risk. And any risk will allow the government to alter your behavior to deal with at risk, then we know longer live in a free society. The courts tend to stand back and there is an emergency and people dont know whats going on and defer to the government. But as the dust settles on that we know the masts arent doing any good, it is more a symbol a. Then at some point, the court will say no, you dont have a legitimate basis for continuing those mandates. It is gone. I think we are getting very close to that point. Laura john, her mate said this last night, compelling sper compelling someone to symbolically speak with that. Im sorry, we are compelling people, i am a sheep and i will do whatever the government tells me to do. Laura john, great to see you tonight. Thank you so much. Great to see you too, thanks. Laura for protest in minnesota over the killing of a black person. A live report from the ground in a moment. And also i have a question and its not meant to be fair, is Anthony Fauci treating anybody recently or has he treated anybody with covid19 . I only asked because he developed a curious disdain for hydroxychloroquine without controlled, randomized trials . My medicine cabinet is here with their reaction in just a moment laura rioting and now looting in minneapolis tonight as thousands take to the street to protest the death of george loyd, a black man who died earlier this week after being handcuffed and pinned to the ground with an officers knee on the neck. The latest ricoh live, mike tobin on the ground in minneapolis tonight, and something dramatically happen as we come to you, mike what can you tell us . It seems like its getting worse out there . You see the demonstrators just set the autozone on fire. Witnesses tell me that was set by a bunch of fireworks. I can tell you one of the things i saw, someone ran up with a fire extinguisher and tried to put it out. And they kept it with bottles and other kinds of garbage. And clearly, very angry. So we watched this go on throughout the night. We see a lot of things getting thrown at the police. The police are responding with a nonlethal weaponry come in fact a nonlethal bullet and you have a bunch of angry people out here. They were so sick and tired. Despite what has happened, they feel the wheels of justice arent turning fast enough. They dont trust the people involved in the system, laura. The one you have to stay safe there, my friend. Im worried about you. And that situation. It is not good. I hope we get to the bottom of that soon and the Justice Department doing their own investigation. And we will find out the results of that as soon as we get to this. Now, we will move on to another topic because this is all americans. Dr. Fauci, as you know my has never been a fan of hydroxychloroquine. But now he is teaming up with cnn to disparage this potentially lifesaving drug, watch. Speak with the Scientific Data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy for it and the possibility there could be not could be but the likelihood that under certain circumstances, might be rare but you would see it. Adverse events according to cardiovascular and arrhythmia. Laura went to anime dr. Stephen smith, smith center for infectious diseases. And also cardiologist ceo of cardiology. Dr. Smith, you actually treat Covid Patients and a lot of them. She has been saying for weeks that we need randomized Clinical Trials for hydroxychloroquine which they nih is conducting i think. So why come down with the drug before the results are in . I cant speak to that, laura but good evening, by the way. Im sorry about whats going on in minnesota, obviously. But i cant speak to that motivation. Obviously, the studies are ongoing and we should wait for the results. There are plenty of data that show hydroxychloroquine does have an effect. Our own data, our own experience shows that the drugs we get have an effect. We have had several cases that can only be explained by a therapeutic effect. Meaning the patients got better and came off early or a couple of weeks of coming off after being very improved. Antivirus negative and then all these things come back. The increased ferritin, ldh, all markers for the use and the pirates came back. We put them back on the drug and they get better. That is effective, internal controls. I dont have any other explanation, natural history, meaning natural course of the disease, that is tough to explain that way. These people came on ventilators. And then they got worse again. Laura doctor, lets go to the doctor, dr. Smith being very diplomatic, but dr. Fauci came on the show and said we need controlled clinical trial, randomized studies before any statements could be made. We had to proceed very carefully. What is going on here . What is happening . I think what is going on really or two things. The first is overt ignorance. Studies have been done abroad. 3700 patient study in france, a study i know i made you aware of in midapril showing prophylactic benefits. 314 and patients in south korea but i think what you see is whether he needs to or not, he is spiking the studies and destroying the ability of the people to recruit for these studies by such negative and put it. The reality is the lancet article published last week was very poorly done with a conglomeration of data that did very little to the patients. It was bad science. Junk science. Laura a new study and i should say dr. Smith you will want to get into this, a new study just came out moments ago that showed significant outpatient benefit of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and my producer will tell me was it a gale study or what was it . Yell university study. That just came out. We will bring you more details on that, but it just came out during this hour. So that is pretty interesting. I want to put up on the screens what the professors study he put out today early diagnosis of early treatment with at least three days of hc queue of a significantly better clinical outcome and contagion are yeah city of covid19. It goes on and on. He tweeted that out after dr. Faucis interview on cnn. Dr. Smith is that consistent with what you found . Entirely and based on the work that we adopted with the larger dozed, the larger dose of hydroxychloroquine in late march. And actually we see much Better Benefits and a much clearer benefits of both drugs and the higher dose of hydroxychloroquine. So yes, i agree. Laura doctor, we have france now saying they will basically put out a warning about hydroxychloroquine. A medicine that has been around given to pregnant women, lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis for 60 years. Okay . Im flabbergasted. And i think what is also very important about what he has found and the group from long island when monitoring carefully and closely, you can use this drug safely with no concern about cardiac risk. You have to monitor and make sure electrolytes are well done. The lancet study also didnt even contain cutie interval data, something very basic that all doctors that are hospitalizing the patients obtain when they do a ekg. And i think that many studies have shown when used prudently, the drug is very, very safe and covid19 patients. And it should be made available to a doctor to use easily. Laura and i would say this to close very quickly, dr. Smith. If you could make the decision for the fda, would you resend that warning that they put out a few weeks back about hydroxychloroquine . Of course. It would have to be one or the other. They have to resend that warning or put warnings on one of the 400 Clinical Trials and much, much more hydroxychloroquine and subject to fda approval approval. They have to do one or the other. Laura exactly. Gentlemen, thank you both. We have to bring you back on the mask question at another point. Thank you. And coming up all eyes on biden. Virtual town hall was a rebilling train wreck and included his most embarrassing stinker. Raymond arroyo has it all in seen and unseen next. Spin when it is time for our seen and unseen segment where we rebuild the real stories we had the headline. Joining us with the details, Raymond Arroyo who has another edition of joe down below. What happened today, ray, pray tell. Joe biden held a town hall with governor tom with. Now he looked like he could have used a booster seat here, but what became clear, he was a little lower in the frame. What became clear as things went on is that biden couldnt quite organize his thoughts, even as he tried to remember those lost to covid. Today, we hold every one of them in our families in their hearts. I dont know. But i remember we all have losses. And i hope they find strength and purpose. More than 38 million lives have been filled the unemployment lines as well. And the Health Consequences of that. I mean, the mental Health Consequences of that. We want to point that to some length. He should avoid talk of Mental Health but there is the empathize ran cheap again. It appears biden was trying to read the prompter or lost his way or couldnt make a thought. This happens all the time. I can tell you what democratic strategist, they are very concerned about the decline and how he will hold up. Now, he is getting some assistance. In his ear at times that some of the town halls. Today he looked like he was having some trouble with the earpiece. He kept fiddling at it, looking off, and then with stephen colbert, he was asked a question and the person biden prompted him to discuss vaccines. Listen closely. If you are elected president of the United States, that will be your responsibility and your administrations do responsibility to distribute that. Speak with this ventriloquist act is not working, laura. Laura know, but this keeps happening, and i think, again, god bless him. I dont agree with him on pretty much anything, but at some point you do begin to feel bad for him, i mean, well queue not only feel bad for someone that wants to leave a country though. You need a leader in charge and not a poor man who needs help to get across the street or go lay a wreath. This is troubling. Just optically. Laura this is why we have to move on but nancy pelosi spoke today about how can anyone gather with 10,000 people at the convention with all of this threat to people. They have to cancel the convention, campaigning and keep joe down below. Raymond, tell me what biden, well, a little gas came out of the can at one point. What happened . Well, during the town hall, biden let something slip. I have long said biden has trouble getting it out but he didnt have that problem today. The study is from weed smoke. Yeah, it is about making sure, you dont have to cut those teachers, firefighters and police officers. Or stop work on roads and bridges. Laura, some are saying it is flagellants. It may have been the most coherent thing biden has had one of two things come here are my two thoughts. One it is his solution to energy independence, natural gas, or hes tipping his hand to hugh dimmick who his real running mate might be, eric swalwell. So far the evidence is uncontradicted that the president use taxpayer dollars to achieve an election. Laura this is why biden was wearing a mask, may be to protect himself. Laura i will not again say hes running out of gas in his campaign. What else do we have . Before we go, biden announced today he will choose his running mate by august 1st. People should be aware when they go to the voting booth they are not just electing a running mate as biden accidentally confessed to cnn. There are women of color under consideration, and there are women from every part of the country under consideration. There are a lot of really qualified women ready to be president. We are ready to be president , laura. Even in his own mind, he realizes how short the time between him and his inauguration will step aside could be. I mean my democrats talk openly about this. Maybe hes only a one termer and that will get him over the finish line. You see the people running. Who do you think ends up being the running mate . Laura i dont know. Amy Klobuchar Amy klobuchar maybe. But they seem to be sour on her, but every person that is and the running paid a big slip up with the covid handling, so witless whitmer or grisham in new mexico who had the store opened up to get her jewelry. That was apparently essential jewelry, okay . So they are all having their own moments here. After that you aint black comment, i dont know how he gets away without appointing a black running mate. If you look at the lineup, stacy abrams feel gubernatorial candidate val demings who was the Orlando Police chief. And then youve got kamala harris, who has a worse record on criminal Justice Reform then just about anybody in the democratic party. This is a rough picked for old joe. We will see who he picks. Laura was it unleaded or leaded gas, raymond . Thank you so much. Arbitrary decision on president trumps tweet has exposed the social media giant, so how can twitter be held accountable . Senator josh hawley unveils his new plan in moments staying connected your way is easier than ever. Youre just a tap away from personalized support on xfinity. Com. Get faster internet speeds with a click. Order xfi pods to your home in a snap. Or change your Xfinity Services with just a touch. All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Laura you get the sense that twitter really didnt think it through. Now, im talking about the decision to hit one of president trumps tweets with an absurd that checked. It was not just that twitter was wrong on the merits but it rebuilt the staggering hypocrisy of it suppose it mentioned. Not only are they attempting to editorialize in l since for the president of the United States, they do so on allowing chinese propaganda to run free on their platform. Today the president responded, warning that he would move to regulate social media platforms that try to silence conservative voices. And he plans to sign an executive order on the subject tomorrow. But even before that news, missouri senator josh hawley called on the government to revoke Liability Protections for social Media Companies which would drastically change how they are treated. Senator hawley joins us exclusively tonight, senator, explain for our audience how your proposed action would affect these entities. Welcome it would just take away the special deal, laura that they currently get from the government. There is a reason twitter, facebook and google have gotten so big, powerful and huge. It is not because of freemarket competition but the lack of freemarket competition because the government has given them a special deal that fox news doesnt get in the New York Times doesnt get it. No traditional publisher gets. They are free from liability, free from suit. They have a special immunity. Here is the thing. If they are going to act like regular publishers commit twitter will editorialize about the president of the United States, they ought to be treated like a regular publisher and that is what the bill will. Laura there seems to be some opposition within the social media world to that as Mark Zuckerberg spoke out today and he said, basically, that is not what we do at facebook. Does that give you a sense that, well, they got the message pretty quickly if you go down this road, it is going to be a rocky one for you . I think that zuckerberg is clearly quite eager to throw twitter under the bus because zuckerberg does not want to use immunities for facebook. They want to keep their deal. Im surprised google is not doing the same thing. The problem is google has been censoring americans who criticize the Chinese Communist party. So these guys really all do the stuff here they have gotten by with it for a long time. They picked on the president twitter did this time and that is elevated what they are doing. They are editorializing and they are censoring, making political judgments and yet claiming no, no, we are not traditional media. We should be treated different. We are neutral. We dont have opinions but just post other peoples opinions and it just isnt true, laura. It is time to call them out on it. Laura when you look at the head of the site integrity it is called, this guy we looked into his past and some others. This guy has a history of tweets that calls trump a racist tangerine. Just right after the inauguration. He said there were actual and the white house and it might not surprise you to learn, senator he donated to hillarys president ial campaign. He said twitter is working to limit the spread of potentially harmful and misleading content. So why havent his tweets then come up why werent they labeled as harmful, personal attacks . Or how about the Chinese Foreign minister out there on twitter and on social media saying the United States shoulders actually started the coronavirus. Who have been out there saying beijing has done nothing wrong with relation to covid19. They took every available and just outright lies, falsehoods, the integrity of the United States soldiers as the originators of the coronavirus. Twitter hasnt had a word to say about any of those things. This is a joke. Twitter showing political bias. Again if they want to editorialize like the new york time, go ahead, it is a free country and a free company but they shouldnt get a special deal from the government because of it. Laura senator, are you shocked just how willing so many in the media are to carry the water of the Chinese Communist party when, indeed history of abuse, subjugation, oppression, torture and political dissidents. And yet trump is the problem on the world stage. Are you surprised by this . I really am. Particularly when you see what they are doing in hong kong. You can see their intentions laid bare. Beijing they would improve democracy in hong kong, improve it by ending it. And now they have their thumbs out there on the street. They want to strip hong kong of liberties chait dimmick take away their right to assemble. You see what they did with covid19. Release this pandemic on the world because too incompetent and also frankly to evil to deal with it. They would not admit what they were doing. And Health Problems on their hands, suppress the information and because at this, allow to spread into a global pandemic. So they have, they are responsible, laura for all kinds of wrongdoings and yet, you see the media giving them like twitter, giving them a free pass while they focus on the president of the United States. Its crazy. Laura senator we cant wait to see what is happening next with the president s executive order tomorrow. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Thank you. Laura how does that fire at the autozone in minneapolis tie back to ferguson ago . We will show you in moments. Laura right when we went to mike tobin earlier tonight, the auto zone behind him went up in flames. Having seen protests like this turn to riots in the past one of our producers remembered similar vandalism that hit and autozone in ferguson, missouri back in 2014. Time is a flat circle, we hope that cooler heads prevail and Business Owners who dont have a thing to do with needless killings suffer the brunt of riots as usual, and that is no good. A lot of people depend on the businesses in minneapolis already having a very difficult time in the lockdown, but i think that autozone was open. We dont need any more chaos. We need answers and we need justice. Thats all the time we have tonight. Make sure you tune in tomorrow. I will have an exclusive interview with secretary of state mike pompeo. A lot to discuss with him. Shannon bream. At fox news at night team take it all from here. Shannon we begin on a busy night. Just in the coronavirus reaching 100,000. Along with that, some good news part of the pace of deaths of covid19 which has shut down much of the country is actually slowing. And the pace picking up across the country, what does the data tell us in states that decided to lead the way . But first, breaking tonight, this is the scene now with looting and fires still going late into the night, earlier you saw where mike tobin got caught in the back and forth between

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