Month thanks to our great viewers. Laura i have to learn to get in shameless plugs, this is why youre the star. Then you get hannity. Com in there. Sean you know what . Im going to buy you a Butterball Turkey. Laura you said that two years ago, and you give me nothing. There were lots of gifts. Sean send laura a Butterball Turkey fryer. Laura great show and happy thanksgiving to you. Im Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle, in washington tonight, if you thought schiffs impeachment hearings were a sham, just wait until you see Jerry Nadlers plan for newly announced hearings. John eastman and robert ray are here. Also tonight, why is the media propping up the bogus Opposition Research firm fusion gps . Congressman devin nunes and lee smith they have never appeared together are here with reaction. On tonights episode of our they left enough, Pete Buttigieg is reeling from comments that he made about inner cities in 2011, having a lot of people scratch their heads tonight. Candace owens takes up that debate and Raymond Arroyo brings us a tuesday addition of seen and unseen. Turkey pardon and Bernie Sanders is proving his vitality in an unusual way, move over fred astaire. But first, an animated series of failures, thats the focus of tonights angle. When im watching the House Democrats or certain 2020 candidates or their media chums, i feel like im watching characters in a cartoon series instead of representatives of the people. Month after month, they just boldly predict President Trumps political demise. If they give americans the impression that they have him trapped, that hes headed off the edge of the cliff, well tonight, we focus on five ways that trump has outsmarted them all. First, their relentless trashing of his economic record. If we are going to have a recession, its going to be a smorgasbord. Fears of a global recession, the r word to. Its near panic territory. He could be seeking reelection during a recession. The market has nowhere to go but down come out recession is written all over the forehead of this economy. Laura that was all bunk, the r word that the democrats are now worried about that they have to confront his record as in recordbreaking stock market again today. Incredibly low unemployment, also record numbers there. Economists and bloomberg columnist Michael Strahan writes today this year the rate of employment for people age 2554 has finally recovered from the Great Recession and here is yet another reason to be grateful, the economy in 2020 is said to have a better year what happened to recession . How do these people still have jobs . Second, there are reports that trumps g. O. P. Wall of support was somehow cracking, sure to be his undoing. The president of the United States asks or presses the leader of a foreign country to carry out an investigation of a political nature, thats troubling. And i feel that. Theres got to be somebody in the Republican Party who would stand up and say we believe in the rule of law. Once that happened, the floodgates can open. Theres a chance of there will be 20 republicans, i wouldnt bet on it but i think theres a chance. Laura theres a chance that youre wrong again. Today, trump enjoys 90 approval among republicans. Has anyone checked on bill weld lately . Third, democrats in the media warned that trumps tariffs against china would prove disastrous. His trade war with china is tanking the u. S. Economy. This trade war is tanking the economy. If the trade war were to get worse, it could tank the whole global economy. Laura today get up in the morning and pick u a few keywor . Another swing and a mess, our economy is booming while chinas gdp is growing at its slowest pace since the 1990s. It is expected to contract further next year. Fourth, democrats believe trumps summertime war of words with yield political pain for both him and his party. I am not surprised when the president said that four sitting members of congress should go back to their own country. He would love nothing more than to divide our country, this is a disruption and a distraction. From the callous, chaotic, and corrupt culture of this administration. The sort of rhetoric has a consequence for him, this could hurt him in 2020. Laura im not sure who that is but the reality is trumps decision to take on the hit girls might have made the momentary victims but it also meant nancy pelosi had to come to their defense. We just had a meeting to clear the air, in a family, you have your differences but you are still family. Laura this only gave them more prominence and with the help of the faux whistleblower, we are brought to number 5, the squads impeachment fantasy became a daily reality. This was another bombshell today just like there was a bombshell on wednesday. Devastating testimony corroborating evidence of bribery, the president abused power and violated his oath. Laura when the hearings ended up swinging Public Opinion against democrats impeachment fantasy, the left moved on to their next delusion. A federal judge nominated by obama is forcing trumps former white House Counsel to turn against the president to testi testify. The media was breathless with excitement. A federal judge ruling the former white House Counsel don mcgann must cooperate with the impeachment investigation, this is a huge win for democrats. This changes the dynamics of impeachment. Laura never mind the fact even if compelled to show up, don mcgann can wave off every question is privileged. Once again they thought they had trumps number but in fact he really had theirs. If the speaker doesnt watch out, her new nickname will be wiley pelosi. [cartoon sound effects] laura wiley pelosi, with a magnet . Its perfect. No matter what the democrats throw at trump, they cant take him down, its driving them crazy. Their predictions about the president s staying power have been spectacular flops. Here are a few predictions from yours truly. The president will get nominated with overwhelming support from his party and independence while democrats nominate someone with almost zero ability to connect with americans outside of major cities. Despite their series of political debacles, they will learn very little and just end up blaming the voters once aga again. And thats the angle. Joining me now is robert ralph, senior fellow in constitutional scholar. The democrats and the media were sure just like in all of these other predictions that were flops, they were sure yesterdays ruling would compel john bolton to testify and then his lawyer says democrats again are having to chase the roadrunner. They are going to end up with the tnt blowing up in their faces. The judge made very clear although the Top White House officials dont have absolute immunity from showing up to testify that they can claim executive privilege and response to specific questions anytime a question arises and even have the white house Current Council there to advise them when to exert executive privilege. It may have sounded like a win but they obviously didnt get past page two or three. Laura im talking about a bolton, this is something that takes that analysis to the next step. They thought john bolton was going to be again the nirvana in this whole impeachment quest that they have. But boltons lawyers, they dont seem like they are any rush to get up there and testify either. They are either really bad at making predictions or they dont know the law or they dont know how to read an opinion or that the opinion is limited to a certain set of special facts. I dont know what it is but its getting embarrassing now how repeatedly wrong the democrats are on a myriad of issues. Its also only one judge which means it is not on bolton. Lets just start with the very basics right there. Second thing is the decision already has been appealed, a notice of appeal was filed today with a request for a stay. I imagine we will see that possibly as early as tomorrow either by the district judge or if the district judge doesnt do it, the d. C. Circuit is likely to do it for her. What that means is on this timetable theres no way youre going to have a decision from the d. C. Circuit that will make any difference anyway. Laura same thing, im going to get to nadler in a minute but its the same thing the Supreme Court yesterday through chief Justice Roberts issued a temporary stay in that financial records case which was another attempt by the democrats to throw a wrench into the reelection bid. We are going to get all of these records, its going to look bad, i dont know what they think. They are tilting at windmills and at some point they should just do better policy but thats too hard for them. They need to reread article 1, the legislative power is not to go fishing all the time and that seems to be what they are doing. Laura i want to move to this issue of jerry nadler. Today chairman nadler inviting President Trump nice of him and his lawyer to testify. He also fired a warning shot while we invite you to this hearing, we remind you if you continue to refuse to make witnesses and documents available to the committee, the chair will have discretion to impose appropriate remedies. My stomach is hurting because im laughing so hard about this earlier. I dont know what he is threatening but how should the white house respond . They ought to say go ahead, bring another suit and we will take it up to the Supreme Court again. Theres a thing basic called separation of powers. The executive doesnt work for the legislature, this is not a parliamentary system we have. They have oversight ability but these fishing expeditions with obvious political motivations to try and dig up dirt on their political opponents, i thought that was what we werent supposed to do. Laura one point, what is the penalty . He has to get a court to impose a penalty correct . Its not like nadler is going to get some u. S. Marshals to go over to the white house and slapped manacles on the president and his counsel, its the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. Do they not know anything about the separation of powers . Im beginning to wonder. When you look at the remedies, what is he talking about . In any event, the executive branch has a much bigger police force in the Capitol Police serving the United States congress. I dont understand. Thats a pretty outrageous threat against the president. Laura im glad you said that. There was a line in the District Court opinion that talked about inherent congressional power to jail people in a jail cell in the capital if they dont show up to testify. Perhaps thats what hes thinking about. It would be fun to see them try that against the president of the United States. Laura the obama judge through that one out there, i mustve missed that. Thank you, thats why your professor. Great to see you tonight, happy thanksgiving. I hear this stuff, and i think people are operating in parallel universes. If you dont like trump, thats your prerogative, but you have to make a coherent argument based on facts. Most of the folks on the left are embittered, angry and delusional at this point. I ask about the Twilight Zone because the same Media Outlets who fell for the ridiculously phony steele dossier are now embracing the founders of the firm behind the steele dossier. Glenn simpson and peter frisch are promoting their new book and nbc gave them a lot of questions like how does it feel, whats your favorite color . Watch. Republicans controlled washington for two years and they use that time to investigate the investigators. And dig into us and waste enormous amounts of money trying to find something on us that would discredit us. We werent able to talk about those things for a long time and in the meantime faced a lot of pressure from republicans in congress specifically the chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the house intelligence committee. Laura im not sure what he mumbled at the end, here to respond, devin nunes, Ranking Member of the house and tell committee and lee smith, author of the plot against the president , fantastic book. Congressman, fusion gps actually ran a campaign against you in 2018, what do you think about their whining and moaning . They were mean to us, they were so mean to us and the kid glove treatment they were getting at nbc . Its typical, whatever they accuse you of doing, they are actually doing. Even the title of their book is hilarious because they are the ones continuing the crimes. I think part of what this book is about as not to sell a bunch of copies, its to get out ahead of the lawsuits that are coming. They knew through discovery, they were behind all the smears and that is what is clear about the book and that is going to come out on the court cases anyway. Laura what to americans watching tonight have to understand about this duo at fusion gps . You documented this better than anyone about what was done especially to congressman devin nunes without whom President Trump might not be in the current good position hes in but his work is been unbelievable. What do people have to understand, is this another Consulting Group or something quite different . At something quite different. If you look at these different clips on nbc, speaking with chuck todd and with rachel maddow, it looks like a ransom. It looks like a hostage video because all of the media organizations, they werent just tricked, they were complicit in what is going on. If you look at their faces, they have to put their message through and the media is going to take it and theyre going to work with them to shape this narrative now with horowitz. Very important for them to get this message out and try to shape it. Laura it is very noteworthy that the fusion gps members went to nbc first. The hosts would bend over backwards to give them an interview style foot rub. Your new book is called crime in progress its really good. I feel steeped in this matter and i learned something on every page. What kind of toll has this taken on you personally . The book, no matter what you think about the steele dossier come if you talk about it, you should read this book. Laura why nbc . A few years ago, lee wrote about a connection between a specific nbc reporter and fusion gps, explain that briefly. This is about ken delaney at nbc and he was attacking William Browder as part of an operation on behalf of the russian government. He appeared to be reciting talking points provided by fusion gps. There are extensive connections between fusion gps and the entire media and nbc is certainly a part of that. Laura congressman nunes at this point we know the jerry nadler crew is going to get two weeks of their own whatever theyre going to end up doing with this impeachment nonsense. What do you expect to happen . Im going to say this to everyone who has missed the last few minutes of the show hes threatening to president of the United States with unspecified penalties if he doesnt show up to testify. This is where we have gotten. I cannot imagine how a constitutional hearing next week about the constitutionality of impeachment, how that is going to be any better for them than the last two weeks when they had dud after dud after dud of witnesses. Nadler, evidently he has been found because the guy has been missing since before the summer time, nobody has seen him. They ripped him off the stage so i cant imagine my guess is theyre going to have like one hearing next week and they will foot the following week. I cant imagine they will leave him up for multiple hearings and have another were all the Networks Cover these guys, it will drive the numbers even lower than they are today. Laura having you both on together is a treat because congressman, i remember when you were being smeared when they were claiming you were conflicted out of the whole russia thing, they were lying about that i dont know how long, thats when i was still doing my radio show and then it was all this madeup nonsense. You took it upon yourself to write about this and to explain it in a way i sound like im sucking up to you, its so important for people to understand its not just what you read in the headlines, you have to dig into the facts of what they do to good people to try to ripped them to shreds. Its critical, meanwhile this peter frisch guy was speaking on meet the press about the parallels between russia and impeachment, ive got to get you both quickly on this, watch. Im sitting here today at the end of 2019, does anyone doubt the donald trump would be capable of working with a Foreign Government to affect the political process in this country . Thats exactly what the houses looking at right now. Laura congressman nunes, quickly your thoughts. They are the ones that went to foreigners, they took money from the democrats and went to ukrainians and russians to dig up dirt on trump. These guys are a complete joke, they are racketeering operation and they need to be shut down. Laura congressman nunes, i know youre going to get a tie back on when you come back to work. Hes always at the expo your back on. Youre always at this expo, what is at . Every time i have you on. Theres trucks in the back. Its by my house and i got nice colorful backgrounds and museums. Laura i got it, im a little slow before thanksgiving. You have the christmas theme colors behind you, happy thanksgiving. Coming up, last night it was biden, tonight is mayor pete feeling the heat from the left, Candace Owens tells us why Pete Buttigieg is being buried over some newly uncovered comments on race, they offend you . When we come back. Im finding it hard to stay on top of things a faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom boom get free next business day shipping or. 1 hour instore pick up shopping season solved at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. Laura remember last night we told you about joe bidens problems with woke immigration activists. On tonights episode of our they left enough, we turn to Pete Buttigieg. Hes under fire for saying this in 2011. Kids need to see evidence that education is working for them. There are a lot of kids, especially in lower income minority neighborhoods who havent seen it work. There isnt somebody they know personally and i think it testifies to the value of education. Laura that resurfaced video, he looks 12 and it has the radical left riled up. Activist w, lobel tweeting that mayor pete is going for less than 0 of africanamerican support. Here to react, Candace Owens author of the forthcoming book blackout along with scott bowen, former chair of the d. C. Democrat party. Hes already out apologizing for that comment. How can anyone survive the Democratic Left is the buzz saw . Its simple, all you have to do is not tell the truth. He made the mistake of telling the truth, a lot of minority people are suffering, literacy rates are an actual epidemic happening in america right now. Unfortunately when you speak the truth you get your entire career assassinated by the left because they dont know how to stand up and tell the truth. He said you needed images of positive people were education pays off, he wasnt talking about literacy. I know he didnt, he said Education System doesnt work for the minority people. Because they dont have positive images and education paying off, thats ignorance if you ask me. If he thinks that poor black children in our community and challenged communities are there because they dont have positive images, im in those communities and im a positive image, they suffer from underfunding of schools, systemic racism. Education, hunger. Laura let me go back to chicago. When we arrived there in late september, the teachers strike with authorize, it went on for a couple weeks. They i believe are the highest paid teachers in the country. They were already previously the highestpaid. You talk to the Faith Community leaders in southside englewood, all they talk about is education. Its dangerous to go to school, they have a lot of drug dealers on the corner, a lot of gang bangers on the corner, i think thats what he was probably getting at. Obama did my brothers keeper and he said men need to stand up in the innercity and be strong male role models, he said that, isnt that what Pete Buttigieg is saying . I dont understand why you dont want black america to get better. I do want them to get better. The problem with buttigieg as he speaks with authority and he knows not. He talks about these strong black male images, thats the problem. Its all the things you just named in the community that compete with those types of mentors. Laura you think there are enough strong male role models and father figures in underprivileged areas . Absolutely, you dont have to limit that to underprivileged area to be a role model at all. The single parent rate is 74 . Ill let you talk. The single mother rate is 74 and you are pretending there are strong male figures, youve joined the side of the delusional. This is why the black community wont get better, we have a problem we need to get better, the education, we need fathers back in the home. This is why republicans and conservatives are winning because we tell the truth. The idea that black people all come from broken families, thats not true. Laura we have scott bolden and we have barack obama but they arent in peoples lives every day. I think thats the point he was trying to get at and we all need that. There are a number of them in those communities and what about social organizations who do mentorship . Its more than that. Laura i think he would say its not enough. There are other issues. We have to play buttigiegs comments today which was a significant walk back. What i said in that comment before i became mayor does not reflect the totality of my understanding then and certainly now about the obstacles that students of color face in our system today. Laura wil real quick, what s he saying . This is why people prefer trump because trump does not walk back on telling the truth. When you break down the family unit which has been done strategically, the children one to the streets. Their idols become cultural icons, people dont know who you are in black america but i bet you they know who all the rappers are. We have cap leaders who have this mind to admit that. We have so many strong black men in black women whether they know me or barack obama or not, whether they are hardworking people, that these kids can look up to. People need to care about these kids, invest in these kids, you dont have to be a cultural icon to do that. If you think thats the only problem is because you have broken families, there are a lot of other challenges, anybody who thinks that is delusional. Laura on that note, happy thanksgiving. Its not delusional to say that. Up next Bernie Sanders tries to prove how vital he is and trump does ruffle some feathers. Raymond arroyo is here next, seen and unseen dont go away. Laura this is really cool. Its a special tuesday edition of our seen and unseen segment where we expose the cultural stories of the day. Baltimore mistreats the first lady, joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo fox news contributor. The president spent some quality time with a few feathered friends and im not talking about pelosi and schiff. Today was the annual president ial turkey pardon. Two birds were flown into d. C. By the National Turkey federation and they were put up at the Willard Hotel when you love to be the maid cleaning up that room . Once again the white house posted stats on the two turkeys and allowed the public to decide which bird should get the pardon . Before the big unveiled, the president used the occasion to pluck his political opponents. Bread and butter have been specially raised by the jacksons to remain calm under any condition which will be very important because they have already received subpoenas to appear in adam schiffs basement on thursday. Unlike previous witnesses you and i have actually met. This is his great weapon politically, his sense of humor. No one can answer, you dont have anyone in the opposing party who can mount that kind of meet him on a level of humor and connect with the audience. In the president got to busine business. Butter, lets talk to you for a second because im going to do something youre going to be very happy about. I wish you a lot of luck, i hereby grant you a full and complete pardon. Thats butter, what happened to bread . I think they fed him to Jerrold Nadler to try to keep him at bay or maybe cohen and the antiterrorism dog had a thanksgiving treat. Laura to the other turkey not get pardon . Im concerned about this. It wasnt there, the other one was not there. It could be grilling in the white house kitchen as we speak. Laura tommy just said hes a backup. Weve got to get going, this is important stuff. I got to tell you about Bernie Sanders. Laura he had a heart scare in october, hes being careful not exerting himself. Now he is showing voters in New Hampshire that he still got the stuff. The 78yearold socialist became the dancing king the other night at the labor solidarity dinner in manchester. At least they had fair warning. Our revolution includes dancing. When it started playing, the revolution began, he did the chacha with a series of supporters and later he tweeted out he was having the time of his life. Since these poll numbers have been eroding in some places and the obama machine is now against him, he might have better prospects over at dancing with the stars. Laura do you think you would get all the opposition that poor sean spicer god . God . I think hes a good dancer, i thought he was very good on his feet, that was the best thing ive seen him do ever. What else do you have . I have to show you the most embarrassing video of the day, embarrassing for baltimore. Today, 2500 high school and middle school kids in baltimore attended a youth summit on opioid addiction and the first lady and tended to talk to them about the opioid epidemic, she was greeted this way. The first lady of the United States of america. [boos] hello everyone. Laura let me say this, these people are so illinform illinformed, im going to put it kindly on this Holiday Season and they are so angry or they are just so brainwashed, whatever the top line is they read on facebook that they dont realize theyre actually helping President Trump and the first lady by their ungracious reaction. If you dont like them, dont vote for him. These are school kids, somebody is prompting, somebody is teaching them that its okay to go out and harassed the first lady this way, im sorry. I would have opposed this if they did it to Michelle Obama or laura bush or any first lady, you want to protest the president . Have at it. Twto he is there to help youn the middle of an opioid epidemic. Evolve and be part of the solution. If we continue to work handinhand, i know we will be able to achieve amazing things. Im fighting for you. Laura i want to say, good for her, she should do more interviews and appearances, every time she does she does so with grace and beauty and this was a wonderful and needed to message. She shows the country what real class is, she should do more interviews and not in any way retreat because of ungracious not that she would but where is principal, or as an adult saying get on stage saying anyone booing, get out. The principal needs to be taught manners and pass it onto their students, it was of noxious and horrible. Laura i see the gentleman on stage before the first lady, he seemed pretty casually dressed, there was a day people would put on a jacket. That was Mark Wahlbergs brother. Laura im glad hes there. Im glad he was there and did a nice introduction but hes pretty cool, get up there and say knock it off. Have a great thanksgiving and well see you on friday for friday follies. You will be hosting for me tomorrow night so everybody to an end to watch raymond, its going to be an awesome show. Next, who in the Democrat Party can really fight warren or aocs view of government, is there Anyone Around who can do it . An allstar panel, tammy bruce, matt schlapp, doug shown dissect the great crackup of the leadersless democrats i am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. At Bass Pro Shops and cabelas im wishin for deals so good theyd make santa jealous. I want the kids faces to light up when the big gift comes out. Can i just say, i want it all . male announcer hurry in for the seasons lowest prices on great gear throughout the store. Like fleece for the whole family for only 10. A redhead washed canvas jacket for under 40. And your choice of a Battery Powered rideon pickup or suv for under 100. Doors open at 5 am. Laura over the past two nights, we have been showing you how the woke activists are ravaging the Democratic Party from within. It begs the question, is there anyone in the 2020 field including bloomberg willing to stand up to the radicals and i mean really stand up to them. Here to discuss his matt schlapp chair of the american conservative union, along with tammy bruce president of the independent womens voice and a host the tammy bruce show, and doug shown, polestar now for 2020 president ial candidate Mike Bloomberg. Youre on with bloomberg, that must be a good payday. If youre going to work for someone. Is a very good guy, an honorable guy and i think a potentially strong candidates. Laura we are going to get to that. Lets talk first about where we stand today. We just finished a segment about Pete Buttigieg walking back or recasting a comment that he made in 2011 about none of role models and difficult neighborhoods, innercity neighborhoods for education, not enough role models. You might as well have thought he was burning crosses on peoples lawns. The reaction to him if hes not able to say look, guys, come on, who is going to stand up to the radicals . He does have a little bit of a fraud history in his own city when it comes to race relations, issues regarding the police this is something that has been out there for him. Of course its a competitive environment cover everybody wants a piece of the ever shrinking pie and yet we see this culturally acrosstheboard, the cancel culture. Even Mike Bloomberg has noted not so long ago that if he were to run for president , he would need to be apologizing for a lot of things. These days sometimes apologies dont work and dont matter. Ultimately it has to come down to the individual who is able to recognize may be why something might upset someone and decide either not to apologize or to stand up for themselves if there is in fact something not to apologize for. I think the American People appreciate that we understand people make mistakes but this is a culture that is not about genuine offense but its about do we accept apologies or do we not . Its going to come up to the individual having the strength, like President Trump in acknowledging who he is and not apologizing for it. Laura i think people are tired of the perpetual apologi apologies. Bloomberg decided, he made a decision he was going to apologize for stop and frisk. He did that saying he didnt have all the information, it wasnt the right thing. And as i predicted, al sharpton comes along and says thats basically all well and good, im paraphrasing. He has a lot of other work to do to prove his bona fides, Mike Bloomberg has to prove himself to al sharpton, thats the part its going to be trumped . I dont think Mike Bloomberg has to prove himself to anyone whether as a businessman, a political leader, a mayor, a philanthropist. Hes done an enormous amount of good and hes a man of firm worldviews. Laura stay on the question, youre not on the table with me tonight, youre representing bloomberg, i ask you a specific question, the question as he comes out and feels the need to apologize after being mayor for all those years, he comes out to apologize. And then they say thats not enough, give him an inch, take a mile, he wants more and more, thats with the left has become, its never good enough. I apologize, let me be clear. The fact that sharpton attacked bloomberg who has worked with constructively in new york, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, the whole left in personal terms because of his desire to get his worldview out is i think a great mistake and tragedy for a party that needs to be unified and not divided. Mayor bloomberg has nothing to apologize to come up to al sharpton, to Elizabeth Warren, or Bernie Sanders other than hes an extraordinary man with an extraordinary record he may well differ with them on some ideas but goodness gracious, we need to come together as a party. Laura they have been trashing the billionaire class, i dont care how they vote, the billionaires are the problem and Elizabeth Warren is now planning a massive expansion of government, watch. I want structural change in this economy. 2020 is our time in history. Our time to win the fight for a Green New Deal and save our planet, our time to win the fight for medicare for all and save our people. Laura no recession in sight, people are predicting a bigger year next year than the past year which was unbelievab unbelievable. Many of the policies of the left, most of them are talking about, they are actually not very popular with the American People. The question is if Mike Bloomberg does whats good for the party and bring some common sense back to the table, hes got zero chance to get the nomination. Thats a conundrum he is in. Laura hes in a trick box here and i want to go back to tammy, its a tough place to be. You have a rapacious left, a ravenous left and you have the more moderate people in these swing states im not aoc. God bless her, its not who i am. This is where the polls stand today. Headtohead and people throw those to the side. This is quinnipiac, november 26, biden has retaken the lead after warren has dropped. Buttigieg has gone up six points, the crowd didnt seem all that thrilled with warren in New Hampshire, they had to beg them to stand up. What do you make of this . Biden is back at. That is a national poll, hes not going to win on a national boat. As Elizabeth Warren losing half of her support . I think people didnt appreciate the nature of this medicare for all proposal, i think he knows hes not going to win the nomination. Maybe he imagines himself having enough of the super tuesday states, anything is possible because you are right, theres no one who is going save the party. The grassroots democrats dont necessarily know what to do. But he changed votes for everyone and hes focusing on super tuesday. Laura doug, hillary and bloomberg im willing to bet everything i have. Put it all on red. I dont think youre going to lose your money. Laura thank you. Brokered convention. Laura im still waiting for that mcmuffin was going to do the brokered convention. Thanks so much, moments away. Send your comments and questions to ingramangle foxnews. Com extraction power. Easy twist design for ultimate versatility. Multiple speeds for optimum control. Transforming ordinary foods into extraordinary nutrition. From the creators of nutrient extraction, comes next level blending. Introducing the allnew nutribullet blender combo. One blender with endless possibilities. Time again for ingrams inbox, thank you for your sense of humor and laughing at the mad dog democrats, you help keep things at prospective and lord knows we could lighten up a little. We try our best. Here is a message from phil, please stop falling into the liberal trap as referring to President Trump simply as trump. Both you and your guests do it, its a way to delegitimize our president , its not my intention, sometimes we are running out of time but excellent point. Send me thoughts and questions, even video questions. We want to be able to read them on the show. Thats all the time we have tonight, Shannon Bream and the Fox News Night Team take it all from here. Shannon most of my questions are about lip gloss and earrings which im happy to answer. Laura you take care. Shannon welcome to fox news night, im Shannon Bream in washington. We begin tonight with a fox news alert, President Trump fresh off a rally tonight slamming the media, tearing into the House Democrats impeachment inquiry, defending his recent Controversial Military pardons and we also know what steps and when the democrats plan to take on the

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