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Impeachment and wakes up dreaming about it. Thats what im looking forward to. One has to wonder if this is going to be impactful. Laura never doubt the ability of people to fail upwards. We have seen failure where the before. Sean by the way, when you get shown door here, it will happen any day. I been expecting it for three plus years, we get the door here, obviously. Laura we will be on the front lines. Im laura ingraham, and thats the the ingraham angle. A former independent counsel can can star warning tonight that House Democrats are in fact abusing their power to go after drug so why every american should be concerned about the impeachment in moments, plus, california is going from leftist dream to an american nightmare. If youre not going to believe the radical list inflammation. It just signing into law there and whats the real story about hunter biden and china. Michael pillsbury has spoken to communist leaders about the former vp son and is here to fill us all in. But first, sean punish and silence. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Its a strong temptation to just shrug off the significant left would shift of the Democrat Party. Theyre never going to win the white house, its nothing to worry about. Theyve increasingly clear that the fringe is todays Democrati Party and the masks are off there could be nowhere more words, benefits tax rate might break, for any organization that denies the full human rights an full civil rights of every single one of us. We must stand up as a nation to say that it cannot be an excuse to deny People Health insurance, education, or more. This cannot happen. There has to be consequences for discrimination. Where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people. Laura its like one giant echo chamber. A pretty much all the democrats at the cnn equality town hall last week were nodding and their own in agreements. They all have to pass the new democrats in 2020. They do not being the only transparent enough to say it explicitly, but make no mistake about where we are. None of the viable Democratic Candidates will respect religious liberty rights if they in any way conflict with the rapidly evolving secular mindset. As site of views that was once only fashionable among the left and is being gradually embraced and hugged by todays aoc plus three democrat themed party. Translation, if the democrats went to the white house, christian, judean, the muslim institutions that teach, and sexuality will be shunned, punished, and ultimately silenced by government action. Even people will agree with the on the underlying point that conservative black churches, mosques, islamic organizations, and numbers of affiliated they could all lose their status under such a plan. It should be as you best see practice your faith as you best seem that fit but youre not allowed to discriminate against people in this country. Laura so the answer, is yes, moments of candor are all too far and feel. Only when beto saw the potential for the political fallout later on that he try not to walk all that back. Putting out statements. Remember, none of the candidates on stage with him last week they did not object. Again, a big echo chamber of course he is right. What turned out to be a kind of uncannily timed appearance at Notre Dame Law School happen on friday. Attorney general barr warns of the bold new attacks on the bill of rights by the stormtroopers of the secular left. This is not decay, this is organized destruction. Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces, the popular entertainments, on religion and traditional values. Laura it used to be the democrats were all about tolerance. Just going to let you live your lives and let you live our lives and it will all be fine. Liberalism, libertarian, fox is basically agrees that its a punishing banning speech or running roughshod to, it was dangerous. Thats what dictators do. But today, the new people are people of faith or traditional strata who dared to stand afoot a full crowd. The shunning and shaming may not involve a scarlet letter, but the effect is the same. Dont do business with in deplorbles, dont let them into the universities your clubs, or your companies. All must bow to the new secular creed. Those who do defy the creed risk if you go to burning at the states. Social educational and professional ostracism and exclusion wage through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns. Laura barr nailed it. When democrats say they respect the First Amendment rights and religious liberty. They made a similar claim many many times about the Second Amendment. Now there openly talking about the mandatory gun confiscation. Are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work . I am, if its a weapon that was designed to kill people on the battlefield. Yes we are going to take your a 15s and youre ar 47. Laura millions of those taken. Already on the local level, we have seen this aggressive push by the secular fanatics and Public Schools. In orange county, california, of all places, parents were shocked to last year to find out that they couldnt opt out of the controversial gender identity curriculum that they believe was neither ageappropriate or medically accurate. Planned parenthood and finger, other activist groups were all over it parens shared similar stories about the traditional human reproduction curriculum there. Meanwhile, showing about 54 of students in the Santa Barbara School District are actually proficient in englishlanguage and the literacy. Again, therell be no dissent. And religious beliefs do not inflate you. The states are requiring local communities to make your Public Schools inhospitable to families with traditional religious values. Those families are implicitly told that they should conform o leave. Laura no one and the 2020 Democrat Field is Strong Enough to stand up to the secularist radicals. Biden is too wounded to do much of anything and is pandering on face with Anderson Cooper which was an exercise in utter and complete humiliation. Even he had a spoof the candor fest. Know me, i went back on Marriage Equality and whether where illegal, whether, transgender, youre all okay with me. I have some apple slices backstage and theyre hitting me like cooking. I went to harvard but they didnt teach you where to put your arms. Dont think im dodging the question so im going to go now. Laura the democrats have the whole thing before with the move to the left. Think about doing to candidacy, i think it takes eventually another electoral whipping to force the democrats to wake up. They are not most of america is and neither remember the bill of rights protects speech and association and religious rights. They are protected, their inalienable rights. Right now, todays democrats who thought leaders are the socialist squad, they intend to rule you, not represent you. No wonder so many of them seem to have a soft spot for china. China is going to eat our lunch, come on, man. Theyre not bad folks, but guess what, theyre not theyre in competition for us. Laura its a thing called real election. Look, obama didnt much like traditional americans, but he knew at least how to patronize them. His successor is already pretending these days, they want you punished, period. Have a very low regard for people for no hes doing wrong but enabling, they will go down in history as despicable actors. Laura they have to be punished and if they control again, the doj, and all the federal departments and agencies, they will make sure this time that those of you who cling to your guns and religion will pay dearly. Libertarians, youre going to face some hard questions in 2020. Do you think the First Amendment is worth saving . Do you believe that your fellow american should be punished by the government no less just because they dont agree with whatever secularist claim is now mainstream . If the democrats win, given the support that they have from the media and academia in hollywood, it will be nothing to restrain them. Not even the Supreme Court which theyve already threatened to pack anyway. If they dont agree with the secularist collective, they will try to drive you from public life. And destroy you. Submit or be shunned, agree or be abolished. Thats a reality should be at the forefront of voters minds next november. And thats the angle. Here to respond, chairman of the American Conservative Union my fellow of the american principal project, raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. Raymond, the 2020 ban, trying to back away from the freedom statements made, is the strikingly really credible . Im not sure it is, laura, because every one of them supports the equality act. Speaker pelosi proposes last march, essentially, would give a loophole more protection than the Little Sisters, let me qualify that. This is an antidiscrimination that exalts a identity, gender preference, about just about anything else. Its a realworld implications, hospitals that refuse to perform certain gender reassignment surgeries and they could be shut down. Religious grounds, there are no religious exemptions under the equality act. When you talk about orphanages, about kids who think theyre transgender, the parental rights could be taken away from parents if they deny these kids certain hormonal treatments or surgical treatments. As i mentioned, the Little Sisters of the poor, theyve been battling the obama care no legislation just the rule that forced them to deny their own conscience and play for abortions and contraception. Theyre still battling thats in court and obama signed it. Laura this is i want everyone to understand tonight, this is so important i think a lot of people arent covering this, this is actually where theres a real skin in the game. This is not hyperbole. This sounds good to call something equality act, but like so many other pieces of legislation, the euphemistic language doesnt capture whats in the details. What really was was empowerment to the trial to go after the Catholic Church and the Christian Churches and shut them down. Here we are today, where to the point where beto says you cant really be a church if you give discriminate. Thats what he says about what hes mean. What he is hes fine with is discriminating against believers and people of faith in the country, the take away the Tax Exemption to the church and youre not going to allow institutions like the universit of notre dame to receive any kind of federal benefits for th students, thats absolute discrimination. Let me tell you, i see this next campaign, its not about socialism, its about secularism and theres a combination of the two. Socialists, its about the economics. They dont respect your right to have your own beliefs and to make your own decisions. Laura for them, they think your beliefs, its judeo, its christian, its muslim. He was very explicit that, and the beto as an outlier, hes on an outlier. Aoc is as close to being a thought leader is the Democrat Party as there is today. This isnt about the the promotion of secularism, but to be very clear about this, this is canceling christianity. Thats whats going on here. Its canceling traditional values even amongst jewish families, christian families. This goes back interestingly about 2005 and lay consideration. They also responded to a conference at yale, it was called the rehabilitating the constitution and by 2020 it was called constitution 2020, they could range the whole thing, removing the undergirding of what america is. When you thing about what has happened since i conference and what the people that were there and they were in the obama administration, were not coming after your guns. Look at this now. Gay marriage will be the end of it and were not going to go any further. Lie. Laura obama said he was against gay marriage. It was a lie. Do you trust the people who is consistently now lie to you time and time again about incursions into your private life into your childrens lives and into the fact, as raymond was saying earlier, an act that you will have young men running against running track against young girls in school. Laura happening all over high school in connecticut, huge, huge issue. So, again, people want to say we dont like this tweet or that tweet or trumps tone. At some point its a choice between religious liberty, free expression, the First Amendment the entire bill of rights. Were going to get into the next segment, they want to hold a tribunal to pick a president out of office and secrets. It just doesnt make political sense. The democrats, this didnt get covered in august, the Democratic National committee to, they voted on a proclamation to exalt and venerate those with no religious affiliation. Technically people who are agnostic or atheist, or in trumps camp a try win the people over. Instead they built their own wall and its a wall that pushes. Religious people and religious especially for their outside with a consider the mainstream. This is suicide for the Democratic Party. I dont know why they would do this. But supporting the equality act, i dont see how it ends well politically for them in the national race. Laura means that donald trump has to make this a issue, this is women, moms its people across the board. They want to be able to raise their cares but they are told that there are evil and discriminatory and their terrible people and all other things that they are told. And people dont like that, leave me alone, dont cram down your values to me. By the way, cory booker said he would use the federal government to target schools that resist this agenda. Watch. To allow people to use the bathrooms but we cannot stop there. We must use the department of justice and the department of education and Civil Rights Division to go after schools that are denying people equal rights and equal protection. Laura matt, more people are seeing the town hall on the show but its importance, were playing it for a reason. Most people that watch list, this is where the party is going. Using government as a weapon against people. Not to make the peoples lives better. It started with obama, spying on reporters, sending fcc lawyers into newsrooms. It was the d. C. Government asking for the sermons and pastors seeing if there is hate speech and know you have cory booker who is literally running to the president of the United States and hes going to use the doj to against them can people who have the same beliefs that George Washington had and our founders. Laura obama i mean, obama would be considered what today . In this Democrat Party, when he campaigned and when he said. Red state america, blue state, no, no, no, they want to just be blue state america. Red state america, if you die of opiate addiction, thats too bad we dont care about you. You Greta Thunberg approved paper straw pea shooter and in instead of a gun to take out home invaders. Laura there is dishonest moments in the media, this is one of them, Elizabeth Warren had a viral moments at last weeks town hall after an audience member asked this question. The supporter approaches you and said my senator, im oldfashioned and they teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman, whats your response . Im going to assume its a guy that said that, and im going to say, just marry one woman. Assuming you can find one. Laura i mean, raymond, turns the question are of course, he knew it was choreographed, it was so obviously planned. Someone named morgan actually is a big warren donor. Hes reached the legal max twice for the campaign of warren and her president ial campaign. They pulled out the little scheme and cnn, they know about it was a huge response, but let me lay it out they think. Theres a rich religious to social network in this country. They serve the homeless, they pay educational leader, and hospitals, we are risking shutting all of those down. Orphanages have already gone out of business, hospitals are endangered, i just read the case, a man identifying as a woman wanted access to a womans homeless shelter they turn him down. He continually suing him trying to get access to the place. What you think theyre going to eventually do, either shut down or give up because of the litigation . This is what the quality act this is what the equality act could lead us to. It could lead us to. Its a bad end. Laura across the board, this conversation is critical for the election next year. These are the issues that must not be skirted. People have the guts to talk about them and they go right to parental rights. Guys, thank you so much tonight. Coming up, House Democrats continue conduct their impeachment probes behind closed doors. G. O. P. Lawmaker tried to figure out what they were up to but he was probably kicked out of the hearing. Ken starr responds to exactly what that means. What are they trying to hide . Next. Adam schiff trying to run a kangaroo court. Why is he continuing to limit access to members of congress. Laura that was congressman matt gaetz after adam schiff kicked them out from impeachment hearing today. He tried to sit in of the Security Council on russia which was being held of course behind closed doors. But having one republican sit and on the secret hearing proved to be too much for adam schiff. We want to make sure that the investigation and not to give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases, fabricate a testimony to suit their interests. Laura oh, is that its, adam . Joining us now, ken starr, andnd former doj prosecutor, another day and another closeddoor hearing. Should americans be worried here . About how any political party, this happens to be the democrats this time. This time, ten hours of testimony. There should be deep concerns. In america, we do not believe in secret trials. Remember, guantanamo and the cries, we need to open these things up that involve national security. We are now talking about the fundamental and political act or attempt, to remove a president of the United States. If there were ever a need for governments, pick up all the acts that are designed to allow the American People to have information. Its we the people, those are the words of the preamble, its a constitutional affront that this process continues, not adam schiff, its the speaker of the house, and its very unorthodox. Laura these legal experts, the last four or five days have been saying, well, this just constitutional pe this is not constitutional prerogative. At the house can determine its own rules to proceed for impeachment. While the president might indicate that should be a little bit more open may be vote, hes complained about procedures are not constitutionally grounded. To what you say . Its a little cavalier, the constitution doesnt spell out every nook and cranny and how youre supposed to conduct yourself. I think the Founding Fathers had some crazy notion to operate in good faith and we be sparing and our approach we had people ofpo good judgment like this guy, judge starr who would know some thing about impeachment that would be the show, because they know this advocates of the moments and the importance of what they are doing. It cries out for transparency in comparison to what we see with schiff. Or laura chad, are reporter on capitol hill is saying that who is formally with an nsc staff said there was concern and alarm about efforts to press you ukraine into investigating bide and that these alarms were raised with nsc lawyers. She testified for ten hours and her testimony is leaking out of what they claim is like a grand jury. Do grand jurys traditionally have such leaks as these . No, absolutely not. Its a crime for a federal grand jury. A witness can go out and testify or to make comments, hold press conferences, and so forth. H. But, no, the prosecutor in the grand jurors are sworn to secrecy. That is overwhelmingly honored and our system. Se i know this all too painfullyve well because i was accused, our team was accused of leaking grand jury information. We were called to give accounts and we are exonerated. Secrecy has a place in american criminal justice. This is not a criminal process. This is the ultimate kind of Political Action where the house of representatives. Think about some of the house of representatives, 435 of them, none of this has been authorized in the traditional way. Namely, lets have a debate on the floor of the house so that the American People can watch d and come to their own views and lets have about. If that called basic accountability. I think its an abuse of power by the speaker of the house of representatives. Laura theyre hiding the transcripts, they do not want theau transcript out. They will leak, oh, they were alarmed. The former bush nsc person who was on for sometime in the trump administration. They were alarmed. Thats the only thing people thhere. Without a transcript, you cant really test the proposition, who is alarmed about what. Nor can you test motivation. He spoke out about this today. Lets watch that actually. The testimony, if you actually believe we should treating this as grand jury testimony, you shouldnt be leaking and cherry picking any fact that you think can fit your narrative. Chairman schiff, release the outranscripts. Dont give me the grand jury b. S. Because you are leaking any information that you fit to spun positively. It is fiction. Cherry picking is the exact right word, he has a history of verdict first, evidence later and thats how he conducted himself. If we dont agree my rules, whatever they may be, thats article of impeachment. The history of where this is going is horrifying in terms of the precedent of this is that. Laura the things thats been broughthi up over the last i find it hilarious, oh, the white House Counsel clearly prepares this letter with input from the president. Okay. So, first of all, first of all, they would know any of that and its all made up. Why is that another absurd point . Of course, not addressing any factual points, but no, from the letterpo of the white House Counsel, why this investigation and impeachment investigation sewas invalid. But why is that point more evidence that they are on thin, thin ground here . The democrats. Because its preposterous. He is a great lawyer, but he has a client and the client is the president of the United States. Obviously, he doesnt send, well, heres my view. Hes consulting with his client the president. Its outlandish and overthetop. One final point i would make, i dontt see a transcript. The great engine for truth ever invented and then american system is cross examination, as well as a public trial. Witness credibility, jim can speak to this, we want to get the witness on the stand under oath and have crosshe examinati. Then we can come to the own conclusions. Laura they say will do that, thats what they will say. They have done their damage in the house proceedings with cherry picked info. Laura they have that and he goes down in history as the impeached president , thats what they want and its all about 2020. Thank you so much, great to see you both tonight. Ahead, to get a sense of where the left wants to take us, just look at california. Dont put Law Enforcement at risk, but, law can impact your kids as well. Hunter biden disassociated himself in the whole story. We will ask explain it though. Next. Laura ive been warning you, laura ive been warning you, that the governments are becoming the party of lawlessness and disorder, especially in california. Case in point, the l. A. P. D. , announcing yesterday they cut back onun random traffic stops. This comes after months of pressure activists and Los Angeles Times reports the practice is racist. Joining me now, former l. A. P. D. Detective. Mark, what kind of message does a sense of the police on the front line . Its interesting, laura, whea you Read Everything and all the statistics, nobody actually even addresses what the crime problem is that actually is creating the need for metro to go into a division. We are not talking aboutro the crimes, or the description of the suspects. When i hear random traffic stops, i dont even know what that is. Every traffic stop needs probable cause to actually stop that vehicle. Whether its a traffic violation, and equipment violation, it looks like a vehicle that was used in a crime, or the suspects, or the people in the vehicle look like the suspects or being involved in the crime. Need some thing. What is random . I have no idea. Laura the statistics of violent crime. 2017, you 29,661 violent crime. By 2018, it was 22,000, 632. Looks like its going in the right direction. Already in 2019, 21,717. I mean, that is kind of wild. We have a problem with mass homelessness, we have a problem with drug legalization. Everything that is fond. The policefo are telling me the drug legalization has been a now we have this. Its activists who claim nightmare for them. Discrimination based on, i guess, ultimately the results of probable cause stops. Well, they want you to believe that, but they are not bringing you the statistics across the states and all across the city and across the county of los angeles. Br who is committing the crimes and what kind of crimes . When youre talking about violent crimes, who is those crimes . What race, what sex, what age group . That is your target when you go into a division when youre trying to suppress crime when youre blanketing an area and trying to suppress crime, youre trying to identify the violators and creates a Intelligence Network of who is on the street and documents where they were and when. This is police work and somehow, the state of california wants the police work to stop. They want everything to be just rosy but they dont want everybody to have to do anything that mightst look ugly. But police work is ugly sometimes and thats the way it is. Laura i think signed a bill saying people dont have to help Police Officers. You dont have to assist a Police Officer in need in a situation. You know, laura laura its all feeling really wrong to me. Across the board. Its an effort to be politically correct when you look at the numbers from 2015 to 2018, the share of black driver stopped stopped and l. A. By the specialized metro drivers doubled their share of the population. They take the statistic, hard to see it there, you take the statistic and it doesnt look good. From the numbers protective. Laura, laura, that statistic is clear completely flawed. They take the entire city of los angeles and then they concentrate the stops that are created in South Los Angeles in the very heart of where they have a crime problem where there might a be 75 or 80 black. So, if youre looking0 for blak suspects, you should stop black suspects. Were not going to let this go because this is going to be the raging debate and people will suffer because of these stupid decisions. Mark, thank you very much, speaking of california, very business under minding the second moment. Friday, he signed a sweeping gun control measures and making it easier for the state toep confiscate peoples firearms. Coming to estate near you if th democrats that same day, he sent a bill win in november. Requiring abortion bill took students on campus. All right, dan, i would say you want to see with the Democratic Party is headed it over country is headed under their leadership, look at aoc plus three or california. Am i wrong there . No, youre not, i feel bad for some of the good conservatives who live in california. N i gave a speech out there a little while ago, and it was packed. There really being screwed, its become an incubator for stupidity. You want to really dumb policy thats no basis, you look at california and new york and im sure will throw one at you. This gun control policy, california, what evidence do they have that any of this is goingg to work . Listen, im prolife from conception to natural steps, but i get there other people have differences of opinion. I think they are wrong and they probably im wrong. Give me one reason i should fund the termination of life in the womb because you feel differently than i do. Its like i should fund a gun program to put every gun in t america, liberals would laugh at me. Its just a crazy policy. Laura ethan, thoughts on this. Its wrong, and the firearms the injury lower than the tight gun control, like its dramatically lower than the loose gun law states, of course california leads the way and saying, theyey set it forth with justice writing and Section Three that the Second Amendment was not a unlimited rights. On the topic of abortion, its only good for the first ten weeks. If this is back to roe v. Wade, the first trimester, the woman has the right to control their own body. Ac look, if you want to cut down on the abortions, support me and saying we need contraceptives to bebe more freely and readily available. So we can say, reducing the abortion rate is tied in. In. Laura ethan, you have any concern about religious or conscious rights in the Democratic Party . We started out the show by talking about that given betos comments and colleges, religious institutions, if they run afoul against whatever the secular mindset of though momentous, they could lose their taxexempt status. Do you agree with that . Heres the deal, im a religious person, i belong to a congregation, my family is. Beto did not say, if you believe something, youre going to lose your tax exempt status, he said if youre going to operate in the public space of getting jobs. Laura so does the Catholic Church, so, dan, is the Catholic Church or the orthodox church, the mosque, if they refuse to hire a transgender person . They will be sued and they will not stop until they have to change their policy, by later violate their content, or shut down. Its a stroke of brilliance there, youre allowed to think religiously, but god forbid you practice it. I love how i didnt interrupt you now, so please let me talk. Okay, thank you very much. I love how he skirts over the fact that cities have stricter gun laws, he aggregates the data at the state, cities that have strict gun laws like chicago, l. A. , new york and d. C. Have become blood baths. He wants the data completely, oak, dont worry, playing for a tax player, theres no big deal, because its only 11 weeks old. No big deal, he skirts over all that completely and never actually gets to the question. Nice liberal trick. Nice job. They do it right, quite well. Laura speaking as a former embryo tshirt, obviously, religious institutions are not happy about this. But, ethan, do you think the democrats are on a fine line and walking a fine line on this issue of the First Amendment, religious liberty, free expression, when it comes to these types of threats that we siare hearing coming from the me prominent thought leaders of the Democratic Party . Yes or no . Yes, i believe liberty is very important in the country. Again, i corrected you on that beto statements, i think theres a difference. Yes, there are things that are happening that always worry me that the pendulum swings one way or the other, we need to be careful of that we have to respect people who choose not to follow religion and who choose to be atheist, choose to be laura to go to our church is. They dont have to go to our churches. They can go to we dont care. We are not forcing our views on you, but the other way around, theyre forcing our views on us. Thats the problem. The department did today, on the front page of the department, disagreeing with ads, christian leader from secretary pompeo. Thats not right either. Laura great to have you both on. And anyways, whats the business of hunter biden and china . Bringing us the details, next. D china . Bringing us the details, here, it all starts with a simple. Hello hi how can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Laura new insight into hunter biden deep ties to communist china. The son of the 2020 democratic candidate joe biden is stepping down from the board of directors of a Chinese Private equity firm amidst conflict of interest allegations. But reporting that hunter biden did not invest in bhr partners b directly rather Chinese Business records reveal a Company Called skaneateles llc, which hunter biden controls. Hes not stepping down from the board, hes personal stake in the Company Still remains. So joe biden on the controversy enveloped the daily press act and he claimed he had nothing to do with his sons decision. I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, had a conversation with my son about anything i was doing. If i am your president s, next president , im going to build on the squeaky clean, transparent environments that we had in the Obama Biden White house. No one in my Family Associated with me will be involved in any foreign operation whatsoever. Laura oh, my gosh, this is like a comedy hour with joe. Joining me now, Michael Perry michael pillsbury. The director of the center for chinese strategy, hudson institute, author of the book. Michael, a few years ago you had some interesting conversations with chinese officials about a lot of these issues that are currently swirling. C its in my book, senator joe biden at the time, he was kind ofof a mystery becae he has a long reputation on china. I felt quote from him on my book where he calls china a rogue elephant among the nations. Neverat you should support free trade with china unless they had better policies. So, human rights, trade, military expansion laura like where we are now. I traveled with him around europe, he seemed like a regular Foreign Policy guy to me. Laura what change . I did not understand that the time that the chinese were telling me and 2012, 2013, thank god, you know, joe biden has changed his mind. He softening obama. Hes a friend of china inside the white house, this Vice President. And like an ancient Prime Minister who was corrupted somehow. I thought it was strange, i cant remembern who told me th. Laura he was corrupted at some point. Joe biden went to meet a china friend. Theyree not an adversary. Its strange things, the Vice President all around america. He takes him all around china. Joe biden makes the speech in australia. America spent the most time, he changes the view on the dalai lama, used to be prodalai lama and for us with him. When obama meets the dalai lama, biden is not there. He changes the number of policy years, starts making prochina speeches. I didnt know until Peter Schweizers book came out, laura, talking about the 1. 5 billion that President Trump calls the payoff. I did not understand, maybe maybe its just joe biden changes mind on china. Maybe there is a connection. Thats a mystery. Laura you recently tried tory raise the issue of hunter biden with the chinese. No, i raised the issue of the biden family. Laura no pressure was put on you to go to china or hong kong to try to get information on the biden investigation or lack of investigation . Thats what the leftwing press is trying to laura theyre trying to discredit you, thats what they try to do, everybody that works with trump is a terrible awful person. No, it in the Mainstream Media is doing any work on hunter biden except post piece interview with him on nbc. Laura its a done deal, conspiracy theory, but you are apparentlyly fishing around for information. I wasnt, i was in hong kong and i stoppedr over one half a day on the way back to see American Ambassador and embassy. I did not see any chinese officials at all. All of a sudden, theres a headline on rolling stone, and pillsbury got intelligence about the biden family. Laura part of the smash campaign. Dont they have some good writers, i guess, but its a smash. Theres no real effort. I have to say, there is new news that came out about the extent of the money that the nba is making with a china connection. 1. 5 billion in revenue from the 0. 10 social media streaming of nba games. We learned about the protection racket thats going on in the nba with china no one can criticize and you got to be quiet and no policy. All these guys, all these other players, whats going on . Looks like an operation going on. They spend lots of money and big targets with a Vice President biden, or nba, this is a topic of the institute of independent scholar study last year. Just how clever china is. Nd just the money to influence people. Laura cultural, educational, acrosstheboard, the confucius institute, all of that, goes very deep. We have now learned how business came to china. Mike, thank you so much. Laura time for the last bite. An irish man of his friends and loved ones with a message from beyond the grave. Well, watch. Hello matt hello. And loved ones with the message from grave. Hello . Hello . Thats all the time we have tonight. He was dying to make them laugh at the very end. The fox news at night team take it all from here. Thats totally something my dad would shannon that is totally something my dad would have done. I can appreciate the fact that she was quite the prankster. I thought it was classic. Shannon we begin with a fox news alert. Growing criticism of democrats closeddoor tactics as they brought me impeachment inquiry, some morning adam schiff and others they really helping make the president s case that it is nothing but a rigged game. And joe

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