Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190824

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Entire life, including other cancer diagnoses, incredibly strong. Were rooting for her speedy recovery and wish for her family and loved ones as theyre with her by her side. This will naturally set the political chattering class on another fight on what could be another potential Supreme Court justice nomination fight and she would have to leave the court for health reasons, what would happen. Here to talk about this, what might lie ahead, gael trotter, crisis network, spokesperson, gael, your thoughts on this. We all hope. Shes gone through cancer bouts before. Shes at a play the next week. Shes amazing. What do you think about how this would implicate the political debate going to the 2020 contest thats sure to be a dragout fight . Were praying for her good health. As you mentioned, shes inspired a lot of people for her amazing spirit of perseverance as shes battled these medical challenges before. Whats disconcerting and worrisome is that the left has created such an unhinged response to the nomination sites. The left has gone further to the left of justice ginsberg. She has called them out. She said she would like to see the nomination process and confirmation process be less politicized, less ideological. And she has spoken up and defended justice kavanaugh, the most recent victim of this type of smear. Laura in fact, ginsberg spoke out recently about the democrats threat to pack the court, in other words expand from 9 to a large number of justices, why . There is no fixed number in the constitution, so this court has had as few as five and as many as 10. Nine seems to be a good number. Its been that way for a long time. Laura that was a few days before her july 31 diagnosis of the malignant tumor and she gave an interview. But, even shes hitting back on them. She is. Shes right. She has really called out the left for their tactics. We saw that your former boss, justice thomas, we saw it with judge fork, we saw an attempt to do it with judge aleto, even Justice Gorsuch had a lot of smears against them. As were thinking of the vacancy process, its not just about the Supreme Court, it also this past week has gone down to the district court. We saw Rachael Maddow trying to smear steve minashee for things he had written. Laura we saw that. If people dont know, we have 11 courts of appeals across the country. But people dont realize those fights are theyre important. Theyre not the Supreme Court, theyre important. Theyre smearing people. We have to say schumer has said, gail, dont bring even think about bringing all Supreme Court nominee in an election year. The republican colleagues in the senate should follow the rule they set in 2016. Not to consider a Supreme Court justice in an election year. Mcconnell said basically watch us. What do you think would happen . It prompts responsibility to nominate for any judicial way vacancies while hes president. Its the congress, the senates job whether or not to take it up and vote to confirm or not to confirm. Laura Patrick Burne resigned amid ties to the russian probe an affair with a russian agent which he said was ordered by a fired fbi agent, peter struck. We had an intellectual relationship, i was given a green light to meet her again. She turned that to a physical relationship. Laura Trace Gallagher is in the west coast newsroom with all of the detail, trace . Patrick byrne found in overstock. Com in 1999 its a 2 billion business. Two days ago byrne went public with claims hes been involved with the trump investigation and the Hillary Clinton investigation, his stock dropped 36 . He said he resigned as ceo for the good of the company. But he maintains that his federal agents called men in black was good for the country. Watch. I was given some fishing orders. And i carried them out thinking that in 2015, 2016, i was thinking i was conducting law enforcement. Dont say the fbi. The fbi is barely involved in this. Yet byrne told mccall lineup he was given orders by fbi director james comey and mccabe and struck who was later fired for a series of antitrump texts he sent to an fbi employee he was having an affair with. Period struck, its been confirmed to me that my instructions came from peter struck. Hes not commented. James comey says the claims are ridiculous and byrne wouldnt elaborate on giving specifics on what instructions he was given. But he says the men in black did point him to maria butina, the woman who pled guilty to being an unregistered russian agent. His lawyer accused him of starting a manipulative relationship with her. But he wanted men in black to approach the people in the Trump Administration. It was all 100 . They knew she was trying to approach. Her instructions were to build a contact with anybody in the hillary campaign, cruz, or trump. They knew that because she told me and i let them know. And when byrne indicated this went to the highest levels of government of the cia, he was pressed about exactly who. No, no. Forget struck for a moment. I the x, y, and z are actual human beings whose names you know, who are in the obama administration. Guys like straubing and stuff are the boys, the clerks who sent the messages. Wouldnt say x, y, and z, who they are. He said he provided documents to john durham, the u. S. Attorney to the district of connecticut who at the request of bill barr is now looking to the origins of the mueller probe. Laura its getting interesting. Thank you so much. Getting interesting. Here now to respond is robert driscoll. He was the attorney for the russian spy who is right in the middle of the story. Attorney, trump 2020 Advisory Board member and the former Deputy Assistant director of counterterrorism for the fbi. I know its a sensitive subject but what can you tell us that we havent heard. The timeline is right. There was a relationship that started at freedom fest in 2015 and continued right up until the time she was arrested a few months before that. And so to the extent i know the story sounds crazy. But to the extent it intersects with maria, its consistent and can be verified through her. As to what the contacts are for the government, my main concern as her defense lawyer is hes told me that he gave the government exculpatory information saying hes concerned about her, concluded she wasnt a spy, concluded she was an honest person trying to do what she was trying to do as a student and conveyed it to the fbi. And if its a 302, it should have been turned over laura this is the brady rule for the law geeks out there, wannabe. So the brady rule requires the prosecutor to give to the defendants team all exculpatory information. Now, byrne is saying that peter strauck was in the middle of this. This went to the highest levels, comey, mccabe, on down. This is wild. I have a full declaration of what i know. Ive known Patrick Byrne since our first week in college. We were both the same class in college. I know him i dont keep in touch with him. But to me its the appearances on television were pretty interesting. Hes now kind of disappeared. Well get to it later more. Have you heard anything back from the Government Regarding your client who obviously has been convicting in the serving time for her own line of government. I sent a letter raising this issue and asking for the information for durham, horowitz, and the letter of responsibility. A letter back from the Inspector General saying opr will be investigating. The investigation is for opr right now to look if there was any brady material withheld or any misconduct with respect to marias case. Does this surprise you . I know youve known about her relationship with byrne for sometime. But these other elements were going to get to in a minute. Hillarys name mentioned by byrne saying someone might have been trying to blackmail her at some point. Does that surprise you . Its wild. When i spoke with patrick. Its really i got the same reaction three weeks ago, everybody watching cable last night thinking to myself, this is wild. But what always struck me was this guy, what he said about maria was generally accurate. I can vary if most of it. So i have to take it seriously. At least the government should take it seriously. Because what intersects with what i know and what i can prove is generally accurate. Why did they break up . I dont think it was a close relationship. They had common interest and they got together a few times over the years. I wouldnt put it as the love of anyones life. Laura it was romantic. It got serious. There were hotel rooms involved, two room, one room, unclear there . Of course, you are, but, again, i dont think it was the most she was dating someone else. Theres complicating factors. Im not dr. Phil on that front. Laura how credible is this claim, though, that with all of your experience with the fbi specifically comey was the director at the time directed him to have an ongoing relationship with someone they believed was a russian operative. When a gal comes to you from russia and says ive been sent here to make contact and we want to take you to moscow and speak on bitcoin and liberalism, you have to report that. So now the men in black were back in my life. And i was trying to encourage her to have a relationship. Last time i was watching television and congressional hearings, i figured where the orders came from, they came from a guy named period strauk. Carlin, mccabe, comey. Thats who sent the orders. Laura people are watching this going, what . So Patrick Byrne had a lowlevel security clearance. He wanted to keep it. Thats why he reported to whatever person at the fbi he reported to about his relationship or the connection with martina. But comey, mccabe, involvement with strauck. Theyre rejecting the notion saying its ridiculous. The fbi doesnt work that way. Whats the truth here . Does the fbi ever work that way . Sure, in a counterintelligence situation, the fbi would reach out to a former asset for the purpose of understanding in counterintelligence we referred to peoples assets rather than informants. So if they used Patrick Byrne in any capacity before, it would have made sense to reach out to her and ask her to rekindle whatever relationship they had, if they were interested in her, which we knew they were. And there were other things going on in 2015 and 2016. So they could have also benefitted from the idea that if you have, for example, take hypothetically the russian trump investigation, if that was in its early stages and was a preliminary inquiry, then you can actually reach out to a current or former asset like that whereas you would have to get special approval in the preliminary inquiry to reach out and develop a new asset. So, they had a lot of reasons they might have wanted to use them. As far as the part about director comey specifically said something to me or Deputy Director mccabe, Something Like that, that may not be exactly what he meant to convey. I would think that and i watched this interview on television. I think he meant to convey the agents that were talking to him had let him know that these were the people calling the shots. Its all very interesting. Its all kind of if you watched it, its the its another character in this ongoing drama. And harmeed and i both went to the same college. Patrick byrne, i was like what is this . This is bizarre. But it doesnt seem to me to be out of the realm of possibility that strauck and comey, anything they can do at this point to stir the pot. Absolutely, laura, out of these people, some of them are known to be liars. Many of us believe comey certainly lied repeatedly. Thats been found. And mccabe and strauck were fired for lying. Although these characters, this tale is a wild one, i have to say im going to suspend judgment on that as we hear more facts. But robert said this is lining up from the point of view of his client, the brady violations are of a piece of what we heard out of this cast of characters and failure by the doj officials to turn over the information thats exculpatory. So im prepared to believe a lot of this. Some of the details are hazy. A number of different interviews from slightly different facts. I have a question here. Its a bit of an odd timeline, because if strauck and all these guys, comey, they didnt want trump to win, and then why were hearing this stuff about, well, it was an attempt to blackmail hillary. Robert, do you understand that . Do you get that aspect . I do understand that aspect, laura, however, again, this is counterintelligence investigation, there arent any 302s, for example, counterintelligence assets are not reported on 302s, theyre reported on memos and what we used to call inserts. So theyre not the same kind of they dont have the same kind of oversight that you would think is that you would see in the criminal field. Who knows . As was just said, theres a question of all of the characters in this play and nothing about his interview bothers me at all. It all seems pretty reasonable. What im going to say, the threeoff, i hope john durham in connecticut, i hope this is all part of the effects that hes going through. All of this seems too bizarre and too convenient and a lot of these explanations. I appreciate it all. Makes it clear, he would not stand for chinas trade war retaliation. The biggest misconception of the tariff tip and why the left should be more concerned about china in 2020. Laura President Trump punching back at china after the country announced it will impose 75 billion on u. S. Tariffs on u. S. Goods and resume taxing automobiles. Before the president leaves for the important g 7 meeting, he tweeted, we dont need china and better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by china from the u. S. After the decades will stop. Our Great Companies are hereby ordered to look for an alternative to china including bringing the Companies Home and making their products in the usa. The ceo of nucor steel, dan damico whos been raising the red flag of warning about china for years and years. Dan, i think its important. Everybody focused on the daily fluctuations in the market to walk through some of the Common Misconceptions about this larger trade issue with china. First, most important, the claim that the trade war is dragging down the economy. South bend mayor and renowned trade expert, Rhodes Scholar pete budigeig said this. Its fools error to make china get the fundamentals for the tariffs. Were paying the costs of the tariffs. Were going to see more in the price of the consumer goods. What of that, dan, this is devastating. 75 billion in new tariffs, we only we only sold, what, 150 billion a year to china. They sold us 550 billion. So what is budigeig talking about . He doesnt know what hes talking about, to be honest with you. Its unfortunate for someone who says he wants to be president of the United States doesnt understand how serious this battle, the existential battle it is we are having with china. The fundamental issues that weve been talking about that the administration has been working on to get china to change its cheating ways, its string of broken promises to the world on how it would conduct its economy over the years, its really sad someone like that thinks they should be president of the United States. As far as tariffs increasing the prices to consumers, theyve been yelling that chicken little stuff for two years. And inflation has gone nowhere. No basis in facts. The number of studies, theres been little impact on the consumer. Ceos have talked about that, including the walmart ceo an the former ceo. Laura and target too. We have a 20 trillion economy. 20 trillion. So, no one loves these ups and downs in the market. They could be unsettling. They can have an effect over time. But this is a very small percentage of the overall record. And even 2 u. S. Economy since the start of the year has continued to be favorable. Business manufacturing weaken but solid job growth rising wages have been driving robust consumption, supporting growth overall, dan. China, germany, and the overall Global Economy is slowing. But the u. S. Outlook remains strong. Thats from jerome powell. So how can this trade stuff be what can we do . We have to let china cheat and cheat. I agree. No sense to it. No common sense to it. Doesnt connect on the dots at all. The fact is what President Trump is saying is listen, i ran on getting the economy growing at 3 to 4 . Now weve got an economy thats growing at 2 to 3 . But thats not what we want. And so in order for us to be able to achieve the kind of growth that our people and our citizens and our country deserve, weve got to stop the trade cheating by china. Weve got to stop their manipulation. Weve got to stop the economic and military aggression. We can no longer sit by and let them take advantage of those. I think trump is being moderate on trade. I think we should decouple from china. I think we should disengage from china. We should treat them like we treated the former soviet union and some point the dalai lama can come back and they released all of the muslims in their province that are imprisoned and they stop cheating, maybe then well reengage. Thats how president ingrahams administration would go. I would be happy to be your Vice President and reenforce that. Laura i love it. Got it, dan. Okay, the second claim, trumps not showing the leadership he needs in the fight against this china cheating and trade issue. Cnns david gergen made this claim. Here we are in what amounts to a full scale trade war with china and the relationship is deteriorating. Thats threat tong the economy and to the future leadership in the world. Laura whos going to want to be the next president . Trump or biden . I think its chairman chi who wants to be the next president. Laura its ludicrous on its face. We finally have a flowing but still we had robust growth. We have rising wages, we have that under trump. He says we need better leadership, to do what . What is wrong with you . Lets talk about the leadership issue . Lets say hes not being a leader. This is ridiculous. Hes the leader we need. Hes taking on china where no other president has. Laura thats the economy and the g 7. I will answer every question with what are we doing that germany, england, france, ita italys government is busting up. We are doing something right. And they are doing a lot wrong. Hes being a true leader and i know something about leadership throughout my career. Hes being a real leader, fighting for this country, fighting for its citizens. And ill share one other thing with you. Behind the scenes, behind closed doors, global World Leaders are saying thank god President Trump is finally taking on china. Laura they dont have the guts to and we dont have the money to pay them off. Thats my point. We dont have the extra cash to force germany and france to do the right thing. Dan, thank you so much. Weve been wanting to have you on for sometime. We really appreciate it. More than happy to come on any time. Laura fantastic. You take care. What is this retaliatory action by china really all about . The story garners little coverage at the time. A few weeks back, bill gertz at the washington time, the free beacon accomplished this saying china covertly subverting trumps reelection. Inside he revealed china is conducting aggressive influence campaign designed to block trump in 2020 according to a dissident chinese billionaire who until recently was close to chinese senior leaders. The coauthor of the forthcoming book, china and the west. Why isnt the left alarmed by the real attempt to meddle in our election . Theyre putting a bet on china helping joe biden become president. The chinese used to think say a year ago that trump would get a second term. They began to make serious concessions, thats why this 150page trade agreement was as good as it was as the president said until they reneged. So their hope is now theyve got to somehow defeat trump themselves. Go it to make sure that biden gets in. The president said this now several times. People think hes joking when they said they just want sleepy joe instead of me. Laura thats obvious. I dont think hes joking. I think he has reason to believe that the chinese really think that. I talked to the president quite recently. He told me they have Wishful Thinking about american politics. They somehow think they can just wait him out. I think what were seeing today is its not true. Hes going to be tougher and tougher on them until they at least get back to what they were may 1. Laura we have a situation where china, now, is reaching to Australian University to subvert students rights in in australia. Chinese students who were studying abroad, supporting hong kong. I mean, if we have an enormous population of Chinese Students here in the United States. They had a lot of them working at research universities, a lot of concern about that. But chinas influence now through social media. Paying off through social media to push the antitrump stuff up too. That came up this week. This is real. Theyre still talking about hes a Foreign Agent of russia, john meechum and joe scarborough. This is not a real this is not a paper tiger, its a real tiger in beijing. The size of their economy is enormous compared to the soviet union. Theyre 14 trillion, were 19 trillion. In the case of soviet union, they never got to 10 of our gdp size. Heres somebody already 2 3 of the way. They grow three times faster than we do. So our doom of becoming a chinese colony is clear, its a question of how much time until trump began to fight back. One of these other issues that i want to get to, another misconception about trade is that its all hurting our exports. Well put up the full screen here. But, as we can see, our exports in the first half of 2016 is you know, over a trillion, theyve gone up 200 billion, january to june of 2019. Both our exports, even with the strong dollar, and our all of our imports and exports, look, thats january, june 2015. Then the next, 2019. So, 200 billion. So, thats the maybe the idea that its killing our trade. Now, we have some stuff going on with china. If they cared about it, why dont they pass the u. S. Mca. If they care about the trade situation, wheres the push for u. S. Mca . Well, i think one of the things that the chinese have that the president told me is Wishful Thinking about. They think the u. S. Congress is not really concerned about china, not to mention the mca. Thats not true. A lot of initiatives are coming out of the congress. Marco rubio, the bipartisan support, wants the Technology Czar in the white house to stop this flow of technology to laura every dollar we give to trade surplus they use it to buy guns or weapons that could be used against us or our allies in the future. I dont see how to engage with china at this point. I say get back to us. More pain inflicted on the chinese economy than our own economy. Laura joe biden said we need to use different tactics. I like the flipflop on the transalantic partnership. Hes against it now. Laura yes, he flipped. I hope you have the tissues ready. Plus, hollywood is still in bed with red china. Raymond arroyo is here, all of the details in the special edition of the ingraham angle next. Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. President trump will depart from the g7 summit in france moments from now. The president is meeting with the closest allies and trading partners comes amid an escalating trade war between the u. S. And china and the Global Economic jitters. It follows President Trumps decision to cancel a visit to denmark after a spat with denmarks Prime Minister over greenland. North korea firing two short ranged Ballistic Missiles to the sea of japan earlier tonight. The north conducted at least seven such missile testings since july. The latest Missile Launch comes days after the u. S. And south korea and annual military exercises. The drills are an invasion rehearsal. Back to the ingraham angle. Laura its friday. It means its time for oh, friday follies time. Movie stars to defend the regime where she displayed Justin Timberlake song a little too seriously and an optical illusion swamps the internet. All of the details. Ramon arroyo joins us from hollywood. All right. Tell us how the celebrities are being deployed to defame these protesters in hong kong. Laura, its chinese celebrities. It started last week when crystal yifi liu, the star of the new live action film mulan, she reposted the name from the communist party mouthpiece, the peoples daily, translated to english, it said this, i support the hong kong police. You can attack me now. And now she accompanied that with a heart emoji and a flexed arm and in english, what a shame for hong kong. This is a major actress there. Last week, supporters of the hong kong protest called for a boycott of mulan. The media rushed in to defend the actress saying how can you boycott mulan, its about an independent brave woman. Forget the brutal treatment of the protesters, they deployed native jackie chan. He says, appearing on China Global Television that i feel pride in being chinese wherever i go, the fivestarred red flag is respected everywhere around the world. Hong kong and china are my birthplaces and my home. China is my country. I love my country. I love my home. I hope that hong kong can return to peace soon. So, laura, hes taking the side of the of the government over the protesters as well. Now, you think his colleagues here in holly wooled would be all over it raising voices against the human rights abuses of china or the religious abuses, theyre too busy sounding an alarm of a different kind. This is an emergency announcement. Did yall know that the amazon has been burning for weeks and were just now hearing about this . The amazon is the largest rain forest on the planet earth. And it contains 20 of the worlds oxygen. The fires are burning at one of the fastest paces in years. We only have one planet and we have to take care about it. Whats happening to earth and see how you can help. Leo dicaprio along with madonna said the lungs of the earth are in flames. We have no problem with people protesting environmental damage, but hollywood to my eye are engaging in an easy protest. Its a protest that doesnt cost them anything unlike the hollywood protesters. That would cost them a lot. Laura how much money would they lose in the pox office in china. The chinese masters in the entertainment industry, that whole story is outrageous. Theyre talking about human rights and all of different issues here. But we have real sub jew gags of real people in china. You think its not even happening. Unbelievable. Like the people in hong kong and the chinese mainland, hollywood is censored and repressed too. They only let afew films go to the Mainland China in those theaters. Theyre willing to swallow the oppression for a dime laura when spielberg does a movie on mao, ill be impressed. Lets do one on them and really what happened . What do we have . The president issued a protest of a different type this week, laura, when he reacted to a press conference by rashida talib. She lamented not being able to visit her grandmother in israel even after the government gave her permission to do so. Talib with the tears, all of a sudden, she starts with the tears, the tears. I dont buy it. So, i thought the president might have been going too far here. We did digging. And apparently she does employ tears regularly. Watch . I watched as my mother had to go through dehumanizing check poin points mr. Chairman it needs to be noted into record, ice agents even though they told us not to speak to them too, remember that . The president junction at a juxtaposed the behavior you saw there with the behavior at one of the Campaign Events a few years ago. You should see the horrible things that talib said about israel. Ive seen her at very vicious moods at my campaign raillis before she was a congresswoman. I said, who is that . I saw a woman violent and vicious and out of control. Hes referring to this display. I forgot about it. This is detroit in 2016, thats tali be talib there, being taken out of this event. We ponder what she was doing there in that clip. There was an internet sensation that broke out this week. And a researcher from norway posted this video last sunday, went viral very quickly. The question is, is this is a rabbit or a bird youre seeing . To me it means you have too much time on your hands. I dont care what youre looking at . What do you think . Laura i thought earlier it was a rabbit. But now im thinking its a very odd crow. I dont know. It looks like my dog, annie, when she gets a treat. I hate those things. I dont understand, is the dress yellow or orange . I couldnt care less. Laura people have a lot of time on their hands. Be safe. Well see when you report from l. A. Next week. I will. And the Democratic National committee holding a summer retreat in the friendly confines up the coast from raymond in San Francisco. So why are they being protested . Donna brazil will tell us, shes there. Imagine traveling hasslefree with your golf clubs. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. They give us excellent customer otservice, every time. E. Our 18 year old was in an accident. Usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. All i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. If i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. Laura a lot of the 2020 democratic candidates, fanatics, are in San Francisco this weekend for the Democratic National Convention Summer meeting. You would think this progressive city would embrace the radical candidates. But protests broke out after the dnc said it will not hold a debate focused on Climate Change. Still, candidates have been doing their best to oneup each other with handouts and dreams. Just watch. When i lead the democratic party, we will be a party of moral clarity. A party of courage. If if we can afford medicare for all to save our people and a Green New Deal to save our planet. If were going to be the smartest nation on earth, it means starting early with universal prek for 3 and 4yearolds. Will we like our ancestors before stand up and dream again and say, i, too, dream america anew. I dream bold dreams and dangerous dreams, i dream defiant dreams. Laura joining me now is donna brazille, former dnc chairwoman, fox news contributor. Does dnc feel about the parties becoming radical . Are they feeling a little uneasy about it when San Francisco seems to be protesting at least outside of the Convention Hall . Whats all that about . First of all, i wish you were here. Its a great way to celebrate democracy. We had an interesting meeting yesterday. We dealt with Climate Change, gun control, other important priorities. The party feels that we are going to have 12 debates before we reach the convention, and well be able to reach all of those thing, including Climate Change. Laura i would probably have an egg or a pie thrown at me. Id go with you so you could protect me, okay now, the current frontrunner, joe biden, did not make it to this event. This is a big event. He literally phoned it in. Im running for president to restore the soul of this nation, to rebuild the unifier country. Who ultimately earns our partys nomination, i stand united with every single democrat behind our and most important mission, beat donald trump. Laura what was the reaction of the vp skipping this big party event . Well, i dont think anybody took offense at it. He had a previously scheduled event in new hampshire. We saw him on video. We saw several of the other candidates including bay toe as well as pete budigeig on video. This afternoon, were going to hear from a lot of the candidates, Elizabeth Warren, ryan booker. I think democrats are appreciative of those who showed up. But we know all of the candidates will be there in the end to support the party. They dont care that no one its not a big deal if the guy whos at the top of the polls from the beginning doesnt come . It would be better i know you want to spin this, but its better if he comes. I dont have a favorite. Im still shopping. But weve known each other for a long time. Well make our decision as a party. The good news is we have more candidates coming than who are not coming. So now were going to focus on those who are here. Michael bennett, i want to talk about him for a moment, hes polling at 0 . He hadnt qualified for the next debate. But one of your old pals, and, of course, louisianian raging cajun, jim carville, said that he actually could win this thing. The Associated Press is reporting that he said, look, keep going, bullish on bennett. Carville said he could make a better nominee than biden, because hes new, different, younger, and can project forward. What about that . Carville said that bennett could be a younger version of biden saying that maybe biden is getting up there in age and maybe not the right person now to lead this diverse par the i . Party. The voters will decide who will lead the party. But Michael Bennett today, he showed up. He was the first speaker. He had a great message this morning on making sure that the party is unified. He also spoke out in favor of more conversations around Climate Change. Laura but theres no debate. Theres no debate. I have to ask you, theres no debate focused on Climate Change and people in San Francisco, especially, are really unhappy about that. Are you unhappy about this, yes or no . Im a im look, i realize when you set up a schedule before you know what candidates are in the race, every candidate knew from the beginning there would be 12 deba debates. We didnt say they would focus on various issues. We said 12 debates. I dont want to second guess the leadership of tom perez and the party who made this decision. I had my opportunity to shape this conversation in the party. We have to move forward because the American People want to know whats the alternative to donald trump. Thats what were going to provide. Laura you have fun there in San Francisco. We appreciate it. Next, new numbers showing how the illegal Immigration Crisis is really impacting communities across the country as President Trump looks to take new action to eliminate birthright citizenship. A full report when we come back. Laura we have a will the of important immigrationrelated stories tonight. As doj released the startling numbers, about the percentage of federal crimes committed by noncitizens, President Trump takes the stand on the scam known as birthright citizenship. Mike emmanuel is here in washington with all of the details tonight, mike . Good evening to you. Federal arrests of nonu. S. Citizens has more than tripled in the last 20 years by the new numbers released by the bureau of justice statistics, 54 of federal arrests were noncitizens, they make up 7 of the population, theyre 24 of all federal drug arrests, 25 of federal property arrests, and 28 of all federal fraud arre arrests. Meanwhile, the trump add administration issued a new rule that withdraws from the flores settlement agreement. The new rule would allow holding them until the court hearing. Assuming thats approved by the federal judge, it would take effect in 60 days. The chief of police say it makes sense. The families are going to be held in i. C. E. Custody in Family Residential centers. Theyre not going to be held in Border Patrol stations so that frees up our agents first and foremost. We do not have the facilities to hold these individuals. Senator Elizabeth Warren is blasting it saying the president is seeking to keep kids and parents in cages indefinitely and saying she will fight this policy and all attacks on immigrant communities. Other critics say they hope the courts will block the implementation. Laura . These fights extend far beyond the swamps of washington. Liberal governors have taken extraordinary steps to stick the thumb in the eye of the Trump Administration on this. Californias governor gavin newsom, tell us about a couple of ways that hes trying to, you know, thwart trump here. A highprofile case, theyre giving a lot of attention after a woman shot and injured her husband after what she said was months of physical abuse and shes facing deportation. Shes expected to be sent home to ethiopia until they can get newsom to pardon her. Three refugees in the process of being remove from the u. S. And promised to keep fighting President Trump on this issue. Here in california, we confirm that people of good faith and firm will can still come together to achieve big things, we will offer an alternative to the corruption and the incompetence in the white house. The woman has served a fouryear sentence in state prison. Then she was taken into custody by i. C. E. To prepare for deportation. Mike, this is wild. U. S. Law states that i used to do immigration law, states if you become a felony, youll be an illegal alien. You are deportable. So now state governors are saying, no, stay here. She used a gun, thats another hot button issue in california. It says these are just lawabiding would beamericans and theyre working hard like everybody else. It cuts against that narrative. But this is what weve this is whats been exposed in this ramp up debate. Well see what he does. We appreciate you tonight. Thanks for coming in. Final thoughts when we come back. cymbal crash energizer ultimate lithium. Guinness World Records title holder for longestlasting aa battery. male announcer the next groundbreaking idea from americas 1 selling boat isnt a boat. The legendary performance of tracker just made landfall. Best quality in america. Lowest prices in america. And its taking america by storm. Now get the tracker 570 atv for the Introductory Price of only 5799 plus freight, and a 10 discount card for up to 2 years. Tracker off road. Laura Michelle Malkin was on my pod cast. Newt as well, critical on china as well, especially. So dont forget to download that, googles bias against conservatives, what we need to look out for in the president ial race of 2020. Go to pod cast. Com. Have a great weekend. Parents, last weekend with the kids before they head to school, cherish it, hold on to every last bit of summer. Thats it for us. Shannon bream and the fox news at night team take it from here. Shannon hello. Welcome to fox news at night. Im shop nonbream this, is a fox news alert. President trump is on his way to the g 7 summit scheduled to leave the white house any minute following the day of escalating tariff threats between china and the u. S. A meeting with World Leaders reportedly ready to stand up for the critics. Covering it all. Stay tuned. Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the mend following the fourth cancer diagnosis. New questions about her health on the nations highest court. And a major twist after the empire Jussie Smollett hate crime

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