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I am Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from musical this is a fox news alert. Breaking out of houston, four Police Officers shot, two in critical condition, two suspects dead. Natosha goggle joins us live on the scene. What can you tell us . Laura, this came about because of a neighbor who tipped off saying they believe there was drug activity going on in one of the homes that is located behind me here. The police did an investigation and find found that they were selling drugs, they could see a little bit of activity that is happening here. Thankfully, this scene is clear, so to say for those residents to return back to their homes. This is as far as we are allowed to go since they are stuck in nesting their investigation. It all went down around 4 15 this afternoon, five narcotics officers went to serve an arrest warrant at the home located at 7800 harding street, right here in southeast houston. The officers announced themselves, that is when two people inside the home started to shoot at them, four of the officers were struck by bullets. One of the officers was injured. The two suspects were shot and killed here at the scene, so as i mentioned, we are still trying to unravel all of this couple waiting for more updates. Updates are coming from our police chief, art acevedo, at memorial hospital. Weve been able to speak with some witnesses who did confirm for us that he noticed a lot of drug activity happening in this area, lots of cars driving through. Thankfully, no one was hurt here. Laura we really appreciated, natasha. Thank you for the update. Joining me now, mark fuhrman, former l. A. P. D. Detective. Bill gavin, former detective from new york. Its nice to talk to you. In a difficult night for the police came i could have been much worse. What we are learning tonight, i want to get you in on this first, mark, this black tar heroin trade, which a lot of people arent all that up on, but ive learned a lot about it tonight. What its doing, small amounts of cruded are heroin, how its marketed, brought in by the mexican cartel, of course, texas right at the zone of conflict there. What can you tell us, mark . This is it newco laura. Black tar heroin, 30 years ago, we were taking it off the streets. It is a cycle. When you need to have when the demand for your heroin is high but the cost is high, thene reduced product of heroin is sold to the people that cant afford pure heroin, or very high content heroin. So it is much the same as crack cocaine, a derivative of powder cocaine, which people couldnt afford. That is the problem. The mexican probably have is, when you have narcotics , you have firearms. When you have firearms of the investigation, you have to havee product there when you serve the warrant. So the suspect and their traffic actually dictates the time and place when you will serve the warrant. Laura i want to play for you, bill, this was art acevedo tonight, police chief in houston talking about how the neighbors just got fed up with the druggies and the cartels in this neighborhood wreaking havoc on it. Heres what he said. We could not do what we do without the community we serve. This all began because a neighbor had the courage to say, we are not going to put up, we think they are dealing drop out of this house. We dont just ignore that. We immediately pass it onto the Narcotics Division might begin his investigation. They were able to determine that street levels narcotics dealing, black tar heroin, was being tells out of this, and we know the poison is killing so many kn houston, but around the country. They started the investigation and that is why they were there tonight. Laura bill, you see this in so Many American communities, baltimore, chicago, detroit, l. A. , and it all goes back to the same issue. Weve got people willing to sell these drugs coming across the border well talk about this later in the hour, about how this is not a crisis with a view of our guests but the police are going in there, a lot of times they are outgunned. They certainly are. I think mark mailed it. The bottom line is, the most difficult drug and the whole world is that Police Officer who has to make that entry based on the information given to him by the great people in the neighborhood. They put their lives in danger every single time they do Something Like this. They go ahead and i do it anyway. I listened to the chief, and earlier in the day, it was brought up that he has to do the job with more people to protect and less officers to do it. Somebody has to take a look at what is going on in terms of supplying or supporting the police and supporting Additional Police to do the job that is necessary for that chief to protect the city of houston. Laura mark, 500,000 more people in the houston area. 300 fewer police to do this. People are saying that these things are in crises, that sounds like a crisis to me. And yet, they are still asked to go and serve these warrants, they still get protested by the usual suspects, they get charged unfairly with police brutality. No wonder they cant recruit people or they dont have the budget. They are busting at the seams here. The frustration from the border i mean, the police union tonight, was also felt a knot press conference when you look at recruitment for the police department, an honorable profession that is taking so much heat, and his unjustified heat 99 of the time, and then you look at the young man with a College Degree looking at the world and what he wants to do, and he goes, why do i want that grief . So the ones that do end up there, they have a lot of motivation, they have a lot of hard. I will say that a narcotics search warrant on an active dealing of narcotics is one of the most dangerous search warrants you are ever going to serve. The suspects are violent, sometimes they are using their own product. They have weapons and they will respond to officers in a violent way, as they did in this, and the officers luckily returned fire and killed both suspects. Laura 85 or so of the black tar heroin has been around for a long time, but its traffic by the mexican cartel. So that is what is coming into the country. About 30 crude, bill, the fbi done in mcallen, texas, told me quite a few stories. Disturbing. I mean, the brazen nature of these cartels, then we got democrats on capitol hill saying, this is not a problem, we are a nation of immigrants, yeah, we are a nation of immigrants, but we should not be a nation that is hospitable to the drug cartel. It is absolutely crazy, laura. I will tell you what is going to happen out of this. We have two purpose that are dead that a shot and four polici will guarantee you, somebody will make the accusation that the police acted indifferently and killed these two people on purpose. Im telling you its going to happen because this is what our country has emerged into, not protecting and not putting up, and not protecting the Police Officers and standing up for what they really believe in, and the horror that the Police Officers have to face every single day of their lives doing Something Like this. Mark is right. Laura youll find a plaintiff lawyer who will be willing to file that lawsuit. Absolutely. Laura they have immunity claims, it will tie people up because you invariably will have a wrongful death claim. Even in a case like this where they are trafficking narcotics. It is totally going to happen. By the way, last year, mark, this is after a oneyear decline, last year in the United States, 144 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty. 52 were killed by gunfire. Thats a big number. Thats a lot of people dead and yet, where are the movies think of all the movies made, all the s. A. G. Awards, the hollywood not enough movies made about Police Officers who were brave and not getting paid a lot and getting protested and still showing up every day. You know, the die hard you know, laura, would you have that number, that number is a shocking all by itself. But you have to remember, in the last 30 years, Law Enforcement has evolved in the equipment and the method that they approach investigations, and even traffic stops, with all the technology that they have, and all the different types of weapons and all the different types of surveillance equipment, and you have this many officers killed in the line of duty. I mean, that is huge. It should be a third of what it was 30 years ago, now three times as much. Laura mark fuhrman, thank you so much. Gentlemen, fantastic analysis. Another difficult night for texas Police Officers. All praying, all of us are praying for the recovery of especially those two officers who are gravely ill. Thank you so much. And over the weekend, there were a pair of stories that demonstrate just how intent to the left is on rewriting ethical code and conscripting what can and cant be said. Democrats move left and eat their own. Thats the focus of tonight angle. In the 20 years that ive been covering our border issues, there was always at least one point of agreement on both sides of the issue, that new immigrants should work hard, speak english, because doing so would help ensure their success year and also speed up assimilation. Illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law. To pay their taxes, to learn english. I think learning english is not just important for assimilation, its important for economic success. If youve been here a certain wrath of time, youve got a clean record, you want to pay a fine, learn english. Have to pay taxes, learn english. To become a part of the economy come part of the system, learn english, do all the thing that we think is an important part of becoming an american. Laura i want to clap when you hear that. In todays democratic party, things are moving so far left and so fast that the entire speak english sentiment has become radioactive. Enter liberal lion tom brokaw, who was appearing on meet the press yesterday, and a breath after he was frankly stereotyping border enforcement advocates, he had the nerve to say this. I also happen to believe that hispanics should work harder at assimilation. That is one of the things i should have i have been saying for a long time. They ought not to be codified in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak english and that they feel comfortable in the communities and that is going to take outrage on both sides, frankly. Laura how dare he say that, speak english in their communities . Fears outreach board and almost instantaneously, especially from a 2020 heard seeking an edge in the radical beauty pageant. Congressman Joaquin Castro tweeting to brokaw, tom brokaw, for a celebrated nbc news journalist, who spent years chronicling american society, you seem stunningly ignorant of the Hispanic Community in this country. And fortunate see xenophobia pass for elevated political commentary. Thats not all, folks. It got worse. Both on and offline for brokaws numerous and, frankly, embarrassing twitter apologies. The idea that we think an american can only speak english, as if spanish is not part of what america, thats troubling. There is nothing wrong with speaking spanish. Hes a little out of touch. What he saying is absolutely not true. Latinos absolutely assimilate. Laura well, this is how about a scott in the democratic party. Many latinos have assimilated. But the main point here is english has become controversia controversial. Assimilations in some quarters has become controversial. So to be an authentic, credible democrat today, you have to believe that the parties views of just a few years ago are now basically racist, xenophobic, and hateful. This is insane. Now something similar unfolded at Duke University over the weekend as well. The politically correct fanatics in academia put another trophy on the wall when a assistant professor megan neely, who headed up the universitys biostatistics master program, was forced to step down from her post this weekend. Her crime in an email . She sent to grad students last friday, and it, she said two faculty members have come up to her to complain about students loudly speaking chinese and a common area. So she wrote that both were disappointed that the students werent working to improve their english. Her pigs in was urging them to commit to speaking english 100 of the time while on campus. Perish the thought. Again, it was not a slam on chinese. It was kind of a hamfisted way of encouraging folks to speak our language while in our country. Studying, by the way, at one of our premier universities. Now it was ultimately to help the students compete for projects and employment. Why is that a bad thing . The horror again, the accused profusely apologized for her language offense. But it didnt matter. The damage was already done. Now look, as ive said many times, i speak russian, i speak english, i speak spanish, it is terrific for kids to speak multiple languages. Being bilingual, trilingual, that gives kids a huge leg up in this economy, and a lot of options. But of the same time, english is our national language. And folks who want to come here illegally should learn to speak it. There is nothing racist about saying that at all. Unless obama, george w, and pretty much every american president is also racist. And if an american who is shopping in a store gets, i dont know, and patient when a cashier cant speak english, that doesnt necessarily make the preacher and a or a bad person. They are frustrated. What would Teddy Roosevelt think today . Remember what he said so eloquently in a letter that he had written in 1919. He said, in the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant to come see her in good faith becomes an american, and assimilate himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else. There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for about one language here and that is the english language. For we intend to see that crucible turns our people out as americans of american nationality and not as dwellers in a polyglot boardinghouse. I want to become a polyglot boardinghouse its not just, though, that the english language requirement can set up todays democrat conformity police. Not just that. Even the two term Vice President isnt immune. Biden, joe biden, was wrapped last week for daring to say a nice thing about a republican. I get in trouble i read in the New York Times today that i one of my problems is if i ever run for president , i like republicans. Okay, well bless me father, for i have sinned. But you know, where i come from, i dont how to get anything done. I dont know how you get anything done the only way you get anything done as if you Start Talking to one another again. Laura so common sense from biden. Sometimes you have to reach across the aisle. He got a slam for that in leftwing quarters. I love going online to see what they are all saying. Not continuing, even if you miss comedian is forced to play by the shifting roles of the left today. Remember when it was announced that kevin hart would be the host of the Academy Awards . Well, at their mercy crowd dug up 10yearold tweets and charged him with being homophobic. So even after he apologized and ellen came out to support them, the left would not be satisfied. With all this being said in all this controversy and all the way that you have adjusted, is there hope that you would host the oscars this year . No. Absolute no . No. Im not hosting the oscars this year. Laura welcome with a litmus test now for headlining the gig is now so difficult to pass, that the oscars will be host was this year. Talk another one runup the sensitivity squad. I was going, guys. All this demonstrates the democrats in politics, the media, academia, are zealous about enforcing borders after all. Their own. The aggressively police their own ever morphing code of progressive ethics. And if you run afoul of them, they are mercy their mercenaries will destroy you. And in some cases, even profuse, abject, yes, embarrassing apologies will not suffice. So today, you may be part of the cool crowd, but tomorrow, you are all disposable. And walking on eggshells to boot. Good luck with that in 2020. And thats the angle. All right, well be right back with reaction and a debate he will not want to miss. Is english now racist . Ng but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. This is it guys. You ready . To have epix . Absolutely. Woooo youd laugh. Oh, ow. [ chuckles ] youd cry. Look, look, look, look, look, look, look,. Maybe even laugh while crying. What the fertilizer . Sounds pretty great, right . Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight just say, add epix and it can all be yours. Its easy to upgrade. And you dont want to miss out on everything epix. Laura and we are just learning tonight that the two officers who were shot in houston are both out of surgery. Both in serious condition, but both are expected to recover, so that is great news for the houston Police Officers community and all of texas and frankly, everyone in the United States. Thats great news. As you heard in the angle, the left or moving the the goalpost once again on speech and policy. The latest skirmishes over whether assimilation for immigrants is a good thing, and whether they should practice english as he was residence. Running a novel reaction, republicans drugs are strategist alfreda rodriguez and an immigration attorney. Great to have you. I said in the angle that i love languages. I do a decent job of speaking spanish although i was embarrassing myself during my break and my russian is probably better. I love language, from fourth grade on, i think it is a huge help for kids to speak multiple languages. At the same time, why is it now an offense for tom brokaw to say people should do a better job of assimilating . Why is that a sin for which he must apologize and frankly, it was embarrassing for a man with a career like brokaw, putting aside all the other stuff that he was accused of last year. Embarrassing for him to prostrate himself on this issue of speaking english. Its bigger because it is offensive. They failed to recognize with the latinos have been doing all these years. We have candidates in politics, we have phds, we have professors laura he wasnt talking about them. Exactly. Its just how we set it and who he is. That is the problem. We need to be more concerned years, the Latino Community has been a lot in this country, we have been here for many years, i am latino myself, and immigrants. So lets not forget what he means, and especially that time. Laura tom brokaw is about as liberal as they get. I mean, i have heard him trash the legs of fox news, talk radio, for being antiimmigrant. I have got three immigrants living in my house, okay . I am proimmigrant. People tell me that, i just laugh at them. But he is so he is so come tolerant, greatest generation, the guy has an amazing career, and when they throw tom brokaw on the fire, i think, this has gone crazy. Even more reason. Because of who he is. He has a microphone, he has that ability laura so you can say assimilate . Some people, some people cant. Laura do you think everyone it simulates . Everybody tries. Laura no way spend some time in northern virginia. Not everybody tries. Everybody comes to the United States, for one reason, to look better. All immigrants come to the United States to look better. Laura i didnt know that. That means learning english, that means working. It is just how he put it and how he ignored what we are and what we do in this country. We went alfreda, tom brokaw , now the latest victim of the pc hit squad, and the rates are going to get smaller and smaller and smaller, kevin hart is out, biden criticized for saying its good to work with the republicans, now brokaw thrown on the funeral pyre. First, let me say how extremely sad it is that the left eye is so perverted our political discourse that now every time you disagree with them, you are immediately labeled a racist or a bigot. It is truly unconscionable. Second, tom brokaws absolutely right. Whether you are latino or any ethnicity, you ought to assimilate to american society. You want to learn english. You are to embrace american values. Now that doesnt mean you need to relinquish her heritage, does not mean that you cant be bilingual, it simply means that if you choose to immigrate to United States, if you choose to live in the United States, you want to embrace american values, learn english rather than isolate yourself and reject those values. Laura but every once at that. Obama said that, bush said that, this is what everyone said, even if it is great and policy, like you got to learn english, learn our history, we dont want to be a polyglot boardinghouse, going back to Teddy Roosevelt. But his point is, it is not just a place to come to work. America is an ideal. Its an idea of freedom and liberty. And part of that freedom comes from having commonality. We have no foundation except, i will come here to make a buck, that is not enough. That wont hold us together longterm. Language is important. It doesnt mean other languages are great and i happen to love the Spanish Language but you have to have more than that, otherwise society starts to crumble. That is my view. I want to look at the screen here. Just so people have a sense of where we are going in this country. U. S. Residents who speak a Foreign Language at home, very interesting. In 1980, 11 of u. S. President s spoke a Foreign Language at home. It went up every decade, decade its now doubled in 2017 to 21. 8 . Gunther, in addition, 67 Million People, according to the u. S. Census, do not speaking the shuttle. 48 of residents make a Foreign Language at home and americas five largest cities. 85 cities in which a majority of residents spoke a Foreign Language at home in 2017. That means those numbers are affected by the number of immigrants United States. 1980s, we have the amnesty, they allowed 300 Million People to go. United states laura 20 million. Roughly 20 million pilots affected by those numbers. Again, back to tom brokaw, he said something the wrong way. No immigrant understands this better than myself. Laura do immigrant activists ever say anything the wrong way . I hear them on television, they say the most outrageous things, American History is racist. The founding is racist. You are living on strolling land. They accuse us of turbo wrongs dont make a right. Im not saying they dont. Sometimes they do, and i correct them laura wanted tom brokaw say that was wrong . It is how he said laura what specifically did he say that was wrong . He assumes we dont assimilate. Laura i think he said hispanics have to do a better job of assimilating. But he said because its good for their communities and we should all come of both sides, need to do a better job. Its the way he saying it. He is ignoring laura im still not getting it right the way he sang it . What does that mean . A lot of people dont get it. Latinos, we get it. Laura i would like to do this whole segment in spanish. I will go make sure my spanish is we should try. Laura alfredo we lost him for a second. Lets play this montage. This is Chuck Schumer and a few other democrats just a few years ago, in 2013, talking about this issue of english and assimilation. Lets watch. We are committing committedg illegal immigration. But we are equally committed to allowing people the right to earn their way to become an american citizen if they work hard, play by the rules, learn english, and avoid criminality. Because we would never require that for permanent residence. There is a higher standard. Laura all right, well, from Mont Menendez to Dick Durbin Dick durbin said, give them a chance to earn their way into citizenship, learning english, the basics, the best bite, the basics of American History. That is dick durbin. Im telling you, guenther, i think immigrant activists actually serve themselves and their cause if they said, you know, that is a great point. Lets learn American History. Thats not trash it. Its not an issue to learn english. To become a citizen, you have to take a test. The test is in english on the test is about American History. Laura univision, which is pretty well produced, by the way, univision, telemundo, they have made it much easier to live in the United States, as having a treatable living abroad in europe, you have English Speaking to become my Spanish Speaking television. Because of their culture. We needed. Laura cultures are supposed to be melting together. I like melting. I think is evolving. I think theres a lot of people for my country, from peru, that came to america, and the latino culture is evolving. They make food, American Food with peruvian food. Laura im hungry now, thanks. Thanks a lot. Speak of change their style, their education, they learn peruvian history, American History. I think it makes a much Broader Community when we expect ruth it has been Community Means in america, not just disregard what it means, and save it into a simulate. Laura i think its very when you come to someones house, and you didnt live here, you come here, and you are expected, just like you have rules in your house, a visitor, we come in your house i dont take my shoes off, you are like, get your shoes off. If you dont like broccoli, i wont give you broccoli. I will let you eat whatever you want. I will let you eat your food if you want to. If you dont like my food, its okay. My point is, he should not despise what we are. Especially at this time, laura. Laura brokaw is literally so liberal. I mean, he is so proimmigration, immigrant, i just think you guys start to lose your credibility if tom brokaw is now basically considered racist. Wheres the line then . Today, its hispanics. Tomorrows africanamericans. Its always a minority. Laura first of all, they are almost not a minority in california. Hispanics are almost a minority. And 25 years, we want to be played laura then was going to happen . Well wait and see. Laura all right. Do we have alfredo back . We lost you for a moment. So you can respond to this idea that everyone has to welcome the hispanic experience and their perspectives and that makes for a better country. If its a melting pot, i would agree. It does make a much better country. But the melting, some people are concerned is not happening. Absolutely. Everybody remembers john edwards two americans. It seems of the left wants to appraise two americans where they want to embrace in america with a Certain Group of individuals who wish to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that america offers, yet wish to isolate themselves, not learn english, and refused to embrace american values. And then you have another set of individuals who not only celebrate and appreciate the freedom and opportunity that america offers, but they in turn make positive contributions to their Community Enter their society. The left would have you think that assimilation is some harmful, nefarious medical procedure, and its not. Assimilation doesnt mean you need to relinquish her heritage. It doesnt mean you cant celebrate the traditions of your ethnicity, it simply means that you learn english, you embrace american values, and if you choose to live in United States, why wouldnt he do that anyways . Otherwise, whats the point of living here . Laura i was talking to friends the other day, italian immigrants, born in italy. They were like, we came here, we still speak italian but we are americans. Our families encourage us to speak english. It wasnt the idea that he would start trashing American History, or criticizing america allowed you to come in. So what we are grateful to be here. That is a great immigrant story. I think we love immigrants to come here and be part of the Great American experience. But the english thing, i think you will lose support with it. Absolutely. Laura tom brokaw did not deserve that. I love having the conversation. Thank you, both, gunther and alfredo, thank you so much both were coming on. Coming up, democrats are very excited about kamala harris. Could she be the next, well, kind of obama 2. 0 . Coming up, well expose some of the damaging plans she has for americans. You bet, next. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . And you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . A twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. I am running to declare once and for all that health care is a fundamental right. [cheers and applause] and we will deliver that right with medicare for all laura sounds so good. Weve been telling you that we will keep an eye on the democratic 2020 candidates. And their radical ideas that could harm working americans, not code dashboard. The star of tonights edition is none other than kamala harris. And senator harris, who announced her candidacy for the democratic ticket for president in 2020 this weekend, he is running to finish what obama started. She is promising. Everything. But what does this mean for america, and how well her medicaid for all agenda impact . The long lines of the Canadian Health care service and our future. Joining me now is the ceo of foxhall cardiology, and one of the premier cardiologists in the world. Great to have you on. Explain to the layman why this fantasy of medicare for all will be harmful to the practice of health care and their health care. Ill keep it very simple. Lets use the analogy of a supermarket. It buys wholesale milk for 3 a gallon and sells it to the consumer for 1. The doctor is the farmer prayed for consumers the customer. What happens . Customers have become a doctor is happy. But eventually, this tour because it is only selling the milk for 30 of what it costs. That is exactly what is going on with medicare. Medicare taxes, over the lifetime of patients at pay income on the cover 30 of the current costs. That is not conservative talking point. That is actually the data from the urban institute, a very liberal think tank in washington. Everyone is happy but we are not paying for it. We are simply putting it on a credit card. As f. Scott fitzgerald said so elegantly. How did you go broke . At first, very slowly, at the end, very quickly. Laura into the case, that if its medicare for all, there will be theoretical access to care, whatever we call that, but there will be a two tiered health care system. A very wealthy will be able to go around the school system, go to their concierge care, pay outofpocket, huge amounts of money if necessary, to go to a doctor who will not be part of this. Wont that ultimately happen . So this idea of egalitarianism in health care, that is out the window. I think you are absolutely correct. It is already starting to happen now. As everybody gets benched because the system cannot afford to do this, remember, when you bring more people in, it will be bankrupt faster. Eventually, well be the v. A. Except the. 1 you can afford concierge doctors. Laura doctor, thank you very much. Well be covering this as this Campaign Goes on because the fantasy will be exploded through facts. And new released a newly released a survey that 61 of american millennials ages between 18 and 24 have a positive reaction to the word socialism, beating out capitalism at 58 . Of course they do, what they hear free health care, free college, without understanding anything about who pays for it. Joining me now, someone who knows a thing or two about capitalism, the former ceo of ckd restaurants and the author of the capitalist comeback. This is terrifying. I mean, when you hear the youtube generation comment about socialism, its kind of all the fat. It is the cool crowd, the in crowd, why not . You dont have a heart, money is not that important, its about love and tolerance are getting along. Unless you are tom brokaw. What do we need to do here to turn this around . Is terrifying. Its not surprising. The problem is about misconceptions about capitalism and socialism. What we really need to do is change the perceptions. Capitalism is not based on greed. Socialism is not based on benevolence. When you are talking about capitalism, you are talking about a system or the way you succeed is by meeting the needs of other people. If you are in business in america, the way that you get ahead is by satisfying the needs of your consumers. Look at your grocery store, all products for entrepreneurs are trying to get your attention so they can provide you with what you want at the price you can afford. So that takes the desire to improve your life and expands it out other people. Laura will republicans take a look at venezuela, that is not enough. I keep telling my republican friends, dont just say, do you want to become venezuela, because im sorry, but most millennials dont have a good grasp of what is going on in venezuela if its not a topoftheline on their facebook or their instagram. Its not going to be something you delve into in any depth. A speaker which is why i think we need to let millennials no, socialism is really based on greed. Even if you look at countries like venezuela, cuba, north korea, if you are standing at a food line laura i like that. Youre not thinking about what the person in front of you are behind you needs or wants. Which you are thinking about is how you get the most for your soul from a limited supply thats available. That is true with health care, too. If you are waiting in line for health care, youre not worried about the next race author, you are worried about yours. The way you get more in a socialist society is by pleasing the people in power, who always looked look at kim jong un in north korea. People are starving. They can find food. Does it look like that guy has missed a meal . Or maduro and venezuela. Laura no fat shaving. Does not like maduro has been killing his pets to eat or selling garbage to survive. These are government officials, they do very well in a socialist system based on greed. Not a capitalist system or you get ahead by meeting other peoples needs. Laura what would you say to trump right now . If you want to bring more young people into more of a conservative populist movement, what would you do . The third thing we need to do is sue a better job of messaging the president s wonderful economic accomplishments. I dont think those are getting through laura or the cabinet. Where is ben carson . I love ben carson. You never see ben carson. He should be on tv all time. He is a great communicator. Laura i want to see ben carson more. Where is governor perry . Never see him either. Where is the cabinet . Or larry kudlow laura i love larry kudlow. Get larry on tv. There are people who can convey this message, there are great there has not been an economic surge like this may be in my lifetime but certainly since reagan. Laura if the socialists get their way, they are coming for your wallet. They are coming for your wallet, your money, decisions, and freedom. Bigger your freedom. Laura got to be civil messaging. Come back soon. Well be exploding these months all year long so we want you back regularly. Coming up, the shutdown is over but we still dont have a wall. Of course not. Caravans are on the way. A new report reveals a convicted terrorist just took control of a drug cartel right at the u. S. Border. Time for some mark meadows. And obamas former chief join us next. This isnt just any moving day. 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Joining me now is mark morgan, former Border Patrol chief under president obama, and along with republican congressman mark meadows from north carolina, chairman of the House Freedom caucus. Mark, let me begin with you. What options does the president actually have and what about your reaction to this story that this man, who targeted u. S. Citizens, is now operating this cartel right at that border . Laura, im glad you bring this to the attention of the American People. I hope they are paying attention. This should illustrate to them that the cartel is alive and well and they are absolutely effect to this country. After 9 11, we learned about. One of the things we learned is, as a Law Enforcement, as a government, we cannot just be reactive in nature. We had to be proactive in preventing something. And that is exactly what the president s plan does. The wall is, we cannot be reactive, we have to be proactive. Are we going to wait until a terrorist cell comes across and between the ports and does something bad to the American People before we decide we need a wall . It does not make sense. Laura barack obama back in 2006, i was watching this old video tonight, he said actually, lets play the snippet of it. Because we live in a age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we cannot allow people to pour into the u. S. Undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Laura congress in meadows, are we supposed to believe in 2006 when he was talking about terrorists pouring our over our borders are you kidding . How do democrats look in the mirror . That is president obama. That could be President Trump today. Just as i said in the angle, everything is shifting. They are going far, far left and we are supposed her chair and go, this is all lovely, its all going to be dandy. The casualty is a safety our communities. But no, it hadnt gotten better. In fact, we had four caravans, more that are starting. Laura why shouldnt they come . The lead and you talked about in terms of the connections, its just the horrific, graphic details of what they have done in terms of dumping bodies and body parts all over. Listen, weve got to get this right. We have to make sure that guys in his profession have operational control of the border. Lets trust our Border Patrol chiefs to Tell Congress what should be the priority. Lets look at the money. Hopefully we will. Laura they are not going to do it. If nancy pelosi will not give one then read dime to the border is not going to happen prior to the president will have to declare a national emergency, correct . He might have to. I will say there have been a lot of good discussions and if we get away from the wall, the concrete wall discussion, strategic border barriers, strategic fencing in certain areas, laura what does that mean . I think what it is, border barriers that may not be constructed out of concrete but out of steel laura the sensors on drones, every time i hear that you are not serious. It is like having your front door open. You have a lock on it, you have to have a front door, would you just have a camera on your front door to say, anyone can come in and we will monitor that . Know, weve got to be serious about it but i can say that the president is willing to act. I talked to him a number of times over the weekend. Hes willing to act, hes wanting to make sure that we do not provide amnesty. I think that was the big cry that you heard, i heard on friday. He said, no. Would we want to do is secure the border first. Laura when we look at this end we see, mark, people on the left claiming racism, they say that tom brokaw is now a racist and a xenophobe for talking about assimilation into america. That is something everyone always agreed upon. Immigrants we always knew about hispanic immigrants if they are so numerous, and we love them. The people from all over the world have come here and they understand, you have your culture, my mother had her polish culture, we loved it. Would you come and you become part of the american experience. But the americans variance is now considered toxic because the founding of the countrys considered by many on the far left to be racist. When that is the case, all bets are off by that is a scary place for a country to be. Close it off. It is. We talk about the wall. The argument it goes right to you are a racist if you are for protecting this country. If i want to stop bad people from coming in and doing bad things to the system, if i want to stop drugs coming in, leading to 60,000 drug overdoses, im a racist. That is unbelievable to me. We have to stop that. Laura you need more than the president and you and a few others out there. We need the whole cabinet they got together supporting him. I hope Mitch Mcconnell is wanting tonight because we need to be out here supporting the president s agenda. Thank you both for being here tonight. Well be tracking this all year long, and there will be new developments night by night. Stay right there. Well be right back. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It starts acting in my body from the first dose and continues to work when i need it, 24 7. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Dont use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, youre allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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This is the averys with the support they needed to get back on track. Well done guys. team member this is wells fargo. Its time for the last bite. Think back to you when you were a teenager. What was the most embarrassing thing your mom did . Come on. Laura ohno, thats during a snowstorm. Thats all the time we have go to the podcast tomorrow. What they are going to learn today about what is facing our country. Shannon bream and the fox news night team. Shannon ive got to tell you, that mom has nothing on my mom. My mom was a substitute teacher. Thats all you need to know. Laura shannon, have a great show. Shannon laura, thank you so much. We begin tonight with the fox news alert. Gun down. We are being told that it was all related to an antinarcotics operation. One of the officers, this is not the first time that he has been shot in the line of duty. We are going straight to the scene in life

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