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And plus, god is coming up short with americans this year. Well examine a survey. They are finding meaning in other places. Some good and others well and i hit the streets on this black friday to see how confident americans are as we enter the biggest buying season of the year. And then in an exclusive the ingraham angle, mike lindell, the my pillow guy is here to explain why critics wont scare him from his passion projects, including a new movie that he will tell us about tonight. First, the crisis at the border is getting worse. Thousands of illegals gather in tijuana planning their next move, which includes a possible human stampede. This as Police Arrest three dozen migrants on drugs and drunken charges. The mayor of tijuana says theyre in the midst of a human crisis. They are omitted and not complied with their legal obligations. So now were asking international and humanitarian groups to carry out assistance. At the same time a group of 150 migrants from that massive caravan stormed the border waving a white flag and demanding better conditions claiming they dont have adequate food and housing. I think they forget they are the ones that chose to make the journey. Forget that. But tijuana spending 30,000 a day to house and care for them. The president is not mincing words on what will happen if they come to the u. S. Threatening to close the border completely. Listen. If we find its uncontrollable, josh, if we find that it gets to a level that we are going to lose control or people will start getting hurt, we will close entry into the country for a period of time. The whole border . The whole border. The strong stand comes days after what was described as a fiery meeting in the west wing. That meeting resulted in the white house authorizing thousands of troops at the u. S. Border, giving them the ability to use force to protect border agents. That would allow james mattis to order the thousands of troops to do that, protect border agents. The department of Homeland Security says there are 500 known criminals in that caravan, 500, headed to the u. S. Thats what they know of at this moment. The mexican ambassador to the u. S. , Geronimo Gutierrez is concerned about violence telling the Washington Examiner that we share the opinion that there are people that have criminal background. Yet the media is still trying to downplay the threat. Theres no evidence, no one in these caravans that have suggested there will be attack or anything, this is the president s continued bluster on this one. Theres no indication that anyone is funded by a terrorist group or really coming in with some sort of plan to cause harm against the United States. I as a National Security official would want to focus on the actual threats. Joining me now, brandon judd. Hes the president of the National Border patrol union, Mark Kerkorian and seman nesary. An immigration attorney and activist. Brandon, i want to start with you. You were part of the white house meeting that ended with information along the border. Is this an invented threat as many in the media are saying . Absolutely not. Look at the number of people gathering in tijuana that are waiting to come across the border. The threats that theyre going to storm the ports of entry, its a sign that they dont care about our laws, theyre going to do what they need to do for their own benefit instead of doing it in a legal manner. When i was in that meeting, what i saw, i saw an unwavering determination to secure the border for the american public, for the safety of the american public. We appreciate that and appreciate that determination the president has. And your reaction, seman. This is the head of the border union. He knows whats going on there. Given what his next are feeding back to him. Your reaction . And i think that the conversation shouldnt be so much about the caravan but the caravan sheds light more on that our immigration system is broken. The fact that this is a real threat, 5,000 people coming to the border, seeking asylum. Why is that . Why isnt the system the issue . These people have not rushed the border. Nobody has seen them hurt anybody. So why are we making the people escaping their problems the issue . Why dont we try to criticize the immigration system and fix that problem . Lets hold it there a minute, saman. Theres abuses of the asylum system going on. Asylum is when youre under persecution, not just because you want a better job. Mark . Thats right. Id say that the broader system is the problem. The system is we have asylum rules that incentivize people to make these bogus asylum claims, essentially use asylum as a strategy for immigration. None of these people have a realistic expectation of getting political asylum at the end of the day. Theyre doing this to apply for asylum as a way of getting past the border and then theyre home free. This has been going on since the Obama Administration who incentivized it and were still dealing with the fallout from it. Thats why we have this caravan and other caravans that are doing the same thing. I want to roll this tape. This is Kirstjen Nielsen along the border. Listen. The reality is, theres currently over 6,200 individuals camped out south of the u. S. Border in tijuana today as i stand here. In mexicali, theres more than 3,000 caravan members. These two groups combined with other caravans making their way through mexico will result in approximately 8,000 to 10,000 migrants amassing along our southern border. The crisis is real and its on the other side of this wall. Your reaction. I want to go to brandon judd. Again, if you look at this, this is not about legal immigration. Its about illegal immigration. Those people are not going to wait until they go through the ports of entry. They will cross illegally. The first act that they make in the United States is an illegal act. That should make everybody a little bit concerned about what the motives are. What about the criminal element here . They claim they have 500 criminals as part of these caravans. Saman, does that say to you to let them in under the asylum law . Thats the wrong characterization of the argument. These people arent its not a characterization. It is. Theres no evidence of that. So Kirstjen Nielsen is lying. No. They issued a memo saying we need to work with mexico to vet these people, keep them in mexico, go through the asylum process there and take it on a case by case basis and see who qualifies. Theres no evidence or no proof that these guys will show up to the port of entry and rush it and becoming illegal immigrants. Theyre coming to seek asylum. Some of them really do have a very plausible case. Unfortunately they get washed up with the ones because they want a better job. The truth is, theres a handful, a few hundred of them that have a good case that are living in bad conditions that have seen people get murdered, that have had family members gets murdered. I turn away a dozen people that say i cant help you. But every once in a while somebody does have a good case. Theres no doubt the asylum laws need to be revisited. We cant just have my father waited a year in line before he had his papers recognized. Then he came with a sponsor and then served in the military. Before becoming a citizen. Thank you, gentlemen, for your contribution. Here now to explore whether the president has the Constitutional Authority to use u. S. Troops to protect the border and on american soil, the border agents, were joined by donald cramer. A former Intelligence Officer and iraq veteran, joel ruben, former obama deputy secretary of state. Joel,you believe the president was wrong because of the unclear mission. But isnt protecting the southern border and enforcing standing immigration laws mission enough . Well, ray, theres no mission. Theres no military mission here. Theres no clarity about the end point, what the objectives will be for these soldiers. Even if theres a technical ability of the president to send the troops there, its a bad judgment. This president has a habit of using our troops as political props and that was the intent for this prior to the midterms to turn out the vote. The troops are doing nothing, waiting. Doing support. We have civilian enforcement that can do the job. We dont need our troops there. Donald, are you concerned about the human stampede being a reality . Is that what we saw when the border was under pressure . This stampede is a real reality. A lot of these folks are known criminals and we found weapons among them. Even in tijuana, theyre talking about disorderly conduct. These are not people we want in the United States. We have a right to protect our borders. Donald, i want to play something for you. This is senator kamala harris. I want your reaction. The folks are there, they left their families, they will not be home it looks like for thanksgiving and all because there needed to be a demonstration for the tv cameras based on a political agenda. Laura does the president have the authority here . To deploy troops in this way . There is the act that forbids using the military to enforce domestic law. Does that apply here . These soldiers and sources, theyre not Law Enforcement officials. But he does have the right to deploy them. Its his right as commanderinchief to support this country, whether its humanitarian aid or supporting the borders. President nixon did it, president reagan did it, president bush did it. Its his right and he has to protect this country. Joel, your reaction. I believe that we could find the 100 million on spending the troops send it to the countries to help stabilize them. Neil you dont believe theres a national i believe our agents from dhs are capable of handing this. We dont need troops at the border now being authorized to shoot at a caravan. Majority of them are women and children in camps. Its not all women and children the majority are. You have people with weapons. Theyre being arrested by the tijuana government. And the civilian police can hander that. An orderly process. A process in place is working and should work. We dont need military troops there to enforce the process that is already being executed properly. Donald, your thoughts . Do we need the troops or not . Or is trump playing fast and loose here . Cbp is 80 undermanned. If only for a short period, if these troops can support them so the officers can do their job, its important. If theyre observing and providing support, let them do their jobs so they can do what theyre hired to do. Ill give you a shot at this. Should the president close the border down . Does he have the authority to do so . Donald and joel. 10 second each. Whether or not he should or should not, that remains a question as we look forward to the caravan. Does he have the authority . Absolutely. Its his right to defend our borders and protect the United States citizens. Joel, if he believes theres a National Security threat, clearly he can close down the border. National Security Threat should be dealt with but its an American Value to allow people seeking asylum to come here. We need to keep the border open for those people. We let a Million People in each year as citizens. That shows the welcoming spirit of america. The president has a spat with the ninth court of appeals and now hes taking heat in his own circle. The story next. The ninth circuit is out of control. What theyre doing, what theyre saying, the opinions are unfair to Law Enforcement, very unfair to our military. Raymond welcome back to the special edition of raymond welcome back to the special edition of the ingraham angle. We look at the president s conflict and continuity in the final weeks of 2018. Hes not backing down in his war of words with Supreme Court chief Justice Roberts and escalating the feud with the liberal ninth Circuit Court of appeals that just ruled against his administrations asylum policy. Watch. We have a lot of bad Court Decisions from the ninth circus, which is a big thorn in our side. But its a terrible thing when judges take over your protective services, when they tell you how to protect your border. Its a disgrace. Raymond the president s dispute with roberts in the ninth circuit show any signs of resolution or is this just the beginning . White house correspondent kevin corke takes us through the last eight hours where hes covering the president s vacation. Kevin . Raymond, good evening. This back and forth stems from the president s comments about the injunction to stop the asylum policies. We talked about this, you have the lower level judge and an obama appointee forcing the court to do something. The president calls this an obama judge. The chief justice weighed in saying we dont have obama judges. Trump judges, clinton judges. We have an Extraordinary Group of dedicated judges doing their best to do equal right to those appearing before him. The independent judiciary is something that we should all be thankful for. However, given the ninth circuits wellearned reputation for being progressive and frequently ruling against the president and his policies, he said its high time that someone called them out for their judicial activism. Were getting terrible decisions from the ninth circuit as usual. I dont know if we have ever had a victory there. We have to appeal it, appeal it. A vast number of their decisions get overturned generally speaking. Its a shame. Its a shame. Its a disgrace, frankly. Essentially theyre legislating and its not right. Its been going on like that a long time. We have to use common sense. The ninth circuit, Everybody Knows its totally out of control. Online, Chuck Grassley said this. He said chief Justice Roberts rebuked trump for a comment that he made about a judges decision on asylum. I dont recall the chief attacking obama when that president rebuked Justice Alito during a state of the union. Clearly a snapshot of the intensity of this debate, especially as it involves this administration and the ninth circuit. Raymond . Thank you, kevin. Joining me now, three legal experts, former u. S. Attorney joe degenvena, david cats and criminal defense attorney, jonah spillborn. Jonah, your reaction to chief Justice Roberts scolding the president and insisting theres no partisan judges, joe. Well, i think the chief justices comments were blatantly inappropriate. He injected himself in a political discussion about the effect of the court. He never should have done that particularly after the debacle of the kavanaugh hearings. Where everyone was trying to do its best afterwards to remove the Supreme Court from the political arena. The chief justice arrogantly and i underscore that, stepped into it. It was a major mistake by the chief justice and he has been quiet because he made a terrible mistake. Whatever he thought of the president s remarks, its not his responsibility to rebuke the president of the United States, which is what he was doing. After sitting there in january of 2010 and listening to president obama rebuke him and the rest of the Supreme Court for their decision in Citizens United when he said absolutely nothing to defend the integrity and independence of the court, for him to get involved in this was absolutely abysmal judgment. Raymond joe, i want to show people that moment. You referenced it. Senator grassley as well. This is 2010 when president obama publicly called out the Supreme Courts Citizens United ruling and wrongly stated a few facts. Watch. With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a law that i believe will open the flood gates for special interests. Including foreign corporations. Alito was sitting there going, no, no, no. Why do you think he said nothing then, joe . And hes speaking out now . Why this moment . Its very simple. President obama was a democrat. President trump is a republican. John roberts judgment in this is so abysmal. So bad. So apparently political in its motivation, so opportunistic. It really is appalling. Im embarrassed for the court. I feel very sorry for the other members of the court. I really think the chief justice made a major mistake with regards to it. Talk about he himself now has undercut the independence of the court by becoming involved in a political discussion. Its a very sad day for the court. Raymond thank you, joe. John, your reaction. Do you agree with joe . You think this is raising the political temperature rather than lowering it . 100 . The chief justice is talking out of school. Yes, we have obama judges, clinton judges. Trump judges. Where was the chief justice when Ruth Bader Ginsberg was calling the president a fake, a phony, and openly criticizing him . Where was the rhetoric then . It did not exist. Raymond david, your thoughts. Chief Justice Roberts is one of the most admired Public Servants in the america. Regardless of party. Someone had to come to the defense of the judiciary. We have an independent judiciary which is the crown jewel. This is not the first time a president has called out the Supreme Court. Jefferson, madison were upset with their appointees. What happened this time . The justice is speaking back. I guess president lincoln increased the court to ten. They dont call that court packing. President lincoln increased the Supreme Court to 10. Its come and gone. The important thing to remember here is that that judge in here is that that judge in San Francisco cannot speak up for himself or his decisions. Someone had to speak up for the third branch of the government. Thats what chief Justice Roberts did. He did it well and he wasnt arrogant at all. John, i want to put something up on the screen. Chuck schumer came out with a tweet supporting, surprise surprise, john roberts. He writes, i dont agree very often with chief Justice Roberts, especially his partisan decisions which seem highly political on Citizens United. But i am thankful today that he almost alone among republicans stood up to President Trump for an independent judiciary. Is that what his role is . To stand up to the president . No. Absolutely not. If were going to have an independent judiciary, if were going to be one big happy nonpolitical family, the chief justice should not have said a word. He almost contradicted himself by the fact that he said what he said. Raymond david, you dont think we have activist judges anywhere . Im a defense attorney now. I go to court raymond you worked for the reagan administration. You dont think theres activist judges . I pulled this. Judge carlton reeds struck down the 15day abortion ban in mississippi. He overruled the entire legislature there, the entire states will, and he said men were involved in this. Who created roe v. Wade . Nine guys. If you dont like a decision, you go to the court of appeals. This decision wasnt from a District Court judge. Its not been to the ninth circuit. It can be a mixed bag. Raymond should it be broken up . Trump wants to. No. It would be a great idea. This is travel ban deja vu all over again. Trump will succeed when this goes up. Raymond very good. Thank you both for being here. Thank you, joe, for your insight. Up next, President Trump says he will do whatever it takes to get his border wall built, even if it means shutting down the government. Remember when Michael Moore said people need to put their bodies on the line to stop the president . Its hard to believe. Now hes hit a new low. Well explain next. Stay there. You cant build a bridge to a racist or massagist. They have to be shunned. Raymond welcome back. President trump is gearing up for a fight with congress over funding for a new border wall. With the Migrant Caravan knocking on the southern border, the president believes we need it now and couldnt be more urgent. Could happen. Over border security. The wall is just a part of border security. Very important. Probably the most important part. Could there be a shut down . Certainly could. It will be about border security, of which the wall is a part. Raymond is a shut down looming . Here to react, david berstein, ceo of run for america and audria decker, a conservative commentator. Audria, does the president have enough support to get the border wall funded . He couldnt get it last time. His job is to enforce the laws on the books. The fact is, we have borders in our nation. People cant just decide theyre going to cross over without permission. We need a system in america that is fair to the people waiting in line and to also the people that want to come over. Absolutely. He needs to do whatever he needs to, to secure the border. Raymond the republicans havent joined him. Theres a unity in the caucus, this is congressman pete king talking about this Government Shutdown and who it might hurt. Watch. I strongly support funding the border wall, but i dont believe we should shut the government down. We have an obligation to keep the government going. Politically, this would play into the hands of the democrats. The wall wont be built and wont be funded and well be blamed for it. Raymond will it hurt republicans . Yes. People voted for change. People voted for action. Shutting down the government is not what people are looking for. Being president , theres a responsibility to get more than one thing done at a time. Raymond didnt hurt when Newt Gingrich did it. That turned out well. Where is paul ryan . Why not in his final act as speaker and with this caucus, many people are leaving, why not support the president in this promise he made to the American People that got many elected the last time . The republicans should be fighting for this and theyre not. Part of the reason why trump brought this up, hes a great negotiator. We know that he has to push the Republican Party to take action on important issues. This is an issue that President Trump ran on and got elected on. The American People want to see this happen. Raymond its almost christmas time. The g. O. P. Lame duck wish list. This is what they hope to accomplish. They want to get a 10 tax cut. They want building the border wall. Stopping birthright citizenship. Cutting off aid to Central American nations and protecting preexisting conditions. Will any of that get accomplished . David . Well, i think maybe one or two of them will. Seems that people find their Political Energy in the last days when they suddenly after their constituents say they dont want them there. Raymond 15 legislative days, 12 in the house. Thats not an eternity. Its amazing that there seems to be three months where nobody could find anything to do except campaign and now in the last 15 days theres a list of priorities. Raymond well get it done. The democrats have a lot to get to, audria. Heres what theyre planning. They have put forward their own wish list. It includes looking at the president s tax returns, his family business, trumps dealing with russia. The Stormy Daniels payment and the James Comey Firing and theres more things coming about ivankas phone calls. This could go another ten minutes. Your thoughts here. Are we talking about gridlock . Yeah. I dont think this is beneficial for the Democratic Party either. Lets take about issues that Americans Care about. Lets have a real discussion about the issues and principles and see where we fall on them. Lets have deals negotiated in congress on behalf of the American People. Stop going after trump. Put out your solutions and your policy ideas. Raymond im going to turn to 2020. The democratic contenders are beginning to emerge. Former Vice President joe biden is at the top of the list. 33 of democrats like him according to that last cnn poll. There you can see the huge field. This looks like the brady bunch on viagra. They just exploded. Your thoughts, who will take the lead here, david . This is going to be a very tough race. If i had to look at anyone, i saw a picture of the rock. So i think of the rock runs, hes probably got the best shot, democrats would do well to consolidate early and not let this be a repeat of 2016 where they end up in a situation with one person that will be the loudest like President Trump was raymond people heard him. And dominate everybody else. Raymond 46 of voters think President Trump will win again. 47 dont in the last cnn poll. Those are good numbers. Who would you like to see the dems run against trump . Its interesting. Keep an eye on senator cory booker and senator harris or orourke out of texas. This election will come down to values. I think its going to be about values. President trump proved that. People voted for trump, not for his personality but for the values. People are divided. Raymond it will be about competency and safety and how this economy ends up. Before we go, i have to get your reactions to this. Liberal film maker Michael Moore that called on people to put their bodies on the line to stop the president is now calling for the shunning of Trump Supporters. Watch this. You cant build a bridge to a racist or misogynist. They have to be shunned and treated like we treated smokers 20 years ago, ten years ago. Racists and misogynists shunned. Raymond so all Trump Supporters should be shunned. Your reaction . Name calling doesnt help. We have to have a conversation where both sides come together. Maybe disagree but do it respectfully and civility. That kind of rhetoric is divisive and dangerous. Raymond its silly, david. It reminded me of the attacks on a Charlie Brown christmas that critics are saying youre racist, Charlie Brown. Theres frankly on the other side of the table, this is really isnt this too far . The use of race to demonize people. A whole swath of americans . Yes. Weve gone to far. Its this time of year where everybody is coming together. I hope people in washington can find it in their hearts ho say lets work together. Raymond look at that. In the break, cumbaya. A Surprising New survey that americans find meaning of faith. More next. Is the same . Try citrucel. It gently relieves occasional constipation by absorbing water to make stools easier to pass, without causing excess gas or bloating. Help relieve occasional constipation with citrucel. R raymond with the holida season in full swing, Pugh Research asked where do you find your meaning in life . According to this research study, the majority of americans, 69 say family, surprisingly, faith comes fourth at 20 . Joining me now to discuss the Family Research Council President , tony perkins and heman neta, the editor of friendly atheists. Thanks for being here. Your reaction to this. Tony . Does this speak of a defending of faith, god and faith as a meaning of life sinking in the polls . Im thrilled by this, that family is so high ranked in this survey. People say family is where they get their sense of meaning. Thats a positive revival of family, if you will. I think if you look at how the economy is doing in the United States, unemployment is low, its not surprising that religion drops down lower in this list. Its still fourth. Thats still good considering what is happening in other industrialized nations. When theres a downturn in the economy, thats when people turn to religion. So from a theological standpoint, its troubling. And your reaction . It should be troubling for religion. Doesnt surprise me that people find meaning in family and experiences and what actually surprised me the least about this is when they looked at young people specifically, i think faith became less of a meaningful experience for people who were younger than the age of 30. So it shows that faith has a lot of trouble moving ahead in the future regardless of what the situation is. From all the studies that ive seen, faith comes to people as they age in life. As they encounter challenges and they deepen their understanding of the world and get out of themselves. Right, tony . Raymond what jesus taught is seek first the kingdom of god and all of these things will be added unto you. When you set your eyes on the things on this earth, you miss the bigger things. As you live for those things that are transcendent, then all the other things fall into place. As people get older, they deal with life and considering what happens after this life, there is more of a turn toward religion. They want to make sure that they make the right decision. Raymond people that said that faith was important, it was the most meaningful thing. They feel it deeply. Thats a small group of people. Again, when so many young people are finding more value in people they love and the ability to make the most of the one life that they have, theyre not going to resort to religion later in life. Thats a very optimistic spin that has no bearing in reality. Thats been a progression for decades. Its not a small percentage. Look at black and white protestants, six out of 10 say religion is top for them. The divide is idealogical. The one thing that is encouraging, going back to this, its a time to be happy raymond very quickly. Family is top priority. Thats a good thing. Raymond i want your thoughts on this, gentlemen. Nature magazine, the science magazine, came out against President Trumps proposal to identify sex based on strictly biological criteria. Nature tweeted this. Editorial, the u. S. Department of health and Human Services proposes to establish a Legal Definition of whether someone is male or female based on the genitals that they were born with. This proposal has no foundation in science and should be abandoned. Really . Hemant, you think it should be abandoned . This Administration Says they dont care about what scientists say. They would rather trust people like tony that base their raymond wait a minute. Your genitalia, the way you were born, that tells your sex. Isnt that scientific . Look, look, listen. This is what happens when people cant defend their position. They begin attacking the opposition. The reality is, we base law and policy on fact. On science. On biology. Not subjective feeling. What the Trump Administration is doing here is reestablishing what was in place for probably 50 years through the 1964 and 72 nondiscrimination acts where sex is based on biology. We learn more as time goes on. This administration cares about science, they should talk to the people that study this for a living. Look at organizations if that is true, the facts would be on the side of nature magazine. Raymond its a magazine, not people that do this i dont need an education on science for someone that is known for rejecting it all the time. Raymond when you look down and see what your kid is born with, thats biological and scientific to me. Thanks, gentlemen. Wish we had all day. You can see them in the commercial breaks of this show. The my pillow guy is moving to film. Michael lindell is here to explain his latest project. And i go to the streets of new york city to see how black friday impacts shoppers. Stay here. The economy is doing great. Everybody should be excited. Come on. Its awesome the hard work you put into lowering your very high triglycerides with diet and exercise deserves the hard work that went into the Science Behind vascepa. Prescription vascepa. 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Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Raymond welcome back rayme ingraham angle. Raymond arroyo sitting in for laura ingraham. Who doesnt know the pillow guy . Mike lindell is a born again christian conservative. Joining me now exclusively is mike lindell to tell us about this new film. Its called unplanned. Its a pro life film. Years ago i interviewed abby johnson, the centerpiece of this film. Tell me about it and why did you decide to bank roll it . Well, they reached out to me. They said you want to do a cameo . Would you like to get behind this film . It was all antiabortion, antiplanned parenthood. I prayed about it. I said im all in. It was interesting, the cameo i had, i get down there to do this filming and they said mike, were going to bring in a stunt double. I dont want a stunt double. I want to do my own thing. Raymond what do they have you doing . Jumping out of cars . What are you doing . Im riding a bulldozer. You have one shot at this. Theres like 300 or 400 extras. Brings down the planned parenthood sign. Im getting out of the bulldozer. All the producers had to decide because i said i want to do my own stunt. I dont want to go on fox and say i had a stunt double. Raymond now the truth can be told, mike. Tell me, this is not going to be your only foray into films. You financed another movie coming out from crack addict to ceo. It concerns somebodys personal biography. Who might that be . Yeah, myself. My book will come out first. Another reason that i got into films. I wanted to make getting involved with quality, amazing movies that have a message. When my book comes out, its called out, what are the odds from crack addict to ceo . If anyone doesnt know, i have an amazing story. I used to be a crack addict. This will send a powerful message about abortion, being pro life. Everything starts at conception. Its going to be amazing. Its an awesome movie. Comes out march 22. Raymond mike, very quickly, what was the one thing we only have a few seconds here. What was the one thing that turned your life around . What was it . Jesus. Raymond thats a pretty good answer. Jesus christ. Raymond my final question. Do you get a free my pillow when you buy tickets to the movies . No. But if you do get one, youll be sleeping well. Raymond i knew you would get a plug in. Thanks, mike. Talk to you soon. The biggest black friday in history is coming to a close. The National Retail federation says a record 116 million shoppers were expected to hit stores today. Thats up 63 from last year. I hit the streets of new york to see how the booming economy might be helping. Watch. Im not holding back. I do feel a little better about spending this year and i feel like many are the same. There were stores that are like 50 off. Thats a good deal. Ill go any time they say its 50 off. I do feel better about shopping. Great sales to be had. Weve taken advantage of them. What did you get . Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Were having a great time. Were spending the weekend in the city and having a blast. Were celebrating this year. Personally, with this economy, are you holding back . No. Im splurging. Why . The economy is doing well. It was crowded. For sure. How do you feel about the economy . Are you holding back or do you want to splurge a little more . Were going to splurge more. The economy is doing great. Everybody should be excited about the economy. Come on. Are the sales better this year than last year . Absolutely. Yes. What did you get . New uggs . Yes. Check out her watch. She got a fossil watch. Raymond i feel like vanna white. What did you get . I got some uggs. She was in the parade yesterday. I wanted uggs to commemorate. Never splurge. I always splurge. Raymond doesnt matter . Doesnt matter. Raymond how do you feel the economy is doing . Awesome. Im a Small Business owner. Its doing really well. Raymond what did you buy . Jacket for mom. What is this . A jacket. Goodies. Raymond well, good. Are the sales better this year than last year . Yeah. Much better. So many more people out today than ever. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas. Which do you prefer . Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Raymond happy holidays or Merry Christmas . Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Raymond Merry Christmas. Do you refer happy holidays or Merry Christmas . Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Raymond when youre a Small Business, do you prefer happy holidays on Merry Christmas . Merry christmas. Both. Theres a lot of holidays celebrated. But its special to me to say Merry Christmas. Merry christmas happy holidays. Raymond i like both. I know theyre great sales but id rather hav a roth ira. Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe. Everyone needs to open up a retirement account. Raymond who put you up for this . Who do you work for . I come from iowa. I believe in saving. Raymond well, its not a black friday. Its very bright. Stay tuned. Tonights last bite after this. When my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Time for the literal last bite. Last night my home team the saints what the falcons and engaged in a thanksgiving tradition. I want to hear how they are. Save one for me. Only in new orleans at walmart after game day. After that you celebrate they have gone home to god. We have second lines all the time. With christmas upon us, adventures for young readers, the third in the series coming in february from random house, perfect time to get the relative perilous falls, young Indiana Jones meet stranger things, one of the few middle grades series for the entire family goes on the adventure. That is alltime we have tonight. I want to thank laura for letting me sit in, she will be back tomorrow, back to shannon bream. Another figure connected to the Trump Campaign team says he is in please talks with a special counsel in saudi arabia as crown prince begins his first tour abroad since the murder of a saudi journalist and will democrats cut the Defense Budgets once they take the house . This is special report. I am mike emanuel in for bret baer. New words from the president over special counsel investigation. A conservativer

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