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Mexico guatemala frontier. But as you can see here, the crowd broke down the gates and started streaming in. Police using pepper spray were able to stop the rest of the caravan but not after many got through. The the ingraham angle spoke exclusively tonight with a mexican official who told us the migrants are using women and some pregnant, and children at the front of this line in an effort to intimidate the Mexican Police. Obviously theyre not going to use force against women and children. And the same official relayed to us there are currently 1,000 mexican federales at the border with guatemala, reinforcements are being sent in as we speak and the police are telling the source that many of the people in the caravan grew violent today, injuring six to seven Mexican Police officers who have no weapons except shields and batons and tear gas. The official closed his conversation with the ingraham angle saying, we will not allow our country to be literally invaded from the south. Its critical now to take a stand. If this model goes forward you will see a caravan of this size coming every week. So mexico has its own interest in stopping these caravans from flying through mexico. And now what you see right here is not from the caravan but take a look at this video fox news obtained. This is yesterday morning at 3 30 a. M. In yuma, arizona. You can see four groups of illegals, climbing over the border wall dropping right into the United States. As President Trump said last night, this could be the election of the caravan. And i wanted to bring in right now former House Speaker newt gingrich. Thanks for being here tonight. Lets start with the caravan issue. The president said this could be the election of kavanaugh and the caravan. Kavanaugh, we understand because of fairness and due process and men feel like theyre being targeted unfairly. Why is this caravan issue important to mexico and the United States . The caravan brings into vivid attention that the feinstein open borders bill and speaker pelosis attitude toward immigration are such big dangers to the country. The Gallup World Poll did a survey. In latin america and the caribbean there are 179 Million People who want to come to the u. S. That would be over half the population. What we have to confront is what that mexican official said. If were not prepared to stop this caravan, how big will the next one be . How many will there be . And this puts democrats in a difficult box. They dont like to control immigration. Stacy abrams said she regarded the undocumented and the documented as equal. She is basically saying if you get here illegally you are part of her majority coalition. San francisco passed a rule that allows people here illegally to vote. Democrats are caught in as people watch this laura look at these images, they are devastating. You talk about mobs versus jobs, this is the mob behavior that democrats have led to. Laura two blocks from here there is a homeless shelter. There are not enough beds. They are on the streets, they are destitute. Many are former military veterans, some with Mental Health issues and some just down on their luck. I noticed this on radio today, they give to various organizations, International Organizations that help children in need, including in Central America like food for the poor, all these great organizations. We have a lot of problems here. Wooe were compassionate people. We dont want to say anyone who wants to come in can come in, but when you see these pictures, this is the proof of what no consequences for crossing into our country illegally will bring. These individuals, you cant blame them. They know if they get a foothold into the United States what happens . They are carrying the h honduras flag. This is an invasion. This is attacking the United States sovereignty. Right now mexico. I want to thank the mexican officials and police who are putting their lives on the line and getting grief from leftist politicians who are giving President Trump a pain in the you know what over this issue. I think this is the best mexico has ever been. And i also think the Mexican Government is beginning to realize this is going to be a crisis. You cant have thousands and thousands and thousands of people decide to break the law and have any expectation that civilization is going to withstand it. Laura i want to hear from mike pompeo addressing the issue of women and children being used as a human shield. Lets watch. This is a large group of people. They are putting women and children in front of the caravan to use as shields as they make their way through. This is this is an organized effort to come through and violate the sovereignty of mexico. And so all that we can to support the decisions that mexico makes about how theyre going to address this very serious and important issue to their country. Laura i think this is a major challenge to the democrat party. They have embraced open borders and welcomed in lowskilled and lowwage workers over the years. As have republicans, lets be clear. It keeps wages down, they get cheap labor, pay them cash. They dont complain. They live ten in a house. And its good for construction crews in d. C. , most speaking spanish, hardworking people but it has hurt American Industries from landscaping to roofing and plumbing, the list goes on. This is a mistake for the democrats to embrace this. The imagery that you have these people they are political activists. Theyre not refugees. Theyre political activists. You raised the question last week, who is paying for all this . As you mentioned before the show, this has gone from 3,000 to now we think 5,000 people. It takes 7,000 a person. Thats a 35 million project. Laura huge. Whos paying for it . If its an American Group paying someone to break the law, thats called aiding and abetting. Thats a crime. Reporter the Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church gets about 90 million to resetting migrants in the United States. So a lot of the migrants across the border are then dropped at bus depots. We had a report on this yesterday. And they are transported all across the United States first in shelters paid for by the Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, other organizations. They get an enormous amount of money to do this. There is a revolving door of cash from the federal government to these ngos and 501 c 3s. I want to hear the president talking about this issue in mesa. Right now, as you know, mexico is on their southern border. Their southern border. And theyre fighting, and theyre fighting some bad people in that group. You see the people come up and you listen to the fake news back there and you think theyre all you think theyre all wonderful people. Right . No, no. You think, im serious. You think theyre all wonderful people. You got some bad people in those groups. You got some tough people in those groups and ill tell you what, this country doesnt want them. Okay . Laura and america is a welcoming country. We love meritbased legal immigration. True refugees, a lot of christians in the middle east who have had a hard time getting here and the western europeans trying to get the visa lottery. But hes right. America has seen this has gotten out of control and its a question of fairness to the american worker. And a question of fairness to people who have obeyed the law. Laura one million a year. Those folks have obeyed the law. They look at someone who is breaking the law. And i think theres a lot of resentment. Why are these people able to break the law . Laura newt, this was a former Obama Administration official on cnn talking about job growth, speaking of the midterms, i want to play this. The job growth has been the case for six years. Job growth was better in the last year of the Obama Presidency than the first year of the trump presidency. The reality is a good economy is good for politics for the person in charge. She had a better job under obama. Lets start with her. Laura its a friday night here. Its really fun. Lowest africanamerican unemployment in history. Lowest latino unemployment in history. I think we now have the low estrogen unemployment since 1969. Its pretty hard not to believe that President Trump and his policies have made a positive impact. The only major economy thats growing right now is the United States. None of the others are growing. I think were doing something right but i also think it comes back to this question, you know, we want to be a country that is welcoming to people who want to become americans. And we want to become a country that is welcoming to people who want to obey the law and play by the rules. This whole notion of jobs versus mobs is real and youve seen it here at home with democratic mobs and youre seeing it from guatemala coming up with a mob. And this is a very serious question. And you have had very strange comments. A senator from virginia who said we ought to be punching and fighting in the streets. The former attorney general said we ought to be kicking republicans. Laura hillary saying we cant be civil until we win again. Because they were so civil back then. We need to recognize the people that take a deep breath and ask themselves what kind of america do you want to live in and do you want to live in one where mobs are going to come in your restaurant to drive you out . Is that what you are comfortable with . Laura im begging them to do it to me, newt. Bring it. This is President Trump tonight speak about what america ultimately over time turns into if this continues. Lets watch. They will try to plunge our country into a nightmare of gridlock, poverty and chaos. You know that. Its going to be a mess. Democrats want to raise your taxes, impose socialism on our country. Turn us into a venezuela. Turn us into another venezuela. Laura is that just overstatement . I dont think so. I think if you for example, the democrats say they want to have universal health care for everybody. And in california, gavin newsom says he would give it away to every illegal immigrant who showed up. If word went out worldwide get to california and they will take care of your health care, the sheer cost of that would break the american system. And i think we need to understand, these are folks who dont have a clue about the real world. What theyre focused on is power. They want power over you and me and power over how we are allowed to behave. Nothing about creating jobs. Laura the democrats are up in arms because of President Trumps comments last night about the forte, he is my kind of politician body slamming the reporter. A time when khashoggi was murdered at the consulate in turkey and the president is sending a terrible message about freedom of the press at a time when the press is being attacked in the murder. The press will always be highly sensitive. You dont notice when we talk about how dangerous it gets, the press are prepared to say it was the republican whip, Steve Scalise who was shot and republicans who were beaten up. It was a republican headquarters in new york that antifa was destroyed. There is not much understanding about the level of oppression from the left. Laura joaquin castro, a congressman from san antonio, he said this about Jared Kushner. Lets watch. Let me get to the point i think is most disturbing right now. The reporting that Jared Kushner may have with u. S. Intelligence delivered a hit list an enemies list to saudi arabia and the prince may have acted on that and one of the people he took action against is mr. Khashoggi. Laura so Jared Kushner ordered a hit . That particular comment is insane. The fact is khashoggi is a public figure. Everybody in saudi arabia knew who he was. The idea that an american had to call and say, you may not have noticed this guy, you have to wonder sometimes are these People Living in a fantasy world in no connection with reality . Laura were going to dip into President Trumps rally in mesa. Not too good, theyre lousy politicians with horrible policy. They do one thing well. They stick together. They really do. They stick together better than the republicans. The one thing they do and they stick day they dont want us to have the victory over a wall even though we have more money for the military. But they dont want us to have the wall. They will fight to the death because they dont want us to have the wall but we started the wall anyway and were going to get that done. Were going to get it done. And now its at a point its really at a point when you look at whats pouring over in these caravans when they say we dont want to change the immigration laws that are so bad, catch and release, we dont want to change visa lottery. They pick names out of a hat. Visa lottery. Think about it. Do you think this country or whichever country it is, are they going to put you are they going to put their finest in there . I dont think so. I dont think so. Chain migration. We had a guy on the westside highway. He goes down the highway, 60, 70 miles an hour, radical islam, terrible. Makes a right turn into a park, kills nine people, badly injuries them. Nobody every talks about. People that are run eight long the beautiful hudson river because they want to stay in shape they end up going home six months later with no legs and arms because of people like this, sick people, these are sick people. And this guy had 22 people. He brought in his mother, his father, his brother, his sisters, his aunts, his uncles because of democrats policy. Thats called chain migration. Its a chain. It sounds so good like right out of school. Sounds so beautiful, the chain, everyone comes together. Nope. Were ending it, folks. And the democrats dont want to do it but were ending it, folks. And catch and release. How about that . Thats my favorite. Catch. You catch a damn killer. You catch a bad hombre. You catch a bad one. You take the name. And were supposed to bring them to court. But we have hundreds of thousands of people and its all my fault. You know why . Because we, i, you, altogether, we made this country so strong economically, so good, jobs, everything, that everybody wants to come in. So its my fault. But you know what . Were not letting them in. Were only going to let people in based on merit. We need people to come in. Based on merit. So you have catch and release. They put one foot. They dont need two. We have the greatest people, i. C. E. , Border Patrol, law enforcement. And the law doesnt allow us to throw them the hell out. We have to take them and write them up and then we say come back in three years if after court case. In the meantime, theyre released into our society. And you know what . The percentage of people that come back for the case . 3 . He said zero, you were slightly wrong. 3 show up three years, four years, five years later. Its a disgrace and the democrats do it. We dont have enough votes. We dont have enough republicans to override their negative vote. They do stick together and remember this, theyre only sticking together because they want to make sure that i and we dont get what they know our country needs. But i think they may be forced politically to do it because i got to tell you, anybody that votes for a democrat now is crazy when you look at whats coming up. Crazy. Got to be crazy. The democrats dont care about what their extremist immigration agenda will do to your communities, your hospitals. How about your hospitals . Theyre being overrun. Your schools, california, they want to give you free education, Free Health Care, open borders. I mean, were going to have 10 Million People move to california. This is the craziest thing. So heres what we do. Lets get these people out of there. Theres something wrong. Theyre coo coo. The democrats dont care that a flood of illegal immigration is going to totally bankrupt our country because all the democrats want is power. And dont forget, everybody that comes across the border, for the most part, theyre going to vote democrat. Theyre not voting republican. Theyre going to vote democrat. So nobody said theyre stupid. But its bad for our country. But theyre going to vote democrat. No matter what we do theyre going to be voting democrat. They understand that. And thats why democrats support programs like catch and release. Thats why democrats want to give illegal aliens free welfare, Free Health Care and free education, give them a drivers license. Give them a drivers license. Next thing you know theyll want to buy them a car. Then theyll say the cars not good enough. We want a rolls royce. Made not in america so therefore i hope thats not what we do. Thats why democrats want to give Illegal Immigrants the right to vote. How about in california, where Illegal Immigrants took over the town council and now the town council is run by Illegal Immigrants in a town . I mean, is this even believable . You tell this stuff . It is sick that is why democrats want to abolish i. C. E. , the most brave people. These people, i wouldnt want their job. Nobody up here wants their job, i can tell by looking. They go into the toughest situations. We call them nests. Nests are very bad people. They dont want to use guns, they would rather use knives. Its more painful and slower. These are really bad people. And i. C. E. Goes in there, its like a day at the office. And they free towns like in rhode island its like liberation from a war. And the democrats think that i. C. E. Isnt nice. We have to get rid of i. C. E. We cherish i. C. E. And we cherish Border Patrol and we cherish our law enforcement. The casualties in the democrats open borders crusade are innocent American Families and lives and we have some of these incredible people with us tonight. Democrat immigration policies allow poisonous drugs, vicious gang members, and ms13 killers to pour into our country and weve done a great job. We have removed thousands of ms13. Get them the hell out. Thousands. Thousands, thousands and thousands. And democrat sanctuary cities release dangerous predators out of a jail and straight into your community. Laura i want to get to Something Else the president might comment on tonight. Longtime aide telling political a hillary aide wouldnt rule out hillary running for president in 2020. In fact he brags about how much support hillary still has. Joining me now is al moter who was on hillarys finance committee. Al, would hillary consider another run . I saw her on various shows. He looks vigorous and healthy. I think she is still in the fight but wont run for president again. Reporter why is philippe so insistent . Shes done a lot in her career and is doing a lot to raise money for the democrats under age 35 which is a great thing for our party but its i think its likely she will stand aside and let others run. Laura like the vigorous, Young Joe Biden . I dont think that america should go to the past. Laura the Trump White House is giddy at the prospect of hillary considering this again. Because i think they think you know, russia gave it to trump the first time and people just didnt have enough information so now, if hillary gets a second bite of the apple. She is smart and seasoned and knows trump. So why not . The thing im most struck with in this conversation is president obamas Campaign Manager who tweeted the other day why cant we stay on message . If you have all these democrats making news that totally distracts from winning the offyear election. The last thing the average democrat needs, imagine you are a redstate democrat in indiana or missouri and now you are asked about Hillary Clinton running again . Its a nightmare. Laura heres the gallup in september of 2018 her favorability is at 36 . Is that high . September of 2016 it was 38 . Its not going exactly in the right direction. But the guy who has the highest in the polls, hillary is not in the polls right now is joe biden. He is about 33 of all democrats he is out there and hitting trump every other day. And he seems like he is hungry for it. He seems like he is tanned, rested and ready. He is definitely all those things. And i think he does want to run but it would be a tough race. Laura do you think, al, these visions of thousands of people pressed up against the Mexican Border on the bridge, and just so people understand, our sources are telling us that none of the migrants have crossed into mexican territory proper. There is a middle ground where some have broken into. But mexico claims it has not allowed the migrants into mexico. Do you think those images are good for the democrat party. Theres the standup on the i see the pictures and i dont. I think we are losing the message battle on this issue. The democrats are for security and borders and the rule of law but you wouldnt know it if you listen to the president. Were not good at responding. We need to respond with more vigor on these things. Laura Elizabeth Warren took the democrats off message with the dna test. Was it chers song, cherokee people she desperate is trying to prove people it was a huge mistake. You have to wonder and i my party on occasion has gone through cycles where it was terminally insane. And it took four, six, eight years to get out. You go back to the 1930s, for example. But this is almost beyond imagining. First of all, you can sort of see why she and her consultants have said if you run for president you have to prove you have not been lying about whether or not you are native american or whether or not you are cherokee. So she goes off the timing is terrible. It fits the wrong thing. Talk about it the week after the election. And she goes off on it anyway and they take the test and the test comes back and basically says that most americans are at least native american as she is and theres zero possibility you could prove that she was cherokee based on that test and in fact, the indications seem to be that if she has any native american blood its latin american, not north american. And you would think she is smart and she does this thing and its beyond dumb. I mean, shes going to go from pocahontas, i dont know what trumps new term is going to be but im confident he is work on it. And you have the Cherokee Nation formally protesting. These are democrats who lost the touch they once laura i might have been with you some years ago, 20 years ago, maybe with cory booker when cory booker was considered a third way democrat. He was cool and working with republicans. What the heck happened to that cory booker . I thought he was interesting. More of a bill clinton democrat. And hes different now. I think he could unite the party. I think he has gone left of where he was. But hes got charisma, a former division i athlete and mayor. Laura can he unite the party . Who knows. The cory booker who showed up at spartacus and made a fool of himself couldnt. I think its going to be kamala harris. I think an africanamerican woman, former attorney general, from california laura law and order. Has enormous resources and i think she clears the field. Laura and the obamas very close with her. Bottom line, whoever can win. Laura obamas with the king makers in this party. Thats what we want. Come on. Laura thanks so much. Were keeping our eyes on the trump rally from arizona. Stay with us. Joining me, Raymond Arroyo is here with the college mob and a halloween billboard that will flight frighten you. We were stuck. We secured 700 billion dollars and then next year, 716 billion to fully rebuild our Great American military. And our military will very shortly be far stronger, far more powerful, modern, the best in the world and also its jobs. When it comes to the military i dont care about the jobs so much. I want a strong military. But as a secondary benefit, every ounce of it is built in the United States. And we make the best planes and the best ships and the best rockets. Er . When i was young, into my teens and when i went into college and played college tennis, i could play all day long and never get tired, ever. As i got older, i started noticing a change in energy. [narrator] do you have less energy than you used to . Between trying to have a professional life and then take care of my family at the same time, it gets pretty busy. [narrator] scientists have discovered that after you reach age 40, your body produces less vital nitric oxide than it did when you were in your 20s. With less nitric oxide, you have less energy. So how do you get your energy back . 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Other people have alma maters, the theme song to the campus. Its a diddy. At nyu the theme song was angry voices through a bull horn. When i heard how he was welcomed to nyu, it brought back more memories. Henry kissinger, you are a war criminal, you are youre a nazi you dont belong here. People know, live with the result of what youve done. The man is 95 years old and the former secretary of state but what you see here is even former gop officials are not immune from this kind of harassment and upsettlement and anger. This was an invitation only event. They harassed him from 5 30 to 8 00. They dragged them out. You could see this on the video. But this went on and on. He barely got through the evening. But i have to say this, an official who works for the president , the president makes the decision to bomb cambodia, thats not up to the secretary of state. Why are they yelling at him . Yell at nixons grave in wittier. Halloween is coming back again. A billboard has his head has been replaced with maxine waters. And uncivil democrats toeer side of the image. This guy routinely for a moment when i saw it, i thought it was tyler perrys boo a maxine halloween. I thought maybe. Laura how long did it stay up . Its still up. Laura how did he get up there . Hes a former marine. The power of image. He is using imagie to drive hom the message. Laura he has done all sorts of funny things. We have an update on the brooklyn witches putting a hex on Brett Kavanaugh. 60 are getting together to hex Brett Kavanaugh an excosist. Laura there he is. People are praying and fasting for Brett Kavanaugh to ward off that hex. Laura i fasted for six hours today. I didnt eat until 1 00 this afternoon. You just forgot to eat. Laura how many exorcists are in the United States . More than you know. I have interviewed a few of them. Laura i wanted a halloween he that spins around. They are training them in rome and there are bigger numbers than you think. Evil is real. Laura thank you so much. We are keeping our eyes on the trump rally. If democrats needed help embarrassing themselves, cory booker lit a match to the hay stack. What he said about america, coming up next. These courageous arizona these courageous arizona patriots did not shed their blood, sweat, and tears so we could sit at home while others try to erase their legacy and destroy our proud american heritage. For the sake of our freedom and for the sake of our children, we are going to work. We are going to fight. And we are going to win, win, win. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Mbc doesnt take a day off, and neither will i. And i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. In fact, verzenio is a cdk4 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr , her2 mbc, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. Verzenio an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. Diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. Before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. Verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. Serious liver problems can occur. Symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. Blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. Talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. Im relentless. And my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. Be relentless. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. Laura new jersey senator cory booker is on laura new jersey senator cory booker is on a mission to help the Democratic Party become more pitiful than it is. During a speech on thursday he said this about how unamerican our country has become. Watch. I cant stand how unamerican trudeau, give me a break. 6 income to go to college. And why are other nations unamerican enough. Laura im sure they will take you at any time. This is among the best and brightest of the 2020 democratic hopefuls. Joining me is matt schlapp, author of trumps enemies, Corey Lewandowski. Maude. Matt, i want to start with you. You cant use american as a verb, okay . But he did. So canada, universal health care, all the canadian they just legalized marijuana. You can have marijuana. Theres not going to be any problems that stem from that. Here you have cory booker. This progressive voice going to run for president and lead this charge. Hes attacking these elite colleges, right, for costing too much, almost all run by liberals. Tons of government pushes college up, the Research Money and the Financial Aid money. And he is criticizing the base of the Democratic Party. I think he kind of needs to check his own support. I love the price of college to come down. We would like to fire a lot of the professors. Laura get the government out of the business of subsidizing college. If the president found himself in 2020 up against cory booker what would he think about that matchup . Thats the dream ticket. We hope its him, again, and bloomberg on the ticket against donald trump and mike pence. Thats a 48 or 49state victory for the trump pence administration. Cory booker has lost his spartacus moment. Hes lost reality of whats really going on. Canada has an immigration system based on the need of the country which is exactly what cory booker doesnt want. He wants to have open borders. He wants everyone who is coming from mexico to come into the country and become the next voters. He wants sanctuary cities and to disband i. C. E. Its not what the American People stands for. We want him to run in two years. Laura dinesh i want to put up a photo. This was given to us tonight by someone on the scene in mexico. This is the bridge where 4500 migrants are on migrants are in a standoff with Mexican Police. No one has gotten into mexico. The a. P. Apparently is wrong about. That but 4500 people spending the night on that bridge. 300 have been processed into mexico, refugee applications. Dinesh, how does this issue, those images tonight, with the violence that has broken out in this crowd as well, how does this play today in the midterm politics . I think that the democrats are headed for a disaster, we call it of kavanaugh proportion. They have gone from a battle in which a man of impeccable reputation was accused without a single ounce of corroboration, something that helped to unify the Republican Party and fire up the Republican Base and make the democrats look like they believe in guilty until proven innocent, and now they move to this, which is a hoard of people moving in exorably toward the United States. Its the fundamental job of any government to protect its own citizens. If we think in liberal theory why do we have a government at all its to protect us from foreign and domestic thugs. And here we have a group of foreign people moving toward our border. Who knows how much drugs, who knows how much crime and to cheer this on as if it were a boon to the United States, i dont think it makes any sense. No democrat would open its home if these people were waiting outside to get in. Laura mexican officials are saying at the front of the caravan are pregnant women and children, using them as visual shields. People see that and what are police going to do . Its obviously an incredibly difficult situation putting women and children in harms way in an unsafe and unsanitary position tonight. But the president is called heartless, callous, cold hearted because we dont open our borders to anyone who is an economic migrant. If you look at the kids they grab, a large percentage of them are not those peoples kids. The Human Trafficking involved with the kids in these caravans is very frightening and scary. They dose the young women up with a bunch of birth control. They know the incidence of rape is through the roof. The humanitarian cost for this spectacle. Laura congress has to act. The president cannot do everything. Congress has got to stop the madness. It has to stop. The border has to mean something. You cannot come in unless you are coming legally. Its all a stunt and paid for by somebody. Laura big money. And we understand that cory lun do y Corey Lewandowski, someone was pulled out of the caravan, concerned that venezuela and leftist politicians in honduras could be helping the caravan because they want to try to embarrass President Trump. But corey, the president won on the issue of immigration. I think that above all else that was the issue he won on. I want to put up a graphic for you. This is effect on communities of immigration in the United States and its going to surprise a lot of people. Immigration change made by community made it worse, white voters says immigration made it worse, 65 . Hispanic voters, 44 of them say it has made their community worse. Other 51 . These are the numbers that the other networks will not bring the people. We bring them to them regularly. Corey lewandowski, this is a winner for republicans. Of course its a winner. And this is a quintessential Campaign Issue that the president pledged to fix. And the reason that those numbers are so staggering whether you are in the africanamerican or hispanic community, when you is people pouring across the border and taking jobs away from people, it has an Economic Impact on those here legally. And what we have seen from the president is the lowest Unemployment Rate for africanamericans and his pans and women in a Record Number of years. In literally most peoples lifetimes. So the influx of illegal immigration into our country is not going to help us. Its not going to solve a problem. This is something that we need to control and it goes back to what Ronald Reagan said 30 years ago. A country that cant control its borders isnt a country at all. This president has stood by this. Its been a hallmark and now we got to get congress to act to get the money to finish the wall on the southern border. Laura and close the loopholes for asylum, et cetera. Im going to reveal the winners and losers of the week, thats next. I want some more whats he doin . But, he cant look at him its just not done please sir. I want some more more . More . More . More . Please sir he has asked for. Thank you what . Well he did say please sir yes he did and, thank you yeah. And thank you hes a wonderful boy laugh a delightful boy all boys thank you, thank you, thank you. Laura for a wrap on the laura for a wrap on the trump rally, were back with the panel. Thanks for sticking around. I want to begin with a nogood week for two rock stars of the Democratic Party, okay, matt. Losers, two rock stars of the Democratic Party. Beto orourke. Hes not going to be a senator for sure. Laura a pretty boy that didnt make the cut. My pick is Elizabeth Warren. Her dna is a flop. She is the loser of the week. Laura and she doesnt look good in feathers. No Elizabeth Warren jokes. Dinesh, winners of the week, who are they . I think its got to be trump. Hes on a roll and continues to be able to ridicule his opponents with such effectiveness they tried to get back at him but with no successful result. Laura Corey Lewandowski winner of the week . Josh holly the u. S. Campaign. And josh holly is going to be the next u. S. Senator from missouri. Laura what happens to the caravan . Matt . I like to people on the case. I like pompeo with bolton working with dhs. Laura the Mexican Government. Its going to get stopped. Reporter raymond . The Mexican Government is holding back this caravan. But dont underestimate the president here. Laura is mexico going to hold the line . Dinesh . I hope so. I think it would be a breakthrough. If the mexicans draw the line and say just as we dont let foreigners in our country were going to block these guys, thats going to be a huge embarrassment for the Democratic Party. Laura corey, mexico hold it . If they wont, we will. They will not be in our country illegally, i assure you. Laura i predict mexico and the United States will have a better working relationship because of this president s leadership. Nieto is going to work well with this administration. Thats parkway predictimy predi when we come back, a special announcement about mondays show. Dont move away from here. E lik. What are we doing . The nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Nicodermcq. You know why, we know how. Each of these food boxes represents a gift of life for people here in israel who are in desperate need. These are very difficult times for israel and the jewish people as the government spends more and more of its resources for battling terrorism. There are more people who come than they expect because the numbers keep growing. The bible teaches, blessed is he whose help is the god of jacob. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. This 25 food box will provide one desperately need family here in israel with food, with hope and with a note inside each of these saying that it is from christians and jews in america who seek to bless them. With your phone call right now a food box will go out to one desperate family in israel. Inside the food box is a special note that will bless them and will let them know that america stands strong in solidarity with israel in their struggle for survival. Many of these people are ill, theyre sick, theyre alone. They dont have the money to afford things that many of us; most of us take for granted. I ask you to please help. Go to your phone and tell us that you stand with israel at her time of need. Israel and its people need your help now. You can make a life changing difference by calling and saying that you will give a 25 food box to help a family in need in israel. Thank you and god bless you for your support. Laura all right. Tomorrow night trump is going to be in nevada, a trump will be in nevada. Monday a special announcement, Raymond Arroyo will be in texas with the president. We are almost out of time. I will send you some sound and we will see what is on peoples mind as they move toward the midterm. Take out my new book coming in paperback, out this week. Fox news alert, shockwaves reverberating around the world after saudi arabias admission that journalist and activist Jamal Khashoggi did indeed die on its watch but the devil is in the details. A power handle until experts, claims and counterclaims what happened to the saudi writer and activist. Thousands breaking down the border fence as they continue their march to the border. And fazed by Donald Trumps warning, welcome to fox news at

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