The way he was explaining it, it let the air out of the room because, they were reading everything that is being said about them. Is he a bad actor . Yes. They are a hostile regime and theyve done it before. But it happened on obamas watch. Sean and he has just our best interests at heart. Every time they say russia, i say china. Sean hannity, fantastic reporting from helsinki. Laura good evening from washington, i am laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. We have a pretty stellar show tonight. Barack obama is trying to turn President Trumps summit controversy into his own electoral gain for the democrats. That is the focus tonight coming up in just a bit. Plus, alexandria ocasiocortez may not be a democratic savior but a razor line wedge in her own party. Unbelievable story, we are going to explain. You will not believe who is suing the victim of that Las Vegas Massacre. A survivor joins us with detail details. First, the firestorm around President Trumps meeting with Vladimir Putin. Today, he moved to clarify his comments that cast doubt on the russian meddling in the 2016 election, and the president s support of Intelligence Service services. We have never been in a worse relationship with russia than we are as of a few days ago, and i think that has gotten substantially better. I think it has the possibility of getting much better. I accept our Intelligence Communitys conclusion that russians meddling in the 2016 that took place could be other people also. There are a lot of people out there. It should have been obvious, i thought it would be obvious, but i would like to clarify just in case it wasnt. In a key sentence in my remarks, i said the word would instead of wouldnt. The sentence should have been, i dont see any reason why i wouldnt, or why it wouldnt be russians. President obama, along with the whole group on television, probably getting paid a lot of money by your networks, they knew about russias attempt to interfere in the election in september, and they totally buried it. Laura bingo. That last point, of course, has gotten much hysterical coverage of the controversy these past two days. Ive never seen anything like i it. But can President Trump successfully quell the rage from its critics . Some on the right and the left. He is a russia expert, director of the wilsons center institut institute, former intel officer, along with doctor, a fox news former affairs analyst. Great to have you on. I have never witnessed a purposeful meltdown on the left, and some on the right after the summit in helsinki. The president comes out to clarify his remarks today, and it wasnt good enough. It wasnt good enough for the media, it wasnt good enough for democrats, and as we will get to in a few moments, it wasnt good enough for president obama. He spoke for the clarification. Is it ever going to be good enough . As the president said, he could part the red sea, and it would never be good enough. It was a gaff. He messed up. Who hasnt made a gaffe on the global stage . If we forget, president obama, he bowed before the saudi king. Laura jfk, as her friend pointed out last night, the idea that the president of the United States is working as a secret mall for a brush on the world stage in helsinki, and its really conspiring with putin to undermine american interests as he is hitting the pipeline, kicked out 60 diplomats, as he continues sanctions, he sent lethal weapons to the ukraine, his actions against russia have been tougher than obamas across the board. And yet, all of this is lost on the trump hating media, and also of course the democrats. Ive never seen anything like this, honestly. Laura, the problem is we have a president who can handle the mission of interNational Security. Ukraine, the baltics, syria, many issues in africa. In addition to the nuclear matter, which is extremely important. On the other hand, that should not have been the case. The debate about our u. S. Politics shouldve been been in washington, not there. My concern now is that many of the countries for whom we are going to be partnering are looking to us as undecided. If they cannot side with russia and other powers as to how to solve this crisis, we are going to lose. Laura matthew, your reaction. My sense is not the russians from the very beginning, obviously they have mocked around in american politics, but their goal here was primarily to weaken the United States. When you look at a president who face is almost certain opposition from congress on anything he tries to do in his view to advance the American National interest visavis russia, he is not going to be able to get it done in washington because he is going to be blocked by congress. That is Mission Accomplished for the russians, if their goal was to tie the hands of the president of the United States. I think this is going to backfire on russia because in the long term, the United States is the leading world power and to get that status and recognition that they need, they need to be able to cut deals with the United States. They have, in effect, hamstrung the president , but also their own ability to close the deal that they need to cut, whether it is on ukraine, syria, or nuclear. Laura thats a good point. I want to share with all of you this series of hysterical reactions on the part of the usual suspects claiming that now we are at a National Security crisis because of what happened in helsinki. The fact that the president and his very weak performance account tiles to putin and accepts his version of the facts, i think that is a National Security risk. We now have a real National Security emergency in this country. This is a National Security crisis, and the president of the United States flew all the way to finland, met with Vladimir Putin, and basically capitulated. Laura what substantive issue did the president capitulate on . Stopping sanctions, no longer arming the ukrainians . Are we doing any of the things, bringing back the diplomats that we expelled . He walked away with a few good minutes of press that he can go home and build his propaganda machine. You are absolutely right. Those 60 diplomats, they are still gone. Washington conflicts, still closed. We put 30millimeter weapons right on the front lines to go against these regimes. What did he get . A few good minutes of press. I think the National Security stress we are going to be facing in syria, the iranians are taking the borders all the way to israel. Iraq tonight is falling apart with all these demonstrations. Laura they talked about that, the president said. They addressed iran behind closed doors. All other leaders, address National Security or interNational Security issues. Laura but he doesnt care. Im sorry, the left does not frankly care about that. It is get trump, kicked him out of office, teach him whatever you can do. That is what they are focused on. You are making this really good cerebral argument about geopolitics. What is going on, what you are hearing from these senators is outrageously irresponsible. There are serious issues at hand, and claimed that the president is the poodle of putin because a verbal messed up. As if obama didnt make missteps. How about his disappearing redline . That was a substantive misstep. Your reaction, matthew. A National Security crisis that we spoke with Vladimir Putin after obama spent eight years trying to do a reset that never happened. No, i think the starting point for this debate is really partisan politics in the United States, and the genius of russias meddling, whatever it was exactly that they did, they targeted our weakest point. They knew that this was stirring up a hornets nest and it puts the United States in a position where instead of driving a hard bargain on, for example, syria, weve got to get iran out of southern syria, russia is very interested in seeing him regain control. If russia gets the part it once, we dont get iran out of southern syria, we cant advance the security in the state of israel in that region, then we lose. The president who has got his hands tied on foreign policy, got the hill out to get him its going to have a very hard time doing it, thats a win for russia. Laura despite of the president s verbal missteps, the last 24 hours have seen these dangerous hysterics over russia. Astounding historical illiteracy at the same time. Heres an example. The Washington Post blared, its not wrong to compare trumps america to the holocaust. Here is why. How about this from political, putins attack on the u. S. Is our pearl harbor. And then at this drama last night on msnbc. I would say that his Performance Today will live in infamy as much as the pearl harbor attack. Laura i mean, i dont even have words. I keep saying i dont have words for this. Pearl harbor, 209,000 americans died in pearl harbor. Im sure many Jewish Americans have something to say. Unfortunately, when our domestic politics are deeply divided, what we are going to have is a much more dangerous situation. This will end in a few months, lets say a year, the results on the ground, we will face that if we are not united. I completely agree. We have got to move forward with us. As long as we stay divided, they went when mike appeared laura are they upset about what donald trump did in helsinki . Thats hard to generalize, but thats what you hear from the left. He is destroying the morale of the Intel Community. We screwed up a lot on the way, for decades, we have gotten things wrong. Cataclysmic intel failures, but a lot of successes, too. That is just the way it is. Sure, mistakes are going to be a man, you are going to have people who are better at their jobs than others in the Intel Community, just as you do in any profession. At the end of the day, most intel professionals, they move forward, they know their job, they do it right, whatever happened in the world politics, they put that behind them because theyve seen it before. Laura the heads of the intel agencies, the things that people like brennan are saying, trader, treasonous. When a former chief is going to that level of rhetoric about the current president of the United States, no wonder President Trump thinks when he was running for president , this guy was working to try to prevent him from being president. We are going to treason . Honestly, my old friend, george will, had a very unfortunate column today. It was called, i think, we have the full screen of it. I think we do, called the sad embarrassing wreck of a man. Americas child president have a playdate with a kgb alumnus who surely enjoyed providing day care, blah, blah, blah. Listen, if i had the president here, what i would tell him to do right now, he has got some really smart people advising him. Have his senior National Security officials work out a good deal with russia, whether it is on getting iran out of syria, whether it is a renewal of nuclear arms control, which we have to do, russia is the worlds other nuclear power, call everybodys bluff by bringing that deal back to washington and saying to the senate, you can fight it were not. Then it is on everyones record, did they support, did they not support a good deal for the United States. They cant play politics. Laura it right. That is a substantive determination. Everyone can put their cards on the table. I think they are working on tha that. Exactly. Excellent panel. Thank you so much. Guess who is trying to capitalize on the moment . We will tell you in a moment on a the ingraham angle are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Laura obama to the rescue. That is the focus of tonights the angle. Before President Trump could even clarify a statement helsinki, president obama pounced. Speaking in johannesburg, he hits the sitting president , populism, and attempted to breathe life into his own sad legacy. Look around. Strongman politics are descending suddenly. Whereby elections and some pretense of democracy are maintained, the form of it, but those in power seek to undermine every institution or norm that gives democracy meaning. Laura okay, the people and there will give democracy its meaning. Dont you love how obama attempts to write trump off as some putinlike dictator . He tries to lend credence to the line that of course, siding with kgb and putin over all of our intelligence agents. Appointed president clarified and batted down today as he displayed in the previous segment. Lets not pretend that america hasnt had a history of making convenient alliances with unsavory strongmen. We do so when necessary to achieve greater objectives for our country. Im thinking, saddam hussein. To mention a few. Obama himself abruptly cut short a big meeting with eric e democratic ally, india to attend a Memorial Service of the king of saudi arabia. Maybe some strongmen are better than others, but obama is involved with strongmen, its fine. The former president also makes the mistake of assuming that trump, and the millions of people who turned out to vote for him just turned up from the ether, dropped out of the sky. Trump was elected in part because Many Americans were fed up with the weak man leadership of barack obama, the man who drew redlines and disappearing ink. Voters in ohio, wisconsin, pennsylvania and beyond had had it with globalism, open borders, had it with trade deals that gutted our manufacturing, and gave an upper hand to china. Trump voters were also tired of endless war, and they still are. That is called common sense conservative populism. But of course, many in the bipartisan establishment that trump ran against will never admit the failures of globalization, and instead, like obama, they choose to denigrate its skeptics. In the west, far right parties that often times are based, not just in platforms of protectionism and closed borders, but also on barely hidden racial nationalism. Laura at one end out, play the race card. This is pure identity politics. That is what obama is really good at. And on the global stage, no les less, he rescued democrats in the midterms. By the way, could that be interpreted as criticizing america on the global stage . In a foreign country . I think so. Whipping up racial divisions is a typical democrat tactic, and when we have already seen deployed by alexandria ocasiocortez, the new bright light of the democratic party, kamala harris, the list goes on and on. Obama there in johannesburg makes it all sound better with all those pregnant pauses. Then of course, he couldnt assist launching the tired old refrain against populism with a few lines that couldve been written by george w. Bush himself. The fact that countries which rely on nationalism and xenophobia and doctrines of tribal, racial, religious superiority as their main organizing principle, the thing that holds people together, eventually those countries find themselves consumed by civil war, or external war. Laura i hope he is not talking about our country. I think in japan, for instance, which has a strong nationalistic streak, pride in their culture, strict immigration policy, are they on the verge of civil war . I dont think so. Look, obamas turn today was designed to seize on the opening that the globalists feel they have after helsinki. But as usual, they overreach, and they have this really convenient case of amnesia regarding their own role in the rotten state of affairs with russia. These are the facts, though. Obama did not reset our relationship with russia, even though he bragged about it all the way through 2012. And, obama consistently underestimated the challenge posed by putin regime. This is the assessment from the workings institution, no fans of trump, writing, at the end of obamas two terms, putin had elevated russia as a power on the global stage. Occupied much of eastern ukraine. By successfully cramping up the degenerative aside regime, the kremlin gained a veto on any possible political solutions, and got a meaningful foothold in the broader region, fueling both antiamericanism and liberalism, and most of all, it managed to metal almost unopposed in u. S. All on obamas watch. I just read that in the makeup room earlier. The bottom line is this, the two Nuclear Powers in the world should have an open and frank line of communication. That is better for americas security. And guess what . It is better for the globe. Its what liberals used to before, more talk, less war appeared trump has a realistic and pragmatic view of the postcold war era. The biggest threat is not russia. By the way, who has an economy basically the size of italy. The biggest threat to america is china. Trump is the first president to make this plane and act accordingly. Tough talk and tougher action, including terrorists that the globalists are all against. Of course, they say precious little about chinas incursions. Chinas cheating, chinas threat. Why . Because they make gobs of money on china. Remember back in 2014 when the Chinese Military hacked into the federal Governments Office of management . China has Social Security numbers and family information on 22 million current and former government employees, including mine. This was barack obama with president xi jinping when the news broke. Did obama confront xi on that hack . No, he did not. Did the media it make a big deal of that . No, they did not create it on msnbc claim that obama was in a xi back pocket for not calling him out . No, they did not. But back to russia. Trump said yesterday both sides deserve blame for the state of the relationship. My net said that standing next to putin, but quoting a former cia officer and policy expert, he said the relationship went wrong when the nation did not treat russia as a nation who had shaken off a soviet communism. It shouldve been welcomed, but instead, it was regarded as a successor state to the ussr, inheriting its status as the principal focus of western distrust. You can debate whether that was the right thing to do, but we opted to expand nato, and failed in our attempts to turn russia into an ally, ill be at a cagey one. That got russias backup, and it boosted putins popularity in his homeland. The truth is that lots of people have said what trump said yesterday, that we should have a better relationship with russia, where we can, guess who said it . Clinton, george w. Bush, and yes, barack obama. America wants a strong, peaceful, and prosperous russia. Thats why i have called for a reset in relations for the United States and russia. This must be more than a fresh start between the kremlin and the white house, it must be sustained effort among the american and russian people to identify mutual interests and expand dialogue and cooperation that can pave the way to progress. Laura sounds pretty good. So, why is that thought now suddenly so subversive . Because we have a republican president in the white house. By the way, republican president who is backing up the conciliatory talk, building bridges with tough sanctions, as well. The democrats have the midterms ahead of them. They are coming. Barack obama and the democrats clearly fear that trump might succeed where they failed. Thats the angle. Joining me now for reaction is glenn greenwald, cofounder of the intercept and a deep skeptic of the Intel Community. Glenn, the hair on fire commentary by the former intel chief of today and yesterday is quite something. I want to play for you something that john brennan said this morning and get your reaction quickly. This is a big question, first of all, in terms of those who are on mr. Trumps National Security team, whether they can continue to serve in good conscious and individual who basically betrayed his nation. What mr. Trump did yesterday was to betray the women and men of the fbi, the cia, nsa, and others. And betrayed the american public, thats why i used the term that this is nothing short of treasonous because it is a betrayal of the nation. He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and it needs to stop. Mr. Companies to understand that they are going to be consequences for him, too. Laura threatening the president there. Your reaction. I have a lot of criticisms of trump, parts from obamas speech that i actually thought were good in terms of criticizing global institutions, but that rhetoric that we just heard from the former cia director, who was also part of the cia under george bush as well, is incredibly not just unhinged, but remarkably dangerous. We are not actually at war with russia. This is the prerequisite for treason, he actually said that russia is our enemy, which is something that the president he served for eight years vehemently rejected even after all the allegations of hacking. If you look at all the Nuclear Weapons on the planet that can extinguish the human species, 90 of them reside in the hands of two countries, the u. S. And russia, and to create this climate where we compare russia, our enemy is remarkably reckless and dangerous, and it is shocking to hear. Laura isnt it the case that there are many on the right, the old neoconservatives, there are a lot who want to keep the cold war mentality going. Russia is a big threat, we are going to go to war, montenegro, go to war in crimea. They dont like the idea that we have a republican president reaching out to try to find some areas of common ground. They say they dont mind it, but in the end, i think they do mind it. Because it upsets their applecart, their entire worldview postcold war. Laura i mean, Dwight Eisenhower 60 years ago when he last was in the white house, no radical, fivestar general, to turn president warmth that there was a Permanent Military faction that would benefit by having the u. S. On a permanent war footing, something the Founding Fathers never wanted. I was before the cold war really got underway in a hardcore manner, and obviously before the war on terror where it has grown ever stilled. There is huge factions in washington that are very invested in always having an enemy that americans are scared of. Right now, what democrats and republicans, the leaders of these are working in unison to do our convincing americans to be sufficiently afraid of Vladimir Putin and russia that they are willing to essentially acquiesce to everything. Interestingly, obama resisted that bipartisan pressure for eight years. He was a believer that russia was not a threat, we ought to try to cooperate with them. Its the democrats in the post2016 era looking for an explanation of how Hillary Clinton lost who are trying to essentially find a foreign villain to escape accountability and blame for themselves. Its a very reckless political game that they are playing. Laura whats interesting, to hear that old obama from 2009 about the need to reset, his comments to romney, the cold war is over, that sounds like trump. I mean, that is really what donald trump he doesnt think putin is a close friend. He would like to get along better, maybe if they had a better personal relationships they could figure things out in syria, do better stuff for denuclearization. The core of what he said there in 2009, i dont think theres much daylight between that core idea and what trump is trying to do, and he is really, really frustrated that the Mueller Investigation called all of his efforts into question. That spilled over into helsinki. Yeah, there is something that is a political fact that makes people on both sides of the spectrum very uncomfortable to talk about, which is that there is a decent chunk of the populace who voted in 2008 for obama, and then voted in 2016 for donald trump. The reason is that both of them positioned themselves as outsiders to the washington establishment. They ran against the orthodox is of both parties on the grounds that endless war and globalization were destroying the future of the american worker, the american dream, they promised to radically overhaul what happened in washington. It is true that even though trump and obama are posited as polar opposites on a lot of issues, trade being one, but russia being another, they actually sound a lot more like then it they do different. It is true that obama repeatedly refused to do things like trump did, like sent lethal arms to ukraine, bomb forces in a thought, because obama didnt want to promote tensions with us before, because he thought it would be better for both countries to get along, which is very similar to what donald trump is saying. Laura you are not going to see that analysis anywhere else on television tonight. Glenn greenwald, thank you so much. I have a question, why did President Trump use the language he did yesterday . They have some interesting theories and all the craziness next laura why did the president to use the language he did yesterday that cast some doubt on russias election meddling and then kind of revising that today by saying he accepts the findings of u. S. Intelligence agency. Joining us now, columnist at the Washington Examiner and fox news contributor, the author and filmmaker of the new film, going to be out on august 3rd, everyone has to go see it, called the death of a nation. Great to see both of you. Byron, for people who somehow missed this huge uproar, lets play a part of what was said in helsinki and go right to what the president s clarification was today. Lets watch. People came to me, dan coats came to me, some others, they said, they think its russia. I have president putin, he just said it is not russia. I will say this, i dont see any reason why it would be. My sentence shouldve been, i dont see any reason why it wouldnt be russia. It sort of double negative. So, you can put that in, i think that probably clarifies things pretty good. Laura everyone said he was in a great mood in air force one, he started watching the Television Coverage and said, what question mike what happened . First of all, the president has expressed doubt for a long time. Last year, he met putin briefly at a summit in asia and he came out and did exactly the same thing. Putin said, putin told me that we didnt interfere and i believe him. It was a huge uproar, the next day, trump came out in laura lets play that so people know what youre talking about. I believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. As to whether i believe it or not, i am with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with their leadership. I believe in our intel agencies. Laura interesting. Good catch on that. That was the next day cleanup. Now he has done it again. He said today, i accept our Intelligence Communitys conclusion that russias meddling in the 2016 election took place. This is something he has since learned, he just cant say without causing a huge reaction. Laura is he trying to flatter putin to get what we want strategically from putin . Maybe he thinks he doesnt lose anything by saying, he didnt do it. There are theories about this. That could be one of them. He really wants better relations with russia. Two, he just doesnt believe it, or three, he has never really accepted their kind of two parts to the trump russia investigation. One part is the, what russia did part, which is a legitimate investigation into what russia actually did. But the other is the get trump part, which is the part about using the findings to try to remove donald trump from office, and he feels like if he gives even an end to these people, they are going to take it and try to remove him from office. It is something along those lines. Laura you weighed in on that in examining the theory here, as we see the utter, complete case of the vapors on the part of john brennan and so forth by calling him a traitor. Its reprehensible, what theyre doing. They want trump out of office. Your reaction. On the face of it, it should not be surprising that the russians try to influence our elections. It is not surprising at all either that trump would be skeptical of intelligence agencies that seem to of been institutionally mounted against him. So, the left has a deeper explanation. The expedition is this. They are desperate for trump to ratify the premise of the Mueller Investigation. The Mueller Investigation is given a boost if the target of the investigation were to basically say, yeah, the russians are the bad guys because then it mueller can then push forward and try to close the loop by saying, you are part of that group. I think trumps natural aversion to doing that is based upon the correct perception that the left concern here is entirely domestic politics. They dont care about russia, per se, these are people for whom Election Integrity have not exactly been a leading issue. But what theyre looking for trump to do, to force them to do, is ultimately dukes ratify muellers attempt to reject him from office. Laura i was reminded of the warning back in january 2017, he warned trump about taking on the intel agencies. Watch. You take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from sunday of getting back at you. Even for a practical, supposedly a hardnosed businessman, he is being really dumb to do this. Laura he seems to be in many ways in saying that, confirming Donald Trumps reason to be skeptical. I thought the intelligence agencies exist to protect us . Apparently, they are just to get back at us if we question them. He said that, not drum. There is another part of trump skepticism which is that he believes this is sort of a plot by obama. This has all happened during the obama administration. He feels there are certain elements of the Intelligence Community that are out to get him. We should say, on the left, we believe the theories are much simpler, that trump really did collude or that Vladimir Putin has something on him. Laura bill kristol, george will, all of these old republicans, some of them neoconservatives, they are enjoying this moment because they hated the fact that trump proved them all wrong and won the election. I think its funny. At the left has these people on a leash. They simple he have to shout russia and with pavlovian response, all these guys will go into a patriotic flair. Here is the point. We know that obama colluded with russia when they basically told him, i when the American People are out of sight, im going to make a deal with putin. We know hillary colluded with russia, she took money in exchange for the irani ideal. The one person who has not colluded with russia as far as we know is trump. As far as they are mounting the investigations of trump where they look the other way with the other two guys who have proven to have had russia ties, this is what makes the whole thing so comical. Laura how much money did the Clinton Foundation get . Millions. No problem. And bill clinton got huge money. Laura like 500,000. No problem. Theres nothing out of the ordinary about that. All right, guys, thanks so much. She is being hailed as the new face of the democratic party, but there are signs that alexandria ocasiocortez may be ripping the party apart its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Laura in a new article on of the hill, several House Democrats are criticizing 28 democratic wonder con, alexandria ocasiocortez. They are charging that she is attacking fellow democrats from the left and wrongfully accusing a democratic leader of mounting a thirdparty challenge against her. Congressman of new jersey said, she doesnt know what the hell shes talking about. Congressman calls her patty, its a lack of maturity on her part. A liberal, congressman offered this morning. Meteors phase out. Joining me now for reaction is a former ace to Chuck Schumer and strategist, mark. Great to see both of you. This is kind of an interesting turn. Five seconds ago, she was the future of the party. She was like, huge promotion, cover of magazines. Now, its look out. Its because she hasnt even been elected yet. She hasnt served in office. She hasnt done anything in politics. I think there is a split here between the left and the center of the party. There is going to be a big fight over there. You can see that fight building now. Laura and there was a moment at this, i dont know where this was, but she was talking about the palestinian question. Lets watch. You use the term, the occupation of palestine . I think what i meant is the settlement. Do you think you could expand on that . Im not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. Laura god bless her, shes 28 years old. It seems like a very interesting person. Shes interesting. You know, shes like a nice person. She doesnt know what the hell shes talking about. Go ahead, you can react to this. Her campaign was about local issues, they are asking her about a global politics, shes can have to get up to speed on that. If you are right, shes 28, no experience on the national stage, but i see these articles on, who is sniping at her, i think they are a little jealous. Shes a rising star, her name is everywhere, people want to get to know her, of course shes going to make a few people mad, shes an insurgent, thats what happens when theres an insurgency. People still have a little bit of hard feelings after the primary. But they are going to face the same fate. Thats what happens in america. We have elections for a reason and people have to Pay Attention to the issues that matter to their constituents. Her issues were health care, child care, and affordability. Laura all free. No one is going to have to pay for it, money is going to fall from the sky, its going to be like lollipops in every bush, pick them off, look, its all going to be perfect. Im sorry, youre right, youre right. I agree with you on that. One other point, the weather or not the party is going to accept or depends on how big their majority is come january. If its a onevote, shes mine. 40 boats, shes going to to get along its a very tight congress, its the moderates who are going to hold the power, because its the moderates who are going to get across republicans, get a majority, it wont be the left. Its also not a question of stopping bills, the way that it was. Its really quite a different power dynamic. I think this is all overblown, she really doesnt command anything other than media attention, and in fact, the right hype her to say that she is the representative of the democratic party, socialist, 86 of democrats reject socialism. Right now, she won an election with 25,000 votes of laura we have a poll, 57 of democrats want candidates to be more like bernie sanders. Bernie sanders and she are kind of joint at the hip on a lot of these issues. If you are kind of like the old dinosaur, not to be, too personal here, but you are like this reasonable moderate third way kind of democrat. She is on those posters looking like april perrone. Thats exciting. Every time they wind up in the wilderness, its the moderates who bring them down. Laura its not that she makes people mad, its that she has some warped views on economics. I do think that right now, we have this no holds barred, wild west hyper capitalism. What that means is profit at any cost. Capitalism is not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world. Laura chris, apparently she wants another system other than capitalism. Okay, but explain how thats worked and where that has worked. Tell me, where. I didnt hear her say she wanted something other than capitalism, i heard her say she might want reasonable bank reform like maybe things like that which i think most americans after 2008 wanted. Look, she is 28, shes 28, she has never had this kind of experience before, shes going to learn. She seems very smart, she seems to have very good political chops. I think we can both agree on that. Laura i think shes an attractive candidate, i think shes young, shes hungry, and she wants to make a difference. I think thats a good thing. I dont agree with her on pretty much anything, but if youre kind of a liberal, lost in williamsburg, wow, this is cool, lets hang out at the coffee shop and talk about socialism. I think shes an exciting candidate, shes got a lot of big ideas, i think shes going to learn in a congress that we have an incremental system of government and you have to work in that system. I think she will be good at it. Out of the main stream, they said very few democrats believe that socialism over capitalism. Dont kid yourself. Democrats havent moved as far left as the people running these campaigns would have you believe. Laura coming up tomorrow, says that democrats should vote for joe crowley. Shes a threat to the party. So, an old democrat, vote for working families. They are stepping in saying, dont try this at home. Hes another one of those guys who got out of touch with his state and was voted out of offense or lost the primary. Laura my home state. Oh, my god. He is less fit for connecticut than the governor of, malloy, whatever his name was. Now he is, hes been home now. Thats not happening. Laura all right, guys. By the way, the victims of last years Las Vegas Massacre are facing an unconscionable new indignity. We are going to entail you about it are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Any paint can change the way a room looks. But only one can change how it feels. Century, from benjamin moore, is the firstever soft touch matte finish paint. Its revolutionary texture unlocks 75 unprecedented colors, each with exquisite depth and richness. Its a difference you can see, touch, and feel. Thats proudly particular. Century. Only at select local paint and hardware stores. Laura more than 1,000 victims of leicesters Las Vegas Massacre are now facing a new injustice they probably never thought possible. They are actually being sued. The lawsuit is being brought by, of all places, the mgm resort which owns the mandalay bay hotel, where he committed the mass shooting. Joining us to explain how this is even possible is a survivor of the Las Vegas Shooting and an attorney representing a number of the victims of the massacre. Brian, this is so wild on so many levels. Weve already gone through, frankly the lack of security, lack of responsiveness, officers standing out in the hallway, they shouldve gone and when he was up to his evil act. But now they are being sued . What is the legal theory . What is the legal theory . Thank you for having me back. How deep in the swamp does mgm want to jump . How far in the gutter to they want to go, and how low do they want to kick victims like myself and other survivors . What they are trying to do is use whats called the safety act, there was a law put in place by our fellow government, 2002, the basically said Companies Hire out a Security Company thats rubberstamped by the department of Homeland Security that basically, mgm is saying they are immune from any liability that result if there is a terroristic act. The problem with that theory, number one, remember our old friend sheriff lombardo . Hes come out and proclaimed a million times on tv that this was not a terroristic act. That is their first hurdle. They said it wasnt terrorism. The second hurdle that nobodys talking about, even if a judge somehow says this was terrorism, and this safety act applies, they have to prove that the Security System they had in place was effective, and had social utility. Gee whiz, guess what, 58 people died and hundreds were injured, so it wasnt real effective. Laura i still dont think we know very much about this attack. I mean, this mass killing. Weve seen videos released sporadically, why did it take so long to release the hallway video . Let hallway video that came out a couple weeks ago, that just is wild to me. Im not a conspiracy theorist, but if i were, that would make me think, thats odd. Why didnt we see the check and video earlier . Why didnt we see anyone coming and going into his room earlier . What took so long . Its pretty simple, they dont want you to know. They dont want your viewers to know. They dont want the world to know how hapless their security wasnt leading up to that shooting. What did they do . Instead of spending money on shoring up their security and making sure this doesnt happen again, they spend millions of dollars hiring out thousand dollars and our lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits to get out of the case on a legal basis so that the whole community and a set of jurors will never hear the evidence that we all want to hear to make positive change. Laura the judge, will he allow discovery on whether or not this was a terrorist act . He has to, right . Thats a great question. Here is my theory. I think mgm filed the wrong kind of lawsuit. They should not have filed they filed what is called a declaratory relief action. Laura you just lost the entire audience. Im just kidding. We are out of time, but i want to have you back on radio. Unbelievable story. We will be right back laura dont cry. Thats all the time we have tonight. Tune into radio tomorrow morning. I always love to read your tweets. Not the main ones. But sometimes they are really funny. Shannon bream and the Fox News Night Team are up next with a fantastic show examining the last 48 hours. Shannon, take it away. Shannon laura, thank you so much. We begin tonight with a fox news alert. The clarification heard around the world. President trump saying he misspoke in helsinki and has full faith and the Intelligence Community. In just minutes, you are going to hear from attorney general, he will tell you what he is hearing from the Intel Community today. Plus, President Trumps Supreme Court nominee on the charm offensive, meeting with others on the hill today, gearing up for what could be the biggest partisan battle of the year. Tomorrow, the hilt takes action in response to the democrats response to abolish i. C. E. Will it go to a vote . How do democrats feel about throwing out the agency protecting our borders . President trump reiterating today he has full faith and the Intelligence Community,

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