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But, first, democrats race against reality. Thats a subject of tonights angle. All right. They are cornered and they are out of options, democrats have a nasty, but its a really predictable habit of racializing everything. They did it to reagan. They did it to bush. They even did it to mccain and, of course, they did it to romney. They have been doing it to donald trump since the day he announced his candidacy. First we have to deal with the fact that the xenophobia rant he went on, on and on about mexicans and them being racists and criminal. It was horrible. God, even if the notion that he talks and seems if i fictitious is that too strong a word. No, its not too strong a word. I also think its racist. I think we can use that word. Laura it didnt work then and it wont work now. But they are trying. Yesterday senators durbin and graham, they wanted to fist their bipartisan daca deal on the president. And by the way dick and lindseys immigration act is about as viable these days as siegfried and rode. We have seen this before. They pranced up to the white house with a grand unveiling and they were pflum mentioned when immigration stall warts congressman Bob Goodlatte from virginia and senator tom cotton of arkansas were already in the room as was white house policy advisor, immigration expert steven miller. Remember, just a few days earlier when the cameras were rolling, the president said he would not sign any daca deal without the funding of his wall and an end to chain migration and that stupid visa lottery system yet somehow the dynamic duo thought they could through charm and flattery alone con trump into agreeing to their solution that didnt meet the president s baseline and actually, if you can belief it, their idea increased chain migration. The president , to their faces said it was dead on arrival. Good for him. Durbin and graham were so enraged after being spurned, somebody went to the press. They pedaled the story that trump had referred to haiti and unspecified african countries as s holes and we should try to get norwegian immigrants here instead. His comments said things which were hate filled, vile and racist. Coming the nations they come from [bleep]. Exact word used by the president. Not just once but repeatedly. Laura now the president in a tweet this morning denied that he used that language and durbin clarified later that the president was referring to african countries whose citizens regularly use the visa lottery system, not haiti itself. Now, setting aside the alleged remark for a moment, would you describe any of these countries as channing i canshangralaif they lived ind they wouldnt be trying to crash our borders. Its important after all the verbiage to take a look at some of the real facts about a few of the countries that cant keep their own people from leaving. Now, lets begin with el salvador a country i have been to many times and i have known very well for the last 30 years. Its capital has the highest murder rate in the world. Somalia, well, guess what, its one of the largest state sponsors of terrorism, is a safe haven for terrorists across the globe, and then, of course, sudan, its one of the four countries on the u. S. State sponsors of terror list in addition to a lot of other bad facts. Now, i would not have called these countries what the president did, but they are rank with corruption, repression and, of course, its obvious, isnt it, that they offer their citizens little hope of a better life. In other words, they are hell holes. But, for the democrats and their media allies who are forever faining in afint for the third world, facts dont matter. After all, race baiting the president is so much more fun. The president is a white supremacist. That is absolutely racism with steroids. The president of the United States is racist. We voted for a racist. They are not [bleep] countries. For one donald trump isnt their president. We have in the white house someone who could lead the ku klux klan, somebody who could be the leader of the neo nazis. When it came to the issues of quote chain my imration, i said to the president do you realize how painful that term is to so many people . Africanamericans believe that they migrated to america in chains. Laura now, of all the things i have ever heard tricky dick durbin say, that one perhaps could take the cake. Now, is really suggesting that the term chain migration, which has been part of the vernacular surrounding the immigration debate for decades constitutes some type of hidden racism, a code language . Well, i think maybe he has been talking to joe biden. Unchain wall street. They are going to put you all back in chains. Laura remember the guys booing in the crowd . He had too many mimosas early in the morning. All those things demonstrate that democrat durbin and all the rest had no intention of working with the president on a daca deal. I dont think they did. If they were truly concerned for daca kids, dreamers upwards of 30 years of age. Call them kids. Give a little and get a little. They knew the president couldnt accept what they were offering. But, we know now what the real story is. They had zero intention of negotiating in good faith because somehow they thought they could guilt the president in to siding with them. But i guess they dont really know him very well, do they . They are out of ideas and they have no solutions. The race card is the only one they have left to play. But, look, despite the racial smears, the unfairness of it all, look at what trump has already done for black america. Black unemployment is at its lowest level since the bureau of labor statistics started reporting the data back in 1972. Its at 6. 8 . Do you know what it was in the middle of obamas first term . 16. 8 . Black Family Income fell by more than 900 per family during the obama years. Fell. Just in the first 8 months of the trump administration, black Family Income has risen by more than 1,000. I will take that direction any day of the week. With chrysler now announcing plants moving from mexico to the United States, the stock market booming and wages rising across the country due to trumps tax cut backs, america will thrive. Listen to gary from texas, a caller on my radio show this morning who expressed, i guessbess how a lot of minoritis really feel about this manufactured controversy. Were you offended by what you heard the president say as an africanamerican man . Not at all. He is trying to fight for this country and give black people opportunities to get off these streets. We cant do it if we keep bringing folks all over the world with problems in their countries, that doesnt mean we have to bring them over here and to come flew our city and push our people back. Laura well, those are the people the president is fighting for, people who want more economic opportunities. They are not antiimmigrant but they want to take care of americans first. The veteran sleeping on the street tonight. Those with no opportunities. Those who work hard but somehow maybe along the way got addicted to opioids, they need help. And no matter what durbin or cnn says, that is a fact. The silent majority feels that the system is unfair and you bet they want it fixed. And when trump demands a better deal on immigration, one thats going to secure the border and keep illegals from competing with our citizens like that caller, for jobs that they need, and he is fighting on behalf of all citizens, the president is fighting for blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, you are here legally, you are an american citizen, he is fighting for you. And thats the angle. Joining us now for reaction, here in studio is horace cooper, he is a cochair of project 21. And in studio is also garland nixon, of course, a liberal radio talk show host. Love everybodys perspective. And in phoenix Kevin Jackson a radio talk show host and fox news contributor. Great to see all of you. All right. Horace, let me start with you. Youre reaction to whats happened over the last 24 hours, the president has in good faith said all right, well give protection to 800,000 people here. They were brought illegally, most of them, of course children. But he said these are the things we need. These are things that i campaigned on and we got to do and then you saw what happened. F. D. R. Famously said that all we have to fear is fear itself. The new democrats all they have to offer is race itself. Every single opportunity to turn the conversation from the facts, the logic, and the merits go to race. It means theyre lazy. It means they are not serious. It means they dont have strong perspectives to bring to the table. Laura garland . You know, over the last 24 hours, heres what i see. It appears to me that donald trump has very clearly converted the g. O. P. Into the party of david duke and Richard Spencer and now. [laughter] the people that i talk to on the street in the black community see the g. O. P. As the confederacy. I think that the the Grassroots Movement are gearing up and the fact of the matter is i think republicans may feel good but they werent paying attention to what happened in virginia and theyre going to pay a dear price. Laura get in just a second. Let me stay on this for a second. Okay. Laura i just listed the facts of whats happening in the personal economy. Umhuh. Laura real dollars in the pockets of real americans. They desperately need. They need help. They need hope. They need opportunity. The president s policy set aside the rhetoric. The president s policies have having a really positive effect on people from all walks of life. Do you think in any way that that, you know, means that the president cares or do you think he is just doing it for what reason . Heres what i think. I think these numbers are being skewed for this reasonable. For this reason. There is an invincible man. His name is george bush. Politics in our economy did not start when barack obama became president. They got wiped out when barack obama became president. And he had to try to fix what the g. O. P. Screwed up before and now he walked into a mess. Laura kevin, i want to get back to you, but kevin your perspective on this and we will get into some of the examples of what other president s have said that might be a little bit off color, even about other countries, go ahead. Well, thanks for taking off my shackles, laura. Look, everything that this gentleman is saying is completely wrong. Its circa 1960 b. S. That the left has been selling to blacks for decades and its over. Look, barack obama the worst president in history and donald trump. Black america. Absolutely. Horace you are right there. And proving when you are a leader and go out and do the right things that people start to benefit. The biggest fear that democrats have is that Donald Trumps success is the biggest fear they have. Like, all these guys how many black kids are they going to fly over to go same some kid in mexico. Let me tell you the congressional black circus. They have underserved these communities for decades and then they get people like this gentleman come on and act as if they care about them. They dont care about them. Donald trump is doing the things that you listed all the things, laura, in the opening. And they want to overlook these. Its ridiculous. Laura horace . This is the most curious form of racism i have ever seen. You work so that over the last 12 months black americans are actually getting employed at a higher rate than any other group. Laura 6. 8 unemployment. Gap between blacks and whites lowest than it has ever been. For black people its been each better. We set a record in june and a record in september and another record in january. This is what Martin Luther kings nephew said today when he was asked about this controversy. Lets watch. Mls. I think President Trump is not a racist but i do think that hes racially uninformed. His neff fiewb ice sick marist jr. Do i have he is racist, i dont know. I dont judge whether a person is racist as a whole. I judge what they do. Laura what specifically on what was said or alleged to be said. People coming disproportionately through the visa lottery or chain migration. Barack obama just a few years back said the atlantic magazine, im sure wouldnt take wish it, he said the mess the president s privately he calls libya an sshow. In part because it scweengtly become an isis haven as has sudan, as has somalia, egypt has huge radicalization problems that they are having to deal with. The president previous president obama called it an s show. S hole, s show, whats the difference . We destroyed libya. Laura its okay to demean the people of that country, not their fault. Thats what im say going thats the barometer, the word shole vs. Sshow do you see how. Have you got to take this as a whole and understand the symbolism. The symbolism was very, very powerful. It wasnt that he just talked about these countries that were darker people. Let me finish. It wasnt that he just talked about these particular countries and then the good country was norway. Laura just met with the norwegian leader. Blonde haired, blue eyed country. We understand the symbolism there. President regularly referred to the Civil Rights Act as the end bill he actually bragged that thorough good marshall was going to sit on the court. Laura how about Teddy Kennedy after the immigration act was passed said dont worry im not going to flood america with people from those countries. He was very concerned about what people would think. But, wait a minute. Laura Teddy Kennedy. It doesnt matter its an outrage. Oh, no. Democrat strangled somebody in 1956 it doesnt mean its okay to strangle them now. Laura kevin, go ahead. When it comes to history, the democrats are always, you know, going back to the old negro spirituals and come out here singing swing low. At the end of the day, there are 65 million refugees in the world. Are they coming from norway or anywhere in scandinavia or canada or or the u. K. . No, they are coming from the very places that donald trump described. I will tell you Something Else for the democrats paying attention to this program. What donald trump said is what millions of americans say every single day. Were sending our money to these crap holes, these third world arm pits and expecting something different. We have watched liberal policies ruin not only america but these countries. They are feeding dictators. Laura i spent a lot of time in el salvador, guatemala and these countries are beautiful places that have been destroyed by corrupt regimes and been going on for decades. There is a rein why most people who are talking about these issues dont vacation there. I submit i have spent more time in guatemala and el salva door during the time in the 1980s than these people talking on high horses right now. We overthrows those countries. We help overthrow a piece of country and say the country 2reu is a he is pooh of crap. President obama said that and you got upset about it. Laura hey, guys, we are out of time. Heres what i hope for. I hope for peoples lives to get better. I hope for things to calm down. Absolutely. Laura i dont think having people turn in to perpetual grievance factories when things are getting actually better is good for anyone. I dont think its good for republicans. I dont think its good for democrats. It shows that you are out of ideas. We need solutions so problems that exist for out daca kids you want a solution we will get there Economic Growth we got to get there for families of all colors who are having troubles, we got to get there but to constantly keep people in a state of resistance for what reason . Whose lives are getting how many jobs are being created by doing that . How many lives are being improved . I dont think many. Thats all i have to say about that. Guys, dont go anywhere though, would very knocking updated on the legal status of a man running a denver heroin ring. Show you will catch only on this show no one else is covering it my question is why. Get ready for centrum microworkouts. The bottle curl. The twist n turn. The stretch n grab. The gummy squish. Centrum micronutrients fuel your body from the inside out. Grab a centrum and join in. Repeat daily. But hes got work to do. With a sore back. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Check this sundays paper for extra savings on products from aleve. We have bad hombres here and we are going to get them out. Laura turns out the president is right. We have update to important story we brought you last night about a busted heroin ring in denver, colorado. We were the only show to bring you this last night and tonight we are the only show bringing you the exclusive update from immigration and Customs Enforcement about these creeps. First, the alleged ringleader fermin florist row sal less from mexico has been deported numerous times and back in the United States. And then there is costa louise from mexico also in the United States. Another lovely, another sweetheart from mexico has been previously deported multiple times finally joe Torres Espinosa from mexico has again been previously deported on a number of occasions and get this was actually convicted in 2012 in utah for felony possession with intent to distribute cocaine these are total travesties. We will dig and get the facts for you when the nobody else will. Ice told us we are the only News Organization prosecutor in the case only News Organization that had asked about the immigration status. For reaction, let us bring in civil rights attorney leo ter terrell from los angeles and here in washington niger ennis, the National Spokesperson for the congress of racial equality. Gentlemen, its great to see you. Leo, lets start with you on this. Were going to be highlighting these cases throughout the next several months on this show because, for some reason, most Mainstream Media outlets leave those little facts out. They are inconvenient facts for people who believe we should be much more generous with our immigration policies and so forth. The Africanamerican Community has been especially hard hit by the heroin trafficking in the United States and by the drug pushers. They take advantage of them and they devastate communities. But especially the Africanamerican Community. Whats your take on this particular scourge and what we should do with these individuals . Six bad guys who should not be in the country. I grant you that. But, lets just isolate this situation. You want me to broad stroke these six guys as being the responsibility for drugs in the Africanamerican Community . I wont go there. But i will sit here and give you that we got six bad guys. They shouldnt be in the country. But lets not go any further than that argument because there is a lot of good immigrants, illegal aliens who are in this country, for example, laura, you like facts, a lot of illegal aliens right now through the dream act, serving our military, teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, so, i dont want you to jump from theist six bad guys and make a broad stroke on all Illegal Immigrants because thats what you are trying to do. Laura leo, are you aware that the i think the federal prison population, the current statistics are that 21 of those in federal prisons are foreignborn, foreignborn population and most of those are Illegal Immigrants. Are you aware of that . I will accept your facts as true, laura. I will accept those facts. Laura thats a wildly disz proportionater is ten damage of criminals in federal custody who are foreignborn individuals. Putting pressure on law enforcement, costing our budgets, costing our communities and devastating minorities, others who need safe streets. Thats a problem. Thats six people in denver. We have people all across the country pushing drugs from other countries. Would you acknowledge that there are illegal aliens who are now serving in our military, laura . Would you acknowledge that fact . I think its. 07 , i believe. But there are laura you want to have those individuals get a fast track to citizenship, im all for it they are daca kids not Illegal Immigrants. Daca kids given temporary status. Niger, i want to go to you on this. Thats the line you always hear any time you bring up scourge of drugs, murders, abuse of children they say yeah other people do that too. Of course there are good people who are Illegal Immigrants. Absolutely. But if one american of any background is brutalized at the hands of an illegal immigrant who shouldnt be here, whose fault is that . The victims . Certainly not. The fact is, laura, actually, i agree with leo. Im going to shock you, shock him, too. If that, no, it is not just these six individuals that are craven criminals that not only prey on black communities and brown communities but immigrant communities. Some of those nice illegal aliens and immigrants that are in our country good folk are trapped by a lot of these folk and by the industries. But, even worse than these particular criminals are politicians who play games with imgrant communities the same way that progressive politicians have played with the black community for decades. Im talking about people like jerry brown. Im talking people like rahm emanuel with their sanctuary states, their sanctuary cities and now new class of individuals sanctuary felons that they give pardons too because they are pursuing a progressive agenda. Well, who where do these people prey . Where do they practice their illicit trades . Its not in the bay area at the chardonnay cocktail parties, okay. It is in these black and brown and immigrant communities that are the victims of these horrendous crimes. We went from these six criminals to jerry brown . Laura, you are a lawyer, isnt that a big leap in logic because you want to ignore you want to ignore the good immigrants in this country, you want to ignore all of the ones that laura, i want to give you some facts from law to why dont you mention the country nigeria. Oh my gosh, thats the country that has higher percentage of individuals with graduates degrees than americans. You didnt mention nigeria, laura, i was a little perplexed why not nigeria . Laura whats your point . Leo, i just want to understand this and were out of time. I just want to understand this, minority communities have been disproportionately affected by the drain that the illegal population puts on our public schools. They dont go to the fancy schools. They go to public schools. Multiple language spoken. Multiple esl programs necessary. Extra money that is not going to the kids who come from difficult circumstances. That is money that is limited in budgets that are already overtaxed. Its hurting black communities more than the rich, White Communities that are the do gooders who want to say everybody can come in. Let everybody come in. Lets have the big mat at the border. Do you not care about those minority communities including hispanic communities . Including immigrants. Laura, let me just say this and i think this is a very solid point. I do care about my own community. Thats why im a civil rights attorney. Laura, there are democrats and republicans that like lindsey graham, like congressman who believe these immigrants should remain in the country. There are certain republicans, republicans. Laura everybody should come. Lets get rid of our borders. Were out of time. If everybody has a right to come here illegally and stay then laws and borders mean nothing. We can pick and choose which laws we are going to abide by and which laws we are going to jetson. If the laws dont matter, then lets have them not matter across the board. We will see how that chaos works for us. We are out of time. I want to you stay right here because ahead we dig into the man in the middle of Trumps Oval Office comments exposing tricky dick durbin his lies up next. When heartburn hits. Fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum. Smoothies. 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Obamas press secretary at the time jay carney responding i looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen. And heres a look back at another shocking statement from the illinois senator. If i read this to you and didnt tell you that it was an fbi agent describing what americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by nazis, soviets in their g gulags or some mad machine. Laura for reaction, lets bring in former republican congressman and House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz from utah and in atlanta, georgia, former obama Regional Campaign director robin beero robin, lets start with you on this. I remember in 2005 that dick durbin comment about our troops. My producer at the time lee ha bib was watching. He called me and said did you hear what dick durbin said he describing our guys like paul pot, nazis, he ultimately had to come out and apologize. That statement, i cant ever imagine making a statement about the u. S. Military such as that that one statement told me one about dick durbin than anything else that you can point to about something that trump said about certain countries that send a disproportionate number of visa lottery numbers us. Your reaction . I appreciate you bringing up that statement im a army veteran ranger. I had the army of serving. I was very much offended by that statement. Politicians say the darn test things. Donald trump is now a politician is he one of those people saying things. Laura what do you think do you think somalia, sudan and other countries that send their people here fleeing paradise vacation there . You are talking about Donald Trumps comments from yesterday . Laura im sorry, you were talking about durbin. What you thought about those countries . The reckless flz that he uses when he says these things. That statement, however you cut it, came out as overtly racist to a lot of people. Laura overtly . How is it racist to say. It came out that way. Laura it came out that way because the media wants to fulfill jason, they have been playing the race card over and over again. I submit they are out of ideas. Your reaction . No, i think thats right. Pardon my voice here. Im fighting a little sore throat. No, its the only thing they have. Look, there were six members of congress in that room. Theres only one democrat. And only the democrat is saying that this has happened. And i think its highly suspect when dick durbin who has a history of doing. This he used this card on republicans before was absolutely wrong. And i think it was a german philosopher niche who said im not upset that you lied to me im upset that i cant trust you again. Thats the reputation that dick durbin has earned in this situation. And it is just absolutely wrong what is he saying when the president is saying no, that didnt happen. Laura all the Great Results of the Africanamerican Community as well. Trump is defying the experts again. The latest great news for the economy as well as the latest hypocrisy from the hollywood me too crowd up next. And sometimes, i dont eat the way i should. So, i drink boost. Boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. Boost high protein be up for it thisreally passionate about i really want to help. I was on my way out of this life. There are patients out there that dont have a lot of time. Finally, it was like the sun rose again and i was going to start fighting back now. When those patients come to me and say, you saved my life. My life was saved by a two week old targeted therapy drug. Thats what really drives me to to save lives. Pudding. [sigh] did grandpa win again . Yes download the new words with friends 2 today. We rbut we are not victims. Ack. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. 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My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. Laura okay, we have come across another glaring example of hollywood hypocrisy in the upcoming film 50 shades freed. The third installment of that nightmare 50 shade fifty s of grey franchise. Naturally its another blatant use of sex objectification of women. Something the industry has done since its inception. Check out the catch phrase nor the Marketing Campaign for the new flick dont miss the climb max. Thats on posters at new york subway stops used by. By the way the ad in times square is even bigger. And thats a problem for a hollywood that now claims to be woke to the sexual predation out there and now trying to position itself for the moral authority with its me too and times up campaign. Now, we were just lectured on the evils of sexual improprieties in objectification by a parade of actresses and of course Oprah Winfrey at the golden globes. Yet, they are telling the world, including our young girls, Young Children big billboards go see this movie so you dont miss the climax in the double talk from tinseltown is striking. Respect women and value women, great. But, what . While we bind, gag and beat them for our sexual pleasure on some guy on the big screen actions speak louder than their platitudes. Oh by the way and 50 shades freed opens on valentines day, very romantic. Which also happens to be ash wednesday. And now the latest installment current segment the experts. Remember all the socalled experts who scoffed at the notion that President Trump could bring jobs back to america . Pbs headlined a story in march 2016 trump says hell bring jobs back to america, economists are skeptical. Two months later then president obama said this about then candidate trumps promise to bring back jobs. When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who i am not going to advertise for that hes going to bring all these jobs back, well, how exactly are you going to do that . What are you going to do . What magic wand do you have . Laura its called policy, sir, the magic wand. Shortly after trump was elected, economists and New York Times columnist paul krugman declared that manufacturing jobs were not coming back to the u. S. No matter what trump might do. And then just last june cbs headlined a story manufacturing jobs in america, theyre not coming back. Well, maybe all those experts then can explain. This Fiat Chrysler has announced its moving production of heavy duty trucks from mexico to michigan and, get this creating 2500 new jobs. Hey, president obama, i can explain all of it, youre confused. Its called tax reform, deregulation, and soon better trade policies. The ceo of Fiat Chrysler explicitly cited the savings from trumps tax reform and, quote the resulting improvement in the u. S. Business environment for his decision. Oh, and by the way, Fiat Chrysler is also handing out 2,000 bonuses to 60,000 workers. Bonuses, you know, just like those recently announced by walmart, at t, american airlines, Waste Management company, ban bank of america, comcast and nine other major corporations since trumps tax reform became law. And by the way, lets not forget these are bonuses that nancy pelosi derides as, they are just crumbs. Confounding the experts, jobs are coming back and the trump economy is really beginning to roar. Trump is the first republican president since Ronald Reagan to oversee so much tremendous Economic News and he did it without a magic wand. Stay with us because, when we come right back, were going to tell you how one former cnn host was fired for a tweet disparaging President Trump so will the same fate befall a host who did the same thing last night . Thats next. With advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . Need a change of scenery . Kayak searches hundreds of travel and hotel sites so you can be confident youre getting the Perfect Hotel at the best price. Soak it in. Kayak. Search one and done. Especially when inside another amazing machine. Your an amazing machine. The lexus es. With Standard Technology like lexus Safety System plus. The lexus es, and es hybrid. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Laura is cnn antimuslim . Is it fair to ask that question . How else would you answer this . The network fired for calling a piece of [bleep] from twitter. Why no reaction for anchor chris cuomo for essentially doing the last thing last night on tv . The president is just showing you who he is. This is who he is. Okay . We sum it up in a word. Okay . There it is. This is the gift that he decided to give the american people. Laura he wrote the word s hole and is he a lefty in more ways than one. My friend radio show host tammy bruce extraordinary in new york. I have not written that word yet today. Laura very creative. Left handed very creative. So, tammy, aslan axed on twitter. Chris cuomo does it on his show and no big deal. And not even by the end of the day yesterday, laura, cnn had said it 36 times in relationship, of course, to the president. So that was one of the more mundane ways of doing it. But it was remarkable. I guess if you had the sound down chris cuomo wanted you to at least know what he was saying, right . This is what is remarkable. You really put it well in your previous segment. This is a melt down of epic proportions. Its fabulous to watch. Its hysterical. This is a reaction to the extraordinary Economic News. They know that americans lives are better and as a result, i mean, Allison Camerota earlier in the day also broke down in tears. Laura weeping. Weeping, this is so far beyond the edward r. Murrow days and Walter Cronkite this is what they are doing. Cnn is doing badly in the ratings, theres a reason. I dont think audiences, liberals or conservatives, they dont want to be treated as though they are children. And thats what you see there at cnn. Now, of course, chris cuomo is fine. There clearly was a network at least discussion or guidance that this was acceptable because because everyone was doing it. Laura its disgusting and its disrespectful. If he said anything like that about barack obama, forget it. You would never work again. Remember when that joe wilson that congressman yelled out you lied . Yeah. Laura they went crazy. Speaking of haiti, we are mentioning these countries, send people fleeing their shores because they are so corrupt. Right. Laura one of our producers went down to little haiti today in new york and asked about trump versus clinton. Hillary clinton is worse. Why . Because she put someone in power that doesnt fit at all. The guy doesnt even want to be president. Whats his name . His name is sweet mckee. He tried to give mrs. Clinton broader, you know, go ahead our cover. Do you think the money that they raised made to the haitian people . No. These people fled a country that they know is in horrible condition. Failed them. They know the president is right. They are in america for a reason. I think we are on the right track here. Laura tammy bruce, thank you so much. Well be right back. You dont want to miss this photo coming up. People keep asking me if i miss the mayhem . 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Laura i love ending up friday with amazing news. One of our producers Nick Robinson and his wife lisa were blessed to welcome a beautiful baby girl into the world on wednesday night. Alexis robinson was born at 8 pounds. If this was their first child. The first child, his wife lisa and nick and the baby are doing great. I cannot wait to meet her. She is absolutely beautiful. Shannon President Trump projecting a bipartisan daca deal. What is next in negotiations as the fallout from the president s rough language continues. Speak of the president of the United States is racist. He could be the leader of the neonazi pair to speak of the president is a clear and present danger to nonwhite in america. Shannon can the president flip the script . We are all equal by god. Shannon oh, boy, showdown over a Government Shutdown before funding runs out one week from tonight. We just have to get it done. Shannon ed henry has new reporting on the Surveillance Program by the fbi and justice department. Anna night

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