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Its roughly 1 million years old. We have a picture . It. Thats not the picture. Are you trying t to get me fired . Look, i know there are dinosaur heinous all over d. C. But dont you know your only supposed to ridicule trump, we are supposed to be unified, conjoined at the head. I apologize. Trump is crazy. The others are heroes. That reminds me, its time for. [inaudible] with 40 more fundi. Greg they are here fearless and speaking truth to power. You can see how they objectively cover the greatest inauguration and history. He gave the kind of inaugural address aarp president and chief would give as hopeful as the man delivering it. We saw steely determination and compassion of president joe biden. Snag a new day donning in america. We have a new president , joseph r. Biden. Greg i have never seen so many people simultaneously sprint to third base. No spin the bottle or light heading there. The best moment of the cartoon network. Does mike shooting out along the reflecting pool its almost like extensions of joe bidens arms embracing america. Greg what is he implying here that joe is going to everyone with this super megaarms . Is going to unify the country by grabbing their collective votes. Suddenly we are all tara reade. The media loves it but it can only go one way, tiers and its all pointing to joe biden are new incredible charismatic leader. Watch this and try not to stifle your tiers of joy. Some executive actions im signing today will help change the course of the crisis in klag combat Climate Change in a way we havent done so far in advance racial equity. I think some the things we are we are doing our bold and vital in the first order i will be signing, it relates to covid. Greg what the hell was that . I felt like i was watching grandpa al from the monster signing autographs at comiccon. How is that normal . Meanwhile remember how those nonmedical experts in the press diagnosed trump is a a sociopath and out of your mind silent about what they saw there. He isnt even sure he signing an order reading the early bird menu at dennys. All better global adversaries are quaking. We just elected sloth from the movie seven. Do you think china isnt doing back flips right now . The biggest threat to our global dominance trump has been replaced by a fanny packing wall mall walker. Biden sees china as the origin of his best impression. If you cant beat them join them so heres our contribution to the biden glove. The greg gutfeld show, President Biden the first 100 seconds. Greg so many achievements in only two minutes. So far President Trump President Biden has already adjusted his mask as symbolic gesture reminding us of our patriotic duty and also great movie starring cher. We have a president who can walk am i right . It gave us chills. I would describe it as quite like if there were late to need him. Cnn said it might even most forceful nod to ever come from her present. I think i can hear van jones crying. A powerful stomach girdle. Ive never heard a stomach that more and pathetic but i think it said dont just beat me, beat everybody to the greg gutfeld show presents President Biden the first 100, seconds. Greg that forces the media over joe they up chuck on trump. For 81 million americans their Long National nightmare is over. Hes it almost sounds like an autocrat ousted from power heading off into exile. Is angry and sullen and sulking and trying to blame other people. You would think he couldnt get any more disgraceful, just give me a few hours. Seeing mickey look small. He looks like a small man. Greg oh my gosh, so much emotional investment from objective news folks. Hath no fury for the media scorn. I will last them to point to the place on the doll where trump or attempt but as to their 2021 response to jump compared to 2017 but lets go back. A can help but thinking about the president sitting there when he talked about the american carnage that they had resided over. Im not sure that would have gone over well with them when i was also surprised that in some ways he did not take it tribute to hillary clinton. Trump ordered that the park service to come up with more photos of inauguration. Greg you can basically interchange those moments. They are more predictable than a rancic it at your being a worry to put a least they grilled the new press secretary. A i would take your questions. Why dont you kick a soft . When you were up there two years see yourself in a primary role of the president already there to provide the true so they can share that . I dont know. Greg thats going to leave a scar. Meanwhile what are the edgy latenight or so to . You . You did it. You survive the last four years in your reward a shiny new old president. Today the sun was shining the birds were singing and donald share in florida just went way up as america just got a brandnew dad, joseph rapunzel biden is her 46 president. I have to imagine this is what it feels like when the oncologist calls and tells you the tumor is benign. Scoring a political win is the same is not getting cancer. Ive been seen as many people happily soaking their short since trampoline day at bedwetters camp. This is going to be the next four years friends the idea of unity is real but its a unification like a Church Worships a biden and the media. They are all one in the same and they hate you and they hate me. That is unity and i wouldnt have it any other way. A lets welcome tonights guests. He hates cardio but loves to run fox friends cohost and host of the Brian Kilmeade show on fox news radio, Brian Kilmeade. And she gets carded when buying root beer my cohost and coanchor of americas newsrooms dana perino. She is funky, funky and sometimes grumpy and shes back host of fox nation kat timpf and he fears chandeliers my massive psychic and host of fox nation, tyrus. So excited to be here even with kilmeade. A sap my first question . Greg greg greg my first question is nobody likes you. Its hard to see joe biden so beloved by the press when you are so reviled by the media. Care to respond . No, absolutely not. A very interesting week probably the most interesting week ever. So much is taking place. Usually we go to these places and we run up big bills and we say its work related products what i enjoy doing. We watch from afar and watch the other people record the changing of the guard while the press refuses to let go of a president but they are still talking about President Trump and talking about impeachment. Greg bank. I havent done that. I let it all go. Amazing that joe stalled so many problems in the first week. As full steam ahead. Its interesting they find 25 executive orders in 48 hours. The mask is the one and this is obamas third term. The reason they were able to do that as they knew exactly what they want to do but this is also a problem with government by executive order. Obama did executive orders and trump undid them with the stroke of a pen. The one that surprised me the most was canceling the xl pipeline . This was the guy that was coming back for a new job instead remember President Trump at the end of the campaign in pennsylvania he said mark my words if joe biden wins hes coming after your jobs in the energy there. It didnt work out for him buddies right. Greg he will have to come up with new talking points. Do you have a band . Greg so kat welcome back right away. I find it interesting and you have to answer this question. Bidens polling numbers are lower than trumps but even with his overheated press that strange to me. I would let to be a democratic president. I have selfesteem in the feel like the media would take care of that for me. She is so brave. I was bothered a little bit as some of the questions by the press secretary saying we are all in this together and we are all united. Its supposed to be like that . Is the whole way the country was set up, the press was supposed to be a check on government power and thats the main reason for the First Amendment so certainly that ovid me. I love when the media is tough on anyone regardless of political party. Greg exactly, i agree. It should be nonpartisan. Tyrus i hope you enjoyed my reference. I did. We have established that because i did a podcast. Its all good come i forgive you and first of all thank you so much greg for joining us on the greg gutfeld show. I apparently missed it but i ended up fine. Im good but other than that the one thing ive learned through these last couple of days is we only want unity until we have the advantage. So was unity, unity unity and now we are in the house and its literally attack, attack, attack so we didnt learn anything from anything you brought up before. A new president comes an executive order, executive order show everybody how we have learned from our mistakes and now will bring the country together. He did 17 and we will do 25 and well continue to trash him on the news in continue to make fun of people is supported him because we are in power now. More about unity in another two years. Ive seen a tv show before and we are just going to watch a lot of reruns. The fun part is when the Democratic Party implodes because republicans dont do that. We stick together and argued behind closed doors. You can see their emotional laundry for all the progresses moderates and socialist but its going to be fun. I hate it when people put their emotional laundry out. Greg you guys, get a washer and drier. I dont know why you have to put your laundry out anywhere. Up next Trump Supporters bad because of the research that ive started to do on ancestry, with documents, with photographs, i get to define myself through the scores of people who lead to me. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com i want to break free vo ready to break free . Its time to get away to a place where we can finally be free. ive got to break free plan your future getaway with norwegian. Sail safe. Feel free. Experience the wonders of the mexican caribbean at nizuc resort spa, where paradise is personal. Nizuc is a world to discover unto itself, day or night, indoors or out. Something wonderful awaits. Experience the wonders of the mexican caribbean at nizuc resort spa, where paradise is personal. Nizuc is a world to discover unto itself, day or night, indoors or out. Something wonderful awaits. Greg they are focused on the right and the blight that this was Inauguration Day in portland, oregon where leftwing writers stood in ice facilities and broke windows at the democratic headquarters. This was Inauguration Day in seattle where protesters vandalize buildings, damaged a courthouse smashed store windows. All this goes ignored and as allowed by the left but a trump supporter summoned to watch out for according to cia chief john brennan. So i know looking forward the members of the biden team have been nominated or appointed our moving in laserlike fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks similar to insurgency movements weve seen overseas where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength and bring together an unholy alliance with a the group of religious extremists authoritarian fascist bigots racist nativist. Greg even libertarians . Oh those dangerous monsters. I see one coming and he wants to talk about the gold standard. Did you get a copy of Atlas Shrugged . Run. They are the bad ones and they are the ones you need the programming and the question is how we going to really deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump . Shes just jealous cultist katie. Lock your doors and can cnn did a cold expert to talk about this . He was successfully recruited by an authoritarian political cults. The bottom line is all of America Needs deprogramming because we have all been negatively influence by donald trump. Greg ironically when i think of that deprogramming i think of cnn, no pun there under censorship could be spreading. Open letter signed by 500 literary notebook deals for traitors. The man did not assign any one to assign their story. As long as they dont and my favorite internet video. Is the good, bernie . Greg interesting. Kat you are the resident libertarian here. Were you offended by john brennan . He made no sense based on what libertarianism is. You can adhere to libertarianism and be involved in that. Its not the first time in the past four years people have been saying anyone who voted for trump only did so because they are so racist and a problem with tasteless smears is not just they are a morning annoying and mean. Thats how people who get radicalized to get radicalized because if you are fearing people even if you have a legitimate argument people you disagree with are going to listen to and they will say theres a baseless smear. Individual liberty and individual rights we [bleep] as individuals again rather than the as with people who better not rooted in reality. I will say john brennan the guy that thought he could target americans with drone strikes without due process and Hacking Computers very much lying saying it apparently didnt have time to google libertarians before smearing all of this so i dont think we should listen to his advice to National Security matters. Greg dana a typical libertarian. She wont stop. And they never land of the decision. We dont need a map of the whole world. On twitter libertarians are being awful and horrible people and its a joke on twitter. I really wonder its so unintentionally funny. Greg emad librarian or lib i cant believe joe biden canceled the pipeline. Greg they were laughing about the cancellation of the pipeline. Tyrus twoyear for first in the first segment it comes back to again how can you talk unity when youre talking about half the population needing to be deprogrammed . I guess i get confused. If i want to know whats wrong with something i asked the person who who its wrong with. You are out of touch like youve been along for way too long not just because of the pandith back. Experts you think libertarians are worst and usually when you give a list the last one is the one they go you know what im saying . You get mauled in the house and then you get amounted to an then you get a cracker to and thats when the mice show up in if you dont get rid of them the less thing you know you have three libertarians on your couch watching seinfeld episodes in your own house. And the only thing worse than that is showing up to work and everybody else has the day off. Greg youve got a point produce like saying i cant watch fox they have sean hannity and they have this guide kilmeade. You would go with a bang. A couple of things john brennan i cant believe he was the director for National Security. This is a guy out of touch. The guy four years ago had a lot of power. A couple other things john brennan was one of the Intelligence Experts that signed the document that says Hunter Bidens laptop had typical russian disinformation which we know was interpreted desperate attempt to make sure donald trump didnt win the election. The other thing to keep in mind rick grenell said what he was saying there making these groups the way they are hes doing a lot of china talking points said its getting really scary. Some of the things they are saying to attack the trump people is how china taxed from people and to bring a precious something china typically does. How many people were compromised on the west Coast Weather was swalwell or him or katie couric. It would be so easy and i know a private preproduction went on for hours so i feel selfconscious. Greg its not stopping you though. It would have been so easy for him to say im going to sign a few of these things. Lets appear to be on the same page of the few things that we can start off on the right foot. Greg im glad you added that longwinded comment which was already a very long comment. We didnt even get to talk about censorship of books. Censorship of books. Up next joe e e e e i made a business out of my passion. I mean, who doesnt love obsessing over Network Security . All our techs are pros. They know exactly which parking lots have the strongest signal. I just dont have the bandwidth for more business. Seriously, i dont have the bandwidth. Glitchy video calls with regional offices . Yeah, thats my thing. With at t business, you do the things you love. Our people and network will help do the things you dont. Lets take care of business. At t. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. 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And you have thinkorswim mobile so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. You two are all set. Have a great flight. Thanks. Well see ya. Ah, theyre getting so smart. Choose the app that fits your investing style. Good evening and live from americas headquarters. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be running for governor of arkansas in 2022. John roberts says hes been told by several sources she will make the announcement tomorrow morning. She has been laying the groundwork since 2019. Others have announced their candidate seats. She cannot run because of term limits. Meanwhile tom brady will be going for his seventh super bowl ring after. This will be the first time in super bowl history that host city will also be the home team. Now back to the greg gutfeld show. Enjoy. In office this week President Biden signed 17 executive actions dana reversing several decisions made by President Trump. You probably didnt hear this but it sounds like the start of the lico movie sequel but i can picture the billboard. Executive action rolling back everything trump did. Greg some of the stuff rollback on wednesday includes antifa travel ban from countries with titan terror with titan terror concerns are joining the paris climate agreement and the world health organization, ending the keystone xl pipeline is dana mentioned 37 times and stopping construction of the border wall. I think there is one thing we can all agree on joe still has no idea what is funny but he is thinking about his nap in his favorite episode of car churches like they are correspondent max. What are you doing . What are you doing, where to . Greg i would like to thank our producers are putting the black box over the explicit area. Dana this is your topic and you had the promoter and the a block. Heres a question for you, why do they do this on the beginning and the pardons at the end . Greg thats in interesting point for the b lot. Greg how did i walk into that . I have another point. One of the things bet biden and harris will do on day one is reestablish good relations with our allies and within six hours the first thing joe biden did was to kill the xl pipeline which was the one thing that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau like to President Trump didnt trudeau has an election coming up and that alberta province, how could you screw this up on day one . Greg thats it gradepoint interviewers in alberta will be going that american lady knows what shes talking about, whatever her name is. Greg im not allowed in canada. Piracy is doing everything opposite of trump because he is trump. Im not going to use that if analogy but lowe whoa what could you possibly make fun of me about . Greg i wasnt making fun of you. I hadnt thought the analogy through. Speaking at a bed neither did biden and his team. I think signing executive orders was to terrible idea and signing executive orders in the same Fashion Shows we are learning from our mistakes but hey your something new since you are so about healing the American People how about explaining your move . How about explaining the reason why. Why are we doing this . Do you know why because im bought and paid for. This is what the president wanted. So when the deals break down we will be in a quagmire with all the democrats are going to push and they want all the extra things and we will be a huge mess. Its sad because the whole point was when we given we will be unified and we are good country together. Take your shoes off and get him out. We have got this. Greg the analogy was when the parents going to crews the kids throw party and thats what happens. Hes. Ecocide on appearance and i appreciate that. Greg you know brian if i were president i First Executive order would have been thrown in the bottomless with spikes in the bottom. I do the show and you read through the papers. But you keep coming back. So you like it. I know you attempted to do a show on pipelines but how symbolic and emblematic this is . This deal is made in america and its cleaner and now forget the oil that will come on rails and come on trucks which is going to be more of an impact on the environment and you are talking about relations with their neighbors. There is no reason for him to have done that. Greg you are absolutely right. Kat im going to give you the last word on this. I am so glad we are back in the paris accord. I dont get the emotions about the paris accord one way or the other because theres no enforcement mechanism and it and every country that signs it knows that. Its the equivalent of when you tell your grandma guess i will be good at school. You get so emotional about it so i dont know. John kerry will put his head everywhere. Greg i came up with my own executive action that i would outlaw three of the final Office Series like the last three seasons. A good call. Greg and legalize every drug. That would be my first one. Free all the people. Greg put a bounty on them. Coming up a whole bunch of pardons. Thatatatatat want to sell the best burger in every zip code . Add an employee. Or ten. Then easily and automatically pay your team and file payroll taxes. That means. World domination or just the west side. Run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. To support a strong immune system, your body needs routine. Centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. Season, after season. Ace your immune support, with centrum. Woah, is this real gold . Where did it come from . You know im not sure. Whos peter samuel . Daddy . Yeah . Whos peter . Well sweetie, hes your greatgreat grandfather. Does he look like me . Yeah. Yeah . Yeah. Turn questions youve always had into stories you cant wait to share; with ancestry. When i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture, i waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com greg whatever the weather you can pardon whomever reagans final to give office President Trump pardon to distances of over 140 people. People like steve gagnon elliott writing and rapper lil wayne. Kilmeade didnt make the cut he still has to wear the ankle bracelet for the string of killings he committed in the early 80s. As well as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and sara jessica parker. It brings up key questions why do we allow pardons . Why are they always at the end and why does the president have a monopoly on the . I dont know but my buddy tanner is in the pen right now. Check out his crime. Ill bet its the guy filming it guy filming it that the dead knees trying to do blame the dog. Free. Tyrus the partons lil wayne, why . Whats going on . Obviously they have a relationship which is nice when youre in trouble. You have a present you have a direct line to say goodbye to that ladies and gentlemen. Biois hear why do you like trump especially in any urban community. He represents take all the tweeting stuff but he represents being of selfmade individual who doesnt take a backseat to anyone and is financially set. Hes cool and he has his own catch. When you saw the lifestyle that he portrayed before he was president americans believed in. I want to be like that guy. This guy is everywhere. His name is everywhere and i want to be like him so there is a connection between him and entertainment in the rap community. He worked with don king back in the day. He knew everybody. He was bigger in the black community than people realize so when he does well and they talk about them rap songs is because he is an idea more than a person sometimes and you forget the other stuff. He hated the media and he hated both parties. He did it his way and their something about that for somebody wants something the world its like i want to be like him. You never ever saw him in a position where it looked like he was really losing. A lot of americans are getting their buts kicked and we see a guy who refuses to lose even when they pay you off in their something about that. No but theres something about that that people are like you can use that to get out of your situation. You cannot accept your circumstances and all the other stuff we dont have to worry about but thats just a real of it. I want to when i want money and i want game and i want these things. On for decades. He is a huge success whether you like him or hate him. You cant argue with that. Greg we arent going to argue with you about that. Dana who would you pardon if you had a chance . I think pardons are out of control and i think people that have truly found a way to serve their time to give back or who are the target of injustice, that makes sense. The president should have this power. I would actually pardon roger rabbit because he was framed. Greg why . I thought it was going to be funny. I laughs. It was never clear at the end of the movie. I dont get it. How can we build if you dont get it . No further questions. He had a great urban raiding with the apprentice but when he became president youre out in the black amused. Lil wayne there was so much heat because he was with the president. Spec would we say hed lets talk about real heat. Did lil wayne lose his job and was he taken out in the student given a public schooling or did don lemon tell him to act accordingly . What is heat because its not real. People picking on you from social media we have learned that from the president. I have to take that [bleep]. Where was he for four years . He would have held the president so much. So where was he for four years . What is important speaking as a guy who coaches another guy they had a relationship and they were friends for a long time. People have a falling out but when it comes down to it businessmen grown adult men and women they put their differences aside and they get things done and while you were doing that i. E. With ice cube talking about Different Things like that, you learn things from each other. Do you think he got hed . Whos going to say i heard what you said about hiphop. Greg tyrus on your show you talked about it. I up and had my turn yet. At the last time i interrupted she left for two weeks. Look if i were president all i would do is pardon all over the place. I would pardon every single nonviolent drug offender. There are 31 people on the list. I think its so unjust in so unjust and its an unjust law. They should all be pardon and i guarantee none of them wouldnt sell dope because in my america you can buy you can bike to put the story. I agree completely and we still didnt get to the question why is it always at the end . If i get arrested i have to wait for four years . The controversial ones are at the end. A president will do the ones for people that are the most deserving. If you dont have questions about that you are lying. I would pardon a person everyday rather than to wait until the end. A pardon party hosted by greg gutfeld. Gutfeld. Greg if you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,. Vascepa can give you something to celebrate. Vascepa, when added to your statin,. Is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Vascepa is clearly different. First and only fda approved. Celebrate less risk. Even for those with Family History. Dont take vascepa if you are. Or become allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding. Heart rhythm problems may occur in more people. With persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had them in the past. Tell your doctor if you experience an irregular heartbeat or other heart rhythm problems. Possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. Celebrate less risk. Added cardio protection. Talk to your doctor about adding protection with vascepa. Greg he thought he was it buddies just a piece of. Steven king thats not the kilmeade. Beyond Donald Trumps press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany on twitter when he told equipment can show you next job as a cocktail waitress in tampa. People were quick to push back asking what he thought was wrong with the cocktail waitress. Before marked the growmark was sexist and dont forget tampa is a pretty fun town. The backlash was so bad king one that saying sorry for getting carried away. I apologize to the waitresses tail and otherwise. It was a. Thats true, it was a and frankly not a great act track so the next time you have to back track from your ticket listen from my pal cracked back jack. Back it up. All right. Something wrong with me because i will watch it over and over again that the theory why do liberal dudes seem to be the most and i realize because they are sexist and liberalism happens to be their choice to protect against accusations of misogyny. Its not like they go handinhand. It happens sexist dudes use liberalism as a protection. Look at harvey weinstein. That is true its a pattern over and over again and steven king was basically reckless. Greg kat you seem very charged up. I was a waitress for years and i was terrible at it. Not at the cocktail bar. I was never good enough to work as i did it but to work in a place that had caught tail spread i was california pizza kitchen. I got wired from ruby tuesdays. You have to remember everything and you have to serve people and not get emotionally involved. Thats difficult. I spilled a bottle of wine on this woman and i should have been like im sorry but i said im sorry are you mad at me . I was worried about my relationship with her you know . So thoughts to all of you who are waitresses and that it. Greg that is so true. Brian i apologize because of twitter which makes them weaker. Kayleigh mcenany was a s press secretary. Dana also but the way she went back. Here are the questions you should be asking me but i know you have no richest in it. They could not touch her. Washington post wrote a terrible argument she left a week early so shes a coward. I destroyed the franchise. I love ruby tuesdays. Its fantastic. Theres a platform. We will bring it over when its done and dont ask any questions. Greg steven king, tyrus . We are going into the world of the restaurant. Then against fridays in ruby tuesdays chilies came around and it just got. Greg a kayak would be there and all of them started refereeing. A lot of sports motives. You have to take a stand greg and i dont think that was it. I dont think that was the way to go but if youre going to throw trash which i thought you couldnt do on twitter anymore shouldnt his account be taken from him . Hurt me. Reliving horrific moments. It was red. Thank you Stephen Steven king, hope you are happy. Twitter, we are waiting. Greg all right we have to move on. Fortunately i never had a chance to be a cocktail waitress. To be a cocktail waitress. That was your shining moment. Incomparable design makes it beautiful. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx, lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. 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Greg we are out of time. Thanks mark hello america i am mark levin, this is life, liberty and levin, we have a great guest for the full hour, newt gingrich. Before i go to the former speaker, i want to have a few comments with you myself. Joe biden made much of the word unity, nothing that joe biden has done since his inauguration speech demonstrates any

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