Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20180715

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expectations for this summit. >> i do not expect anything. i frankly do not expect, i have very low expectations. i think that getting along with russia is a good thing. but it is possible we want. i think we are greatly hampered by this whole witchhunt going on in the united states. >> john roberts is live in helsinki. john, with all eyes on that city, what is president trump bringing to the table tomorrow for this historic meeting? >> at this point, it is unclear. and good morning from helsinki at as it has just turned monday morning. this is the day of the summit here as president trump touched down in helsinki about three hours ago it was very unclear what this summit could bring. whether they are deliverables or what the deliverables might be. the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov, sibley saying he would like to see more direct lines of communication between washington d.c. and the kremlin. president trump telling cbs news, he does not know what is going to come of this. listen here. >> it is mutually agreed i think it is a good thing to meet. i do believe in meetings. i think having a meeting with kim and kim was a good thing. i think having meetings with the president of china was a very good thing. i believe it is really good. having meetings with russia, china and north korea. i believe in it. nothing bad is going to come out of it.and maybe some good will come out. >> the president pledged twice, publicly last week that he would bring up russian middling during the summit tomorrow. the indictment of the 12 intelligence officers leaving a little or a lot less wiggle room for blood may put impurity assure the present multiple times that once in person, the apex summit in vietnam there is no russian government involvement in the election tampering. the national security advisor, john bolton, saying earlier today, putin may have some explaining to do. listen here. >> he made it plain that he said the russian state was not involved. he was very clear with his translator that that is the word he wanted. now, we will have to see, given that these are allegations concerning the g u agents. >> the present will also bring up crimea. is it possible to get russia to withdraw its occupation of crimea? also, nuclear proliferation in syria. when he was at turnberry the president discussed with the israeli prime minister, benjamin 90 what the president should talk to putin about regarding syria and iran. john huntsman, the u.s. ambassador to russia says the two of them sitting down and talking will be a good thing. listen here. >> the purpose is to reduce tension in the bilateral relationship. the president has been remarkably consistent from the campaign through two when he was elected picture to the instructions he gave me when i came out. we need to reduce the tension in the relationship. we need to take the danger out of a bilateral relationship. a relationship that contains 90 percent of the worlds nuclear weapons. >> we will get a chance to ask the president and president putin about all of this because they'll be holding a joint press conference tomorrow morning. 930 eastern time. i am surprised to say the least that the two leaders decided to do this. the questions they will face tomorrow, will define the word, uncomfortable. >> that is to be expected. the president i think is facing criticism, for this interview. >> when he was at the summit in brussels he came right out and he hit german chancellor, angela merkel for signing the deal. the deal that germany has with russia to buy gas in the pipeline that would be, he got to london he singled out theresa may and her plans for brexit. now, he is taking aim at the eu saying that this is a group that our major allies and president trump calling them a foe. we also heard that the president told theresa may she should sue the eu over brexit. rather than negotiating with them. when it comes to the eu, the president seems to like to play hardball. >> john roberts, traveling with the president in helsinki. thank you. meanwhile, vladimir putin 's sitdown with president trump comes as he faces challenges in his own nation. after 18 years in power, his popularity is taking a hit. amy kellogg his life from moscow with more. why has his approval rating been dropping? >> first, let me say went down 15 points in the month of june. that is quite dramatic. we've not seen such a big drop in a very long time. it was also right around the time the world cup was getting underway. and the mood was festive here but that is also at the time that reforms to the pension system were announced raising the tension age and people protested that. they probably would have protested more in big cities where the world cup matches were going on. that included moscow and st. petersburg. some say you can expect protests to continue probably in the fall. pension age will go up from 55 to 53 two women, 60 to 65 for men and it is quite young by international standards.but it is a old soviet holdover people are very attached to. people generally here and abroad are skeptical of russian polls. even the polls that have shown the popularity at 80 percent quite often. the thing about the polls, they do indicate trends. >> the sanctions that the u.s. and other nations imposed on russia, how are those affecting the economy there? >> amy: is hard to say, you hear more and more people saying that the economic situation is getting worse. it is not clear if it is economic mismanagement sanction or something else. but there has been real wage stagnation in recent years. and prices on many things have been going up. we spoke to a woman who works two jobs herself to make ends meet. but also distributes goes to help. she says she is in demand for help go up significantly since november. and not just in the region but in moscow itself with the quality of life is generally much higher. she says it is people who work and often more than one job increasingly not able to support families. there is also a recent poll that says one third of young russians actually would like to move abroad. there's talk about brain drain and i think people generally have been very supportive here of president putin 's foreign policy. but people say they would like to see more money spent here at home. >> amy, thank you. new reaction from capitol hill to the indictment of the 12 russian intelligence officers accused of hacking into the dnc and clinton campaign emails. a virginia democrat, mark warner, senate intel committee vice chair says it's important for the president to ask putin to expedite the officers to the us. >> i do not think putin will probably deliver the 12 russian spies. but i sure as heck think the president of the united states ought to ask that the russian spies are actually released in the american legal process to continue. they attacked our government. the adjuster question that the investigation has to answer. i just wish the one thing the president would stop doing is stop calling this a witchhunt. this has been a very productive investigation. >> let's bring in our fox news correspondent, doug for more. >> some say the timing of this is to embarrass the president. others say the indictment is a victory for the president drawing no collusion thus far to the trump administration or the campaign. many democrats arguing the president should cancel the summit given the election meddling has been tied to the russian military. republican senator, john mccain, also takes that writing quote if president trump is not prepared to hold putin accountable at the summit in helsinki, it should not move the very least some say, other administration officials should be in the room with mr. trump and mr. putin. >> russia is an adversary and my fear is, this president in particular, has been reluctant to call out the activity, completely reluctant to call out vladimir putin as a bad actor. and that is what we need to make sure there are other people in the room. >> the president's national security advisor, john bolton, argues indictments will help the president and his talks with putin. >> i would say in fact, it strengthens his hand. it shows that the justice system, department of justice are aware of these russian efforts in election meddling. i think the president can put this on the table and say, this is a serious matter. we need to talk about it. >> the president has often defended what he says is a tough stance against putin noting he has expelled diplomats, criticized the decision to buy oil and gas from a russian pipeline. provided ukrainian defenses with other defensive weapons and much more. they are defending that this evening as well. >> is the president has also blamed the obama administration for failing to crack down on russian interference that was going on back at that time. apparently, they knew about it. >> that is right. and in fact now, it puts the onus on mr. trump because the upcoming 2018 midterms. will he take proactive measures to limit russian election meddling? or will he take retaliatory action if it happens again? we will be finding out in a few short months. >> will be something to watch, doug, thank you. >> what is at stake politically for president trump as he prepares for his one-on-one with mr. putin? we bring and michael, a reporter for the "washington post". no agenda for this meeting. what does that do to the prospects? >> it does two things, it could lead to a real surprise, a lot of things can come out of this. a new deal in syria, the new position of the united states and annexation of crimea. a host of things that could come up. the other things, it puts the onus on the optics of the event. if nothing does come out there is no big agreement to come out of this, it is going to be a big win for latimer putin and trump i think also try to spin this as a win for himself. it is also possible sometime tomorrow you have the two leaders standing tomorrow criticizing europe. which is in many ways, dream come true for the russian president. who has for a long time had a major policy priority dividing the nato alliance. which he sees as his number one adversary. and president trump so far in this trip seems willing to do that on the nato side and security side and the trade side. britain, they recently had someone die. most likely because of russian intelligence using a nerve agent. on the british soil. and criticizing the prime minister. >> we asked americans in a poll what they think about the president's treatment of a putin peer 53 percent say he has not been tough enough on putin. only five percent say that he has been slightly too tough. the president on cbs, i believe it was, was asked whether he will be asking vladimir putin to send those 12 russian agents to this country to stand trial after the indictment by robert mueller. here is what the president had to say. >> the russians who were indicted, would you ask putin to send them here? >> well, i might.i hadn't thought of that. but i certainly will be asking about it.again, this was during the obama administration. i think the dnc should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked. they had bad defenses and they were able to be hacked. i heard they were trying to hack the republicans too. and this may be wrong but they had much stronger defense. >> and so, it has become a political issue. democrats are saying that the president should offer absolutely no concessions to vladimir putin. as a result there is an aftereffect of the robert mueller indictment on friday. >> .stripperthe president, if you look at the history going back to the campaign in august, remember then candidate trump invited the russians to release if they had them, hacked emails from hillary clinton. after his election in late november and early december, he denied that russia was at fault for election hacking during the 2016 election. saying he did not trust his own intelligence agencies. even now when you ask questions about this, he will immediately private to the culpability of obama administration and culpability of the dnc. he sees this as a political attack on his own credibility. and the legitimacy of his election. he has always been rather sensitive around it. i do not think any protests from chuck schumer anyone else will change in the next 24 hours. >> michael scherer, reporter at the post, thank you. >> ran a california democratic senator, dianne feinstein gets a progressive smacked down for the second time this year. given her challenges campaign a badly needed boost. we have a live report on that. plus, your reaction to embattled fbi agent, peter strzok 's combative grilling. as some lawmakers praise his ex-lovers testimony p republicans continue to question the fbi actions during the 2016 presidential campaign. what have we learned so far? >> and anti-trump bias, absolutely! you just mentioned peter strzok and lisa paige. peterstrzok was biased against donald trump he before he started investigating him. your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too. try head and shoulders two in one. to and practice... kidlots of practice.tion. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business 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election returns to capital tomorrow for more closed-door testimony. >> if you are listening at the hearing, it may seem like there were two different peter strzok 's in the room. democrats talked about when they characterize as a patriot and a hero and someone deserving of a purple heart. the peter strzok i questioned is a disgraced fbi agent who has been demoted by the fbi, investigated by the fbi. >> gillian turner has the latest. >> those fbi officials putting some serious face time on capitol hill this week. it combined a total of nearly 15 hours of testimony. agent peter strzok fiery hearing. >> i heard some testimony of peter strzok and i thought it was a disgrace to our country. >> reaction to his testimony has been swift and largely broken down along partisan lines. republicans are offering nearly universal condemnation in line with the president. but many democrats are coming to his defense. blaming the gop colleagues for the circus -like atmosphere that prevailed at the hearing. >> character assassination, demagoguery, connecting dots that are not meant to be connected. generalizing an isolated incident, cherry picking facts. sometimes fabricating facts, which is the new low in the united states congress. what a shame. >> going forward republicans are now worried about what impact the hearings will have on the ongoing robert mueller investigation. here is congressman ratcliff later today on sunday morning features. >> they cannot walk to a courtroom with peter strzok as a star witness within 10 minutes of seeing the texts, the jurors will have reasonable doubt in her mind. it is the credibility of peter strzok and lisa paige will be a primary importance to ultimately, what people think of the special counsel findings. >> lisa paige is slated to return tomorrow for the second part of her closed-door deposition appeared fox news was told it may go to a classified session. after part one of the deposition wrapped friday, one of her harshest critics, mark meadows conceded she had been forthcoming, transparent and to the committee learned new information from her testimony. >> gillian turner, reporting. thank you. >> in a stunning rebuke, the california democratic party snubbing longtime senator, dianne feinstein in her reelection bid. handing an official endorsement to her progressive challenger, kevin deleon. jeff paul is live from los angeles with more. >> the california democrats overwhelmingly voted to spend party money on kevin deleon and promote his run to the u.s. senate. one analyst we spoke with said the decision could end up not only helping the incumbent but could help in november. senator feinstein original called for the party to stay neutral. she won the june primary easily with 44 percent of the vote. compared to 12 percent by kevin deleon. but they're looking for a different approach, one more progressive to battle against the present peer political analyst larry stabenow says if this is closed the republicans will likely decide and the time to vote for feinstein is more moderate than deleon. and it would boost republican turnout in a could help incumbents and how-- >> anything they can do to increase gop turnout in those districts will help them keep the seats. and maybe keep the u.s. house out of democratic hands. in that sense i suppose you can argue that the democrats have shot themselves in the foot. >> in a statement, deleon says the endorsement is a clear rejection of politics as usual. writing apart, we presented californians with the first real alternative to the worn-out washington playbook. in a quarter-century. feinstein campaign manager released a statement saying he is confident large majority of california democrats will vote to reelect senator feinstein in november. and if you're wondering why there are two democrats running against each other, california operates a top two primary system which sends the two highest vote getters in the primary to the general election regardless of the party.>> jeff paul in los angeles, thank you. senator bernie sanders taking aim at the trump administration. speaking at the american federation of teachers conference in pittsburgh. sanders slams congress, the supreme court and immigration policies during his 20 minute speech. before turning his attention to our commander-in-chief. >> all over this country people are standing up and fighting back. not just against donald trump but more importantly, for a progressive agenda. that creates a government that works for all of us. not just the one percent. >> hillary clinton and senator elizabeth warren also speaking at the conference this weekend. they represent more than 1.7 million teachers across the country. israel accepts a cease-fire deal after the latest round of deadly violence in gaza.will take you to the border. plus, we are in helsinki where in less than 24 hours, president vladimir putin will have a one-on-one meeting with president trump. what russia has to gain from the summit and how it could impact the geopolitical arena in europe. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit if yor crohn's symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn't worked well enough, it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both 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the hour. thank you for joining us. president trump arriving helsinki earlier this evening. and the closely watched meeting with let me point to market human rights activist urging the present you the opportunity to pressure the russian leader to release more than 150 religious and political prisoners held there on phony charges. chief correspondent lauren greene is live with more. >> activists are using the historic backdrop of helsinki. it is where ronald reagan prepared for his district meeting with soviet leader, gorbachev. they want to urge president trump to challenge vladimir putin during the summit to release political and religious prisoners. according to the state department, there are more than 150 currently jailed. some 20 are jehovah's witnesses. last year, russia outlawed the religion and in the last few months they've been around in them up under the charge of extremism.a statement from jehovah's witnesses saying in part, peaceful law-abiding citizens are being prosecuted as if they were terrorists simply for reading the bible, singing and praying with fellow worshipers. another concern is the ukrainian filmmaker from crimea sentenced to 20 years in prison. now in a hunger strike. watchdog groups are can extremely concerned about russia clamping down on this. >> the kremlin does not tolerate not conformism. it doesn't tolerate very open and successful political diversity. >> the u.s. state department will not say if human rights is on the summit agenda. but will only say by the statement issue last month calling on russia to release all of its political and religious prisoners. >> so what do experts say are the chances that the issue could be raised? >> at this point, they say there's no telling. but political prisoners can become useful in negotiations. >> it depends how they treat horses if he releases a prisoner. and gets a significant political concession or if he thinks that they need to improve their image that is very battered in this country. we saw this russian intelligence officer just being indicted. by the mueller investigation for interference in our election process. >> activists really can only wait and see what comes out of the meeting tomorrow in helsinki. >> lauren greene, thank you. >> i think the president should be clear out about who he is dealing with. vladimir putin is an autocrat, a thug, he does not respect law. he does not respect our democracy and was to undermine it at every chance he gets. >> is the texas republican senator, john cornyn sending a strong message to president trump ahead of his one-on-one tomorrow with vladimir putin. so what is at stake for the russian president? and what does he expect to get out of the summit? joining us for more on this, the director russian studies and resident scholar at the american enterprise institute. those questions, what is in it for vladimir putin? >> well, what is in it is a tremendous domestic political boost. in a pretty weak economic time that all of this comes, from a russian president or a soviet leader sitting down one-on-one as an equal with an american president. this is undeniable boost for vladimir putin. beyond that, i think he looks to see if he can capitalize on what shall we call it? -- for g7 tg eight, let's try to readmit russia. they speak russian and crimea, well, they speak russian in estonia as well. all of the things i think vladimir putin is looking forward to exploiting. or at least trying to capitalize on.>> the fear is that if the president were to give in in some way on the crimea, also georgia, estonia they can see this is ripe for the picking. >> is exactly right. i am sure president trump is not wishing for russia to annex part of estonia but it is important to convey this message and very ambiguous terms. vladimir putin may interpret certain things in a certain way and it disillusioned or may we say a disappointed putin. i think is more dangerous than hostile putin that we have today. >> the president seems to think that he is not going to get good press out of this meeting regardless of what happens. he tweeted this. heading to helsinki, finland. he is of course there now. looking forward to meeting with president putin tomorrow. unfortunately, no matter how well i was doing, if those given moscow for retribution of all the sins and evils committed by russia over the years, i would return to criticism that it wasn't good enough that i should have gone st. petersburg in addition. are there things -- go ahead. >> what do you expect? you go and see an adversary. interestingly enough, very few people talk about the propaganda effort inside russia. >> yes. >> russia is at war with the united states. this is the propaganda. his chief of staff, said we are at war with the united states. not directly, but by proxy, cyber war, international war, his entire popularity is based on two things. russia is at war with the west, the west leads the attack on russia. and of course, the u.s. is in a vanguard of the attack. and i will protect you and not only will it protect you but restore some of the soviet glory to russia. so putin has to be very careful but so does president trump. you go to a country like this and i think it is probably a useful thing.we have not had a summit between the u.s. and russian leaders since 2010. when the president came to washington. eight years, you have to go and talk. but of course, president trump should not expect any agreement from a meeting which essentially, does not have an agenda and it does not have an agenda in the previous guest pointed out. because on all of the key issues that used to constitute this bilateral agenda, there's actually no agreement or we are pursuing different ends.>> november putin is going to get great press coverage because he controls the media in his country. >> he controls the media and he sits down with the american president. that is a big deal. >> leon aron, thank you. >> thank you. >> the gaza strip, a cease-fire being announced after a weekend of deadly strikes between israel and hamas militants. but no surprise, the cease-fire not lasting long. conor powell explains from jerusalem. >> there's a brief few hours of calm this morning but the most recent cease-fire in gaza as peers to be like so many others. short and temporary. the fighting resumed sunday afternoon with israeli airstrikes targeting hamas militants, trying to send burning balloons into israel. the use of burning kites and balloons is a relatively new tactic employed by militants. hamas and other groups have sent hundreds of kites and rockets into israel in recent weeks. and in response, the israeli air force launched the largest wave of airstrikes in gaza since the 2014 war on saturday. israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, called yesterday's airstrike against hamas a punishing blow. but so far, the israeli airstrikes have done little to stop their rockets. and the most recent back-and-forth comes after months of protest. some violent, some peaceful. along the israeli security around gaza which has left more than 130 palestinians dead. the trump administration is supposed to deliver its new middle east peace plan in the coming weeks. but with tensions rising between israelis and palestinians once again, it may not even get a full look before the fighting intensifies further. >> conor powell, thank you. they say all politics is local and this story hits home. in a small california town, one person on the ballot will be carded and denied access to his local club. he is 19 years old and running for mayor in california. our affiliate has details. >> zachary is on a campaign trail. quite literally the campaign walk. >> also can is will you vote for age or action? >> he might've just got his driver's license but the 19-year-old says he has a passion to lead the city. >> i wanted to help people. my biggest thing is i want to help people, get peoples lives on the right track. >> if elected he will be the youngest mayor in california history. however, he faces a city councilmember with nine years of experience. we spoke to him over the phone. >> running for mayor is a culmination of being on the council for nine years and it is the next step. as far as serving the city. >> between the -- some fill the new mayor should focus on retaining the cities small town charm. >> we need some very strong, very seasoned leadership. for others downtown is where it's at. it just needs a little work. >> focusing on downtown, my family and my business, there are a lot of empty buildings. >> no matter who wins -- >> i don't think he really understands the workings. >> he says he will continue to work for his hometown. >> if we lose this for some reason, i was born and raised here i will stay here. >> thank you. chris jenner speaking out in our fox news program, objectified, tonight at 8:00. on her reality show keeping up with the kardashians may have impacted her marriage with now, caitlyn jenner, who was previously bruce jenner.that is ahead. plus a look at the national forecast. why some parts of the nation could see unusually mild temperatures. george woke up in pain. but he has plans today. hey dad. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. is not a marathon. it's a series of smart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. hi! so, what do you look for in a vehicle? sleek designs. performance. dependability is top on my list. well then, here's some vehicles that deliver on that. woah! wow. oh jeez! that's our truck! it's our truck! and they're our cars! that's my chevy! chevy's the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. awesome. i'm proud. it's like a dynasty. it's impressive. ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? ask chicago police releasing new body cam video of the shooting of a black man. the department spokesman seen the video appears to show the suspect, 37-year-old, was armed with what looked like a gun. they say he ran when officers tried to question him about a quote bulge around his waist band. shootings sparking violence this weekend between residents and police officers. you want to stick around two hours for an hour about objectify war hero fox news channel. 8 pm eastern. tonight, harvey levin talked to chris jenner about her former marriage to bruce, now caitlyn jenner. here's a preview. >> do you think looking back to reality show was somehow sunk the marriage? >> number. >> there was obviously a big secret that bruce was holding. >> caitlin also is from the beginning that you knew. >> harvey levin joins us now. what is the answer to that question? >> i've done this long enough. i'm not going to tell you. [laughter] you know that! >> well, you keep people hanging around to watch the program, right? >> i have got to tell you, i am so excited about this one particularly. i've known chris for a long time. i knew her when i was a reporter covering the o.j. simpson case because she was right in the middle of that. she was simpsons best friend. i wash over the years and owner watched her back then, she was a housewife with six kids and she was helping bruce with his speaking business but she was a housewife. she is now one of the greatest branding people around. she has turned her family from being obscure to being one of the strongest brands anywhere and she did it without any training. she did it without schooling, she did it without having prior business experience. she talks to me about how she learned that and how she did it. it is really remarkable feet. >> she is very much at the helm of the family business, right? >> let me tell you, at the helm of the business, we talk about how the business grew. there is a big thing this weekend "forbes" saying that kylie, call her self-made billionaire. there is a big fight whether she is self-made or not because she is a jenner /kardashian. chris weighs in on that. strong and heavy. on how she feels about kylie and explains how she did that. all of that said, she is the manager of her six kids. and i had to find out because she is balancing having children with relationships there being a manager. what would happen if one of the kids gets picked off and fired her. check it out. >> these are the businesses that your family was involved in right now. businesses you created, there are so many of them. you are there messenger. you get a cut, of what they make as a manager. >> i do. >> have you ever thought what would happen if one of them says, mom, you're fired? >> darn it, i thought they put the answer in there! you have to watch it, i'm sorry! >> as i said, it will air a little over two hours from now. on fox news channel. we will be watching. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> another big show coming up later tonight. tune in at 10:00 p.m. on fox news channel for life, liberty and levine. here is mark with a preview. >> next time on life, liberty and levine we will talk about diversity, racism, equality, don't miss it. >> is tonight on fox news channel at 10:00 p.m. eastern. the weather is about to change for many of you out there. which parts of the u.s. are going to experience lower than normal temperatures for a change? that will be coming up. who doesn't love a deal? i do. check out the new united explorer card. saving on this! saving on this! saving in here. rewarded! learn more at alicewhich is breast canceratic that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. alice calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn't. ask your doctor about ibrance. the #1 prescribed fda-approved oral combination treatment for hr+/her2- mbc. will split the nation in two this week with much of the northeast and midwest expecting to see mild temperatures. while the southwest and southern plains deal with scorching heat. the accuweather neurologist paul williams has a national forecast for us. >> you are more optimistic than mother nature is going to be. trying to find milder weather will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. let me show you. heat will build monday with hot humid conditions through ohio valley. and throughout the northeast. it would include cincinnati and those areas but we've a cold front that will push through. it will cool things off tonight and it will steam off and cool off a little bit. humid for the entire southeast, humid air pushing from the south covering the tennessee valley region as well as the southeast. hot throughout texas, here is the needle we are talking about. refreshing for the coitus. wisconsin, minnesota, nice for those guys and the people over in montana. but you shipped towards the west, not the case, scorching heat, record setting heat in boise, portland and seattle. the southwest heat continues. we still have a monsoonal moisture creating spotty showers there but the heat will crank up. not only that but this week temperatures climb 5 to 10 degrees above the norm for this time of year in texas. you will see in texas it is always hot there but for this time of the year, it is a pretty big deal for texas. finally, the northeast. widespread scattered showers continue to dig into tuesday evening. in the front will push through look for flash flooding as a possibility dc, philadelphia, new york and boston. and this is not due to beryl it is falling apart anyway. will get relief but will hold off until wednesday because the cold air will take its time getting to us on the east coast. kind of like a grandmother takes her sweet time which across the street. you just have to wait until she gets there. back to you. >> i love the analogies! thank you. less than 24 hours notice of the president summit with the russian president vladimir putin. and bill hemmer anchors a special, special report tonight, live from helsinki. the top of the hour. our coverage of the historic summit continues throughout the night. stay with us, we will be right back. the day after chemo shouldn't mean going back to the doctor just for a shot. with neulasta onpro patients get their day back to be with family, or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $25 per dose with copay card. send you on a journey to get to your bonus cash back. first they make you sign up for bonus cash back and it's only on a few categories. and when those categories change, you gotta sign up again. when does it end?! with the capital one quicksilver® card, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's like a cash back oasis. what's in your wallet? jon: the north carolina zoo has huge baby news. less than two weeks ago the first rhino born at the zoo in 41 years came into the world and then a surprise. a half sister that the stork delivered. two little babies so far no word on a name. we're going to get that a bit later on. and that's how fox reports this sunday july 15, 2018. i'm jon scott. special report up next with bill hemmer in for bret baier live from helsinki. >> president trump says he's taking low expectations into his summit with vladimir putin. what's the impact after the indictment of a dozen russian for election interference? we will examine the popularity of vladimir putin in russia. welcome to special report. >> good evening. welcome to helsinki finland where it is just past 1:00 in the morning on a monday here already. i'm bill hemmer in tonight for bret baier. lovely picture we have tonight here on the water. we are only 12 hours away where the leaders of the two most powerful nations in the world will get together and talk about their differences and how to keep them from sparking a new co

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