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This week marked the first 500 days of Donald Trumps presidency or what i like to call the first 500 days of Donald Trumps presidency. [laughter] i celebrate a little each day. That is me. 500 days. 500 days of the medias nervous breakdown began. A lot of stuff happened since then especially for you in your life and that is what matters, not us, you. The matter what the media says life went on without the predicted catastrophes. Your life stay the same or it got better and if it got worse, i blame obama. [laughter] no, i am kidding. Stop, dont applaud. [cheering and applause] terrible people. Even if nothing changed that is not what was predicted. The trumpets of doom warned of financial meltdowns, civil wars and nuclear armageddon. Instead we have peaceful prosperity, lower taxes, a real chance with north korea, a booming economy and as an added bonus Kathy Griffin went stone bunkers. [laughter] thank you. Thank you, mr. Trump. Its an incredible age. Even if the media cant see it or refuses to so, if this is how the media acts now imagine how they would be acting if things were actually bad. Really hates phones. In the middle of all this good news the media inserts for bad. Theyre like those pigs that dig for truffles except those stories like where is Melania Trump . Oh, there she is. Nevermind about Melania Trump. Meanwhile, you shrug. The media complaining about how the news create unease thats a mosquito complaining about malaria. Its whining about rabies, iraq star deploring chlamydia. Isnt it obvious how frequently they avoid the good . The may have the nerve to run stories saying that bad news makes you sick. No, its not bad news that makes you sick but that you are bad news that hurts. With each negative story makes you the viewer a villain and is the climate warming . It is your fault, you selfish consumer. Rising inequality . You evil capitalist pigs. [laughter] frankly, not good for america to hourly that america sucks. If only there was a solution for this in the solution that somehow involves a dolphin. Racist . Yes, yes. All the people who voted for donald trump. We live in a culture that hates women. Depressing. The world is terrible and its all my fault. Yes, it is all your fault, tom. Yeah, you, tom. All this bad news is your fault. You are destroying the world in your heartless bigot. In short, you suck and you are a horrible human being. I feel sick. Great. I have done my job. Sound like someone needs and its not your fault dolphin. Its a normalsized dolphin that has been genetically altered to the size of the person and given lakes. When you are sick from the bad news he will be there to remind you of life. Its not your fault. Its not your fault. Thank you. When a coworker tries to bum you out. If you are still driving to work you obviously hate the planet. Its not your fault. Its not your fault. Or even when you least expect it. Its not your fault. Its not your fault. Its not your fault. That sounds annoying but i guess it beats the sickness and sadness. Get the its not your fault dolphin today. We will flow in a its going to be okay shark. [cheering and applause] greg the select management know the no drugs were taken when we came up with that idea. Everything is viewed with the same folder from academia which affects news and entertainment and creates one conclusion, you are the oppressor if that does not make you sick, it should. Right now if you ground things are pretty good. We now have more Jobs Available that we have jobless and i never heard of that before and that sounds like a news. Is that right msnbc . Bottom line the media try to diagnose can only be done with the mirror. They need to look at it and not just use it to do is off. The media is the progressive hammer. [laughter] the media is the progressive hammer and anything that appears successful to them becomes a nail. No wonder we all have headaches. [cheering and applause] lets welcome tonights guests. After candy and sugar, hes the sugar cane i know. Actor, dean cain. [cheering and applause] hes a comedian by day and asleep at night, comedian joe mackey. [cheering and applause] hes got more baggage than jfk and im in the airport, National Review reporter kat sims. [cheering and applause] and they use the space needle to ink his tattoos. For the bw e superstar and my massive sidekick, tyrus. [cheering and applause] hasnt been super for the first 500 days . Did you see what i do that . [laughter] i think its been pretty darn good but you were not know that from what you hear. I think its been fantastic. Greg where you most happy about . I have this not your fault dolphin that i run with. [laughter] and im happy that every thing is all my fault. No, i love the direction we are going. I get a bite on twitter you know who you are. The thing is they are yelling about certain things but the things we have done in the policy put in place im happy with. Greg i dont have an its not your fault often. I have its and our little secret often. [laughter] oh. Greg joe, you are filled with neurosis and fear and do the news make you more neurotic and fearful . I dont know when to be sick anymore. Its all bad news. I remember one time i called up work because there was a wildfire and the next day a panda bear died and i had to pretend i was okay. [laughter] greg how other than that how has been the 500 is for you . Its like that movie 500 days of summer. I have not seen a movie. [laughter] but i like the title. Greg you know that is always on demand but i never want to look at it. Cat, do you think the media will suffer withdrawals would Trump Leaves Office . Kat they will move on and Something Else to be upset about but for me whether the news is good or bad it still depresses me because the bad news makes me sad because of the people being involved in the sad thing and the good news makes me sad because im jealous of how much fun people are having that i am not having. I only truly could be happy and case where there was some sort of place like a plug in my phone i could play word cookies and for me to hang out with. That i think they are cutie pies and they get a bad rap. Instead of being a kat lady i could be a that lady in my case. Greg i do believe they spell it rabies i would be an excellent that lady terrorists, whats your take . Tyrus a party in my pants. I love it. [laughter] it is literally been a coming attraction of disaster movies that never show up in the theaters. Im supposed to be through a nuclear war a race riot and theyre supposed to be an impeachment and im supposed to fight russians and i am blackstone supposed to be kickoff fox. [laughter] this one big letdown. Greg i have a theory on this angst that its an investment and if you invest in something for so long its difficult to listen your grip on it even when the evidence is there. I hate the red hot chili peppers. Worst band was in the history of the world. They might release a decent song but its hard for me to listen to it even though. Tyrus you committed today. Yeah, youve committed to write you do you do when you breathe air so i hit you. Thats the deal was from. When he leaves they will follow him. Its not over. Rachel will be outside his house wherever he is retired at and i have more tax returns. Its not over yet. They will literally give him an extra year just to try to get him. Theyre not letting us go. Greg no, they will. Joe, i think the media please their psyche mirrors america so they are feeling polarized everyone in america feels the same way. Im not sure thats the case. I think a lot of people especially [laughter] greg i dont know what theyre laughing at, joe. I dont know either. Now i want to move to a cave. Theres not enough case. They make it seem like theres a lot in cartoons but there isnt. [laughter] if all your friends in the media think the same thing is hard to get a different idea out. Greg good point. See, you left early. Greg they suffer from premature laughing. Dean, any protections . Hopefully it will be more than 500 days. I hope armageddon does not happen and i hope tyrus gets to stay on fox. Tyrus thats will hurt their feelings. After the summit happens and nothing goes bad and after more prosperity happens and nothing goes bad they will keep make stuff up like. Kat they want armageddon they would literally rather get blown up then have to think top for not getting pulled up. [laughter] greg exactly. [applause] we should and on that note. And on that note. All right. Coming up, trump and continued there to meet facetoface or maybe base to just. Im not sure how adult the other guy is. [cheering and applause] hey, dad. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Get 5 dollars off aleve back muscle pain in this sundays paper only. With the lexus is. E thrill of the moment lease the 2018 is 300 and is 300 awd for these terms. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. So if you have heart failure, your heart doesnt only belong to you. Ask your doctor about entresto. It helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. Dont take entresto if pregnant. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Entresto, for heart failure. Greg what is in store in singapore . The summit is a go with us and [inaudible]. I hope trump is prepared. I think i am wellprepared. Its but attitude and willingness to get things done. Greg is about attitude. This is an historic moment. It has to be handled delicately and we almost lost the summit altogether. One wrong word could ruin everything. I hope rudy doesnt say anything stupid that could screw this up. They also said they would go to nuclear war against us and they were going to defeat us in a nuclear war. We said will not have a summit under those circumstances. Kim jongun got back on his hands and knees and begged for it which is exactly the position you want to put him in. Greg does anyone have duct tape . [laughter] seriously. No worries, he is not present weve got the art of the deal the president s. This is the deal hes been waiting for his life and it should have been handled years ago. It should have been handled years ago but its been handled now and i will take care of it. Greg he will take care of it. Hes getting in the zone. Lets see what happens. We will see what we will see. We will see what happens but we will see what happens. We will see what happens. Greg we welded trump told reporters at the talks could go for three days which means two things, one, trump is willing to stay as long as things are going well and two, stephanopoulos is realizing and packing up undies. [laughter] excited that i am going and i even bought a special outfit. [laughter] not bad, dean. Fantastic. Greg you are my inspiration. What is wrong with me . Joe, what are your thoughts . I think trump has a. This shoulde been handled long ago but its all the plight residents that got us in this mess. We have an inflight president trying to switch things up. Greg hes been the creepy guy. Crazier than the crazy guy. It used to be uses the groups of people saying death to america and now they say screw you and me but they will kill us. Tyrus, do you have high hopes . Tyrus we will see how it goes. [laughter] they play their game and we play our game and we hope for the best and hope the best team wins. He is literally sound like me after every football game. Hes not setting expectation higher than he is but he has no idea how this will go and he is not in hes not giving a soundbite for the media to run with because if he said this will be great and im going to knock this out and we will have peace, bam, something does go right, cnn the orgasm will be unreal confetti everywhere. It would be he failed and there is a missile coming but it doesnt matter. He failed. He is playing it poker but hes not showing his hand or giving you anything more than we will see what happens. Greg kat, he could go three days and i think the strategy is to wear everyone down to a submissive knob. Trumps key is to outlast everyone and he doesnt drink so he can do that. If he knows youre at the meeting and you have to piece he will keep rainwater in front of you. He will pour water in the glass and it will be our four and he will be drinking because he knows, he knows that he can outlast you. He works you down. Kat yeah. [laughter] greg i know that was a question. Kat i love the part where he says he doesnt feel that he needs to prepare. I would love to have that mindset. I freak out about everything. I sit my entire childhood studying for spelling test in case you forgot one of the words. He will not prepare for the summit that it takes me days to prepare for a guy to take me out to dinner. [laughter] greg you know, did giuliani think bugs me because when you are dealing with a negotiation any negotiation once you get to the part to save the insults and you dont want to appear better than the other person because you are basically stopping them in the face. Youre celebrating the test out before you score. Ive played that game for myself. Giuliani was better dancing than he was and did you see him dancing . Greg yes,. [laughter] you dont want to say that he was down there and came back with his hands and knees. Dont to say that ever. Greg i was wish i going to singapore because in singapore they arrest you for littering and they arrest you for a lot of things, spitting, selling gun and i have to pay 200 for that downtown but if i were in singapore id be dropping gum wrappers all over the place. Joe, could this foreshadow how other countries trump is the master of the carrot and stick. I think this could work. We have thai food with peace for north korea and getting your money back from iran and it did not seem to help but think we need to go in there and to prepare and its not all about attitude. Just go in there like as a football match. [laughter] and you will pass the ball to score the points. You dont have to plan it out but you state you turn left, you turn right and see how it goes. Greg yes, you should put that on your real for espn. [laughter] they would eat that up. Greg kat, what are the odds . Is this going to happen . Kat is what going to happen . Greg could this happen . Kat i think it could but itll take more than a summit. There may be future meetings. I also love the trump was reportedly considering inviting kim jungun to maralago if it goes well because that is something i would do. Why dont you just come over so i dont have to move my body and thats all hes doing pretty singapore is not a walk across the street. Maybe they could play golf together. Greg that would be fantastic. We have a lot more. Still to come, no more swimsuits for ms. America. As long as speedos stay on mr. Universe, im okay. [cheering and applause] this summer, Bass Pro Shops and cabelas want you to take someone fishing. And theres no better place to get started than the gone fishing event with free kids fishing at our catch and release pond this weekend. Plus, great deals on great gifts for dad. Can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. 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Trade tensions spilling over onto twitter following the g7 summit in canada. President trump now tweeting that the us will not endorse a joint statement by the group. After canadian prime minister, justin trudeau, called the new terrorists insulting. He made the comments after the president left the summit for singapore where he will meet with north Korean Leader kim jungun. The tele band agreeing to its first ever ceasefire with the afghan government. He extended the olive branch as the country marks the end of ramadan. They did not exempt Foreign Forces from the threeday truce and some 15000 american troops are stationed in afghanistan. Now lets take you back to the greg cutouts open for all your headlines, log on to foxnews. Com. You are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. Greg theyve given the boot to the swimsuits. This week the ms. America pageant announced its dropping the swimsuit portion of the contest. I think that is from price is right. They tweeted a video of a bikini going up in smoke. What are they replacing the swimsuit portion with . Eight knife fight. Im kidding. A session where contestants discuss their achievements and goals in life. That will flight right by. The evening gown portion is being revamped as well. They can wear what they choose. I wore what i wore to the prom. [laughter] anyways, i have mixed feelings on the subsisted on one hand who cares if they get rid of them. I dont need to see all that . Again, isnt the swimsuit portion designed to gauge dedication to physical health. That is you are in shape. I dont know. Im not a pageant person but if you change it to be pc why not go all in. Im starting a pageant of my own that does just that. Tired of the same limit pageant shows of a train full of Beautiful People and pesky questions of world peace . Its a totally non gender specific, noncompetitive, no age limit with a safe inoffensive categories bound to offend no one. Dont worry, the candle will not be lit. Safety is the number one concern. If you know anyone, call us. Plus, no contestants goes home early because in this contest there no judges or winters. Trs for everyone. This contest will also include [inaudible] [cheering and applause] greg kat, it is weird because to me i am torn. I find the idea of a pageant arcane like from a bygone era but a lot of things men do is find a bygone era. Of the ballgame is a pageant of mail files. I didnt understand that either. How do you feel about this . Kat on the whole i think it is good because i know i would not want a bunch of strangers to see me in a bathing suit and i dont even really want to see myself in a bathing suit. Every time i see it im like girl, but close on. But i dont think this will make anyone feel better as there are still winners and losers and now the losers will think okay, my body is not why i lost so i guess im just not a good person on the inside. [laughter] and that is not better. Greg thats a good point. I did not see that coming. Its my character and personality and my lack of goa goals. Kat in achievements. Greg that is so sad. I agree and i find that theres Something Weird about the bikini or the simpson thing because you know exactly what is being judged and its incredibly animal they are on stage and they know what everyone is looking at where in real life on the street at least you can pretend youre not doing that. That is what i am doing. Ill tell you right now. No, i think its not a positive thing in the long run and their ratings have been declining year after year and this will pretty much but what will you do . An essay contest . Or a spelling bee . Greg is a live interaction with judges about achievement. To your point, it sounds like a College Application interview. In a weird way. But this whole thing started as a beach wear person thing in 1921 or Something Like that. It was literally a onepiece beachwear contest. As far as i knew it was a beauty pageant to be honest and that is not what it will be anymore. Greg terrorists,. [laughter] tyrus i dont want to duchess. Anything i say will have me in a me to seller. I will just say it is great. I also think that powerlifting competitions should not be judged on merit and effort. [laughter] bodybuilding will be on his feelings. Football games will be close enough. [laughter] i feel like we are just being it is a beauty contest. Its the prettiest person wins so. Greg save yourself. [laughter] all right, good job. Joe, i think this is a positive evolution and maybe it is time in 2018 to move away from these cliched traditional, gender specific events. Thats sad and pathetic. I disagree with all of you. We have an ocean to our west, ocean to our east, we need to know what women look like in america that represent us. I say you go, girl. I have man boobs. [laughter] they say its a Talent Contest now but isnt there a contest for americans that have talents . I forget the name of it but we will be sending our champion to the ms. Universe contest and they will say we dont think we have been for ladies. Greg its interesting that how this will fit with the other universe in the ms. World. I believe that we should be judged on physical fitness because that tells you you have discipline and that you get up in the morning and run and from your entire self. They should have you dont need a swimsuit just something they workout in. Thats a good compromise. Tyrus its a beauty contest. Greg coming up, kids getting fined for having a Lemonade Stand. Country time says not on my watch. [cheering and applause] sfx muffled whistle text alert. Im your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . Hi. I just wanted to tell you thdependability award for its midsize carthe chevy malibu. I forgot. Chevy also won a j. D. Power dependability award for its lightduty truck the chevy silverado. Oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j. D. Power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvsthree years in a row. Phew. Third times the charm. Greg they put the aid in lemonade. By now youve heard one story about a kid whose Lemonade Stand got shut down because they did not have a permit. Its a stupid law that the books made it legal for the kids to sit on the sidewalk insula drink for a quarter. Big corporate lemonade i. E. Country time now says it will defend and pay the fines for any kid who gets in trouble with the law. Watch this. [applause] around the country, kids are getting [inaudible]. Entrepreneurship, good work habit, good oldfashioned fun, shut down because of old, arcane but real loss for the kids like austin. It got shut down because they did not have a permit and it was unfair. It is happening everywhere. No, seriously, look it up but the summer things are going to be different. Country time is introducing legal aid. Its a crack team ready to string out kids with permits and finds making sure no kid is denied the right to a Lemonade Stand and the benefits they bestow. If you have a problem, the officers of country time legal aid are ready to take a stand for you. Dislikes content like justice. When life gives you arcane laws, make lemonade. We are here for you. Greg. [cheering and applause] greg hold on. That sounds refreshing but is it . The company be encouraging illegal behavior among children especially behavior that involves the selling of a addictive substances like sugar . We went to our legal expert for comment. He is the best in the business. Tyrus, i have to say this was a genius idea. I dont know if it is real but i think its an awesome idea. What are you looking at me . What did i do now . Tyrus you mean to tell me there is a grown adult picked up the phone and called and reported a child at a Lemonade Stand . Greg yes. Yes. [laughter] tyrus because there is children in the audience i will say this in the best are you out of your blank mind . They should barbecue your blank, blank and there only around, blank you, blank you, blank them, its a beauty contest, man. [laughter] its lemonade. Greg is lemonade. Dean . Lemonade . I think its a brilliant commercial. I dont drink country time and i didnt drink country time but now i will. You Better Believe it. [cheering and applause] i might add busy water an adult beverage to it and thats my prerogative. Greg when i grew up i was selling a warm glass of juice. Its fantastic on a hot, summer day. Tyrus were you outside an Old Folks Home . [laughter] greg it fills you up and it is you. Kat, did you have a Lemonade Stand . Kat im not sure if i want to admit it because i dont want the police to be waiting for me when i get out of here. I dont know what the statute of limitations on a Lemonade Stand is but yes, i did. I think this is great. I think every child should have the opportunity to have a Lemonade Stand and save up money and buy plastic reptiles like i did. That plastic reptiles are important to any child. I would want to see any kid without them so i think this is great. This is ridiculous. Kids selling lemonade is very normal and i think that i agree with tyrus. Anyone who would call on this i didnt know there was a person more sad than i am but it turns out there is. Greg it might have been [inaudible] joe, hes a terrible person. Joe, where you stand on this . These laws were not meant for childrens lemonade sanskrit they were meant for adults Lemonade Stands and theyre trying to shut me down. They shut me down one time and i come back in an hour with a different sign in different title of my Lemonade Stand. If you cant compete with a two yearold and six yearold, your Lemonade Stand stinks. [laughter] kids are idiots. We know that. There are buying it to be nice to the kids but my lemonade is delicious. [laughter] greg i always give it to the kids because people look up to me around america. [laughter] all right. Shut up all of you. Learn from starbucks. If you want to sell lemonade you park your stand next to a porta potty. If you do a renovation you have a porta potty outside her house and you get the toilet try. If they want to use the porta potty you say you have to bite lemonade. And then charge extra for ice. Fifty cents for a glass, 25 cents for an ice and when you give you money, say sorry, we dont have change. Any adult the demands change is not an adult. Right customer. Tyrus you are not going anywhere near my kids, ever. Greg if i had a dollar for every time i heard that. All right. Still to come, a pharmacist blabs about a viagra scription. Next. [cheering and applause] [thoughtful sigh] still nervous about buying a house . A little. Thought i could destress with some zen gardening. At least we dont have to worry about Homeowners Insurance. Just call geico. Geico helps with Homeowners Insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. I should clean this up. Ill get the dustpan. Behind the golf clubs. Get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. dnice, candace, but this time bold. Did someone say bold . gasping starkist jalapeo tuna in a pouch loaded with bold flavor. Just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go bold try all of my bold creations pouches greg she heard about your trip from the pharmacist. Great crime. A man is suing cbs saying a pharmacy worker told his wife about his Viagra Prescription and it ruin his marriage. Michael feinberg, if that is his real name, had apparently arranged to pay for the little blue pills himself and not go through his insurance but when his wife later called cbs to check on one of her own prescriptions the worker mentioned his secret prescription. He claims the worker violated the federal hipaa laws which require a patients permission before revealing confidential information which he says his marriage broke down and is seeking unspecified damages. This is why i do not go to pharmacists. I get all my drugs from the sky. [laughter] my goodness. I did not know he did that on his free time. All right. Dean, does he have a case here . I dont know what those little blue pills are. Greg how did you know they were blue . [laughter] i dont know. Its weird that that would cause their relationship to breakdown. What was the relationship based upon that finding out he needed the pill. Greg maybe they were. Tyrus tag out, superman. Let someone who tells you who has been divorced and its a battle in that room. He was always there and he was bragging about it and she had to say good job all the time and just because she had to be right she had to let them know that its not really you. You were cheating. Youre not attracted to me. You have to use bills to be attracted to me and then he says no, and then it turns into a fight. Thats why the marriage broke down. Real quick. Sorry guys but if he would just be okay its all right if you are testosterone goes down. We go through hell for 35 years and then they say its gods curse that she hits her peak at 35 and we start going down. Its her turn to go through lets play crossword puzzles and hang out with the kids or cuddle and watch tv. Thats our time to get our project on because were not thinking about that stuff anymore. [applause] greg kat, care to respond about anything . Kat i really hope this pharmacist gets in big trouble. Pharmacies are supposed to be sacred grounds. You go in there looking however you want to get whatever you want and no one is supposed to act like youre even there. When i walk into a pharmacy i imagine myself in a cloak of invisibility. No one can tell im wearing penguin pajama pants or to my eye makeup is smeared onto my four head and no one can see that im there buying kat litter and onions and antiaging cream. Its a sacred thing that in a pharmacy you dont look at each other alone talk about it. This pharmacist violated something sacred in this country and i hope he or she pays. [laughter] greg joe, what is your take on this . I think pharmacies in general have a privacy problem. You get your prescription and then they tell you to go to the consultation area but its just one register down. [laughter] and you hear the pharmacist they will these are for toenail fungus and im like keep that quiet, lady. [laughter] greg it is so true. Also they have cheap backs. Youre not out of the woods when you leave the pharmacy so you are walking out in the bag is open and i didnt even notice that in walking on broadway and everyone can see that i have a you get older and your problems. You know . It requires ointments. Tyrus you have to overbuy. You cant go into by just the tampons and. Greg preparation h. Tyrus you have to cover up with more stuff. But isnt it amazing that the its always on stuff you dont want them to know. Greg its true. Lets get out of here before i embarrass myself. Final thoughts are next. Dont go anywhere. [cheering and applause] tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Get 5 dollars off aleve back muscle pain in this sundays paper only. Mitzi Psoriatic Arthritis tries to get in my way . Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be ec for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. Or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Mitzi with less joint pain, watch me. For less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Greg was just informed by amazon that you can order one copy of this purpose of it go right now before sunday and get my monologues. We are out of time. Special thanks to dean cain, joe mackey, kat timpf and tyrus in our studio audience. Im greg. Ellipsis and i love you, america. [cheering and applause] taking. Thats fox. Reporter this saturday. Jesse welcome to watters world. The debate over kneeling at the National Anthem at a fever pitch. Many players on the Philadelphia Eagles planned to boycott. President trump we love our country, we respect our flag, and we always stand for the National Anthem. We stand to honor our military and honor our country. And to remember the fallen heros who never made it

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