Destroyed very important things. Youre also talking about statues of george, washington, abraham lincoln, they would lik to get jesus. We are going to get tougher and tougher. At some point theres going to be retribution because they hav to be. These people are candles. They are really, they are terrorist in the sense. At the president as the only one fed up with what weve been seeing. In chicago activist calling out black lives matter for not focusing enough on the gun violence plaguing his community. He is executed on the. Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe Biden under fire from the left for no embracing the radical defund th police movement. Political insiders are working the Democratic Base will reject biden if he doesnt get on board. What did you think about the president using the phrase terrorist when talking about th agitators and the looters. I dont know, i dont thinks words are enough anymore. I think there needs to become some kind of action. What i find interesting as the gun violence in chicago is a reality. What you are seeing going on in america is a racial hysteria. Why is one gaining attention an the other isnt . I think the worst thing a black communicating can do as a whole as take advice from coddled white over caffeinated overeducated under experienced leftwing individuals. The Gang Violence in the gun violence is ignored but everybodys running around tearing down statues. I want to end the race war that we seem to be experiencing today. I am going to blow your mind with this. Okay . There are more differences in conflict within whites then there are between whites and blacks. There are more conflicts in differences between whites commit then there are between whites and blacks. When you look at those pasty white whips out there running around vandalizing and destroying property, i realize that i have absolutely nothing in common with these laughable losers. And if that is what everybody looks at the tv, they have nothing in common as a white person with these failures. It is insulting to me and its insulting to every white person that you think that race it binds us, it doesnt bind us. I have more in common with blac winners than white losers. And that is the truth of all human beings. What ties us together is achievement and not grievance. So white winners and black winners are on the same side, and stay away from the white losers because they are poisoning the minds of everybody. That will end racism if all the winners of every race and color joined together and laugh at th losers. I like that idea. We talked about it yesterday. The dc founders saying that a lot of black americans just laugh at these as greg would sa pasty white losers tearing down statues and then canceling tv shows because they think that doesnt mean much. I am here to defend my white brothers. Look, i think what is going on here is President Trump is desperate, his poll numbers hav and when he was asked last nigh on sean hannity townhall meeting , what is coming next, what is your message, what is your agenda, he didnt have muc to say he says hes experienced hes great, everything will be great. To what he does is takes a few instances of looting and bad behavior and blows it up. Suddenly, cities are war zones, afghanistan, suddenly these people our terrorist, they are threatening our social fabric. The reality is that his message. I think if you live in minneapolis, minnesota, you would probably agree. Everything as on fire. Look, you can keep showing the same footage again and again an again,. It is real. Trust me on this, dont trus me, listen to the wall street journal in their lead editorial this morning they say trump is headed for historic loss is millions of americans are close to saying that they cant take four more years of those. They are talking about suburbanites, theyre talking about women, they are even talking about seniors abandonin trump, and i think thats why hes engaged in these kinds of horrible imagery and language because he doesnt have a message. Hes not killing people in chicago. Hes not looting. These things are real, that the are not fantasies. To rue he could do a better job he could do a better job facing these problems. You cant lay those problems on him and that somehow he is conjuring this stuff up in orde to win election. People are suffering. Theyre suffering in chicago, theyre suffering in minneapolis , they are suffering in new york, theyre suffering in dallas, theyre suffering in california and you say isolated incidents. You have to wake up to this and start helping your party face the truth. I think the truth as we have had black on black rhyme in thi country for a long time and i think the incumbent is donald trump. If he was about healing, reconciliation, if he was doing something to deal with those problems, maybe he would have a better case. Maybe he would have something t say about bringing americans together. [inaudible] and that operated with the National Guard and then you guy attack them for being too brutal. What did you think about the winners getting together again with the looters . Did that put the thought in you mind . Id like to be on the winnin team is always. I will weigh in on this larger conversation, this is absolutel the democrats blaming america for the problems they have caused. The reason they want to make it about federal reform or federal action because it makes the countrys problem and not they are sprayed the country didnt cause these problem, their policies did. When we talk about chicago and the fact that they they had the most violent deadly weaken weekend in their 60 years of taking that is the predictable result to the multifactor under democratic policies. Horrible Public Schools and excessive poverty and inability to break out of Dependency Program cycles. The food insecurity, all of those things, that is because o democratic policy and it has festered all of those factors under the decisions that these Democratic State and local leaders have been making. When they sit in the round and say America Needs to change, it is because they are deflecting away from the policies need to change. You know im a californian, i was in junior high and the richmond public Unified School District in 1991 in the middle of the year it went bankrupt. You know what happened after that . The predominantly black city of richmond had that Credit Rating affected because of the defunding. The entire School District changed its name because of that , that is the tip of the iceberg of democratic policy rods. That is one School System that got bailed out by already bankrupt, california,. Now every year, there is about 50. That is the rut im talking about and it is democratic policies. Dana, how does the president match up against democrat mayor and governors. A similar thing to what we had with covid 19, kind of brawling with cuomo and stuff and now hes brawling over the riots an the chaos very does that work for him politically in your opinion . Well, with some people yes. Lets take, michigan for an example. Obviously he had a little bit o a tough moment. The governor there, governor witmer, she wasnt covered in glory herself, but recently we see the feedback from michigan, a significant portion of them thought that president was singling them out and being mea to them for personal reasons other than the merits. Im not saying thats true, but thats how they felt. I dont know if thats necessarily working, but one thing the president can do as h has shown hes willing to do this before. He can convene a meeting, he is good at that, and hes not ideological so he will meet wit anyone and he will listen. Instead of, i think you should call out the local governments for not doing enough, but i fee like that callout should come with some reaching out there it and what if he called out mayor lightfoot and said you have a problem . I am here to help. What you need from me. How can i help you . I ask you in 2016 i said what you have to lose. Here i am, we are willing to spend money. Were spending lots of money on coronavirus response. I think the people of chicago deserve better, they need to be protected and safe. If you need the federal government help, i am here to help you. If she does not take them up on it, then you can go more political. Thats just an idea. I think thats an excellent idea. He could do it there and in washington either one. Coming up next, sleeping joe mocking President Trump and proposing a major federal crackdown to contain the coronavirus. Where will you go first . Wherever you may go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers on exceptional vehicles. 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If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Joe biden proposing a federa mandate requiring all americans to wear masks. He is getting tougher in his attacks on president President Trumps handling of covid 19. Take a look. He is like a child who cant believe this has happened is happened to him. All have his whining and selfpity. This pandemic didnt happen to him . It happened to all of us. His job isnt to whine about it his job as to do something abou it, to lead. And the Coronavirus Task force holding its first briefin in nearly to months today. As cases around the country hit a new single day hi. Doctor Anthony Fauci said young people are behind the new spikes. Lets talk about what fauci had to say about the young people. There are more young people getting it, but of course when they get it, they can spread it to seniors or people with Underlying Health conditions. Do you think we were too quick to start reopening . You feel like youre kind fine, you have a long life ahead of you. So, this rule as so stupid. I feel fine. For a lot of these young people they are am asymptomatic. That doesnt mean theyre all irresponsible. A lot of them need to work so that they can put food on the table or help their families. Others of them are really wanting to make sure that their careers can take off as soon as the economy starts to rebound. They want to go to school or they want to figure out a way t do something. They want to hang out with thei friends, thats fine, we get it. It is spreading. On the mask thing, i dont want the mask to be political at all. If more people were willing it would help the economy as long as were also washing her hands and doing everything we possibl can. When joe biden said he would make it mandatory, i feel like lot of the people in the countr were like alright, stop, stop. We have rights for a reason, th governors are making decisions, some of them are changing plans like in florida, and texas. Making good decisions based on the information that they have at the time. I dont want to secondguess them, but i dont think we nee a federal mandate. I think the are handling that fine. Picking up on danas point about Governor Abbott there, reversing course, and now sayin hes not going to allow the bars , the restaurants, and some of the outdoor facilities to go to the next phase with intent o getting them reopened, but not now. What do you think . People are going to have to drink at home. He is probably making a choice based on information hes getting in real time. I trust him, he knows what hes doing. Its illegal to tell americans they have to wear a mask, but politicians often propose illegal things just to take out a Strong Political position and that is all joe biden is doing. Hes going to say im the pro masked guy. The people are with me, donald trump doesnt care about your health and thats what hes going to do. Im just happy i learned that joe bidens position on something. I mean maybe we can keep going, what does he think about the what does he think about china . What does he think about the statues or police reform. This is a good start for joe, a strong position on one thing, i may be we can get a joe biden opinion on to things in one week. All right. So, we had the first coronaviru Task Force Briefing in months. You think there is a lack of urgency . Why is that, and our people fea when they say hey, why isnt th government being more aggressiv in trying to stamp this thing out . I think they have been doing it. I said it at the beginning it i not of to ideas. The reopening has to be adjustable so that any kind of Forward Movement you make, you can then switch if you see a bump in the road. We also knew and we predicted there would be a bump in the road as young people got outside. The obvious solution as you protect the vulnerable while yo get back to work. Im glad they stated clearly wh the vulnerable are very elderly i wish Governor Cuomo had done that. Diabetics, and the obese. They leave out the obese becaus they are afraid of saying it, but it is a big factor in this. I agree with jesse about joe biden. I mean he is avoiding all the issues. I think he would be the perfect person to confront the attacks on the statues, because as a statue himself, he comes from a place with knowledge of this injustice. Well, thank you, greg. Standing up for the statues then , joe biden. Emily, today what we saw as wal street took a hit rate on employment this week went way up , and now receive and even that theres been an increasing level of people that cant fail their mortgages. What do you think we should be doing to try to help those folks . Is there anything . Yes, definitely and i think the federal government has stepped in and obligated trillions to that effect. I think its incumbent upon local mayors and state elected officials to make decisions tha will stimulate their own economies that will be business friendly and employer friendly because that is what helps people maintain jobs. Its not one step forward, its about five steps forward. The mask enforcement to me is the largest issue, how are you going to enforce that . I think biden is coming out ironically, he is sort of entering into that namecalling phase because he doesnt have any innovative ideas of how to deal with the pandemic so he is stooping to that level that he always vilifies the president for which is name calling and not talking about the job, and thats all were seeing from him. I know that is not going to win over any type of independent voters or moderates or any of those millions of people you just referenced that are affected by this. Thank you, emily. Ahead is the 2020 election turning into a referendum on President Trump . That story for you on the five. 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A new wall street journal oped said this 2020 election will be a referendum on trump and says mister biden hasnt even had to campaign to take a large lead, he clearly leaves his delaware basement, he dodges issues, and his only main issue is that he not donald trump. Mocking bidens death the and extending why some my some people might not look for him. Its so crazy whats happening right hes a guy that nobody talks, whenever he does talk, he cant put to sentences together. I dont want to be nice or a nice, but the man cant speak. And hes going to be your president because some people dont love me may be. On doing is doing a good job. Bidens gaffe speak for themselves, as it time for trum to move on and do you feel the voters will see it for themselves and that trump shoul focus on Something Else moving forward . Look, i think that biden is fairly wellknown person in politics. On the surface, when it comes t the issues. I think there were some good points made earlier in the show you dont know a lot about wher he stands on a lot of the issues. Friend of mine said its a little blake weekend at bernie candidate. It is working for him, in that same editorial pointed out that President Trump has on paper some really good ideas for what he would want to do in a second term. But that he doesnt take opportunities to drive at home to say you want to make it a referendum on me, fine, look at my record and look at what i want to do going forward. It has to be crisper. A lot of people have been sayin that for quite a while. There is rumors all day long about shouldnt there be change that the Term Campaign and people asking that and here is what i believe. I believe the campaign as run from the very top. They take their cues from the president s, and i believe that next week, they will want to tr to make it a better week than the last too. The last to weeks of not been great for them. Also in this situation, people say top of mind issues right no are coronavirus and racial strife, that isnt necessarily what will be the number one and to issues that our top of mind in november. That is likely to be the econom and possibly china going forward. Can the president turn his attention to dealing with that and driving home these issues and trying to say why he would be better than joe biden on those issues. We will see what happens there. So committed to danas point people as we get closer to the election want to have something to vote for, not just against s do you think trump will start focusing on the economy or what factors or what emphases do you think he will display soon . Joe, he can hide, but he cant run. It is fair to say though, it is fair to say that the criticisms of joe biden dont matter because even his supporters acknowledge he has lost more steps than of fire at a ladder store. He focuses on anything, but trump you could nominate a basket is boiled apricots, and the democrats wouldnt care the will vote for him. I think that biden has an edge in that he is up against one of the most unpopular, democrats hated bush, they hated mccain, they hated mitt romney, i think they might hate trump more because in so many ways he was more effective and he fought back right now they are like they will vote for anything, even if it doesnt have a pulse. Like joe. So, to gregs point though, doesnt joe biden need a Stronger Campaign than just im not trump . Shouldnt he put forward something more substantive . And mean, look. President trump still has the advantage. Hes the incumbent and as we said repeatedly on the show, incumbents generally dont lose. Only carter and george hwb ish in our lifetime anyway. So he has got the pulpit, hes got a ton of money. More money than biden, and we will see what happens. I think we have to give him the advantage despite the fact that he hasnt had a good run here. The thing about the gaps, i dont think that changes anybody. Its not like people are just meeting him, they know him, and he is not the one that said tha George Washington was capturing airports during the war. I think you have to keep in min that people know joe biden and for the most part, people see him as not any radical, not any fringe guy, just a night guy, and someone they feel comfortable with at a time when President Trump has been exhibiting chaos, pushing division, displaying incompetence even in the world of his former National Security adviser, advisor, not fit for office. Yesterday, he said biden is going to be president even though some people just because some people dont love him. I think you know what, if that is the case, its a referendum on trump and i think it says a lot that trump is losing. Jesse, what are your thoughts. Also including the vp pick by biden could make or break that civil war in the Democratic Party as experiencing right now. I dont think anybody cares who we pick. If youre in incumbent, you dont want to be a referendum, you want to make it a choice, but its hard when your challenger is hiding in the basement and the media as complacent in letting him hide prayed the president will somehow have to smoking joe out of his basement, i mean figuratively hes got to get hi in the ring and act silly campaign against them one of these days. If you go back, in march, it wa a slamdunk, reelection, then yo have the pandemic and you have racial strife, so i guess the missed opportunities were durin the pandemic, you rally the country a little harder against china and focus more on made in america. In the racial strife as tough because you send in may be some federal agents and a task force to lock people up as their rioting on Long Live Television they might have thought that wa a little too much, especially a theyre trying to appeal to the black vote or they just kind of wanted to let these democratic cities burns, it sets up a nice contrast with the president , bu that is not water under the bridge. Hes got four months left. He has to focus on rebuilding the economy, confronting china, taking care of the people who put him there in a compassionat way and then just ridiculing sleepy joe. Doing it in a fun way, like he hes enjoying ridiculing him,. All right, stay with us, the fastest seven minutes is up next. At mercedesbenz, nothing less than worldclass service will do. Thats why were expanding your range of choices. Many dealers now offer optional pickup delivery and athome maintenance, as well as Online Shopping with Home Delivery and special finance arrangements. 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Any we had a little thing. Coronavirus lockdown leading to a search in google searches for elastic waist. Apparently people are buying losing fitting goods after putting on weight while stuck indoors pray jesse, i am happy for people. If people are happy because the had may be they indulged a little during coronavirus, thats okay. What do you think . There is no excuses for indulging during coronavirus, this is the time to get fit because your boss isnt looking at you eight hours a day, you can knock out some push outs an sit ups any time of the day and the boss has no idea what your doing. If you dont look like by the time you guys come back to work you wasted the chance. Its true. You are like the Gold Standard for coronavirus fitness. I have lost almost 40 pounds i cant wear i cant even wear my tv close which is why am wearing these tshirts. Im actually going to go next week ill be gone next week, an im going to go to the beach an show off my beach body. I will be wearing a mask, but not much else. Because i know, when we are bac to the table, which would probably be i dont know when, am gaining all the weight back. Its going to come back like that. I will be as disgusting as i wa before. To gate no way. You look great. One williams, youre a big exerciser. If you can do this while youre locked up in your house . Yes. And mean in fact, just recently ive put real stress on the delivery people because i delivered one of those every wells. I guess you could do it. I feel that when people are foa for an extended period because they are anxious over the virus or over in their job or lack of a job now. They are bored. Comfort equals food, and thats over getting. Emily, the thing that i i love people like how did you live 45 pounds, i feel like you you didnt have that much to lose. I feel like prepare dont lose so much. I feel whats funny about this is people were googling elastic waist bands waistbands. If i would lean and wait i woul google like Running Shoes or th nearest pizza delivery but the elastic waistband is kind of od to me. One more topic. Up, check out these mysterious lights. The verse spotted in the skies around miami. Similar ones seen in texas. No word on what they are, but w could soon find out more. To senator marco rubio the existence of an unidentified aerial phenomenal task force when asking the pentagon for an reports. I just dont believe in this kind of stuff. What do you think . Heres what i think it, it took three years to get the notes on that meeting at the white house, do you think were going to get anything of the federal government on ufos . It would be a hundred years at least. Greg, greg, i think you and agree on this side of thing, theres always an explanation. Can get this is what happens when you eat a burrito before you get on a plane. That is good to know althoug i dont think youre reading an burritos lately. Maybe you could get me a one. Emily, do you believe in ufos . Yes, i totally love it and whats funny about jesse saying it would be 100 years as i was excited that maybe it would be in this lifetime. Looking at the podcast with all of that information, it is totally real. I am all about this. I am so excited. The act the election, octobe surprise. One . Yes, look, im an xfiles fan , but im ready to believe. Show me the evidence. Showed me the evidence. Guess what, we have to do th third topic, youre all probabl well acquainted with serving robot dog spot has been feature in animals our great couple of time. I can own it for a 75,000. Greg, is that worth the price . No, its not really a dog. You are making it move. The only good side as the robot dog doesnt smell and it could walk itself to the garbage can. That is true. Emily, you like real dogs, right . I do, which i think are priceless. 75,000 price tag for this robo to me is a no go. One of the things i said as tha if people spend 75,000 to get the robot dog, then they might get feedback as to what the robot dog would be good for. Like what is the purpose of it. Well, i dont know. Remember we did a segment about how they were using Something Like this to enforce social distancing parts. I think it was in korea. Maybe its good for that, but you know, dana, i just dont think youre going to buy this machine to replace jasper. I dont see it coming. Know. Im not spending money on that. But jesse, you are you have so much cash, are you going to get one of those . He just takes a little of that book money and gets the do right there. Then she could send it out and unleash it on all of these looters that are coming down after that dog attacked. Thats a perfect idea. It could be. Can get perfect idea of perfect segment and end of the one is coming up. Fan mail friday is next. So whats going on . Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. 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Ask your veterinarian for apoquel next to you, apoquel is a dogs best friend. For 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. Even in these uniquely challenging times were still fighting with dedication and devotion. California law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. If you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. Its time. That is nothing definitely needs instruments. Facebook question from david d. What did you do for fun when yo were 18 . I like this one, emily. What did you do for fun when yo are a teenager . Keep it clean. I will keep it to legal things. We loved to go to the beach, a group in this area so we like t go in the beach in tahoe. We did a lot of driving and hanging out until then. I will stop there. Tilden park, ive been there many times, east bay. Did some bad things in the park. Dana. I was going to say read, but truthfully, we would have bonfires and in the gulch, and have parties there with. In the gulch, out by the moo tower. Go down to the gulch with a sixpack of paps blueribbon, down by the moon tower. Gosh what was it called. Lucky loggers. Keystone. Keystone light. All right, juan, what did yo do for fun as a teenager . You know, go up on the rooftop coming got it to yourself, you can stare at the stars, play around, or go to th playground and play ball. Lots of ball as a kid. The funny thing about that is, sometimes you end up with peopl that your mother doesnt approv of. His mother doesnt approve out. What did you do for fun, jesse . I played sports. And i did not drink or smoke anything because that stuff is just not good. I know. You know what i realized i did for fun when i was a kid was during the pandemic id been riding my bike come out like a bicycle. It was interesting, when you were a kid you would ride your bike because it was fun, you werent actually going anywhere you would go get on your bike and just right around the neighborhood. You would go for a ride too. But then all of a sudden you reach puberty and youre like why am i writing my bike around when there are girls and playboys hidden in the hedges. Your mother would find them and throw them out. We all had places in the park t hide or pornography. When where thing is up next. Singing theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Leading armies to battle . , accident forgiveness from allstate. Was that your greataunt, keeping armies alive . Drafting the plans. Taking the pictures. Was it your family members . Who flew. Who fixed. Who fought. Who rose to the occasion. When the world needed them most. Find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. Their stories live on at ancestry. I wasnt sure. Was another around the corner . Or could things go a different way . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be worth waiting for. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Time now for one more thing. Tomorrow night at 10 00 p. M. Its going to be amazing. We have a first timer, terrence k williams. That is tomorrow at 10 00 p. M. Watch it or i will hate you. Lets do this. Singing dogs are okay, butterflies are okay, but dogs plus butterflies, holy cow. Check it out. Could anybody be any happier . This just shows that anybody, anybody can be together no matter what size or gender or race. A butterfly and a bulldog. Of course five minutes later he ate the butterfly, but thats not important. All right. Dana, what do you have . Tonight, as take your dog to work day. To most people that spend every day for a while. We have a great instagram pays, check it out, there is pictures of jesse with ricky and me with jasper and greg with his robot dog. They are really cute. I also wanted to bring your attention. We talked about how they shelters emptied out because people wanted to adopt dogs, bu theres another kind of dog tha needs your help. It is a retired military dog. There is a group called Mission Canine rescue or warrior dog foundation. You have to apply, you have to make sure you have all that you need to take care of a dog like this, but they need care from when they wend their working years until the end of their life and they can be really wonderful dogs. Check those two things out, we will put it on our facebook pag also. Jesses bear news, lets see if. Hey. There it is. Very good. Jay cutler, everything. Look at this guy. He is just like the rest of us. That is what we like to do afte a long day. Get into the tub, you relax. Sometimes you lose your balance in the tub, that can be a littl dice lead daisy. Why do you say that . Am just curious. Rub a dub dub, here is a bea in a tablet. We have bubble wallace in my world to talk about the nuisance , so check that out. Juan williams, you are next. A lot of cars into our Incredible National park. My daughter as a board member o the National Park trust and yesterday they had an annual meeting and announced really good news. Here is the chairman of the board bill brown now. We work with the National Park service to acquire critically important either inside or adjacent to National Parks. The new land, new parklands in wisconsin, minnesota, and ne mexico since 83 the National Park trust has preserved 30,000 acres and 31 states and they also started by the Bison Program to get schoolchildren t visit the parks Great America i blessed to have these parks, so dont forget to keep your distance when youre there. Enjoy your summer trips and go online at park trust. Org. Think Teddy Roosevelt for giving us these carts parks. Dont tear his statue down. Apologizing when youve done something wrong is. Welcome to washington i am bret baier. Most travelers from the u. S. Will not be allowed into europe. Once the European Union resumes air travel, that is according t the New York Times tonight citing eu officials saying that the u. S. , russia, and dozens of other countries have not sufficiently controlled the coronavirus outbreak, therefore there will be blocked. New record numbers of coronavirus cases in this entir country and many individual states tonight brought out the president s task force earlier today for the first time in weeks. Those statistics are forcing some officials

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