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Nomination. If he falls short of a majority of delegates before the after saying she rejects socialism, she is saying that she will back sanders if she becomes the president ial nominee. Unity, unity, unity. Whoever i nominate, we will support with respect for his or her position and hopefully with their respect for our position as well. So, we have made a decision to win and as i said to the membe members, if you make a decision to win, you have to make every subsequent decision to win. No friction, no nothing. Just stay on the path to victo victory. Juan and Bernie Sanders has been causing controversy with comments about cuba. But as you know, he is finding some support in the media. They accused dr. King of being a communist. Every major leader, they tried to call a socialist or a communist purse because you have folks who are so afraid of Bernie Sanders, sore afraid of Elizabeth Warren, so afraid of progressives, and they are willing to say that if the Democratic Party nominates a progressive, and what they are saying to me in that moment is that they are more comfortable with the white nationalists in the white house. Juan it so interesting. It looks like there is resistance on the Democratic Party side, but on the Republican Party side, it looks like they are salivating to run against sanders. Jesse well, one of those reasons is, he will call of strt ally a racist. He said that castro was a great guy even though he had missiles pointed at our country. He wants to give taxpayer money to americans so they can grow and sell weed. Thats why people are nervous. In terms of the electoral college, its not as strong as he believes. Our seniors going to turn up her Bernie Sanders . Our suburban women going to turn out . Is he going to get black women in charlotte, in philadelphia, in detroit . Lets see about that. He wants to ban fracking . Is castro comments going to help him in miamidade . Are Union Members in michigan, who have Great Health Care plans going to vote for a guy who says you cant keep that plan . I dont know. I dont think he is positioned perfectly, well, not perfect. Donald trump, when he was running won 41 out of the 50. I dont think bernie is going to hit 41. He is going to lose in South Carolina and hes down by 20 points to biden in florida. Those are key contests. The rest of the democratic voters, they have major differences with the core issues that bernie supports. They are not behind the green new deal. They are not behind medicare for all. They are not behind free college. And they are not behind raising taxes on middleclass americans to pay for it. Juan are you a democrat now . It sounds like you are a superdelegate. [laughter] dana he is not at all delicate. Juan lets come to this point, though. Pelosi says unity, unity, or unity. If this is the nominee, i will back him even though there is open anxiety among democrats about the impact sanders might have. Dana what do democrats really want . What does any Political Party really want . The democrats really want to get back into power. If Bernie Sanders is their only ride out of town, youre going to buy mike the ticket and you will get on board and youll help, but the story is not over. One of the things of the media loves to write is anything that shows a pipit or a comeback, and of joe biden all of a sudden goes well in South Carolina and the winning looks good on him and on tuesday, its a mixed bag where you have bernie win sum, sanders win some, maybe Pete Buttigieg was a couple. I dont see anyone else winning. Maybe klobuchar wins her home state in minnesota. Then, they will help to get this contest in another place, which weve been talking about the possibility. There is a question with the democrats. Do you think you need to have a majority to win or a plurality to win . Right now, none of these candidates are going to get to the convention with a majority plus one. So, then the question is, well, Bernie Sanders says, i should get it because im in the lead. But everybody else is like, thats not the rule. You go to a second ballot and in that case, ill think Bernie Sanders juan by the way, i hope you saw that Elizabeth Warren really took him down yesterday on this idea, because the last time around, in 2016, he said that nobody should be given the nomination if they dont have a majority of the delegates. Dana i said come on a scale of 1 to 10, how concerned are you about the effects of a Bernie Sanders candidacy as a nominee. He said, we are at an 11. Juan so, greg, you and i have had these discussions about parallels between trump and their theme is, america versus socialism. I think that they think that sanders is going to be easy pickings for donald trump. What do you think . Greg i wouldnt be so sure. Okay, the Democratic Party right now is the guy wakes up the morning after his Bachelor Party in vegas, realizing he just married the bearded lady from the circus. They are handcuffed in the hotel room to Bernie Sanders and they realize hes got a lot of kinks, right . And the convention is like that quick and dirty annulment you do before anybody finds out. This is a period of reckoning for everyone who laughed of the in 2016. What the democrats are feeling right now is what the republicans felt almost to a t about trump. First, you saw that it was a jut a joke. Then you realize its more than a novelty as there is some sort of connection going on. Then, theres a sense of panic, that its more than a connecti connection. The plurality grows and the argument about him not having all the other people doesnt make sense, because all the other candidates arent running together. So, that goes away. And then, you have this resignation. But there was a difference. Trump then won. Thats the difference. The thing is, whats missing is the belief that trump will win. But then, that was missing before. The one good thing about sanders is is getting people to think about socialism, right . Why is socialism popular among the young . Because it offers free stuff. People start realizing that its not really free. Its a pretty good education and you get further into his comments about cuba. You find out about reeducation, literacy programs in which they force you to digest propaganda. People start to learn these things. I think its helpful. And what if he wins . What if he wins . Juan yeah, he could win. Jesse every day will be like today on the stock market. Before you lost money, dominic. Emily i think that what matters is whether in fact they make a difference in this nomination. So, if they are truly responsible for sinking his nomination, then, we are going to see that the section between the democratics, its going to be unlike anything weve ever seen. At a minimum, its going to depress voter turnout. That will 100 cement trumps win. Not like they needed any more reason. There is no way that they are going to turn out. Its the kind of thing that gives rise to third parties. Even though it it doesnt seemy plausible, its 100 possible with the amount of anger and that socialist aspect of the party. If they just kind of symbolically go against him and its not enough to sink him, then after that, his entire campaign will have to divert their resources to patching up the party in addition to winning the general. Thats going to be a big amount. They are still going to be voter deficient. Juan but just to pick up on what greg said, when trump won, everybody says, oh, some of these moderate republicans are going to support. They did. Everybody lined up. Everybody got behind trump. Greg one other point, he was a great president. Juanbefore you, thank you. Thank you. On saturday and sunday, guess where Bernie Sanders was going to be . Not texas, but massachusetts. I think he wants to knock warren out. Call bashar an emily thats whynancy pelr rhetoric. She is already taking steps where, im going to have to tiptoe this. Juan coming up, our reaction to President Trumps coronavirus news conference. Plus, the monologue. Yes, greg is next on how the media is reacting to that story. Stay with us on the five. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. 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Since the dawn of the trump era, countless experts have warned that the president s lack of credibility would imperil the country in the event of an emergency. That one tweet defines the medias dark desires for something bad to happen so that all of their previous trump hatred is validated. The fears may be coming true, brian retweets. Every story that collapses hinges on may. Trump may resign. Trump may not leave office. Its a word that provides cover for the press delusional dream. Today, that dream is a disease. This time, people will surely die, but it will be trumps fault. And then finally, i will be right and jeff will give me a lollipop. Meanwhile, gail collins from the New York Times says, lets call the disease the trump virus. Only a truly mindless paper would still run her laughable dribble. They would rather politicize than help. As they claim to champion credibility, their own credibility as a joke. Cnn, the times cant be trusted on any topic, because their deranged filter spits out the same answer. I would call it a plague, otherwise known as gail colins disease. Nobody knows anything, dana. Dana nope. Greg so, lets politicize it. [laughter] dana one thing i did admire, the congressman from california, who is the poster of the Bernie Sanders campaign, he has refused to do that even though Bernie Sanders obviously would love to take on donald trump in the election. The correct answer is, humanity is in a race against the biological changes. Mother nature is like, oh, you know what . Im going to tweak this little virus. Those people who work in Public Health, thank goodness for them. They spend 24 7 racing against this virus. If you look back at history, weve known that this was going to happen again. Thats why you have Public Health. Thats why you have doctors who are dedicated to dealing with the flu and the coronavirus like this. I thought the reporters in the Briefing Room were actually really respectful, responsible, asked good questions. Its when you get into the commentary side of things that things get off the rail. Speak to you, emily, one of the people in the montage, ezekiel, was bashing trump, because he was surprised by how many people died from the flu every year. Everybody is surprised by how many people die from the flu come because everyone is so used to it. Does that mean that trump is some kind of idiot that lacks credibility . Emily not to me. The president is if he does go if he doesnt. Everyone in the commentary is going to have that ridiculous reaction. In things that actually matter, which is Public Health being a threat of an actual fatality, exasperation leads to zero tolerance. When the russia, russia, russia and everything in the last three years that weve been hearing. Here we go again. Yes, everything is his fault. But when its Something Like this were actually, the public needs true reliant information, no one is going to watch that. By the way, when i went to walgreens earlier, it was all gone from the shelf. Everything, including temperature takers, water those called . Greg thermometers . Emily thermometers. Its more deadly than covid19. It was reduced to 3015 simple by hand washing. There are Little Things like that or as usual, we have people who are putting their own hatred of the president over disseminating simple facts. Greg yet, in mash when they would just sit there for like 10 minutes. What bothers me, cdc, is that someone like gail collins has no interest. When people come here on the five, and we actually offer solutions and we are talking about it. But it seems like on the other side, the trump haters, they dont have solutions. They just want to politicize. We actually sit here and talk about stuff like travel restrictions and hygiene and things like that. I think were the good people in this and they are evil. Juan well, i think we are the good people. [laughter] i do worry when you dont say, hey, wait a second. There is real news there when you see the president contradict the woman at the center for disease control. She says, its not a matter of if but when. The president comes back and says, very low probability. Even though we know there are many more. Then, i think, theres a real argument here. I would say the president in terms of his own argument, has made a very political come because he comes at it with calm down, im going to reassure you. No reason for any worry. I like that. I like the president acting in that way, because i think thats president ial. But on the other hand, i want to hear the facts. The other part of it is i say, this president does have a credibility issue. Hes the guy who said, oh, the inauguration and attendance so great. Greg biggest economy in the world and its highly effective. I would say that both things, whatever the cdc said are directional and true. They can both be true. Jesse but i think the media has the worst crop dolomite credibility. The American People trust the president more than they trust the media. Its inevitable that its going to get larger. The president said nothing is inevitable. If you get larger. It could get smaller. We just dont know. The guy is a germ of fall. He is tough on china. He is the perfect president to take on this virus. Yet, he was called a racist for doing it. Now, the containment strategy so far is working. Not one single american has died in the united states. And according to john hopkins university, america is the best prepared country in the entire world for this. Dockers and administrators have been mobilized. Im very happy with the fact that a new year, we are going to have a vaccine. In a couple months, we will have a therapeutic drug. I think we are on the front lines. We are the ones who have to wash her hands. We are the ones who have took off like this and not go to china. Make preparations. The federal government can only do so much and its the hospitals and the administrators and the nurses and localities, not washington, d. C. They are the ones were going to have to handle this. So far, they are doing a really, really good job. Juan i agree with you. The deep state is doing a great job. Jesse i didnt say that, juan. [laughter] i want to know what the democratic plan is. I dont know what it is. Is it open borders . Is it turned the Health Care System upside on . If i hear a good idea from the them greg that was constructiv constructive. Cnn, they blame people. We are trying to come up with answers because we want to help you, america. All right, the Trump Campaign fighting back with a lawsuit against the New York Times. More to come on the five. Man, im thinking tacos. Hey hey you guys look like foodies. 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Frankly, theyve got a lot wrong over the last number of years, so let tha work its way through. Its beyond opinion. Thats not an opinion. That something much more than an opinion. They did a bad thing and there will be more coming. Jesse so, emily, this is after he reported there was no collusion. The New York Times runs a column that there is basically collusion. Is that liable if they know it is wrong and do it anyway . Emily we will see in that lawsuit. Certainly, thats what the president thinks. If i were him in that moment, its basically the basis for that lawsuit. I would have said, look, they are claiming its merely an opinion piece. If you have malicious intent and you disregard truth and diligence and you publish it anyway and you know it to be false jesse and you know it is going to hurt their reputation. Emily and it did cause damage, you have to prove damage. That is why we are suing. Thats what i would have said in that moment. I think the issue here will be whether there were damages. Go ahead. Keep publishing whatever you want. Obviously its from 2019 pair but more importantly, its the statement this makes, which is the president saying im sick of this. I have endless bankroll for th this. Jesse why do you think they want to roll a fake column like that . Juan i dont know. I dont say that your opinion is fake. I just say its an opinion, jesse. I think this is an opinion. This is a frivolous lawsuit. Its intended to intimidate the press and intimidate people. I think its really low grade red meat. Jesse can and opinion be wrong if the facts are wrong . Juan look, if the facts are wrong. Again, the New York Times, this is not a news article. This is an opinion piece. You know what im reminded of . There is great pressure on the wall street journal, because they ran an opinion piece that the chinese didnt like. They threw them out of the country. This is an intimidation tactic. Wall street journal shown it back down. Jesse is just making them burn money on lawyer fees. Dana well, it hurts him and he wants to push back. We can try this. Might not win back in court, but we can try it and he gets a lot of publicity and we are talking about it now. I also think it helps the New York Times. Thertheir subscriptions have goe up. Everyone in media doing better. Now, they can let all their subscribers know. I think that they will find a way to protect their opinion writers. Jesse okay. Greg. Greg problem is that their opinion writers also report. I find their opinions on the front page. You know they mean . Dana when a News Reporter writes analysis on the front page, how are you supposed to greg i dont want to be sued when im wrong. But then again, legitimately, i always admit when im wrong. I admit that im wrong on everything. It actually really feels good. Maybe if these people admit they are wrong, he would drop the suit. Its probably the biggest story in the media world. The covington case club solved of the very bad elements of the medias instinct and bias. That guy looks bad. That other guy looks good. The story gets me emotionally excited, and my story might catch fire on social media. So, thats how that story rolled and it resulted in a lawsuit that they had to settle. And i think that has changed the way people look at the media that they cant fight back. Juan but i must say, isnt it ironic that republicans who are normally opposed to this kind of frivolous lawsuit, digging up lawsuits on people, now, oh, yeah. Go right ahead. Jesse people dont think its frivolous, juan. Coming up, sleepy joe bidens last chance to stop the socialist party takeover. But is it too late . Coming up on the five. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Dana so this saturday in South Carolina, it will be joe bidens last stand, the former vp, leading in the polls, but will it be enough to stop Bernie Sanders in the end . Are you are not the nominee, what does that say about the Democratic Party . It says to me that we have moved away from our roots of basic rationale. I think that whats at stake here is this notion that somehow, like for example, a revolution. People are looking for results. They are looking to get things done. They are looking to build on what barack obama and i did in our administration. Dana biden and other democrats already lost the battle. A new poll finds that 3 in 4 democrats say they would vote for a socialist. Bernie sanders, winning hearts and minds out there in the Democratic Party . Juan look at the results in the election. Clearly, people think that bernie has something to offer. There was an interesting oped today. It might result in a lawsuit. The New York Times made the argument that so many democrats, especially Younger Voters really say, hey, democratic moderates, you have failed us. You just let the republicans come hard and come tough, and they win all the fights, even though they dont have most of the votes in the country. They run over it. They elect trump as president and you guys are always trying to be rational and reasonable and get things done. Have a conversation. Jesse you think they are being rational . Juan i think the socialist tag for bernie is, hey, youre going to help me with my medical bills. Youre going to help me with my kids going to school. People like that. They dont see it as socialist. Its the one change. They want the whole kit and caboodle thrown out and start something new, because they picked up the system hasnt worked for them. Jesse well, for many years, it hasnt, but its beginning to work again for regular americans. If you are voting should just get free stuff. Its a shortcut. You have to work for it. You see Young Americans every day trying to apply for jobs and they are there for two weeks and they say, oh, can i have a raise . Oh, can i have a title change . Somehow, it works. I think thats how a lot of democrats feel. They think you can become Jesse Watters overnight. [laughter] dana it takes a long time, people. I heard the democrats talk about how they think they will ultimately pull behind bernie if he is the nominee, because the truth is that nobody has to worry that he will actually be able to accomplish anything he wants to get accomplished, because congress will stop him. Thats not a very good message. Greg you know, there is a truth to the limited power of the executive branch. Dont i sound good when i say that . But its true. You are in a box. What can you do if you have a Republican House and a republican senator . You can introduce idiotic ideas that people can just laugh at and sit there for 40 years and people can get rid of them. But the thing is, the reason why so many people are interested in socialism, is they see it as they dont have to take the means of production. They just want a tax. They dont understand that the taxing actually affects the means of production and kind of screws up all of things. What i want to see is i want to see somebody asked Bernie Sanders how you reconcile governmentrun health care and child care and forgiveness of loans with open borders. That is incompatible. A really good socialist who believes in government run everything wants a closed syst system. You have to have a closed system. You can have both. Thats why libertarians who like open borders, because once you get here, you have to fend for yourself. Youve got to work. With socialism, its the exact opposite. How are you going to reconcile that . Somebody has to answer that question. If he gets elected, he will change most of anything that trump is doing. He will be for the trade wars. He will be for the war. You know im saying . Juan lets say he is far more open peer he is not for building a wall. Greg oh, he loves the wall. [laughter] dana im kidding. I dont know what is in his heart. He had a heart attack. [laughter] what happens if biden does win in South Carolina and does okay on super tuesday . Juan if he does win in South Carolina, we go with the media narrative that its bernie versus biden. But the reality is that he has won every state going into it and likely, he will also get the delicate rich states. There is a lot of early voting going on. You see it in texas, in virginia, north carolina. He has a lot of momentum. What bidens camp hopes for is that if he wins South Carolina, that the never bernies and the centric democrats really rally around him. Dana winter people like Kamala Harris and Carrie Booker and others who have dropped out, michael bennet, where are they . Why dont they get behind one of these candidates . Greg hes going to be the vp. Dana she should introduce him tomorrow. Emily maybe he will take yang. s the one now his apology for marking the war injury. Plus, some outrageous new comments from justicere smel oto . Oto . Ouch, okay. Huh, boring, boring, you dont need to see that. Oh, here we go. Can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle . Wait, youre a lawyer . Only licensed in stockholm. What is happening . Jamie anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. You know karate . No, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. Fisnt just about polar bears. Were fighting for our lives, were fighting for clean air and clean water. Thats why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. And only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. And hes still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. Thats the truth. Thats tom steyer. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Emily a few controversial Celebrities Making some new ridiculous comments. First, there is Pete Davidson. He is taking back his comment. Take a look. So, there was this guy with an eye patch and i kind of got forced to apologize, because people were strategizing to shoot me in the face. The only thing i did do and i am guilty of and i apologize for, is that i did make him famous and a household name. Emily this just reminds me that he is a child. This is a boy who dies his hair green and gets to sit courtside at the knicks or whatever with some celebrity who is eight times him in the stratosphere of irrelevance and he gets to say that on stage. I think he is an absolute waste. For someone that says that he advocates for Mental Health awareness, i think he is doing a really poor job of being a good come in any way become a model in of that. Thats how i feel. [laughter] i feel really strongly about it. Greg i like how you restrained yourself. I could see you stopping. He tried to make the joke about himself. I made him a star the way Ariana Grande made me a star. He couldnt hold his eye patch. I feel bad for the parents of the women hes dating, because hes such a wreck and he pours all of that emotional pain onto that poor girl and the parents are freaking out half the time. Not that i would know anything about it. [laughter] emily dana, what you think about this . Dana well, i really admire him. I dont really admire pete, though, i feel for him. I hope that he finds somewhere in his heart to be a more forgiving person and in an honest way, not because nbc told him that he had to, because actually, if you think back to that moment, because he was so gracious about it, and he laughed about it, and he forgave, he is the one that forgave pete. Even if he thought the apology was fake, whatever, he was willing to say, look, we can all get along. That was a really great moment and the country came together for a moment. Emily why is he been going back to that . Jesse well, he made it part of his act. Dana perino made yes you did. Yes you did. You had him on your show. He was a big deal after that. Greg you also made fun of his eye. [laughter] emily i did not. Greg Pete Davidson stole your bits jesse is the same number. Hes gone on hannity more than once. I do like the idea of taking apology back, though. [laughter] juan thats exactly what i dont respect. Jesse but not if it is a fake apology to begin with. He didnt really believe. Juan he said it was not because nbc executives told him to take it back. He said people were threatening him. Is this cowardice . I mean, i just think especially when you compare it to what the congressman had to go through, the kind of sacrifice he made for us as americans. So, you are saying that now, two years later, youre going to tell people. It was a phony apology. Dana it came out yesterday on twitter. If you go to his page, he made him even more famous. Emily yet, to our second topic, its just a small lead take a look. Oh. Got it. So what happened is basically, he maintains his innocent. I say he can fight or die all he wants on his own dime. Stop wasting everybodys tax dollars. Juan he didnt offer to go back to court. I dont know what defense he can have. Emily okay, fine. Jesse the only thing he can do is he has to do an interview and he has to tell the host, this is how i lied. This is how the whole thing went down. I am sorry. Only then will he become someone that people can say, you know what . Lets give him a pass. Hes okay now. Emily would you yes, you are. Dana i think its terrible that he lied, put the police in a position that made it look like they lied. Think about those two nigerian brothers that got roped into this. Stay greg literally. Dana these two cannot get jobs. They cannot take care of themselves and he is still lying about it. Greg innocent until proven guilty. I am going to believe hes innocent until proven guilty. Dana you get the interview. Greg im with you 100 , okay . You and o. J. Emily all right, everyone. One more thing is up next. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ior anything i want to buy isk going to be on rakuten. Rakuten is easy to use, free to sign up and its in over 3,000 stores. I buy a lot of makeup. Shampoo, conditioner. Books, food. Travel. Shoes. Stuff for my backyard. Anything from clothes to electronics. Workout gear. I even recently got cash back on domain hosting. You can buy tires. To me, rakuten is a great way to get cash back on anything you buy. Rack it up with rakuten, sign up today to get cash back on everything you buy. 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I got to share the stage with general baldach and i received coins from Robert Patterson and Lieutenant Colonel stacey. I couldnt be more grateful. If you have time, go to my instagram, go to helicopters for heros. I put the name of every veteran honored. So you shot hogs out of a helicopter . I missed. What kind of gun . I dont know. They were you dont know . No. A rifle . No. A handgun . Yeah, it was legal. If it was in my hands, it was legal. I dont know what kind. Im sounding terrible right now. Sounds like you had a great time. Amazing. Gregory . Lets do this. I hate these people i dont post on instagram very often. Sometimes i get in trouble for posting food. You know what i hate . I hate when i post a picture of my wife and everybody says when i married up. You think way up. 1,500 replying. They mean like literally shes taller than you. She is true. She has to pick me up to kiss me. Its adorable. She does change me. She has changed me. You know what . I have some qualities, too. Its not all about physical appearance. You shallow jerks. She married up. She did. Were having a problem at the moment. Act out your one more thing. We could play charades. I have another idea. Tell me the most interesting thing that you encounter today. What happened yesterday on the subway . Im not going to talk about that. So there was a truck driver. They got stalled out on railroad tracks. So stuck on the railroad tracks. Right . Choochoo the train barrels in the truck. Nobody was hurt. Everybody survives. You have to look out. Is that your one more thing . That was great. Im on Tucker Carlson on the quiz. You have to get blue . No. Dana. We dont need video for this. This was cool to kill a mockingbird, a great book. You would kill a bird . No. That is a play on broadway. Cool history made at Madison Square garden. They had 18,000 children come and see harper lees iconic book performed by ed harris. It was amazing that they got a chance to do this. The first time a broadway play has been done in Madison Square garden. I wish i was there. I thought it was fabulous. So my one more thing had to do with a School Teacher for black history month, the end of it, came dressed as a different character in black history every day. Neat. Even President Trump is having a meeting about black history. Up next, its bret. Bret gregs wife picks him up . Thanks. Welcocome to raleigh, north carolina. Were going to host a fox news town hall with democratic candidate minnesota senator aim by klobuchar. Im bret baier. If you have money invested in the stock market for your 401 k , the coronavirus may be costing you big money. Fears of the spread of the outbreak have led to wall streets worst week since the financial crisis since 2008. The dom hemorrhaging

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