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Stopping nancy pelosi from accusing the white house of a coverup and floating a new russian conspiracy theory. Two wrongs do not make a right. And the president is going to have to answer that they know how wrong it is. So its wrong for as we saw with the russian interference. And by the way i think russia has a hand in this by the way. Jesse and the media is again taking cues from the democrats pushing this new talking point. This is how mafia boss talks. The entire white house is being run by a person who like a mob boss. That sounds a lot like a mob boss. He said this was classic mafia style talk. Absolutely. Reading a transcript from a mob wire tapped. You see mob bosses doing it . I dont like these mafia like tactics. Donald trump speaks like a mobster. Jesse greg, i want to touch on the mafia line. Because in most industries you try to differentiate yourself between your competitors because these people are all com competing against each other. Yet, they all say the same thing. No originality. Why is that . Greg also, this isnt new. They were doing this, i think, two years ago we done a similar montage of the mafia smear but the funniest thing about it is it is really not a smear. The reason why trump is often effective with World Leaders he is because is he like the mafia boss. The fact is if you want a negotiator you would rather have donny core leon rather than donnie osmond. Would you rather have a mafia don or a greeter from lowes which is what joe biden is Gerald Gerald as lon. Geraldo as long as you break the law. Greg donald trump is basically a dove who talks loud. Pulling troops out. The thing that really bugs me though. This complaint that they are actually preferring this complaint over the actual transcript. And i think it was who is the dude that talks like this. Brit hume. Brit hume made a great point. Jesse that point. Greg america knows more from the transcript than nobody knows from the actual complaint. And preferring the complaint over the transcript is like, you know, preferring to go to a Super Bowl Party than the actual super bowl. Its like preferring a stuffed animal over a real one. Its like tofu over steak. Jesse amazing analogy, greg. Greg i would like to finish this up river river makie hungry. Greg rejecting a transcript over hearsay. Blaming trump for heightened security on transcripts after multiple leaks. Essentially blaming him for buying a better safe. And now you have 300 officials. Suddenly come out and they are all mostly obama officials. This is more orchestrated than the moon landing. Jesse wow, breaking news. Greg we know thats fake. Jesse that you true. Greg have you seen it . Jesse we will save that discussion for another time. And now they have subpoenaed the secretary of state. Whats going on now, dana . Dana so, whether it is orchestrated or whatever, when you because the way our government is, if you have somebody saying, for example, Rudy Giuliani say i got all the Text Messages and they are right here. And they are from the state department. Well then have you now okay, well, we would love to have you come up and we would love to see that. And who are the Text Messages from . Say they are from five people who have been the tentacles of this reachout and so many people have to hire lawyers. Jesse the lawyers are the worst. Greg i hope you didnt text me. Jesse i do know what you mean though because now its spiraling out of control. Im wondering, geraldo, if people in the white house think maybe we shouldnt have released the transcript. Because that just gave him more ammunition. They could have held it back on privileged grounds and said none of your business and never set the precedent. Gerald geral geraldo im noe its spiraling out of control. What is the high crime or misdemeanor that the president committed . Jesse i dont think its a crime at all. Geraldo even with the allegations stated and i have read this thing over and over there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Dana thats a political determination. Can i say jesse wearing white tennis shoes with no socks is a high crime and its misdemeanor because its a political definition. Its not a legal one. Jesse its a fashion. Geraldo this is all secondhand smoke. These are not whistleblowers. This someone highly paid, highly connected mediatype who may or may not have been a cia guy at some point in his life. He is the one taking the information from all different people in the white house, including the west wing filled with the vipers and snakes and back stabbers and rats. I think that you have a situation here where the president still this is the russian collusion delusion 2. 0. Jesse with that said and maybe there arent any high crimes and misdemeanors because i havent seen any. The democrats dont care. They are still going to do the impeachment. I bet they do it in the house and they vote and it doesnt matter if all the facts are on the president s side. You cant convince them so this thing. Katie thats the issue with the transcript, right . If they had released the complaint that the Intelligence Committee in the senate and the house received without the transcript, people would believe the complaint over the transcript. So, you release the transcript and hope that people can look at it and know exactly what was said. But the timing here now comes into question because the complaint is dated august 12th, 2019. And adam schiff claims that he only got it like this week. And you had alyssa who sits on the same committee in the house not only should he not be making stuff up how long did he have this complaint and why didnt he share it with the committee because they were only given two hours to look at the complaint. So, obviously, its political. You know, democrats are doing this to set up the president. The reason why bill barr is mentioned in the complaint is obviously tactical to try to take him out so he cannot defend the president just like Jeff Sessions could not defend the president against the russia probe. Its very tactical in what was said and what was laid out. The question for republicans, you know, there is a lot of fodder for them there too. Half a dozen u. S. Officials that are named in the complaint. Who are those people . Can they bring them up and say why didnt you file a whistleblower report if if it was that important . Who is behind the writing of the complaint . This is just an email hey i have information i need to meet with you. Its very clearly written by a lawyer or a team of lawyers and possibly a research team. Geraldo i bet it can be traced ultimately and im not accusing them a group media meartsd is in here. One thing i want to say the mistake the president made is having Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer go doing state business. Why didnt the president make Rudy Giuliani a special president ial envoy . We have president ial envoys. We have one for hostage negotiations. We have several different special so then he has he had standing. Dana special envoy for what . Geraldo special envoy to find out whether or not there was american corruption in ukraine that perverted, you know, u. S. Aid. Greg heres the thing. I dont think conservatives or libertarians should even argue these points because the narrative is orchestrated by the media. This is artificially constructed. I dont know how you cannot see that they have been driving this for three years and now you look at the ratings, right . We get the ratings every day. All the networks are up. Even by random accident people are watching cnn. Their numbers are going nobody watching cnn. Now theyre. Its not just the airport. Impeachment is now the Business Model. Its always been division and conflict. But now impeachment will be the Business Model for the next six months. Jesse get them through until iowa and then the ratings will be big for the primary. Dana one thing i remember from doing press work from all those years, for every reporter is looking to be woodward and bernstein. They are always looking for something. Greg bernstein is still looking for that. Dana break for 8 years during the obama administration. Jesse they are wellrested. Next on the five. Forget the facts, democrats racing to erase trump by the end of october. Plus, crooked hillary returns to, guess what . Trash trump. 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Democrats appear to be racing toward impeaching trump and now we have a possible timeline according to several reports democrats could potentially draft articles of impeachment by the end of october, next month. And now Hillary Clinton is supporting the move while still complaining about the lost election. Take a look. He has turned american diplomacy into a cheap extortion react. He has endangered us all by putting his personal and political interests ahead of the interests of the American People its like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornadoes. Geraldo the best bet jesse for the democrats, the experts suggest, is a fast, focused inquiry of impeachment. But they just subpoenaed three Different Committee just subpoenaed pompeo the secretary of state. Three Different Committees. How do you get fast and focused when you have three have committees wanting to interview the same witness. Jesse they will probably screw it up. I know why they want it to be fast poke who holes in it. Yuan never listens to me. No one listens to the facts. You cant commend anybody of the truth about the story. Its all opinion and all been made up and they decided to move forward with it. Geraldo juan is an honorable man and disagree with you. Jesse i love juan but like the rest of the media and the democrats will not listen to the other side. They will not listen to the double standards. They will not listen to the hypocrisy. You cant point anything out about the story and be persuasive at all. So at this point you know my opinion, impeach, libs. Impeach. Get it over with you guys have wanted to do it from the very beginning. Have at it. Its cathartic. They need to get it over with and then he will get reelected and impeach him for a second term . Try that. Katie great tshirt. Geraldo this is a point of view that is held by at least a third the people. Impeach him. He will get convicted by the democrat. None of the republicans in the house. So thats the indictment. And when it comes to the senate trial, there is no way 20 republicans are going to vote to convict. Katie only hurts democrats. I agree, republicans can sit back and say we are going to fight the lies. We are going to fight adam schiff making stuff up quite literally at the hearing yesterday and putting it into the congressional record and we will fight back with information and transparency and the white house will release call transcripts and do everything they can and see if mike pompeo responds to the subpoena but in terms. Jesse it would be unfair. Katie you guys have wanted to do this for a long time. The fast pace means they want ruin everyones thanksgiving. Politics is hard enough without some kind of impeachment. The subpoena was that issued to pompeo is a lie. Its an analysis of the call. They say by pressuring ukraine and threatening to withhold information and aid. Thats not what the phone call said. Geraldo reuters has a poll, dana, that says only 37 of the American People support impeachment. Dana right. Geraldo thats down from 41 the acouple weeks before. Do you think it is likely that the democrats have overplayed their hand. Dana i think some of them they would not admit it publicly but but privately they have buyers remorse. Onmonthold nancy pelosi was still like wait, lets see and be cautious and prudent. Now here we are off to the races. Those poll numbers could shift a little bit mostly because there is a huge amount of attention, Media Attention on it. It ticks up a little bit. I do think your point about the democrats having all these Different Committees look at it. So what they really need is one general and they have six lieutenant right now. Geraldo its even worse than that. Dana i even had a greater point. Geraldo by all means. Dana i think one of the reasons they want to rush and get it done is because they know that the republican also never go for it. What they want to be able to do go into 2020 so every news article will always say the impeached president. And they will say he is corrupt. And they just want to get that done. And then President Trump though, in addition to all the other reasons politically could help them, i dont think a lot of legislation was going to get done anyway. Now he will have a great person to blame, group of people to blame, the democrats are the ones that made sure that we didnt get anything done. Geraldo dont you feel a littlancey, greg, about a probe, the president now, you know, wildly searching for the person who engineered this attempted coup, another attempted coup . You know, its interesting. The best part about this is the democrats thinking that trump isnt going to fight this in front of the public. They are making the same mistake they did in 2015. None of the candidates are going to be able to shine because thanks to the media, trump is going to suck all the oxygen out of room. They will look like ant hills he will be mount st. Helens all they will talk about him 24 7. Have great lines and go after everyone and see the pendulum swing. Undo an election pedestrian pill the country. Make a comment about Hillary Clinton putting the personal in front of the political. I think there was a phone call her husband had that was slightly more troubling than this one if you remember. Katie is that a meeting on a tarmac. Greg i was thinking about he was on the phone and something was happening to him. A service call. Jesse what is donald trump going to be talking about next six months nadler, schiff, maxine waters. Not popular democrats and sufficient indicates all the real candidates. Geraldo instead of the candidates faces on you will see those marginal people. Katie they have 50,000 new supporters in the last two days. Jesse raised a ton of money. Katie good luck, democrats. Geraldo how the woke media took down the College Football fan who raised over a Million Dollars for charity. I got all my sisters with me we are family the amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free not owing anyone anything is the best feeling in the world, i cannot stop smiling about it doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. And my side super soft . Be firm . 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He decided to donate it all to a childrens hospital. Carson was widely praised and even got a beer sponsorship and thats all gone. Anheuser bush cutting ties after they launched personalized beer cans all because reporters dug up offensive tweets from when he was 16 which carson has apologized for. The Des Moines Register came under fire for reporting on the old tweets and in a crazy twist the paper announced the reporter who wrote the story no longer works there after his own offensive tweets were discovered by online investigators. So, greg, you can hardly contain yourself over this dog eat dog world we are in now. Greg i mean, im a complete believer in forgiveness and if helping sick and dying children cant erase an ugly tweet when you were a teen then nothing can. We are all screwed. The difference between a 16yearold now and 16yearold preinternet is todays stupidity is public and permanent. We are all very lucky. We all did stupid crazy things. The reporter getting losing his job. It shows that this is mutually assured destruction, right . And we need mutually assured forgiveness because we will, in the future, like we do this on the show like joy behar does something stupid or bill maher says something stupid we dont ask for scouts. For scalps. You are hoping they will accept your apology even though you know that they wont. Their entire organization is bent on rejecting anything fox does even if we are sorry about something. They will destroy you. I will forgive everybody and anybody but you wont get it back but you still got to do it. Jesse you do itselfishly i do it genuinely. Greg so true. Geraldo social media is like a tattoo. Dana good point. Geraldo its going to be forever. To get it removed is extremely difficult it. Has a downside on your life. Greg put a tattoo over it. Geraldo as the father of five thats one of the prime lessons my the first of the social media generation, and they learned the hard way that what you put on that thing, you send pictures of yourself here, there, and everywhere. Greg geraldo, you are to talk. [laughter] geraldo i wanted to. Greg show the picture. Katie no, no. This is family hour. Jesse, you said something that was stupid or racist when you were 16 years old. Or even as an adult, should you be tarred for the rest of your career if you have apologized sincerely and try to move on with the rest of your life. Should one thing devastate everything that you have going on for the rest of your future . Jesse i think cancel culture is important. I dont think we should totally discard it. I would like to save cancer culture here in case i need to deploy it strategically on certain enemies i will use it unforgivingly. Greg at least he is honest. Jesse i am honest and i dont forgive people selfishly. I would never say anything that i feel like would cause me harm personally or professi want to show weakness unless you really have to and people tell you have to apologize. Gutted gut deal with morality and immorality in one single thought. Jesse flexibility, greg. Geraldo should trump apologize for asking to look into the background of joe biden . Jesse in that sense i think he needs to as a commanderinchief he needs to know if there is any corruption going on throughout the world and he has every right. In fact, its his duty to find out if a high ranking public official has committed a crime. Greg she has also said awful things online. Katie said terrible things about jasper. Dana right. Katie how do you feel about young people on the internet . Dana i do stress caution, right . And my niece im not going to name her because she is a very private person. I think i had the scared Straight Program with her when she was very young and she thought she wanted to go into intelligence and cia type work. You have to be very careful like social media. She doesnt even have social media accounts. She has never posted anything. I dont know she is not going to have any photographs of herself anywhere. The medias own goal on this is pretty interesting. The Des Moines Register the Comment Section is how could you do thishing about anheuserbusch and all of these companies they probably had a Communications Person said hey, this guy is raising money for childrens hospital. We should get on board. This is really cool. Like we would get some good p. R. Out of it and they did. Instead of saying look, imagine this as a corporate leader if you were to say everyone makes mistakes. He apologized. We have just raised all this money for childrens hospital. Lets all do this lets do this together. That would be really great corporate leadership. Instead they got so risk averse wait, we are out. Katie they are going to donate the money; however they have. Dana in contrast the governor. Greg kid tweeted anything. Dana the governor actually had a lot of risk tolerance because they have the day of carson was today. Instead of canceling it. No, he did an amazing thing and we are going to celebrate. Geraldo before you portray him an angel the n word is unforgivable. Comparing humans to animals. Deign contain obviously i dont condone that. Geraldo disqualifying. Gut got a 6yearold kid. That kids life is over. Geraldo not over. Let him do Something Else. Katie yeah, like what. Greg do Something Else helping sick kids. Geraldo let him help sick kids. Greg thats what he was doing. Geraldo he doesnt have to have his face on a beer can. Greg justin trudeau, three times. Geraldo i like him. Greg blackface and that story went away. Katie he should definitely not be the leader of a country. Geraldo fellow or what was he an arabian knight. Its not the best thing to do. Dont try it at home. Or in canada. Katie only try it at home. I suggest you dont do that the fastest seven is up next. Well be back. I died in your arms tonight must have been something you said faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. 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First up you will never have to is sit next to a crying baby ever again if you take your flight on japan airlines. Now offering a seating map to show you precisely where all the children will be seattle. You just got back from japan did you sit next to children. Greg no all business. Jet pough. Stack them up like in little boxes and have little thanes and dont have to worry about it. Fly over the cities and have little parachutes and drop the baby into the village where its caught by fair maidens. Dana i do keep going with you or go on. Greg baby if you have Bose Headphones and xanax it doesnt matter. Jesse i like the randomness of it. I like to have people that actually deserve the bad karma of sitting next to a crying baby. Greg or you. Jesse i dont have bad karma. I have good karma. I sit next to crying babies. I dont mind. I have children and i have been through that experience. Bringing young kids on a flight is a terrible experience when your baby cries so i understand it. Im very sympathetic, greg. Geraldo multimillion mile frequent flier and luck of the draw. You got to go with the punches. Dana katie, ever look at the map and decide not to sit by the child . Its an option. Katie yes, to be honest. Thats why you have to bring a map on the plane. Greg you dont have to fight over elbow room with baby they dont have elbows yet. Dana fight over room with anyone . Greg oh. Dana all right. Next, ucla is opening up a new Kindness Institute receiving 20 million from a wealthy couple. Teach students how to pay respect and empathy. Have to teach what used to be taught in the home, jesse. Jesse what is kind giving the 20 million to poor people. Why waste it on a stupid study at ucla. The kind thing to do is to give it to people that need the money. Greg i disagree. I disagree. I agree with this if they are actually talking about connecting people and not separating them through intersectionality. Indoctrinated into understanding how different you are from other people. It would be great if they stressed the similarities which is what we used to do is what empathy is to be able to identify and identify with others. We are. Geraldo that is so. Greg , what geraldo . Geraldo empathy is almost incitizennive. I dont think can you teach it. What i thought of when i heard about the Kindness Institute did someone cheat to get their kid in the Kindness Instituted . Those are things. Dana thats interesting. Katie i used to think this was stupid. This day and age probably need more respect retired navy seals are teaching about respect. Greg thats the point. Katie leadership and proper people are talking about what that means and maybe a little forgiveness in addition to the empathy. Dana recipe for disaster. Greg you dont want the typical academic teaching this. Geraldo breakdown on racial lines and woke groups. Greg thats the academic. Geraldo you are will be the kindness maestro. Katie shouldnt be able to bring your phone. Greg i have that rule in my bedroom. [laughter] dana finally, say what again . I double dare you. Those are just. So classic samuel l. Jackson line you could be hearing soon on amazon devices. Today in los angeles its 58 degrees. Say my name. Woohoo. Arent we organized . Nod bad for a rookie. Say rookie again, i dare you. Dana jackson will be the first celebrity voice for alexa. I unplugged my alexa. I was a little nervous about the recording. Geraldo of course. They are snooping on you. Dana they say they can improve your voice prompts will be more accurate in their responses. Geraldo what about just people snooping on you, really just listening in because they can hack your pass code . Dana are you worried about that . Greg i am. I dont use alexa because i know it records everything and i say a lot of strange things in my sleep i have night terror. Some stuff nod good for 5 00. I have had enough of celebrities in my life anymore anyway. I dont need them in my house its pernicious. I as a world class celebrity dont want to put myself in other peoples home unless they have to. Geraldo jam yell l. Jackson would have you for a snack. Jesse have you heard cameo go and get paid to deliver some birthday message or voice recording or Something Like that. Greg on use. Jesse im waiting for the celebrity stature to rise so i can get on there. Im not waiting to jump in yet. Im so excited about the business opportunity. Greg the people they have is tragic. Jesse screech. Greg scaramucci, right . Jesse if he is on it i should be on it. How much does he charge . Geraldo i havent heard about scaramucci on ukraine. Katie google pod or whatever it is google things like alexa, throw them all away and burn them all. Dana why . Katie creepy. Ause they chinese is listening to them. Fbi is using them in cases and so are the cops. I just dont need it. Sorry. Not into it. Dana another seven minutes. Katie burn them all. Dana fan mail friday is up next. Dont go anywhere. Beers too cold to be thinking about you save it for a rainy day. Managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough. You diet. Exercise. But if youre also taking fish oil supplements, you should know, they are not fdaapproved, they may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. To treat very high triglycerides, discover the science of prescription vascepa. Proven in multiple clinical trials, vascepa, along with diet, is the only prescription epa treatment, approved by the fda to lower very high triglycerides by 33 , without raising bad cholesterol. Look. Its clear. Theres only one prescription epa vascepa. Vascepa is not right for everyone. Do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. 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So why not use that appreciation for anything you need maybe its some home repairs, or updates to make it more comfortable so you can stay in the place you love. Its a viable effective way to support your other investments long into the future, and another way aag is working to make your retireme. Better. Dont wait. Get your info kit now its the eye of the tiger rising up to the challenge of our rival. Greg yes. Fan mail friday. Lets get to your questions. Okay . First question not from you again. All right. If your name was a product, what would that product be and why . All right. Jesse, i think you have thought about this on your own. Jesse haferhair force one. Greg why . Jesse because of the hair, greg. Greg geraldo . Geraldo a big powerful sailboat. Greg has to be the name of a product. Geraldo thats it geraldo. Greg sailboat. A big sailboat. Dana thats a hard question. Greg it is a hard question. Katie . Katie i want to say cow girl boot because you can walk through a lot of stuff with it. I wont say that word. For the record last segment i said chucking. Not the other bad word. I had to clarify. Geraldo the jury is still out. Greg i think you are ducking lines. Greg dana . Dana the dog leash. The deash. Greg its for a dog, jesse. The greg would obviously be a wine opener. Right . Jesse a little one. Greg why would it be a little one. Raw wino . What kind of car did you drive in high school . What was yours . Dana the dodge turismo. Greg yes. That says dana perino all over the turismo. Greg practical. Good mileage. Seat belts. Dana must have been cheap. Greg geraldo . Geraldo 1947 chevy convertible. It was like new. [laughter] i actually got it for 37. My dad spotted me the money. My first car. Hood off to see the engine i was into valve grinders. Katie i drove a blue jeep wranglers it was my mothers jeep. She made it clear. Blast the jeep and get mud on the tires. Dana points of light event. Very trim. I noticed that. Very, very trim. Greg they watch their coast. Geraldo east coast girls are. Greg jesse . Jesse 1908 chrysler will he baron for 500. Greg 76 cutlass supreme. Burgundy color. Velvet interior. Dana did it have any cigarette burns . Greg stunk like a pack of lucky strikes. A lot of stuff happened in that car. A lot of it alone unfortunately. [laughter] oh, another question from you. What do you keep on your desk at work that boosts your mood . Jesse mini me. Like a little bobble head. Every time i see it i am like i feel great. Greg i have a giant its the same size. Dana, you must have something. Dana pictures of your family. Pictures of jasper. Greg yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Geraldo . Geraldo my desk has a glass top and under it are all the challenge coins i got from all the different military. Jesse i thought you were going to say scotch. Geraldo i have that only bar in the building except for murdock. I looked at the coins and i remember why we are doing in iraq or afghanistan. Dana thats cool. Jesse have a drink after the show. Geraldo yeah, man. Katie the desk that i do have back in d. C. Has a cup of gel pens which makes me very happy. Something more sentimental is i have a framed piece of the berlin wall with Ronald Reagans tear down this wall speech. That makes me happy because freedom, you know. Jesse makes everyone happy. Greg i have swank. I have my pen i call it swank. I have a giant like case of sharpies. And i throw them out the moment they get slightly they have to be rich, when you are doing it. And if they get a slight drag to them, i throw them away. Katie have you got to roll with them. Greg go i dont give them to charity i chuck them. Katie you chuck them . Greg what career or job doesnt exist but should . Katie what . Greg what career or job doesnt exist but should . Jesse i think there should be just people that go around and pick up litter. We have that. Jesse not in new york. Geraldo ocean rescue they go around the world and getting plastic bottles. I think that all of the Calamity Jane stuff about Climate Change doesnt recognize the fact that the human race is very innovative. Very helpful. They conscientious when motivated. And i think the environment is going to end up just fine. Katie agree. Greg question sucks and should go to tease. Katie a job for everything. Jesse what dana thinks . Dana job that doesnt exist . I think you need a mentor that you would call on the phone all the time. You dont need a kindness. An advice help line. I guess that exists. Do they have that. Katie if you pay for it. Greg do you know what i call that . I call that a friend, dana. Dana i have been on air im out of words. Completely out of words. Greg on that note, one more thing is up next. Were honest. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. 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Big game for the eagles last night. Amazing game actually. They beat the packers, a lot of scores here great night. About time. Touchdown there. Jump into the crowd. Just a few eagles fans, pretty good. But, yeah. Had like three touchdowns. The best part about the game though is the camera kind of zeros in on one particular eagles fan that was picked it, sealed it. Look at this guy. Look at the abs on this guy. Philly fanatic. The bellybutton. The liberty bell up there he has the carton of milk. Im afraid to know where that is. Dana is that tattoos . Jesse real tattoos. We love the guy. Thats what philly is all about. Waters world 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Bongino who will be talking about impeachment and ukraine. Greg what on. Jesse tune in and find out. We have a revenge i canceled the revenge porn. We have auto revenge porn person real epidemic plaguing this country. Sorry to cancel you, dana. Now i feel bad. Dana i dont think you knew i got canceled. Jesse i just found out. Dana tomorrow morning over 100 people are going to row all around the city. Rocky marijuana. A 30mile rowing event and raises money for the youth group in the south bronx called rocking the boat. This is to help teens, young adults develop selfconfidence. Set ambitious life goals. Greg people tweet anything bad . Jesse cancel the boats. Dana tweeted something bad they are fine. They learned how to help their community through this program all the way around. 23 years old. 11th year in action. Rocking the boat launch. This whole thing going all the way around 11 years old. Rocking the boat. Org. Greg all right tomorrow night the greg gutfeld show we have dave rubin, dave smith great comedian. Cat, tyrus tomorrow night 8 00 p. M. Those are great guests. Now lets do this animals are great animals are great. Greg you know, no two dogdogs are alike, dana. They are like snowflakes. A drone can show us. Here is a dog looking at a drone and jesse oh. Greg one dog looking at it and another dog diving all over it. Jesse stay awake up there. Greg i like this. I dont know why. Jesse pay attention. He stuck the landing. Greg animals are great. Animals are great. Jesse katie . Katie okay. I didnt swear. I didnt do it. I swear i didnt swear, guys. A gesture. We have to move along here. Boston dynamics has this awesome robot and as a wise man once said greg, animals are robots are great. This new robot has, look, olympic worthy skills. Look at the somer salt. Greg very fight fringe. Katie scary. About to release 330pound robot or this one weighs 330 pounds. They are also going to release a new robot dog that does not weigh 330 pounds. They are saying it can run uphill and climb stairs. Greg katie, whether a do you suggest we do with the robots. Katie dont teach it curse words. Jesse put a little dana leash on that dog. Run away. Greg i was at port clinton, ohio over the weekend a group of veterans got together to fly in a b25, the same exact airplane that general do little flew bombing japan. They flew with the flags from their own dads. Dana oh my gosh. Geraldo Vietnam Veterans or world war ii veterans. The plane itself is meticulously maintained. Its as old as i am. 75 years old. I was the nose gunner and it is a great, great seen there. Jesse excellent, geraldo. All right. Everybody have a great weekend. Thats going to be it for us. Well see you back here on monday. Good night. Bret the all out political war over impeachment. President trump goes after democrats and the media while democrats push the narrative of a coverup. We take a closer look at that complaint that started the controversy and the 25th anniversary of the revolutionary contract with america. This is special report. Noit good evening, welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Tonight democrats are focusing on what President Trumps staff did with the record of the president s call with his ukrainian counter parted that has ignited this weeks impeachment furor. We begin this evening with new information about that

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