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Much better. Do you mind . Last night i watched alfred e. Newman. Beto. Beto is falling fast. What the hell happened . I was made for this. He was made for it. He was made to fall like a rock. I dont know what the hell happened to biden. Bernie, you know bernie is crazy. [laughter] greg compare all of that to this. My name is joe biden, im running for in this case running for president in the United States. Look me over. If you like what you see vote for me if not the other person. Im enjoying this process of running for president of the United States. [laughter] [applause] i will always be real with you. I will be bold without the bold. Greg yikes. Its a roller coaster vs. The little pony carousel. Santa elves vs. The big orange rhino. Its a fact a trump rally is really fun unlike info commercials that induce vomiting. Powers of persuasion, prowrestling reality tv and celebrate wrote into one fireball. Historical or and hysterical first. Too early. Who can match trump for thrills. Meeting with donald with the dull. Here is what to consider when watching tonights rally. Whewould any of the energy or humor make any sense if america wasnt doing great . Would any of trumps words feel bizarrely off if we were in deep trouble . Of course. But they wont because were not. If there were big wars, unemployment, high crime, a dead economy, there would be no place for this at all. Sure, if you are obsessively furious at trump worst the times. Measure performance practical evidence and not his tweets or behavior it might be the best. The rally will be fun and loud and unpredictable because the mitigation of other bigger problems make it so. In fact, all the stuff from impeachment blather to media meltdowns are products of an age when big problems are being tackled in new ways. Of course, millions will love the rally. Millions will hate it. And millions wont care. But their ability to happily decide is brought to you by one sturdy fact. America is better off now than its been in years. All right. So, juan, maybe i pose this question to you energy isnt what america wants after four years. Maybe they want a comfy sweater. Maybe the democrats are right to come at this and maybe a more muted way. Juan i think thats right. This is a referendum on donald trump. Donald trump loses. Because if you look at the polls, he is under water. Is he strongly under water. So he has got democrats have to say here is someone who is stable, someone who is rational, who doesnt tweet off crazy stuff. Someone that you can trust in critical moments. And i think thats why joe biden right now has the lead and i think last night i read he said he had 20 million bucks in the bank. He is really raised more money than any other democrat. So those are all the reasons. I think the only strategy left for trump and i think we will see it tonight at the rally, greg, is for him to attack and smear his opponent. So he will talk about the socialist. He is going to talk about nasty women. He is going to talk about tired, sleepy joe. Thats what he has to do. Because if its just about donald trump, he loses. So he has got to, you know, nasty up his opponent to the point where people would say, you know what . I will go with trump. By the way, in response to your things, you always say things are so great. If things are so great, greg, why did democrats capture 40 seats in the midterms . Why are we sending troops to the middle east . Why do you think that its farmers are complaining about the lack of a trade deal and the tariffs are driving up prices at walmart and costco . There is a reason people are saying this guy is not a good president. Greg when you compare it to the overall world view, jesse, low unemployment, booming economy, a shrinking military footprint while having a huge military, he doesnt necessarily have to insult anybody. Can he just go by his record. Jesse i cant believe a president is going to attack his political opponent, juan. How dare them . Thats never happened before. Juan never heard of it. Jesse i cant believe a republican president might lose seats in a midterm. Thats never happened before. Didnt i show you yesterday every Single Person that won the presidency since 1984 had been down in the polls in june and they came back and won . Juan they didnt fire their polster . Greg for leaking. Jesse you keep on disrespecting the audience. Of the polls right now mean nothing. The polls said hillary was going to beat trump. The polls said hillary was going to beat trump in florida answered won by 100,000 votes in florida after being outspent 53 to 1 down the stretch. He has, in florida, two republican senators. He has got a republican governor. And the quinnipiac poll actually said both of those guys desantis and scott were going to lose by seven in the midterms and they won. So the fact that now polls show from Quinnipiac Biden beating trump by 7, in florida, doesnt really mean much right now. The media knows there is no one that can compete against donald trump at these rallies. Thee see lines. They see people in tents camps out. They see the raucous connection he makes. And the crowd goes wild. They will do anything they can to denigrate him. Because they know a democrat cant pull it off. They goal after his supporters. You will see reporters on the ground. They wont interview hispanic or black trump supporters. They will look with the craziest people with the most radical signs and actually debate. They the more they attack the president and his supporters, the stronger that connection gets. Greg dana, the only way dems can get people showing up in tents is by making them homeless. Well be right back. No, what do you expect tonight out of trump . I know what you are going to say, but i want you to say it. Dana no, please, why dont you speak for me . Greg i dont think he should ramble. Dana i wasnt going to say that but i agree. Greg thank you. Dana no, actually people love the rambling. Law talking about . Greg going long. I dont think so he should go long. Dana i will let you give him that advice. You just showed that montage which is hilarious because he was rambling about things that are not in the script when is he talking about the lights and the floor and everything. I think this you cant capture lightning in a bottle twice. And if i were them, i would down play all comparisons to 2015. Now he has a record to defend and as you say, you know, the record is all of these amazing great things. He can talk about those things. Before he was the insurgent. He was the im going to come in there and shake things up and im going to be the outsider and he has done all of those things. But now he also is an incumbents. And incumbency gives you so many tools to use. It is so hard to beat an incumbent president. Very, i hav very difficult. Only happened twice since world war ii. The polling right now doesnt matter. It matters for biden to figure out a way to raise more money. For the polls that doesnt really matter. You will see a lot more after the debates. I would say his biggest strength right now the war chest is huge. Got all of this money. Didnt have it the first time the rnc firmly behind him from the jump a huge amount of organization. All these getout thethe vote pieces numbers they can talk to. People getting their cell phones with their pictures on it and send it to their friends. All of that stuff they didnt have a way to capture it before and they do now. That said, its still going to be a big race. There is all of these states that they will have to pay a lot of attention to. Greg emily, bring us home with the most thoughtful analysis on this network today. Emily glad to. What is so telling and also should be so encouraging to the trump team right now is, you know, people were waiting in library for 40 hours today. And the closest we have ever seen to Something Like that was the obama nomination in 2008, right, at the Denver Broncos stadium. Obviously that was media reported 75,000. Amway only holds 20,000. Obviously this is a very different event. The point to note is that obama failed to generate that kind of enthusiasm in 2012 the next time around. And here we have the incumbent with people standing in line for 40 hours for this announcement. Dana yeah, true. Greg that was good. Dana s that watt best analysis all day. Greg exactly. Orlando sentinel already ahead of the rally issued a nonendorsement without knowing the other candidate. Isnt that kind of garbage on the part of the paper . Jesse doesnt that tell you something about trump . Greg thats an emotional response of a paper. Thats why nobody likes these papers is that that is so its such a delusional like we dont like him. We dont care who is running against him. Thats the paper. Juan if they say i thoughtful people this said toler by this is unsigned he had 20r8 by the whole newspaper. Greg awnch before babies. Juan they are saying the state of the country. Greg those are all emotional issues not practical evidence. Orlando sentinel. Stick to the facts. Alexandria ocasiocortez outrageous comments comparing our southern border to concentration camps. Thats next. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty and is the Fastest Growing place to buy a car in the nation. Carvana is six years old this year its because we have thousands of people working hard to make our customers experiences the best. 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The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. And that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. The fact that concentration camps are now institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing. And we need to do something about it. Juan after representative liz cheney criticized those remarks, ocasiocortez doubled down tweeting, quote hey, representative cheney, since youre so eager to educate me, im curious, what do you Call Building mass camps of people being detained without a trial . How would you dress up dhss mass separation of children at the border from their parents . Dana, i just think it was a poor choice, a poor framing by ocasiocortez that allowed she said shrieking republicans to blow back at her. But, do you think that she has a point . Dana i think she lost the blow back. Its like her fuel, right . So it she doesnt care what she says. That was a false and alarming it was alarming and false equivalent of the unparalleled evils of what happened in the holocaust. She says never again in the original comments and then later she tries well, thats not what i meant. That can work for some people. And some people will defend you when you do that. But there is no there is like three democrats who are defends her. I think thats when you know you are out there on a limb and you are like bugs bunny falling off the end. I think that pelosi, as a speaker, has a choice to make. Remember, they have had this several times. Are they going to try to get these younger members in check . I dont think so. Because apartment oc she is her own phenomenon. And i dont think thee minds at all controversy. She just lets it roll right off her back. She doesnt mind what she is saying a false equivalent. She doesnt care. It actually fuels her. Juan all right. Let me go to the magazine editor. Greg, she says she is really referring to esquire article in which the political article said a concentration camp is not a death camp not auschwitz or with you separate a group of people. Juan playing with words. How great is it that she is referring to esquire magazine for expertise on what a concentration camp is thats called the media loop. She refers to esquire and esquire refers back to her and sit there its a selfreverential massage. Who is a question. Who is a biggest expert on antisemitism . Aoc or israel . Because right now she is credit sizing trump, right . Basically thats what she is doing. Israel just named a town after trump. Right . I mean, its not cortez heights. Its trump heights. Case closed. I mean, what she did, this is a measure of character, look, she is a bomb thrower. Trump is a bomb thrower. She has a talent, but the fact is the talent has to be how to do it correctly and she has go to own up to her mistakes. She made a mistake. Unless she thinks like concentration camp means thinking really hard, it doesnt mean that and by the way, buried in all of this is she has no solution for these temporary encampments which by the way obama had as well and used the same. If you dont have a place to put these people then they come right. In you are basically saying you are for no borders if you are against the temporary holding. And its so mean to the people who work with the people. The agents. I mean, are they concentration camp guards . Is that what you are inferring . I would like to see her apologize. She should person up. Juan emily, the president tweeted overnight in advance of todays rally that there is going to be a mass deportation effort led by a large number of agents in the next week, apparently ice was surprised by. This we know that Kirsten Gillibrand and ron i have tall were the former ice director. Both were reluctant to do. This thats why they were forced out. How does this fit in to what ocasiocortez is talking about . Because it doesnt still fare in the immigrant community. Emily i dont know how it fits in other than she is failing at her job which is if she has an issue with a policy she inherited as a lawmaker. Get off livestream and start drafting a bill. Change that policy. Because my tax dollars are paying your salary and you should earn that dollar. The policy of ice after final order of deportation is such that within 90 days they institute remufl proceedings. And, unless the subject voluntarily, basically leaves on their own. They actually have no duty to do so,it is ices duty to come within 90 days and institute those removals. And basically get a letter in the mail and it says meet here at this time and selfsurrender why dont you change it and garner some type of collective cogent agreement on the hill rather than loving your livestreaming and not knowing what you are talking about and making inflammatory false equivalency that are horrendously offensive . Juan by the way, jesse. Emily makes a good point. I saw in the polls 70 plus americans think the dreamers should be allowed to say. 60 say the way we can deal with the border is to have more border agents. More judges. What do you think . Jesse i think 100 of americans dont agree with aoc that were running concentration camps. Juan i hope not. Jesse she is becoming more extreme because she is running out of steam. She is only doing this because she doesnt have a real solution. Only thing she has offered she wants to abolish ice, she says Global Warming is pushing the migrants north and she says we are running concentration camps. She member of congress we forget sometimes because she sounds like a bomb thrower on ceanget she can do something. She hasnt sponsored one piece of legislation at all. And now she is backpedaling and try to distinguish between concentration camp vs. A death camp. She is really using this issue. She has dragged her party so far to the left on impeachment. On Global Warming and on the border. Some of these positions nationally that she has taken to are unelectable. And she has been sparring with pelosi, her best friend has been accused of antisemitism. Yes, on the whole, maybe she offers a lot of youth enthusiasm, fund raising, fresh glamour, perhaps. But on balance, i dont think she has been beneficial tout democrat party. Emily greg, to your point, the Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council invited her personally art del ge del cueto sets i will give you a tour. Herhear her thoughts at the same time. Jesse she wont go. Emily exactly. Juan a lot of the people have trouble on the democratic side with the way people are treated at the border. Fox news contributor Lawrence Jones getting harassed at impeach trump rally. The video, so sad. Next on the five. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed now from 899. Senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. So you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. 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And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. I get around jesse outrageous double standards coming from the left. Fox news contributor Lawrence Jones was at impeach trump rally in new york over the weekend when he was taunted by liberal protesters hurling racist comments at him. Obviously the people before us. Go back to kenya. Go back to kenya now. Lawrence, expanding on the harassment on hannity. These guys come up to me and they say, you know, go back to fox news to pick cotton. They say go back to kenya. This is who these people are. They know with our report and exposing the poverty and the failed policies that all these democrat cities have been doing to many people that look like me, they dont want this to be exposed. They that all black people need to get the same way, they want us to stay on the welfare system so we cant progress in life. Im going to expose it every single day. Jesse next we have parkland shooting survivor. He had his harvard acceptance rescinded over racial remarks he made on social media to his friends when he was just 16. Some are comparing to this to virginias democratic governor ralph norms yearbook photo black face next to someone in kkk attire he is still the governor. Then jonsu sack who shared antisemitic cartoon on twitter. Giant hand with a star of david pushing down a group of people with the words to learn who rules over you. Simply find out how are not allowed to criticize. Cusack added his own sentiment, quote follow the money. Cusack eventually deleting the tweet and blaming it on a bot. I dont know, dana. Where do you want to begin there . Dana let me make a general comment that for a long time conservatives operated sort of individually. They would maybe have a small group of friends and they hung out together and they, you know, were subscribers to the National Review and fast forward. There is a reagan revolution. You can see a little bit more. There is television. You have fox news. Social media, however, has been the great equalizer, i believe, for conservatives. You now have exposure of this kind of thing and an ability to talk about it and go t. Gets out there and makes pretty uncomfortable thats unfair, thats unfair. There cant be two sets of rules for people that are conservatives or liberal. We are all put on this planet. Life is hard. We should all treat each other really well. When conservatives do something that is considered out of bounds, they just get pummeled. The left kind of runs the culture and they protect one another from any sort of criticism. Jesse yeah. People wonder do republicans or conservatives protect each other, sometimes they do. Sometimes they dont. Juan, what did you think about Lawrence Jones downtown in manhattan getting roughed up like that . Juan i know what it is like to be black on fox news there are lots of people who are highly critical. They say hey you legit might fox. You are covering up for some of the things they object from hearing from fox news. I think racism on all sides has to be called out. That kind of attitude to lawrence is not acceptable. To me, it is so damning that they feel the need to go to that extent. You know, so they are mad at fox news. They are mad at lawrence. Maybe for working here. I think if you go to the root of what theyre talking about is similar to what the candidates who refuse to appear on fox news say, which is that you know, if you appear on fox news again, you give some legitimacy to fox news. This is matness. Because, imatness madness. Too people, im expressing my views. I think lawrence is expressing his views. Lawrence and i dont agree on everything, but lawrence has a legitimate right to speak his truth. Why dont you want to hear it . To me, thats intolerance coming from the left. I cant agree with you on the young man from harvard by the way. I just think, to me, in the Ralph Northam situation says we have got to be equal. The two Democratic Senators in the state called for him to resign. I think lots of people have been highly critical. But he was elected governor and under the law of our country he gets to stay if he doesnt resign. Jesse that wasnt my personal opinion. Im just saying some people are bringing those two issues together to makes a point about double standards. Emily . Emily i agree with you. I think its an example of the intolerance on the left and also an example that the left likes to tell women or people of color or some type of marginalized or under represented group when to be outraged and how to feel. It feels horrible to be told that and to be pushed into a box and for them to assume that they know better than you because thats the greatest form of those bonds that they tell everyone else to kind of free themselves from. And you mentioned earlier, you know, i think its a larger picture than not just representing a network because they are mad at trump. They are not mad at this they are mad at him. They blame everything for it. That footage made me sick to my stomach. And i feel so horrible for lawrence in that moment. And, remember, we talked about after the terrible shooting at the Country Music festival when jason aldean was performing and i had a close friend say to my face im glad it happened at Country Music festival because now there be gun laws like it should have happened to you people. Its horrible and unacceptable at any level of the spectrum. Jesse lawrence handled the right way he didnt take bait he got it on cam rand eax poxzed the guy. Camera and exposed the guy. I say you have to accept all apologies. I accept dubious apologies. I defended joy reed, even though she blamed her homophobic remarks on being hacked and we knew she was lying. But i accepted her apology. I defended joy behar when she had gotten in trouble over antichristian remarks. I cant remember. I do that and i accept their apologies knowing they will never return that favor to us. The keil thing is different in that it is a private thing that he has disowned when he was 16. And i do think that, you know, as awful as the things that were said, you should expect the apology, especially harvard. If harvard gets found guilty of discrimination against asian americans, should you cancel the whole institution . Should it close down because they were racist against asians . If our civilization eliminates forgiveness or reject apologies and you in favor of just canceling people, you are going to see more violence and more suicide. Because if you cant let people have a Second Chance in life, they are going to kill themselves. We have seen that already. I think the racism is ignored on the left because its the medias team. So they carve out exceptions for people. They carve out exceptions for racism. They carve out exceptions for sexism. Weinstein got away with everything until he couldnt get away with it. Homophobia with joy reid. Violence against women. Teddy kennedy made it a long way after chappaquiddick. There has always been a double standard there always will be a double standard because they own the ball and the playing field. Jesse good discussion. Things going from bad to worse in the Dominican Republic as more american tourists get sick and the ninth person passes away and an r. V. I would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. Its not a question, gary. On march 1, 1810 [ ding ] frederic chopin. Collapsing in 226 [ ding ] the colossus of rhodes. [ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . [ ding ] not today, ron. Wgreat tasting, hearthealthys the california walnuts. Ever . So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Deign the mystery into the death of several americans in the Dominican Republic deepening after new reports surface of more u. S. Tourists getting violently ill and a ninth american dies while visiting the country. Joining us with the latest is fox news correspondent bryan llenas. Joseph allen was vacationing in the Dominican Republic when last wednesday night he told his friends he was going back to his hotel room because he felt like he had a fever. The next day the 55yearold was found dead in his hotel room. This happened in the resort. Josephs brother jason said he just had a physical. He was in quote very good shape answered had no issues. They now want his body checked by forensic pathologist here in the u. S. There have been nine mysterious deaths on the island over the last year. The Dominican Republic listed the cause of death for most of these cases as hart attacks or pulmonary edema. Lungs filling up with fluid. Families say their loved ones were healthy before vacations. We know at least three had alcohol from mini bars we dont know if the other six did. Meanwhile wilcox whose another lela cox died suddenly in punta cana is waiting for the dominican attorney general to get approval to get a sample of his mothers blood sent to the u. S. For toxicology tests. We are learning 54 members of a Jimmy Buffet Fan Club got sick while traveling to pawn can a can that in april. The members swam or same pool. Trip became ill after eating at japanese restaurant Hard Rock Hotel in pawn can a teo can that where two americans died. The state department has not issued a new travel warning for the Dominican Republic. Im told theyre awaiting fbi toxicology results for three of the victims expected in about three weeks. Dana . Dana all right, brian. Thank you. Last night one of those jimmy buffet fans was on the story where he detailed his experience. Watch. I began to get sick one evening. Went to my room. Began vomiting, had severe diarrhea basically felt terrible. I went to bed and stayed in my room for two days before coming out again. That does seem to be the common denominator that we are all swimming in that one pool or that we all had something from that pool bar. The state department not issuing increased travel alert. Four levels. Level two. You think they would go to level three. Have to wait three weeks for another toxicology report. Greg this calls for a tropical quincy if they still had that tv show. You have a greater risk of death in your own city. What is happening is a bunch of different variables that are being grouped together and this happens when you have a lot of people traveling. Considering the time of the year to having more people there it is possible that the alcohol was purchased that was tainted or cheap and not up to standards and that could have been a problem. But have you got to be careful of the panic contagion which happens when one child gets sick then all the other kids get sick in class. The power of suggestion is a power. You know, people can get, you know, you can think yourself sick. I do think there is something going on here. I dont know if its one thing. Dana thats probably why the government has not done anything more at this point. Greg go to duty free, byob. Buy your own drinks and make in our own mixers and make sure all the seals are on everything. Jesse i called for a full travel boycott a week ago. Greg day seven. Jesse my warnings have not been heeded. I found out today that someone perished at Hotel Excellence the very place i stayed in november this really is hitting home to me personally. This is caribbean sabotage. Another island thats competing for tourism dollars, perhaps its puerto rico. Im not going to name names. Greg you just named names. Somebody a busaboteur. In order to swing some of the tourism dollars back this their island. Theory. Share a border with haiti. To say the least thats not a very great place right now. Also another theory. Greg is there anybody else you want to smear . Jesse the autopsy reports sound rigged to me . Are there other . They are all dying from the same reason while none of them have any history there. Very suspicious. It looks like the Dominican Republic government is in on this because they are involved in the coverup. All right. Jesse no other nationality has been affected but it seems like all americans are being. Greg are you auditioning for info wars . [laughter] jesse theories abounding about this drama, greg. Im sharing them as a concerned host. Dana quickly away from you emily and juan . Emily bemove the tourism the Dominican Republic should Say Something else besides its an overreaction and coincidental. Behoove them to say hey guys we will work on this and get back with you and at least would convey a commands of comings. I do think our state department should have increased caution for three weeks like hey pause it for a while. I cant even begin to respond to all of that. Dana juan hasnt had a chance. Jesse you had a great idea from the p. R. Perspective what do they do with the mini bar . Dana take all the mini bars out, destroy them and start over. Jesse pour them all out. Juan quincy, what about iron side . Greg quincy was great. Juan i happen to agree with you though, this could be a matter of antidote and that does not constitute a pattern. And when you look at the actual numbers, the numbers tell you this. In 2017 through 2018, thats two years there have been 30 americans who died at the Dominican Republic. I dont think thats 1,001st of a percent. Dana how many have died in other places like in cancun . Juan no. Just as greg said if you were in the United States you have a better chance of a Violent Crime happening to you. My point is that we are all right now in a place because we are focused on this. That all of a sudden everybody says you know i had a sickness way back when oh maybe it can get out of hand. Dana jesse is having a phantom sickness from last december when he went to the excellence. Shocking new device that helps you quit bad habits. Would the the five ever use it . Thats next can i get a hallelujah can i get an amen feels like the holy ghost running through ya by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Front slams on his the hbrakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Electric emily if you are struggling to break a bad hadnt. This is for you. A bracelet give you 350volt shock if you get the urge to do something bad. Would the the five even think about trying Something Like this. Greg, would you . Greg dont buy anything Health Related for your body without any independent research. The guy who made this was thrown off shark tank because they didnt have any published research. Aversion therapy only works if its painful and out of your control. If it doesnt have that then its pointless. Dana like antabuse like the medicine if you are an alcoholic. Greg i wouldnt know, dana. Jesse what are you getting at . Im rocking this thing right now. Should i try it out . Greg lying like chocolate. Jesse i have chocolate i have the wrist band on and im going to go for a piece. [laughter] dana really . Yeah, it catches you a little bit. No, i dont want to do it again. Dana one time . Jesse no, dont do it again. [laughter] greg do it [laughter] greg how about this . Im going to eat some chocolate. Jesse im taking this off. Emily literally someone else can shock you if you give it to a family member. If your brother gets ahold of it that would be all day long. Jesse it could work. But you have to have a high threshold of pain like you said. It has to really hit you. I have a very high pain threshold. Juan they say you would have to have this five days. Like you would have to go through this five days. I think as a matter of impulse control, only way this would work as aversion therapy is if you decide, yes, i have got a problem. Greg right. Juan if you dont know have you got a problem. Dana how does it know you are reaching for chocolate . Juan you know. Greg what if you are really in to be shocked then you need another bracelet to shock you when you want to be shocked. Shocked. Gut. Jesse okay, greg. Juan you are massakist. Greg i have enough problems to add another problem. Emily i will try it. Jesse this will create another you know what . He is going to go he goes to the hospital if he hits his head. Greg thats what you do when you hit your head. Did you go t. Greg amazing. Emily okay. Im going to do it. Emily nothing is happening. My heart is beating fast because im nervous. Jesse it worked on me, emily. Emily oh, that is, but you know what . Its fine. Jesse i told you. What did i tell you . Greg power of positive thinking. Emily once is enough. Jesse i feel like i reacted a little heavier. Emily it did a little after. Jesse its not nice. Juan is this a party gag or is it real . Emily its real. Juan i didnt think anybody would buy it. Emily i wont. One more thing is up next. The thing is like possessed. Ive always been excited for whats next. Im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, ill go for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Sharing my roots. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone youre a drifter . I thought you were kevins dad. Little bit of both. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. One more thing, dana. Dana okay, everyone knows that puppy dog eyes are what makes you attracted to puppies but, the studies have that dogs have evolved puppy dog eyes to attract humans. They have a new eye muscles to communicate and possibly goad humans into feeding or carrying for them. Of course that is jasper but we had to get rookie in here. Rookie is jesses dog. They get more rounded, and then duchess, too. Thats duchess, emilys dog right there. Researchers say the muscle use for expression is virtually absent in canine ancestors and wolves. So we could be watching evolution. It means that your animals dont like you, they pretend to see you dont kill them. Animals that arent domesticated are great. Oh, its me. Gregs fashion news. Lets just see whos sitting in jesses chair this week. Look who just showed up in your office. While you are doing the show, diamond and silk have been at your office and they found your hidden stash. I share that with you under strict confidence. [laughs] anyway, this is an ongoing segment. We are going to let people sit in your chair. Thats not nice. All right. Juan moving on, what would happen if someone came along and introduced your eyes to the Wonderful World of color for the first time . Take a look at this video. 17yearold gigi below a philadelphia, a company gave her a pair of glasses to collect the mike correct her color lameness and the first thing that came to her eye was in tears. She walked over to her former teacher and asked her if she could recognize the color of the teachers pants. Take a listen. Is that red . Yes, thats red. I didnt know i would be so overwhelmed. He will be studying psychology, many rainbows to you. That was nice. Do you guys wear cufflinks . Check these out. These are tic tac cufflinks. There is a little tic tac right there on the right and on the left, and tic tac usa, if you go to their instagram account, i have the only pair. The only other pair available is instagram. You pop the tic tac in your mouth and everybody listens to you. Emily. So you guys know how much i love pop classic cars. Just recently a replica attribute car who was dedicated to Burt Reynolds and smokey and the bandit just sold at auction for 317,000 and it wasnt the actual car he used. All the ones he used on set were actually beaten up and discarded. This was a pretty lucrative business to be in and another one went for 200 grand last october. And that by the way it is my next of dream car. You know who has that . Don rich has that. He has it in solar gold . Ask him. I will. Never miss an episode of the five. Special report is up next. Hello, brett. Bret hello, greg. Im brett behr and we are about two hours away from the president s 2020 reelection effort in front of a packed house. Take a look at that live picture in his home away from home, the state of florida. Specifically the city of orlando. We expect the president to focus on his top issue. Atop the focus hours after threatening to remove people illegally. We will have Fox Team Coverage in just a moment but we begin tonight with a story that caught washington by surprise today involving President Trump search for a new president mike Pentagon Pentagon chief. Active defense or the mike

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