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Legacy of George Herbert walker bush. George Herbert Walker bush was americas last great soldier statesman, a 20th century founding father. Every single head of government in the world knew that they were dealing with a gentleman, a genuine leader, one who was distinguished, resolute, and brave. He was a man of such grace and humility, those who travel the high road of humility in washington, d. C. , are not bothered by heavy traffic. [laughter] dana our 43rd president filled with humor and of course many touching moments. I think those brushes with death made him cherish the gift of life, and he vowed to live every day to the fullest. He was born with just two settings full throttle and sleep. To us, he was close to perfect. But not totally perfect. His short game was lousy. He wasnt exactly fred astaire on the dance floor. The man couldnt stomach vegetables. Especially broccoli. [laughter] in our grief, knowing that dad is hugging robin and holding moms hand again. Dana that was bush 43 doing the final eulogy today. Im glad i could be on the show with my colleagues who have joined me from new york. Jesse, i thought i might go to you first and ask you to explain what a short game is. Dana when your ball is not on the green that may be off in the bunker. Maybe 100 yards out. I guess that wasnt the strength of 41. He had so many other strengths. I watch this today and laughed and cried, so many beautiful, touching moments and anecdotes. There was one line that really struck me. I forget who said it but he said dont consider at the end of an era, consider it the invitation to fill the void left by this great man. All the leaders today, i believe were really touched by this. It was an incredibly special moment for the country, and his legacy in fact played out there among the congregation because this is a moment where democrats, republicans came together and listened. They put all of their egos aside and they reflected and honored a man who put the country above himself and put the country above party. Laughing on listening and reflecting on all most Beautiful Moments was almost a healing moment for the nation. I just hope that we can all come away from this, sadly, death brings us together but we can all come away from this with just a more intense desire to unite as a nation, because george h. W. Bush truly was a uniter, especially postpresidency. Dana indeed, thats true. Greg, i was thinking of you for a couple reasons. One is that longevity in america has made a moment like this possible, for the first time in our nations history, you have five formal living president s there to say goodbye to one of their own. Thats pretty amazing, for all the things america has achieved, and thats a lot of history in one place. I also wondered if you would want to talk about the importance of bringing humor to moments like this. Greg thats exactly what i had in front of me. Dana i know you well. Greg you are like a tv psychic. That was my point. We talk a lot about the military but not about mirth. We talk about heroism but not about humor. I think the crux of george bush was doing his eulogy up there about the fact that it was just kind of rolling with laughter. The importance of teasing, he brought up that his father teased a lot. He brought up their concept of selfdeprecation which ive always said is the most important thing on a tv show. If you are with people who cannot even make fun of themselves, you will not have fun with them. People have to be able to laugh at each other and laugh at you and you have to share in it. Its the necessary lubrication for daily life. I know people talk about, this loss of civility. I am more concerned about the loss of humor, because humor is the precursor to civility. Its a unifying quality that brings everyone who disagrees together, they can come together over a joke. We are living in a time essentially among the younger generations of saying thats not funny. Thats not funny. Its happening all over the place, and i think today was an important reminder the vitality of laughter and that humorless nest only leads to division. But humor can bring unification. Dana humans have this ability to laugh. We communicate and the storytelling. Juan, i wanted to play this for you. You could maybe explain, especially for younger viewers who might not know what the broccoli reference was about. I think we have that sound. Lets play it now. The last statement im going to have on broccoli. There are truckloads of broccoli at this very minute descending on washington. My family is divided. I do not like broccoli. And i havent liked it since i was a little kid, and my mother made me eat it. And im president of the United States, and im not going to eat anymore broccoli. Dana if that were to happen now, you would have maybe a twitter mob, calls for firing. What happened around that . Juan what happened was he never liked broccoli, as he said. He banned it on air force one. He had never liked broccoli. It was known that he didnt like broccoli. When he banned it, it resulted in a story and the story became a sensation. This was prior to, as you point out, social media. It was the kind of thing where everybody can relate, people who dont like to eat their vegetables. People who do think its good. In fact, barbara bush that not only are we having broccoli for dinner. We are having broccoli soup. She was a broccoli fan. He was not. I think it really spoke to people about a sense of knowing him. I think its important. Ive mentioned and i think you mentioned, dana, he was a terrific note writer, terrific friend to so many people. Alan simpson said when he was down on his popularity ratings, the president called him then said come to camp david. Hes that kind of guy. To me, watching along with my colleagues here today, you know what stood out was father and son. We saw two copresident s, both we saw two president s, father and son, celebrating a relationship. In the words of the sun, but i think it was the father who made this possible because i dont think george w. Bush, the president usurped, was an easy child, from all i can hear. Dana he admitted it in the speech as well. Juan when you see father and son talking about father and saying im quoting blessed to know him, blessed to have loved him. And accepting that even at the time of great loss. At the end, the highlight of the whole day, saying that i can see him holding my moms hand, holding robins hand. To me, this was so emotional, so powerful. And so full of love. Greg talking about loss of mirth, i think sometimes its very difficult especially for someone has been president of the United States, a public figure, to show depth of love and affection for another human being. And we are not talking about, you know, the kind of love that is malefemale. We are talking about human affection from the heart, and thats what we saw today. Dana sandra, im so glad youre there today. I asked bill hemmer to sit with me today afterwards because i only had about 10 minutes to prepare and i knew that he was a steady hand who could do that. I will let you talk about whatever you want that i thought i would set it up with this, the moment when george w. Bush shakes the hand of President Trump and the first lady and he sneaks something to michelle obama. We later learned they have a thing going backandforth with a piece of candy or cough drop. He pulled it out of his pocket on his way there and he hands it to her and she gets a little bit of a laugh. I think america loves those romans. Sandra we sat down and agreed you could not walk away. It was captivating, watching what we are looking at right now, the first pew, and the moment when george w shook the hands of the president , leaned into shake the hand of the first lady and then leaned forward again to former president barack obama. He realizes he needed to walk around and shake all the hands of the living president s and first ladies. Maybe that was one of the few unscripted moments there. He kind of leaned over and had to change course. But otherwise, dana, an incredible display of our american military. You got to see it firsthand. It was chilling. As an american, i am most wished schools were closed and schoolkids could watch every moment. Its something that i will remember forever. The military, the procession to the national cathedral, every single minute was planned, scripted, rehearsed. You have to think that this was in the works for decades. By the way, credit to the armys military district of washington. They were responsible for planning and playing out what was a 20 page script for this funeral. All the way down to the anthems and hymns, to the number of ruffles and flourishes. That preceded hail to the chief, 16 of them played today. 21 gun salute, three of them rang out. And then the funeral bell. You heard it ringing time after time when the coffin reached the steps of the cathedral. It rang 41 times. Just the incredible military display. It makes you so proud as an american to watch this today. It was really something. Dana indeed. It was flawless from a military standpoint, the staff that worked on it and the family that pulled it altogether. It was wonderful to be there for the reunions and what was quite a wonderful sendoff. There will be one more Memorial Service tomorrow before he is buried at College Station. All of you, thank you. More on president george h. W. Bush his arrival in texas. First, Rudy Giuliani going after Robert Mueller after the release of new information about Michael Cowans cooperation in the russia probe. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I just drank tons of water a proall the time, it was never enough. My dentist suggested biotene. My mouth felt more lubricated. I use the biotene rinse and then i use the spray. Biotene did make a difference. [heartbeat] our big idaho potato truck and were going to find it. Awe man. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Jesse President Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani blasting the special counsel after recommending no jail time for Michael Flynn. Saying that the former National Security advisor should not be behind bars because hes provided substantial assistance in the russia investigation. Giuliani reacting by calling the investigators sick puppies and adding that the legal memo does nothing to show trumprussia collusion. Juan comeau its interesting to me with this whole thing is, think about how it started. Hillary loses and the democrats blame russia and slap sanctions on the russian so the Trump Transition Team says flynn, called the Russian Ambassador and tallow them to deescalate the situation. He gets on the phone and calls kislyak and obviously this thing is recorded by the National Security apparatus and then he gets unmasked and this is leaked, the conversation, to the washington post. Shocking how that came about, isnt it . Juan sick puppy, sick puppy right here. From the sick puppy point of view, obviously he had extensive cooperation with mueller and guess what, jesse. The russians wouldve had leverage, socalled compromised a man who had told a lie that was known to the russians but not known obviously to his own administration. The question is, why did he lie. The suggestion coming forth is that the lie was directed from the very top of the administration. But we dont know that. We dont know why he lied to. What we do know is that for 19plus meetings, hours exponentially beyond those 19 meetings, he is talking about not only the campaign but the transition. He was only an office for a very short time. So hes talking about what happened during the campaign and of course the kislyak discussion. Suggesting that he knows a lot and is pointing not only at President Trump, its pointing at his soninlaw, potentially pointing at his son and we know that right now roger stone has taken the fifth. I remember when donald trump said anybody that takes the fifth is distributable. Its terrible, he said. Now roger stone is taking the fifth. Jesse what confuses me and i will kick it to you, sandra, that the people that the fbi investigators that interviewed flynn didnt think he lied and comey said he didnt lie and mccabe said he didnt lie but somehow he gets charged with not telling the truth to the fbi. I think the main thing he did wrong was lying to pence about the conversation. I think the only reason he did that was because of all this collusion story swirling around and he didnt want to make it look like he was colluding with the russians when in fact he was just told to call the guy up and be a diplomat. Sandra as a journalist, you try to go to through a 13page memo and you tried to decide what you can walk away with. About half of it was redacted. Im sure you looked through it as well. The reason why you say you keep saying the words we dont know, we dont know. Its because the mueller team, Robert Mueller is not telling us anything. So i think there are some takeaways. I think you can easily say jesse i think we have a special flyover over the bush library right now. Air force one, as we are seeing it, carrying the casket of bush 41. Going to texas right now. Special mission 41 flyover at the bush library in texas. All right, dana, lets bring you in. This is my opinion. This is how the deal was cut with mueller. He was doing a side consulting gig with the turks for half a Million Dollars. It was a little shady, unregistered, some tax implications. I am saying that flynn had this ideal. Mueller comes to him and says we are not going to hit you with the consulting problems. I want you to plea for the russia quoteunquote false statements and thats how hes creating a narrative. Dana i hesitate to speculate that way. You could say actually, who is really close to turkey . That would be russia. Whats the consulting contract for . Im not willing to go there. I actually thought they might be pleased that Michael Flynn was not being recommended for any jail time. I mean, the president and Rudy Giuliani both said he doesnt deserve jail time. I think if he doesnt get jail time, its actually probably good for Michael Flynn and they can feel good about that. The pressure for a pardon and things like that doesnt exist. Jesse this whole thing starts, flynn gets in trouble and trump has this conversation with comey and says this guy, flynn, hes a patriot. Hopefully he doesnt get hurt too much and it spirals into comey gets fired in the special counsel gets appointed. Greg i think it is good news. He has given a lot to this country. It comes down to lying in a process that is designed to test your ability to maintain absolute honesty while inquisitors continually turn up the heat. Flynn essentially is the frog in the boiling pot and hes been found guilty of trying to get out of the pot. Personally, my lesson is i would never accept a role in government because if you win, the other side will initiate an investigation. I will undoubtedly be called in, and i will be asked 100 to 200 questions. The odds are strong im going to lie on 7 to 12 of them. Some of it might be about personal behavior, who knows, something im a little bit embarrassed about. You have a pile of human beings whose careers are destroyed because they entered the political sphere and the losers get back at them by destroying them. There is no way around it. Human beings in these situations panic. They might tell a fab. I will be that guy. So i will never. Juan you know that he pled guilty. Greg i understand that. Jesse heres some news, greg gutfeld has announced he will no longer be seeking Higher Office here in the united state United States. Dana three down. Juan i feel like that sick puppy took a leak on my leg. Jesse cleanup on the side. A pompous democrat offering up a stunning new excuse for why her party cant connect with voters. Morning. Morning. What do we got . Keep an eye on that branch. Might get windy. Have a good shift. Fire pit. Last use 0600. Id stay close. Morning. Get ready to switch. Protected by flo. Should say, protected by alan and jamie. Right . Should it . When you bundle home and auto. Run, alan . You get more than just savings. You get roundtheclock protection. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient. Originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. The united explorer card makes things easy. Traveling lighter. Taking a shortcut. Woooo taking a breather. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. Greg at a symposium, democratic senator hirono was asked what democrats must do to connect with voters. One of the things that we democrats have a really hard time is connecting to peoples hearts instead of here. We are really good at showing all the information the touch people here but not here, and ive been saying it. We need to speak to the heart, not in a melee dated way manipulative way but to speak to the heart so that we know they are on their side. Greg then they singled by or wait a second. The problem with democrats is that they are too intellectual as opposed to emotional . This from a person who slammed all men in one burst of rage. Its the men in this country, and i just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Greg i dont know about you, but i dont see that connecting with anyones brain, unless you mean hitting someone over the head with a mallet. The real problem is the opposite of her diagnosis, and it was captured in the juvenile outburst from the capital hearings. Anger focused against others for being others. Its weaponized identity. I suggest more mutual understanding, connecting with common sense that we all share and share is the key word there. The problem with democrats as i see it is the desire to pull apart rather than pull together. For a liberal, its hard to even admit patriotism is a good thing. It is so old, crusty, and mean. Instead, look backward with shame and define all present relationships as oppressive. The result is you split people into nevada driven infections. The result of that, senator who denigrates all men as guilty parties. That doesnt come from the heart or brain. It comes from mazie hirono who still owes us dudes a serious apology. Although it will never happen. Dana, what do you make of her analysis . They connect too much with the brain and the need to connect with hearts. Dana i think its a variation on the deplorables theme because we cant possibly expect people in america to understand how intellectually superior the democrats are supposedly. Whats interesting is conservatives have been blamed for this in the past as well. Talk too much about the deficit and debt and you are too much about personal responsibility. Frankly it was something that was said about george h. W. Bush. How did bill clinton differentiate himself . What did he say . Greg i feel your pain. Dana i feel your pain. Greg he tried to touch other things as well. But we wont get into that. Dana Hillary Clinton has the problem thats the reverse. Donald trump is able to connect with people emotionally and they are so frustrated because they can get the facts out. The facts, the facts, the facts. It will be fun to see this 2020 class of democrats. I think we are down from 40 2 30 eight. Greg we lost avenatti. Dana and we lost Deval Patrick today. Greg sandra, what do you make of this . Sandra we welcome a lot of democrats on americas newsroom. Quite a few of them come on with us. I asked them, as i asked republicans, whats your message because part of the problem for democrats is they are not saying what they stand for. If you were to translate her saying we shove a lot of information out there, we put a lot of talking points out there. Part of the resist movement is to say things and not act. To danas point, republicans about a hard time with that historically as well, talking about tax cuts of the deficit. What is it going to mean at the end of the day for your family . You have to appeal to their hearts. For democrats, its going to have to take action because there is a whole lot of talk right now. Greg i dont buy it. They are saying they use their brains too much. Its like they dont understand due process biology, the necessity of free markets or economics, patriotism or community. It seems like they are not thinking at all. Jesse permission to make an analogy, greg. Greg i would love that. Jesse she misdiagnosed it. It would be like donald trump saying you know what, i am too polite. I am too politically correct. Im trying to force too much consensus. Im going to be more brash, and im going to hit immigration harder. I havent done that enough. First of all, the Democratic Party has always put emotions over facts. Look at the capital hearings. All the facts were on his side, they wanted you to believe this woman who had no facts. Look at the Parkland School shooting. Everything was saying its a failure of the fbi, state, local, police. The democrats wanted you to hate in your hearts the nra or any Government Program that the democrats put forth. They dont care much it costs. They dont even care if it really works that well. They just want to show voters that they are compassionate and that they care about you. I think her real issue was shes not connecting with the workingclass voters of the country because they are fixated, the democrats, with global warming. Identity politics. Young people in West Virginia or the rust belt saying what about me and my family . I am an american. Stand up for me. Greg what if, juan, a male senator said women, just shut up. Juan obviously thats not where we are in American Culture at the moment, given whats going on. But to me, the irony is shes right. Democrats i think have to learn how to speak from the heart, especially in an era when you are going up against President Trump, who makes his appeals based on fear, grievance, anger, white identity. Greg he never mentions white identity. Juan you talked a moment ago about patriotism. He talks about nationalism, greg. He is making an appeal that a lot of people fear is greg its patriotism. Juan look at the number of the kind of very much White Nationalist groups that identify and follow President Trump. Greg its a faulty logic. You also have left wing commie pinkos that would love to be a democrat. What youre saying juan i am talking greg you never stop talking. Juan you were talking. You had a whole monologue. Jesse dont go after the monologue. Dont you dare. Juan heres the point. If you are a democrat right now, you have to say you know what, we can talk about health care. Sandra, that was the message, and effective message during the midterms. We can talk about health care but then the republicans and President Trump come back and say no, thats socialism. We are taking it apart. You have to say to people what about and then you have this conversation, but until you say she was a child denied treatment, unless you can show that child, doesnt have the same power as trump making a wild eyed argument and appealing to fear and grievance and anger. Greg lets dispatch this fallacy altogether. If republicans like oranges, its because a lot of people like oranges. If racists like oranges, it doesnt make republicans racist. It means a lot of people like oranges. That fallacy is dead. Farmers senator he loved a good joke. He would throw his head back and give that great laugh but he never, ever could remember a punch line. Yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . They helped with homeowners, too ok plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance geicos got you covered like a blanket houston . You seeing this . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. You wouldnt feel good not knowing the price here. Geico. Dont let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. With the accuchek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. All without having to go through insurance. Plus, they come in a spillresistant vial along with a free meter. Skip the guessing game and focus on your health. Not the cost. Make saving simple today at simplepaysaves. Com. In the movies, a lot of times, i tend to play the tough guy. 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We are awaiting the arrival of president george h. W. Bush aboard air force one, which has been temporarily renamed special mission 41. Lets go to Rick Leventhal. Special Airlift Mission 41 has completed its flyover of College Station where bush 41 will be laid to rest tomorrow afternoon. Its on its way here. Should be touching down here at about 30 minutes. I can tell you theres a large crowd gathered to my right. We cant show them big because theres a lot in the way. It includes family, friends, and some invited guests, including Houston Texans and Houston Astros. The president was a big fan in front of the teams. Also members of a couple area high schools and the the administrations of a couple area hospitals for an arrival ceremony that will mirror the departure ceremony we saw on moy with the 77th army band. They will be playing ruffles and flourishes. We will hear that 21 gun salute from several cannons parked here next to the runway. The president s casket will be taken off the 747, as the family departs the jet and watches. It will pass in front of an honor guard here and be put into a hearse for the caravan from here to the church, Saint Martins episcopal, where people will be able to pay their respects to the president later tonight through early tomorrow morning. Of course the funeral is set for 10 00 a. M. Local time tomorrow. 1200 guests. The oak ridge boys and Reba Mcentire will be singing. Eulogies provided by james baker and george p bush. We are awaiting the arrival of the 747 aaron george h. W. Bush returning home. Sandra it was wheels up a few minutes ago. Rick leventhal for us in houston. Thank you. President george w. Bush providing a moving eulogy for his father and Washington National cathedral earlier. He taught us how to grow with dignity, humor, and kindness. When the good lord finally called, how to meeting with courage and with the joy of the promise of what lies ahead. He strongly believed it was important to give back to the community and country in which one lived. He recognized as serving others and reach the givers sold. To us, his was the brightest of 1,000 points of light. Sandra looking at some of these clips, it is hard to pick a favorite moment from today. Juan i really think the fatherson connection was very special. I also think, rick was talking about the people there at Ellington Field whove been invited and to me the idea that unlike john mccain, that the bush family invited President Trump despite all the animosity between the two, it was a real positive sign. I just loved the idea that he was inclusive and could be forgiving. Sandra another favorite moment was seeing his granddaughters do the readings at the cathedral, really special moment as well. Jenna and laura. Jesse eloquent young woman woman. Great parenting and great grand parenting. Everyone came off looking poised and gathered and affectionate to words george h. W. Bush. W had a great line. He said my father had such a great sense of humor. He left a great joke and thats why he chose senator simpson to come speak at the funeral. What greg was saying earlier, such selfdeprecation made everyone around him so endearing towards him. He rattled off a few lines and he said it could go either way. Told some Great Stories of friends. Loved the joke. Out running with the secret service off the coast of maine. Sandra a really special day and special coverage for you because of your relationship. Dana i couldnt really look at 43, i thought im going to break up on air. One thing that liz cheney told us is that yesterday before he went to the rotunda, as the Securities Service often does, the half hour wait outside. 43 said have the public come in. Want to be surrounded by them. Might remember the photograph of him. His hair and makeup team. Sitting next to the table. George bush held the baby in the picture. One of those small town moments in washington. Sandra as senator simpson started, he said ive only got 10 minutes. Greg a lot of laughter, a lot of smiling. It really was a celebration of a life well lived. World war ii, cia, Vice President , more than most people do in three lifetimes. To danas point, the floor and a half hour wait. I see people in line waiting overnight for shoes or a playstation. Whats the thing with people waiting in line. Then you see humans waiting in line for something they love and its good to see that kind of love still exists in the face of new things to fall in love with. There are still people out there willing to wait in line. Sandra at times it was over two and half hours. Thank you, everyone. Up next, Climate Change alarmist Bernie Sanders being called out for his mile high hypocrisy. Thats next. So, i have this recurring dream. Im 85 years old in a job where i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. What . Wheres that coming from . I dont know. I started my 401k early, i diversified. 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The plane already flew over the bush library in College Station. Its going to land at Ellington Field. Tomorrow the president will be buried at texas a m outside the library alongside his wife barbara. His wife of 73 years who just died in april of this year. Also at the cemetery site is robin bush, the president s daughter who died at age three back in 1953. We have been talking with Rick Leventhal who was on the ground at Ellington Field. He says that right now there are long lines of people waiting the president s posthumous arrival. People, as rick told us, members of sports teams. President george w. Bush owned the Houston Astros and the president george h. W. Bush famously was in his wheelchair for the coin flip for the super bowl. Sandra have his body will e in repose overnight. Tomorrow will be the second private funeral, that will take place there. Thursday evening will be the burial. More special moments will be coming as we all just lived through what was really memorable date for american history. Juan memorable for a member of the five, ms. Dana perino. Dana i was honored to know him and for him to have trusted me as a friend. I was telling a story that in 2010, i did a book tour p. R. For george w. Bush in one of the things we did was an interview with oprah winfrey. We went to kennebunkport maine and 41 was going to be interviewed and he asked me, what am i supposed to wear today . I said well, sir, i think it would be nice if you could wear a jacket. That would be great. He didnt want to wear a jacket. He was casual in kennebunkport. He kept asking me, do i have to wear a jacket . I said it would be nice if you would wear a jacket. Its only 45 minutes. He said i know what im going to wear. He comes back into the living room and hes wearing a bedazzled oak ridge boys jacket and he said im going to wear this for the interview and i said okay, sir, you dont have to wear a jacket. Juan is that the way to get around it . Thats a smart move. Greg, you were talking about the love of mirth. Its not the Ronald Reagan tell a joke humor. It was more than selfdeprecating kind of humor. Talking about broccoli. He made fun of the broccoli. He didnt get upset about it. He just said i dont like broccoli and the whole country responded. Greg of the fact is if you cant make fun of yourself, what good are you . If you take yourself too seriously, actually no one takes you seriously and i think thats the important lesson to learn. The guy was a hero but he also was a funny dude. Juan jesse, you have a great relationship with your dad and i thought today we saw another great fatherson relationship. Jesse it mustve been cathartic for w to get up there and eulogize his father. He did it so eloquently uncover the bases and made people laugh and made people think and cry. At the end, when he choked up and teared up, i think everybody in the country choked up and teared up. It was a powerful moment. Juan so sweet. We will be right back with one more thing here onac one more thing here onac the five. Ement, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The United States Postal Service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. With one notable exception. Hello im an idaho potato farmer. Did you ever notice that the very first bite of every great meal is always the potato . Thats why it should always be an idaho potato. Only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. Whoa. Hey look, its huge. Oops, gotta go. Hey, wait. Come back. Dana it is time now for one thing. Ive just at the funeral today, lots of fans of the five. We have fans there all across the country, they gathered at the national cathedral. I did want to thank bill hemmer who stayed around an extra hour to sit with me the Daily Briefing show and tell me through that because i didnt have time to prepare. I didnt know anything that was going on in the news and i really leaned on him and i appreciated that. Sandra, thank you for letting me have him for the afternoon. And now we will go to on. Juan youve heard about hat tricks and hockey, throwing hats on the ice after one player scored three goals. What about teddy bear tossing . Take a look at this video. He scores it is teddy bear toss time. Juan it is like they are raining teddy bears. The crowd began tossing the teddy bears on the ice, and fact they threw a record 34,000 bears onto the ice, tossing teddy bears at a hockey game is a tradition. The Charity Drive is a staple for several minor league teams. It will be Christmas Gifts were childrens, the Childrens Miracle Network and the american cancer society. Way to go to the hershey bears. Dana that is very nice. Jesse i think i saw a trump bear that pile. I work with a charity called the independent fund, what they do as they get track chairs, the specialized track chairs for veterans who have lost limbs or legs in combat. One of danas favorite bands, the Florida Georgia Line is teaming up with the fund. Take a lesson. We are giving some amazing veterans of several chairs to allow them to go anywhere. Theyre like fourwheeldrive chairs. It is crazy. We are super blessed to be a part of this. Weve been touched by these hero stories. Jesse this friday in vegas, the Independence Fund will be having a big event so check it out. If you cant make it to vegas, independence bond. Org. Dana beautiful. I think we have the air force one at landing right now in texas carrying the body of former president george h. W. Bush. That is ellington airfield in houston, texas, right there. Dana i might just add one thing, it is interesting for me to watch this decision that he had early on in his life to go to texas, to leave new england and all the comforts and the privilege that he had been born into. He said no, let me go and try to make it on my own. He decided to make houston his home. If anyone is wondering about, can you make it somewhere else . Can he move on and find upward mobility and find a home in a community, there are places around america where you can still do that. Houston might be one of them. It really is amazing that he is going back there to such a heros welcome. That was a time when he really struck out on his own during the oil boom in texas at the time. A lot of speculators, he was at the right place at the right time i definitely did well for himself. His son try to do the same thing. Not as successful but successful in his own right. Politics were in both of their blood and they both went on to become president s. There was a a great quote ts week, someone said that george h. W. Bush was a texan by choice. Others are texans by birth, he was by choice. Before coverage continues come up next with bret baier. Take it away. Bret jesse, thank you and welcome to washington. You were looking live there in houston, texas, is air force one now called a special mission one has landed at Ellington Field in houston. The body of the 41st president of the United States making its way after the state funeral today. Going to his beloved home right now. The casket will shortly be unloaded following todays funeral in washington, we will have all of the ceremony here live. I thought we would first bring you a look at todays coverage, we begin our coverage here with what happened at the Washington National cathedral with chief congressional corrent

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