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Dana, they held a News Conference a short time ago in washington, the attorney general said Political Violence in any forms is in conflict with the democratic process. This is unacceptable. Political violence or the threat of violence is antithetical to our vigorous system of selfgovernment. It is a threat to that respect for law and process that allows our people to accept legislatio legislation, elections, court rulings, which with they do not agree. This is the central feature of our system of government. You advocate for your belief enthusiastically, but peacefully and lawfully comply with the results. Federal investigators seized the suspects van covering it with a blue tarp earlier today concealing approach from pro trump stickers. Showcasing videos of himself appearing at trump rallies. Single democrats and at least one powerful donor. Why was he targeting democrats . I dont know. Other than what you might normally expect. Appears to be that will be determined by the facts as the case goes forward. Im not able to comment on that. The break in the case when the fbi identified a fingerprint on one of the suspicious envelopes addressed to Maxine Waters. Two additional pieces of dna evidence matched sayoc who was already in a Law Enforcement database because of his past criminal activity. This is phenomenal work. Under the greatest pressure, under an incredibly tight time frame. Working with the men and women of Law Enforcement and the work done over the last week is something that should make every american proud and grateful that and its too early in the stage to discuss modification in this particular case. Fbi director Christopher Wray also asked the prague public their ears eyes and open because they are still determining whether they have all the packages or others may be in the system. I just may have a cat has shin. Christopher wray fbi director said has that these were not hoax devices. Does that mean if they find out more about these devices that they could increase the charges . Right. That is a great question. They are trying to determine still whether he intended to construct viable devices that would explode at any path along the postal chain or the delivery point. There is a cell phone on them that can often be used as a timer as it that method of detonation. If they were to find that he tried to do that but failed because he lacked the expertise, this could then be an aggravating factor in any future prosecution. We are going to take it around the table catherine, good to see you. We heard a lot of dna evidence. There appeared to be the there was talk in your reporting about may be saliva. I do not know if thats from the back of the envelope. What do we know about the evidence . The evidence i think his two fold. There was a tremendous wealth of evidence because the bombs did not explode. Secondly, and more importantly from the fbi director that they did quickly recover a latent fingerprint on the envelope that carried the pipe bomb that was going to the democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters and they were able to extract his dna from other suspect devices. So they had three data points. They all aligned with cesar sayoc and they had his prints in the database because he had a pretty extensive criminal history and was known to Law Enforcement. I dont know at this point if the dna was from saliva or it may have been a fiber such as hair that was attached to that black electricians tape i was reporting that yesterday . Thats like a magnet for dna evidence. Juan . Im so curious about his criminal background and history. What ive read in the accounts today over the Wire Services was he was arrested several times for things like allegedly stealing a suit from a store and the like. But we dont see any evidence of Political Violence previously, do we . What we are able to find in our research today, juan, there was a bomb threat i believe the date was 2002. I do not have more granularity and texture whether the bomb threat was related to political idea or motivation, but director wray hopes to know what the motivation was, whether it was political, and whether he was acting alone or the other two wear underwear what was going on with the packages. Thats what i was going to ask you. These were so many bombs set pretty much simultaneously so they didnt tell us that whether he was acting alone or had an accomplice. I was trying to ask at the News Conference but i never got my question in about the level of premeditation. When you are talking about over a dozen devices, that takes a significant period of time for an individual. Was he doing them just in his van or was he doing at his mothers home . We dont understand the relationship he has with his mother in south florida, but we were given the impression he was spending a lot of time in that van. Not quite homeless but getting close to the edge of that. From my experience, 12 devices take a significant period of time because youve got to take all the pipes, example them with explosive powder, and hes got to go to the physical process of addressing all of them and delivering them. It wouldve been nice to have that question get in about premeditation because they can tell you whether for months he had been planning this, so maybe he was simply a lone actor, or whether it was in a very short time frame indicating others may have helped support him. Catherine, thank you so much. President trump spoke on the south lawn. We have that tape for you now. I did not see my face on the van. I dont know. I know it was a person who preferred me over others but i did not see that. No, no, no. No, no, no. If you look at what happened to steves police to these incidents, im just really proud of Law Enforcement. I think they did an incredible job. I will see you in north carolin north carolina. Reporter [interesting question] i think ive been toned down if you want to know the truth. I can really tell him it up. As you know, the media has been extremely unfair to me, to the republican party. I think the media has been very, very unfair. The way its been governed. They understand that. They write articles about that. Many of them admit that. But the media has been unbelievably unfair to republicans, conservatives, and certainly to me. With all of that being said, we are winning. Thank you very much. We havent had a chance to hear from greg. I know well be talking about the political ramifications but its hard when you hear that clip to not respond to what he is saying well, lets first talk about the bumper stickers. I have a rule. Its like cats. If you have a few cats, thats okay. But if you have 60 cats, thats a problem. Anybody that has that many bumper stickers, they arent hiding. I dont care what side of the political spectrum you are, its a good barometer. If you see somebody with a lot of crazy bumper stickers, they are probably crazy. Also 14 he was arrested for a bomb threat 14 years before trump became president. Clearly this guy had a screw loose before he ever discovered the red hat, so i think he has a paper trail, a criminal trail that clearly shows this guy was a bad egg or hombre. As President Trump likes to say. Fico given how many states there were, you cannot stress how great of a job the fbi did because there is almost a collective sigh of relief from the attorney general and the fbi director. When you think about the year both of them had they needed a win. Christopher wray since day one has been under fire from the president. As many as this network have said for a long time, we havent been critical of the men and women who put their lives on the line every day at the fbi to protect us. Its been about the leadership that went partisan in some cases and lets not forget in your own state department with the shooter, they were assigned the fbi missed as well. They had a brutal several months. In this case, they came together and clearly busted their butts and got together very quickly. Kirstjen nielsen, the postal secret service, everybody Work Together in the quick way and so fast. Ill point that you made, ive seen in my career people who make bombs usually have a history, ask leading pattern of violence. It does not surprise me he had this in his past. Do you know whats funny . How easy it is to paralyze and create fear in the country. All you need is postage. All you need is a pipe. All you need is one person. I think you have to be thankful that Something Like this is rare because. Anybody can do this by the way, we have to admit there will be copycats because there always is. We were talking about Law Enforcement. What struck me is how appropriate Jeff Sessions was in his comments today. I dont think he played any games. I dont know if he expects to be gone shortly after midterms but he said this is clearly a partisan act and he said, you know, weve had to go this should not be and this is not the way we should conduct ourselves as americans given our political history. Is also impressive the new technology is available to track them down so quickly. I dont think its a surprise sessions would say this. Republicans, they are about process and process has no political influence for they dont care if the murderer is a republican or democrat. Its a murder everyone is up there yeah, hes a partisan, but i dont care up there. He is a bummer. He should fry. Check out what they are saying about the caravan and other things. There is a president at the top very political and sessions clearly separated himself. There were multiple potential bombings and people were not scared to come out. Just to remind you, secretary nielsen of the farm in the homeland security, and will if you see something, say something. Call the authorities be more developments on the breaking news on the arrest of that mail bomb scare up next. Fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief if you want to get takethe most details test about your Family History. My pie chart showed that im from all over europe, but then it got super specific. I learned my people came from a small region in poland, and even a little bit of the history about why they might have migrated during that time. Those migration patterns are more than just lines on a map, theyre really your familys story. I cant wait to see what im going to discover next. 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The most common side effect is nausea. My favorite role so far . Being a nonsmoker. No question about it. Talk to your doctor about chantix. As details of the mail bomb scare suspect come in, some trump critics in the media are trying to blame the president. He spends most of his time at rallies during verbal bombs at all the people that receive these bombs in the mail. There is never any acknowledgment of ownership on his part that hes fueling these flames. He says he wants a message of unity yet he leads rallies where his supporters still chant lock her up when he calls people the enemy of the people. Of course the president didnt direct this. But he is responsible for not just allowing the chants cnn sucks but stoking it, and all you need is one crackpot and ons emerged. He did not mention this incident or President Trump but did talk about civility. Im hoping you think as well to hear people spend years, months, vilifying people. Questioning their patriotism. Calling them enemies of the people. Suddenly you are concerned about civility. We can have disagreements. But there has to be a certain code, there has to be certain rules in terms of how we treat each other, operate in the public sphere. That seems interesting that just a week ago said that Hillary Clinton said there shouldnt be civility, pam, and Maxine Waters said the president promoting violence as i remember it, dont let the cabinet rest. Dont let him eat a meal at a restaurant come lets go after him. Go after supporters of President Trump and thats exactly what happened to me. I was at a Movie Theater and it was the Maxine Waters rhetoric. These people were verbatim repeating the Maxine Waters talking points, screaming in my face stopping me. After it happened to me, after it happened to sarah sanders, after it happened to kirstjen nielsen, she doubled down, she said it again. To continue and blame it on the president is disgraceful. The first thing President Trump that is, and condemn these actions. Come on thats unbelievable. Even in the middle of the night, President Trump tweeting at the press is the one to blame. Thats unbelievable. But heres the thing. The president is not to blame. I dont think the president can be directly blamed but you cannot ignore his rhetoric. Im amazed to hear people earlier in the week talking like this is a false blast operation, its related democrats. Im talking about prominent republican voices. And coulter, rush limbaugh, michael savage. Dont Pay Attention to the president s rhetoric. Even though he says Hillary Clinton is evil, barack obama was a liar. All of this horrible stuff. We are not accustomed to it in american life. Dana, you covered several president s. You understand this kind of rhetoric from the president is different from anyone in the world speaking. Can i add onto that . Its demeaning and humanizin that humanizing. You had a cairo saying the president would not take there is no evidence he incited anyone. What about that van . I think its clear that his passions were aimed specifically at the targets of trumps rhetoric. Its very hard to take lectures from democrats about civility. Lets take the long view back. Lets look at decades. Lets look at the last few years for you call the president hitler, you call him racist, you say hes clinically insane, morally unfit. Thats within two years. Who has been stoking anger for decades . Who has claimed that the political is personal . Meaning they can invade your life . I dont want lectures from people who barden the faln who justified the murder of Police Officers who allowed they said nothing about the assassination revenge fantasy of the new york times, nothing but kathy griffin, nothing about johnny depp, madonna, snoop dogg . What else did they do, they fund raise with bill ayers . An actual terrorist i do not want lectures from this people about civility they can shove it up there their tush. I thought that was very civil. Tush was a better word than what i wanted to use. I wrote a book about joy of hate where i talked about thatt this phenomenon of demonization by activists. I wrote this would happen. I wrote 13 chapters of this. We talked about this on the show. I cant take a lecture from people who ignored me about this concern. Im just saying if you look at charlottesville i know. Those are the only ones you bring up. I bring that up because thats the reality in your filtered worldview. Somebody said you should confront officials you arent condemning what Maxine Waters said and then set it again and again . We were out we were in dallas earlier this week. A guy comes up to become a big trump guy. He wants an autograph and a picture. What does he say to me, im attacking you and your new book and all of this and called me a vile name and asked for a selfie. This is not normal behavior. Thats awful. To be fair, that would kill me. That doesnt mean the president is inciting people. Going back to june 2015 when this campaign got started, i was super uncomfortable with the rhetoric, always have been. A lot of people said to me that one of the reason president bus bushs Approval Rating was i did not fight back hard enough with language that wouldve been topper topper. Everybody running for language could admit and do admit that the rhetoric was civility is a choice. Every time you open your mouth, you can decide what to say. But you cant be lectured about civility. You know what i mean. No, i dont. You know how the left has treated conservatives. I believe about mitt romney big what theyve said about conservative women. This show would never end if we talk about point by point when you say that and she said that, and see she said that, it would never end. 90 of people in america agree that we are too divided right now. If 90 agree on that, we should decide to do something about that. We just got some new video of the suspect down in florida. New video thats just coming into our newsroom. You can obviously see him being let in, handcuffed, of course. We had seen the mug shot earlier today. But this is our first video of actually seeing the suspect briefly there as hes taken further into custody. Juan, i wonder youve got joe biden thinking about running for president. He said among other things this week that we should lower the temperature. I cover the 2012 campaign and among other things he was speaking to a mostly black audience, i remember, and he said that mitt romney was going to put you all back and chains. How did that lower the temperature . Thats heated rhetoric vehicle why is joe biden lecturing donald trump . I think what people are saying is that we are incredibly divided as a country and we have a president , a leader, who indulges in the kind of demeaning them , w we get locked into what greg was just doing, what about ism. You been doing that forever speech is not violence ande have to be able to separate that. We have a first amendment. You might not like the rhetoric, but there are people on the fringe that might react certain things from the left on the right and we know that happened to steve scalise. Nobody says that Bernie Sanders is to blame for that. Or msnbc. Whats interesting is somebody said it only takes one crackpot, right . Are we going to change the way we are, 230 million population, to do the favor of one crackpot . The other point is every body is lying about civil discourse. The people that are saying we need to tell him what they are lying. I believe you, juan. I dont think the democrats, the moment they get the chance to screw you from behind, they will. They do that politically, theyll say horrible things about you during campaigns. At least trump does it to your face. Its the most transparent insult youll ever get it comes from him isnt that healthier . What do you think about all these false flag theories its bullish. We agree. I disagree. You can do it agreeably. President trump considering a bold plan to stop the caravan of migrants. That coming up. Alright, i brought in ensure max protein. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. For 115 years, get a ford. Ompany thats been building them if you want a car with driverassist technology, standard, get a ford. If you want waze and amazon alexa compatibility, get a ford. If you want a car that doesnt have any of that, get anything. But a ford. Otherwise, youre gonna want a ford. A place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. 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Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. They set up greg with that song. Its the worst song ever and they keep using it you dont like it . President trump considering signing an executive order that would stop migrants and asylum sneakers traveling in the caravan into the new u. S. I called up the military. We arent letting them in. Do we want them to apply and come in legally . Absolutely. And millions of people are there waiting and they been working this process for some cases ten years and they are also almost ready to come in and they look on television and they see people walking in . Not going to happen. Its not going to happen. This caravan develop and comes as a new poll shows the midterms will be all about trum trump. Twothirds of voters will say the president is a key factor when they cast their ballots. Pam, the president today saying all the political talk on tv is about the bomber. Hey, what about the caravan and, hey, republicans get out there and vote how should we understand what the president is saying . Former president obama was out there and didnt even mention the bombing campaigning. At that midterms happening whether you want them or not, one. People better get out there and vote. The president s statesmens where is moving on and campaigning as hard as he can. Hes going to be in florida again. Hes working very hard on the midterms. President obama didnt even address it. The president is donald trump, not obama right now. Thank goodness. Ed henry, we see a higher proportion, 64 of the people saying twothirds of voters saying they basically are voting proor antitrump, but 64 would say they would vote for the democrats, 32 said they would vote to support President Trump . What you make of this . I make that easy republicans best weapon and it was a gamble to nationalize these elections. People like to vote for their local congressman or woman based on some of the local issues. When you nationalize it, its risky. We still think this is going to blow up in the public in the face. I think the president s rallies have had a real impact in these battleground states. Evidence of that was today as the Washington Post said in this piece that they went to california, there is Something Like aco critical house races, the democrats think they are going to flip five or six of them and they interviewed all these voters that say we dont think democrats are going to win a lot of these races and these democratic voters are nervous that its going to be like election 2016 redox where they are going to be left crying at Hillary Clinton headquarters. These are democrats in the Washington Post saying that President Trump has gotten out there and has lit up his base between kavanaugh, the caravan, other issues hes focused on and democrats may not like it, but hes nationalize the election. Hes made it about himself or better or worse, its fired up republicans. Its working. This is an npr poll, democrats Rank Health Care number one, climate change, the economy. But for republicans, its jobs, economy, than immigration. The other aspect here is latino voters, interesting information out today. They dont feel like they are being addressed by democrats, that they are not just monolithic voters on one thing, on immigration, not motivating them to get out and vote. Democrats are worried a little bit about that. The thing about the caravan is that, there is the visual. President obama saying that you want to send troops to the border, it happens to be a week before the midterms, the caravan is there. Its not about the caravan though. The white house can do a better job explaining to people is the daily assault on the border of 640 or so average attempts a day to cross the border. In addition to the caravan, there is all of these things happening there. I think President Trump will start to try to get something with mexico like he has with canada which is canada agrees to deal with asylumseekers in canada. People that want to come in the united states, canada says will process them here. We should have the same thing in mexico and President Trump has an opportunity with the new leader thats taking over in december or january in mexico, he can try to do that because this issue is interesting for the midterm, its not the number one issue for everybody, but it will be for some people. No ones going to talk about this in a few days, thats what i think. What trump said was very important because he mentioned the word process and when he explained it as a process you can explain the idea of line cutting, when youre in the process for ten years becoming a citizen and see this you sense that it is unfair. The democrats are antiprocess and thats why they can push these foolish ideas and demean those against them because they know the republicans will get the job done, they know they will protect the border, they know the agents will be out there so they can actually romanticize the terrible idea knowing the republicans will actually fix the problem. Its sad because its not going to end well for those poor people that are marching along. They are the pawns in all of this. The leftwing activists and politicians have pushed them along and they are not going to get in. Maybe a few of them well. They will all be turned back. Antitrump lawyer Michael Avenatti could be in some very big trouble. We will fill you in next on the five. beeping experience the lexus rx with advanced safety, standard. Lease the 2018 rx 350 for 439 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. 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No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Cool, huh . Yeah. He plays football, huh . Yeah. Believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Big trouble could be brewing for Michael Avenatti. Senate Chuck Grassley has referred to the antitrump lawyer for potential conspiracy to provide false statements to congress for obstructing the investigation of Justice Brett kavanaugh. I think his 5 minutes of fame are about over, but not e i do not know who had a worse week. Him or megyn kelly. He find somebody he perceives that wants to be perceived as a victim and uses that victim to catapult himself to the spotlight. First it was stormy, then it was sweat sweatnik, and then challenged someone to a fight to get higher and higher. How does eastgate buy by at the committees . He might be a fight that he was behind on his rent at his off list, he says hes going to appeal it, thats a bad week. This is america. Innocent until Proven Guilty as we saw for just as kevin. You come up with false charges wherewith the case with julius pettway, there might be charges. It would be better for a white male to be the democrat president ial candidate . Do you think he wants to make a run in 2020 . He wants to but makes headlines for all the wrong reasons. Instead of becoming the democrats version of trump, hes a disrespected carnival barker. Democrats should distance themselves from him, hes taking up a lot of time and energy. They have no messages. I am an accredited carnival barker. What avenatti did during the kavanaugh hearings was the point of when people started to support kavanaugh and believe him. I dont want to support kavanaugh. I dont know if democrats ever embraced kavanaugh you mean avenatti. I want to say that you are not a carnival barker. I want to say you are a Juan Williams dominick parker. It made me uncomfortable it looks like you are going after a political opponent. If you mislead a Senate Committee i dont know. Maybe he said something to me the whole thing about kavanaugh, the left was saying he perjured himself and that was punishable by the Justice Department. Avenatti lied i dont know that. Im saying is if the case that he said, hey, this young woman says she has a case. Now they are sending him to the Justice Department . She went on nbc news and said things are totally different. They were trying to speak the truth and this proved to be totally different. We are doing fan mail friday here at fan mail friday is up next according to greg gutfeld. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . Now when you go out, you cash in. Our big idaho potato truck and were going to find it. Awe man. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. First, it continues to pay paramedics while were on break. Second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 911. Vote yes on 11. Massage music for fan mail friday. Low friction friday as i like to call it. Facebook, what would be one thing you could change about yourself . Dana . But its just too ingrained. Great question. I do wish i didnt have that i have super sensitive hearing and everything bothers me . There is a name for it. You would look for it, wouldnt you. The first i thought you were talking about thing thats advertised on fox messe leukemia . Thats a serious disease. It bothers me when people crinkle paper. You are like a superhero. You should utilize for me. Were you in concert and sweet in the other day . I wouldve been that person. And . I wish i was less awesome. You need to make your hair a little higher. This is my world. Juan . Less anxious. You know that thing about baseball players, if you think you are you think . I have just got to cool it out. I am a human lie detector and its not good. I know when someones lying all the time. I dont believe you. Its bad, though expect you know what mine is. What would you change . Im the most impatient person ever which makes me anxious. Impatience and anxiousness go together. Arent we the pair. We should ditch the five and go to a bed and breakfast in vermont. Get it out in the open. Stop this lie, juan. Frenchy a firecracker asks, what product would you stockpile if you found out its not going to be sold anymore . At ed . Tom ford. I love that club. I would also get deodorant. My wife actually had this problem because she could find turkish taffy. I went everywhere searching for a turkish taffy but the other day, i ordered a box load of atomic fireballs because i couldnt find them. I love those. Maybelline mascara and hot chocolate, i already stockpile it for the whole year. You are the one who buys it out. Retained eye drops. For dry eyes. I would say its a tie between zeke will and atkins chocolate royale drink. 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Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests, and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without talking to your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. Mike and jen doyle . 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M. , its going to be awesome. We have sebastian gorka. Hell be there. And neil cavuto, kat temp. If you miss it, youre dead to me. Juan, your next. What i saw in the dolphinstexans football game. Take a look at this incredible catch protected, know where to throw until now. What a catch caught by parker 40yard catch at a ball thrown nowhere near him. A defender knocks the ball out of his hand, it bounced off his helmet, then flies 10 yards up the field into parkers hand. That was a crazy catch. It reminded me of the immaculate reception in pittsburgh for those of you old enough to remember that one. Amazing. Im very excited to announce this. My new show debuting saturday 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Sorry, greg [laughter] you are never coming back fox and friends saturday and sunday. Last night i was on Tucker Carlson and i soundly defeated Washington Times columnist Fox News Contributor barbara york in a heated game of final exam. Ed henry . Texas tag. Ed henry . Pathetic. Ed henry . Ross, it was on the five. You spend more time watching tv i love the five. I got grief from Laura Patterson who oversees box and friends. I do have to apologize, because long duc long was on 16 candles. You keep saying it. You are going to want to watch this because jesse and i went to a haunted house. Its [laughter] it was very intense and i was really not a very good colleague because i tucked in behind jesse the entire time. So well have a whole package for you. Its good halloween spirit. Greg looks like geraldos dressing room. Dana jesse was a great sport i have to say. Greg hair didnt get musselled or tussled at all. Bart is a greyhound. And he ran he is walking on three legs. He ran on the track for two years. He broke his leg. The track kept him with a beethoven exposed overnight. Dirty gauze bandage bans. Thank the lord saved his life. Lara trump and i this morning were with bart and bart now has a great home. He got his cast off and thats why lara trump, congressman matt gates all bipartisan support are supporting voting yes to amendment 13 to ban greyhound racing. You can still gamble just not run these dogs 45 Miles Per Hour and drug them on cocaine. Greg tell me about it. Happy ending for bart though. Bart is beautiful. He is so kind and shy. They are like giant cats. Dana great dog to rescue. I think greg shut get one. Greg i dont like cats. Dana service dog on a plane. We will see you back here on monday. Dont forget special package with the halloween bad manor that we went to. Special report is up next. Hey, bret. Bret hey, danna, thanks. This is a fox news alert. The fbi says they have their man, federal authorities arrested a man today suspected of mailing at least 13 bombs to high profile democrats including two former president s, one addressed to former cia director john brennan in care of cnns new york bureau. Welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Investigators are still finding suspicious packages three more just today. They believe they have the man responsible for sending them. This afternoon the fbi director says a single fingerprint led to the arrest of 56yearold caesar sayoc of florida. Before that many of us watched

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