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Warren of playing politics. She has relied on stereotypes and popular misconceptions about native americans to prop up her false claims. I think her decision showed she does not listen to native people and is more concerned about her own political career and ambition than tribal sovereignty and rights. And stories have turned out to be a scam and a lie after he called on the senator to say sorry for previous claims. She owes the country an apology. Her claim is not something i enjoy to do. The rest of the party looks to put this issue in the Rearview Mirror ahead of the midterms. Shes put to rest his inappropriate suggestions using his nickname for her that somehow she didnt know her own Family History and its best for everybody if we move on and understand its another episode beneath the president. Move on . Not yet. Jesse, you havent had a chance to comment. Jesse as you remember i had my dna tested and im. 9 black. Im more black than she is indian and imagine if i all of a sudden started claiming i was black and listed as a minority and fox news listed me as a member of the African American association. This is what Elizabeth Warren did. She said she was a woman of color. Shes white. She was claiming to be a minority. She said she was a cherokee in the cookbook she wrote. She said her parents were oppressed because her mother was cherokee and all of a sudden the Cherokee Nation is like, no, youre not a member of tribe. Sorry. Its coming unravelled and the people more excited about this than donald trump is joe sanders. Shes cooked as a candidate and i watched it unfold yesterday because i had the sniffles an she came out and felt she scored at first and so did the media and they demanded donald trump payoff the milliondollar debt and now shes at war with the Cherokee Nation and the dna gamble may have backfired. Remember the birth certificate with barack obama. Imagine he gets it and its not up to snuff. Do you think he would have then put it out . She got the results and its 1 1,000 and thought it would be a winning move and im astonish. The mention of the birth certificate is timely because its the same move and he forced he forces her to take the test and gets the guy to say you have some American Indian ancestry and then wont pay her and then insults her by its kind of a sexual suggestion im going to personally test you but i wont enjoy it. Jesse how do you do that . Juan its so typical of trump. She was done what was asked. Jesse the won the bet . Juan all he said was if you have indian ancestry ill give you 1 million. It doesnt matter. Thats what he asked and what she did. The light the Cherokee Nation is saying you shouldnt have done this is about tribal affiliation. It has nothing to do with the blood test. Youre worried about affirmative action. Jesse why am i worried about that . Dana when it turns to ridicule you may have a political winner if youre going against Elizabeth Warren. Look at the tweet from oran hatch. He makes fun of his age in his 80s and said dna are quite something and he has a trex. Greg very funny. Its mue hill iating. You dont you mill iating. You dont humiliating. This makes Michael Dukakis like tear down the wall. In my mind shes cooked. She has more in common with the jeep than with the tribe and thats why they kicked her off the reservation. It was insulting to them that she for the second time was exploiting native americans for her own advancement. First in college and now this and they knew it and it disgusted them and trump doesnt owe her anything. If shes indian he didnt say part but if shes indian. If most americans have more native american blood than she does but this is before where identity politics takes you and when au ply for a job you apply for a job where diversity trumps experience they should staple your dna test to your sat score and application and that will kill all of this. Juan lets get beyond the static and gossip. I think thats what were talking about is the white identity im talking about donald trump preying on white woman. She benefitted. This is the ultimate Cultural Appropriation by Elizabeth Warren. Its so much worse and she benefitted off of it for 30 years by listing herself in these directories that said she was native american which were used as head hunter portfolios for schools like harvard law to look at lists of people who were interested in getting more diversity into their law schools. Juan some of the schools may have said that its a benefit to Elizabeth Warren. She did a video exploiting native americans. Why did she seek out the stanford academic anyway instead of using a commercial product like we did on the five . She needed an ally. Juan the guys an expert. Is he an expert when he didnt even test the proper dna. Greg exactly. Dana last word to jesse and the timing is terrible. Will anybody let this go . Jesse democrats are complaining she didnt need to do this now three weeks before the midterm elections. Are these people being paid by the rnc . Its that good for the president and his team. Dana stormy dan yells and her lawyer, Michael Avenetti come out and the monologue is next and join us for more behind the scenes action of the five. Well be right back. I know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance thats the last time. 300 miles per hour, thats where i feel normal. I might be crazy but im not stupid. Having an annuity tells me retirement is protected. Annuities can provide protected income for life. Learn more at retireyourrisk. 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Poor stormy, as a rule people pay her for sex and now avenatti reversed it. He chased spot lights an when he catches them he looks ridiculous. Hes good at costing his own side money. His firm was order to pay 10 million to an attorney who once worked there and what about the kavanaugh debacle and many fled sensing they were becoming his victi victims too. Why complain. Shes bain disaster for the democrats. Are we sure he wasnt on trumps payroll all along. Now hes taken to challenging people to fight on twitter like a town poluca. How does the trickster get away with it . Does the state bar care about ethics. Isnt there a Disciplinary Committee or is he exempt because hes a liberal attack dog. His punishment should be harsh. Make him represent himself. Hes going to run, dana. He is running. Maybe this could be greet for him. Maybe he doesnt care. He does provide a lot of fodder. Im sure the democrats wish he would just go away or become a republican. He could run with liz. What a ticket. They can come up with other idea. I do wonder if avenatti will help Stormy Daniels pay the legal fees. Her go fund me page which is flooded with money with people who hate trump will go to trump. Trump always makes money. I think the democrats have hitched their ride to the wrong horse. Hes taken the democrats for a ride and it wont be a victory lap. The president obviously said shes a horseface or whatever on twitter and now anybody on the left is upset. I wouldnt say that but heres what i would say, the left has used the word c word to describe people in the trump family and everybody applauded that. They fantasized about killing the president and now theyre clutching their pearls when the president says the word horse face . Please, youre surprised donald trump says thing about people, either you havent learned anything or your dense. This is what he does and how he wins. Now regarding the other claim about the gang rape case, that being so false in and of itself makes me think maybe donald trump didnt have an affair with Stormy Daniels. I would say that Stormy Daniels have also said not so nice thing about President Trumps experience. Theres things we will not repeat. Avenatti 2020 will be lit as the kids say and i think hell be upset he was involved. They think the reason they lost the kavanaugh fight is he got involved and putting Stormy Daniels in a position where he wont pay the legal bills for her and will find some other woman to jump into this trap of politics claiming he will represent her and it will be great, theyre going to win and yet his track record shows the opposite. Its not for women getting involved, warning, you see him knocking on your door, tell him to go away. When it comes to complications for what hes done well, the kids say his campaign is lit . Lit. Like on fire. Its going to be exciting to watch. I think dana and greg had it right. It will be fun for us. Thats what i mean. To me the horse face stuff, by the way, come on. You say its typical trump but Carly Fiorina and i think, man, at some point american women are like this guys and something about important stars. I see. I think its all woman in terms of his attitude. I think the real interesting thing here is how the right is making this out to be such a big win. Total vindication for donald trump when this isnt the main case. The main case has to do with the nondisclosure agreement. This was about the unknown guy in the parking lot do you think people care about the nondisclosure . My point to you is this case is not settled. Heres the issue, this was the case they just won was probably the strongest one because to your point about the hush agreement she took the money. It will be hard for her to be proven to be right if shed taken the money. She said in fact it wasnt properly signed and Michael Cohen who now i dont know where he stands this is where the conversation not only here but in america has gone. Michael avenatti had a relationship . Hes involved. He had his dna test and hes 25 reptile. I thought itd be higher. It spark outrage with his vulgar attack on the first lady. Details next. And Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty the left proved its okay to shame women and t. I. Is under fire for his music video depicting the first lady as a stripper in an apparent dig at kanye west meeting with President Trump. The videos so vulgar we cant show it. In response a spokesperson for mrs. Trump said shes the first lady and its disrespectful. When youre calling someone a racist, dont be sexist. I also think its unpatriotic. Melania trump has done nothing to do that. In africa she said she was probably the most bullied person in the world online. When youre bullied online you feel like youre the most bullied person. This takes it beyond the online piece. It goes to the pop culture. She just traveled to africa to help people there. She took books and the message that america is there to help you on health care and Maternal Health and did all the thing youd expect a first lady to do to show you care about another country and with one in africa with so much poverty and comes home to this. They should pull it but everyones making money out of this administration. From the right and the left and i really feel like first ladies should be off limits. I wanted Michelle Obama to speak up as a former first lady. A powerful woman i expect her to come to melanias defense. I think you just laid down the gauntlet. Now i want to watch it. We probably would have done better if we had ignored it but im surprised a rapper has denigrated women when i hear their songs and hear bs and hs i thought they were terms of endearment but it was a response to kanye. He talked about stop and frisk and enterprise zones with tax relief and instead he went after m m melania. He said he was using someone as a prop and he did the same thing with a woman, Melania Trump. What . He pictured her as a sexual object dancing for someone. And donald trump did thats what t. I. Was saying trump did to kanye west using him as a prop. I didnt get that analogy. I understand where hes saying im not kanye to the president and saying heres what i think of you but i dont know he was make direct analogy between he selfowned oh, okay. To your point about Michelle Obama, just this week we had this case where a woman running for the senate in minnesota said Michelle Obama cant stand up as straight as a chimp. You think of that kind of racist language or think about what happened around here weve called her baby mama and remember that kind of stuff around here . Oh, yeah. And in the only that what are you talking about . I wont get into it because i dont think its necessary but check the record and talk about Michelle Obamas weight oh, how she be giving do you think the idea was wrong . I think this whole culture and the way we talk about thing is going down the pipe. Well, youre skirting the main issue and its t. I. I wonder when hiphop is going to have their metoo movement. It would be a reckoning. T. Has t. I. Was given a platform and kanye was given a platform to talk about unemployment and leads to the school to prison pipeline theyre talking about and instead of looking at his own record which includes serving 10 months in prison for violating parole and possession of drugs, felony weapons possession, instead of looking at his own life and saying how can i improve the lives of those younger than i am, hes instead going after Melania Trump for a beef he has with kanye west by attacking her this way. Its disgust. Hes not going to apologize. I dont expect him to but the level of respect not given to melania and given to other first ladies is astounding. Wheres the feminists . I dont understand why we have sunk to this level. Thats why i get stuff for people going after it because i think a lot of what the rappers do in terms of the images they protect for young people, especially people of color is so damaging. This is a perfect example. Respect the office of the first lady. Whether its Michelle Obama or Melania Trump. Thats where politics is now. It invites this kind of response and i dont think its appropriate [multiple discussion] by saying it invites a response its saying melania invited this no, im talking about kanye being invited to the oval office to curse out loud in front of the evidence youre saying it justifies no, i disagree and disapprove of t. I. s action but i cant say its so different in acrimony do you listen to t. I. . You know how i feel about the rap. More Elizabeth Warren reaction coming up next. Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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Shes nativeamerican spark a debate on race in america and some on the left claiming President Trump and his base are the ones stoking the racial divide. I think its something where people can relate to Elizabeth Warren being trolled this way by president. This particular heritage obsession of his is more antidemocratic white woman. In terms of the attack on warren i believe it was among white anxieties among Donald Trumps base on whos white in america. And Rush Limbaugh with his take. There isnt a single vote that has anything to do with her. She event even announced for the presidency. Why is she intruding . She think like all the others on the left thinking if they can be the one to destroy trump, if they can be the one to illustrate whatever they think of trump is true theyll be heroines or heroes. I think the left has so closely married identity politics to their ideas and their strategy that Elizabeth Warren has marched herself into this. Theyre so focussed on skin color and gender that they cant divorce themselves from those issues when it comes to talking about their ideas and thats where we are. I want to take President Trump out of this. Yes, he has mocked Elizabeth Warren and called her pocahontas but the boston globe called for her to clarify and said she need to provide proof of the discrepancies naming it in one thing and not another and the allegations she got ahead in her career as a result of it. I think the president used it against her as he should because shes a fraud and clearly used it to get ahead in her career. It wasnt just him but the boston globe asking for clarification on her background. Jesse, what do you think about this being about white grievance and trump is playing in that in that way . I dont understand that. I dont understand the question or the sound bite. Whats this have to do with identity politics. This about a white woman claiming to be indian for privilege. If White Privilege is real why are you claiming to be American Indian . I dont understand anymore. Remember last week we did the poll and the poll said that this country is not p. C. , 80 of all americans are sick of Political Correctness and at the top of the list the people most sick of it were indians. They were most upset, 82 that p. C. Culture has run amok. I guess theyre okay with the Washington Redskins logo and Elizabeth Warren trying to assume their ethnicity. The world has now been turned upsidedown and people for halloween its going to be chaos. I dont want lectures about Halloween Costumes ever again from the College Campuses when Elizabeth Warren you thought of yourself as a nate ef nativeamerican, no, im dressing up as Elizabeth Warren. But President Trump makes all the hispanic people members of ms13. I understand why theyve done it because i think theyve convinced themselves he believes that or its their main line and they also said that about republicans before, mccain and george w. Bush. I believe the reason weve seen Elizabeth Warren stumble out of the nativeamerican closet is hes not on a Judiciary Committee. Theyve had the left media to themselves to talk about the Kavanaugh Hearing and in the middle of that does the event where she says by the way, i think im going to run for president. And pitches the idea shes helpful to many across the country and steps on it with the dna piece. Think because shes not in the Judiciary Committee she tried this. I should write a book about this but i wont because we too many books. She would have run in 2016. She would have had the left to herself. She was not hilary and would have been able to fire up the base and wouldnt have to defend her husbands past transgressions in the 90s and bill clintons past and its now in my opinion too late. Thanks a lot, hilary. All your fault. We often go back and forth over identity politics. I was curious youre strong in deriding the antifa folk and there was a violent confrontation and i thought what would greg say about that kind of racial im against all violence, juan. I understand certain protesters showed up wearing mask. Im always skeptical of anyone who wears masks. I dont think the other fellas were Wearing Masks and there was vandalism and thats all i know but lets take to identity politics. Its the story of the left that its white base and we left the media out of this. The media is culpable. Theyre in concert with the left to create this toxic puddle of identity politics. Its no longer for the Democratic Party to be about the content of your character. Its a now the color of your ancestors skin. This is not what Martin Luther king anticipated. The Democratic Party has no ideas, and no stances because theyre busy chasing their oppression ratio. Who is more oppressed in this intersectionality. You dont have anything to say about the war in afghanistan or cyber terror or automation or saudi arabia or iran or black on black crime or anything because youre too obsessed with your skin color and who is more oppressed. Thats the real crime. And the candidate that wins for the democrats is the one who rejects that. I thought i was talking about identity politics and why i raised it with you and i answered. Im surprised the Republican Club in new york would host somebody call them, juan. I think its odd. You say the republicans dont play racial politics. I dont see its racial. Have you racial on the brain. For all the trumploving singles looking for just the right partner, youve come to the right place. We have good news straight ahead on the five. Why bother mastering something . Because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. Introducing the allnew lexus es. A product of mastery. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. A product of mastery. Our big idaho potato truck and were going to find it. Awe man. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Single and ready to mingle but havent had much luck finding that special someone, listen up. Theres a new app called donald daters and it gives conservatives a place to meet others without the liberal backlash. Greg, is this innovative when it comes to the dating scene . Skipping steps when it comes to finding the right person for you . Its part of the silo wing where people seek out separate areas. Back in the old days when you were dating the suggestion was to get to know the person first before you fool around because sex distorts the overall compatibility. You dont see the other thing about the person because youre too involved in the carnal desires. I think it should be the same for politics. I think you should get to know the person before politics because politics can distort your compatibility. You may have incredible chemistry but because she shows up wearing a black life matters pin youll never hook up. Its a great theory. I just came up with it on the stair climber. Your mom used to say wait until the first case. Wait three dates before politics comes up. What are people going to talk about . Sex. Politics aside, politics are sometimes part of our value system and the way you think about life. Out and around town if you meet somebody from new york whos a conservative who likes fox and says im the only one in new york. Its not true. Theres a bunch of them but they dont know where to meet. Theres 30. People are meeting online. I think its a good idea. We have farmers only and christian mingle. Make america date again, jesse. I thought Online Dating was for losers. The way you pick up is in bars. If you go to the Trump International hotel in d. C. Is where they all hang out. The Online Dating is all people do. Its online hookups. Know people who have met online and have great marriage. Juan, are you terrified thinking about your grandchildrens future listening to jesse . Im educated by dr. Watters. I didnt know you felt this way about Online Dating. I dont feel strongly about it. Not at all. You think its bad forum. I grew up in a time when there wasnt Online Dating and when it was popular it was for the people who couldnt find a date. Youre going get a lot of mail. You know, i think the sad part of this is that you have people now cant talk. Theyre talking on the internet. If jesse is a trump supporter and im not, it means were not supposed to talk . You can talk you just cant wear a nasty woman tshirt. This week michigan plays Michigan State and ive seen households with both flags outside. Its possible. With jesse, i can talk to him and i dont agree on politics but i can talk to him. For example, in my family, there are people who are strong republicans. Do i think its a problem . No. Youre very tolerant, juan. Well, i think Online Dating saves a lot of time and money. For guys, for example, should be happy about Online Dating because youre not meeting people in bars and dinner and what about wining and dining and the courtship . What about impressing them with money youre spending on them . The issue is that men still used the shortterm mating beliefs while online. Theyll pretend theyre in it for the long term but it isnt. Its still the statement problems as go to the bar. Theres a new segment called jesses dating tips. Coming up next, one more thing. Speak up its time now for one more thing. As you know, im a granddad so when i saw this video, i just went nuts. Take a look. Yeah, thats a 72yearold grandfather with his 10yearold granddaughter. Bill jones was invited to be her partner in a recital in massachusetts, and after six hours of training, joan, who tap dances with a group, he wasnt ready to shake a leg. As you can see, the recital a smashing success. Michael jackson would have been proud of grandpa joe. Grandpa, thats excellent. A 6yearold boy with type one diabetes started selling punk and so he could afford a service dog to accompany him on the bus to school. Andy is his name and he was told he could not ride the bus if he did not have an aide to monitor his blood sugar levels and insulin pump. The family was denied an aide so they changed tactics and decided to look for a service dog. His mother went on facebook, set up a Pumpkin Patch fundraiser to help move things along. They quickly sold out of pumpkins, but the good news is they raised a lot more money, 23,000 in just three days and they are on their way to getting a service dog, and he can ride the bus and go to school. Extra money is going to be donated to others who need service dogs of their own. Turns out well. Hes out of his board. Thats it for you, ian. Ive got a schedule for my book event that is coming up and december and they are coming up. September 2nd, grand rapids, michigan,. I will be up there doing it with a special guest, and then at tobin center in san antonio, texas, that december 8th. Saturday. These are both on the weekend so you can go to my website to get the ticket info. They are selling out. Can we use your apartment to a party that weekend . Absolutely. And you have Something Else . Relaxation news. Id love to relax because i am a very anxious person, and i found from china, one of the best ways to relax is by hanging like this by your hair. Your hair . Incredibly long hair, which he ties to branches. This was filmed in the province, i dont know why im giving you these facts, i just thought it was hilarious. Look at this dudes hair. He is like a young cher. Jesse . You like to relax . Never would have known. I have two videos in one, this is how its done. Check out this dog from boston dynamic. Dear god. You can computerize rhythm, so for all the people who cant dance, they can help you over at boston dynamics. Learn how to dance. This is a project for you. Youve got to go there because i have contacted boston dynamic, they do not talk to the press, all they do is create killer robots. If there is something going on in that place, i think its run by the robots. You have to go. I will show up with the camera. I thought greg was in deep prorobot cant. I am, but disturbed by the fact that they dont have a press office and nobody talks. The boston Dynamics Press office will not return a call question marks because they want because theyve all been killed and the robots are running the place. Im telling you, this is true we cannot confirm or deny that the robots killed everybody everybody. All right, here is my story. Over the weekend, a giant pig, giant, was on the loose in california. Local Police Reported the pig, which is the size of a mini horse that was running around the neighborhood. The pig is a repeat offender, so the deputies took care of the problem. They knew where he lived. Theyve been called to the area before and the deputy was a very smart and took her jalapeno doritos to lure him back home behind the gate. After the incident took place on facebook, the San Bernardino county sheriff Sheriff Department said crime fighting, secure a horsesized pig, we do it all. I wonder where that pig wants to go . Let him go. Wants to go to your kitchen. I will admit, i thought the cop was backing up from the big, but you say he was luring very lovely lady out there. Never miss an episode of what is this called . The five. Special report is up next. Bret i think it the five. A new meeting in saudi arabia as he now has two turkey, the saudi kingdom denies any knowledge of what happened. There is evidence that Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate. We are just three weeks to the date to the midterm elections. We will check in on two senate races tonight. The arizona race gets nasty and personal with one candidate calling the other a traitor. We will talk live with a republican hoping to flip indianas Democratic Senate seat. This is special report

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