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Stunning developments. The president was briefed on the ig report earlier today and it reaffirms the president s suspicions about comeys conduct and the political bias among some of the members of the fbi. Jesse special report anchor bret baier. Im sure you have not read the entire thing. Bret do you know how many trees weve killed . We are all printing it. Dana and im sure you all are reading it. Jesse what jumps out at you so far . Bret the big loser james comey. This ig really goes after the former fbi director for his decisionmaking. Two, the other loser, peter strzok and lisa page and those Text Messages that surfaced, more of them, and this report. The biggest of which will be im sure grasped upon by President Trump and his supporters. Seven words in answer to attacks from lisa page to peter strzok. Trump is never going to become president , right, right . Strzok responds no, no he wont. We will stop it. That, in and of itself even though we dont have the full context, just that in a vacuum will create major fuel to the issue of what was happening behind the scenes. The other thing to note is that overall, the ig says they couldnt document political bias within the fbi on the decisions made early in the clinton email case. And does raise questions, though, about the bias they did find and how that affects the case after july, when the fbi director comey comes out with the news statement. Jesse seems like the report teased up the next ig report about the russia investigation, especially off the new pagestrzok texts. Kimberly guilfoyle. Kimberly i think there was a lot of people saying theres might be significant evidence in here. Obviously quite voluminous. But in terms of the level of discussion that preceded this, do you think they take away, what you are hearing from behind the scenes, is that this was something that they overpromise, and are delivered. How would you characterize it . Bret first of all, depending on your political point of view, just talking pure politics, you look at this and there will be people who say its a nothing burger and other people will say it is chockfull of damning things. I think what you will hear from chris wray is that this is a big problem within the fbi. They are probably going to announce some kind of action they are taking. If you look at trey gowdy and what he put out in the statement he put out, he says he is alarmed, angered, and deeply disappointed and goes on to detail and pretty scathing terms what he sees. He is a guy who has defended the fbi, even the most recent spygate stuff. Jesse Juan Williams took a really good data takeoff. We have marie harf in his place. Marie, to get away. Marie jim comey responded where he endorsed the igs efforts but disagree with some of the findings. What do you think is next for jim comey . Does he keep speaking out . Does he keep quiet . Is he investigated further . Bret i bet he goes into the night. Its interesting hes out of the country at the time that the ig report is coming out. He obviously made his rounds on the media, including special report. He did the book tour, laid the groundwork for his defense and obviously has this letter to the new york times. But the stuff in here suggests that he made some big mistakes in the eyes of the Inspector General of the Justice Department. No matter if you look at from a clinton perspective, that there are folks he think he cost Hillary Clinton of the election, or a trump perspective and how he dealt with President Trump after the election. Jesse he took it on the chain. They said he committed serious violations of fbi policy and process and damage the credibility of the investigation, any institution itself. Tough stuff coming out of the ig report. Dana bret, in jim comeys statement, in reaction to this, first a tweet and then an oped in the new york times, he says i respect the ig. I think they did great work here. Reasonable people can disagree. He is moving on. Now the strzok attorney put out a statement but he didnt address the Text Messages. Im curious if you think that might happen and then my other question is michael horowitz, the Inspector General, had a lot of bipartisan support from a lot of credibility across administrations. Radcliffe said he read the report, has been briefed, and he maintains confidence. Michael horowitz, i guess this next ig report on the Clinton Emails themselves and that investigation would have some credibility. Bret yeah, and these are questions im going to ask chairman gowdy and goodlatte and they will be on the next hour on special report, i think theres a lot here that tees up the next iteration of the igs effort. The second text, no, no, he wont be president. We will stop it. That was released in the last few days. The first part was released by the second part was not. It tells you something about transparency and where this document back and forth is going with capitol hill and oversight. To your point, people will look at this and there will be republicans will look at it and say he didnt. Others will look at it and say there is a lot in here yet to be mined. Jesse from the fives Inspector General, greg gutfeld. Greg this is blowing my mind. I heard a rumor that the fbis going to change their name to fwb . Bret there is a section that deals with that. Tickets, invitations. Greg i have a serious question. We found out that comey used his private email to conduct nonclassified business which is maybe why he couldnt damn hillary for doing the same thing. Everybody is guilty of doing the same thing. Could that be part of the reason why he decided not to proceed further . Bret you are trying to be funny greg i am serious. Bret these are good nuggets of the report that had not been put out there. Comey is using a private email, even though its unclassified, to deal with the email investigation of Hillary Clinto Hillary Clinton. The ig says thats not a good thing. I have the gutfeld diaries over here, looking for them. Kimberly frightening. Greg you on page 70. Jesse you do not want to be on gutfelds diary. Nice job of the day with the interview with the president. We will be looking forward to 6 00 p. M. For another great special report. Kimberly, its like we talked about these nuggets coming out. Its going to take probably another 24 hours to get all of them, her emails were penetrated by a foreign agent. That, we really didnt know because comey himself said it was possible that happened in that we learned that it actually did happen. One of those emails was considered secret, which means disclosure of that email reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the National Security of the united states. Kimberly i think this is significant, much was made at the time, possible but there was no nailing it down. Obviously they knew and were not honest about it. Essentially i call it a coverup. If you knew they had been penetrated and had been read, by or accessed by a foreign agent, thats significant. Its a Security Breach of the highest order and is very disconcerting for us for National Security. But there you go. Hillary clinton, the rules of log do not apply to her or mr. Comey. Birds of a feather. Jesse marie, some of the nuggets i am interested in deal with strzok. They keep coming. We will stop it, meaning we will stop the trump presidency. Compare that we need to protect the country from donald trump and we need an insurance policy in case hes elected and now fbi agents are calling Trump Supporters retarded. They are exchanging antitrump, prohillary Text Messages. The ig says there was willingness to take official action to impact trumps electoral process prospects. For that seem serious. Marie i think they demonstrated incredibly bad judgment. But they also found that no evidence of political bias affected the hillary email investigation. These people should not have been doing this. It was stupid and it looks bad on the ig found that, it looks bad, called into question the investigation impartiality. But theres no evidence of their personal views impacted. Jesse they are not dumb enough to leave a paper trail. You marie you have been waiting for this report and putting a lot of faith in what comes in it. Jesse i think we have been downplaying it. We said it was probably going to be a big air ball. Marie this is selective history, fake news. I think its important that they did not find evidence of political bias and impact of the investigation. They also found that they had no way, no ability to prosecute Hillary Clinton under the five statutes they examined. I am not in a tree but the department of justice looked into the question that a lot of republicans and Trump Supporters keeping enough and found that they did the right thing. Jesse with the ig report says is that witnesses, manning prosecutors of the doj or fbi investigators, didnt think that this would be a prosecutable case. It doesnt mean the ig concluded that was the fact. It just meant some attorneys disagreed. Dana to further that, i think what one of the things comey did. The ig says insubordinate, insubordination. Who did that benefit . It benefited Loretta Lynch, the attorney general. He took it out of her hands for making a charging decision that im sure president obama and Loretta Lynch did not want to do to their nominee. This gets me back to the original point of how do we know any of this . Why have we spent so much time and so much money on all of this . It goes back to Hillary Clintons decision to subvert the process, to have her own email system from a have a private server. That was in 2015. We have spent 500 pages. Its now 2018. What you might say is at least she uncovered the strzok and page email situation and their bias against the president. Jesse we have been moving backwards for a long time. Greg i remember we said, i dont know when it was, she was talking about gender. Its not about the female. Its about the email. Thats what we kept saying. A couple of points. How amazing it must need to be Anthony Weiner. He might be one of the few people who is happy he is in jail. The fact is if it wasnt for his laptop and his lap, trump wouldnt have been elected. He kept we should be thinking Anthony Weiner. He kept hillary out of office. Its really about him and huma. More evidence donald trump can turn people into emotional high school freshman. Strzok and page were like characters in the david bowie song heroes. Up against the wall. They are going to do anything they can. So deeply emotional for them. They were like starcrossed lovers in a romantic song. Kimberly hollywood starlets. Greg i think it is weird timing that the day this report comes out come of the media gets a gift in the state of new york suing trump of the trump foundation. Its incredibly well played. Jesse its just a coincidence. Greg no, its not. Party and media working handinhand. To me it is so obvious and wrong. Jesse it is. To gregs point. They sat on these emails for a month. Strzok was behind the slow walking to james comeys office. Kimberly its really sad, isnt it . You read this and become a most desensitize but this is really egregious. You are talking about the fbi, held the highest regard in terms of justice and supposed to be truth seeking and fact finding without any ideological bent. You see people here that were hellbent on undermining the Trump Campaign and preventing a presidency. You see a candidate in Hillary Clinton that completely disregarded the law, the evidence, and really just creating a situation that undermines confidence not only in our political process and campaigns and elections but in our highest investigatory agencies. You are seeing a modified, redacted report by Rod Rosenstein who is allowed to do this. He is actually in the middle of all this. How is it coming out this with clean hands . We dont know what all the evidence is because some of it has been removed. Jesse i think some members of congress are trying to request the original draft of the documents before they were changed or allowed to have been looked at by other people. All right, more breaking develop its on the dojs ig report coming up. We are awaiting the fbis press conference at 5 30. We will have it for you life. Plus, watch this White House Reporter screaming at press secretary Sarah Sanders over immigration. A packed hour of the five. Dont go away. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just beacuase of a claim. I totally couldve. wife nope switching to allstate is worth it. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. And the wolf huffed and puffed. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. So my doctor said. Symbicort can help you breathe better. Starting within 5 minutes. 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I am trying to be serious but im not going to have you these people have nothing. I know you want to get more tv time but this isnt what its about. Go ahead, joe. Its a serious question. These people have nothing. They come to the border with nothing. You are a parent of young children. Dont you have any empathy for what they go through . Kimberly my goodness. Getting a little intense, greg come in the press briefing room. What do you make of this . Greg i was waiting for him to throw a shoe. Judging from his apparel, i dont think he wears them. He is the press club hobo. He just needs a bindle. Kimberly what within those . Greg we were always told its true, there was nothing you could put in the bindle. Its true. They always said donald trump would be a terrible influence on his side, the republicans. They are half right. Hes been a terrible influence on the media. I think they judge trumps behavior and so you can say and do whatever you want malcolm including being a complete jackass, which he was. An emotional, dishonest response. Kids are not being held in cages. Maybe you saw that as a meme on twitter, but that is not reporting, strange man. There is no policy about family separation. If you are going to deal with the parents coming up to the kids away and theyre trying to get them to a living relative. Theyre not putting them in cages, sorry. I hope he does have shoes. Everybody should have shoes. I am a fan of elizabeth shue. Kimberly lets go to common sense and intelligence. Dana the issue of children being separated by their parents. You can go through all the policy points and its quite logical. You can see the laws, executive orders, how health, how health and Human Services and dhs tries to deal with it. But, as greg has talked about, theres the emotional part of it. It is strong. You have it running rampant. I think that white house needs to confront this a little bit. He wasnt just being a jerk. People are like him are you kidding me . You are ripping babies out of the arms of their mother thinks . Its crazy. You are ridiculous. Its fake news. I think online this is spreading quite rapidly. Greg false pictures. Dana your point. The president needs to give a speech and it should be on a teleprompter or whatever. It should be a detailed speech about what he is for and what he is not four. He has signals hes willing to go for this new compromise thousand republicans of come up with it, it could pass. It would be very good. The root cause, the drug cartels are really fueling this. They have figured out a way to make a nice bit of side money. Its not just the money. Oh, we could get money by getting your life savings. You will give it to me and i will tell you how to go. Thats the problem. We have to deal with the root cause of it and deal with the fact that we have people here who need to be taken care of and returned to their home country. Greg how dare you call them coyotes . Jesse getting five grand a head at the border. How do you know if they are related, one some guy brings over someone elses kids. You dont know if they are being traffic. They are trying to do what is best for the kids and deter people from bringing people across the board. You know its a great deterrent . You never have to separate people from their families. Just build a wall. There wont be people coming across. You have to separate anybody. This guy is an emotional wreck. He embarrassed himself. He doesnt belong in the room. I dont care if you have opinions. Be an analyst. Debated on cnn on prime time but pretend to be a correspondent and then melt down like that. These people dont belong there. They are jokes. They need to start ripping press passes away. If youre going to act like a wild animal, you dont belong there. Dana here we go. Kimberly when animals attack. Jesse a conservative reporter yelling at a female democrat press secretary, people would flip. Did james rosa never do that to you . Tillemann is right. Its an emotional issue. Sarah sanders needs a better answer than to ignore it. She needs to think about and the president needs to take charge. Dana Sarah Sanders, they owe her better. Kimberly minutes away from the fbis response the doj watchdog report. Stay with us. That. Was. Magic. Willingham tucks it in and puts the championship to bed. Sweet dreams, nighty night. As long as soccer players celebrate with a slide, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Pressure, what pressure . The players on the. And with twice the detail of other tests. It can show dad where hes from. And strengthen the bonds you share. 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To do was 17 in the making. There are a handful of key takeaways. Number one, for a fair director james comey, the Inspector General found that when he gave a statement in juln email case, when he recommended against criminal charges, the Inspector General found that was insubordination, that he had gone outside the chain of command, he had not notified his leadership, attorney general Loretta Lynch, her deputy sally yates. When he made that decision, it was not his to make. It shouldve followed to the Justice Department. Number two, the Text Messages between fbi agent peter strzok and fbi lawyer lisa page, this hung like a cloud over the clinton email investigation. The Inspector General found that there was no documented evidence that political bias infected the clinton email investigation. In other words, that it change the steps they took me investigation. Prior to comeys statements in july 2016. Last month, a new text message was uncovered between strzok and page where they talked about stopping donald trump. The Inspector General said that in the latter stages of the email case, agent strzok made the priority of the russia investigation are not the Clinton Emails command that explained why there was such a delay to go through a newly discovered emails that were found in late september on Anthony Weiners laptop that he shared with his wife, clinton aide, huma abedin. On attorney general Loretta Lynch, the Inspector General found she showed bad judgment when she met with bill clinton on the arizona tarmac in june of 2016 and that she clearly did not understand the implications and sort of the bad optics it would have not only for the Public Confidence in the Justice Department and fbi but also for the integrity of the email investigation. Dana. Dana we are about 45 seconds away. Weve got where they are almost ready. Can you tell me anything more about what Peter Strzoks lawyer said today and if we will hear anything more from him, especially about the seemingly damning text message. Peter strzoks lawyers position is that any delay in the final stages of the clinton email investigation was down to basic communication between strzok, and fbi Deputy Director and or mccabe and director james comey. Dana catherine, im going to have to interrupt you and turn it over to chris wray, affaires director. Good morning, everybody. Thanks for being here on such short notice. As you all know for the Justice Departments offer of the Inspector General issued its report today about doj and fbi o the 2016 election. Let me say up front that i appreciate the Inspector Generals work on the review. I want to take a few minutes to talk about the report, and im happy to take a few questions. The fbis mission is to protect the American People and uphold the constitution. To carry out that message, we are entrusted with a lot of authority, so our actions are subject to close oversight, from the courts, our elected leaders, and independent entities like the Inspector General. Thats how it should be. That kind of examination, that kind of oversight makes the fbi stronger as an organization and makes the public more safe. With that in mind, let me briefly address the findings in the Inspector Generals report. I take this report very seriously, and we accept its findings and recommendations. Its also important to note what the Inspector General did not find. This report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review. The report does identify errors of judgment, violations of or even disregard for policy and decisions that at the very least, with the benefit of hindsight, were not the best choices. Weve already started taking the necessary steps to address those issues. First, we are going to hold employees accountable for any potential misconduct. We have already referred conduct highlighted in the report to our disciplinary arm, opr, the fdas independent office of professional responsibility. We need to hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make and the work we do. We are doing that fairly but without delay in a way that people should expect. We are going to adhere to the appropriate disciplinary process, and once that process is complete, we wont hesitate to hold people accountable for their actions. Second. We are going to make sure that every fbi employee understands the lessons of this report. Because change starts at the top, starts with me, were going to require all of our Senior Executives from all around the world to convene for indepth training specifically focused on learning the lessons that we should learn from this report. Then we are going to train every single fbi employee, both new hires and veterans alike, on what went wrong so these mistakes will never be repeated. Third, were going to make sure we have the policies, procedures and the training that are needed for everyone to understand and remember what is expected of all of us. That includes drilling home the importance of the objectivity, of avoiding even the appearance of personal conflicts or political bias in our work. Ensuring that refusals are handled correctly and effectively and communicated to all the right people. Making all of our employees fully aware of our new policy on media contacts, which i issued last november, and making painfully clear that we will not tolerate noncompliance. Ensuring that we follow all doj policies on public statements about uncharged conduct or ongoing investigations. And ensuring that our employees adhere strictly to all policies and procedures about the use of fbi systems, networks, and devices. I am also directing our associate Deputy Director to lead a review of how the fbi handles sensitive investigations. To make recommendations on how those should be staffed, structured, and supervised in the future so that every sensitive investigation is conducted to the fbis highest standards. We are going to continue also to work with the department to gauge our progress in each of these areas. The report makes clear we have work to do. But lets also be clear on the scope of this report. Its focused on a specific set of events in 2016 and a small number of fbi employees connected to those events. Nothing, nothing in this report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole or the fbi as an institution. As i said earlier, fair and independent scrutiny is welcomed and appropriate accountability is crucial. We are going to learn from this report, and we are going to be better and stronger as a result. But i also want to be Crystal Clear about the fbi that i get to see. In the past ten months, i have been able to visit over 30 of our fbi field offices around the country and a whole bunch of offices overseas. I have visited with folks from every fbi division at headquarters and in an office after office, meeting after meeting, i see Extraordinary People doing extraordinary work. Again and again, i hear remarkable stories, frankly Inspiring Stories about the work the men and women of the fbi are doing to protect the American People and uphold the constitution. Just in the past several months, we have disrupted terrorist attacks in places ranging from the Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco to a crowded Shopping Mall in miami. In march, we charged a ring of iranian statesponsored hackers with stealing terabyte of data from scores of american companies, universities, and government agencies. In austin, we deployed more than 600 of our people to assist in the package bomb we found down there. This year alone, we have rescued 1,305 kids from child predators. Some of them as young as seven months old. We have arrested more than 4600 gang members, violent gang members, just the past several months. Our fbi lab has closed thousands of cases through fingerprint analysis and dna analysis. And our Hostage Rescue Team has deployed Something Like 27 different times on missions around the country. I could go on and on. The fbis men and women are doing all that work with the unfailing fidelity to the constitution and the laws that it demands, the bravery that it calls for, and the integrity of the American People rightly expect. As fbi director, i am laser focused on ensuring that our folks get to continue that great work and do it with the fidelity and bravery and integrity that we have always had. As i have been saying since, as far back as my confirmation hearing, i am a huge believer in the importance of process, of doing this job by the book in every respect, and i expect all our employees to do the same. Ive tried to emphasize that at every opportunity. In my view, the fbis brand over the past 110 years is based less on all of our many, many successes that it is on the way in which we have earned those successes. Following our rules, following the law, following our guidelines, staying faithful to our core values and our best traditions, trying to make sure we are doing the right thing but to do it in the right way, treating everybody with respect, and following the facts independently and objectively no matter who likes it. That is the best way, that in my view is the only way to maintain trust and credibility with the people we serve. I appreciate this chance to respond to the igs report, and i would also refer you for more detail in our written response that is attached at the end of the Inspector Generals report. With that, im happy to take a few questions. Reporter singled out in the report, what are you referring to . I cant comment on any specific Personnel Matter. I would say there are a number of instances when there is conduct highlighted. We have had it referred to tory disciplinary arm, opr. There is a process for that, its a rigorous process. We expect the process to be followed and once its complete, we wont hesitate hold people accountable. Reporter it does say director comey, lisa page, peter strzok used personal emails but only peter strzok is being referred to an investigation in violation of policy. Is that investigation ongoing and are there any individuals besides peter strzok were being investigated internally . Again, im not going to talk about any particular Personnel Matter because i dont think that would be appropriate. As i said in the beginning, i am committed to doing the right thing in the right way and by the book. By the book doesnt include pending Personnel Matters with all of you, much as you might like it. Reporter you said there is nothing in their report the report says theres a culture of leaking at the fbi. Do you disagree with that finding . What do you plan to do about it . We accept the findings of the report on the recommendations. We are doing a number of things on that regard. First we issued a new media policy that is much stricter and much more clear than what had been in place before. Second, we are going to be doing intensive training on exactly those issues, things like the one that you alluded to that includes contacts with the media. We are going to make painfully clear to everybody that wont tolerate noncompliance. Last, i have asked our opr to take a hard look at whether or not they think the penalties that exist right now are sufficient to deal with that kind of conduct. Reporter i want to ask you about the repetition of the fbi. The fbi has taken a lot of hits from the president , his tweets. Certain things he said about the investigation, members of congress have certainly hit at you guys. And now this report takes some issues with the fbi. A lot of what weve been hearing is that people are worried that the reputation of the fbi has suffered as a result of the activity in the last several months. Im wondering if you think thats the case and if so, what you intend to do to try to fix some of the perception perhaps the public may have of the fbi now. Thats a subject that is near and dear to me. I guess i would say couplings. One is theres no shortage of opinions about us out there. I will tell you that the opinions i care the most about are the opinions of the people who know us and know us through our work. I am focused on what a judge thinks when we give them a search warrant. I am focused on what victims and their families think when they are asked, would you trust to get your child back . I am focused on what do our state and local Law Enforcement partners think when they think, who do they trust . Who do prosecutors want to work with on cases . To me, it is the work that matters. If i look at things like that, i look at how our recruiting is doing and our retention. Our recruiting, we get about 12000plus people trying to be special agents every year. Our admission rate, selection rate, 5 . Thats better than the admission rate at harvard, yale, princeton, or stanford. Its not a fluke. We recently hired a whole new group of honors interns. Young people coming out of college with lots of choices about what they want to do with. We have the highest number of applicants weve ever had for our honors intern program. You want to know what that admission rate was . 5 . If i look at things like that, i look at people come or they think when they know us and how they review, respond to our actions . Our attrition rate is 0. 8 . In my view, the views that matter, the opinions that matter, are the views of people who know us through our work. When i go around the country and around the world and i talk to our partners and i talk to the victims ive talked to people who know us, our brand is doing just fine there. Thank you. Reporter when you read this report, some of your reaction from having read it, in one word. What is that word and how would you describe your emotional reaction to it . Disappointed. Reporter why disappointed . This reporter some people are going to use this report to criticize them you learn investigation. Whats your view of the Mueller Investigation . Criticizing you by sharing documents. On the first point, im not going to sleep for the office of special counsel. I would note that there are a number of things we have done both in terms of referring people to opr but also in terms of reassigning people to try to ensure that we are bringing the right kind of integrity to staffing in all sense of the investigation. As to the congressional question, my view is we have an obligation to be responsive to legitimate congressional oversight. Thats part of our job, as i said. We are entrusted with the enormous power and we should expect were going to get tough questions and we need to be responsive and cooperate with that, but we also have an obligation to protect sources and methods are not compromised ongoing criminal investigations to adhere to things like grand jury secrecy, things like that. So the challenge is, how do we make sure we do both . We are committed to trying to do both and i think we have struck the right balance so far. Reporter specifically about the president s criticism of the fbi. He has attacked the fbi. Do you think the doj, ig report, validates the criticism . Im not going to comment on any other persons opinions, no matter where they are communicated. What i am going to do is talk about the opinions that i think matter. The opinions to me that matter are the opinions of the people that are relevant to our work day in and day out all crosscountry. We have 37,000 fbi employees, agents, staff. Scores of Task Force Officers that work with them. Every day, every day all around this country and around the world, those people are having to make important decisions that protect lives. The opinions of the people that they have to engage with on that work, those are the opinions that matter to me. Thats what im focused on. As far as the report goes, there is some sobering lessons in there, and were going to learn those lessons and act on those lessons, thats the way the fbi has always handled these things in the past and thats what made the fbi strong over the last 110 years. Reporter Congress Acting in good faith and their oversight efforts, given that the fbi has disagreed with some of the characterizations of meaning some things that have come out. Congress has a job to do and we have a job to do. Together we are trying to work through the various issues are presented by the tensions between congressional oversight and as i said earlier, protection of sources, methods, tradecraft, investigations. We are committed to trying to work through those things with congress. One more question. Reporter identify the people involved who have been referred to opr, but can you tell us how many have been referred to opr as a result of this report . I cant. Thats not a topic i can comment on. I really want to be careful. I know why youre asking the question and i respect that but its really important to me to make sure that we dont compound the mistakes found in this report by deviating from our process. I think its very important that we respect the appropriate process, that it be done right, as i said earlier, by the book. Once that process is complete, we will not hesitate to hold people accountable. Reporter what are the lessons . The importance of trying to ensure we avoid even the appearance of bias in all of our work, that objectivity and the appearance of objectivity matters. Theres lessons in there about contacts with the media and appropriate engagement with all of you. Theres lessons in there about the appropriate uses of devices. Theres a number of things, and the ig has nine recommendations at the end, and i think those of the lessons we are trying to learn from this report. We take it very seriously, we accept the findings and the recommendations. Thank you very much. Thank you. Dana that was Christopher Wray, fbi director, talking about the ig report from the Justice Department. One of the things he said is that nothing in this report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole or the fbi as an institution. Then while we were watching the press conference, Hillary Clinton decided to weigh in. I think we have a tweet from her. See if we have it. Kyle cheney is talking about how comey used a personal email address to some business, and Hillary Clinton writes but my emails. Greg, you were alluding to this. Greg yes, i posed the question to that young man, bret baier. Whats funny about hillary doing that is Christopher Wray brought up tons of examples of the great work the fbi does, the cases they have solved. It underlines the tremendous amount of wasted energy and time invested in this scandal because of hillary. But your emails are the reason why this is happening. Oh, go to the woods. Kimberly and stay there, and jesse will find you. Jesse i have already tried. I like this guy. Hes a straight shooter, chris wray. He has to protect his agency. Thats fine. He is going to take disciplinary action, probably against strzok. Hes a total catastrophe, almost singlehandedly decides that comey destroy the reputation of the fbi. They are going to retrain everybody. Thats good. The bottom line is, hillary was never going to be charged. The obama doj, they were never going to charge her. She was the most powerful woman in the world, about to become president. They are not going to charge her. That was never, ever going to happen. Dana comey should have made Loretta Lynch do it. Kimberly thats part of his ego. He is smarter than everybody. He knows better than everyone else. So he appointed himself judge and jury, usurped power. Inappropriate. It wasnt up to him to make a charging decision. You should be upset with comey specifically because hes the one that put the fixing. He was the puppeteer of this whole thing. Obstruction of justice. It is filthy, the whole thing, how it went down. It besmirch is the reputation of the incredible men and women that work at the fbi. Then you have people like strzok and page and comey who decided that they woke up one morning and someone made them god. Dana i am marie i am furious at comey. The things hes criticized for, the july statement about Hillary Clinton, the october statement saying that they reopen the investigation. Those decisions hurt Hillary Clinton and helped donald trump politically. So comey, who already was not a sympathetic character to any democrat or republican i know, comes out of this looking bad. Sanctimonious. Christopher wray come out watching that, he screams nonpartisanship, screams confidence. Thats the kind of fbi director james comey wanted to be seen as. Now look at whats happened. Greg the other bad news about this, more training. These are fbi agents. They are supposed to be solving problems. They are going to turn the fbi into starbucks. Dana are we done here . Im sorry. All this chaos today. Greg what is the training . Dont sleep with your coworkers, dont leak. Thats the only training. Dana how about follow the protocol as it is . Can i ask, you pointed out earlier in the report, there is an instance where james comey says he doesnt know that huma abedin and Anthony Weiner are married. Greg dont you watch the five . We talk about the ad every day. She should have canned huma. Save some trouble. Jesse its hillarys fault. This is going to be one of the few ig reports. Its only going to crystallize when you look at this ig report and the next one coming down the pipeline about how the Russian Investigation dana i think the next one is about her decision not to charge her on the emails. I think thats the next one. Jesse thats going to be enlightening. Kimberly unredacted ones . Jesse were going to see the decision to open up the Russia Collusion Investigation and were going to see how differently the hillary people were treated from the trump people. Hillary was treated with extreme deference. Her people given community. They destroyed evidence, no accountability there. Trump and his team were treated like they were already guilty. Thats going to become clear. They have asked strzok for his personal emails and he said he refused to hand them over. The disgusting and disparaging things he said on company email. Can you imagine what strzok is texting to people on his personal email . Dana may be because he was at home, movie he wasnt. The Text Messages were to his jesse the ig has no subpoena power. Kimberly ive got no time for this guy. Its just terrible. I would say its comey and i would say its Hillary Clinton, all of the above. None of these people should be proud of their actions. As a former officer of the couch, as a prosecutor and i see what happens a former officer of the courts. Perpetuating a fraud on the American People. Dana perhaps the only consequence or punishment, a slap on the wrist. Greg i have a little bit of breaking news. Talking about the foreign actor penetrating the Clinton Emails. Turns out that it was antonio banderas. Jesse they did find that when hillary was in a hostile country, she emailed with barack obama and they knew that. James comey did. When he released his report, he scrubbed obamas name and just said an unnamed government marie did donald trump ever used a personal phone or email . Jesse he probably does. We dont know. Marie there been reports he does. If we are so concerned about email security and what devices we use, maybe we should be consistent and make sure jesse if we are going to be consistent, maybe he should smash his blackberry with a hammer. Marie i would love it if it meant he didnt tweet again. Dana what little we talk about . We are basically trying to kimberly filled time. Greg i think there was something for everybody. It was like vegas buffet, never as good as the actual pictures of the food. You see the pictures. You have eggs benedict, pancakes, waffles. I am really stretching myth. Then you get to the buffet, its never as good. Dana do you like to go to restaurants where they have pictures of the food . I dont like those. Kimberly that is usually a flag. Its a warning sign. Except if its mcdonalds. Dana fast food is different. Jesse, final thoughts . Jesse final thoughts. Marie are you going to read this whole thing this weekend . Jesse its a lot of heavy lifting. Its going to get worse. I think they are going to find even more dirty nuggets in this thing. Its going to be onto the weekends. We have gotten all this after three hours. They are going to have a whole night of people reading this stuff, a bunch of staffers. Theres going to be more incriminating stuff. Well be on to another story tomorrow. Dana thats true. While, set your dvrs. Never miss an episode of the five. Special report is up next. More breaking news on the doj ig report with bret baier. Bret this is a fox news alert, and im bret baier in washington. The Inspector General says then fbi director james comey was insubordinate during that Hillary Clinton email investigation. The report also reveals a text message in which one investigator tells on fbi lawyer that they will stop donald trump from getting elected. But the report does not directly attribute political motives to those actions. Just moments ago, the current director of the fbi promised that people will be held accountable, but insisted nothing in in the report impugs the integrity of the bureau as a whole. We have extensive coverage tonight including

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