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North korea. On the world stage, this president is humiliating america, no question. Greg that didnt age well. Does the president of france agreed . We have a lot of work to be done together but im very honored and pleased because whatever the context could be, this relationship is stronger. On top of it, we have an excellent relationship. I want to thank you for that. Greg our poor media. The sophisticated european doors our president. Why shouldnt he . He is adorable. Its a great honor, great honor to be here. We do have a very special relationship. I will get that little piece of dandruff off. We have to make him perfect. He is perfect. Greg oh, my god. Somebody break out the therapy llamas. Every single its the difference between trump and obama. Obama was beloved by the media but our global adversary saw him as a mark. Trump is despised by the media but effective on the world stage. Lets review the world stage. Isis is more than handled for now. North korea, bold moves by trump may create an historic thought. Syria, he drew redlines. He made the historic visit to the homes of each major religions. Recognize jerusalem as israels capital. Behind it all, he is rebuilding our military, telling the world our priorities are that. Obama was the substitute teacher you could spin in six different directions. Trump is the scary football coach who runs detention. Heres what he said about iran. If iran threatens us in any way, they will pay price like few countries have ever paid. Greg wow. When trump answers the equation, a reset takes place that creates chaos by design. As any negotiator knows, you can plan adversary you cant figure out. Trumps greatest asset, and predictability. And he knows it. Its only our media who hasnt figured that out yet. They are still stuck on trumps spelling errors. Peter, on the scale of 1 to nothing, to 10. Peter i will give you your kudos. Unpredictability is the key. When you are strong and have confidence and have american power, your adversaries, you and your allies respect it. What President Trump has done is a layup. He decided to stand by our traditional allies and stand up to the enemies of the free worl world. Whether its china on train, north korea, dictators, iran. I think he will scrap the iran deal in spite of emmanuel macrons attempts to do otherwise. We have not needed the french since 1775 but its nice to have them. Greg i have to admit donald trump is the greatest president that ever lived. Juan he said 11. I am looking for 12. May be a bakers dozen. I think 13 is bad luck. I am struck by what youre saying. I think about Foreign Policy and i think to myself wait a second. This is a guy you say and forced a redline. He was saying we should get out of syria. Then you have a republican saying you dont want to start any trouble. He supposedly enforces a redline and then you have people saying it was pretty ineffectual. He didnt do much here. What is exactly the strategy. We dont have a strategy. Then i think to myself, let me listen to greg. Greg is saying hes a great Foreign Policy leader. That must mean that macron has come across the ocean and he is saying mr. President , thank you. In fact tsa you are wrong on the iran deal. Hes saying you are wrong on trade. He is saying you are wrong on syria. On that Angela Merkel is coming at the end of the week and saying, oh, is he going to she is going to enforce what macron has said to trump. Katie the thing thats interesting about President Trump with these meetings, adversaries or allies, he always focuses on the agreement first. As you have seen him come through the first year of his presidency, hes emboldened the allies. He has kind of distance himself from the people who are to necessarily in our interests. Turkey is one of those examples. When it comes to syria, he addressed that today. Talked about the iran deal. I want to get out eventually but we have to have a plan because we dont want the mediterranean, as he said, to be a freeforall for the iranians. When it comes to the iran deal, i also believe based on the president s rhetoric in the past few months and also today he said it was built on a decaying foundation. Thats the language. Hes telling us hes going to scrap it. If the agreement, there is disagreement about how to fix i it. Kimberly they are going to tag team him a little bit. You have someone was a Good Relationship with. Charm and warmth and they seem to get along. Besides the dandruff comment. They get along well with one another. Grooming each other. Juan the problem is shes calling out the guy for having dandruff. Kimberly yeah, its a little bit anyway. The french dont mind. They have a glass of wine and they forget all about it. Now Angela Merkel has been quite critical of the president but shes going to have to roll it back a little bit in terms of trying to get diplomacy. They want to be able to reconsider the Iran Nuclear Agreement and he wants them to get involved and go along with what he wants to do as it relates to syria and iran in terms of the geopolitical area strife with problems in the middle east. In terms of that, hes already gotten some kind of negotiating trip. They are going to have to play ball. Theyre going to have to be respectful. Hes going to have to stop with the incessant criticism. She is no longer the iron lady that she was. She has been tremendously weakened politically across europe with the problems shes had there in terms of the elections et cetera. See what happens at the end of the week. Katie i would argue that the president has taken a little bit of pressure off the europeans by calling on the arab nations around iran were very concerned about the nuclear program, they have threatened to restart it. He is saying this is your responsibility in your region which allows the europeans to step back and say its in our interest to be involved with the people who need to make sure the rules are being followed are the people in the neighborhood. Peter reasserted the real relationship between us and the european nations. Barack obama was deferential to these countries. Greg we were inferior. Peter you look at france. They have guided their military to pay for their welfare state. Theyve open their borders. They have terrorism problems, demographic problems. They are to the world power they used to be. They arent the world power they used to be. He is wiping off the dandruff, patting them on the shoulder. Katie i do not have dandruff. For the record. Greg in france, they call it shoulder snow. Kimberly juan is like, what am i doing here . Trump made you laugh today. Juan actually i was hoping i would get some llama. I understand they are having lamb. I am glad hes draining the swamp of these elitists. Lamb chops at a state dinner. Not a big state dinner, tiny state dinner. I love it. Next time. Jesse is not here. You need somebody. Greg going after spelling and food. Juan, i want to show you how special this relationship is. Every world leader when they meet trump, they come away with a special feeling. Take a look. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. I like him a lot. Its an honor to call you my friend. Thank you. [applause] greg it is a buddy comedy. Juan the movie with the cops. 48 hours. The problem here, the big problem is you have macron in the europeans. You sound like don rumsfeld, old europe. Europe, guess what, as macron has said, the United States needs allies. Katie we have allies. Juan they are our principal allies especially the war against terror. Looking at micron macron, hesa globalist. Trump is an isolationist. Thats why the trade issue. Kimberly so he gets along. Thats you should be celebratine fact. Greg i hope macron is able to talk to him about the tariffs. May be the tariffs are part of a bigger thing trump is working on to get something we are not seeing. I hope that changes. It seems he listens. He listened about syria. Katie . Europe exempted from the tariffs . Juan the tariffs would affect europe. Katie i recall Sarah Sanders saying they took them off. Greg shall we move on . Coming up. Stupid question. Go ahead, anybody else. Greg juan, you are laughing. You love this man. You love this man. The question that prompted that response from the president. Lets fly, lets fly away just say the words and well beat the birds down to acapulco bay its perfect for a flying honeymoon they say come fly with me lets fly, lets fly away come fly with me lets fly, lets fly away no matter when you retire, your income doesnt have to. See how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at lincolnfinancial. Com. Kimberly President Trump was asked a lot of questions are day by reporters. This one didnt go over well. Mr. President , what about michael . Thank you very much. Are you considering a pardon . Stupid question. Anybody else . Kimberly scolding giancarlo for bringing up a possible pardon for his longtime lawyer scolding jonathan kar karl. He juan i think lots of president s probably think that. Its just they dont say it. Greg exactly. Juan the baseball player bryce harper says clown question. Its not a clown question because we know the president has asked everybody about his pardon powers and hes been pardoning people quite recently, like Scooter Libby and even joe arpaio. Kimberly thanksgiving turkey. Juan yeah, and yesterday he was talking about he was going to pardon kimberly i didnt say he was going to. I asked him to come along with sylvester stallone. Juan a lot of talk of pardons. Therefore his ability to impact the mueller investigation. Specifically a lot of interest in michael and whether cohen is going to flip and provide evidence that could be damaging. Greg he should pardon Anthony Weiner as a thank you for helping him win the electio election. To Jonathan Carls question, it wasnt designed for any answer. It was designed for a reaction. A question that wants an answer, what time is it. A question that wants a reaction, why are you a jerk . It wasnt asking a specific thing. Very entertaining response. Katie in order to pardon someone, you have to be convicted of a crime or charged with a crime. Juan no. Katie essentially. He is not going to pardon someone before they been charge charged. Juan nixon was pardon. Katie thats fair but the only thing that happened to michael , his office has been rated. We havent seen an indictment, we havent seen charges. We have seen no connection in terms of russian meddling and collusion. We havent seen the documents. Still have to make sure people who are qualified and capable of looking at documents, not putting attorneyclient privilege. The idea that he would pardon him before there is a crime committed is pretty unrealistic. Peter they are obsessed with pardons because they are obsessed with obstruction. They are obsessed with mueller. Not just a question to you. The press generally. Are they ever going to look themselves in the mirror. They are grown men and women. They are yelling like kids at a party begging for candy. They look pathetic at any moment. I cant imagine any scenario. Walking down the street, that i would yell. There is no situation. They do it every single day. And they look pathetic and small, specially when they ask questions like that. How did they help their credibility . Greg especially at a press conference. Juan i am having a moment. Help me out. Everything was going so smoothly. I recall that the last president we have was often badgered by reporters asking questions that the conservatives thought greg badgered by softballs softballs . Why are you so handsome . Kimberly why are you so handsome . Why are you so right about everything . Peter you are going to seriously posit they treat juan he is not barack obama. Hes a very different president but thats a very serious question. Katie it would be a serious question if there was a crime. We dont know enough. Juan the fbi on a legitimate warrant went into the mans office. Katie doesnt mean hes going to get charged with a crime. Juan it means the judges thought there was sufficient evidence. Katie i will give you its a legitimate question to ask down the road but at this point im not so sure how it would serve the situation. Greg a time and place. The first block, we talked about syria, iran, north korea. Its a great example of adult children. You have the adult problem. Then you have kids. Can i ask a question about the scandal . Thats what the press cares about. We are on the verge of a historic event with north korea. Peter every time they do that, they get him closer to reelection because they remind everybody how much the swamp and the elites are out to get him and hate him. Juan all of the stuff with scott pruitt, ryan zinke, all the stuff with none of it is swamp like. You think this is swamp like . When reporters ask adversarial questions of people in power and hold them to account, thats wrong. Peter i said it was petty. Kimberly this is all about trying to distract because they want to make some problems for the president and republicans and the g. O. P. Because of the midterm elections coming up and they need to show some wins. Total distraction away from important issues internationally that we face. Heres a chance to come together for diplomacy. Greg you cant underestimate. If this north korea thing gets pulled off by trump, its historic. Kimberly they want to slow it down so he doesnt get to that point. Tripping in the playground. Greg you are going to have to take the peace prize from obama and give it to trump. Juan let me ask you. Even today, i am sitting here and thinking he cant even get the macron visit, the bromance, to be the main story because of the Ronny Jackson situation. Greg great timing, right . Obamas dr. Who leaked it. Juan who leaked it. Peter plenty of motivation motivation. Kimberly heres what i have to say about the about the nobel peace prize. Return to sender. Maxine waters is so determined to get President Trump out of office, shes going to say anything, even if its not true. Her latest and greatest next. There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people. To help save the universe. From paying too much on their car insurance. Hey, theres cake in the breakroom. What are you doing . Um. Nothing . Marvel studios avengers infinity war, in theaters april 27th. Now. Where were we . Peter maxine waters, she has a long history. Someone might want to get the congresswoman a calculator. Everywhere i go, people are talking about, why cant you get rid of him . Why dont they impeach him . What is wrong with congress, why dont they stand up . I am hearing it on im told 70 of women who have been polled say they want him impeached. Peter we have done some looking. We are not sure which poll the congresswoman says 70 of american women want the president impeached. I am angry at what hes done, but its a legal, constitutional standard. When one we get to it, we collectively as a country will know it, as we did with richard nixon. You dont just treat the principal or the policy standard of impeachment embedded in how we deal with something as a political tool. Its a constitutional standard. When that standard has been met, we will know it. Peter juan, your party is debating whether to impeach or not impeach. Kimberly that is the question. Peter there was a piece, you said it would be wrong for them to at least wink. You think there is the reason for them to call for impeachment. Juan no, we are talking politics. The politics are 70 of democrats and the polls say. 70 of democrats. The key for the democratic activists and the democratic leadership is how do you signal to the base that yes, we hear you. I think rahm emanuel is onto something. You will know it when you see it in terms of getting to that point. I will say at this point i think republicans want to discuss impeachment more than democrats because they are looking to fire up their base. We saw ted cruz, he puts out a video. A fake anchor announcing senator schumer announces impeachment hearings. What do you think hes doing . Greg the reason why rahm emanuel said that as he realizes how silly maxine is. If you impeach trump, you get pence. Pence is on the right of trump to anything. Its crazy. Its crazy. You are going to get somebody way more right wing. Katie there was a poll that says independent voters do not want to impeachment. Actually this hurts the democrats more than it would hurt republicans. Peter tom stier has been running ads, millions of dollars, saying we need to impeach. Can Democratic Candidates afford to resist that base . Kimberly it is fools gold. Knock it off. Alerts. This is a fox news alert. Controversy today surrounding President Trumps pick to lead the department of veterans affairs. Senate delaying confirmation hearings for rear admiral Ronny Jackson over allegations of Improper Conduct at various points in his career. Fox news has obtained exclusive new developments and we go to john roberts. Good afternoon. Getting from a source some reports and counseling records related to dr. Ronny jackson that were signed by President Trump and also once signed by president obama with commentary. President obama writing ronnies positive impact cannot be overstated. Hes a tremendous asset to the entire white house team. The level of performance and responsibility far exceeds his current rank. Promote to rear admiral now. This would be seven years ago. This was dated 2016. Ronnie does a great job. Genuine enthusiasm. Incredible work ethic. He continues to inspire confidence with the care he provides to me, my family and team. Continue to promote ahead. A real vote of confidence from president obama. Also in another of report, ronny has been a dedicated member of my team. Entering my health and wellbeing and that of my family and entire administration. He has earned my complete trust in respect. Continue to groom and promote this highly capable officer. 23rd of october 2014. Most impressive leader who continues to perform at the flag officer level. Ronny has earned my confidence in the gratitude of my family for his diligence and knowledge. Promote to flag immediately. One from President Trump which wouldve been this year. Dr. Jackson is a great doctor. Two star material. Evidence from president obama and President Trump. President obama more parlay because he was not considering promoting him to secretary of veterans affairs. We have also confirmed that in 2012, dr. Ronny jackson ordered a watchdog report when he and another doctor in the white house medical unit were going through something of a power struggle. The watchdog report found they both exhibited unprofessional behavior that led to low morale among staff members. He described the Work Environment is being caught between parents going through a bitter divorce. Which was recommended that either jackson or the other or both leave the white house medical office. The Inspector General report could be what people are alluding to today about inappropriate heavier and low morale in the white house medical unit. If you compare that with the laudatory comments given by president obama, there is definitely some ammunition there that might help him in his confirmation. A struggle ongoing here between opponents of Ronny Jackson, supporters. The president met with him in the oval office this afternoon. Earlier today i asked President Trump about jackson. He said its his decision, jacksons, to make whether he wants to go through this confirmation process which now looks like its going to be a fairly arduous process for Ronny Jackson. We dont know what hes going to do. Opponents and supporters are lining up to give their say on what they think. Kimberly john roberts, thank you. Juan, your reaction. President obama. Those are his words and comments. How do you think it plays out . Juan leaks. These White House Leaks are terrible. The leaks are there because i think theres some people of the white house tried to make a lastminute stand for jackson. With the president said today which is that if he was jackson, he wouldnt do this anymore. I think that was a telling comment. Peter those are fitness reports. They are done annually. There is a lot of scrutiny goes into. If you are recommended for promotion. Kanye west, a celebrity, is on the maga train and he is not pulling a shania twain. I blame greg. Im very proud of the fact that i served. I was a c130 mechanic in the corps, so im not happy unless my hands are dirty. Between running a business and four kids, were busy. Auto insurance, homeowners insurance, Life Insurance policies. Knowing that usaa will always have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. I couldnt imagine going anywhere else. Theyre like a friend of the family. We are the cochran family, and well be usaa members for life. Save by bundling usaa home and auto insurance. Get a quote today. Juan welcome back. Yesterday we told you about kanye wests support of a trump supporter. Apparently kanye is a big supporter himself. Listen to what he told the hot 97 host. Then he said i do love donald trump. He said that. Kanye west. I love donald trump. Maybe thats just who he is. You think about [laughs] you think about who kanye has been the entire time. Selfish, trolly, materialistic, did i say selfish . He was like, we couldnt get anything done with obama and trump gave me a meeting. Juan how do you understand this . Kimberly very well. Juan juan explain it. Kimberly one thing about kanye west me is not afraid to speak his mind, whatever it is at the moment. He is saying this is somebody who gave him an opportunity to come and look at the picture. If we take a shot of that, the two of them during the transition, he was invited because President Trump was inviting everyone to come, whether they were on different sides of the Environmental Issues or Climate Change or business or building the economy, when you show somebody respect like that, he what you have to save face to face, thats respect. That was good. Hes being honest. The president treated him with respect. Why should he be beaten down because he told the truth about his own personal opinion . Juan let me come at you quickly. In fact, he had just been hospitalized. He gets out. Trump says to them on over, then he says on that basis because trump met with me and obama didnt, but im a big trump supporter. Peter so i am allowed to be trump supporter but kanye west isnt a question mark whats wrong with him being a freethinker . The blinders are off. Question everything. The thought police want to suppress freedom of thought. The mob is going after him. He decided to speak his mind. I dont get with the controversy is. Juan he can speak his mind. If you speak your mind, tell us why other than he is the guy who took the meeting. Kimberly he is a freethinking black man in america. Katie hes been clear. He thinks you get punished, as he is seen, for having a thought outside the orthodoxy of what the left wants. Doesnt mean kanye west is now a republican or conservative. He just means hes able to say things that are contrary to what everybody else is saying. Pretty mixing in individual in america, and more people should act like that. Juan okay. Greg, i was going to ask you about shania twain. She such would have voted for trump. Shes a canadian. She came back and said i apologize. Greg we are at a point in america we have to apologize for expressing an opinion in election in which it didnt actually do anything. A mob rule courtney bind the media academic entertainment complex. Thats why thinking liberals like are worried because of the intensity of the demonization by the left anybody who thinks out the box. Scott adams. Buzzfeed, they will assign a blog or to wrights mirror and thats whats going to happen. The new morality. Its not a church, not religion. Its the media mob. Juan up next, we are going to check in with dana and jesse. They are in nashville for a very special event with Country Music stars. They are excited to tell you about it. Coming up on the five. So lionel, what does being able to trade 24 5 mean to you . Well, it means i can trade after the market closes. Its true. So all. Evening long. Ooh, so close. Yes, but also all. Night through its entirety. Come on, all. The time from sunset to sunrise. Right. But you can trade. From, from. From darkness to light. Youre not gonna say it are you . With this level of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. The 2018 eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Ftheres flonase sensimist. Tchy and watery near pollen. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. To move california forward, we need to help more californians get ahead. Thats why Antonio Villaraigosa brought republicans and democrats together to balance the state budget with a budget reserve, while investing in local schools and career training. As mayor of la, he put more police on the streets and reduced Violent Crime by nearly 50 . Thats Antonio Villaraigosa. A governor for all of california. Katie there may be a swanky state dinner tonight at the white house. Down in nashville, dana and jesse are waiting tables for charity. They are at the dinner. Hello to jesse and dana. What do you think of my apron . Katie tell us what you are doing. Who is going to be there . Are my favorite artists going to be there . Are you wearing cowboy boots . No, jesse asked me if i was wearing heels because i am so short. We were told to wear flats. Is that better . Are we framed up . It is the 17th annual waiting for her wishes dinner. It benefits the Kevin Carter Foundation and the makeawish foundation. We are going to wait some tables. If you go to the Facebook Page for dana perino or the five, you can vote for either of us and that helps raise more money for these kids. Heres the deal. Dana doesnt really know much about the event. I invited her to the events. This was my connection. She owes me. I want deference on the show so the next time i say rasmussen has trump at 60 approval, i dont want to see an eye roll. I want to see deference because this is what im doing here. I will bite my tongue. The other thing is, well, i was a waitress. There is no doubt im going to be really good at this. How many plates can you hold . Katie, you asked me who else is going to be here. A lot of of people are going to be here. Hunter hayes. Thats a good one. Katie lots of good artists coming out for a great cause. Kimberly dana and peter can cook. She is very handy with food and in the kitchen and excellent waiting on people and being very hospitable. Jesse, i suggest you pick up some tips and tighten your apron a little bit. The apron is not tailored. Sorry about that. I was fired from my only job as a waiter after two days. I am big trouble. But dana and i have a strategy. I know no one in the Country Music scene, so she is going to identify those people for me. She knows no athletes. Marcus mariota is here. Kevin carter is here. Some mma fighters. Tito ortiz. He is the number one waiter. Tito ortiz. Theres going to be a little competition. Kimberly he is great. Hes done a lot for autism as well. Dana, you had Country Music stars today. It first appeared on fox a long time ago with you. Josh turner is a big star. He came in and was able to help out at the 2 00 show, the daily briefing. He said greg is a foregone conclusion. Greg will never like Country Music but he thinks jesse could be turned. Greg really old Country Music. Patsy cline. You do like old. Thats true. The older stuff greg likes. Juan let me get this straight. If im at my table and i get jesse is my waiter and dana as my busboy i guess, i dont know, and theres a fly in my soup. Excuse me . Juan do i have to leave a tip . Do i have to leave a tip . First of all for the kids. Second of all i like how you characterize her as a busboy. Kimberly boss person. Very enlightened. Juan kimberly is straightening me out. A bus person. Anyway. I would give you a big tip if i was there. You can go online and donate. You can afford it. You can go online and donate. We hope you do. Kimberly great of you to do this, fantastic. Greg you still need a computer. I do have tips. You have to approximate what a waiter is. Jessica might be sure and talk about your acting classes whenever you are waiting on a table. Dana, bring up your screenplay. Thats the only thing waiters do, at least in new york city. The apron is so big. It is like dragging on the floor for me. We have to figure this out. Peter you are working as a team but competing for tips. We are not a team. This is going to be very cutthroat. I am probably going to sabotage her. I will pull the strings from the apron. Katie a great cause. Dana and jesse, have fun and be careful. One more thing is up next. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. If you have moderate to severe or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. 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And thats why exxonmobil scientists think its not small at all. Energy lives here. Greg one more thing. Juan. Juan every Basketball Team has a super fan courtside. Last night in salt lake city, with mitt romney. Take a look at this. Romney is holding up four fingers to remind the guard Russell Westbrook that he is close to fouling out. Some people say romney was out there politicking in front of the utah fans after failing to secure the g. O. P. Nomination saturday but he looked like a winner last night sitting courtside in this custommade jersey over a buttondown shirt. Former massachusetts governor, once a celtics fan. Now looks to have picked a winner. The jazz hold a lead in the bestofseven series. Greg there you go. Time for this. Gregs great idea. All right, Tuesday Morning some guy was going to try to kill himself by jumping over and over overpass on 696 in detroit. Here is the great idea. Take a look at this. The cops called a bunch of truck drivers, told them to park underneath the bridge so when the guy couldnt jump, he couldnt jump anywhere. It prevented these suicide. The guy ended up walking off the bridge. He was taken to a hospital for evaluation. That my friends is a great idea. Kimberly i was worried about it but it seemed to come together. Creativity. Greg i nailed the landing. K. G. Kimberly thank you. Okay, kimberlys royal news. Greg i have had enough of this. Kimberly i really dont care. A fox news alert. Royal fox news alert. An update on the story we covered yesterday. Prince william and his wife kate introduced the world to royal baby number three. Since we are all royal in our own special way, greg, there were a few other newborns who got to share the spotlight. News stations from all over the world were in front of st. Marys hospital in london. They captured a few other wonderful, happy new parents and their babies making their way out of the hospital maternity wing. Very nice to include them. Two couples embrace the cameras as they stepped out and made an exit to remember. God bless all of these beautiful families who got a little taste of the royal life and what a joy it is to have a baby. Greg all right. Katie a College Student was on the game show jeopardy recently and he is going viral for his answer to the question of what he would do with the grand prize if he won. Watch. A lifetime supply of taco bell. Katie thats right. He would spend 100,000 on taco bell. The student didnt win but after jeopardy he tweeted out his hilarious response, and taco bell responded in a big way. They offered him 500 worth of gift cards. Kimberly is a little bit jealou jealous. If he eats off the dollar menu, that means he could eat throughout his entire College Career at taco bell. Greg he should have said half on taco bell and half on imodium. Its incredibly expensive. Incredibly expensive. More expensive than the meal in many ways. Kimberly no. Greg very hard to open. Peter los angeles, there is a big homeless thats a problem, in los angeles. The va and brentwood in l. A. , providing ten parking spots overnight for homeless vets to park their car and have somewhere to sleep. There are 400 acres of property at the facility. It took ten years to get ten parking spots so homeless vets who have run into hard times have somewhere to sleep at night. Its an example of how the inhumane va system treats people, not like humans. In this case they finally got it right a little bit. Kimberly i work with operation renewed hope for Homeless Veterans and you cannot believe how many veterans sleep in their cars. Its all they have left. They lose everything in life. You know who lets them stay in the parking lot . Walmart. Greg set your dvrs. Never miss an episode of the five. Do not cry. Do not fret. If you want news, here comes bret. [laughter] bret thanks, greg. This is a fox news alert. Welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Allegations of past misconduct of the president s pick of va secretary comes to light. While one report raises issues at this hour, we are seeing former president obamas high praise for rear admiral Ronny Jackson, calling him an asset to his own administration. Whats going to happen with the va secretary nomination . Where does it go from here . Achieve White House Correspondent john roberts following the latest developments. Good evening. In the last hour weve had a flurry of developments in the case of dr. Ronny jackson and his nomination to be the new secretary of veterans affairs. Fox news has obtained fitness

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