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Not tough enough. Jesse later this afternoon, the president continued his tough talk sending a strong message to dictator kim jong un. He has disrespected our country greatly. He has said things that are horrific. And with me, he is not getting away with it. Ive read about where in guam by august 15th, lets see what he does with guam. If he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen in north korea. When you say that, what do you mean . You will see. And he will see. He will see. It is not a dare. It is a statement. It has nothing to do with dare. It is a statement. He is not going to threaten guam and the United States, and he is not going to threaten japan and he is not going to threaten south korea. Jesse guam finding itself in a big game of chicken between the two of them. He is really setting himself upc for a serious situation next week. So if missiles are fired near the waters off of guam, the president has to respond veryi dramatically. Dana thats what he says. Its interesting, because of people, even general jack keane when he was on this show. He said that he wishes he could give the president a do over on the fire and fury statement. But the president s instincts are slightly different. He is speaking to people in america who are like, what . I like strength. Fe when president bush said, bring them on, dead or alive. And the media went to, oh, my gosh, he is a warmonger. I remember saying, im with that. It makes sense to me. On the guam piece, it is interesting. M is it guam because kim jong un does not have the capability to send a missile anywhere else . But why would you waste an opportunity on guam if you do not know if President Trump is going to act, why would you do that . T . I think that calculation is strange, but one of the experts we had on the story believes that kim jong un has given usf the playbook and going to run it. He expects there to be an attack. Jesse if missiles are fired off of the coast of guam, kimberly, i think it is abouttt target. The United States has to act very decisively. What would be the appropriate response . Kimberly i think the problem is even if you let it go to that point, we have waited too long. If youre going to try to intercept at that point of maximum velocity from north korea, we are already about operating at a disadvantage. S we have very limited options available to try and avert disaster. I think what President Trump is talking about is something that you know, i guess the precursor that would preempt it and not allow it to get to that situation where the advantage is with north korea. I dont think he will give up the advantage of the w United States and our positioning. Thats why he is doubling down. Everybody was upset about firehi and fury, but he is like, im going to back the words out. Bo and he said, in fact, maybe that was not strong enough. That is his style. Dana the United States does not have to attack. Japan and china will be closer. Kimberly better tactical advantage. Jesse how do you feel about the president s strong rhetoric in regards to north koreaa . Mo i give him a tremendous amount of credit for the early diplomatic move. At the fact that he was able to get a 150 resolution was a huge win for the United States and a huge win for him personally. Im a little bit nervous about some of the rhetoric now. And you know, thinking back to my Old International relations classes back when i was in college, one of the things that really stuck with me was the rational actor theory. When it comes to international relations, its like one big chess game. Every move you make is predicated on the notion that the other side is going to react rationally. I think that can be said about almost every country in the world except for north korea. He thinks that he may be speaking a language that f the north korean dictator can understand, but there is noo telling how this guy interprets this. He may not internalize it the way you or i as rational actors or any other foreign head of state would do it. That makes me a little bit nervous. We are dealing with an incredibly unpredictable volatile person who now has nukes. It is tricky. Im not sure that doubling down and tripling down is the way to turn the corner. Jesse so you believe on the screen, he might have a death wish and does not careel about survival. What do you think about the hermit kingdom, greg gutfeld . Greg i think it is a great name for a band. Donald trump, it is repressuring rhetoric, but i disagree with mo, i think it is important to t speak their language. Because you are seeing negotiations and bluffing. You wonder why he chose guam, because it is a bluff. I believe it is a bluff. And im going to Say Something different that people might get angry about. There is room for sympathy for north korea, and heres why. The korean war ended in a divorce. South korea got the greatest parent ever, the United States. We love them, we protect them, we care for them. The consequences, the result is a massively successful economy, south korea had a great parent. What parent did north korea get . Commies, china and the ussr. They did not want to take care of them, they did not feed them, they were terrible parents. And the reason why as they were scared of north korea becoming successful, so they treated them like crap. Thats what you have now, a child. North korea is a child that has been scarred. What does a child do . Its rational way of thinking is revivalism. And as scarred child survives through bluffing. It acts tough, because it knows if it does not its going to get ruined. The solution is how do you help this child that has been screwed by a terrible parents for 40 years . A child that realizes that it must bluff its way to survival. Realizes that it Needs Nuclear Weapons to survive and who are we to say no. And who are we to say no. If you have been treated like that for so long . There is a way to negotiate ifer you understand for the past four decades everybody has great stuff, but they have been stagnant in a permeated mass forever, essentially a mole that has never gone malignant. They realize that this is their way. Whenever things get bad, they act up. It is their way of defending themselves. It is a pathetic world. Kimberly but i would say it is kim jong un, not the people of north korea. They are their victims. It is somebody wayward and trying a narcissist. Greg its the only way the family knows how to do this. Jesse how do you give him an off ramp where he saves face and can kind of come back and not fire missiles at go on . Dana Rex Tillerson a string that as well. We are talking with one voice, i dont think that they are necessarily thinking that President Trump is off on one place and mattis on the other. Tillerson is saying the theme t from three different people, and that tillerson is the one saying, there is a way for you to get back to get right with us. You can choose that, but we are not going to molly coddle you. We are better parents. Interesting about rational theory, somebody like qaddafi. He saw what happened to saddam hussein, and he was like, okay, please take a way nuclear weapons, and their other players, iran has chosen a different path. But this onene is different and that their problem is that they are a child that is now a threat to innocent people and the United States. So we cannot be a good parent to them. We have to protect ourselves. Greg but we have to find the onramp for them to save face and get back into their existence. It is a dark world they live in. A permanently dark world for those people that the only way that they think they can surviv survive. Mo we also need to get the other parent to step up though. Thats the thing. Of china, its almost cliche, but china is the key. If they were part of the problem that helped get us to this place, then it is time that they step up. Jesse kimberly, what do you think the prospects are of china coming to save this thing from disaster . Kimberly strong. Jesse you do . Kimberly yes, i do. E i dont think they have any choice but to get involved and not just in the rhetorical way. Jesse up next President Trump confronting cemented majority leader mitchde mcconnell over the failure to pass the health care bill. And henry with the inside story of the conversation between the two men up next. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. 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And in a private phone call, the president was even harder sure, not just going after him about his performance, but very upset about the speech thatt mcconnell gave in kentucky at a rotary club where mcconnell basically said that because of the president s lack off political experience, he is suffering from excessive expectations about exactly what congress can do with his agenda. Yesterday and today the president has also fired off a series of tweets going after mcconnell directly including one this afternoon which he said. A couple of hours later Reporters Press the president on comments by sean hannity and other conservatives that if p mcconnell cannot get the job done, maybe he should simply step aside and resign as leadere well, i will tell you what, if he does not get to repeal and replace done, and he does not get taxes done, meaning cuts and reform, and if he does not get an easy one to get done, infrastructure. N if he does not get them done, then you can ask me that question. E but the bottom line on the president raising a temperature on all of this is that he stuck with mcconnell at least for now in terms of shepherding the legislative agenda. And if specialn Counsel Robert Mueller are turning up the heat on the Russian Investigation the president is going to need as many allies as he can get on the hill. And you heard more booing from greg, i simply dont care, i know that viewers listen closely to my reports in order to stay woke. [laughter] dana very good, ed. We love to have you. U. I used to say addition is better than subtraction. And public criticism is never necessarily good. But i think this is pretty mild from Mitch Mcconnell. I think if you see how he said it versus media reports that, its got all buckled up. Jesse yes, blown out of proportion. Escalated pretty quickly like a hot air balloon. First of all, we know, i think i got taken out of proportion in terms of what Mitch Mcconnellaks was saying. But as it relates to the president , he does not like anything like that of any nature. If youre going to poke at him a little bit, he is going to punch hard back at you. In he does not tolerate it well. He has no time for it. He is no good for it. So it is not helpful in any regard, what i would like to see is all the effort put into health care. And to getting Immigration Reform and tax reform and all the things that we need to get t done. So it does not seem like thats working relationship is working so well. Dana i think it is not that bad. At but jesse, Mitch Mcconnellso does need President Trumpsat hp in order to get tax reform done. And on tax of form, unlike with Health Care Web form, already a plan. The president will be out there and blue states red states where they have blue government so that they can press them, and they have a Communications Plan to see it through. Jesse yes, i like how trump is treating him like an employee, hey, mitch, get thoseh reports atd 5 00, otherwise you are fired. You understand why the president expected obamacare to be repealed and replaced. Because republicans promised for years to repeal and replace obamacare. The president expected him to do his job. He did not do his job. Now you may be out of a job. President clinton he mightt not have the leadership anymore. If there is people rising up. And that was a threat. I think the president delivered a strong one. When bill clinton was president in the second term, he did not have either house and he signed bills. President bush had a divided house and senate. He signed big bills. Obama had both houses, he signed bills immediately. He cannot get a bill on his desk, so it is sad and he is running against congress, republicans, the swamp. When the swamp delivers, credits, and when it doesnt, he will get away from the stench and points his finger. It is smart politically. Dana mo, all this is happening while the democrats are actually losing ground. And they have not been able to bounce back after november, so as bad as the republicans might look today on the day of fighting, democrats doing worse . Mo no, i think there a lot of democrats right now that aret quietly cheering the president on in this fight. Right . The more that the Senate Looks Like it is not doing anything. And the more the better it is for democrats who are running in 2018. So there is a little bit of counterproductivity going on here. But i will say, i agree completely with jesses point. This is exactly politically what donald trump wants. This is not a partisan fight. Jesse we are going to back him up. You are making a lot of sense. Mo probably the last time i will say i agree with you. But he is running against ase system, and that is democrats and republican, the judiciary, the media, and the congress. Dana about checks and balances, it continues to work. But if people thought the republic was going to fall apart, but the course will say, and the Congress Gets the say. And the president gets mad. That is normal. Redo greg how is this a big story when we already understand donald trump with the conversational bluntness in the fact that he basically says what he thinks, and exactly what he said is what his builders think. So he is basically reflecting, he is not changing. He is never going to change. And he and mcconnell are like a married couple. They bicker, one is loud prior to the other one rolls their eyes. Ir but they stick together. Kimberly like the honeymooners . Greg yes, they are. I think they need each other,l and i do think it was a littlele bit overblown. I think he was answering a question. Dana who leaked the contents of the phone call . I bet i could figure it out. The president wanted to get back on the stage, he is back on the page today in a very big way. I like that he has talked to the press. Al i want him to do a press conference. Thats why he should do more of it. Kimberly i totally agree. He makes the case for himself. He does it at his rallies. And you see him a little bit. Greg he is better when he is sitting down. I dont know what it is. Kimberly is that what you decided . Maybe he is a little bit more measured. Greg he does not feel rushed, for some reason. I have pink eye and i observe that. Dana i know, but you are going to be okay. Kimberly thank god you are here and totally creeping me out. T. Dana when we return, new details after isis has terror plot to take down a plane. Are terrorists getting betterr about circumventing National Security . Greg has that, youre not goingi to want to miss it. Stay tuned. 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Isis plan to bomb a jetliner, a sophisticated plot. Plastic explosives, air mail into luggage before the baggagei was abandoned prior to airport security. Apparently this was a sophisticated device ship from turkey. Through security probably by air cargo. Authorities discovering the plot from a tip weeks after to summarize in one word, yikes. This is the real battle as we wipe out isis in terror hotbeds, now fanning out. All it takes is one free agent, a dirty bomb, and 9 11 will looa like a bonfire. They are plotting, so as isis handbooks teach the stuff to recruits, what is our move . The arrested plotters are siblings recruited by another brother, and isis, terrorism is an intimate bunch, we should look at them all. I said it before, radical islam terror, new technology. They refined the errors and they learn fast. Even though they failed here, we dont know why, they will adjust and keep at it. We must do the same. We always knew plasticas explosives are coming. We better make sure that we can detect them even in air cargo. So i am thinking on september 10th, 2001, you could probably find a ton of stories on north korea, but few on bin laden. A lot has changed since then. 16 years ago it was a judge and a box cutter, now we have drones, biotech, plastics page so if you are sleepless over north korea coming you are doing it wrong. That should keep you up instead. After all, we can find north korea on a map. Dana, you are a political person in 2000, the election, how much was al qaeda mentioned . Dana i always been this in the entire campaign, neither al gore nor george bush were asked a question about al qaeda. Interestingly on september 10th, 2001, the White House Communications team was there late at night until 10 00 p. M. , a big crisis, front page story, really worried about it. And the topic was the Cheney Energy task force. Something totally nonconsequential to the big picture. As isis loses territory, the Online Empire is growing. With plastics and 3d printing, i think President Trump should oversee an intel surge, becauses we need a lot more people out there with eyes and ears and informing on people like the brothers. Greg from the wall street journal a lotp of the information came, the professor at University Said that the bomb materials debated all security measures via air travel, mo, this is scary . S you only hear that in the three stooges. [laughter] mo no, it is. And the fact that the whole notion of nation states has completely eroded greg thats why we think north korea is rational compared to this. Mo with the rapidly changing technology that all of us are struggling to keep up with. Rng it all adds to what is scary. I think there are a couple of things that we ought to do. I agree with dana, invest heavily in intelligence. E. There is an economic component. Put economic pressure on thosent countries that are giving safe haven. But also helping to change the economic dynamic that is helping to drive some people. Creating some of the despair. Third, i think that there is obviously a military component to this. We need to pursue. And there is a diplomatic component. We need to engage the islamic countries. Greg hijackers as 9 11, they were not poor. Mo you know, there isnt. By the young people that are being drawn are feeling a tremendous amount of despair. Greg im thinking moral poverty. Mo moral and economic poverty. Absolutely. Greg you can have a great job and still want to kill everybody to get 72 virgins. That is moral poverty in my view. Mo my point is that all of these are different pieces to a broader puzzle. There is no singular answer. Greg what do you think, kim . Kimberly i think it is a toltifaceted approach that has to be successful against power and you see that they are trying to innovate. And upgrade. Upgrade new application available. G thats what they are trying to do. And they want to outsmart us. They are really tireless in terms of the efforts that theyto are making to be able to achieve success. It is the only thing occupying their thoughts and their attention. So when you hear stories like this, you know it make sense. They are trying to think, if iio was amongst the first, isis, and the taliban and using encrypted message is to avoid detection, thats why the intelligence as dana points out has to be even more strong and commendable and aggressive in terms of being able to get the information to anticipate and also to find out the connections, the relationships and the terrorte web. Greg thats a weird thing. Its like in the wall street journal when they were talking about the two leaders were brothers recruited by another brother in isis, so you get criticized if you talk about looking at family. S but it is family. Jesse yes, these brothers are obviously evil men. Ly isis is like an army of rats. They are o always trying to burw into your home. Going into a different crevice, chewing through plaster, and then the civilized world is just trying to plug holes and play defense around the perimeter. That can only work for a certain amount of time. You have to think creatively and anticipate what they are going to do next. President trump did that with the travel ban. President obama used tools like drones, focused on rhetoric. President trump is very creative. He had getmo, forced interrogation. So right now we need to be thinking one step ahead, because you are right. You are not going to win byd putting bullets in heads. Ki although trump is doing that pretty effectively in syria right now. Thats why they are dissipating and scrambling up with the other crazy ideas. But youre going to have to like the president said inth saudi arabia, drive them out. Not just physically, but the ideology. The ideology, radical islam is motivated by death. When you take that motivationn away, you can crush it. But until you list the rest of the muslim society, you will not win. T. Dana keep them busy. Make them always worry that they are about to get caught. Greg it is not if, it is when. Four decades after the rest of the serial killer, tv networks are giving airtime to David Berkowitz. Should they . It is debated next. Rkowitz. Should they . Should they . It i hard exhalation honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. 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What would you tell 23yearold David Berkowitz today . Turn around because it is too destruction is coming. As far as i am concerned, that was not me. That was not me. The name, i hate that name. I despise that name. The moniker. Son of sam. That was a demon. Kimberly in light of the new sit down, should media organizations give airtime to serial killers . Greg you are shaking furiously. Greg we just raise the question about playing the tape so that we could play the tape, lets be honest about that. We just did what we are questioning not to do. Whether it is isis, teenage suicide, Mass Shootings we n know that actions are influenced by the spotlight. Creating exposure. There is an amazing study, andli you read this with the book influence. After a wellpublicized suicide in a community, a dramatic increase in Single Person auto crashes and plane crashes. Suicide when publicized is contagious. People think about these things. When you expose a certain kind of thing that creates notoriety or attention, especially to young people like Mass Shootings, you will get replication. And you know how i feel about this. He made be contrite, but he does not deserve the spotlight. Kimberly dana. Dana there was such a rare thing in the book. I remember saying, how could this actually happen. But proving. Greg three fold in plane crashes. In dana and the netflix movie called 13 reasons why. I did not see it. Is it better to talk about it or is talking about him leaving tomorrow with the young people . Interesting thing, is there a place for redemption . I think that the lord would say, yes, so i guess the media talking about it helps prevent somebody from going down that path, perhaps, but i would be curious from your standpoint and law enforcement, do you think this makes a difference worse, better . Kimberly i have mixed feelings and emotions on it, because i think it is an important way to identify and point it out, call it what it is. So obviously there is going to be public attention and curiosity towards us. It is a huge crime story. And everything especially at the time. Detective joe coffee was on the case. God bless his soul. Wa and you see a guy like this who has committed horrific crimes,s of course you do not want anybody to be encouraged by this. Or to put it out there like you said in the shows and movies about teen suicide. But i think the truth and getting the story out there is important. And it is worthwhile. Jesse there is an old saying in television, if it bleeds, it leads. Sex sells, but death and destruction sells as well. Sitting down with a serial killer is ratings gold. I understand your point that you do not want to glamorize the maniacs. But there is a public service, i think. You know we show on this network thee planes going into the world trade center. We do it once a year out of respect for it but its to remind the public that the enemy we face and what we are fighting for. Charles manson sat down in front of cameras. To a certain extent that generation in the 60s was a wakeup call to see him. And to see what he did. Bin laden, if he had been captured alive and to network lookers would be ready. Once in a while, we need to see the face of evil. And we need to look evil in the eye, because without evil, you do not have good. You need the juxtaposition. So once in a while, you have to recognize evil for what it is. So that you understand who you are is a civilized society. Mo also a big difference with this study is aso retrospective 40 years later, its going to be more holistic, sitting down with some of the victims. Then when you see a mad mediame rushed to cover these types of incidents in real time. When they are glorifying the suspect or the recently caught the culprit in real time, oftentimes at the expense of the victims, that is a very different, much, that speaks much more to your concern, greg. I am also mixed emotions on the special, but i like that they will be sitting down with theik victims and it does raise the question. Kimberly something to study and get some insight into the criminal mind. How it is that you just so viciously crossed over into becoming a monster like this. When we come back, the hollywood megastar says that he has president obamas blessing to play him in a movie. Co we will find out who it is next. Stay with us. Stay with us. Its just a burst pipe, i could fix it. laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just because of a claim. I totally couldve no switching to allstate is worth it. Ltry align probiotic. N your digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. 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But i want to know who will play obama as the child in kenya. [laughter] that is a joke, america. We will be right back. It was a joke. We can all laugh at ourselves. Kimberly yes. A dana i think he would be a good choice. But like nails on a chalkboard when he calls him barack, by his first name, and it is the president , always and forever. Greg they are buddies. K, i was telling donald about it the other day. Dana i bet that jesse did. [laughter] mo through the end of the administration, who plays trauma . Trump . Jesse i want to know who plays reverend wright . Who can win . How does he get into character . Does he practice bowing . I think the obama movie would be similar to the presidency. The press would love it, it would bomb at the box office. And then he will blame bush. [laughter] kimberly you just have to go and laugh, we have very little time. Otherwise, what jesse says, the waterfall. What can we do to save you from the pink coat over there . I think that they are friends. He knows him. He would probably play him quite well. Im sure it and he is a very good actor. Dana who will play Michelle Obama . Everybody will want that role. Kimberly beyonce. Dana yeah, good choice. . Kimberly that would beoe nice, wouldnt it . I dont think she would disapprove. Jesse who will play joe biden . Greg adam sandler. [laughter] dana what do you think about it . Mo i am a big fan. I think will smith is a great actor. Michelle obama said if she had her choice it would be will smith or denzel washington. Kimberly Kerry Washington would be good as Michelle Obama. Mo i would wait a little while. It doesnt sound like they are making it. But kimberly will smiths best movie . I have my answer. Bad boys. I love that one with Martin Lawrence jesse yes, we need to bring back Martin Lawrence. What is so funny . You guys dont like martin . Mo one more thing is up next. Mo one more thing is up next. Marie callender knows that a homemade turkey dinner can make anyone slow down and pull up a seat to the table. Thats why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. So that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. Even if youre trying your best. Be a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, oncedaily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. Get into a daily groove. Lets groove tonight. Share the spice of life. Baby, slice it right. From the makers of lantus®, were gonna groove tonight. Toujeo® provides blood sugarlowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. Toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. Dont use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar or if youre allergic to insulin. Get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash or trouble breathing. Dont reuse needles or share insulin pens. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. Check your blood sugar levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. Dont change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. Check insulin label each time you inject. Taking tzds with insulins, like toujeo®, may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Find your rhythm and keep on grooving. Lets groove tonight. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. Share the spice of life. Announcer no one loves a road trip like your furry sidekick so when your side glass gets damaged. [dog barks] trust Safelite Autoglass to fix it fast, and well get you back on the road [dog barks] safelite repair, safelite replace. Jesse time now for one more thing, i will go first. A brush with death in poland. Watch this crazy video. Cars driving, train tracks, here they come. E. Whoa just missed the train s so basically what happened was, you know what, they find the driver after almost a dying, there it is. Just missed it that was in poland, this happen. Crazy, you guys have to be careful. Dana where do you find things like this . Jesse the producers. P kimberly lets be honest. Ca jesse come on, i have other things to do. Kimberly versus doing your job . Jesse we are going to kill your one more thing. Greg i will plug my podcast. Foxnewspodcast. Com. An interview, a great guy that owns a comedy club. We talked about politics, conservatives in comedy and the era of trump. It is really good. Only like 25 minutes. L you will not miss it. Gregs wishes do come true n 40 years later. So im standingru out, you know, where i live. And this happens. Look at this. There is the guy with a hand truck and the box falls off filled with pop rocks and popcorn. If i was ten years old, this would have been like a dream come true. That scene in animal house where the woman flies through the window and says, thank you, god. It was insane. But i am 52. So anyways, im yelling at the dude with the truck, but everybody has earbuds in, so he walks. B he walks with the truck, left this giant box. I ran out into the street, grafted, took it back. And i held on and i was going, look at all of these pop rocks. It is the strangest story ever. I look at the address. And it belongs to a restaurant of a guy that i am meeting in 10 minutes. It is the mostt insane story ever. It was an iced ice cream place called odd fellows, and i am meeting him about a boiler. Jesse wow, thats really ends well. Greg is a great ice cream store, on spring and lafayette in soho. Dana you put pop rocks in the ice cream . St greg yes, you can. Y i did not steal one bag. It was huge. And the chef came and i dana wanted to give it to your girls . Ef jesse yes, they are very healthy for you. Greg dreams come true. 40 years ago that happens kimberly why dont you get in a bathtub with a bunch of cocacola and some pop rocks . Greg why havent i donene it lately, you mean . Jesse its about a dog. Dana it is about a dog. It is national spoil your dog day. That is every day at our house. We took jasper with us to lunch today. Had a little bit of an update. Remember i showed you last week when he had the collar on because i found the melanoma on his lip. K he had to have surgery to make sure that they got clear margins. We had to wait all week for the results. Peter called me and said, clean that is a good update. Kimberly now greg needs a good report. Furthermore, you think it might bert precancerous. Greg boy, this is jesse medical information on the air. Kimberly guilfoyle. Kimberly i saved your life so that you could annoy me further. I love this. Who is into cats . Perfect, it has been called a cattastrophe. I dont have a graphic. A kitten ran out into the field of last nights royalscardinals game at Busch Stadium in st. Louis. The feisty Little Things printed onto the field with the bases loaded and two out in the six inning delaying the gamey brief briefly. The member of the cardinals ground crew came out and scare the cat. The animal tried to bite and scratch him. But he does not have rabies, so it is okay. I wanted to give you that important medical update. What do you mean . They call him rally cads, isnt that cute . The next pitch, that was a grand slam. Thats true. He is good luck cat. Mo heres a little bit of a rant, so i am a former Communications Director for the Democratic National committee. And some of the criticism of the dnc in the last elections are legit, but somethings are ridiculous. E folks from a group that was founded by Bernie Sanders are accusing the dnc of being arrogant and pompous, why . Over doughnuts. Last month this group, theom coalition protested outside the dnc. And dnc staffers came out and offer them doughnuts and water, nice, right . Not according to turner, the president who wrote an email saying it was condescending and that the dnc was trying to seduce them with doughnuts and water. Dana an easy date. It depends on the doughnut. Mo i want us all to be nicer on a human level. Like a doughnuts is just a doughnuts. Jesse set your dvr, never missed an episode of the five. Hanntiy is next. Sean many thanks to our friends on the five, a fox news alert. Another breaking news night, following three major breaking stories, a battle brewing between President Trump and senator Mitch Mcconnell as he calls out the Senate Majority leader for saying his expectations are actually too high. Also, President Trump firing back against the destroytrumpmedia. Democrats over their russia hysteria and meltdown. It is a brutal takedown. De and also tonight, the president issues a statement of fact, a dire warning to north korea and kim jong un that he will no longer be held hostage. Ni the world will not be held hostage. This after the rogue regime threatens an attack on guam. St and pyongyang, if they do not

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