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Isis in iraq and syria is not an existential threat to us. Theyre not going to harm the United States. Theyre bad guys, yes, if youre there, a bunch of guys wearing pajamas putting up logs. Theyre not an exessential threat to us. Chuck hagel warned in no Uncertain Terms what a threat isis is. Over at the white house, spokeman says, isis, eh. A sophistication of strategic. They are extremely well funded. This is beyond anything weve seen. It is the assessment as stated by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the Intelligence Community there currently is not an active plot under way to attack the u. S. Homeland by isil. So which is it . Isis is the biggest threat weve seen or a bunch of guys in pjs and not an existential threat . Its not rocket science, fellows or is it . Maybe it is, just not the hard kind like in school. Shoot the damn rockets already. K. G. , what are we supposed to do . We have three different messages coming out of the white house. Isis is like a cancer with a vicious fastgrowing tumor inside your body thats metastasizing to every corner of your being. What would you do about it . You would do everything to kill it, cut it out, zap it, nuke it, radiation, chemo. Medical marijuana. They dont deserve that but yeah, if we were doing kind. Thats what you need to do. Why are they exits friend snik theyre all over the board on this. They dont want to admit that they dropped the ball that they didnt see this coming or maybe they did and chose not to do anything about it. Robert beckel, the latest number we learned this afternoon, we believe 12,000 foreign fighters have joined and picked up arms for isis. Is it go time . Maybe theres a little truth in all this. This situation has unfolded day by day. There now is the beginning of the coalition of people who are taking these guys on who are worried about the saudis. And talk about european allies. Before they were rampaging through there, nobody paid attention to them. We could argue it was a bad call on their part. Right now, the World Community is galvanized on these guys. I dont think they have a prayers chance of getting into the United States. Would anybody let somebody come into the United States with how about one like a passport from the uk . This is the point. If youre a certainly uk knows who has passports and went over to that area, right . There would be a watch list. This guy was in the uk, then he came back over. Thats why the u. S. Is unsending the fbi to assist with security in the uk to make sure. Theyve been too porous about letting people in. And a uk rapper just cut the head off you have a flood of people coming over from south america and mexico who we dont no he who they are. One of the issues is, president obama says hes already done Surveillance Drones over syria. The question is to really go after isis, you need to drop bombs on isis in syria and youre not going to get Bashar Al Assad to agree to it. Do we do that regardless of whether we get approval. Why are we telegraphing our punches which is what admiral pickering last week said specifically during that press conference on friday, the United States of america doesnt do. We havent been doing it for that long because, remember, he didnt think they were a threat. They were jv. Why would be surveilling people that we dont think is a threat. The mixed messages, my head is spinning. Hagel saying theres an imminent threat, pickering walking that back during the press conference, dempsey coming out trying to mitigate that and say we do think theres a 9 11 chance a threat. This is all the department of defense on different pages. Then we have john mika, a republican saying this has been a failure of intelligence not seeing the isis threat coming. Mike morell over at the cia says weve been warning the white house for years about this. Which one is it . Which one is it . When the cia chief is on a different page than the president of the United States and the folks over at d. O. D. And whats troubling, eric, the former spokesman at the state department was outnumbered yesterday. He said you know what, andrea, this is all deliberately done. They are all deliberately on different pages, maybe not all of them, so they can play cya and cover their butts in case there is an attack. Theres a huge issue. Did the Obama Administration go, do they drop the bombs without congress . Congress is on holiday now. Theyre still on vacation. I think they do. Where is this confusion coming from . Its the trickledown theory. It comes from the top. Theres a confusion in priorities. Right now we have an administration that believes we should go to the u. N. To name and shame countries over climate change. So they believe Global Warming is more important than global terror which is like worrying about hiccups in front of an oncoming train. I have an idea, though, because we found we realize now that we found out we have one american terrorist dead. It gave me a great idea. We should start a terror abroad program where we actually pay your way to go to syria or to iraq and then we kill you. Its like skeet shooting. We launch them and then we kill them. Your idea, lets think about this for a second. Theres a big Silver Lining in this. Eric said 14,000 terrorists from around the world have gone there. There now is every major terrorist in that area that we can identify. Its the worlds greatest roach motel. Its right there. Theyre right there. Lets get them. Their big flaw is they are grouping. They used to spread, now theyre grouping. Were getting it from every western country so they cant come back. Does anybody really think those guys will be able to get back . As long as they have passports. Exactly. Heres the point. Why does it make a difference or not . 150 from england, some from france. They know the names, the french do . Of course they do. Youre making the assumption they are not going to enter illegally, find the easiest means of ingress to go in. Youre not showing much faith. Look at the boston bombings. Our system can be infiltrated. Underpants bomber, do i need say more . He was on a terror watch list. He got here. He couldnt figure out a way to blow his own underpants up. This is how fast things are changing in the middle east. Check out this picture from last year, last year, senator john mccain standing with Free Syrian Army members, now reports are out that legions of the fsa members have signed up with isis. Bring it around. Anyone want this first . John mccain has vehemently suggested that those arent isis members, however, those specific ones werent. They were fsa, Free Syrian Army members, and leaders of them have left to join isis. Thats the problem we have here. You have toreful who were helping, who were arming. Yesterday i said this has been an effort by democrats and republicans and i specifically said john mccain for this exact thing. Mccain has been a Freedom Democracy promotion, lets go over there, lets, you know, no matter who they are. Thank god we didnt arm the rebels in syria. I mean, theyre already driving around in our tanks in iraq. They would be driving around in our tanks and equipment in syria and bashar assad, hes not a good guy. Hes a bad guy. We drew a red line with him. We didnt enforce it, now hes saying if you want to bomb isis you have to ask me permission first. John mccain screwed up on that one. He said, i know these men, theyre not terrorists. Meanwhile, theyre shooting their guns and screaming allah akbar. The military people left the syrian army then wait a second. Then they lost the battle with isis, they were driven away, isis took over the movement of syria. When john mccain was over there, i dont want to defend john mccain but the people were over there. You might be arming the next syrian army. Theres a bit of media amnesia. There was support from the start for Decisive Action in syria because experts predicted a situation like this occurring if we didnt do it early enough. So we cant say now its so good we didnt do that. Because if we had done it, we wouldnt have isis. Its ridiculous to say, oh, they were wrong. When they were arguing to arm the the rebels, greg, that was a little bit too late. The time there were moderate groups there. It was petraeus, Hillary Clinton were calling to arm the rebels. President obama ignored them. However, when john mccain took that photo and there was a National Debate about it having, not in the war rooms and central command, it was too late. Al qaeda was there. Isis was already there. That was just to be clear, thats with one year ago, bob. Isis has been meltdown, meltdown, meltdown. Isis has been known for four years. For a long time theyve known about isis in syria. For a long time, the central coordinating group of the opposition in syria was made up of former Syrian Military people who we wanted to arm them, we didnt do it. Obama probably should have done it, we didnt do it. The fact is, if we had, i think gregs right. We wouldnt have an isis. They were a small radical faction. Im not agreeing with greg. Better not. Havent they been around for the better part of 300 or 40 years . Whos to say if we armed the rebels at the time that was going to solve this is the best proof weve seen so far. These are like top notch fighters. These are the people who could they got gassed. What are you my point is if you arm someone who they may turn and fight for al qaeda. But does that mean dont do anything . Knock them out so nobodys left to fight. Do a leg sweep, blow their legs off, do something. Dont sit here and go woe is me and all this nonsense. Daily beast reports today that there was a National Security adviser braefing last night with the president and the whole goal, the sole mission of that meeting was to, quote, convince one man, barack obama. Point being, intel community, military community pentagon, cia, equivocator in chief, not sure what to do, let me knock on valley jerets door, see if shes still awake. This is why people like james foley are not alive. 30 days went by. Oh, my god. No, he had the chance and he was in there. The point is you cant hesitate. They are constantly on the move. Why is it so hard to convince him to do the right thing . I tell i dont you, i think hes resistant to realigning his priorities to focus on a global threat. Once he does that, its a nuisance to a greater aim, which is to transfer wealth around the world through climate change. Thats the story happening now. He finds this stuff to be interfering. He doesnt want to deal with this. Hed rather take our money and move it over here. Remember his big argument, president obamas, the argument was not to go after al qaeda and isis and radical islamist jihadists. The argument was whether we should go after assad for gassing his people. We dont focus on the real enemy whos a direct threat to u. S. Security. Can we focus on one feelgood thing . They want me to end this block. I had no idea when i was in prison, so much effort was being expended on my behalf. And now having found out, i jump just overwhelmed with emotion. Im also overwhelmed by one other thing, that is that total strangers have been coming up to me, saying, hey, were just glad youre home. Welcome back. Glad youre safe. Great to see you. I suddenly remember how good the American People are and what kindness they have in their hearts. Let me just say one thing. There have been now reports of several countries where there have been people taken as hostages who have paid a lot of money to get those people back. The United States consistently refused to pay dollars to get these people back, including this guy. And its paid off, i think for the United States. Britain paid a lot of money, france paid 6. 6 million for somebody. Didnt we trade five terrorists for one Bowe Bergdahl . The media has to stop trading the story line for ominous graphics. Its not going to be over before the labor day parade. This is actually a forever thing. We have to start thinking that way. Weve been told that. The fight against terror will be forever. Its whack a mole to infinity. Isis will outlast president barack obama. Al qaeda released that terrorist the same al qaeda that the president said was decimated. Well leave it right there. The irs admits it intentionally destroyed lois lerners blackberry. Does the government think theyll get away with that one . Well be back in a smidgen. I was bad to the bone ill keep you my dirty little secret for months irs chief led the American People to believe his agency did all it could to retrieve lois lerners emails in the make of the irs scandal. In light of the hart drive issue, the irs took multiple steps over the past months to assess the situation and produce as much email as possible. Im advised the actual hard drive after it was determined that it was dysfunctional and with experts no emails cowl be retrieved was recycled and destroyed in the normal process. That hard drive was destroyed three years ago after it was irretrievable in terms of email and it had nothing to do with this investigation. Its no the as if the emails were withheld or not produced in a regular manner. Now the irs admitting it intentionally scrubbed lerners blackberry in june 2012 after the congressional investigation began. Investigators who have been searching for the truth are outraged over this latest revelation. Everything weve been hearing about, scratched hard drives, missing emails of lois lerner, other irs officials, other officials in the Obama Administration, its all been a pack of malarkey. Every time john comes in front of committee, we learn he wasnt being straight. If his lips are moving, hes lying. Thats a criminal act if you Say Something thats untrue and later you get caught in the lie. Whoever destroyed the evidence should be in jail, lois lerner should be in jail. Destroying evidence is a crime. Shes actually on paid leave, i think on our taxpayer dollars. An attorney for some of these groups that were being targeted by the irs, she received information, she was on our network and said i received information from a department of Homeland Security official that said they have all this stuff on backup. The Obama Administration is deliberately withholding it. Its time for accountability. Im bummed out. I dont think were going to get it, though. I know we talk about this. I know we keep pushing for prison, for some kind of accountability. It just doesnt seem theyre willing to get there. Were one of the very few news organizations thats still following this story. Absolutely. Its as if they can get away with whatever they want. God knows i destroyed a few blackberrys, one in the hot tub, one in the steam shower. Not on purpose. Its a sad day when the head of the irs can lie in front of the American People, in front of congress. Its a sadder day when president obama can tell bill oreilly theres not a smidgen of corruption here when we now know we thought it before, now we know we have an oversized Swimming Pool full of corruption. Likely he knew about it. Be careful of that. Let me put it this way, in my opinion, i think president obama knew that was going on. Is that better . Yes. Heres the problem with congressional hearings, though, you can raise your right hand, take the oath, lie to congress, the cameras rolling, be held in contempt of congress, you can come back and correct the record and walk away scotfree. Youre allowed to do that. An average citizen is not allowed to do that. How horrible is that . If you didnt come up with a receipt that one time you would have been hogtied in new jersey. Is there going to be any accountability . Or should we set up an insane spanking booth on hill for all the liars that go in front of congress . In this giant dryer of tumblingen scandals, the irs is left behind. It has no titillation, no racism, no violence. The media is complicit. Thats the real crime. They destroyed evidence, they lied. Thats not a coverup, thats a burqa. The media is the burqa. Theyre covering it up through their inactivity. The only thing you can be guilty of with obama is not loving him enough. If i were a criminal id be angry im notetting the credit i deserve. What do i have to do for the media to come after me, eat a live puppy on the five, is that what i have to do . This is huge. They lied about this. Intentionally lied and destroyed it. I think people would not be surprised to see you do that. Excuse me. Just before we went on the air here, i wanted to show you, those of you asking me about kim, heres what kim did for her block here. Look closer. Thats normal. I like how you told us during the commercial break that you didnt want to have to defend the Obama Administration. Bobs attention. What can i say. Next on the five, a whopper size maneuver as president obamas favorite billionaire helps finance burger kings great escape from uncle sam. Andrea has the lowdown on the buffett fast food fast one. Coming up. I just want to be your lover girl well, burger king made a whopper of an announcement yesterday when it told the world its going to move its headquarters to canada after agreeing to buy canadian coffee and doughnut chain tim hortons, which i love. The fast food giant claims the merger isnt an attempt to dodge american Corporate Taxes but critics argue otherwise. Guess who funded burger kings bolt across the border . Warren buffett. Buffetts move comes one month after president obama called such inversion tactics like this unpatriotic. A small but growing group of big corporations are fleeing the country to get out of paying taxes. A loophole in our tax law makes this totally legal. I think thats totally wrong. I proposed closing this unpatriotic tax loophole for good. Eric, so he says theyre unpatriotic. Warren buffett making money off of an inversion when he said in the past, recently on other cable channels he thinks inversions are crazy. Warren buffett finally saw the light because Warren Buffett is in the business of making money. Theyre not tax inversions are not unpatriotic, theyre not loopholes. Its what countries and people do. You find the place where youre going to keep more of your own money. Its logical. The problem is democrats think if the corporations dont pay higher taxes, theyre going to have to make it up somehow by taxing the individuals more. Thats knotnot the case. You can expand business, spend less. New york advertises for tax havens. Bring your business to new york. Well give you one or two years or five years, Something Like that tax holidays. That entices businesses to come. They themselves know, andrew cuomo, a democrat from new york, knows that lower taxes draw businesses. Higher taxes push businesses away. At some point the feds will figure out, president obama never ran a business. Has no business commenting on whats patriotic or unpatriotic in business. I like this move. You know why . We need to learn. Were get getting it. Buffett, bang out the burger king over in canada. Maybe that will get the attention of this government that they have to stop having these punitive taxes that are so excessive because were going to lose the business. By the way, we should. Wake up. Lower the tax rates, stop regulating so much so people can earn a buck and have some jobs in this country. This is what makes me mad. Its obvious something should be done. Wake up and do it. Why are you going to penalize this guy . He has a fiduciary responsibility to his shareholders to get the most bang for the buck. More money in their pockets thats what hes doing. The point when Warren Buffett weighed in was it is crazy when you have a company who will jump through hoops to go overseas. They should be able to stay in this country but instead theyre running away from our economy instead of towards it. Democratic senator brown has a brilliant idea. Lets punish them further by boycotting burger king. I love it when people boycott something. That they dont actually use. Its like a politician will never boycott a Limousine Car service even if their fuel is childrens tears. They will never do it. This is such a nonissue. Hortons is a bigger company. So the little guy has to move to the big guy, that usually happens. Its a bigger market, canada is a bigger market for the combined company. You move where the bigger market is. The change in tax rate is really small. Its 1 or 2 . Its not even an issue. But they will make it an issue. They will make it a political issue but its not. The republicans will make it a political issue. The democrats will. The United States they pay 27 , bob. Burger king pays the Corporate Tax rate is 35 . The Corporate Tax rate is higher. But they have more loopholes because they have the big corporate thats why people move to florida. People move to florida. Can i say one thing about Warren Buffett . Warren, im sad that you have joined these unpatriotic son of a [ muted ] who have done this. Except ive noticed a lot of companies are moving from europe in the United States. Pay more tax than you have to is patriotic . Thats patriotism . Thats called dumb. More than you should. Thats patriotic, pay more than you have to or more than you should. People and money move. People and money move. Kimberly mentioned florida. When you create an environment that is very easy to foster growth and jobs and profit, people will come there. But theyre running in the opposite direction. How Many Companies have gone overseas . Just out of curiosity . Weve been talking about this with pfizer trying to bias tra citiz buy astrazeneca. They tested the waters, it worked, theyre not being penalized for it. This issue is great for liberals and left winger because it allows you to point fingers at corporations which are always evil as opposed to evil people. They would rather go after a Large Corporation than a terrorist group even though corporations are actually decent people trying to mack a living and terrorists want to kill you. Thats what romney said. They always say the threat of terror is exaggerated while exaggerating the evil nature of corporations. Until they need if they flipped it theyd be right. Until they need a campaign donation, then theyre willing to take a check from big business. Wouldnt it be great if the gas companies, coal companies, electrical companies, Food Companies decided to have a strike, a one huff day strike and just see how the government deals, the government made up of takers deals with the fact that the makers arent doing anything for one day. Heres a fact. The Obama Administration and there have been punitive taxes. Get them to the podium, fairness, fairness, fairness. The corporations get more tax breaks than anybody else. They paid less taxes than they did because of the big Corporate Tax breaks. Why would new york and every other state say because come to texas, come to florida. I agree with you. I want to go there, too. It makes sense. I boo i that. If you have a lower tax rate, it would make sense to go there. You can do that in the United States. You dont have to go to toronto. We have to get it together. We also have to go. Russell brand is running his month again, spewing racist remarks about a black conservative commentator who appeared on fox news. Greg will tell you all about it, next. Yesterday i mentioned scruff bucket, Russell Brands attack on fsn riley. Author of the book please stop helping us how liberals make it harder for blacks to succeed. Author of the book i am a convenient africanamerican who will betray my racial roots for fox news. He knock mock id him for not sounding black enough. Could he act any more of a Richard Pryor through the voice of a white person . Just bow down to authority at every possibility, never confront injustice, keep your mouth shut. Then he assumed jason must live among whites, the traitor. Imagine hell find support. Im a white person. Im outraged by this sense of betrayal. Apparently all blacks must live together. How open minded brand. He smears him racially, deeming him not black enough to suit brands stereotype. In his world, a black person must sound black, act black, live in a black area. Congrats, russell, that makes you a fullblown racist. Fo he says that speaking elle between thely is acting white. Keep acting black or famous people wont like you. This smear that education makes you sound white destroys black lives. Russell doesnt care, hes busy enforcing his own bigotry. Later he compared jasons words to violence but would brand call out actual violence like his countrys various beheaders . Nope. That takes guts. What do you expect . Brand is a victim of arrested development. Hes getting to that undergrad lefting for revolution phase. The dope cant wait for the government to impose his version of utopia. Hes a fashlable fascist, calling for an overthrow from a limo. This is the worst thing brand has ever done, then again, i saw arthur. That was a terrible movie. After marriage to brand who would want a man . Hes the cure, let me tell you. Im staying away from that. He didnt call her when he wanted a divorce. He texted it to her. This is the kind of animal he is. Heartless. Hes such a hypocrite. He lives in a multimillion dollar mansion. Preaching revolution. Preaching revolution from the back seat of a limo like he can relate and understand and mocks people who are covering the news and giving their opinion because no one can give an opinion unless its the same one he shares. Wow, open mind. Tonight years ago i used to love this guy, he hosted a show called big brothers in england. Its like youre a freshman in college and you have all the answers and you just discovered it, its so exciting and new. Everybodys going youre almost 40, dude. Thats why they call them sophomores. In greek it means wise fool. You get a little bit of knowledge under your belt when youre a freshman and then youre a sophomore. True story there. I did not know who Russell Brand was before you told me he was a talk show host before he married katy perry. Now hes doing what . Videos in the back of a car . He has a movie career but although the movies havent been doing too well lately. Hes a very funny, talented guy but ideology has twisted his brain. Again, its something that will change with age. I think hes just got to read more. Eric, the disturbing thing about this message, is that he sees jason as eloquent, therefore, he isnt black enough. That might be the most racist thing anybody can think of. I think you pointed that out well in the monologue. I would agree Russell Brand is a talented guy, funny, i believe hes a musician as well. Hes a talented guy but he turned angry at some point. At some point he flipped, some switch flipped in his mind. He became angry. Hes angry at fox, angry at capitalism. He got sober. He did. He got sober. I will tell you, he has the same problem with america that theres another gentleman who has a problem with american conceptualism. He repeated it a bunch of times. I would say theyre on the same page. I realized where the wicked witch of the east voice came from, number one. Number two, his problem was he spent too much time in liberty was over here. Thats probably why he was corrupted. I dont know who the guy is. I dont care. And i dont know who the other dude is either. Jason is a great guy. Hes on fox. Hes a contributor. Some of the things he was criticizing jason for, would he criticize president obama for . Exactly. Does president obama speak like a white guy . Is he not black enough . Did he grow up around white people . Would he say the same things about the president . Of course he wouldnt. He went and used the dog. I was drawn to watch it because of the dog. He jumped all over greg, did you see that . When he dumped on me, he called my book, joy of hate hateful. He didnt understand it was against hate. Joy of hate was an ironic title. I want to point to bob, which i know you will agree, he was dress as Osama Bin Laden the day after 9 11 and you know what he did . He blamed that on his heroin addiction. Now hes sober and hes still a jerk. Dont you get mad when people blame drugs for their behavior when in fact they what really happens is when you get sober and clean, a lot of what is really the truth comes out. Exactly. All right. Theyre yelling. Its up to you. Next, a fight on a plane. Over what . On whether you should recline your seat or next. Test female announcer through monday, get three years interestfree financing and save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on Serta Icomfort and tempurpedic. But this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. Wish right now wish right now that i must say is an awful song. To recline or not to recline in thats the question were asking tonight after a fight broke out on a United Airlines jet this weekend. One passenger wasnt happy. The guy sitting behind her used a special device to block her from putting her seat back. She threw a cup of water at him. The flight was later grounded. Let me ask you, has anybody had Something Like that happen to you here . I have a way to deal with it. Whats that . If you pay for that seat, youre allowed to recline on that. Everybody is able to recline except the last road. If you find out somebody is doing that, carry this, have a can of black beans. If the person behind you locks their chair, eat this and allow nature to take its course. What do you do when somebody throws a chair back at you. As a puerto rican woman, i can vouch for the goya. They taste great. I dont like when people recline all the way back. I think its super mean and your seat goes back even further. If youre a larger individual, taller in stature and whatnot, i feel guilty to lean back or recline. I really do. You smash people. The last time you flew in economy, probably 40 years ago thats not true, bob. Im kidding with you. Heres the way you dont fly economy, bolling. I dont anymore. Dont feel guilty. You earned it. Its in his contract. This is the perfect free market study right here. Theres a need. People are ticked off that the seats are too close. Theres a fix. This little device. The airlines hate the publicity, hate that were talking about it right now. They will fix it or pay the price. Okay. Its capitalism at work. I laugh the fact that were talking about it and its perfect. Andrea, youve been hit from the front seat . By a chair . No. If someone tried to prevent me from reclining id be wearing orange. Okay. Well, let me put it this way, the airlines allowed this thing to take place. This is a classic example of airlines, theyve got a lot of passengers, theyre stuffing people in, making less and less room so they can make more and more money and people get sicker and sicker and their knees get worse. Only corporations that try to make more money on the backs of people who have arthritic problems like me. Watch they have economy plus. Thats a big scam, too. Then Fly Spirit Airlines if you want to be packed in like a sardine. I dont do that. He takes the train. Talk about bus travel. Greyhounded is doing a lot of great work. The train. He takes the train. One more thing is up next time for one more thing. K. G. , youre first. I have a happy story that came out of immense tragedy. This was out of the boston bombings. There was a young man by the name of james costello, coming out after being blown up, his legs were on fire. He recovered with the help of an amazing nurse in rehab who he fell in love with, proposed, both 31 years of age. There they are on their wedding day. So he said hes so sorry that this happened, that anybody was injured and hurt during this terrible ordeal but he found the true love of his life. There they are. James costello and christa dagostino. Im no fan of andrew cuomo. The New York Times does not endorse a sitting governor, saying governor cuomos failure on Ethics Reform hinders an endorsement. Isnt it interesting, you think they could be doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton to take out somebody who could potentially be a dark horse for 2016 . I do. Also, very, very shady that governor Chris Christie of new jersey said hes not going to devote resources to help republican rob astorino . Are you covering for Governor Andrew Cuomo . I hope not. Greg, youre up, my man. It is time for gregs secrets to happiness. Happiness, happiness, happiness. Roll it come on there it is. Check this out. Chipmunk is eating almonds. Look at its cheeks. Cheeks are getting huge. Look at how fat his cheeks are. Theyre about to burst. The secret to happiness, little chipmunk, dont rush it, slow down. Youre not even tasting the food youre eating. The secret to life is savor every moment. Come back. Have some more. There you go. Thats my secret to happiness. That looks like us in the green room. Tyrant final episode, great stuff. Heres a little taste. No spoiler. I gave you a Second Chance to love me. I do love you. You do not get to use that word. Okay. Very quickly but something caught my eye. Roll that videotape right there. Watch this. This is in the u. S. Embassy. Thats the ambassador to this country. Check out the flag. Look at the flag. The flag is flown upside down. Tyrant producers, what are you doing . What are they trying to tell us . I need to know. Lieutenant Alonzo Cushing who was at gettysburg held off a stan on Cemetery Ridge with 110 people and 6 cannons and there were 15,000 confederates coming at you. He got awarded the congressional medal of honor. One other piece of advice, mitt romney will announce hes going to run for president. Bob predicted it. Yay set your terrorists right in our bone backyard. Members of isis identified as we learned about a High School Connection between the two other terrorists. Dangerous rip current from coast to coast. That is two hurricanes churn out monster swells. Kids around the the only ones who get the back to school blues. Why you need to pay close attention to your pets this time of year. Fox and friends first starts right now. Good morning. It is thursday. You are watching fox and friends first. Once again we have a fox news alert. A member of isis has been identified. This man mohammed was killed in syria. He grew up in minnesota before being killed in battle last week along with another american douglas mccain. We are learning shocking information about mccain. Those two went to high school together. One high school two american terrorists. New details emerging about jihadist douglas mccain. He was killed fighting for isis. He wasnt the only one to come out of robinsville Coopers High School in minnesota. It shows mccain with his one time best friend and classmate corey castigar. Both loved basketball and were well liked. He died fighting for el shabab in 2009. He was

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