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Why the new boomerang in terrorism . Easy, western leaders coward before muslim extremism fearing the accusation of intolerance. Even the deadly hate was preached on the streets. Add online recruiting, which speeds radical sags and those returning already attacking europe, its bad. Obama should get his head out of his golf bag or get out of town. The Washington Post says Global Warming is the defining issue of our time. Not terror but warming. Its like being on fire and worrying about your wiegt. Its time to get over being nice. Nice equals death. Especially pr us as more extremists with passports can come here without a visa. We must follow boris. Underneath is a mind that knows the holy war has begun and finishing it requires ending the politeness. If our president isnt up for it, find someone who is. Maybe its better he stays on the course, for good. K. G. , youre the lawyer. Its criminal activity when its not really. Can we actually do this without violating their Civil Liberties . Guess what, i dont care. And in fact, i hope we violate a lot of their Civil Liberties. This is war, this is terror. There should be no mercy because they have shown none. In terms of making decisive action, look, i hope the president has enough people around him to push him in the right direction. I think theres just really one right answer here. We can talk about the ways to get it done. Airstrikes, certainly, but its going to take more than that. We already need help from the uk and european allies and counterparts. Can i just make a special request in the magic lamp . Can we get like Benjamin Netanyahu and putin in for 48 hours . I want somebody to get in here and get it done right so americans dont have to worry and wakeup in the morning fearful of a group thats murderous and horrific like isis. Eric, we have new developments in syria. Were setting the stage for a bombing campaign. Is it weird that there might be an implicit relationship with assad after everything we have been talking about . Okay, so we said we are flying surveillance missions. We also said we with respect going to do that. We were told we werent going to do that. We have this bipolar message coming out of the white house. Chuck hagel sayingist cyst one of the most dangerous foes we have come across. Secretary of state kerry saying we have to destroy isis. Then you have general dempsey saying they are not a threat to our homeland. They need to get a message. Whatever it is, the American People will get behind you. Its america, its our people. Whether its boots on the ground or not, i do think you need to send a mess aage to isis. Right now they are saying, they dont know what they are doing. Right now were recruiting and stealing all its oil and making a lot of money. You need to do three things for sure. Number one, get the Iraqi Military and the kurds on board to your fight. Strengthen them. Give them the money and training they need. Number two, bringing a knife to the gunfight. And then stop the oil revenue. Someone has to be buying it. Whoever is buying oil on the cheap, warn them, you want to do that, well slap sanctions on you as well as the sanctions we need to be slapping on anyone who plays in that world. So three ways of doing it. Im not sure boots on the ground, maybe, but open the door. They are already there though. What is going on with europe . Could this actually happen here where you see an exit us of intense individuals and can actually come back. They have a problem because they invited so many of these former colonies like the french did in Northern Africa of the muslim countries to work there and be guest workers. Now the younger kids havent settled. They are right for radicalization because they are not accepted in the european society. While i dont think were at that point, i think europe is in more trouble, we have a real problem on our hands. It looks like tripoli has fallen to the jihadists. How many countries can fall during one president ial vacation . Its astounding. On the drone point that you asked eric about, why werent we flying drones sooner . And why are we telegraphing what were doing . Why are we letting them know . Last friday the admiral said we dont telegraph our punches. Of course, we do. I think this started with the arab spring that the democrats championed. Its honestly turned into a jihadist coming out party and we are supplying the music, people. This is a huge problem. We got rid of gadhafi in the name of democracy. That was a bipartisan effort. John mccain and president obama, lets get rid of this guy. We should have kept him in power. We shouldnt have meddled in egypt. Now we have a huge problem. We have caused a lot of this. You had an interesting thought. Were beginning to realize, or a lot of people are realizing that dictators are not as bad as jihadists. I would like to theres so many things i would like to say. First of all, you changed tactics in war. Thats what happens. This crowd that everybody is talking about ran like scalded dogs off that dam and they are in retreat. Im not saying they are not a threat, but they certainly when they are confronted with real force, they have found that they can just not madge through things they want to. We thought about lets assume youre in britain and have a passport. You take off for syria or iraq. You think their Intelligence Service are not going to know who they are . Every radical islamist in these countries that are citizens of these countries are now putting themselves on record as going out. So if its up o to me, i would see them go out. I agree with you. There was just an american found dead in syria. Thank god, he was killed over there without cause iing any problem. In syria, lets remember who our biggest ally was in the middle east in terms of the radical muslims in the 80s. It was Saddam Hussein. Very good point. Saddam hussein, mubarak, we facilitied all those removals and the country blows up. The terrorists see the the opening and take over. What do you do with assad . You have syria, who is just like Saddam Hussein or gadhafi. Do you facilitate his removal because of humanitarian reasons and risk the whole iraq and syria blowing up . Cant do it right now. Assad is a vicious person, but hes not a threat to the United States of america. We him to stay in power to crush the islamists. Its a terrible thing, but im sorry, this u. S. Policy thats been hugging this concept that were going tourn the middle east into a Constitutional Republic is pure fantasy. Its caused so many disasters in the middle east coming back to haunt us. Until we abandon this idea of turning everything into the philadelphia on the eve of the constitutional convention, its a joke, its a fantasy, end it. I u think i have avoided this bush bashing more than most of the liberals have. Let us not forget that this was the strategy of george w. Bush. The democracization of the middle east. He encouraged it. And that led to the arab spring. Wait a second, who else was behind that. I seem to remember the clintons as well. Im sure but the idea youre suggesting this is a a liberal thing. Youre blaming arab spring on president bush. Youre trying to blame everything on president obama. I have blamed him. But the idea to let george w. Bush off the hook on this is historically wrong. I dont think anyone is saying its all liberal. Were pointing a finger at the obama administration, not all liberals. Clearly come on. Sorry about that. He wanted to take out. You did a fine job there. Speaking while bob is answering his bookie, this is what president obama had to say about assad over the last few years. President assad now has a choice. He can lead that transition or get out of the way. Ill say it again. Assad will leave power. Its not a question of if, but when. I have indicated repeatedly that president assad has lost legit legitimacy. He needs to step down. The only way to bring stability and peace to syria is going to be for assad to step down. Its just so crazy. You hear these things. You couldnt even script this in hollywood. Unfortunately, we need to leave assad there now. So thats it. Because doi namices are always changing. You have to be able to pivot. Ill send him a road map saying exactly what youre doing. Can i go back to the historical question for you 37 the arab spring was the direct result of democrats supported george bush, but barack obama is in the white house, its his policy. That was george bushs policy. There was one major thing youre leaving out. That was what happened in iran. There was a possibility for a real green revolution and obama let it it slide. Can i have one more thing . Prior to the arab spring, president obama in egypt, june 2009 said, look, we have had this thing all wrong. Youre one of us. Islam is a religion of peace. His words in the speech. That opened the door for, wow, maybe this is an opportunity for an arab spring. I do agree with bob. I do have to back him up on this. This has been a bipartisan effort. I said that from the start. George bush did a lot of democracy promotion. He was right, at least he had the wherewithal to kill the terrorists. But you look at the fantasy democracies. Iraq, libya, syria, we have created all of these disasters ourself telling mubarak to step aside because we believe they u want what we want here in the United States. Its just not true. And now assad is telling us we need to ask his permission if we want to kill isis. We didnt ask. Bob, president obama urged him to step aside. Nan. Si pelosi and all the democrats jumped up and down and said how great it was. The time out. President obama drew a red line. He drew a red line for syria. The line was crossed. Then he put some liquid paper on it and crossed it out. That was a terrible mistake. The idea that somehow the largest country in the middle east, egypt, with a very large military somehow we could have stopped mubarak from being thrown out of office, there was millions of people in the square every night. We facilitated the whole thing. Joe biden said the brotherhood will never rise to power. You think we didnt facilitate the change of guard in egypt . Absolutely not. They were bankrupt. Lets agree on one thing. Isis is the first radical terror outfit born from political correctness. Where modern economics condemned any criticism against muslim extremism. Obama, we must support democracy in egypt. I will never forget that line. I dont. It came directly from george bush. When the five returns, ferguson, missouri, some are apointing a police czar. Is this the best solution to solving tensions and local Law Enforcement . Details, next. Welcome back, everybody. Two days after Michael Brown was shot, a white 20yearold male who was unarmed was shot dead by a cop who was politically correctly called not white. Over the weekend an exmarine was followed to a restaurant parking lot and beat sboon a coma who witnesses claim were 20 black men. Neither of those stories made head lienline, but the black caucus is demanding federal oversight of local Police Departments. Is this me or is this a terrible idea b the last thing we need is eric holder and barack obama handcuffing our extremely capable Law Enforcement . So a federal Law Enforcement czar. This is maybe, maybe the worst idea they have had yet. I cannot believe the amount of interference and the way that they obstruct justice. I mean, seriously, make a mockery of the justice system. They have no business getting involved in had this way u. This is just another flagrant thumb in the noise of officials that should be running their jurisdiction the way they see fit. They are closer to the field. Instead were going to have a justice disaster to meddle and stir up the pot . They engage in celebrative justice. Thats the problem. Is there anything the feds do better than the locals . Many things. I think the idea of taking all Police Departments and putting them under one person, because some of them are very good and there are others like the Ferguson Police department that was turned down by the Missouri State Safety Department for coming up with the worst lousy Crime Statistics in any department in the state and they threw it back at them. The Ferguson Police Department Might not need oversight from washington. They could probably use oversight from newark. Some departments need help. Scl thats the issue. The feds going to make ferguson better. Oh, no. With this idea of a Law Enforcement czar, you look at the problem, the root of the problem are the feds. They have created this culture. And i do think that Law Enforcement czar will have such an antipolice culture that eventually Police Departments will pull out of certain areas that are needed the most and go into more suburban communities where they are more welcome. However, i do think there is an issue with Certain Police forces and the tactics and the culture that we are seeing across the country. You look at the vud owe of the woman who was on antidepressants and crashed into the white house. Did they really need to pump her with six rounds of bullets in front of her child . We have ran videos on the Fox News Channel of a woman speeding and by the time the cops pulled her over, they beat her to a pulp. Theres something going on in this country. I dont think its black and white and cut and dry, i think its complex. I do think it will change when citizens, not people who follow the al sharptons. I wish people would not say every cop is a great person. A lot of them are bums. A lot of the people in ferguson. Wait until the day you need a police officer. I have needed them many times. You think there are bad Police Officers in the world . There are bad people in every job. I never said there werent. Im saying you make blanket statements. Youre the ones its all the democrats. Can i make a point about this. When rhetoric gets extreme over racial issues, its better to walk away and then be happy that from these consequences, a middle ground. There are people from all sides who are agreeing. There might be Solutions Coming from some common sense where we eliminate the extreme voices. You know its bad when a left wing scum weighs in. He actually lectured jason riley, who is black, on how to be black. He accused jason riley of betraying his racial roots because he asserted some conservative perspective about what was going on. He also said he probably lives in a white neighborhood and went on to mock jason rileys whitesounding voice. The interesting thing is brand went after me as well. He only mentioned jasons race, which makes him a racist. Now meanwhile while this is going on, while Russell Brand is lecturing the United States, radical islam is spewing from his homeland, but hes too much of a coward to focus on that and to Say Something like that because he dressed as Osama Bin Laden on 9 11. Hes a coward. He should talk about whats going on in his home and not in ours. May i . Can we get this in here . Harvard professor we understand talked president obama has compared Michael Brown and Martin Luther king. Listen. This is just like the assassination of dr. King in 1968 when everybody was upset. It reminds us of what happened years ago when i was a young kid to the great man, the young kid killed in mississippi for allegedly being with a white woman. For him to compare this to Martin Luther king is ridiculous. If i were him, i would go back to school and learn something about the history of the civil rights movement. As tragic as this was shs comparing this to one of the great leaders of the world is absolutely idiotic. And Martin Luther king spoke in a black church in st. Louis when he was alive, not far from ferguson. I doubt he would agree with that sentiment. His message was different about uniting and taking on and getting rid of black crime in their community. As a harvard law professor, he should know better. Shame on him. Hes leading the charge of rush to judgment against the police officer. Not waiting until the facts are in. Grow up. Final thought . I dont e know. This is what happens in these conflicts. Like i said, theres going to be extreme things said on both sides. You try to go like this. What happens when walter white and the veep share the stage . One hot makeout session. Plus mustsee moments when the five returns. Were doing the emmys on a monday night in august, which means in television, it means the emmys are about to get cancelled. How many speeches are we supposed to sit through . Well, that was seth meyers and jimmy kimmel cracking jokes. Some of the brightest turned out to honor the best in television. Shes won five emmys and had 18 nominations. I lost again. This was good. I lost to jim parsons there. I would have preferred to have won it, but you know. Also i have come a long ways, probably local. Wow. The one controversial moment of the show came after modern family star Sofia Vergara rotated on a pedestal. Wed love for you to stand on this revolving platform. Our academy is more diverse than ever before, both in front of and behind the camera. What truly matters is we never forget our success is based on always giving the viewer something compelling to watch. I love it. Vergaras response to the critics, lighten up a bit. I want to get one for my apartment immediately. Like you dont already. Could you imagine . I could be like a hologram. Shes beautiful. This was a great idea. Who would slam her . Putting her on a pedestal objectified women. I think its amazing. Shes a total 10. Shes gorgeous. I think she handled it perfectly. Haters, go away. Anybody else . You want that thing in your apartment, you have to get rid of the stripper pole so theres enough room for it. Im sorry. Get him. Never mind. Can i just say what she said . Lighten up. I agree. That was fantastic. Im sure she was thrilled to be chosen to be on the rotating platform. I didnt watch the emmys. I was watching kind of a little bit. I saw weird al. I didnt get it what that was all about last night. It was weird al. I think it was a noble effort. Anything else you want to say about it . I thought the big winner was lena dunhams dress. It looked like, do we have a picture . It looked like a fish made out of a cake hate half a girl. She pulled it off quite well. It was like a barbie doll and bag of cotton candy. I thought it was gorgeous. Theres the boyfriend. Enough from me. I was feeling this. Billy crystal with a touching tribute to robin williams. Take a listen. As genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine. Supportive, protective, loving, its very hard to talk about him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. For almost 40 years he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. Really special. Im sure his children, his family, his wife appreciate the tou touching comments. Especially coming from Billy Crystal. Anybody . All you. Im just going to say that so many people who suffer from depression who turn to alcohol as he did and then got off, it was a brave move. First of all, to get sober, i give him a lot of credit. But to continue on doing comedy, i u dont know how many go on straight, but i imagine not many. Theres a lot of that in clubs. No comment. Can i make a point overall about the emmys . Whats clear is this is the best time for television in history. I believe the number of shows is incredible. And why is that you have fx, amc, hbo, its competitive. If hollywood sees this effect in entertainment, why cant they see it in other arenas . These are big Cable Networks beating the nonCable Networks in productivity. That should be seen as good. Why was it it on monday night . Isnt it usually a sunday night event . Because vmas. They couldnt split the sundays . Weird, right . Any moments that stood out to you . What did you think of the Billy Crystal tribute . I really didnt watch. Got to be honest. I did watch the highlight reel. I agree, tv is really in a golden era. Its way better than the movies coming out of hollywood. And the networks are going to have a hard time competing because you have such creativ y creativity. They can do a lot more than the networks. Think about this. There are a lot of great actors and actresses out there who before were limited in the roles they could get. You see some great talent coming forward. Really good stuff coming forward. One of my favorite movies was devils advocate. Thats coming to television. Im looking forward to it. Next on the five, when it comes to the laws of attraction, do women prefer bad boys . And where do nice girls finish . Andrea took to the streets to get reaction to that new study when we return. Do nice guys really finish last or is that a myth . Nope, not a myth. According to a new study, women do prefer the bad boys. When it comes to men, nice girls finish first. I went out earlier and asked people what they look for when they are looking for a mate. Take a look. Do nice guys finish last . No. Yes. I think they dont, but they cant be too nice in the beginning. Women love bad boys. I have one. I think initially we do. Why do you like him . Do you think women like pad boys and men like good girls . No, its the opposite. I think in the 20s probably. I know she didnt until e she met me. Men really like the bad girl. Oh, yeah. Behind closed doors, you want a bad woman. A lady in the street but a freak in the bed. So youre a good guy . You two are living proof the study is right. Nice guys do not finish last. I think i finished first with this one. So very different answers on the streets of new york. Kimberly guilfoyle, focus group of one, do you like bad boys or good boys . Can i ask you something . Is it possible to have both . Yes, at different stages in your life. No, at the same time. Five marriages. Its two marriages. I think its possible to have both in one. Guy. Just like its possible to have it with the woman, right . Example is one of the first romance novels of all time. Dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde that was done because a woman wanted a good guy but a bad guy. He invented a serum to be a bad boy. Its a beautiful tale. Wasnt he a murder . A woman should find a man with a split personality so she can have both. Batman. Bruce wayne, nice guy. I like that. I prefer that. You guys are looking for bat bad boys. They grow out of that stage and want a good man. Its true. You have always wanted a bad girl. I want to side with kimberly. Im a nice guy that likes good girls. You put the combination together, which has happened. Here we go. Derail. I think its great. Is anybody a nice guy with a bad side . What are you doing . Weigh in on bad girls and good girls . When youre dating, youre attracted to that bad girl. Like the usher line that i quoted. You have a super sexy wife. I dont mean it in a bad way but spicy and fun. They are responsive during the day. It took a study to find that . Thats the real point. This stuff is pretty much logic. Its so researchers can talk to girls. Generally the people that do these studies are lonely. They come up with this premise and they go, now we can go to bars or go on campus and talk to girls. You used to send people out to do that for your magazine. Often times they go missing. The best combination is a nice girl outside and a bad girl inside. Thats the usher line quoted during the video. A lady inside and a freak in the bed. By the way, were not defining what bad is . Perhaps we should. I dont know what it means. I think u they mean naughty. You want to further define . Who said naughty. Do you think nice guys finish last . I do. I sure do. Directly ahead, bob, like many others, isnt shy about letting out a real belly laugh from time to time. Jokes aside, well break down the reasons why some people crack up, next on the five. Sweater, extra sweater oh and this is the xfinity tv go app. He can watch live tv from over 50 channels and xfinity on demand movies and shows wherever he wants. Have fun, make some friends. Alright . Did i mention his neck pillow . blowing eve had a tempurpedic for a while. But now that we have the Adjustable Base, its even better. Male speaker 2 when i put my feet up on this bed, my stress just goes away. I go up, hey. Female speaker our tempurpedic is the best thing in our house, except for my husband. Wait. Wait. Where are you going . Female announcer 1 discover how tempurpedic can move you. Female announcer 2 save up to 500 on a tempurpedic mattress with Adjustable Base while supplies last at sleep train. You may have noticed i have had some laughing fits on our show lately like this one. Oh, yeah right. Peter has given up. He asked me if i would rather be right than happy. Were losing bob. I got to tell you. Theres a connection with a study out. It looks like im not the only one at this it table who has a case of the giggles. Its 5 00 in new york city and this is the five. How can i talk without my notes . Funny business aside, what causes us to chuckle . The number one reason isnt a joke. Its interacting with other people and probably why we have so much fun here on the five. The reason i laughed so hard is the question was about relationships. And dana says, you dont always have to admit to youre wrong sometimes. Its okay to be wrong. I have been to her house probably ten times. And poor peter, i have never, ever heard dana she does the wrong things once in awhile. Her husband has a saying. He said i married mrs. Right. I Just Department know id be right all the time. Is that what he says . Greg, is that what your wife says . I am always fascinated by the need to make noise when you laugh. When im at a movie theater, i dont make noise. Im completely silent. Which would be terrible if everybody at a comedy club were like me. Whats interesting is the reason you laugh is to let somebody else know you understand they are not being serious, which is why theres so many fights on the web and on twitter because no one can see the cues or understand the cues. So without the laughter screaming at each other and dri driving. Dont you think thats why u lol isover used. Probably one of the funniest people on the planet. You mean like so three guys walk into a bar. Is that what youre talking about . Whats funny is they play off human emotions. Youre right, exactly. Youre funny. Thank you. You know, i love laughing and making fun of myself, enjoying situations like this. Not making fun of me. I particularly enjoy that. Yes. Joe, i think its actually healthy for you. Theres a study that says that. Perfect. Burns calories. Releasesen door fins. Love it. Greg, you actually know more about this. Am i wrong or do people who are good comedians play off lifes dramas . Yeah. You have to find humor in the stuff of the world. Andrea knows more about this than i do. I completely forgot about you. I was looking at you laughing. We left so much during the commercial break. I laughed the most watching you laugh. Have you ever done stanup comedy . What do you think . No. I did it for two weeks at the washington comedy club, amateur night. First night they were rolling. Next night, nothing. Thats why i quit. One more thing. Test one more thing. I love closed captioning. Sometimes it makes things i say more intelligent. On red eye, this came up as this. Easy llama phobia, which i believe is a fair of lamas. And i do believe that is a problem in america. We need to the stamp that out. It was a problem over there. Especially around me. They love me, those lamas. You know, they will spit in your face. Theyre kind of nasty. They look cute. Theyre not that innocent. But today, okay, pull it together, people. We can put a bow on this if you cooperate. Today is national dog day. Even if you divided politics, democrats and republicans, independents, you can all enjoy dog day, okay . Lets look at our dogs. What a good boy. Americas dog. And our dog on the five. Thats fine. Thats called a dirty dog. First of all, this day in history, august 26th, 1939, the first televised Major League Baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the dodgers. I want to thank the fans who sent me the elvis glasses. I will wear them proudly. I had them on and the producers said take them off. Very quickly, the fitter screen, please. Warren buffett and president obama got together and talked about the buffett role. In other words, if you wanted to raise taxes on the individual. We heard this weekend today, yesterday that Warren Buffett will try to facilitate a move from headquarters of burger king to tim hortons, a canadian firm. Rather than him Warren Buffett out. Hes doing a great job. You run companies. Youre there to make money. That would probably wake president obama up. Instead of calling it antiamerican or, you know, unpatriotic, thats what we need to do. Fix the tax code. Andrea . The government decided to waste 1 million of your tax money to monitor what you are saying online under the guse of preserving the base. Yes, they are giving Indiana University 1 billion bucks to create an al going rhythm to monitor hate speech. I think they could spend it on isis, putin or sealing the border. But no. Be very careful. Have you noticed how much of this is going on in the country . Its unbelievable. They took the patriot act and took advantage of it. They are sneaking into our back yards. Its just horrible. You guys just shouldnt do it. It is about 20 seconds to go on this baby. You said the patriotic was by and large a good act. I said except for that i want to remind you some day. All right. Weve got to go. Set your dvr. Its wednesday, august 27th. We start with a fox news alert. Home grown terror. An american killed fighting for isis. Experts say he was not alone. Now new calls for the president to act. Extreme weather and hurricanes turn off both coasts bringing rough surf and rip kurr represents. Will the storm threaten the holiday weekend. A usc Football Player risking his life to save his drowning nephew. The story may be a hoax. Why the player is now being questioned. Fox friends first starts right now. Good muse toik get the day started. You are watching fox friends first. I am ainsley earhardt. Thank you for starting your day with us. We are going to get right to the chicago news alert. Brand new information emerging about a mans connection to isis and more americans joining their fight. Elizabeth prann live in washington. Good morning. They were aware of Douglas Mcarthur mccain one killed in syria and affiliation with isis. It was first reported by the presyrian Army Fighting against isis for control over Eastern Syria on twitter in june he told his isis contact he would be meeting them soon. Plan knee lawmaker many law americas say we should be keeping closer tabs on those who could be a threat for the u. S. We should have no more visas from the middle east coming over to this area. We should say stop timeout

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