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Mitchell. Reporter alarming news continues to come out where nearly 40,000 members of a combination of islams and ancient per shants were taken to sinjar from a radical Islamic State. American planes have dropped food and water last night but apparently it was only enough to serve 8,000 people and the iraqi spokesman said hundreds of women from that village and area have been kidnapped and possibly taken by militant groups once associated with al qaeda and in the kurdish capital, the siege is somewhat continuing as they continue to hit Islamic State Artillery Missions which have been returning fire that are keeping them out of the capital of erbil. Inner beal is increasingly tense as tens of thousands of refugees have flooded into the city center and are erecting makeshift camps all over the construction sites and is slowly turning into a humanitarian capital as well. Isis militants are pointing their guns at americans now. Isis spokesman say they wont stop until an isis flag flies atop the white house. We turn now to the pentagon, doug mcelway. Tell us whats going on. The key is what theyre doing. I just finished doing a peach which was going to air later today with eric harvey. Highly respected. His opinion is highly respected. He describes isis as infinitely more powerful, infinitely more dangerous than al qaeda and e were not just talking about the abduction of the yezidi women or mass beheadings which is a fierce attack. All the way from baghdadi to the military organization. They learned how to fight very well in syria. Theyve been fighting for a couple of years now in syria. They can shoot straight. You may remember the anecdotal reports earlier on when iraq soldiers said, boy, i sure am glad they cant shoot. Isis soldiers can shoot. They have a lot of money. Theyve robbed banks. Theyre knocking on the doors of iraqs biggest oil fields. They control the dam which serves not very much purposes. They need electricity like the next guys. If they were to be removed they could unleash that dam and create all kinds of havoc. They have initiatives under way for planning and development on western european cities and in the United States. It says it does not create much skill to create havoc in the American Cities and american economy. We saw that with 9 11. They say they have more power and more wherewithal than al qaeda every dreamed of. Thats kind of frightening. Lets bring in ed henry. Weve had two raids so far. Do we expect this to go on further through the night, the weekend, any indication how long . The indication right now is that it might be slowing down at least for a bit because we just got word from the white house that they have what they call a lid around here, which means the president is not going to make any news, make any on camera Statement Like he did last night which telegraph thad the humanitarian trip was on the ware and the air strikes. Over the weekend anything can happen because what white house aides tell us is that the president s authorization to the u. S. Military was openended in the sense that if one of two conditions are met they can move forward with more air strikes in the field. One being dealing with the humanitarian mission. If theres some sense that the up to 40,000 people on the mountain, that the water and food is not enough and the isis militants are moving on them, there can be air strikes in that region. Meanwhile over inner beal where we have a u. S. Consulate, this administration burned by the benghazi situation, they dont want to see another spate of violence there. Thats where the focus is so far. They want to make sure they push back on it there and keep americans out of harms way. I think the bottom line is in the short term the president is getting some credit from democrats and republicans like john boehner the speaker for the air strikes and humanitarian. Josh earnest asked over and over, what is the longterm strategy. They dont appear to have one to make sure they dont take over iraq, syria and eventually jordan. The question is what are they doing to stop isis long term because theyve been picking up a lot of steam. Why was the pentagon seemingly so behind reporters who are absolutely confirming were doing air strikes and then to come on later on, its curious to me if they werent talking to one another or trying to buy some time that people on the ground, our assets, were protected for when those strikes were going to hit. The second question i have is why in the world did the president feel like he had to go out and do a statement at 9 30 p. M. Why did he not say, yes, of course, we dropped humanitarian aid, its the least we can do, case closed. Why did they have to make such a big show out of it and make the headlines they did . It was a relatively short address. It was 15 minutes. It was dramatic in that he comes out at 9 30 at night on something he could have said, yes, of course, im doing this. I think that youve been through this before. Any time troops are put in harms way, while there are not combat boots on the ground there are planes in the air and military personnel in harms way. They wanted to make sure until they were out of iraqi airspace. That was owing to why it was at 9 30 p. M. Eastern. In terms of why pentagon was behind and reporters were confirming, they were trying to wait until the planes were out of harms way. My understanding is they were not too happy about some of the leakes confirmed. They wanted to make sure the personnel were out of harms way. I understand that. My point is i dont think they needed permission. They had the authority to do it and it was unnecessary to make a big show out of it. Of course, were going to protect our people and send humanitarian aid. Ill let them talk. He was under great pressure. Maybe he felt compelled to speak out. Ed, this is bob. I wonder, though, how do they answer the question, the request for thissa was a month ago, a month and a half ago when the Iraqi Government asked the United States to in ter seed as isis was moving across the country. Why would they answer the question now and not then . I think the distinction is a while ago when maliki was asking for help, number one, his government in shambles, two, we didnt have the clear intelligence where to target isis nchl this case now, fast forward a month, you have the humanitarian disaster were on the verge of, a possible genocide atop this mountain in Northern Iraq and so thats a justification. There may be criticism out there but inside the white house they feel like, look, the prts was compelled to act. They cant turn a blind eye. If theres about to be a genocide, youve got to step in. Thats why he did it last night and today. However, that does open him up to criticism and they faced it in the white house today. If youre worrying about people being slaughtered there, why sit over 750 have been slaughters in syria and we never had any air strikes there . Hey, there. Weve heard about the strategy, stolen military, machinery, they can shoot straight but we were talking about this before the show started. We have no ideas what the numb brers are. If theyre a small band of people rrks they small, in the tens of thousands . How many are there . I dont know the number and i think youre right, that thats a fair question to ask that isis seems to be picking up ground inside iraq, inside syria, and also the president was on the phone with King Abdullah of jordan because the king is worried that their next move is to go into jordan. That would suggest theyve got thousands and thousands of militants. I dont have a precise number but theres a disconnect in that the white house was telling us today theres a difference between al qaeda and isis because al qaeda was trying to launch attacks against the American Homeland. If you listen to what secretary of state john kerry was saying in a News Conference, he was saying theyre a threat to the region. But in the long term he think theyre a threat to the United States. And so that suggests that, you know, regardless of what the number is, theyre a threat to the United States according to the United States. This is sim buehrle. Why did they allow it to get this bad. Now theyre saying, oh, out of humanitarian concerns theyre compelled to ask. If isis is varsity and al qaeda is jv, why are we in this position . I think thats a fair question. Its really that its not the president s fault. Its Prime Minister maliki and the Iraqi Government, their failure to include an incluesish government is what got us to this point. As you say, a month, six weeks ago the president cams out and said this isis situation is a growing threat, were on top of it, were waeging u. S. Air strikes. Thats several weeks ago and didnt do anything. Now, look. Its ease to secondguess. We dont have all the intelligence on our hands. The fact is this is something thats been on the u. S. Radar for sore time and it was only this week that there was a potential militaryian aur that they should have intervened. We dont know if hes a militant, commander or what saying we wont rest until the isis flag flies above the white house. For a lot of people who are watching, maybe thats a gamechanger. Maybe it may not by our fight. Theyre bringing it to us. Is there any response from the lawmakers with the this new news that theyre now target america, the white house . Look. I asked josh earnest about that very quote you just mentioned from the documentary and josh earnest sort of pushed back on it by saying essentially that isis may have aspirational goals of launching attacks on the m n American Homeland but that they may be talking trash and may not be to deliver. Talks that game but then backs it up and then tries and sometimes succeeds with, for example, 9 11. Theyre still aspirational. Like i said, dont take it from the president s critics. Take it from his own secretary of state john kerry who at a News Conference today said isis a growing threat and could be a National Security threat to the United States. Thats serious. Two administrations now, weve spent billions of Dollar Training the Iraqi Military and the kurds were supposed to be a pretty strong military. Lets assume theres 10,000 or 15,000. Iraqis are up to 20,000. Why are they getting rolled over so quickly if we were supposed to have trained them so well . I make two quick points. He told me repeatedly its up to the Iraqi Government. As you just laid out, bob, can you take the lead on that or much of anything . Im not so sure. Number two, what does this mean for the situation in afghanistan . You know, you can fight it out whether the president should have left some forces behind in iraq, was it malikis fault, but the bottom line is we pulled out all of our troops and in 2011, this president said were leave bhielkd a stable iraq and three years later thats not true. Were about to pull out most, not all but most of our troops. What is afghanistan going to look like in three years . Its pretty scary. Im going to add something on to the point you just made. A lot of people, if they suggest thad the prts of the United States should not have said to iraqis, telegraph the date certain when we said we were leaving because, well, terrorists will wait and regroup and come back stronger. Thats why i think the military melted away. They knew we werent going to be there years ago. This is not something that happened in the last six weeks. The last thing i notice, do you notice a pattern at the white house . They say assad was weak, they say putin was weak, al qaeda was weak and yet theyre being proven wrong over and over. At some point do they recognize maybe its their words that are not full filling what theyre talking about in the situation room . Its a good example. We keep hearing from the white house hes never been more isolated and meanwhile hes got 20,000 more troops amassing at the border. This week they thumbed their nose at the United States by extending Edward Snowdens stay for three more years. They continue to suggest that their foes like putin are weak and yet putin continues to thumb his nose. These little insurgencies are common in this area for century, but there are signs that theyre already in the west. Am i right . They have caused theyve killed people in the wift already, rietsds sure. Im not sure we can say isis has been as successful as say al qaeda in the west in terms of launching attacks but they have picked up steam, no doubt snead, its kimberly. I have a question for you. I have received information that a question was submitted for an export license for the kurdish provisional government to get ammunition this is back on july 24th. United States Government denied that request when they were trying to do their level best so we wouldnt be in the situation we find ourselves in today. What is the governments answer and explanation for that denial which would have proved to be helpful to the kurds in defeating isis . Thats a difficult question. Youre certainly right. On the one hand if you start arming the kurds, they could defend themselves better perhaps. If you look at ukraine, theres been a fear that the ukrainians dont have a Strong Enough military and well lose those arms to the separatists and those weapons will be used against the ukrainians. Same deal in syria. Theres a great pressure on the president. He can second guess it. Maybe he should have armed them much sooner. Look whats happening in iraq. Some of the weapons we left behind and gave or sold to the Iraqi Government have gotten in the hands of these militants. And so, yes, there is potential. Could some of those weapons wind up in the hands of the militants who then use those weapons against these poor defensive christians and other minorities who are sitting there on the mountain . Thats a difficult question. We have to leave it there. Thanks. Great to see you. How the Obama Administration gravely underestimated the crisis. Before we go, a programming note. With youre going to see more of us for another hour of five at 8 00 p. M. Well be right back. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. 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The administration has been behind the eight ball since the beginning of this thing. Thats because this president does not have a strategic view of what americas interests very are or a view strategically of what america ought to do in order to aid its allies and friends and confront its enemies. Bob, i want to start with you. Would the left having are given president obama a hard time if he had done air strikes in sear dwra or kept troops in iraq longer without a date certain . Would the left have really have been that bothered . I dont think so. Ill tell you why. For one, in light of this horrible, horrible refugee problem, you know, we talk about it now in the mountains of kurdistan the kurds, but in jord jordan, i think you said half the population is refugee. You have this outrageous situation with the United States and the aisle lies. I dont know how close isis is to jordan but it seems to me it would be a lot easier for them in jordan than where theyre going now. Jordanians are under enormous pressure. I dont think they would have had a problem with it because seeing this humanitarian crisis play out, the question is, you know, when you listen to karl rove, i dont think anybody had a strategy for this. Why . Talk about being a monday morning general. What is a strategy . The strategy is to try to stop these guys, i assume. The question is we dont have a strootgy about dealing with isis. The trat question is do you u go in and take over and fight for them or at some point are they taking care of themselves . Beyond that, strategy for what . Let me ask you. There is a pattern of warnings taking place last january and february in front of the congress, the state departments own people saying isis was constituting a group that was going to be very dangerous and basically they laid out this was going to happen. The fact that they dont have a strategy, i mean really, is that supposed to be acceptable . No. It happened so fast. I mean isis took over so quickly they didnt see it coming. Can i go very quickly. We dont have a lot of time. Do you want to know why isis is working, 5 to 10,000 isis militants are taking over the country so quickly . Go to youtube, go to twitter. Look at some of the pictures. Theyre animals, savages, they will stop at nothing. Beheadings, hangings of young kids. Its incredible how evil they are. It thats why its working. The trukts is theyre terrorizing. Thats the point i was making. Today you were yeah. You know, i think that i think that they did miss some signs though and it wasnt just because it was a surprise. I think that president obamas vision was clouded by his hatred for bushs war which had been won and obama chose to lose. Hes also obsessed with advancing his power domestically through obamacare and amnesty. Through obamas prism, its that and not al qaeda. Its like being a patient ignoring a mole that turns out malignant. If he only cared about policy as he is his abs, it would have been different. Would there have been air strikes earlier . Think danas right about that. The bottom line is obama had information from the head of kurdish intelligence, realtime intelligence months ago that this was the situation, that they were developing a serious and considerable force, a terrorist army that should be taken seriously and now why is it so late in the game . Unfortunately because the United States failed to heed these warnings and failed to act. You see this genocide taking place. So as usual were a day late and a dollar short, big on talk, short on actions. I hope this isnt an act of political appeasement but they follow it up with more air strikes so we put them out of business. Thats what its going to take. If thats the case, youre talking about going back to war in iraq. Well, thats the case. Why america should never retreat in the face of terror. Greg makes that case next. Hey i like your ride. I just wanted to let you know. You can save a ton by switching to progressive, just like squirrel here. We offer great discounts, like responsible rider, paid in full, and homeowners. Making us number one in motorcycle insurance. Isnt this romantic. It was. Going the distance to save you more. Now, thats progressive. Im a big fan of humanitarian aid and by humanitarian aid i mean bombs. Theres a misconception that its food and water. Send them some mres and theyll be fine. You can not send them a meal when their heads are on a stake. Bombs beat bread. We deliver them less than dominos, under 30 minutes or its free. We need to remind ourselves, if it isnt us who brings it, then who . Happiness for them is hell. Passivists will shout think of all the terrorists your bombs create. But their pass ivism. He made no new terrorists and i dont recall any new terror movements beginning in japan after august 9, 1945. Prayer is the only thing they have in living to see tomorrow. Islamic extremism exists only to spread and you dont negotiate with a stalker. Our response can only come from above in the shape of a 500pound rsvp for america is truly the bomb. Hey, eric, isnt the latest insurgency happening because it can . Is that basically it . Because theyre like we talked. Theyre just bad. Theyre walking their way through. I think its very interesting how weve dropped humanitarian aid, food and water. It only reached 8,000. We need to continue to do that. We need to protect isis we have a consul in the area and were protecting that. So far hes done anything where nobody can really point the finger at him aggressively. He hasnt done too far and carpet bombing which a lot of people would like to see and he hasnt done nothing where they say hes a lame duck. Actually i think hes done a pretty decent job so far. Do you think hes done too much or too little . Too little. You cust just give it up and say, okay, im only going to go three quarters of the way or play three quarters of football. Thats not how you work with terrorists. They dont suffer from fatigue. When we waver and show avoidance by leadership, i dont think we should apologize. This is a strong country with incredible capable military. We shouldnt be a country of retreat. We should be a country that seps defeat from the terrorists of the world. We have the opportunity to do the right thing. We had hesitation and we see where that got us. Dana, does a reaction to terrorism make more terrorism . No. Ignoring terrorism creates more terrorism. I think that was your point, which is the best way to be a humanitarian in the world is to keep the bad guys from being able to grow and soft power the softer side of diplomacy, that can only work if it is backed up by hard power. Im frustrate thad the action has taken so long but now that theyre under way, like you have my full support. Get it done. Absolutely. Bob do, you see this as when youre dealing with these kinds of people only a military solution . How can there be any other . Yeah. I think theres no question it needs a military solution. I think the hope had been that we would stabilize some of these countries and they would be in a position to fight for themselves. That clearly is not the case now. If weve now committed to doing this, what were saying in essence is since the United States is the only ones kaupable o this kind of ability, were committed to not a quick but very, very long battle with air power. We did it to the balkans for several years if you remember and feeble brought them to their knees. I think we have to accept the fact it will be us and us alone who take this on. The question is its going to be very expensive and will the American People put up with it . I dont have the answer to that. But it means were committing ourselves to a new war in iraq. I dont think so. I think its a continuation. I dont think the president has to be so dramatic and say this is a big new operation. He has the authority. Go ahead and get the job dub. Hes already declared a win. Does it matter from hiss standpoint . Maybe internally for him thats the one thing the hypocrisy will not stand. He didnt name the operation that. Tells it all. Next, the pope has issued a call to action. Will christians worldwide respond to the latest threat of genocide . When we return. Special care in keeping the denture clean. Dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident is designed to clean dentures daily. Its unique microclean formula kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. Thats why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. Cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. [ male announcer ] polident. 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How will the Christian Community respond . It is heartwrenching when you see that womans emotional plea, the desperation when she talks about the people that are being killed, the families that are besieged, dana. In every situation like this, theres usually one moment that you can point to that turn Public Opinion and this could be it in terms of this humanitarian aid, that people will look back and say remember that woman, the anguish because she was representing so many other people. It helps us keep in mind, yes, it is true, muslims have killed more muslims. We have protected muslims, gone to war to protect more muslims. When it comes to protecting christians, thirnng i think thas something we can get behind president obama about. Bob . The thing i find rather dramatic or disturbing is the pope waits this long to make a comment a Statement Like that. Christian countries around the world, those are the majority christian, wait with the exception to the camera to say something. Obama just now begins to talk about christians. Weve been talking about this on this show now for four months. This is nothing new. Youre talking about isis, what theyve been doing to christians. They started this in egypt months ago and we sat back, the pope has sat back. Everybody has sat back i guess out of fear of the muslims. But its about time that the people wake up and the government and the majority of the christians and realize theyre trying to erad rate the entire religion and that, mr. Pope, is something you want to get into earlier. Oh, my gosh. Lets not offend the pope. I dont have a date for you, bob, but i kind of remember when we were talking about the 1,800yearold church that was leveled in syria. He weighed in. Look. Whether its the Muslim Brotherhood killing or syria or isis. Theres one other, its islamists. Muslim radicals. Theyre so intolerant. Jihadists. Yeah. Were talking about it. We were the only ones talking about it. Now all networks are talking about it. This is an epidemic. Its his holiness, not mr. Pope. They claim they want to create an Islamic State. Its crazy. That might not be the right question. The right question should be what should muslims do. Isis is killing christians but your silence, the muslim silence is killing your religion. The outcry and the purge must come from within. Everyone is vulnerable to these ghouls and they believe they are the true successor to islam. Whos going to stop them . The moderates. The good news is c. A. R. E. Condemned them. Thats a very good point. If theyre going to depend on us to do this, why do they not do it themselves . Thats what i find . Get involved. C. A. R. E. Make a difference. Coming up next on the five, the latest on the crisis in the middle east. The ceasefire is over and bombs are flying anew. Stay tuned. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. 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These are some of the 60 rockets that israel said were fired in its direction breaking the ceasefire and requiring israel to return fire, they say. Three doesnt at least hit inside the israeli territory, minor damages and a few injuries, but the israeli response has been pretty hard. They struck a number of targets across northern gaza where wi are, in central gaza and also further to the south. Palestinians report at least six dead today including a 10yearold boy and some 30 wounded. But, of course, hamas is to blame. If hamas hadnt fired on israel, they would not be forced to retaliate. All this means is the peace talks are basically halted in cairo. They have left the table. The palestinians and them are still there. Rick, by the way, youve done a terrific job there. Ive been asking this question ore and over again. Maybe youve got some hint of this. Thats thousands of missiles that have been shot. How are they getting into gaza . I mean i can assume theyre coming from syria and iran. They have been smuggling them in through the tunnels. Then they hide them in those tunnels or other areas and they fire them in many cases from civilian areas an open areas like some right behind us in north gaza. Rick, thank as lot. Stay safe. Is this a surprise to anybody that hamas picked this right up . Ill very quickly throw this out there. Hamas said they broke the ceasefire because their demands werent met. By the way, the 72 hours was up and their demands werent met so they started firing again. What right do they have to make demands . Right. Terrorist organizations dont get to make demands. But guess what, they missed memo. All theyve been getting is coddling from the media, from this administration. I dont even understand why were having this conversation. Theyre a terrorist organizat n organization. Why are you showing them so much respect . Why are the israelis the bad guys and they cant defend themselves . Hay ahh mass is causing the death and destruction of the gazans too. The truce is a time to read all the media clippings from all the european media like the bbc and guardian to find out how well theyre doing. There you go. One more thing. And jimmy carter. Jimmy carter, your buddy. [ woman ] ive always tried to see things from the best angle i could. Its how i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why im shooting for Something Better. Eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. All right. Its time for one more thing. Its friday so its time for okay. Are you ready for a cringeworthy, almost painfultowatch video. House minority whip steny hoyer addressing an African Congress the other day. Watch. First of all, let me tell my friends from africa i do not whip people. And if youve watched house of cards, it is not accurate. That was written that was probably on a teleprompter somewhere. Wow, wow. Okay. Whos up next . Its dana. Youre up. I dont have a cool graphic m going to jump in on fool of the week and tell you about the state department. Do you remember this hearing . Take a look. Mr. Barber, i take it youve been to iceland. Sir, issue not had the privilege yet. Youve about been to norway. Have you been to argentina . Sir, i havent yet. Ive traveled extensively but not yet. After a series of gaffes at the state department hearings, theyre just for ambassadors. Usually you go through a state Department Team where they brief the nominees so they can have a good hearing but the state Department Apparently cant do that on its own so they have hired a firm out of florida for 545,000 so that they can coach their nominees in order to be ambassadors. Leslie page, citizens against government waste say its not the charlie rose show, its not the view. Its congressional testimony. Cough up the facts. Agree with her. Isnt it amazing they dont send them just before the hearing to the country so they can say ive been here. Im ready for ireland. One of the greatest sentences when i started my political career. Therefore, i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice president ford will be sworn in as president at that hour in this office. That was Richard Nixon 40 years ago today resigning his office as president. He should have. He was a criminal. And was he had to get out because the republicans abandoned him, and they should have. All righty. Greg, youre up. At least the democrats have one scandal they can still talk about 40 years ago. We cant talk about the present ones, right . All right. You know what . Its time for this. Gregs secrets to happiness. All right. Heres a cat in a bucket of water. All right . Why is this important . Why am i showing you a cat in a bucket of water . Why am i showing you that . Because pleasures in life are simple and we tend to fore get that. When things are down climb into a bucket of water. With a cat . No, not with a cat. Is he stuck in there . No no, hes not stuck in there. Look how happy that cat is in that bucket of water. Everybody can be that happy if you can sit and calmly relax. He looks like hes being waterboarded. Cats dont even like water. Thats my point. Happy as a cat in a bucket of water. I think dogs are much more easier to understand. Dogs rule. I know, right . Youre up. Okay, so i have a very happy story for you. This is amazing. Why you never give up hope because for this family, their dream came true and they were reunited. This is a sun survivor. She was 4 years old. She was thought to have died in the indian ocean in that tsunami. She was reunited with her family when her brother saw a girl walking on the street and he said, oh, my god, this looks like my sister and he was right. So this family has now been reunited living together happily. Its really an incredible story. Sh was living 80 miles away south from her family and now shes back home where she belongs. Thats a great. Isnt that a sweet story . That will do it for us. Dont forget. Another special edition of the five at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Well see you then. A special report is on deck and dana and i will see you on monday. Yeah. The u. S. Military bombs isis terrorists and drops supplies to trapped religious minorities in iraq . Whats next . This is special report. Good evening. Im bret baier. The u. S. Military is back in combat mode inside iraq. Along with dropping water and food, the u. S. Military on president obamas order is also dropping bombs, trying to push back a terrorist army. And that has a lot of people, republicans and democrats wanting more answers. We have Fox Team Coverage tonight. Ed henry is

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