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American ideals and the constitution. Tonight we look to separate fact from fiction. In moments, we will be joined by a powerful panel. We begin with trace gallagher, reporting from our west coast newsroom on how we got here. Good evening, trace. Good evening, martha. The executive order was a result of extreme vetting President Trump promised during the campaign. A part of nearly all travelers except u. S. Citizens from iraq, syria, sudan, iran, yemen. It suspended their Refugee Program for 120 days to get rid of Homeland Security a chance to review procedures. There is a question to how much guidance Homeland Security and department of justice were given to implement the order. Even many who support the intent order criticize the rollout in the chaotic aftermath. When the order was signed, some visa holders and refugees were already flying to the new u. S. Upon arrival, they were detained and in some cases, turned around. Listen. They gave us no time to repair so youre getting on this flight, thinking that you can go to america with a valid visa and you can be able to get through, and then you can. We are a group of attorneys, translators, and other volunteers, we represent over ten nonprofit organizations and ten private firms. And while pro bono attorneys show up at airports across the country, so did protesters. By the thousands. I think the president is trying to divide us and i think that the people here who came to protest and a standard by those people saying were not going to define that. The white house began pushing back with the president saying that if he had announced the band ahead of time, he wouldve tipped off a lot of bad dudes out there. At that in turn prompted criticism. The present responded by tweeting call it what you want. Its about keeping bad people with bad intentions out of the country. The white house then said this. Thats not a band. It once it is as to make sure that the people who are coming in are vetted properly from seven countries that were identified by the obama demonstration. A band of mean people cannot get in. Weve clearly seen hundreds of thousands of people coming into our country from other countrie countries. We should note federal judges in new york and Washington State issued emergency stays preventing travelers from being sent back to their home countries and yesterday, an iranian man who had been sent home came the first person allowed to return to the u. S. Following a federal judges ruling. Martha . Martha i thank you very much. Our panel, a group of lawyers, veterans, civil rights advocates, Law Enforcement, political strategists, and Everyday Americans who feel very strongly for or against President Trumps executive order. Lets bring a run in. Good you all with us today. Thank you very much for being here. I want to start in the back row. You are a veteran of the iraq and afghanistan war. Your personal feelings when you heard about this executive order, and how you think its going so far. When i first heard about it, what i thought was the ability that the president is giving Homeland Security in the appropriate departments the chance to take some time and think about whats actually taking place. Whats going on, who are they letting end, what are the review standards, how are we doing it and why are we doing it . When i saw that, it was great, i thought this is a good chance to see whats going on. When i started to look, i do social analytics, i looked at who is really driving the conversation. Theres a lot of leftleaning publications and Media Outlets that are deriving this news in a completely downward spiral that this is some kind of bad, negative connotation towards people. Its not that, its about protecting americans and our ability to be able to move forward and go forward. Martha such a good point, because a part of this is what the words actually say and how they are acted. The other part of it is how its perceived. Thats a very powerful thing. Everybody is nodding but thats a big part of this. David come illegal to you. Former Obama Administration. I know you very much against this. Does make sense legally and it does it Carry Forward in a way that makes us a safer . Thats a big issue here. I dont think that the executive order was drafted in a way that would make us safer. The reason is advance people from seven countries, but those seven countries have not been a force of the people that have come here and attacked us. None of those countries have been the place where people came from. The attackers in san bernardino, the attackers in orlando, new jersey, new york bombings, those people didnt come in many of those seven countries. The purpose cant possibly be protect us better. If i was a purpose, they would have picked up the countries that forced those people. I think it was an effort to make an announcement to the world that we are going to be tougher on muslims in general. The problem with that, thats not well calculated with our overall strategy in the middle east. Number one, priority should be to defeat isis. I was in iraq last month. I think there finally going pretty well in the war against isis. We have isis on their heels and we have iraqis who are working closely with us who are risking their lives to fight isis. Incorporated about the message it sends to those iraqis moreover, it cuts off the Refugee Resettlement program which is one way that we are able to award the iraqis to serve as interpreters for our u. S. Military and risk their lives to do that. It allows him to come over here and feel safe when their lives are in danger. Its going the issue of iraq and how iraq has dealt with this is something that people feel very strongly about. Carl, you also served in iraq. He lost friends there. You worked with interpreters, people in iraq who were there to help. The feeling is that they feel slighted by this. That they are not embraced in this, is that true . No. There are many interpreters who do feel that way and theres many that dont. The issue of the fact that we are finally beating back isis, geographically they are shrinking, but the problem is that they are down to 20 or 30 Different Countries. If thats a misunderstanding of people that worked with the Obama Administration that think they are winning the war against isis. We are fundamentally not. Anyone who says that we are should obviously take a look at the Global Prospects of this thing. The serial refugee thing that we stopped along with six other countries, we have to acknowledge the fact that i ran in places like that, some of those attackers and come from around, they are the largest state sponsor of terror. This is a start, much like obamacare, nothing was perfect when they rolled it out, is not perfect now anyway, the main changes as they go along. Same with us. This is a 120 day moratorium. Things will change down the line and theyll be added and it taken off and improved. This is a start to protect the United States of america. It was dont raise your hand if you think of the rollout of this went well. One. Two. Tell me why. I think it depends on who youre talking to whether it went well or not. When according to trumps idea ive been in business and ive seen that you get things out there to get things rolling. If you wait until everything is perfect, it will never happen. You will go in circles. Donald trump went bold, put it out there. He knows is not perfect, he knows he has to adjust, but its fair. Hes on the offensive and everyone is reacting to him. Which is a way we want it. Martha someone who believes that it didnt go well, what damage do you think would potentially cause that . It caused an isolation effect. You have different people coming from Different Countries and they feel a level of isolationism. Going back to the countries replaced on the span, why was in belgium placed on this list . We see strictly muslim countries but when i look at belgium, they have one of the worst vetting process is out there. We are taking consideration with the iraqi interpreters, we are training iraqi Fighter Pilots in arizona as we speak. That provides more of an isolationist theory from us as americans that we need to embrace iraqi allies. It martha who think of the span could potentially stir up more hostility . More violence towards our country . It will stir more hostility because its sending a very wrong message. You have someone like Rudy Giuliani sing of the president called me and said make a muslim band and make it look evil. Whatever he meant to say, hes trying to legitimize bigotry against muslim people. What we have right now is a horrible situation in canada where people were murdered by whites of premises and the president and even bother calling it terrorism or acknowledging it that it was whites primacy and now we are compounding that with the president removing the ban on whites premises organizations altogether. At the fbi has acknowledged and omitted that is the single biggest terrorist threat. White supremacy terrorism is okay and were going to target muslims even though we are told that the greater threat is whites premises. That is going to allow us to be more vulnerable. Under obama . These alternative facts simply dont work. You have Kellyanne Conway stating a massacre that didnt exist. Martha it she hasnt since amended her answer on that and said that she meant to refer to it. Diane, go ahead. Was this not the same list of countries that barack obama had listed . Why is it now that its about isolationism and White Supremacy . No. We have to understand that. We have sovereignty in this country. We have a right to protect us. We had Intelligence Officers that at a hearing in front of Congress Said we cannot bet these people. We do not know who they are. They have no documentation. They dont know who they are. Why should we put ourselves in danger . We can do things like resettlement camps. We are not trying to ban muslims, there are many countries that were not on this list. If thats nonsense. Martha weve got a lot of people who want to chime in but we are going to take a quick break. It will get to all of you. Still ahead, protests have erupted across the nation and response to the immigration executive order britney describing it as a muslim band band. Is that fair . Is that with this is . Our panel will discuss. This is a temporary cause that allows us to vent and review existing martha President Trumps executive order on emigration has dominated the news cycle and it may have something to do with charged headlines like these. Of course its a muslim ban. Donald trumps muslim ban makes us less american. Trumps muslim ban is a huge gift to isis. Is that designation fair . The Administration Says no. When he first announced, he said it muslim ban. He called me up inside put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally. What we did was we focused on, and set of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us. That is a factual basis, not a religious basis. This is not, i repeat, not a ban on muslims. Clearly its on a muslim ban. It has nothing to do with religion. Martha lets get back to our panel to discuss this. You just heard all of those quotes. Yes, sir . The fact is, we have eight years of the Obama Administration who is pretending that there was zero problems with regard to islamic terrorism, problems in the middle east and completely turned a blind eye to it. People may have issues with the nuances regarding President Trumps new immigration policy, but at least hes actually trying to do something and hes addressing a real problem. Its a serious problem. I totally disagree with my neighbor over here. Youve got to understand one thing. First of all, president obama never turned a blind eye. Yemen came in. He never gave a critical look either. He tried to do whatever he could do. Your labeling it. Not only are you labeling this, but youre also saying the questions are allowed. These are refugees. Their countries have been bombe bombed. Thank god our country has not been bombed. These people need to get out, they need a refuge. Martha one of the issues that are raised by that, why we didnt help after. Now, theres all this need for compassion for these individual individuals, but yet, when they were crying out to us, as we say home and being killed by the hundreds of thousands in their countries, we did not really do what we could have two helped. A bill got lot of these countries, like syria specifically, theyve had a civil war going on for almost five years. The christians were the ones being the most persecuted there in the country. Theyve been driven out of their homes by isis, all the minority groups there have been pushed out, bullied, attacked, by isis, fundamentalist groups out there, i dont have a problem to bring christians im sorry, i disagree completely, because the biggest people that are subject to terror by isis are muslims. They are victims of terrorism. Im talking about worldwide, muslims have been killed more and attacked more by isis than any other group. They deserve a right in this country to seek refuge from terrorism. Martha that raises a question, why wouldnt muslims want to have the greatest protection of our borders so that we can make sure that anybody who doesnt want to cause harm is not able to get in and hurt more muslims . I agree with you on that. The thing is, our vetting process is very, very concise and very, very thorough. If you are a refugee, everything that you go under is a twoyear process, that alone has proven to be a wonderful model. It not to mention, no refugee has ever struck back here in america against americans. The question over here, whether the president has the constitutional power to temporarily suspend immigration and the United States. You go back to the 1952 act, congress specifically, authorizes the president to do exactly what hes doing if there is a national scaredy concern. Im a refugee myself with my family. We were invited. Some academic vetted we needed america. America didnt need us as refugees, we need in america. We want is a administration to remain as safe as possible. The president is doing right now is what president carter did in 1979 with the hostage crisis. President obama did the exact same thing into 2011 when we had to refugees from iraq who werent investigated they had blood on their hands, they killed americans i absolutely hear what youre saying. This is exactly what obama did in 2011. There were two refugees were building a bomb in kentucky, it was not a massacre. We have to slow down. There was not one month where the u. S. Stopped seeking iraqi refugees. The process was slow down, but it was not halted. Ive got a question. Is it inhumane to ask people to wait 90 days . Is that an unreasonable thing to ask for . What we are seeing is a ship that has been sinking since 9 1 9 11. His rolling out wasnt necessarily very smooth, but its proactive and we need to change our thinking. I think proactive is a way to approach terror. He is taking steps and i think thats important. Martha it quickly, last thought then well be back. Leadership in the muslim world matters as well. Right now the narrative defined by isis. I want to see proven models versus shallow theories but as a muslim, i want to keep america safe. I thank them for the service they have given but we have to look at proven models. Proven models like the worldwide leader have led people in 206 nations. In order to keep america safe, he hasnt said, let me tell you what he said, a muslim leader said our mosques are open, transparency is important to trust. Opening up and living a democracy. If we understand islam, if we truly as americans understand what true islam is versus the shallow theories and misinterpretations, we will be able to keep america safe and thats a conversation i want to have. Its going to will take a quick break and we will bury it back. Still ahead, widespread outrage. On the other side of the break, were going to show you what some of president obamas top officers said about their refugees over the past few year years. I dont honestly martha President Trump sent his top officials to bring up the issue of safeguarding america as the main motivator behind the order that was signed on january 27th. They are not unique in that. Top officials saying they were routinely warned of the issues with vetting refugees, especially as related to terrorist nations. Watch this. I dont honestly put it past to admin trade operatives refugees. That is a huge concern of ours. I agree with the assessment that is been consist earlier that this is a population of people that were not going to know holland about necessarily coming from syria. We did discover people who came in as refuge is from iraq, a number of people who were a serious concern including two that were charged when a we found their fingerprints on improvised explosive devices from a rack. There was no doubt that that was a product of less than excellent vetting. They could potentially serve as operatives as attacks from the west. The group is exploring a variety of beatings including martha we are back with our panel to discuss. The issue raised here, is that different in terms with the Trump Administration wants to do and what their concerns are, and what the obama in a minute administration wanted to do and what their concerns were . I feel that we are holding President Trump to a different standard. This is a mass hysteria that has been orchestrated by the antitrumpet movement which is totally deflected. He has the right to implement what he sees fit. Its not something that we can hide our heads under like president obama did for eight years. President trump doesnt have to be a peacekeeper, he has to implement the policies that will be for the benefit of both american muslims in the whole country. Both sides are massively inflating. Youre a child and you see a random murder a current television, your parents look to you and say the threat is so small. What they do not tell you, what American Parents are not telling their children, apparently, is that the threat of terrorism is a 300 times or 3,000 times less the on the threat of seeing murder on the street. Its going to were going to go to the front row here. She experienced this firsthand in a bathroom in orlando. The problem is, the statistics what i went through, this man was nowhere near from any country in orlando or any country from over there. He was born right here in new york and hes sitting in these chairs. My issue is that, what we do to protect us from here . We are our own threat. Ive never heard of somebody actually coming from overseas to really harm us. Now the 21 years that ive been sitting here in this chair. What the executive order does is create antiamerican in the middle east. They had us already, but we are increasing that. The way that the executive order was imp lamented it the right way. 109,000 or 109 people, whatever the true number is is all that matters. The reality is is that we have 300 million americans that he is trying to protect. Some people are going to get hurt in this process, thats a reality. The military fights for everybody. So does trump. Thats a reality. Hold on one second. The reality is this, youve got people who are going over and fighting these wars who spent years away from their families. They spent a few months being held up in some process to be vetted, its not a big deal. Its better than being i respect everything a person who served for our country. I thank them until the end of time. Im curious about when this ban or whatever were calling it, there were a visa holders who werent allowed in. Green card holders. There is hundred million. Speak out when you do it like this, you demonize an entire religion of people. It terrorism no religion. When i was in uganda, i lived there for six months. There is a christianbased terrorist organization. They were rating and killing in the name of christ. We do not talk about them like this. Terror investigations and every single state right now as we speak, right here in the United States. We are not saying ban muslims, pick on muslims, we are all americans. First of all, martha a hold on a minute. Take one second. First of all, it is unamerican to discriminate against anyone based on religion arent anything like that. Im a veteran and also a retired Law Enforcement officer. Once i made a comment before about the Intelligence Community, a lot of people dont know that what happened and slept more than what we think. I was in the Intelligence Community and i heard things of the public would cringe if they heard the sort of things that were taking place. The execution of it, the rollout may have been bad, if you look throughout history, the executive orders have been given out since washington. Some of the orders may have shopped of the country also appeared a ram i can give out the executive order but the mans face and proclamation. Truly, eisenhower when he gave up the segregation of schools. Some times we shocked the conscious. This gives an opportunity for both sides of the aisle to look at this and see if the vetting process has changed but what happened yesterday may not be the same today when it comes to the Intelligence Community. It just because something didnt happen the way you thought a few days ago, today may be something new. If i had this information, im not going to say im going to do this because the latest intelligence says that we have these type of threats. We cant tell everybody everything that we know because there will be an issue. Alec all of the discrimination against anyone is wrong. The thing is, i agree. Its 120 days. Us going on that note, we are going to take a quick break and we will be right back. Up next, President Trump sparking massive protests across the nation. It is the order constitutional quest market that is the question that arrived in courts across the nation earlier today. It will provide you with both sides of the legal debate straightahead so that you know what you think and how you can decide. We will be right when a cold calls. Achoo . Answer it. With zicam cold remedy. It shortens colds, so you get better, faster. Colds are gonna call. Answer them with zicam zicam. Get your better back. Now in great tasting crystals. Martha President Trumps executive order and immigration prompted a legal showdown in the weeks since his signature. The fight over constitutionalit constitutionality. It just this morning, new hearings taking place massachusetts and in virginia. The fight continues to provoke strong feelings as you seen here tonight. Watch. This order violates the First Amendment, religious freedom, this order violates the First Amendment protection for free speech. This order violates the equal protection clause end of the due process clause of the constitution and its a clear abuse of power. It must be pushed back. I think the odds are in his favor. It excludes mostly other countries. Martha we are back now with our panel. We are going to go to the lawyers here first. I havent heard from richard. Welcome. Is it or is it not constitutional . It may very well be constitutional. Whether its defined by the statute and whether the procedure worked. Process aside, it may very well be constitutional. It is very hard for a federal court judge to actually determine that an act by the president , which was done to protect, as it said, to protect the citizens is unconstitutional. Im going to bet on the side of it being constitutional. It is a close call, especially in light of the way its gone. I do believe fundamentally that as an Immigration Lawyer, i know the gaps. The 1965 amendment, prohibits the president and congress from using National Origin from a method of discrimination. Its as if the president took seven people, beat them up, theyre not going to act differently. Martha why did they not prevent president obama when he took a pause from bringing people from iraq in the apostle he 70s . The power on Immigration Law is also invested within congress to make laws. The president is using his discretion for our safety, mind you, to enforce the laws just like president obama did and use executive orders in that fashio fashion. 1952, congress made it cr explicitly that the president of the United States has the power to allow someone or disallow someone, a group of people, if they proved to be a threat to national security. We cannot discriminate based on race or religion. You forget it was an executive order that took 100,000 japanese and put them in concentration camps. At 40,000 of them were u. S. Citizens. We cant say it was an executive order, therefore it must be don done. If your belief system advocates for treating women like property, your belief system allows you to kill, hold on, let me finish. If your belief system allows you to kill homosexuals, then that belief system all americans need to unite against radical islam. A martha youre talking about, some of the things we have seen happen and some of these muslim countries is the absence of what the president is trying to protect against. Hes saying if you want to come to this country, you have to respect the laws of the United States of america and the basic values. Im going to go to the back corner here. If anyone, anywhere in the world believes in killing homosexuals, killing black people, i completely agree that its be banned in this country. However, my faith believes islam is against all these things. This whole debate is very personal to me. This will talk about refugee ban, i thought refugee in the United States eight years ago. I was under oppression in pakistan. Im a muslim myself, my community is visited there. I spend my days saving american lives day in and day out as a cardiologist. Martha you feel that the language what about the woman in my may neighborhood born in america that woman, shes attacking women saying they dont deserve to be women, she wishes she could take their reginas away. Martha it we are to take a break. Hold on. We are going to take a quick break. It really going to hear what our panel think. When we come mom, i just saved a lot of money on my Car Insurance by switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. We have been discussing this travel ban, whatever you want to call it that excludes people from seven countries. It obviously brings up a lot of emotions. One of them come up the feeling that it represents or is against all muslims. I think thats one of the most serious things that we have to deal with here, because i think the order is designed to protect us from violence. One of the things it is not being looked at here is the fact that if you are not a green card holder or a citizen, the constitution does not apply to you. I dont care what lawyer says what. Thats the truth. When you have all these people saying that there infringing on someones rights, we dont know who they are because the background check has nothing to check in against. We dont want them here. It does not help the United States to bring people we dont know here. Not all green card holders. Martha no one is going to hear what youre saying. Right here, quickly. What you are seeing in this room and across the country, the underlying issue is about islam. People are getting their information from fake news, from alternative facts. When you come back to real islam, when you understand martha i understand what youre saying. Im going to go right over here. I was lieutenant and nypd. I responded on 9 11 to the world trade center. I was also a lieutenant in the nypd and responded to times square at the attempt at car bombing. Im an exarmy officer appeared at the same token, although i was upset with those situations, understand we have a society and we need to respect people. We have these borders that need to be fortified on the north and the south. I dont agree with a lot of the things that donald trump is looking to do, but at the same token, ultimately, he is trying to keep us safe. Lets give him a chance. It martha whats happening to a certain extent here is theyre trying to send a signal. The signal is, if you wish country harm, we are going to make it a lot more difficult for you to get in here. It is at fair statement . I think this is counterproductive. The fact is, the refugees who we are banning from this country are the biggest victims of terrorism. Thats like banning germans after world war ii say because of the party is in germany. Martha at one of the questions as does every country have the right to say, lets just take a moment and say we are doing our best. Why is he held it to a different standard . Every country decides who can come and not come. Let me finish. There are 16 muslim countries that dont allow or israelis to enter. To ever ever talk about that . Its not a ban, its not on religion. My father was killed by terrorists. They were not muslim terrorists, they were catholic, puerto rican. My cousin was killed by terrorists at the world trade center. This war is to protect america, regardless of who the terrorists are, regardless of where theyre from, the goal of this government, the first parody of this government is to protect everyone in this room. If the way to do it is by banning or stopping certain people from coming in from certain countries for certain amount of time, damn it, we have to do it. I agree with you. Thats the problem. He did not put it that way. He said exactly how he said stuff from the beginning. Martha i have to jump in. We have to leave it there. Thank you so much. I want to thank all of you for being here today. Great conversation. Thank you, everybody, for being with us tonight. 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Coming up on the big show, students at stanford have built a socially aware robot that learns social cues from humans. When the humanrobot war, the robots will be plus, a teacher is fired after an anonymous tip reveals her life as a porn star. Thats all it took to get her fired. Just the tip. [groaning]

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