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Some mock debates but thats about the extent of the preparation from President Trump and i will let him explain why. I think this whole thing is debate prep, what i do is debate prep, im taking questions from you people all the time, ive taken a lot of questions from you over the last number of years and he doesnt. The thing thats been consuming the most oxygen in the west wing right now is the confirmation of judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, the white house is preparing an aggressive offensive strategy which will be led by the White House Press secretary. One senior official told fox news we will need to be night fighters with the opposition throughout this confirmation process. And this opposition has been quite critical over judge barretts religion and in the case of one vanity fair reporter critical of her ability to balance her work life and her family life. There is no better example of being a working mom then Amy Coney Barrett who has seven kids, two of whom she adopted and has a brilliant history of jurisprudence at Notre Dame Law School and on the bench, thats an attack on not just Amy Coney Barrett but its an attack on suburban moms across america, working moms across america. The white house is feeling very confident about the team they have in place and about the possibility of judge amy coney Amy Coney Barrett being confirmed before election day. About an hour and a half, President Trump set to speak in the rose garden about a new initiative to employee coronavirus test nationwide, also expected to take question so watch for that at 3 30. Dana . Dana we will pay lets check in with the Biden Campaign, peter doocy live in cleveland, when will the former Vice President arrived . We expect him to arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon, dana, and weve learned in the last 24 hours that biden is not going to be providing any sort of a sample for the performance enhancing drug test President Trump said he wants ahead of time, the Biden Campaign explain their position like this. Vice President Biden intends to deliver his debate answers in word, the president thinks is best case is in urine, he can have at it. Debate prep continues at home in wilmington. Biden and his Senior Campaign staff have let us know they expect a barrage of hurtful attacks from President Trump although they doubt those attacks will have any kind of a positive impact. Biden has not had an event in a swing state since last wednesday but he did come up to wilmington to talk about and implore republican senators not to move forward on a Trump Nominee unless trump wins the election. The voters in my view are not going to stand for this abuse of power. If we call ourselves our democracy, their voices must be heard. Kamala harris still has not hosted a press Conference Since being named to the ticket but she does debate mike pence next week, she is expected to talk about the Supreme Court but she has not signaled whether or not she plans to meet in her official senate capacity with Amy Coney Barrett, we have reached out to the California Senate office and the campaign for some guidance there. Dana . Dana well, text me if you get an answer there, peter. Great to see you today, thank you pay lets bring in karl rove, always great to see you. I want to start off with the Supreme Court and just get your take, 48 hours after the announcement how things are going, heres Lindsey Graham yesterday morning. We will have a full, fair hearing and let me say this, democrats tried destroying judge barrett at their own peril, their base is going nuts, they raised 300 million since the passing of justice ginsburg. I am being outraised 2 1, the money shows the energy and every democratic senator is going to be under tremendous pressure to destroy judge barrett. Dana is that how you see things going down . The democrats realize they cant stop the nomination so they want to make the republicans pay a price and that involves some kind of attacks on barrett they are going to make it. They are going to be guided by the mistake they made which was put on the Appellate Court when senator feinstein from california questioned her catholicism saying the dogma lives strongly and you referring to her catholic beliefs. They are going to be a little bit more, step back a little bit but its going to get ugly. Dana one of the things Lindsey Graham said is after blue which is a democratic fundraising arm, theyve raised a ton of money but from your perspective, our conservatives energized to vote, more so in this election more than they were before but our democrats as well or are they depressed because theyre going to lose this one . They are both energized right now and if you put your finger on it, if there is a vote before the election and they lose i think theres going to be a lot of democrats who say you should have done more and you should have stopped it but its going to bring out the worst in both parties. I was taken with the former Vice President s comment on the abusive power, i went back and read the constitution and there is no time limitation on the ability of a president to nominate a socalled inferior office, including the Supreme Court so he is a accusing the president of an abuse of power, thats how low weve gone and think about it, Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies and 24 hours, actual who has sent out so many fundraiser requests that the democrats raised 100 million in less than 24 hours. Somebody dies and politics and we use it as an excuse for fundraiser immediately. Dana one of the things they want to focus on his health care, take a listen to both biden and pelosi about the Affordable Care act in the upcoming court. This is about whether or not the aca will exist. That is why he was in such a hurry, so he could have someone in place for the oral arguments, this is unfortunate that the president would be so disrespectful and rush into th this. Dana i can see it both ways, that you want to focus on one particular issue area, or is that a mistake . Politically its smart on their part because if you look at the polls, the number one issue that motivates people to vote democrat in this election is health care, they are doing this not because who knows how shes going to. Its not a great case for the conservatives and its, and really trying to read the mind of how somebody is going to come down is a losing thing when it comes to the Supreme Court but theyre doing this not because they know anything or they expect anything but because they hope it helps them on both bidens campaign and the Senate Campaign to say this is all really about health care, the Supreme Court issue, if thats what the race is all about and its conservative judges versus somebody who will literally interpret the constitution is a winner for republicans if the issue is about health care, thats a whenever the democrats. Dana i want to take you back to 2004, you are on the team preparing george w. Bush for his first president ial debate against john kerry that year. 24 hours out, whats the best thing you can do . Do you lay off or keep giving information . First of all, it depends on the candidate and it also depends on the debate it. In that instance as i recall, this might have been earlier but in 2004 you get to a point where they know theyve got it, they feel like theyve got it. Dana any sense of its not my first rodeo. Exactly. More importantly you realize you need to take the pressure off a little bit and let them do what theyre going to do. For me it was st. Louis, 2004, president bush decided he wanted to go fishing the next day, the home of liver hours of st. Louis, so he and don evans, one of his best friends and secretary of Congress Went out and fished. That was the right way to do it, let them get to a point where they feel comfortable and they just sort of need to let it all seep in and relax. The wrong way to do it was 2000 in the first debate was in boston at the jfk library, i came up with a wacky idea that we would stage by having the president go to huntington, west virginia, the day before, overnight in huntington and give him the day off that day and we put him in the Radisson Hotel in huntington, had a fantastic rally, the state that bob dole lost by 16 points, it was a fantastic event. That night, don evans called me and said, got a little bit of a problem, we are in the best hotel in huntington, west virginia, but its next to the Railroad Tracks and the governor of texas is getting no sleep tonight. So be careful where you put them the night before. Steve and carl, thanks, little trip down memory lane. Our very own Chris Wallace will moderate the very first president ial debate tomorrow night in cleveland and before that, i will join brad and martha for a preview. After the main event is part of our very special prime time line up, you can check it out there. The upper over the Supreme Court report on President Trumps taxes. Live in cleveland, ohio, home of the first president ial debate. Lows. Veterans can refinance their loans with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call to newday usa can save you 3,000 every year. You could start saving, beginning with your next mortgage payment. Refi now at these historic low rates. Tm ti;lj r uque3a n1 . [รท npqq . Xhs vicks vapopatch. Easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. Trusted soothing vapors, from vicks dana President Trump says a New York Times report that he avoided paying federal income taxes for years as fake news. Live outside the white house, mark has more for us. Hey, dana, the New York Times says they reviewed several years worth of President Trumps tax documents and found that the president paid either no taxes or very little, less than 1,000 as recently as 2017. The three authors of this New York Times report break it down even further. They write he paid no income taxes at all in ten of the previous 15 years largely because he reported losing much more money than he made. The president has long refused to release his tax returns read he says its because hes under audit. I asked him about it last night. When they are not under audit i will be proud to show it but its just fake news, the New York Times tried the same thing, they will do anything they can. Democrats are jumping all over this report, i better bring the tax document back up. Nancy pelosi claims trumps finances impact American National security. This president appears to have over 400 million in debt, whatever it is, a 20 in debt. Two homes, what is the leverage they have . For me this is a National Security question. The president appears eager to push back, saying hes under leverage, it will be interesting to see what hes has to say about it later on today. Hes been donating his president ial salary every year since taking office. Dana thank you so much, lets bring in howie kurtz, a Fox News Media analyst. One of the things i love to do is to show you some of the media reaction from the last 24 hours, get your take on the other side. President trumps Tax Information is finally seeing the light of day, revealed in a bombshell report from the New York Times in this thing is a stunner. What might be most glaring and most simple to understand is the times report, his first two years in office this was his federal income tax payment, 750. After that explosive New York Times investigation, because the president be on the hook for breaking any laws . Or is he just working the system like a lot of rich people do . Dana whats your take on all of this, how he . The media are going, i guess the technical term is bonkers. Obviously this was leaked on the eve of the first debate to hurt the president but i dont think its going to move the election needle. It is eyepopping, the president of the United States not paying any income tax for ten to 15 years but even the times said this was done under perfectly legal deductions to the rich people who can hire highpower accountants and the level of detail in this times the story is pretty mindnumbing unless you are somebody who wears a green eye shade for a living. This obviously wont play well with people struggling to pay their own taxes or their own bills without most of those people werent going to vote for donald trump anyway. Dana take a listen to what donald trump said in 2015 when he was asked about this very thing. The only years anybody that received were a couple years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license and they showed he didnt pay any federal income tax. That makes me smart. Dana do you think that that will be sort of his approach . Because the New York Times says there is moderate, and this very topic in the coming weeks. I think most people are going to say, why should anyone, even a very rich person have to pay more taxes than legally required to . The there is no suggestion here of illegality. The fact that he may be under some financial strain, 300 million in loans coming, fighting the irs over a 70 million tax deduction. We learned that donald trump made over 400 million on the apprentice, and got to deduct 70,000 in hairstyling for the show, thats a lot of hair spray about all of this wouldve come out if the president like every other major candidate for president in the last 40 years had released his tax returns in 2016. He chose not to end i still have the feeling, that to have your personal Financial Information leakebefore an election paid dana apparently theres going to be more of that, there have been stories that people thought would slay the dragon and it hasnt happened but we will see how biden tries to work this into the debate tomorrow night. Howie kurtz, great to see you. Talk to you later. Dana. Dana not only are democrats taking shots at President Trumps pick for the Supreme Court, they are even refusing to meet with her. Trey gowdy next. Dana democrats ramping up attacks on President Trumps Supreme Court pick as republicans look to get her confirmation process going. Live at the Supreme Court to tell us how this is all going to go down. Hey, david. Dana, its going to be an interesting few months, republicans are moving at a rapid clip to clip to transform judge Amy Coney Barrett into Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett. Democrats admit they cant do much except install things temporarily. Listen. And slow it down perhaps on a matter of hours, maybe days at the most but we cant stop the outcome. As for judge barrett, those who loved judge Antonin Scalia are praising the president s pick. She clerked for him in 1996. He i she is someone who interprs the words of the constitution as written. Judicial philosophy is mine, too. A judge must deploy the law as written. Judges are not policymakers and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold. Dana, one week from today at the start of the fall term, Amy Coney Barrett will obviously be on the bench by then, President Trump wants her on the bench by the election. The justices will take up the Affordable Care act. A lot going on here and across the street at the capitol. Dana . Dana so much and that building is so beautiful behind you. Thank you, david. Some democrats in the senate are refusing to even meet with President Trumps pick for the Supreme Court. Watch. No, because i believe first that the whole process has been illegitimate and second, she has already stated that she is for overturning the aca, i will not meet with her. I will not be meeting with her, i will take the opportunity to question her when she is under oath. I have no intention of meeting with judge barrett because i simply refuse to treat this process, a sham, illegitimate process as really legitimate. Dana lets bring in trey gowdy, host of the trey gowdy podcast and a Fox News Contributor. I wanted to read you something from axios this morning about democrats feeling boxed in saying liberals can handle this by boycotting or treating her with this respect, you could have the Judiciary Committee screw it up, on the democratic side or even as some might look like a religious bigot out of all of this so they may be caught between a rock and a hard place. Are all of the above if you watch Dianne Feinstein during her court of appeals confirmation. I think its incredibly disrespectful not to meet with someone, i didnt like it when my colleagues boycotted the state of the union or the inauguration, its disrespectful but dana, lets be absolutely clear. The last blue state democrat to vote for nominee for the Supreme Court anyway, they are saving her the time in the effort to try to appeal to their narrowmindedness because there is not an. Dana just go straight to the confirmation hearing. I know marco rubio refused to meet with Merrick Garland but other republicans did meet with him, Merrick Garland did not get a vote either. Take a listen to President Trump last night about Amy Coney Barrett being attacked because of a religion. It so we settled it 60 years ago with the election of john f. Kennedy, they are seriously going after her catholicism. I will stand with her, fight with her and we will make sure that these attacks stop because its unprecedented, fighting a major religion in our country. This is incredible. Dana and attacks on religion, are really antithetical to the actual constitution. Yeah, there is expressly a no religious past but i cant get over the irony of it, a devout catholic put on the bench by a republican who saved the aca so for all the democrats who are worried about the Affordable Care act, that was john roberts that saved it. Roe vs. Wade which is getting a lot of attention, five of the seven justices were put on the bench by republicans so what i find really ironic is every article refers to her as catholic like that somehow a negative. In the old days the media wanted us to believe that nancy pelosi was a devout catholic, they use that term a lot with her and joe biden, now, now they use that phrase, devout catholic because they want to scare us about her. I think she is smart enough to separate her religious beliefs from the oath she will speaking on the bible. If she takes an oath and shes going to give priority to the constitution over any other personal belief i believe her when she takes it. Dana and she said that in her Appellate Court confirmation. I want to ask you about this, you are in congress, we are supposed to have three equal branches of government but over the past few decades the executive branch and the Judicial Branch seem to have gotten a lot more powerful because the Congressional Branch seems to not do its job. If they passed federal laws maybe they wouldnt have to rely on the Supreme Court in order to figure out what was actually constitutional. I want to get your thoughts on that. I think youre 100 right, we were worried that the legislative branch would be too powerful, they need not worry about that. Alexander hamilton thought the Judicial Branch would be the weakest of the three and he need not worry about that anymore, the legislative branch has abdicated its role in this tripartitsystem of government. I listened as my democratic colleagues applauded as president obama settled it without you and my republican colleagues have a different policy now than four years ago. They have no one to blame but themselves. Dana i know you Left Congress a little bit frustrated but we are very glad you can explain to us your position on that because i think that overall aside from this particular Supreme Court nomination, that issue about lee legislative branch needs a lot more discussion. Thank you so much, trey gowdy. Yes, maam, thank you. Dana okay, the first president ial a debate is just over 24 hours today, live in cleveland, our Political Panel is up next. Follow us on instagram as well. The biggest headlines we are tracking so make sure you check the banner and stay uptodate. Rtgage payments by 3000 a year. The va streamline refi is a benefit your spouse earned. It shortens the refi process so veteran families can save money by refinancing. There is no income verification. No appraisal. No out of pocket costs. All time low Mortgage Rates have now dropped even lower. I try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entree. Only at applebees. Dana its a bottom of the hour, time for some top headlines. President trump gives an update on the nations coronavirus strategy about an hour from now, Kamala Harris set to speak any moment about the Supreme Court and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. A new wildfire bringing damage to one country in Northern California as a few thousand people in the area are forced from their homes, drive weather and strong winds and those are todays headlines. We are live in cleveland where President Trump and former Vice President joe biden are set to take the stage for the first debate and it comes u as concers are coming from both sides about how the election may play out, nancy pelosi warning democrats to get ready in case the house has to determine who becomes an expresident. Lets bring in Fox News Contributor and Washington Times opinion editor charlie hurt. Harold, can i start with you about this idea that pelosi wants everyone to get ready . Is that overkill or do you think its smart to be prepared . Thanks for having me on again. This conversation the speaker is asking members to consider used to be an opaque, after having thanksgiving dinner conversation you have with the release smart relative. I kind of get what shes asking for. Look at both sides, President Trump is suggesting that mailin votes are the only real way he could lose this election. I hope, we will know the winner not long after tuesday night, that first tuesday, i dont think we will find ourselves with another or gora v. Bush. Dana charlie remembers it, he had 36 days of all that coverage as well bear theres a very real possibility, its a slim chance but its a possibility that if there were a tie, this and this happened that nancy pelosi can actually end up being the president for a while in that situation. I wonder how youre feeling about that. That should definitely motivate a lot of people and harold, i pray you are right. I pray the thing is over that night but this is 2020 so why not throw the election to the house of representatives for the first time in, i dont do the math but 150 years. The Trump Presidency is a sort of a break the glass presidency which i kind of think it is and i mean that as a compliment because i look love running all the traps of the constitution were everybody sort flexes their muscles and make it to to see how this thing really works, that would be perfectly fitting and it would be interesting but like you said i kind of hope we have a clear winner on that night. Dana tomorrow nights only have the first debate so both of the candidates have been talking a little bit about this, take a listen to both of them. Im willing to take a drug test. I think he should because hes had a very uneven i watched him with some other, when he was debating, pocahontas and harris who treated him so badly and all of a sudden he debated crazy Bernie Sanders and the truth is, he was okay. He was no Winston Churchill but he was fine. My it is going to be a straight attack, is the only thing he knows how to do, he doesnt know how to debate the facts. Dana harold, what will you be looking for tomorrow night . Whats the first thing you will consider in terms of how the candidates are doing . I like the fourth analogy, im going to watch the referee, its going to be a physical ga game, either a factcheck or not allow these candidates to go at each other too aggressively. My sense is if he doesnt step in at some point early, at least call for the disposition consistent with what the country wants, and two, which candidate offers the most compelling and easy to understand economic and Health Care Vision . If a candidate is able to emerge from that and get them underneath and dodge of the things that may be said about them personally i think the country will be looking for more of that and i think the candidate who does it the best will be rewarded the most. Dana how about you, charlie . Well, obviously these things are always a tremendously enjoyable thing to watch because President Trump is so unpredictable, he does everything very differently than regular politicians do. The risk for somebody like Vice President bidens he goes out there and any time politician tries to mimic President Trump or tries to out do President Trump it usually ends in terrible disaster so i will be watching for that, be watching if there are any really cringeworthy Senior Moments from joe biden which nobody really wants to see, that could be something that will i think define the race. On President Trumps side, hes best with humor and when he goes after people with humor he scores the most points and i think he can do that, he can prosecute a very strong case against joe bidens 50 years in washington, hes got to be careful. I dont think the American People just like joe biden the way they disliked Hillary Clinton and so he got a little more leeway going after Hillary Clinton then he would with biden. Dana . Well ill tell you what, thats great advice and i will be taking that on board as i watch tomorrow night live and i look forward to talking to you both again soon. Thanks for being on. You bet. Dana next, we will speak to a center who is saying that race pushed aside the balance of power in washington. Dana with the first president ial debate a day away, what do voters want to hear from the candidates . Live in saginaw, michigan. Hey, there, good to see you. Saginaw is 1 of 5 counties in the i75 corridor door to help put President Trump in the white house the last time arou around. The Manufacturing Company hosting us today, historically democrats have done well here. President trump did win the last time around, and this year we did get out to speak with some voters pretty close to here and i will say that most people we spoke with has made up their minds ahead of them to meet tomorrow minds at least when it comes to what they think of the incumbent. To be honest with you, it boils down to the covid19 thing. Just being serious, you know, if the president would have been Wearing Masks and this and that, people who were voting for him most likely wouldve worn a mask. Thats just common sense. Ive enjoyed getting to bring home a little bit of my paycheck. I see a lot of things that happened that trump does that i just do not support, i cant support a president that is blatantly disrespectful to a lot of individuals. You look at it by the numbers in michigan, joe biden does continue to hold the polling lead here but its so close, as you know, the state is decided by fewer than 11,000 votes, any movement in a region like this, swing region can really decide things. Dana im so glad we had you on the show, thats an interesting report and i look forward to more of those before the election, thank you. And of course there is it so much on the line this november but thats especially true in states like North Carolina. If you decide not only the race for the white house but control of the senate and even the future of the Supreme Court so with all of that on the line lets bring in republican senator tom dillon who is in a tough race for reelection, no pressure for North Carolina but its all eyes on you. Tell me about how the Supreme Court opening and down north carolinians are taking to Amy Coney Barrett. I think shes warmly received by North Carolina and i sit on the Judiciary Committee so i will be there for the confirmation hearing. Shes a brilliant academic professor in her class at notre dame law, shes been a great judge, support across the political spectrum of people who served with her and shes going to be the first Supreme Court justice who has schoolage kids when she gets confirmed. I think people in North Carolina support judge barrett. Im looking forward to moving forward with the confirmation and getting her confirmed before the election. Dana you were very close in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, do you see this one being as hotly contested is that one . I think they had to be very careful how they approach the nominee but i still think we already, weve seen the narrative on social media, they are going to do everything they can to discredit her, my opponent wants to support liberal judges who would challenge our second amendment, our religious freedoms and our right to speak. We know that amy barrett will not do that, i think. Dana the real clear politics average joes in North Carolina it is super close, biden up 47, President Trump up at 46. 2. Theres a little bit more of a distance, what can make the difference in these North Carolina races for you and even for President Trump in the next 36 days . I have my third debate on thursday night, as the borders of North Carolina, they want somebody who has broken a tax pledge, raised taxes by a million dollars, do they want somebody who criticized the paycheck protection program, do they want somebody who got 40,000 tax credit to renovate his house or do they want somebody who grew up in a trailer park, didnt get my degree until i was 36 years old and fulfilled every promise ive ever made. Dana how do you think, maybe a quick thought about the voting now, i know its already early and under way, how do you think republican get out the vote efforts are going compared to democrats . Weve got a very energized base, we seen a lot of enthusiasm for what we will be doing in the senate and the Judiciary Committee. I feel like we have the enthusiasm on our side. I also think with the rioting we are seeing across the country, in raleigh and in nashville, voters are getting concerned with Public Safety and the attacks on police. I think those of a kind of things that are going to motivate even inconsistent voters to get to the polls by november 3rd. I am very worried about what the election does with our absentee ballot system, against the suggestion of the legislature, providing ballot boxes, not requiring a signature on your absentee ballot and allowing the ballots to be received days after the election is undermining something that i really relied on and voted absentee before. Dana senator tom tillis, we will keep in touch with you on your race and the Supreme Court confirmation, thanks so much. Thank you, dana. Dana next, an nfl legend just made the play of his life and stopped a wouldbe kidnapper from taking his grandkids. Wait until you hear how it all unfolded. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Dana new questions are emerging in Breanna Taylor case after a ballistics report does not match the attorney generals claim that her boyfriend shot an officer the night she died. Hey, dana, last week Daniel Cameron said the officers were justified in using their weapons, firing their weapons because her boyfriend fired his weapon first, wounding officer Jonathan Mattingly in the leg, he fired a warning shot, the officers fired their weapons and Breanna Taylor was killed. Ballistics proved that the bullet that one of the officers came from walkers gun. Kenneth walker fired the shot that hit sergeant mattingly. An attorney for Kenneth Walker spent to make said the kentucky state ballistics report could not conclude that walkers bullet wound to the officer. Walkers attorney confirmed that there report is in part due to limited markings of comparative value, the 9millimeter bullet was neither identified nor eliminated as having been fired from walkers gun. Former officer Brett Hankinson is said to be arraigned for three charges of wanton endangerment. It was fired and Breonna Taylors family is continuing their push to make all of this evidence public. Dana thank you. Legendary nfl quarterback joe montana, right in his own home, todd . Joe montana often did the unthinkable on the field but this weekend his family was the victim of an unthinkable act. The 49 are great and his wife rescued their 9monthold granddaughter from a woman who tried to kidnap her. According to l. A. Sheriff, the little girl was sleeping in a playpen on a malibu home on saturday afternoon when a woman went into the home and took the child. Montana and his wife jennifer reportedly tried to deescalate the situation and asked the woman to give the child back. Soon the three got in a struggle before jennifer was able to rescue the girl. The woman, ran away from the home but was arrested. The hall of fame quarterback tweeting his thanks to people reaching out but asking for privacy. The 39yearold suspect is expected in Court Tomorrow on burglary and kidnapping charges. Dana . Dana thank you, todd, thank you so much. Thank you for joining us. Im dana perino. Bill hemmer, we are on your home to her pier, talking about joe montana. Bill yes you are you are. Dana you remember that from your childhood. Bill i was all you a quick story, takes about seven seconds very joe montana, you are responsible for the two of the worst days of my childhood. He said i hear from a lot of people. Nice to see you, hang on. Bill welcome to the broadcast here live in cleveland, President Trump and joe biden taking the stage tomorrow night with the first of three president ial debates but this one might mean the most. Chris wallace will moderate im of the big debate set to start at 9 00 eastern time. President trump speaks from the rose garden about coronavirus testing. We will see if he takes questions, other major stories we are watching including the New York Times battle over

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