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A nominee of a party that is in the same party as the senate then typically they do confirm. Dana lets bring in bret baier. Great to have you here as this moves pretty quickly, the passing of the Ruth Bader Ginsburg on friday evening, until Tuesday Morning when republicans are now saying they would have the votes to go forward with this even before the election. We dont have time and yet, but what we think about the republicans coalescing . This is a good day for Mitch Mcconnell, the new poll came out, and thats a huge deal. That means that clear is the day for this process to move forward and likely move forward quickly. I guess the biggest controversy and democrats are really coming out this hard saying, they should not be doing this, but if you look at the prism of if it was President Joe Biden and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, what the democrats move forward with the nomination and most people were telling the truth would say absolutely they would. So that is what the republicans mindset and i think they are going to go fast. Dana and there was some sound also from Lindsey Graham and importantly the Senate Judiciary committee. Last night talking about, you might have said something in 2016, people say hes hypocritical now, lets take a listen to that. After kavanaugh, everything changed with me. Name one liberal justice, they are talking about changing the electoral college. If they keep the senate and the white house, this will change fundamentally. Dana will make it back to september of 2018, that is in terms of this viewpoint. I really think the kavanaugh hearings at the table for what was going to happen next. It was very poisonous back and forth and it hasnt been smooth, Supreme Court nominations have not been smooth for many, many years and perhaps mitt romney came to the conclusion that even if donald trump loses, the legacy he would hold is opening the door for a liberal justice as opposed to changing the court like he potentially is. Dana there in washington, d. C. , at the capital, they are having separate meetings and we will get those to you. We wont get information to the timing and then we have to figure out when we are doing meet and greets. He said this today about mcconnell. The mcconnell rule. Thats the reelection of the neck Supreme Court justice. It turns out the mcconnell rule was nothing more than the mcconnell roots. Dana theres not a lot of love lost between these two, but i dont think mcconnell is going to be too worried about this. How does it affect us really tough Battleground Senate races out there . I dont think we know yet. I think democrats are saying that this will rally their base in a very lame, and its a real question as to how it affects those republicans who are delivering what they were elected the first time to put judges on the Supreme Court and judges on the judiciary. And harry reid was a first want to get rid of the filibuster for judges as Democratic Leaders and there is hypocrisy to go on both sides. Dana may be the last question, what did you think about joe biden yesterday with his Campaign Events and not even mentioning Supreme Court situations . I think that tells you that they perhaps feel it does not help them. Otherwise he would be hitting it hard to come but wouldnt you . If you thought this was a political benefit, to not even mention it. In suggesting that maybe they have analysts to be a negative to them. Dana and they might have decided that there is nothing they can do about it. Bret baier, always good to have you. I dont know what that noise was but i knew you handled it perfectly well. Im sorry, trucks going by. Lets bring in chief correspondent john roberts. Catches up to speed on what you think the news is when it comes to the Supreme Court. I think its a matter of whether or not they can get this all done in time. Theyve got 51 republicans on board, and lets head down the road to the word of the vote. Its anybodys guess at this point but Kayleigh Mcenany saying the president is going to put out a conservative justice or textual constitutionalist who will pass muster among conservatives, that person will get an affirmative vote in the senate. As far as we know that contenders are amy coney barrett, Barbara Lagoa and joe larson of michigan who is part of the Six Circuit Court of appeals. Other than that, they were both considered for the kavanaugh seat and its been sort of widely thought that the Ruth Bader Ginsburg slot if and when it became available would be held for amy coney barrett. The president said earlier today they are very close to making a decision and does believe that he can get it done in time. President trump i would say we are very close to that decision. We have nothing especially since we have the support, we have senatorial support, and i guess we have all the votes we are going to need. As weve been talking about the last 24 hours, just as John Paul Stevens holds the record in 19 days, if you remember in 2005, the confirmation, the chief justice passed away and president bush renominated roberts to be the chief justice. That confirmation went through in 24 days and of course Sandra Day Oconnor after reagan nominated her with three and 33 days. The current average is somewhere around 50 days as to whether or not they can get it done within the 30 days that they have, heres what Kayleigh Mcenany said. We will go about this the way we always have it by putting forward a constitutional originalist that we believe the American People will appreciate and get us through the approval process for the nomination process i should say quite quickly. Dana will move and high water to get it done but theres a lot to get done between now and november the 3rd. Dana time is me. Okay, thank you so much. Democrats calling for extreme measures in response to President Trumps pick including packing our nations highest court. Court. Congresswoman liz cheney reacts, next. That Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. She always wanted her smile to shine. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. crowd cheering therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Dana with only six weeks before the election joe biden is not on the campaign trail today but his running mate, harris is. Shes trying to flip a red state back to two. Day not just a few minutes ago we ran into, larry is on the street while she was doing all walking to hear of of some businesses in flint and she took a few steps pass the current site of a potential trump nominee. What should democrats do with the president put somebody else on the court . Senator harris, should democrats try to pack the courts next year . So we tried, no answer yet. That we were in wisconsin yesterday, and a few dozen Trump Supporters all seemed very knowledgeable about this pending nomination fight. Listen here to a biden supporter and a trump supporter. They are eating their own folks, Susan Collins susan coll, you are cutting them off. He has a responsibility on that responsibility and one is we encounter an opening and its his job to fill it. Harris has a few more events here in michigan before heading back home to washington, d. C. Dana r8, keep trying to ask those questions. Many democrats climb to their party to pack the Supreme Court or add justices. Lets bring in liz cheney and she was talking about republicans. They are paying the price for elections to come. Everyone is looking at what makes the difference with these senatorial races and what they dont really understand is, we see 2018 again and again and again in terms of defeat. Dana does she have that wrong . Absolutely she does. If the democrats are suggesting that again they might with the exercise of the constitutional duty it tells how desperate they are. This president has named the judges that believe in the constitution and believe in the adherence of the constitution and they know that judges are supposed to interpret the law and not make law. Thats what they do again with disappointment. They absolutely will do it and i anticipate that the senate will bring it up and from the nominee and i look forward to that. Dana what you think about the consequences for the democrat . Trying to abolish because they are so offended that small population states have influence and power as the constitution requires. I think the American People are sick and tired of it. The American People elected President Trump and the American People gave us a majority of the senate and they expect us all to do our jobs. The more the democrats act as though they are willing to bring the whole place down, that they do not believe in the constitution, the more threats that they make about Court Packing and somehow trying to abolish the electoral college. They want people that are elected who are going to come to washington and get things done and all of the things that the speaker has not done. The fact that we still do not have a an extension to the ppp program and the fact that they do not bring legislations to help people that are still hurting because of the virus, instead shes out there making these wild claims about what shes going to do or the electoral consequences of President Trump doing his job. Its not going to fly with the American People, they are sick of it and they want results. And they want judges, a historic number of judges who will fundamentally change the nature of this country going on for generations. We look forward to this battle and it will be one that we know we will win. I wonder if this will have any effect on the house races . Listen. I think again particularly across the country in the swing districts that we know we have to win, number one there are lots of vulnerable democrats are adopting the same tactic as joe biden and hiding in the basement. Their constituents want to know why they havent voted on any covid relief and why none of that has come to the floor to actually be able to pass the senate. Number two, they are sick and tired of politicians in washington, they want judges frankly who are going to abide by the constitution. So i think the speaker its not the first time shes been dead wrong but she is dead wrong on this one. Dana we will have to see. Congressman liv is changing. Next education secretary betsy divorce. We will talk to her about concerns over covid19 as kids head back to the classroom and what happens if there is another surgeon cases. Surge in the cases its official National Coffee day is now National Dunkin day celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase on september 29th. But not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. Because you cant be everyones favorite ketchup without making a ketchup for everyone. Dana Senate Leaders speaking out on capitol hill, or just about to, they are finishing up their policy lunch. Is Mitch Mcconnell who is the Senate Minority leader. As we all know, the president is going to be sending of a nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy later this week. We anticipate it will be an extremely wellqualified woman and with regard to the schedule after that announcement, chairman Lindsey Graham will lay out the plan for handling the nomination before the judiciary committee. Number two, a word about the negotiation on the cr. The speaker seems to be hung up on it doing doing the ccc replenishment which has been automatically done under majorities on both sides for as long as anyone can remember. Hopefully we will be able to get that worked out. But basically its a message to farm country to drop dead, if you dont do what we have automatically done, largely without negotiation in the past which is to replenish the ccc at the beginning of the fiscal ye fiscal year. And with that i would be happy to turn it over to you. As he pointed out, we are all looking forward to the president s announcement of his nominee to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. We expect that as we pointed out to be a highly qualified woman. Most of us came to the senate and ran for the senate in a lot of ways for big moments like this. And nominees that believe in the constitutional rule of law, and you want to make sure that its applied in the work they do in the court. We seen in the last several decades, judicial activism and legislating and that was something by our founders and we are looking to consider constitutionalist. They are saying this is somebody we would fill that important vacancy. The democrats have decided to take the agriculture on the cr, and thats ongoing farm bill in mandatory programs we authorize the farm bill, ark payments, plc payments, conservation payments, and the Commodity Corporation is a place that we go to fund those important programs. And we see the farmers of this country to go pound sand at a time when they have experienced economic adversity and bad weather and Everything Else that goes with it so i hope they will come to reverse that decision and work with the republicans and they take care of that priority. As we honor the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and realize she was a role model for many who enter the law, and looking forward to a nomination by President Trump who i am assuming is going to be a woman who will equally be a role mod role model. Thats a powerful and positive appointee, someone whos been vetted by the senate and a highly qualified woman. Threats to the institutions of our nation and he says if you do this, he will do that. These threats have been going on for a long period of time. Remember in the spring when Chuck Schumer stood outside of the Supreme Court and yelled at the building and yelled at judge for such and judge kavanaugh and said a company will pay the price. Once he threatening to do . Add members to the Supreme Court is President Trump is not reelected and if the senate goes into democrat hands. Adding members of the Supreme Court, in an interview last year she said dont do it, nine is the right number and shes had to expand the court he would politicize it and that would not be the thing to do. They are not going to go after President Trump makes the nomination. To undermine whoever the president nominates. He didnt really answer either. He would alienate have at least half of his voters. He was loyal to bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, alexandria ocasiocortez side of the ledger, or those who are not quite as extreme as they are. Either way it was a loser question for joe biden. I dont know what joe biden remembers, and they play such a role in hearings for judge bork, he was the one that basically turned on what became a political circus. I dont know if he remembers that he was the one that smeared clarence thomas. I dont know if joe biden remembers that he was on that let the filibuster of justice alito. I do know that the democrats today here will continue to remember those lessons and use them against whoever it is that President Trump nominates. The constitution requires two things to happen. One is the president must make a nomination and number two is the senate must deal with that nomination and eventually approve it. At any time the white house and the senate have been in general political agreements, and i think there have been 29 of those times, and when there is a disagreement that is solved in another way, as a constitutional job to be done here and we intend to do it. Another job that we need to be focused on right now that seems to be slipping away from us is the opportunity to have another package on how to get they have been told of several beers over the last several views. And not assume, the hospitals will continue to do their work. The package that we voted on in the senate, the democrats and republicans, there was perfectly dumb like a deal they are. There is that election and we can still figure out a way to get all of those elements, and come up with whatever that agreement is. Ruth bader ginsburg. I see her spirit and determination reflected in so many generations of young Women Leaders today i was at an event and i quite literally tear it up in front of the audience. We may not agree with everything politically but im admired what a term of this was and what a great example she set for again so many generations of Women Leaders. So all of my best wishes to her family during this very, very difficult time. I look forward to vetting whoever that nominee may be, i will do my duty as a member of that committee. Moving onto the cc would see, as has been mentioned by number of my colleagues, for nearly three decades we have move forward with the replenishmen replenishc funds by farmers in a bipartisan passion. So many of them go to conservation efforts, they go to dairy, you name it, it is there to support our farmers and our ranchers and the integrity of our food supply youre in the United States. So i do hope that Speaker Pelosi will rethink her idea of stripping out funding and putting that funding back into this continuing resolution bill and moving from with that. We informed country, we will remember this. We will remember this and we need that back into take care of our farmers across United States that enjoys eating. So thank you. When this republican president was elected in 2016 and when the American People expanded the republican majority, and the Supreme Court vacancy arise that vacancy would be filled. We will act because the American People want us to act in the people of indiana in particular want me to act on this forthcoming nomination. Historical precedents supports action in a case like this clearly and the president s put forward a list of incredibly talented potential nominees including indianas own judge judge amy coney barrett. The president has been discussing in recent days would be an excellent choice. Its my intention to fully evaluate the records of whomever the president ultimately nominates and to ensure bold action and i have high confidence of the American People will be favorably impressed by a faithful constitutionalist nominee and they will be proud of the person who becomes the next associate justice in the Supreme Court of the United States. One further observation you might enjoy as we celebrate the life of Justice Ginsburg. You may be interested to know that there is currently pending before the nominee, i recommended a president for the District Court who went to columbia and had originally applied for Justice Scalia Justice Scalia. Justice scalia ended up being full and it picked up the phone and called up his good friend Ruth Bader Ginsburg and she hired the guy who applied with scalia knowing full well he was pretty much a Federalist Society type person and Justice Ginsburg said to him, it will be a good challenge for me to have a clerk who challenges my assumptions. Just another anecdote about her extraordinary justice that the country lost this week. Are you confident you have the votes to move this nomination and is it your goal to have this person confirmed by election day . The next step will be for chairman graham to lay out the way to handle this in committee. When the nomination comes out, and the majority of americans, does that give you pause . Should you take advantage of it, to advance the nomination. So we will certainly do that, thats in the Current Senate elected, president will be here through january 20th. Do you understand why Many Americans view this as a double standard . Should we choose to take advantage of it, i will assure you that thats very likely to happen. Something if you thought very highly of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as senator barrasso pointed out i prefer another thing recently which is, she thought the number of the Supreme Court ought to be nine. Have you spoken to President Trump recently about this vacancy and also do you think that trying to get this done before election day gifts remembers an appropriate amount of time to bet a candidate . Course of talk to the president about it. Mr. Mayor is a possibility that the election could be contested and actually go through the courts up to the Supreme Court and factor into this thinking about the timeline at all . Because the reality that we could see a contested election coming up, it could end up in the courts and the Supreme Court could be making there was decision about the election faster. All kinds of things could happen. For example, my colleague senator barrasso mentioned there had been all kinds of threats out there, waved predating the Supreme Court vacancy. They will get rid of the filibuster. They will make the d. C. A state, puerto rico a state, all these threats have been out there for months. What we do know is what the job is right now. The dove right now is for a wellqualified nominees which i expect well see on saturday to be brought to the floor and voted on and that is what we anticipate will happen. How many would it be an extension of the Nutrition Program in exchange for formate or do you think its possible to get the deal. Take your mask off. Ill be louder. What do you accept a dr that would support the farm aid and Nutrition Program . We are trying to protect this figure that many are concerned about and what has been in the past kind of an automatic replenishment of the cdc, this is a really big issue in farm country and there are both democrats and republicans who are farmers. Im hoping we can get that worked out and go forward. Dana if youve been listening to Mitch Mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader end of the republicans in the leadership talking about the upcoming Supreme Court battle that will take place this year. Mitch mcconnell just confirmed that. Lets bring in our panel, marian marsh griffin. Republicans seem to very critical of there that they will get it done and they will get it done just a year. They wont be intimidated by public opinion, what do you make of it . I think they are going to get it done, senator romneys comments this afternoon in terms of where he stands on this indicates the senate will do what the senate was elected to do. They serve the entire term of the term still goes on. The fact of the matter is they have a constitutional duty to hear this nomination and the president has the rights constitutionally or the duties someone argued, to be never leave my desk. As senator mcconnell just said to come this country is about to face some very, very serious challenges. This is no time for an antiseat on the Supreme Court but at the end of the day as i say, i think voters in this country want people in washington to do their job and not get drug into this silly political morass that democrats are about to drag us into one more time. Dana but if you look at joe biden yesterday in his campaign event, it didnt even really bring it up. He doesnt want to seem to talk about the Supreme Court. They want to bring it up if they want to make sure that there is a political price to be paid. Who on this network said he needed a Supreme Court justice see dated but that so for donald trump or Mitch Mcconnell to both want to keep this, Mitch Mcconnell wants to and the democrats may not be able to stop it but the political price to be paid is to talk about this in the context of covid and the 2020 election and it donald trump all roads lead to covid and donald trump. In the worst case the Supreme Court will hear after the election, is a trump administrations efforts to kill obamacare which would cost 20 million americans are health care during a pandemic and 7 Million People who have preexisting 7 Million People who rely on it to the state with preexisting conditions. Even more of them would be thrown off. If you look at the 7 Million People who have contracted covid, they have preexisting conditions now as well. Dana that is coming up in the Supreme Court today, they said the president will present a plan in two weeks. Sorry we had to cut you short but it was good to have you want to get your reaction to that briefing from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell who says that the boat will happen this year. More on the daily briefing, up next. Get an insurance quote today. Is that net carbs or total . Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. With nutrients to help support immune health. With safe, convenient service. Were here for you tech well come right to you. Upbeat music tech youll get a text when were on our way. Tech before we arrive, just leave your keys on the dash. Well replace your windshield with safe, nocontact service. Upbeat music tech and thats service you can trust when you need it the most. Upbeat music tech schedule at safelite. Com. Upbeat music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Watching carefully, big move in Supreme Court decision many judge on a 44 Supreme Court and agenda jack keenum message for china and iraq. Live look on Capitol Hill Senate democrats set to speak any moment about the Supreme Court. We will take you there. Meantime with school back in says theres a big concern about coronavirus and children and Infectious Disease expert in alabama warning that younger kids pose a bigger risk for spreading the virus than college students. We are having a silent epidemic merging right now in the k12 schools. Only College Campuses we saw hot spots. Students have paid attention but in k12 theyre not doing that secretary betsy de vos joins me. Do you have concerns about younger kids going back to school . Dana we know that parents across the country want their kids to be back in school and continuing to learn and we know more than ever parents want and need to have choices and options for how that works and how that looks, depending on their children. We know theres no perfect option but there are lots of good options and ive had the chance to visit a number of schools in districts where theyve been leaning into this and really addressing the problems and the issues and providing choices and options for families. So your level of concern right now is low . Well, it obviously depends on the geography but in most places across the country its imperative kids be able to get back to school and learn and we know for many kids doing so in person is the right answer but we also know that some families may be concerned about it. What im asking about is attendance because Online School apparently not being as well attended. I guess you understand there are different circumstances. New york times reporting that as schools go remote finding law students gets harder with many students not being able to get there and being as engaged. Do you think that gets better or do you think the only way to solve that is to get kids back in school . Well i think giving parents and families different choices an options to do whats best for their particular children is the answer now and we are seeing lots of families creating their own solutions but we know there are lots through learning pods a multitude of Creative Solutions but we know there are families that dont have resources to access those kinds of the options so now more than ever we do need to allow for and provide for parents to have those resources to make the best choice for each of their kids. What is the department doing to help them . To help the kids we have been continuing to provide support and as much flexibility around the funds that the federal government has appropriated and theres still lots of cares act funds that have gone unspent that could be used for technology upgrades. Yes training. New technologies for testing and for cleaning supplies. Whatever the need is, for Teacher Professional Development whatever the need is there are resources there to be drawn from. But again its just an imperative that all kids have the opportunity to be learning fulltime in an environment that works for them. Madame secretary thanks for joining us. Thanks dana. Democrats are speaking now. Why should the American People trust the republican senators to do anything they say when they are proving right now that their speeches mean nothing the moment the shoe is on the other foot . Senate republicans should heed leader mcconnells words from 2013, quote ehe said you may regret this a lot sonner than you think. The American People dont wasnt republicans to move forward with confirmation. They know this is wrong. A reuters poll recent showed 62 percent of americans said that the vacancy left by Justice Ginsburgs passing should be filled by the candidate who wins on november 3rd. The next Supreme Court justice of course we know could change the complexion of the court for a generation. And their decisions will touch every aspect of american life. But if republicans say the heck with it, we dont care about anything, the rules, the senate the institution and just move forward everything americans value hangs in the balance. Health care. Protections for preexisting conditions. Womens rights gay rights workers rights Voting Rights civil rights Climate Change an so much else is at risk. The entire Affordable Care act and protection for up to 130 million americans would preexisting conditions hangs in the balance. A womans fundamental constitutional right to make her own medical decisions the right to choose for the first time in decades hangs in the balance. The right of workers to organize and collectively bargain for fair wages hangs in the balance. The future of our planet environmental protections and the possibility of bold legislation to address Climate Change as well as the clean air and clean water act hang in the balance. Voting rights, and the right of every american citizen to have a voice in other democracy hangs in the balance and so much more and on everyone of these whaishs the republicans have done is they have full the federal judiciary to their far right side. Now they want to tilt the Supreme Court even further away so it doesnt reflect the values of the majority of americans. It reflects the values of an extreme right wing majority. Weve seen this play out over and over again. Republicans at the same time as they are rush through a Supreme Court nominee they are doing nothing about the covid crisis. Its been four months since the house passed its heroes act. Mcconnell had a pause. He wanted to assess the situation. Then he put a bill on the floor that was so emaciated it did hardly anything. And now, theyre ignoring covid and its huge crisis once again to try to rush through a Supreme Court nominee. And at the same time, Senate Republicans in this administration have demonstrated they cant be trusted to protect the American People. Thats why senator murray and i introduced the signs transparency over politics act the stop act to establish essential oversight of the coronavirus response. The bill would create a task force to report to the public when politics are behind Covid Response decisions rather than republicans just letting scientists do their work. Youll hear a lot more about that from senator murray but we democrats are fighting as hard as we can to protect americans and we need americans stop lying to the people jesus saves jesus loves you guys. Thank you. Democrats are fighting hard as we can to protect americans but we need americans to continue to fight with us to Keep Holding Republican senators accountable. Senator durbin. I got it. Want to thank you senator schumer whfrment we used to do tours of the capitol people would would point out thats the senate. Theyre wrong. Its just a room. The senate is a hundred men and women who come together with constitutional responsibility and the only way they can actually be a senate is if they have some basing understanding of history tradition the rules and Mutual Respect. What we saw happening today with senator mock comes decision to reverse his position of four years ago and to push through the vacancy following the nominee of the truck administration is really an assault on all those things history traditional rules an Mutual Respect in the United States senate. Weve watched as his colleagues of come forward and skwirmd away from their position of four years ago which kept merrick garlands name from being considered in a hearing and today we face another issue not just who is going to win the verbal battle over how to choose the nominee to fill the vacancy but who is going to lead on the Supreme Court across the street. Most of the people i represent in illinois know the Supreme Court is important but if you ask them why is it important to you personally e they would be hard pressed to come up with an answer. We have an easy answer. Because we have 20 million american protected by the Affordable Care act we know this protection is at risk in the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court majority is at risk for the tactics of Mitch Mcconnell. We also know the protection of preexisting conditions is particularly relevant today in the middle of this covid19 crisis. Over 6 million americans have already big diagnosed as positive. Many will carry problems for a long period of time and trust me if Insurance Companies were given the power they had before Affordable Care act those people who test positive for preexisting conditions will pay more for insurance if they can buy it. Thats the reality of the future of Affordable Care act, the role of the Supreme Court and the political debate taking place on the floor of the United States senate. Whats at stake here is not just the senate an not just the Supreme Court but whether or not we will stand up for the history rules and traditions of the senate and most importantly for the Mutual Respect of members. What senator mcconnell is putting the senate through now is toe destructive. We have a Different Senate under different leadership. We need to return to that. The American People are going to have their respect restored in this institution in this government and the decisions we make. We have to prove it and we do it by living up to our word of four years ago and saying this President Shall not choose the nominee to fill the vacancy but the next president whoever it may be will have the opportunity. Senator murray. So theres the Democratic Leadership on capitol hill Chuck Schumer saying the voice of democracy hangs in the balance and republicans are rushing through a nominee and doing nothing for the Covid Response. Good afternoon. Im bill hemmer. Lets start with the battle in the Supreme Court the highest court in the land, Senate Republicans and democrats launching

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