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Former Vice President joe biden is stuck at home in delaware and he is campaigning virtually. And we begin with simone sande sanders, author of the new book just out called no, you shut up. Which is a catchy title. We will ask her about the book in a moment. Lets get your thoughts on the news of the day. Im assuming that Vice President biden is talking about President Trump, lying about the coronavirus . What specifically would he be talking about . Well, thank you for having me today. Always happy to be with you. Vice President Biden was excited and very happy to deliver the commencement today. He wishes he could have been there in person with the students. Look, i think that the facts show themselves here. And the reality is that there has been a lot of misinformation touted about the coronavirus, and some of that in fact has come from the white house. At the end of the day though, this coronavirus has affected us all in various ways. And so democrats, republicans, independence, people of color, young people, older folks, and what we are currently dealing with is a Public Health crisis that has become an economic crisis, and that frankly is a cost of complacency from this administration. In january, february, the communication failed to act quickly with urgency, and this is where we are. Vice President Biden is trying to call it out while talking about it in the future. Dana i am sure that the Trump Campaign will respond, and the white house in terms of a specific ally that would be about the coronavirus, but we will let them try to sort that out, im sure that that will happen throughout the campaign. But you dont have one off at the top of your head, i cant think of one. Lets move on. President trump i am being honest, what specifically, just one example of a live from the white house about the coronavirus pandemic . Everyone that once a test can get a test. How about that lie. Because everyone is not able to access the testing. How about all the governors have the ppe and the ventilators that they need, that is not true. There are folks and places in california, michigan to florida, and in between who are coming back because they do not have the proper ppe. Nurses and doctors dana ppe, i hear you. There are a couple of widespread and want to take the whole interview to sift through them. Dana there are plenty of other things to talk about. All right, we will let that go for a second. Because i want to get to this. The campaign i think its very interesting. You are making history here. That has not happened before in the modern day where you have a campaign and are trying to do the communications from. Heres what President Trump said to former Vice President biden getting out of the campaign. I would love to see them get out of the basement so he can speak. He is locked in a basement somewhere, and every time he talks, it is like a good thing. They dont want him to come out. I will give him the test immediately. We could have it to him today. Nobody has ever asked me for the test. Dana symon simone, when wilu be able to get Vice President biden out, there is a lot of that being seated to the Trump Campaign right now. Vice President Biden is having the Virtual Campaign day in wisconsin. You just had a rapid roundtable that focused on issues and tonight he will do a virtual rally with local voices, and we are also doing local wisconsin media this afternoon. So i think that the reality is that President Trump obviously is very much interested in the whereabouts of Vice President biden and what he is doing, and Vice President biden is speaking to voters and talking to the people. We love to be out there on the campaign trail. I was just telling the producers before about the trail. But we are willing to go out on the campaign trail when it is safe to do so. We are going to listen to scientists. And we encourage the white house to do the same. Dana do you think that the Vice President will leave delaware before august . We are going to do it when it is safe. When the scientists, and Vice President biden is being advised by Public Health advisory committee. So we want to do it when it is safe. But in the absence of that, we are going for a Virtual Campaign, we are out and about. Wisconsin this week, for the last week. Going to wisconsin and michigan. We are out and about paired we have over 112, what is it, 112. 4 million video views in the last couple of weeks. So we feel good about the engagement that we are having and we are reaching people. Dana for people who dont know you, you used to work for bernie sanders, and then he made a strategic decision and joined the Biden Campaign early on in the cycle. I know that your book talks about this. What do you find is persuasive when you are talking to people who supported bernie who might be reluctant to support biden. You had the former campaign chair, the Campaign Main manager for sanders saying he does not think that the sanders supporters will turn into biden voters, what do you find persuasive when you try to explain your own journey . I think what is most persuasive for this moment that we are currently in is the fact that one Vice President biden is working hard to earn the votes of all americans, that includes former supporters of former candidates. And he also has made it clear that this is a campaign for everyone. Anyone who has been knocked down, counted out. We are taking that message on the campaign trail. When i talk to my progressive friends about the election cycle, what surprises other folks is that we are all truly alike from the beginning. Democrats across the board, wherever you come from, donald trump is the opponent in the race, not the other candidates. So we are really having conversations about where we align and how we can expand upon that alignment and how we are going to pool our efforts on this election this november in order to get to Vice President biden elected and build on his embolden in 2020. I think that a lot of these folks out there, a lot of my friends have learned how Vice President biden can be a good pick. Dana do you think that mail and will be a advantage for biden . I think it is an advantage for voters. Because free elections are at the cornerstone of our democracy. Being able to vote by mail or absentee has nothing to do with you being a democrat or a republican, but it is the right to participate in the democracy. I saw him speak today, im sure we all day. And thankfully people are not going to be mislead it. They are mailing ballots right toe folks, they are mailing absentee ballot applications. I was surprised by the president s tweet given that he himself voted by mail in the florida election most recently. So he should be familiar with the process. Dana yes, i know there is no partisan advantage when you look at the data. Everyone is talking about this including the president Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway talking about the Vice President saying that he would use a woman, and has that put him in a box, listen to this . He sounds like a coed at the end of a frat party. I need a woman. So now he has binders of women that he is looking through and he has people like sally eights and susan rice allegedly on this list, and those are two women who are very involved in the shenanigans that were happening in the days before we got here. Dana i wonder what you think about the state of the search, and if Vice President biden has been in a bind here . We dont think Vice President biden is in a bind. He made that commitment on the last debate stage about electing a woman as his Vice President running mate. Because it was an important commitment for him to make. Its something that he thought about for a while. And there are numbers of very capable and amazing and competent qualified women, and, you know, who knows who the woman will be for the job, but i know everyone is waiting and ready to find out. We have a process that we have established. And the Selection Committee is underway. But we are going to let that process payout, and we look forward to sharing it. Dana i have two other questions for you. Because i also want to ask you about your book. The tara reade allegations are still out there. There was a poll that shows about a third of the democrats think that this might impact them when it comes to voting in november, how are you going to try to clear that hurdle . Look, first and foremost, we have to be very clear and understand the facts. And the facts are as Vice President biden has spoken to a number of times, what she is alleging did not happen, but knowledge and understanding that this did not happen has done nothing to shake his belief and our campaigns belief that women have the right to come forward and be heard, they have the right to have their point taken seriously, even in this case. And reporters should investigate. But at the end of the day, what matters most is the truth. And in this scenario, the truth is that this did not happen. Dana do you believe tara reade . As i just said, Vice President biden says it does not happen. I am standing with Vice President biden, but again, tara reade or anyone else has the right to come forward to speak their piece and to have their voice heard. That is incumbent upon taking it seriously to vent to them, to regular sleep look at them, and we believe that that has happened in this case. And if you look at the facts. If you look at the reality, i think it supports that Vice President biden has said from the beginning that this did not happen. Dana let me ask you quickly, susan rice has called for the release of the flynnkislyak transcript if this issue continues. Would Vice President biden support the release of that transcript . Let me Say Something about all of this. We are having this conversation because donald trump really introduce this into the twitter stream as a distraction. He has seen the news just like the rest of us. He has seen the poll numbers, and he is scared of what people are saying, they are concerned about his handling of the covid19 pandemic. People are unhappy about what is going on across the country. 2 million coronavirus cases at least in america, over 90,000 americans dead right now. So this is just a distraction. This is another one of these conspiracy theories. Vice President Biden was not involved in any criminal investigation of flynn, and this is malarkey as we like to say. Dana symone, let me jump in and ask you a question about no, you shut up. I thought in the last minute that we have, it comes from an experience that you had at cnn, and towards the end of the intro you talk about who this book is for. Let me give you a last word on that before we let you go. Thank you, the book is for young people, those who are young at heart, anyone that wants to create a change or help make change in this you know, what feels like dark and dismal times that we are currently in right now. And i encourage people to get the book and read it, i am very excited about it. It is a labor of love. I talk a lot about politics, some about the democratic party, but a lot about how people can take action right now and there every day place and help make their community a better place. Dana it had a lot of your pizzazz and a lot of your spunk as i read through. Thank you so much for being on today, symone. Thank you. Dana and up next, we will dig into that newly declassified email from former National Security advisor susan rice. It is raising Big Questions about Obama Administration officials and the russia investigation. Thats next. Now, simparica trio simplifies protection. Ticks and fleas . See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Are made with farm grownal apples as the first ingredient. And key nutrients you want. So you can have a daily multivitamin free of stuff you dont want. One a day Natural Fruit bites. A new way to multivitamin. 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Well, i think that she was worried that she had been at the meeting and it was clear that the president of the United States knew about the investigation of the trump team under the guise that they were doing something wrong, which they werent, because after all, comey said that potentially there could be a problem when they were reversed targeting flynn. And she had been briefing flynn. And she was not telling him the biggest story of the whole transition that mike flynn was being surveilled by her own government. Why would she not tell him that . Thats what she meant in the memo when she said matters pertaining to russia, obama basically, she is suggesting ordered her or suggested that people might not want to be candid. So if she ever got in trouble and lied about all of this to flynn and others, she could say, i went to a meeting and the president of the United States on the advice of jim comey said that there were some problems. And we might not be able to be candid about what we knew about russia and this new administration. The fact that she wrote it post backed out two weeks later and she kept saying by the book. If i said to you in this interview, dana, oh, by the way, im going to do this interview by the book. And ive done everything by the book. And i repeated that three times, that would raise suspicions on your part. Nobody writes a memo to themselves like that. So she was very worried that james comey or barack obama or the mixture of the two might suggest that it happened in the past. Remember, during that she would be culpable, because she had been honest. And remember, during the benghazi mass, she went out on the directive of obama on five occasions and lied about the origins genesis and because of the disaster. She was not going to be a scapegoat again. And she played that role again and again, remember, she had said about the mobile doll transfer, and she had done and about the destruction that we had eliminated them all in syria. And whenever there was a lie and the administration, it was traced back to her. And i think that she was kind of apprehensive. Im not going to do this anymore. And i need a document that shows that i was just following obamas orders. But he was only following what other people told him. Dana that makes sense. Victor davis hansen, thank you so much for helping us think all of this through. Lots of developments even with white House Counsel directing her to write that email. Thank you so much. Both across the country set up with a lockdown. In one state, barbers are protesting by cutting hair at the capitol. Wish i could go there. With va Mortgage Rates suddenly dropping to near record lows, my team at newday usa is helping more veterans refinance than ever. The newday va streamline refi is the reason why. 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There it is. Peacock, included with xfinity x1. Remarkable. Fascinating. Very. It streams tons of your favorite shows and movies, plus the latest in sports news and. Huh run the newest streaming app has landed on xfinity x1. Now thats. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Just say peacock into your voice remote to start watching today. Dana americans from coasttocoast making their voices heard about getting back to some kind of normal. Right now protesters in michigans capital are gathering for operation haircut. Matt finn live in chicago with maura. Dana, we have been monitoring live from the video from operation haircut and talking to people on the ground right now. Stylists are Offering Free Services outside of the capital in protest of governor whitmers stayathome order deeming them nonessential. And it was organized by a conservative group that does not consider it political. They say that it is all about jobs. People in michigan are desperate to return to work. They say that stylists can safely take one client at a time. Police are there right now warning hairstylists could be ticketed for disorderly conduct. Heres a man who said he got his haircut for the first time in 11 weeks. In michigans governor moments ago talking about protesters. For the barbers and small business, shut down too long, they have to get the state going. Its crazy. People bow protesting, they are wearing masks. They have to be 6 feet apart. And if they dont, we will have to take some action. Governor whitmer says it is too early to tell when hair salons and barbers can reopen, because she says that people cannot socially distance when they get their hair done. Dana. Dana i know, im getting desperate for a haircut myself, okay, thank you. Growing calls for independent investigations into the coronavirus outbreaks at Nursing Homes. At least 10,000 people died in new jersey and new york after the governors initially required Nursing Homes to accept residents who tested positive for covid19. Live in queens, new york with the update. Brian. Its okay, right . Dana all right, brian cant hear me. But im sure his report will be great. We will work on him. Thats an important story. We will try to fix that and get back to you. With the restrictions across the country, west coast businesses are being hit with a new obstacle, camps of Homeless People are blocking storefronts, preventing business overs from reopening. In the seattle borough with maura. Dan, can you hear me . Yes i can, dana, a onetwo punch with some not reopening even if they are allowed to. It was the pandemic that shut businesses down, and now it is rose of homeless tenants that line sidewalks right outside of the restaurants. This is in portland, and after the police launched high visibility foot and bike patrols in the area. We did not see cops on bikes, but they pedaled right through the streets never stopping. Crime is up including the drug dealing and vandalism. It feels like it is being ignored, and swept under the rug. And everybody is just sort of force to accept it. Organ has not been hit hard by the virus, but unemployment has shot up past 14 . Initially there were 4,000 People Living on the street, but where services are available, the problem has exploded. City Officials Say while there is a health emergency, they will not remove tenants unless they are physically blocking business entrances, there is a fire hazard or a wanted criminal inside. The same thing happening in san francisco. Tents lining the streets in front of retailers, small manufacturing plants and apartment buildings. Businesses fear that customers will not return. The citys latest answer, the first sanctioned tent camp in the plaza right next to city hall. Many in the public are frustrated. Receiving nearly 6,000 complaints since march 12th. An average of 86 complaints per day. Dana. Dana dan springer, that was eyeopening, thank you. I think that we have bryan llenas, live in queens, new york, with a report on what happens as a Nursing Homes in new jersey, can you hear me now . I can, dana. Good afternoon. New york legislators are now calling for an independent investigation into essentially what is going on outside and whether state policies and preparation, lack of preparation lead to needless deaths in Nursing Homes in new york. What the state should have done is make sure that Nursing Homes had the staffing and the funding to make sure that covid positive patients were separated from the rest of the population. And treated appropriately. And that really did not happen. Governor andrew cuomo is facing criticism for a policy in march rescinded earlier this month, which forced to Nursing Homes to accept covid19 patients. He is facing questions as to why longterm care centers were not prioritized earlier, and why nursing home deaths were not counted for weeks. Governor cuomo says that no one is to blame for these deaths, but Nursing Homes had a responsibility to move patients to other facilities if they could not be care for. In new jersey, 15 republican state senators signed a letter calling for the formation of a select committee to investigate a similar direct by phil murphy, writing that it is unfathomable that the administration would prevent patients entering longterm centers for being sanctioned at the same time the now learning at the facility is an new York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now requiring staff at Nursing Homes to be tested twice a week. Dana. Dana bryan llenas, thank you. Mass Evacuations Ordered for part of michigan after two dams give way. We will have details next. And more on the race for the white house and campaigning during the pandemic. You heard from former Vice President joe biden Senior Advisor. Our stellar panel ways in next. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Theand we want to thank times, the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com dana thousands of people forced to leave their homes after a couple of dams failed. This is happening in central michigan. Rising water flowing over two dams, cars and entire house is. The Weather Service and urging everyone in the area to get to higher ground. The river is expected to crest today at its highest level ever. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has declared a state of emergency. In one county where the water could get up to 9 feet high. We just spoke with the Biden Campaign Senior Advisor Symone Sanders. Heres what she says about when we can see the former Vice President out on the trail. We are going to go out on the campaign trail when it is safe to do so. We are going to listen to scientists and we encouraged the white house to do the same. We are waging an aggressive Virtual Campaign. We are out and about. Dana lets bring in donna brazile, Fox News Contributor and former interim chair of the dnc. And matt schlapp, chairman of the conservative union. The poll that came out and i think it was this last hour shows that in their poll, joe biden still has a pretty significant lead over donald trump, now, again, this is a national poll. 5039. But donna brazile, if he does not get out there and campaign, kenny actually hold onto this . I think so, look, he is not able to physically get out there to really interact with people, but what the campaign is doing, and i think it is important to do is that they are communicating using podcasts, social media platforms, they have a virtual date again today in wisconsin. They have done it as symone said earlier across the country. So while the Vice President cannot physically travel and i think that it is a healthy thing to do, he is able to communicate similar to what President Trump is doing. Yes, the president has flown to arizona and some other places, but the Vice President i think is following the advice of scientists and those experts who say this is not the time now to mingle in a large process. Dana matt, i see that you lost the goatee. So things are really getting back to normal. I noticed that Symone Sanders said that dr. Jill biden had been out and about, that she had been traveling. But they are making the distinction that to joe biden himself, he needs to stay back. It just struck me as, i dont know how sustainable that is that President Trump will be in michigan, pennsylvania and all the battleground states. I think joe biden is being rolled into a false sense of security as he does the telecast from the former rec room, i dont think that donna is right in saying that he is able to communicate. I think he has had a heck of a hard time trying to communicate. And the digital platform has paled in comparison to what the Trump Campaign has done. In the moment of an emergency like a pandemic, poll numbers do all kinds of crazy things on you. You will remember, dana, both president bush and his father got up to 90 percent in the middle of an international crisis. It is a time to suspend and over rely on poll analytics. And look at the trend, and the real trend is who is the right candidate to take on china as we face these fierce Global Threats both economically and from a National Security perspective and now a health perspective. Dana i also want to ask you about this because i want an answer about Michael Flynn, donna, take a listen to the spread i asked about Michael Flynn. And she said it was a distraction. Take a listen. People are untaxed about what is going on across the country. 2 million coronavirus cases at least in america. 90,000 americans dead right now. So this is just a distraction. This is another one of these conspiracy theories. Vice President Biden was not involved in any criminal investigation of flynn. And this is just malarkey. As we like to say. Let me start with matt on this, and we will get to the last word. So the distraction can be a tough thing for a campaign. I can be quick here. Basically joe biden was in the oval office with flynn and susan rice heard he was aware of the criminal investigation, which obama said should go buy the book. And he was aware what the counter intelligence, which obama did not explicitly say needed to go buy the book. He was aware of all of this and asked for and unmasking on general flynn. That very same day a long story naming general flynn and outlining what happened in the conversation. Joe biden was in the guts of this thing, and symone should not keep repeating the whole statement. Dana donna, do we need to take this a little bit more seriously . First of all, i do believe that the Trump Administration if they are going to declassify susans email, they should go ahead and release the transcript. It was Michael Flynn who lied. It was Michael Flynn who pleaded guilty to lying. It is Michael Flynn who is the definitive conversation. So go ahead and release it. And one thing, joe biden knows how to bring a country back from the brink, something that donald trump has not shown now that he understands. Dana all right, the two of you. I wish that you were in the green room so you could talk a little bit more. But we will have you back. I like matt, we can talk in the black room. Come on in. Dana you guys hug it out. Americans are eager to find out whether their kids are going back to college this fall, or if they need to come up with a new plan and look at some schools are gearing up to go, and some e not there yet. [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I but what i do count on. Ts anis boost high protein. Rs, and now, theres boost mobility. With key nutrients to help support. Joints, muscles, and bones. Try boost mobility, with added collagen. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So, if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. Getting older shouldnt the things she loves to do. It should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. Oh, that smells so good. Aw, and it tastes good, too. We can provide the right care, right at home. Bill im bill hemmer, the white house is about to start a briefing. We will listen for headlines when it begins. What does the susan rice email say about her and james comey. Ken starr will tell us that. Martha maccallum on the Major University trying to get back in class and the chance for a vaccine continue. We will talk to a leading man at johnson johnson, as we see in 14 minutes. Top of the hour, bill hemmer reports. Dana some classes canceling classes this fall, notre dame welcoming students back on campus. Brady trimble is live in south bend, indiana with more on this. Notre dame will start the fall semester two weeks earlier than it had originally planned in order to end the semester before thanksgiving. And when students return, they will notice several changes on campus. The university will have testing protocols in place. It will have quarantine facilities for students and faculty and staff who test positive for the virus. There will also be requirements and a Contact Tracing plan. Notre dame joins a list of several other universities planning to resume in person classes in the fall including the university of south carolina, university of north carolina, alabama, and all public universities in the state of florida. There arent too many students on campus today, but the ones that i have talked to are looking forward to the resolution of oncampus classes. They wonder if the protocols will be enough to prevent an outbreak on campus. Of People Living on a college campus, going about daytoday life, everybody will end up getting it. I think thats the inevitabili inevitability. Going to football games, and standing in lecture halls, its just going to one way or another, work its way around to the student body. In the University President said if there is an outbreak on campus, they will return to remote instruction. And i should point out, we still dont know the fate of the fighting irish or any student athletes come fall. He dana. Dana everybody is anxious for that news as well. Thank you. Our next guest says that though coronavirus pandemic is hitting group homes for the developmentally disabled particularly hard, especially with social distancing restrictions that are nearly impossible. Lets bring in jenna cokes, a ceo of lifework inc. , an organization that supports people with intellectual disabilities. Thank you for being here, janet. Maybe start with this. I understand that masks are hard to figure out how to use them and explained them to the patients they are. Yes, thank you, dana, for having us today. The masks are difficult to get on, and now we have more supplies, but now having the people wear masks is difficult to the folks that we support, they have behavioral challenges and it is not something that they prefer to do. And group homes are in fact their true home. So asking somebody to do that in their own home is a little bit unusual. But with staff coming in and out, we have to check it as best as we could. Dana one of our dear friends at fox, we know that our brother, she cares about very much, and some of the people that live there, how do you explain that they cant see their family members . They are used to retain, and now that is uprooted. Especially people with behavioral challenges, doing great, and having the staff is helpful with that. But early on, routines were disrespected, because they are not able to go to their day schools, so you have to create a new routine. Here we are eight weeks later and you have a new routine, they are stuck in the house, and now to have people that are coming out, so, they are so many different challenges, and then the family dynamic, of course, that is somebody that is tough on everybody. I was with some families today visiting. So it is masks from a distance, sometimes through a door if it is a very medically compromised home, so we have so many families that are fortunate, but this is difficult. And even using technology in some instances is good, and in other instances it could trigger a behavior where a person can be self interest. Dana thank you so much for being here, and reminding people that there are a lot of people effective. We appreciate all you do. And we will be thinking about you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Dana up next, the latest lesson in keeping track of your furry friend when you are on campus. Story behind this video next. Ive got great news for veteran homeowners. If you have a va loan, nows the time to call newday usa. Their va streamline refi helps you take advantage of some of the lowest Mortgage Rates weve ever seen. One call to newday can save you 2000 a year. 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We will run into each other a thousand times over our careers. So its not necessarily like goodbye forever. Its just goodbye for now. To give students the goodbye they expected, some schools will delay ceremonies until after the pandemic. That is not the option here. Men and women are needed to fill gaps in the fleet. So together online they took the oath of enlistment. Unlike past graduations, the virtual ceremony includes commencement speeches from acting secretary of Homeland Security chad wolf, joint chief chair wiley, shout outs from celebrities and a flyover in a graduation video. Here in new york, the coast guard was supposed to be helping kick off fleet week. As you can see behind me. However, no one coming in just yet. But there will be Virtual Tours that people can see every single day by going online. Dana. Dana all right, alex, thank you. Sarah evans is such an important part of the modern music scene. For america, for women, she has a new cover album out called copy that. I listen to it, and loved it. And i already knew all the words. I canceled her about putting it all together. I started singing when i was four years old with my brother in a family ban. I grew up on a farm in missouri, and so, my whole life i have been singing cover tapes, you know . And then i have been waiting to make a cover album for my whole career. And i have always dreamed about it. What songs what i put on it . And how can i make it the best cover album ever . So this was the year to do it. And, you know, timing is always incredible how things work out. But i feel like this is a great time to have a cover track. Nobody can go anywhere. No one can go to concerts or anything like that. So to be able to turn on an album they know all the words to, but it is new and fresh at the same time. So this has been a dream come true. Dana i looked, you and i are about the same age. And i have to say that the first two songs that i went to were come on eileen and my sharon. I know its hard how to get 13 songs and narrow down the love of songs that you have 213. But those two stuck out to me. I wanted to do songs that would shock people. Because if you have not done like into my albums, you only know the songs that you have heard on the radio. But i wanted to show people my versatility. So i was in the car one day and it was on the radio. And i was like, oh, my god. That has to go on the album. And i didnt realize how dirty the lyrics are, which is hilarious. We printed out the lyric sheet, and it is one of those songs where Everybody Knows it and you listen to it your whole life, but when you really listen to it, so we were all dying laughing about that. I took some of the words and changed it around, and come on eileen, same thing. Dana well, i loved it. And i know what you mean about the lyrics. To some time i listen to lyrics now and i, wow, thats what i was singing in the backseat of the car, my parents must have been horrified. And this may be a less quick comment from you about how your wishes for people during this pandemic. My heart is breaking for america and for the world. And i just really, i personally really, really hope and pray that we get back to normal. I dont like calling this the new normal whatsoever. I call it temporary. It really is tragic. But at the same time, i know so many people that like literally need to get back to work. And we just need to get back to being the amazing country that we are. Dana sarah evans album copy that is available now. She is great. Who needs sports when you have pets, an actual cat fright broke out behind the Television Reporter in her interview at home. You can see the felines flipping out. Went down on tv, and tweeting mike katz have no chill. Here is bill hemmer bill hemmer everybody. Bill animals are great, you know it, everybody. See you at 5 00. From the white house right now, kayleigh mcenany, press secretary about her brief reporters any moment now. We will monitor this and drop in when there are headlines, so stand by. Good day, everybody. Midway through the week. I am bill hemmer. We could get brandnew news from the newly declassified email from president obamas National Security adviser susan rice. And it was on Inauguration Day when she concerns from james comey. The spokesperson telling fox news that the white House Counsel asks h

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